Long Island Organic - Volume 01, Issue 01

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TREATMENT IN THE RAW Why some patients are choosing Mother Nature over modern medicine. 14

What makes up our makeup? Examining the ingredients that you can’t pronounce

30 Resources

Coping with the growing problem in the Cyber Age

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Experts debate cause of rise in food allergies

Europeans don’t refer to our food casually as GMOs, they just call it Frankenfood. What do they know that we don’t?

Anxiety Anxiety Island Island22 22


Allergic Reactions




Phone: 516-284-3300 575 Underhill Blvd. Suite 210, Syosset, NY 11791 www.LongIslandOrganic.com Copyright © 2013. Morey Publishing, LLC. Long Island Organic is produced by Private Label Custom Publishing. All rights reserved.




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Mutant Meals

Agri-business keeps pushing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) onto our plates, while activists struggle to get these ingredients labeled.


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Stomaching “Frankenfood” by spencer rumsey

Farmers and Activists Struggle to Keep Genetically Modified Organisms Off Our Plates Recently Whole Foods Market, perhaps the most prominent of the “natural and organic” grocery store chains, got tongues wagging when it announced at a trade expo on March 8 that after 2018 it will require labels on all food sold in its stores that contain genetically modified ingredients. It’s a big deal for consumers, of course, because it lets them make informed decisions about what they eat. What it means for farmers in the United States is not so easy to digest. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has concluded that using genetically modified organisms—or GMOs—in our food products is safe, and it hasn’t required labeling. Meanwhile, 60 nations, including members of the European Union as well as China, have either restricted or banned GMOs. The FDA’s blanket approval of the process so far has made American antiGMO activists’ blood boil. “We don’t have any long-term studies of any kind for safety or environmental impacts in the United States for GMO crops,” says Kathleen Furey, the education director for GMO Free NY, a nonprofit group lobbying the state Legislature to make New York the first state in the country to require that food containing genetically modified material gets the GMO label. Right now the Assembly bill, A3525, has 28 co-sponsors, and its state Senate equivalent, S3835, has only one sponsor, Sen. Ken LaValle (R-Port Jefferson). The original bill was written in 2001 but has never reached the floor. “A variety of plants are being grown that contain genetically modified organisms, including corn, canola, cotton, wheat, apples and strawberries,” said LaValle in a statement. “It is estimated that 60 to 70 percent of packaged grocery products contain some genetically modified organism ingredients. Consumers should be provided the information necessary to make informed decisions when choosing food products for their families.” “We’re dining in the dark!” says Furey, who lives in Hampton Bays.


“Pretty much anything that you find in a bag, bottle, box or can is containing some form of GMOs.” Activists in Europe have called any foodstuff produced with GMOs “Frankenfood,” and so far they’ve used the threat that these ingredients might be present in American food to restrict U.S. exports. Altogether, U.S. farmers export $140 billion; of that amount, about $11 billion reaches Europe. This summer the GMO issue could be a major stumbling block when trade negotiations begin between the European Union and the United States. Last year 93 percent of the soy grown in the United States is GMO. To the American Farm Bureau Federation, the largest non-government organization of farmers in the country, the GMO issue is an unreasonable trade barrier. “It’s been a tested and approved part of our food system like all the other technologies that have come down over the years,” says Dave Salmonson, the Farm Bureau’s senior director of Congressional relations. “The world is demanding more food and we’re exporting more food.” “If we don’t adapt to technology to produce the food, we’re not going to have it,” says his colleague, Tyler Wegmeyer, the Farm Bureau’s director of Congressional relations. “We don’t want to have to make the tough choices to decide what third of the world’s [growing] population isn’t going to eat.”


On the local level, the sentiment is the same, says Joe Gergela, executive director of the Long Island Farm Bureau. “Our feeling is that the train has left the station,” says Gergela. “The conventional farmers view GMOs like it’s just another hybrid, and hybridization of seeds has been going on forever. The organic farmers worry about it because they don’t want crops that they grow to have drift-over from the GMO [crop], corn, let’s say.” Nationally, only 1 percent of



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America’s farms reportedly qualify as organic. On LI the figure is 5 percent—upstate it’s even higher—but Gergela doesn’t think that any farmers on the Island are growing GMO crops. “It’s not that big a deal here,” Gergela says. Protecting Long Island’s aquifer tops the agenda, he says. “Our feeling, for the most part, is that these are safe and there’s no problem to utilizing GMO seed…. You’re not going to stop progress in the scientific world.” Since Paleolithic times humans have been hybridizing the food supply. Take maize, for instance, and see how far it’s gone from the multi-colored puny kernels of Indian corn that bedazzled Spanish conquistadors in the New World to the millions of acres of corn cultivated in the Midwest for animal feed, fructose corn syrup, additives in processed food and bio-fuels. To food activists, GMO technology goes too far. “These are inter-species gene insertions that could never happen in nature,” says Furey. “It’s not like you take a red flower and a white flower, and breed them together to make a pink flower.” How about injecting arctic flounder DNA into strawberry seeds to make them more frost resistant? Done. Inserting bacteria genes into corn to make it more resistant to pests? Done. Making rice more nutritious for people with Vitamin A deficiencies? Done. But what about putting a fish gene into a tomato to make the vegetable more durable for shipping? Scientists weren’t joking; they called their creation the FlavrSavr tomato. It tasted terrible. “A fish is never going to breed with a tomato!” says Furey. In America, genetically modified organisms were first introduced in 1996. Two years later, responding to pressures from activists and farmers, the European Union either banned GMOs outright or required product labeling. Over the years the protests have only grown. In 2008 Greenpeace activists demonstrated outside the EU’s Brussels headquarters calling for a halt to the authorization of GMOs until the union is “capable of evaluating the risks they pose.” Last year activists demonstrated outside a Monsanto storehouse in southern France where the company had a supply of genetically modified corn it had developed. Discover magazine’s April 2013 cover story sums up what’s been reaped so far: “Crop Wars: How activists are halting genetically modified crop research in Europe—and why they say it’s too late for America.” Certainly U.S. activists aren’t ready to lie fallow, and that’s why, despite a significant setback in last November’s election, they hope to plant the seeds here for GMO labeling. Last year, California voters narrowly defeated Prop 37, formally known as “The Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act,” 51.4 percent to 48.6 percent, or 6,442,371 to 6,088,714. According to California Watch, opponents of the proposition, which included Monsanto and The Hershey Co., chipped in $44 million, while proponents raised $7.3 million. The most effective argument was


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A fish is never going to breed with a tomato!

—Kathleen Furey, education director for nonprofit GMO Free NY, regarding the insertion of fish genes into a tomato to make the vegetable more durable for shipping.

that the measure would cost consumers more and hurt small farms and momand-pop stores. Had Prop 37 carried the day, California would have been the first state in the nation to mandate GMO labeling. Meanwhile China, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, the European Union, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, India and Chile are among the countries that have passed GMO labeling requirements. “Full and honest disclosure of GMO foods will help promote transparency of production, hold manufacturers accountable to their consumers, and allow families to make better decisions about what they put on their dinner tables,” says Adrienne Esposito, the executive director of Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE), based in Farmingdale with offices around New York as well as in Connecticut. In recent testimony before the Connecticut legislature on behalf of a bill that would require GMO labeling in the Nutmeg State, CCE’s program coordinator Louis Burch said, “Though more research is needed, there is evidence that GM foods may be linked to adverse health effects in human beings, especially for at-risk individuals. Human health concerns include antibiotic resistance, problems associated with food allergies, and persistent exposure to chemical pesticides. Despite this, the Food and Drug Administration does not test for safety on GMO foods, largely because agricultural interests have successfully argued that the technology used to genetically modify food resources is no different from traditional crop-breeding techniques and natural selection. In reality, very little is known about the full extent of the impacts of modifying genetics, as science has shown that a single gene can SPRING 2013

actually control multiple traits in plants and animals.” Last month, President Barack Obama signed into law a funding bill that contained a stealth provision essentially prohibiting the Department of Agriculture from stopping the production of GMO crops that have already been planted if evidence were found to show them to be harmful—an insidious measure dubbed the Monsanto Protection Act. Sometime this spring the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling that could have far-reaching implications regarding GMOs in American agriculture. In February, the Court heard oral arguments in a case involving a 75-year-old Indiana soybean farmer, Vernon Hugh Bowman, who is accused by Monsanto of violating its intellectual property and patent rights. Monsanto’s expensive GMO seeds are engineered to withstand Monsanto’s Roundup brand herbicide. Bowman bought their new seeds every year for his main crop but bought cheaper soybean seeds from a local grain elevator for a second crop later in the growing season. Trouble was, the elevator seeds had acquired some of the Roundup-resistant characteristics. Once Monsanto found out, it sued Bowman, who lost, but he took it to the Court, and they agreed to hear his appeal. The odds aren’t in favor of the farmer. Justice Clarence Thomas, once Monsanto’s lead counsel before he became a judge, did not recuse himself. “The big thing with Monsanto,” says Furey, “is that they’re not really selling seeds—they’re selling pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. They make their money on all that chemical spray that’s being used on these [GMO] crops.” To activists like her, Monsanto is “like the NRA [or the] oil industry!” Bowman is no organic farmer, of course, so his judicial fate may not affect organic farming directly as another recent development in Washington, D.C., might.

