When did you first think about art as something you wanted to do? Were you encouraged or discouraged by family, friends, teachers, mentors? Drawing was always my “refuge” as a kid. I discovered that creating picture books from stories I invented myself was somehow liberating as they brought me into a world of total fantasy. I spent hours drawing intensely and realize only now that these images were black and white line drawings with no color… probably this gave me an immediate relief and gratification. My father was an architect and an artist, and I spent a lot of time in his studio where he always encouraged me to draw and experiment. When it was time to enroll in high school, there wasn’t even a question of where … an art school was the only possibility. Choosing the arts was always something that was very organic to me.
What kind of kid were you? Where did you grow up? What were your influences? I was a quiet kid but always ready to play and socialize with other children even though I quite enjoyed the company of grownups. I was born and raised in Rome, Italy and was lucky enough to be exposed at a very early age to a myriad of artistic expressions - architecture, classic art,