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Maro Gorky was born in New York in 1943, elder daughter of the distinguished American painter of Armenian origin, Arshile Gorky. Her first lessons in painting took place with her father as a child. After her father’s death, Maro Gorky’s family moved to Europe and she went to schools in France, America, Spain, Italy and England.
Gorky took her Baccalauréat at the French Lycée in London in 1960 and then studied at the Slade School of Art in London 1961-1966, where she graduated with a B.A. in Fine Art in 1965. In 1967 she married the artist Matthew Spender and the following year they moved to Italy. They have lived in the Tuscan countryside ever since. They have two daughters, born in the early seventies, and four grandchildren. Gorky began to exhibit her work in the early eighties and has held exhibitions in London, Milan, Venice, Florence, Volterra, Pietrasanta, Carrara and Los Angeles.
1982 London, The Wraxall Gallery
1986 Passau, Die Galerie am Steinweg
1988 London, The Albemarle Gallery
1989 London, Sarah Long, Art International
1990 Long & Ryle, London
1991 Galleria Daverio, Milan
1992 Long & Ryle, London
1994 Long & Ryle, London
1997 Long & Ryle, London
1999 Carrara, ex Banca d’Italia,
2000 Venezia, Galleria Percorsi d’Arte 90
London, Long & Ryle, Art International
Pietrasanta, Chiesa di Sant’Agostino
Firenze, Accademia delle Arti del Disegno
2001 Volterra, Logge del Palazzo Pretorio
Carrara, Centro Espositivo delle Erbe
2002 London, Long & Ryle, Art International
2003 London, Long & Ryle, Art International
2004 Los Angeles, Silvia Bezdikian Fine Arts
2005 Massa, Castello Malaspina
2006 London, Long & Ryle, Art International
New York, Salander-O’Reilly Galleries
2008 Museo Civico Archeologico, Fiesole
2009 London, Long & Ryle, Art International
2012 London, Long & Ryle, Art International
2013 Spineto, Castello a Monte
2015 London, Long & Ryle, Art International
2023 London, Long & Ryle, Art International
1989 Raffaele De Grada, in “Corriere della Sera”, Milano 30 aprile 1989.
1991 Giorgio Soavi, La banda dei nove Etruschi, in Nove artisti contemporanei appartati in Etruria, catalogo della mostra, Galleria Daverio, Milano 1991.
1997 John Russell Taylor, in “The Times”, 28 Aprile, London 1997.
1999 Anna Vittoria Laghi, Presentazione in Impronte, catalogo della mostra, Carrara (ex Banca d’Italia), Carrara 1999.
2000 John Russell Taylor, in “The Times”, 10 maggio, London 2000.
Ada Masoero in “Il Sole 24”, Milano 30 luglio 2000.
Giuseppe Cordoni, La poetica del colore, in Maro Gorky, catalogo della mostra, Venezia (Galleria Percorsi d’arte), Associazione Proposta, Pontedera 2000.
Nicola Micieli, Una terra, una casa, due artisti in Maro Gorky Matthew Spender artisti in Toscana, catalogo della mostra, Firenze (Accademia delle Arti e del Disegno), edizioni Caleidoscopio, Firenze 2000-2001.
2001 Patrizia Cavalli, Perché Maro dipinge? Forse teme la noia. Cos’altro la costringe? in catalogo della mostra, Le forme della luce, Volterra (Logge del Palazzo Pretorio), edizioni Caleidoscopio, Firenze 2001.
Giandomenico Semeraro, Le forme della luce, catalogo della mostra, Volterra (Logge del Palazzo Pretorio), edizioni Caleidoscopio, Firenze 2001.
2004 Hunter Drohojowska-Philp, in “Los Angeles Times”, Los Angeles, 20 dicembre 2004.
Albert Boime, Maro Gorky from another place, catalogo della mostra, Silva Bezdikian Fine Art, Los Angeles 2004.
Matthew Spender, Essere e accadere in Maro Gorky from another place, catalogo della mostra, Silva Bezdikian Fine Art, Los Angeles 2004.
2005 Claudio Giumelli, Maro Gorky il fascino discreto del colore, catalogo della mostra, Massa (Castello Malaspina), edizioni Caleidoscopio, Firenze 2005 (2005), Mara Amorevole nella Repubblica di Firenze
2006 Bernardo Bertolucci, Per partecipare e onorare Maro Gorky... Nel catalogo della mostra al Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, New York. (2006).
Roberta Smith (2006), Maro Gorky Paintings, recensione alla mostra alla Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, in “New York Times”, 29 dicembre 2006.