Seal Of Disapproval

On March 15, a top-level federal ally for America’s organic farmers left her post in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Kathleen Merrigan, regarded as a strong advocate for the U.S.D.A.’s National Organic Program, resigned as deputy secretary of agriculture after serving

almost four years. Organic farmers, whose profit margin—let alone market share—is small to begin with, could face tightening standards about what deserves the official U.S.D.A. “organic” label, a coveted designation that may become too costly for family farms to meet if they can’t afford the seeds that haven’t been contaminated by pollen from GMOs. And without Merrigan on their side, they may be even more at the mercy of agri-business. “The crops that are grown from the organic side have a set of rules and regulations in order to get the organic seal or organic designation, but most of those crops have been genetically modified,” says Wegmeyer of the American Farm Bureau. “Every single thing that we grow has been genetically modified at some point or another in some way.” His organization is fine with voluntary labeling of GMOs in food, he says, but making it mandatory is “a different deal.” LI-based Hain Celestial Group, one of the leading natural and organic food and personal care products companies in North America and Europe, sees the issue differently. “It’s not an obstacle for us,” says Ellen Deutsch, chief growth officer and senior vice president at the company’s headquarters in Melville. “We have almost 1,200 organic products in our portfolio, and our portfolio is almost 99 percent free of GMOs.” For her company, there are other concerns. “The U.S.D.A. National Organic Program mandates that in order to have the U.S.D.A. seal you cannot contain genetically modified organisms,” Deutsch explains. “There’s also the non-GMO project that has emerged in the United States, which can go one step further to assuring consumers that a product does not have genetic modification.” In that spirit, GMO Free NY’s Kathleen Furey says that Whole Foods’ recently announced initiative is “a great symbolic gesture! But,” she worries, “five years with genetically modified crops and seeds that are being introduced on a regular basis is very scary because within five years we could have any number of commodity crops that are genetically modified, and it would be harder and harder to get that genie back in the bottle.” And that’s what the fight over “Frankenfood” is all about.

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Allergic Reactions

Experts Theorize Cause of Rise in Food Allergies by steve smirti

Dan Rivera bit into the frosted apple cobbler at a Mineola restaurant when— despite repeated assurances from the waitress that the dessert had no nuts—he panicked upon tasting walnuts, which can kill him. Rivera suffers from anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction to peanuts and tree nuts that causes his throat to close up and will suffocate to death unless he is injected with epinephrine immediately. The then-14-year-old boy felt the allergic reaction even though he spit out the cobbler. “I could feel my throat starting to close up without even having a nut product in my mouth,” Rivera recalls of the 2006 incident. His mother, who was dining with him, had never used an EpiPen—a needle used to self-treat allergic reactions—so they sprinted the block to Winthrop University Hospital. “I was yelling at the desk woman at the hospital that I was going to die,” he recalls of his emergency room visit and first severe allergic reaction since age 3. “I totally thought I was going to die.” Doctors and nurses immediately took him to a room and hooked him up to an epinephrine drip, which saved him. Lying in the hospital bed, Dan kept replaying the day’s event in his mind. He had almost died eating an apple cobbler. After he was released, neither he nor his mother went back to pay the restaurant bill. Rivera was one of nearly 6 million children younger than 18 who suffer from food allergies, nearly 40 percent of whom endure similarly severe reactions, according to a 2011 study in the journal Pediatrics. Thirty years ago that number was drastically lower, but vaccination and hygienic advances designed to reduce risk of diseases may be the reason for the increase in food allergies, some allergy doctors say. The consensus is that there are eight food items representing roughly 90 percent of food allergies. “That would be milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, and meat,” says Dr. Gregory Puglisi, an allergist and immunologist at Mid Island Allergy in Plainview. He says our bodies aren’t equipped to fight the allergies associated with these foods because of the sterile environment we’re now so used to. “Our immune system isn’t really working like it does when we’re exposed to a lot of different bacteria,” says Puglisi.

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“So the immune system is now reacting to things that otherwise it wouldn’t normally react to.” The heart of the problem may be common preventative measures. “We want to use sunscreen, we want to keep our kids clean, and we want to use Purell,” says Puglisi. “So on one side we’re protecting our children from bad things like melanoma and other things, but on the other hand, you have these allergies that are more prevalent because of some of those things that we do.” For a possible solution to this problem, Dr. Dean Mitchell, an allergist with offices in Rockville Centre and author of the book “Dr. Dean Mitchell’s Asthma and Allergy Solution,” suggests that introducing some foods earlier in a child’s life may alleviate some of the allergies they develop later on. He cited a study analyzing the Jewish population of children who have food allergies, specifically peanut allergy, in the U.S., the UK and Israel. The study found that the rates in the U.S. and the UK were much higher than those of Israel. “A lot of these people have similar backgrounds,” Mitchell says, “but what they found that was interesting in Israel, they [Israelis] introduced peanut much earlier in the diet and the kids were less allergic.” Not every allergist shares this





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view. Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, a pediatrician at the Northport Wellness Center who specializes in a holistic approach to children’s health, believes that an early introduction of food has no bearing on allergies. Palevsky thinks that lifestyle choices are to blame for the recent increase in food allergy diagnoses. “The only reason one would have an allergy is because there’s a change in the way your body sees the external environment,” Palevsky says, noting that the environment can adversely affect a person’s immune system as well as microorganisms in the body that help combat microscopic foreign invaders. “You change the internal milieu, you change the external milieu, and at some

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point you reach a threshold where the body can no longer handle or tolerate that environment anymore safely,” he explains. Palevsky suggests that people must overhaul their societal dependencies with an organic lifestyle—the most effective treatment for food allergies. “You have to make sure that you are choosing elements of the external environment that are safe for you,” he says. “That means choosing safe foods, not genetically modified foods.” The doctor stresses consuming organic and grass-fed foods and not eating processed foods. “That’ll change the degree of protection that your body maintains, reducing the amount of stress in your


environment because that will change the quality of the protective barrier,” he explains. A change in perspective of fresh and healthy foods may also add to the growing number of food allergies, according to Cristina Stainkamp, president of Protect Allergic Kids (pak. org), a Holtsville-based nonprofit. “They want that perfect tomato, so a lot of things may be added to our foods that years ago weren’t,” she says. Stainkamp also cited the heavy use of household cleaners as a possible explanation. “Now it’s all the Windex and all these Clorox wipes, all these chemicals that may be affecting our immune systems.” In addition to changing our eating

habits, Palevsky, the Northport allergist, suggests that we alter our care for infants. “The elephant in the room that people will refuse to look at,” he says, “is the role that vaccinations may play in contributing to peanut allergies.” According to the doctor, vaccinations have contained peanut proteins and peanut oils for at least 50 years. “There’s dairy proteins in vaccines, there’s soy proteins in vaccines, there’s egg proteins in vaccines, and I cannot document my suspicion that there may even be gluten protein in vaccines or a protein similar to gluten,” he says. “We fail to recognize the role that our medical practices play in contributing to the development of these allergies and sensitivities.” According to Palevsky, the practice of vaccinations has to be completely rethought from the academic level. His explanation is not widely regarded, but it includes a call for parents not to have their children vaccinated. “People refuse to even address the fact that there is a large component of vaccine science that contributes to the growing degree of allergies in children and adults,” Palevsky says. By injecting infants and children with these vaccinations, their ability to appropriately fight these allergies in the future is being compromised, he adds. “You cannot inject food proteins into the body and expect that the body is not going to have an adverse response to them when you ingest them,” he stresses. “This is probably one of the major reasons we’re seeing such an intensive degree of food allergies.” Traditionally, infants are vaccinated for diseases ranging from polio to hepatitis. Children receive vaccinations into their teenage years. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that vaccinations are vital to keeping children healthy and preventing widespread disease outbreaks. “Diseases that are almost unknown would stage a comeback,” the CDC states on its website. “Before long we would see epidemics of diseases that are nearly under control today. More children would get sick and more would die.” Palevsky acknowledges that not all children who are vaccinated have allergies, but he claims that an allergic reaction does not necessarily have to be a severe, anaphylactic shock to the system. “It may not be an anaphylactic allergy but there are very subtle ways you could be allergic to foods that aren’t consistent with the classic anaphylactic reaction,” he says. While not vaccinating children may not seem appealing to many parents, Rivera protects himself with a more accessible solution—an EpiPen he keeps in his breast pocket at all times. And, just to be sure, now he’s also in total control of his kitchen. He says, “I live alone thankfully so I don’t have to worry about anybody keeping peanut butter in here.”





