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The Fall/Winter Edition 2020



Written by Jade Dressler

A love letter to my pens.

Dear, dear my Bic Pens,

You are so precise. You are clean. You are lightweight and easy going. You are my go-to pen. You are my friend.

With an over-active imagination it helps with life’s balance to keep my tools very simple and consistent. Your matte casing feels cool on my skin, I love your transparency, I can see when you are low on ink and ready to be recycled. I have stashes of clone pens that anxiously await like soldiers in a drawer, waiting for their time to be caressing the paper next.

Most of all, I can always rely on you for a consistent line and flow.

I really loved working with you for my coloring book, Immortal Beloved, the World’s First Goddess Perfume + Coloring Book featuring the world’s most mysterious and ancient myths, fairy tales, and legends of 12 sacred and modern goddess traditions from around the globe. (The goddess in the picture is Kwan Yin of The Far East.)

Other Photo Fun Facts: The wood coffee table formally belonged to Dustin Hoffman.

The vintage, 8-sided Daher multi-floral tin holding my color pencils was made in England and reps the material culture of the New York metropolitan area. The 8-sides are also in the book illustration behind the goddess, called the Chinese Bagua (Eight Gates) The red book is Ritual and Seduction, a funky 70’s look at how cultures of the world seduce. Handy.

Beloved Bic Pen, I adore you!

Love, Jade

Jade DresslerA Creative Agency917.991.8140www.jadedressler.com

Do Visit Our Little Design Shop for Art,our Coloring Book + T-Shirts.www.thejadedressshop.com

Twitter: @plantme Instagram: @jadedresslerArt. Design. Style. + Life Lived Well.

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