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Andy BLOCH Engineer and businessman, Andy is an accomplished and creative executive with wide experience in music, having worked for numerous artists from Little Feat to Peter Frampton. He contributes hugely to the design and production techniques of EP guitars, and his passion for great sound and sheer beauty is clearly reflected in the instruments.

My system hardly fit my dorm room or later, my apartment.

“What most people do not understand is that business management is an art as well.”

When did you first think about music as something you wanted to do? Were you encouraged or discouraged by family, friends, teachers, mentors? I’ve been a music lover since elementary school. I collected 45s and albums, had a couple of loud stereo systems, and sold 4 track tapes (mix tapes) to friends early on. When I got my first job at a recording studio, I was about 22. In college I had the biggest and baddest stereo system.

When I got my first job in the music business, my dad thought I was crazy and would never make a living in music. Couldn’t argue with him as I was being paid $75 per week and working my tail off in studios and on the road. At the time I didn’t know anyone in the biz but made what few connections I had work. What kind of kid were you? Where did you grow up? What were your influences? I was a bit of a goofball as a kid. Didn’t have a girl friend, was not an athlete, and basically couldn’t get arrested let alone get “in” with the in crowd. I think that growing up in Beverly Hills in a family where my father did well in the entertainment business, I had a certain confidence that I could try a few things before I ended up on the street. That was extremely important to my success.

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