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The Naked Truth

Health experts say there are many benefits to a plant-based raw diet consisting of uncooked and unprocessed foods.

Treatment in the Raw Why Some Forgo Modern Medicine for Mother Nature… and Have Never Felt Better By Spencer Rumsey, Rashed Mian and Jaclyn Gallucci Barbara Arroyo, a Type 2 diabetic, has been giving herself two shots of insulin every day for the past four years. Now 24 years old, she wants to try something new. “My goal is to get off the insulin totally,” she says as she leans against a bench in Sayville Marina Park and lifts up her shirt, pointing to the injection site on her hip. “From my research, I think that’s very doable.” After watching the independent documentary Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days, she’s going on a raw diet. In the film, six diabetics were able to stop taking insulin entirely after switching to a 100-percent vegan, organic and uncooked diet. “I’m optimistic,” Arroyo says. “It can’t hurt. It’s not experimental and it’s not dangerous. It’s eating healthy, really healthy, and I think that can only result in a positive outcome.” She’s far from alone in thinking that a raw food diet might be the right treatment. Chris Lojac, a 27-year-old Babylon resident, was diagnosed with testicular cancer

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two years ago and had surgery to remove it. But in a follow-up appointment doctors discovered that the cancer had spread. “It wasn’t a matter of if I needed chemotherapy,” Lojac recalls, “it was a matter of how much.” But he was worried about chemo’s side effects and refused his doctors’ recommendation. “I was absolutely against it,” he says, and he decided to “see what happens.” One day Lojac saw a documentary on Netflix called Food Matters and it inspired him to eat raw food. “I just decided from then on: This is what I’m going to do,” he says. He changed his diet and soon felt the difference. “All of a sudden, I was actually awake, like I had some real energy.” Six months later, he says the cancer was gone. Cancer. Multiple Sclerosis. Hepatitis. Diabetes. Modern medicine has not come up with any known cures for these diseases so


far, but what if a solution could be found in something as simple as munching on a handful of sprouts or slurping a spinach smoothie? Believers in the power of raw foods say a back-to-the-basics diet of uncooked, unprocessed food can reverse illness and for many who have run out of conventional treatment options, this program is their best alternative remedy. One of Long Island’s leading proponents of the benefits of a vegetarian diet is Bob DiBenedetto, executive director and president of Healthy Planet, a nonprofit organization “that teaches people how their food and lifestyle choices impact their bodies and the world.” A vegan for decades, the 55-year-old Huntington resident is also a member of the Suffolk County Cancer Awareness Task Force, which consults with the county health commissioner. “If you’re eating entirely raw,” says DiBenedetto, “it means that you’re avoiding all the pitfalls that most people fall into as far as eating unhealthily.” By his reckoning that means



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processed food, “white” food, meat and dairy products, and “chemically laden” foodstuff. “What is the diet that is recommended by every cancer organization on the planet?” he asks. “It is a predominantly plant-based diet with unprocessed foods. And when you’re eating a raw diet, that’s what you’re eating—the diet that’s recommended by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the American Cancer Society as well as the heart organizations and everybody else.” Those dietary guidelines are definitely on the menu at the Stony Brook University Hospital Cancer Center, says Jennifer Fitzgibbon, a nutritionist in the department of family medicine at Stony Brook. But she says they’re flexible with their cancer patients depending on their condition. “Right now the American Cancer Society is backing Americans to eat a balanced diet that includes five or more servings a day of vegetables and fruit,” Fitzgibbon says. “If we want it to be raw or if we want it to be cooked, that’s fine. Of course, if they’re receiving chemotherapy and immune-suppressive types of therapies, we’re going to have to have that [food] be more of cookbased.” The reason? “We worry about infection,” she explains. “We have to be very mindful of bacteria on these foods.” Not a fan of red meat or pork, Fitzgibbon says she’ll serve them to

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her patient if the doctor approves, but she tries to limit the portions to about 20 ounces a week. Her main concern is making sure the patient has the appropriate level of calories, protein and antioxidants. “We want our dietary intake to be mostly of plant origin,” she says, “but, of course, we encourage protein foods as well.” That regimen can include chicken and beans. She says the university’s medical school has recently formed an oncology and nutrition research group to study

in the literature to support...this right now, unfortunately.”

Going Green

Brian Clement, Ph.D, LNC, who has served for the past 30 years as co-director of the Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) in southern Florida, which offers raw-food based programs to heal disease, says he’s seen witnessed the healing powers of treatment in the raw firsthand. “At Hippocrates, guests come from

The Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI), which sits on 50 acres of tropical woodlands in Southern Florida, functions under the philosophy that a vegan, living, enzyme-rich diet— complemented by exercise, positive thinking and non-invasive therapies—is integral to optimum health. During their stay, guests are given the tools to transition to a healthier lifestyle through lectures, nutrition counseling, detoxification, stress management and natural therapies. “A healthy raw, vegan diet consists

When you’re eating a raw diet, that’s what you’re eating—the diet that’s recommended by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the American Cancer Society as well as the heart organizations and everybody else.” the role of diet in cancer treatment further because “this is a very interesting arena.” But so far the science has not matched the curiosity of her and her peers. “There’s no good clinical research,” she says, lamenting the lack of published papers in reputable medical journals. “I do think these things need to be studied more,” she says. “Anecdotally, people are going to have phenomenal things to say about eating raw foods. However, there are no clinical trials


all over the world to heal themselves from crippling diseases, often in conjunction with traditional medical treatment, or when Western medicine no longer has any answers for them,” says Clement. “We have literally seen thousands of guests reverse diseases and ailments such as cancer, Type 2 diabetes, skeletal redevelopment, excess weight, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, adrenal exhaustion, arthritis, Fibromyalgia and an ever-increasing plethora of illnesses.”

of a wide variety of plant-based foods” says Clement. “This includes fresh vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, grains and fruits. These living foods are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and plant-based proteins.” The foundation of the HHI program is based on consuming the foods offering the body the highest nutrition with the lowest expenditure of energy in order to allow the body to focus on detoxifying and healing itself. The premise is simple: Raw foods can boost


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the immune system, so the body is better able to fight off disease. “Living foods supply the oxygen, alkalinity and bioelectrical charges that are vital for cellular health, detoxifying the body, and our overall well-being,” says Clement. “They contain four essential elements that support the immune system: hormones, oxygen, phytochemicals and enzymes.” The goal is to eat foods in their purest forms. The results, claims Clement, are increased vitality, energy and mental clarity. “I have been a vegan for over 40 years and have followed the Hippocrates living-foods lifestyle for over 35 years,” he says. “I’m in my 60s and feel better than I did when I was in my 20s.” According to a middle-aged Long Island man, who asked not to be named for professional reasons, but is very familiar with Clement and his institute, having been there himself many times and incorporated their recommended protocols in his own life, the Hippocrates diet concentrates on “just pure green vegetables, green sprouts, green herbs and the juices from them, along with algae, kelp and seaweed.” Patients “eat the sprouts and drink the juice,” and they combine this diet with exercise, infra-red saunas, and positive emotional therapy. The rationale, he says, is that “yeast, mold, fungus, and cancers all feed on sugar or derivates of sugar like white flour, vinegar and alcohol.” He claims that early stage cancers have improved “dramatically” and regarding later-stage cancers, this diet has had “remarkable” effects. But though he said “there are many, many cases of people being cured,” this source was careful to steer clear of saying that the Institute had found the elusive elixir. “It’s illegal to cure cancer if you’re not like a doctor practicing medicine,” he says. The Hippocrates Health Institute keeps no statistics, he says, but it does post testimonials from hundreds of people on their website. “Intentionally they never come out and say that people are healed from cancer because they don’t want to be shut down,” he says. “When you put this all together, it makes sense to me on a lot of different levels. I guess I trust Brian Clement after speaking with him for almost 15 years. I consider his information very tight.” Clement did not comment about this claim. Instead, he cited what happened to himself, personally, as a positive sign that a raw food approach can put a person on the track to better health. Growing up, Clement says he was a typical American consuming the “Standard American Diet” of meat, processed foods and sugary sodas. “I was overweight and I had no energy,” he says. “In my 20s, a friend turned me on to a vegetarian diet, and after losing 120 pounds and experiencing the difference in my health, I became a complete vegan three years

