The Illustrators Journal Summer Edition 2021

Page 3

Just My Opinion

false IDOLS by Lon Levin

false (fôls) adj.

Contrary to fact or truth

i·dol n.

One that is adored... often blindly or excessively More...

1. not in accordance with the truth or facts 2. irregular or invalid: a false start. 3. untruthful or lying: a false account. 4. not genuine, real, or natural; artificial; fake: false eyelashes. 5. being or intended to be misleading or deceptive: a false rumour. 6. disloyal or treacherous: a false friend. 7. based on mistaken or irrelevant ideas or facts:

For a moment step outside of yourself, the self that says How do I get my next gig? Is my work good enough?, Are my promos effective? Should I switch mediums? Was my dad really right. Should I give up art?

Now that you've gotten the context of what I want to say, doesn't the list above seem familiar? Haven't we... or rather aren't we living thru a time when every day all we hear are facts that are actually lies? Coming out of the mouths of bosses, officials, politicians, yes and even a former President of the United States.

What can you do to shed light on a subject matter you feel deeply about? Whether you execute it well or not your voice matters. It's your world, you have a say in it. Now I know there are plenty of artists online showing their wares and how they do it, but most is for show and aren't good for more than "Wow she sure can render a monster!" A unique piece of art that has something to say, that movs us in some way will stand out from the noise.

What are we to do? When I say we I mean artists, illustrators, designers, art directors, in fact all creative people. Our job is to inform through our talent. Paid or not.

Now is the time to contribute, let your voice be heard. Challenge yourself to do a creative piece in any medium and get it out there. If you're lucky someone will see it and BOOM! you've got a new gig!

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