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later and have never looked back.” At the Hippocrates Institute, the raw foods diet is taken one step further by incorporating wheatgrass as a central component to the institute’s living-foods program. Ann Wigmore, the woman who discovered the juicing benefits of wheatgrass, founded the Institute more than 60 years ago and they have been using wheatgrass as a dietary supplement and healing tool ever since. “Wheatgrass is considered nature’s ‘greatest healer’ and is a complete food with an ideal alkaline-acid balance,” says Clement. “Just one ounce of wheatgrass contains 103 vitamins, minerals and amino acids.” Wheatgrass is also a powerful detoxifier, Clement adds, and cleanses the blood due to its high chlorophyll content. “It helps rid the body of heavy metals, pollutants and other toxins that become stored in the body’s tissues and organs over the years,” he says. “Guests at Hippocrates drink daily shots of wheatgrass—ideally taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, in addition to eating a plentiful raw, vegan diet.” Asked what she thought of wheatgrass, Stony Brook nutritionist Fitzgibbons admitted she’d tried it, but “it doesn’t really have much of a taste.... It’s promoted to treat a number of conditions, whether it be common cold, fever and infections. The thought behind it is that it increases oxygenation in the body.” But aside from a 2002 study saying that wheatgrass might have helped people with ulcerative colitis, she didn’t think its benefits had been proven scientifically, and she was concerned about someone with a compromised immune system eating “a live food.” “You want to be careful with that,” Fitzgibbon says.

Uncooked But Not Uneaten So is it all too good to be true? Clement says he stands behind the raw food diet. “Contrary to many ‘quick fix’ and ‘fad diets,’ our philosophy goes beyond just the food you put in your mouth,” says Clement. “We teach guests how to change their life and heal themselves. Part of our programs is about adopting a vegan, living, enzyme-rich diet, but we also teach guests the importance of exercise, positive thinking and noninvasive therapies. All of these things together are what creates a life of optimum health and truly distinguishes the Hippocrates lifestyle from just another diet.” To Elyse Clark, who’s been a raw food chef for three years and teaches private cooking classes in Deer Park, eating food that hasn’t been cooked or overheated maintains “the nutrients, the antioxidants and the enzymes that are already in the food so you’re getting more bang for your buck essentially when you’re eating it.” She also believes this natural SPRING 2013

regimen is easier on the body. “Raw food will pass through your whole system a lot easier,” she says. When people are sick, Clark says, food can become “a very powerful medicine.” That idea certainly resonates with Hippocrates Institute’s Clement. In 30 years at the institute, he says he’s worked with thousands of cancer patients, and he’s seen many of them make vast improvements. But it doesn’t come easily. “There’s no wishy-washy attitude involved in this,” he said. “You’re absolutely committed to healing yourself, and you’ve assembled in your mind the best team of people who are honest and supportive of you. “You need to find a diagnostician, an oncologist, a radiologist or a combination of that team who are open-minded and willing to help you... and guide you in the medical sense to whatever else you want to do,” Clement says. “You’ve got to find what we call complementary therapies, things that will complement your health, build up your body and fight the disease.” Clark would agree with that prescription. “You always want to do everything under the supervision of a doctor, too,” she says, adding that what she’d like to see is a balanced approach. “What we want to have is a conjunction of alternative medicine and Western medicine together, instead of it being these two separate things where you got to pick one.” She champions a raw food diet because, Clark says, it enables the body to heal. “When your digestive system is not bogged down by trying to digest a lot of denatured proteins and things like that,” she says, “your body can focus on repair.” Could that explain what happened to Mike Wall? When he was 14 years old, Wall started having trouble playing the guitar, and by the time he was 20, he became “borderline disabled” with an incurable muscle disease that ran in his family. But today, at 29, and the CEO and coowner of Rockin’ Wellness, a nutrition shake maker with more than a million Facebook followers, the Deer Park resident is “100-percent functional. I’m healthy, and I don’t get sick.” What made the difference? “I went into a healthy lifestyle, raw foods, you name it,” he says. “I’m still not cured, but I live a certain way every single day and I’m doing very well at my age.” Without it, he’s certain “I’d be disabled.” For Chris Lojac, switching to a raw food diet gave him a new lease on life. “Knowing what I know now I definitely think it saved me,” Lojac says. He wasn’t happy when one of the doctors told him that the food he was eating before was “cancer fertilizer.” “I was just kind of mad because they weren’t aware of this kind of stuff,” he says today. Maybe they will be now. SPRING 2013



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Many people suffer from a condition called Onychomycosis (on-ni-koh-my-ko-sis), which is better known as toenail fungus. This condition is noticeable by a thickened, yellow or cloudy appearance of an individual’s toenail plate. The toenail can become rough and crumbly or can separate from the nail bed. There is usually no pain or other bodily symptoms unless the disease is severe. The condition can often affect a person’s ability to enjoy the simple things in life such as going barefoot or wearing sandals. Is there hope for sufferers of this condition? Cherrywood Foot Care in Nassau County has just introduced a medical breakthrough by offering the newest in laser technology for toenail fungus: the Cool Breeze Laser. Cherrywood Foot Care, led by founder Dr. Joseph Burke, has been a part of the Long Island community for over 24 years. They offer quality medical and surgical foot care. The facility features cutting-edge emerging technologies such as a diagnostic ultrasound and a state-of-the-art operating room on premise and this new laser treatment for toenail fungus. Dr. Burke and his qualified staff have the most advanced training and use the most advanced techniques in the treatment of this condition and your entire foot and ankle healthcare. Cherrywood Foot Care and Dr. Burke are leading the industry with this revolutionary treatment that quite simply can eliminate toenail fungus. The laser treatment destroys pathogens that cause toenail fungus. This is a serious and powerful medical advancement that the public needs to learn more about. This revolutionary new laser treatment appears more effective than all previous treatment options. Laser therapy for toenail fungus is

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completely safe, painless and has no side effects. In most cases, usually only one treatment is needed. This treatment leaves patients with a significant improvement in the health and appearance of their toenails. The laser operates in a very tight spectrum of near-infrared light. The laser light passes through the toenail without causing damage to the nail or the surrounding skin. The beam created by this specially designed medical device kills the embedded pathogens in the nail plate and nail bed, leaving normal healthy tissue undamaged. Only minimal adverse reactions,


majority of our clients require only one treatment, which usually takes about 30 minutes. No anesthetic or injections are ever used and you will be able to resume all of your normal activities immediately after the treatment is done. It is recommended that after the treatment (just like you practice good oral hygiene to keep your teeth and gums healthy), you will need to practice good foot hygiene to keep your toenails healthy. Find out how to end your struggle with toenail fungus by visiting Cherrywoodfootcare.com or call Dr. Joseph Burke for a free consultation. Their professional medical staff will help you to feel welcome, relaxed and comfortable with a caring office experience. Cherrywood Foot Care can have you barefoot and smiling with confidence once again with this revolutionary new laser technology. It can eliminate unsightly toenail fungus giving you clear healthy toenails with an affordable one-time treatment!

Cherrywood Foot Care is a leader in podiatry. injuries, disabilities or side effects have been reported in clinical studies with this new laser technology and treatment. In contrast, topical treatments are minimally effective. “Oral medications available today can cause side effects to the liver, kidney and eyes, and may even affect your senses of taste and smell,” states Dr. Burke. At the time of the procedure, the toenail will not become instantly clear, it takes time to grow out. A new healthy nail will be seen emerging from the cuticle area as the nails grow naturally. The average toenail replaces itself every six to nine months. Within one to three months of the procedure, a healthy new growth will be visible. The laser treatment is very effective, according to clinical studies performed in Sacramento, Calif. Most patients experience significant improvement. In most cases, the fungal nails are improved with a single treatment. The vast www.longislandorganic.com


The Cherrywood Foot Care located in Bellmore was recently voted “Best Podiatrist on Long Island” by the Long Island Press for good reason. Dr.Burke and the staff of Cherrywood Foot Care offer cutting edge emerging technologies that treat many ailments as well as boasting a friendly staff and a modern office. Cherrywood Foot Care is a leader in podiatry. It’s not only affiliated with two local hospitals but also has a state of the art operating room within the office. The Board Certified Foot Specialists offer the best quality medical and surgical care and offers only the latest technologies that include diagnostic ultrasound, digital radiography and the latest in laser technology for treatment of fungus nails. In fact, Cherrywood Foot Care is one of only a handful

of podiatrists in the country offering laser therapy for fungus nails with one of the most advanced laser systems. Dr.Burke has advanced training in the treatment of many of these pesky problems and utilizes many of the most advanced techniques that include shockwave therapy- The place is known as a center of excellence for utilization of the Ossitron Shockwave Treatments- and minimally invasive surgical technique which uses a tiny camera that is inserted through a small incision commonly called an Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy. The office treats a number of ailments that range from Athletes Foot to Metatarsalgia to Crush Injuries. One of the most popular treatments being Gout. Gout is a metabolic disorder that occurs when crystals deposit in the joints resulting in an acute arthrtis attack. The most commonly effected area is the big toe. Symptoms of gout include waking up in the middle of the night with throbbing pain in the big toe, which is visually swollen, red hot and extremely painful. The pain can last for a few hours to several days and then subsides, only to return a few months later. Gout is predominantly a disease of adult men. Interestingly, diets heavy in red meat, rich sauces, shellfish, and alcohol have been linked to it with other foods like lentils and beans, also exacerbating gout attacks. Luckily, gout is treatable and can be controlled by with prescription medications and diet. While suffering from gout, the application of ice or other cooling lotions will help ease pain and swelling. Other treatments include rest, anti-inflammatory medications and cortizone injections. While being treated for Gout or other such ailments, Cherrywood Foot Care is the best for both the patient’s health and comfort. Cherrywood Foot Care offers great accommodations for patients. The ultra modern office has in-treatmentroom television, digital dictation as well as a spacious comfortable waiting area with patented podiatric digital educational programming for patient viewing. Put your “Best” foot forward.Call us today to see why we were voted #1 BEST Podiatrist On Long Island! 21

L o n g I s L a n d P r e s s f o r A p r i l , 2 0 1 3 / / / w w w. L o n g I s L a n d P r e s s . c o m 2013 SPRING

n g I s L a n d P r e s s f o r A p r i l , 2 0 1 3 / / / w w w. L o n g I s L a n d P r e s s . c o m 20 L o2013 SPRING



long island organic

Anxiety Anxiety Island Island by chris mellides

On a cold autumn day, Suffolk County Community College’s Ammerman Campus in Selden hums with activity as students make their way to the center of the grounds to share a meal with friends. Two swinging glass doors stand between dozens of hungry undergrads and the inside of the school cafeteria. As they quickly shuffle through, one of them hesitates. Steven Clifford, then just 21 years old, tugs at the strap of his heavy messenger bag and surveys the crowd. He’s convinced that all eyes would soon be on him and that each move he’d make would need to be well-calibrated, eliminating the chance of attracting unwanted attention while increasing his odds of appearing as normal as the rest. Acutely aware of his every move, Clifford walks past the front register to pour himself a cup of coffee. A stranger accidentally brushes his shoulder, and the panic snaps him upright. For many college students the cafeteria is a friendly hangout and a place to eat. For Clifford, it is an environment where his thoughts race and his fears form a lump in his throat. This experience is nothing new to him. Clifford suffers from acute anxiety. Anxiety disorders are the most common forms of mental illness in the country, affecting 40 million adults ages 18 and above, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). This illness often presents itself in many forms, from separation anxiety and social phobias in young children to generalized anxiety in teens and posttraumatic stress disorder in the ranks of our country’s military. While statistics point to anxiety affecting 18 percent of Americans in their late teens and older, findings from the National Institute of Mental Health make it clear that the symptoms of many of these disorders begin in childhood or adolescence. Studies show that children’s early emotional development is crucial. Both internal and external variables directly influence how young children see themselves—and how they believe others perceive them. According to Dr. Gabrielle Carlson, director of child and adolescent psychiatry, and professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at Stony Brook University Medical Center, a child who has been somewhat anxious since preschool feels several forms of anxiety all at once, and this worry becomes worse with the demands of adolescence. “The core issue with anxiety is avoidance,” says Dr. Carlson. “Anxiety feels so awful, people go

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I don’t really sleep well. I have a lot of night terrors and stuff. It’s rough. —Dan Agostinelli, former Marine coping with PTSD

to great lengths to avoid whatever makes them feel like that.” At certain ages some kinds of anxiety are not uncommon, such as separation anxiety in preschoolers, Carlson explains. “That becomes disabling though when it occurs in teenagers who can’t leave the house,” she says. The advent of the Internet, its content’s increasing accessibility to younger generations via mobile devices and home computers, and the proliferation and prominence of social media during these formative years are now critical elements of a child’s developmental period, and can have both positive and oftentimes negative ramifications to their well-being, according to experts. Yet anxiety honors no bounds, relegates itself to no specific age group, and as tens of thousands of U.S. troops return home from serving


their country in the ongoing wars of Iraq and Afghanistan—from service men and women still in their late teens to 20s and upwards—another anxiety phenomenon has been resurrected with unprecedented vengeance: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Experts agree: in order to combat, and hopefully eventually remedy, the nation’s and island’s ever-increasing anxiety epidemic, we must first understand exactly what its patients are coping with. Awareness is key.

Cell-Phone Disconnection

According to Marian B. Moldan, founder and director of Childhood Anxiety Solutions, with offices in Plainview and Miller Place, depression is the most prevalent disorder among children and teens in the United States. Anxiety ranks second. She believes that anxiety in America has grown in recent years, and though the cause for the increase is open to speculation, those working in the mental health profession have to cope with its effects. “I know many pediatricians, as well as mental health professionals, [who attribute] the moods of teenagers to their sleep patterns,” says Moldan. “Many of them go to sleep with their cell phones and their computers and their iPads…and that can interfere with their concentration the next day, their mood, their ability to function.” Researchers warn that a whole new generation of adolescents growing up in the Internet Age are living increasingly sedentary lifestyles and are less likely to engage in healthy acts of socialization. Moldan echoed that concern. “There are some studies that show that we’re dealing more with machines and less with people,” says Moldan. “We’re living in a society where people are not having face-to-face contact regularly.” Given their tendency to use social media and texting to communicate with their peers, some teenagers may have an inability to read how they present themselves emotionally when speaking to one another. “They don’t seem to know how to come across visually in terms of their facial expressions, and they are not getting the same feedback from their peers,” Moldan says. “They’re not having that much…real-time [interaction] with others.” Adolescents with coping difficulties may have a hard time confiding in family and friends


about their anxiety issues and could use outside help. The Long Island Crisis Center prides itself on providing free and confidential programs and services to support Long Islanders at critical times in their lives. Each year it receives between 2,000 and 2,500 calls from people under the age of 21. Theresa Buhse, associate director of the center, frequently sees young people dealing with the anxiety. Typically, she says, people who contact the center could either be diagnosed with anxiety disorder or are feeling anxious about their lives. “Usually at that age a lot of them have not been diagnosed, so they don’t come right out and say that they have an anxiety disorder,” says Buhse. “But they’re having trouble sleeping; they’re having trouble sometimes doing the things that they normally enjoy doing…” There’s no denying that Facebook, Twitter and a score of other networking platforms resonate in today’s culture, contributing to a phenomenon some refer to as “screen time,” whereby users become obsessed with their cyberidentities or develop unhealthy addictions to constantly checking their online accounts. “Young people these days are just more comfortable not [talking on] a phone,” Buhse says. “They’re more comfortable texting or [going] online.” But sometimes social media can do more harm than good. “The kids can’t escape whatever [problem] is going on in school—they come home and it follows them,” Buhse says. “It’s not like once they get home they can close the door and it goes away. People can still text them or [they can] go on any number of those [sites], including Facebook, and see things written about them.” On the other hand, Buhse says her center has seen an overwhelming number of teens participate in their online services. “That’s probably the most popular way that young people reach out to us,” she says. “They get connected directly to a counselor and it’s live and in the moment. It’s not email; it’s like instant messaging.” Experiencing anxiety in a social setting like school can be problematic, but a lot of young adults who serve in our military may have it worse.

Stressful Duty

Separated from their friends, families and homes, military service men and women can lead lives both challenging and stressful, which may cause them to succumb to a number of complications, among them Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Mayo Clinic defines PTSD as “a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event.” Symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety. Approximately 70 percent of adults in the United States have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives,


and an estimated 20 percent of those people go on to develop PTSD, according to the PTSD Alliance. In the military, it’s an especially serious problem. Twenty percent of soldiers deployed between 2004 and 2010 have PTSD, according to Heal My PTSD, an online resource website founded by Michele Rosenthal, a certified professional counselor. More than 300,000 service men and women may have been affected. In 2010, Rosenthal says, the number of diagnosed cases of PTSD in the military rose 50 percent from the previous year. Last year, Dan Agostinelli, a 21-yearold Suffolk County resident, enlisted in the Marine Corps. The day after he left for boot camp in February, his grandfather, who had been in the hospital, died. By September Agostinelli returned home. He’d completed boot camp but his parents had grown concerned about his behavior. They had him see a doctor. Ultimately he was diagnosed with PTSD. Agostinelli permanently left the Marine Corps before his deployment. Currently taking prescription anti-anxiety medication, he admits to having bouts with social anxiety and trouble sleeping. “I really don’t get much sleep so it’s kind of hard to readjust to that and [when I do sleep] I find myself sleeping for 15 hours and I won’t feel rested at all,” says Agostinelli. “I don’t really sleep well. I have a lot of night terrors and stuff. It’s rough.” Agostinelli credits his family for standing by him—and his girlfriend for staying by his side. Now, still in treatment for PTSD, he’s in college and hopes to get his life back on track soon.

Awareness Is Part Of The Cure

When it comes to anxiety disorders, the good news is that they’re highly treatable, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. But only about a third of those people who suffer receive treatment. So, experts say, the best approach to fighting anxiety is through awareness and understanding. “It is like the ‘get back on the horse if you fall off’ aphorism,” says Dr. Carlson. “If something scares you and your environment supports your fear, you are more likely to remain anxious, than if someone in the environment helps you pick yourself up and master your fears.” Seven years have passed since Clifford’s ordeal at the campus cafeteria. He’s now 28 years old, and thanks to his use of anti-anxiety medication and a confidence boost that he says has a lot to do with improvements in his choice of clothing style and appearance, he’s able to walk into most social settings with greater ease. “The bottom line is that I have to have confidence,” says Clifford. “I like to have clothes that are nice and [from now on] I have to rely more on myself.” Clifford admits that he still enjoys a good cup of coffee when he slips into a crowded room, but for now, he’ll stick to decaf.



long island organic

by licia avelar

Makeup’s Make-up When was the last time you looked at the label of your skin moisturizer? Can you even pronounce any of the ingredients? Long Island Organic identifies some of the chemicals in these products and their potentially lethal effects. The price of maintaining our youth might be too high.

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The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found that 884 of the chemicals available for use in cosmetics have been reported to the government as toxic substances.


Phthalates, chemicals used to make products more pliable, can be found in nail polish and can cause infertility, sperm damage and diabetes.

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Tiny particles can be inhaled easily into your lungs and scar them, leading to lung disease in women.


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According to a study in Optometry, researchers found microbes present in 33 percent of the mascara products tested. Bacteria included staphylococcus, streptococcus and fungi.


ching -blea n a skin hronsis, a , e n o oc oquin n cause n. r d y Heavy metals like beryllium are used in some eyeliners. They may accumulate over time and H , ca conditio dient cause a variety of health concerns including cancer and immune-system failure. ingre sible skin r irreve


DHA, a color additive that works to darken skin tone, can be potentially hazardous if it enters the bloodstream. It may cause gene mutations and cancer.

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The FDA tested hundreds of lipsticks following an alert issued by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and found lead in 100 percent of those tested. One FDA test revealed lead levels up to 3.06 ppm. In another FDA test, levels up to 7.19 ppm were found.




It’s 8 a.m.

and you’ve just put your cup of morning coffee down on your end table. Perched on your powder pink vanity stool in front of your makeup mirror encased in glowing bulbs, you pull out your vanity drawer, and grab your favorite rose red lipstick. It’s the first thing you put on in the morning, even before your socks. As you sip your cup of Joe, you open up the newspaper and see a headline, “Lipstick Leads To Lead Poisoning,” just a few days earlier there was another: “Face Cream Causes Cancer.” You always knew beauty was a pain, but not to this extent. Disheartened that your favorite tube of cream is likened to snake venom and that the buttery white cream that soothes your freshly shaved legs each morning leaves you like a rodent left behind in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, you look down at your drawer full of colorful products and think to yourself: “It’s hardly like shooting up—yet some say it’s just as potent and hazardous to your health.” Do you brush off the naysayers and brush on the blush? Or do you jump on the bandwagon to better beauty health? Patti Wood, green expert, activist and founder of Grassroots Environmental Education, a Port Washington-based nonprofit, educates the public about links between common environmental toxins and human health and boils the decision down to one simple question: “Is beauty or your health more important to you?” she asks. Today, most beauty products promise you the best: the best eyelashes, the best wrinkle disguise, the best blemish coverage—that last the longest. Yet many of these products may not include what’s best for your health. What you’ll find while perusing beauty counters are products packed with potentially dangerous ingredients designed to ensure the product’s shelf-life, but health-wise is doing the opposite for the user, says environmental and health watchdog groups such as Wood’s. Most times the products’ ingredients are not even subject to U.S. Food


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Left to right: Genny Haughey, Half Hollow Hills East H.S. Terrance Ruiz, Bay Shore H.S. Corinne Araneo, Mattituck-Cutchogue H.S. Eric Luna, William Floyd H.S. Nicole Moosbrugger, Miller Place H.S.




long island organic

and Drug Administration (FDA) approval before reaching the beauty counters, contends Janet Nudelman, director of program and policy at the Breast Cancer Fund, a national nonprofit whose stated mission is to “prevent breast cancer by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation linked to the disease.” “The cosmetic industry is a fiftybillion-dollar industry, so what you have is basically a Wild West frontier when it comes to cosmetics formulation,” she says. “Some companies go the extra mile to test their cosmetic ingredients for safety, and others don’t because they don’t have to. “The lack of regulation— federal regulation—means cosmetic manufacturers can put any raw material or ingredient in a cosmetic product without any premarket safety testing or review,” continues Nudelman. And what exactly is making up our makeup has many who actually know sounding the alarm.

potentially imitate estrogen and affect hormones in the reproductive system and were recently linked to breast cancer after British cancer researcher Philippa Darbre, Ph.D., discovered them in malignant breast tumors. Specific parabens to avoid include methylparaben, polyparaben, ethylparaben and butylparaben, all of which can be found in a range of personal care products, including shampoos, conditioners, lotions, facial and shower cleansers, and face and body scrubs, according to Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. Triclosan is an antibacterial and

contain the chemical. Another probable carcinogen in the eyes of watchdog groups are phthalates, used to make the fragrance in cosmetics last longer. Studies show phthalates can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive systems. They can be found in hair sprays, deodorants, nail polishes and perfumes, and in almost any fragranced cosmetic and personal care product. Exposure to DBP and DEP—two common phthalates found in cosmetics and personal care products—include sperm damage in men, birth defects in baby boys when mothers are

Hidden Risks

Carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents, are dangerous ingredients that may be found in some cosmetic products. One of these is formaldehyde, which is classified as a known human carcinogen that causes nasopharyngeal cancer by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which also concluded that there is ‘‘strong but not sufficient evidence for a causal association between leukemia and occupational exposure to formaldehyde.” The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition of education, public health, labor, women’s, religious, environmental and consumer groups was launched in 2004, “to protect the health of consumers and workers by securing the corporate, regulatory and legislative reforms necessary to eliminate dangerous chemicals from cosmetics and personal care products.” They report that formaldehyde can be found in baby shampoo and soap, nail polish, nail treatments, eyelash glues, body washes and some hair straighteners. Nudelman says some manufacturers add formaldehyde intentionally to the product (in nail polishes, the chemical acts as a nail hardening agent). Many more products contain formaldehydereleasing preservatives, such as quaternium-15, for example, that kill bacteria by releasing formaldehyde into the container over time, which is why formaldehyde does not always appear on the label of ingredients. Cancer-causing cosmetics aren’t the only worry. Various chemicals found in cosmetics are also considered endocrine distruptors by many health watchdogs. Parabens, for example, are typically used to prevent bacteria growth in certain products and some are considered to be potential xenoestrogens—compounds that have estrogenic effects. Parabens can

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Looks To Die For

Health watchdogs warn there could be much more in your cosmetics drawer than just sweet smells and bright colors.

bacteriocidal agent that can be found in soaps, face washes, bronzers, lipglosses, toothpastes and concealers as well as deodorants and detergents. Triclosan, an antibacterial and antifungal agent, was determined to be a possible endocrine disruptor, and researchers found that it disrupted thyroid hormones in animal studies. It can also reportedly cause bacterial resistance. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics also reports that, exposure to tricolsan can lead to hormone disruption as well as the early onset of puberty, reduced fertility and cancer. Consumers should also watch out for products labeled “antibacterial,” advises Nudelman, because many of these products


exposed to DEP during pregnancy, an elevated risk of breast cancer and some behavioral problems in children, according to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. Patti Wood concurs and says,“You’re playing with a woman’s hormones, and this is not something you want to do casually, because you’re talking about breast cancer, reproductive problems, and hormonal changes.” A recent study commissioned by ABC’s Good Morning America and Underwriters Laboratories evaluated 22 unnamed lipsticks and glosses. According to their study, 55 percent of drugstore and department store lipsticks tested positive for detectable

traces of lead. Their findings followed an FDA report released last year that discovered traces of lead in 400 lipsticks. A toxin, lead is reported to accumulate over time, and can possibly cause birth defects, learning and behavioral problems, among other health effects, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). “The problem with lipstick is, you’re eating it,” says Wood. “Just from drinking, eating lunch or a snack, some of the lip coloring and the chemicals that make it are actually getting into your body that way.” Unfortunately, ingredient omissions are the case with most cosmetic labels and there are currently no laws that force companies to list all of the ingredients on the product, contends Nudelman, stressing that perfumes especially are dangerous products to spritz on your skin. “There is a law, one of the few pieces of legislation that requires companies to list ingredients. However, fragrance is exempt from that requirement,” she says. “There can be a dozen ingredients or hundreds of ingredients in fragrance and many toxic ingredients can hide under the word fragrance. “Why doesn’t Johnson & Johnson claim that the formulation for Johnson’s Baby Shampoo is a secret as well?” asks Nudelman. “You can argue that they have just as much right to protect the secrecy of their iconic baby shampoo, but the law doesn’t allow them to.” Currently, the only existing law regulating safe beauty products is the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act of 1938, she says, adding that according to the legislation, the FDA can’t require cosmetic companies to conduct safety assessments and can’t require product recalls. According to SafeCosmetics.org, the FDA reportedly wasn’t able to recall Brazilian Blowout hair-straightening products even after formaldehyde was found in it. Thankfully, some lawmakers are also trying to turn the tide and usher in some much-needed oversite. But stamping out the old legislation to make way for new, updated policies has been a tough, hard-fought battle.

Full Disclosure

Reps. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) introduced the Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act Of 2013 on March 21. The bill seeks to ensure that personal care products are free of harmful ingredients and that ingredients are fully disclosed. First introduced in 2009, this is the act’s third go-around. “One of the most important things that the legislation does is that it bans carcinogens and reproductive toxins from cosmetics, and this is something that the European Union has done since 2004, so the FDA is really catching up in that regard,” explains Nudelman. “It bans carcinogens, reproductive and developmental toxins from cosmetics. It


also gives FDA mandatory recall authority so they can take dangerous products off the shelves, like Brazilian Blowout, for example. It requires full ingredient disclosure on the product label including fragrance, and it also requires ingredient disclosure on websites that sell cosmetic products.” U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) recently introduced an overhaul to 1976’s Toxic Substances Control Act (aimed at regulating chemicals used in everyday products), called The Safe Chemicals Act. The bill would update current policy to improve the safety of chemicals used in consumer products, increase public information on chemical safety and reform the EPA’s science practices to ensure that the best available data is being used to determine chemical safety, among other things. The Safe Chemicals Act failed to pass Congress, but is expected to be re-introduced this year. Raising awareness about the various dangers lurking within some kitchen cabinets has been a priority of U.S. Rep. Steve Israel (D-Dix Hills), who introduced the Cleaning Product Right-to-Know Act in 2011 and will be reintroducing it in the near future. The legislation aims to inform consumers about potentially dangerous chemicals, such as toluene, which is mostly used as a solvent, and phthalates, by requiring ingredient labeling for domestic, institutional and commercial cleaning products. “Cleaning our homes shouldn’t require that we put our health at risk,” he said in a statement. “With new research, we now know that secret chemicals found in household cleaning products might be doing more harm than good. We all have a right to know what’s hiding in our household cleaning products, which is why I’m introducing legislation to require full disclosure of the ingredients.” While the public waits for better, stricter legislation such as Israel’s bill to pass, cosmetic companies have finally began to take responsibility in response to the growing demand for safer products and more transparency. In 2012, for example, Johnson & Johnson, a multinational consumer packaged goods, pharmaceutical and medical devices manufacturer who owns Neutrogena, Aveeno and Clean and Clear, became the first major cosmetics company to commit to removing harmful chemicals, including formaldehyde, from its products by 2015. Nudelman, of the Breast Cancer Fund, says it’s a great start. “This is huge, because they do business in 52 countries around the world, so we really commend them on their leadership,” says Nudelman. “Now we’re challenging other multi-national companies to meet or beat Johnson & Johnson.” Grassroots Environmental Education’s Wood stresses that there is still a very long way to go. “Personal care products and makeup is just like the Wild West,” she summarizes, echoing Nudelman. “They let people do anything. Hey, you don’t have to use them, you’re using them at your own risk, but of course they aren’t telling you there’s a risk.”



There are contaminant-free beauty products available now. Here are a few that are Long Island Organic-approved. Avalon Organics Biotin B-Complex Therapy Thickening Shampoo & Conditioner

Physicians Formula Organic Wear Mascara

The NSF/ANSI 305 Certified hair products are made with at least 70-percent organic ingredients. They’re free of parabens, phthalates, sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate and sodium myreth sulfate. ($19.99, Whole Foods Market, Multiple Locations, www.avalonorganics.com)

The mascara plumps lashes in the most natural of fashions. 100-percent recyclable eco-brush and 100-percent free of harsh chemicals, synthetic preservatives and parabens. 70 percent of the total ingredients are from organic farms. ($9.95, CVS, www.cvs.com)

M-61 Perfect Cleanse

JR Watkins Coconut Sugar & Shea Body Scrub

The 100-percent paraben-free, 100-percent synthetic fragrance-free, and allergy-and dermatologist-tested cleanser washes away impurities and seals in the skin’s natural moisture. It’s also sulfate- and fragrance-free. ($26, Blue Mercury, Woodbury, www.bluemercury.com)

The natural scrub smooths the roughest elbows, heels, feet and hands. It’s paraben-free, phthalate-free, dye-free, propylene glycol-free and made in the USA.($12.99, www.JRWatkins.com)

Pacifica Natural Minerals Color Quench Lip Tint in Sugared Fig

The Color Quench lip tint is a precious portable lip tint in a 100-percent recyclable tube. 100-percent vegan, gluten free and free of parabens, phthalates, sulfates, propylene glycol, mineral oil and lanolin. It’s not tested on animals. ($7, www. pacificaperfume.com)

Caldrea Rosewater Driftwood Dryer Sheets

The scent of roses, gardenia, and lily mix with the spicy warm cedar and white musk to create an enticing aroma. These dryer sheets will leave your clothes smelling exotic while reducing static. Chamomile, cedarwood and marigold oils tie the product together. The hand lotion has the same scent, and helps care for your skin with shea butter, aloe vera, and glycerin. This light cream can be applied whenever you want! ($10, caldrea. phanfare.com)

Pacifica Radiant Shimmer Coconut Multiples

Coconut-infused multi-use creamy natural colors make the perfect pop of shimmering skin. Formulated without phthalates, parabens, carmine, beeswax, lanolin, mineral oils, propylene glycol, petroleum and FD&C colors. Not tested on animals, gluten-free, 100-percent vegan. ($14, www.pacificaperfume.com)

Desert Essence Spring Fresh Deodorant

This deodorant neutralizes odor while protecting skin that is prone to irritation. It’s free of aluminum, propylene glycol, parabens, artificial dyes, phthalates and is not tested on animals. ($4.99, www.desertessence.com)

Lavera Mattifying Mineral Finish Powder

The 100-percent natural mineral powder adds a velvety soft finish to even the most sensitive skin. It contains certified organic ingredients, and is cruelty free, paraben free and lead free. ($20, www.lavera.com)



long island organic

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28 long island organic


The Healing Power Of Yoga: Body, Mind & Spirit by lindsay christ

Janine Ambroze fell in love with yoga after just one class. The surgical nurse from Northport, who had decided to try it one day in 2001 for some exercise, quickly recognized not only yoga’s physical benefits, but also its mental perks, and how it could help others. She credits yoga with her increased impulse control and improved self-esteem, two benefits she feels most people can also reap. “I felt very positive as far as my self-image, and it gave me the coping skills to look at things from a different perspective, and maybe not react so impulsively,” she says. “Yoga teaches you to step back, take a breath, and then move forward. And when we do that, we do so with clarity and without impulse. It affects our choices.” Ambroze became a certified yoga instructor who, in addition to instructing others on how to achieve wellness through the proper poses and breathing techniques of yoga, now helps other teachers gain certification through the Yoga Teacher Training Institute—a comprehensive program that alternates between classes at the Yogashakti Yoga Center in Queens and Harbor Lights Yoga Center in Huntington—“so that people can go out and have that domino effect and pay it forward. “I’ve worked with my body and other bodies throughout my entire life through nursing, and I’ve seen firsthand the result of improper use and misalignment and how wear and tear and stress affects the body on so many levels,” she says. “Then I saw how yoga changed and impacted my life, and I wanted to be a part of that in someone else’s.” Ambroze isn’t alone in her quest to spread the additional qualities of yoga. Although countless gyms across Long Island still offer yoga as an exercise class, where dozens of people pile in with the mindset that it’s just another workout session, more and more people are learning its other healing characteristics—from helping people with myriad physical and mental ailments, such as anxiety and stress, to hypertension and diabetes. “Most people are teaching yoga as just a physical exercise, which is a great disservice to an ancient, holistic health practice,” explains Danielle Tarantola, owner and founder of The Yoga Foundation, a center

that facilitates personal health and transformation through specialized classes that has locations in Stony Brook, Huntington and Brooklyn. Tarantola believes yoga helps practitioners fine-tune their physique while also recharging their minds and ultimately, their spirit—which can alter the very course of their lives. “There is a high level of stress that most people are experiencing in their lives that causes them to make poor decisions with regard to diet and lifestyle,” she explains. “Stress levels influence the physical state. Yoga understands that whatever is happening to the mind spreads to the body, so if the mind is in a state of anxiety or depression or agitation of any sort, the body is also in that state.” Matthew Pecorella, director of Yoga Darshana Center in West Babylon, agrees that many common ailments can be treated with yoga. “Most of the symptoms yoga helps release is symptoms of stress like headaches, high blood pressure, muscle pain,” he says. “Physically the yoga poses help release tension from the body, they help stretch the muscles.” All three teachers practice Yoga Therapy, which involves meeting with students in a more intimate setting and modifying an exercise to fit their specific health goals. “Yoga therapy is a selfempowering process where you’re actually doing all the work yourself with the help of a yoga therapist to guide you in the correct practices of yoga,” explains Tarantola. “I take this responsibility very seriously, because when people come to me for lessons, they do what I say and they do it every day. I’m influencing their lives in a very profound way, so I want to do that with great care and professionalism.” Her students are often referred to her by doctors and other yoga teachers who believe that the individual’s needs are too complicated for regular classes. Oftentimes her clientele includes those suffering from back and neck pain, anxiety, depression, infertility and a variety of other conditions. Studies have shown that yoga possesses benefits for even those suffering the most serious disorders. The recently published study, “Yoga on Our Minds: A Systematic


Yogi Emma Weinstein, a Syosset resident and student at LIU Post in Brookville, is a personal yoga and pilates instructor.

12. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

1. Pranamasana

11. Urdhva Hastasana (Upward salute)

2. Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute)

yoga fitness

sun salutation

10. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

3. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

The Sun Salutation first originated as a way to honor the sun in India. The graceful movement into the different poses, referred to as asanas, is often done as a way to start a yoga session. This is one of the many variations that can help you quickly center yourself and start your day on a positive, healthy note.

9. Lunge

4. Lunge

5. Plank 8. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra)

Review of Yoga for Neuropsychiatric Disorders,” in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, suggests the practice can help those with depression and sleep disorders, and serve as a supplement to pharmacotherapy in schizophrenia and helping children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. Another result of yoga, insists Pecorella, is joy. “When practicing yoga, between the breathing, the stretching, the focus and the mediation, we find stillness,” Pecorella says. “When the thoughts begin to settle and cease, the person


generally experiences happiness.” In addition to mental benefits, yoga can also aid individuals suffering from a multitude of physical health conditions. The assistance that yoga provides as preventative care extends to osteoporosis and works against the weakening of muscle and bones. According to Ambroze, the twists and positions—called asanas—also help flush the body and regulate blood sugar for diabetics. “It helps to stimulate so that your endocrine system and your lymphatic system work very efficiently in conjunction with your circulatory

6. Chaturange (Yoga pushup)

systems,” she says. “You’re going to be able to fight infection easier, your immune system will be enhanced, and both your joint movement and range of motion benefit.” In 1998 a study done by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, titled “Yoga-based intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized trial,” separated sufferers into two groups, and found that those who followed a yoga-based regimen after eight weeks had significant improvement in grip strength and Phalen sign—a diagnostic test used for carpal tunnel syndrome—


than the group who wore wrist splints. Ambroze says she’s even watched students who have had strokes or who are battling cancer undergo positive transformations after taking up yoga. “It changes their whole position on how they’re approaching their healing and management of their disease,” she says. “It’s really a short amount of time, but it comes with hard work and discipline. If you’re willing to put in the effort, though, you’ll definitely reap the benefits. “I would say that you reap the benefits tenfold.”


long island organic

Resources Organic Farms Garden of Eve

4558 Sound Ave. Riverhead, NY 11901 631-722-8777 www.gardenofevefarm.com

Golden Earthworm Organic Farm

652 Peconic Bay Blvd. Riverhead, NY 11901 631-722-3302 www.goldenearthworm.com

Green Thumb

829 Montauk Hwy. Water Mill, NY 11976 631-726-1900 www.greenthumborganicfarm.com

Natural Earth Farms

Country Route 111 Manorville, NY 11949 631-804-3036 www.naturalearthfarmsny. com

Sang Lee Farms, Inc 25180 Middle Rd. Peconic, NY 11958 631-734-7001 www.sangleefarms.com

Satur Farms

3705 Albahs Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 631-734-4219

Organics Today

169 Washington St. East Islip, NY 11730 631-650-4424 organicstoday.net

Quail Hill Farm

660 Old Stone Hwy. Amagansett, NY 11930 631-283-3195 www.peconiclandtrust.org/ quail_hill_farm.html

Vegan/Organic Restaurants 3 Brothers Pizza Cafe

Cornucopia Natural Foods

39 North Main St. Sayville, NY 11782 631-589-9579 www.cornucopiahealthfoods. com

Curry Club

10 Woods Corner Rd. East Setauket, NY 11733 631-751-4845 CurryClubEastSetauket.com

FeelGoods Café

412 New York 25A St James, NY 11780 631-390-8545 www.feelgoodscafe.com

Fuel Your Body Café

196 W Old Country Rd. Hicksville, NY 11801 516-933-3835 www.fuelyourbodycafe.com

Granny’s Ice Cream 1153 Jericho Tpke. Commack, NY 11725 631-543-7501

Green Earth Natural Foods Market & Cafe 50 East Main St. Riverhead, NY 631-369-2233 GenFM.com

House of Dosas

416 S Broadway Hicksville, NY 11801 516-938-7517 www.houseofdosas.com

Hunan Cottage

135 Central Park Rd. Plainview, NY 11803 516-349-0390 www.135hunan cottage.com

Jandi’s Natural Market and Organic Cafe’ 3000 Long Beach Rd. Oceanside, NY 11572 516-536-5535 www.jandis.com

75 Merritts Rd. Farmingdale, NY 11735 516-755-1100 3BrothersPizzaCafeFarmingdale.com

Juice It Up

3 Brothers Pizza Cafe

Kiran Palace

212 North Long Beach Rd. Rockville Center, NY 11570 516-776-3939 www.3brotherspizzacafe.com

All The Perks Espresso Café

102 Rt 109 West Babylon, NY 11704 631-482-8802 AllThePerksCoffeeWestBabylon.com

Bare Naked Bakery & Café

2572 Merrick Rd. Bellmore, NY 11710 516-809-7370 www.barenakedbakery.com

Batata Cafe

847 Fort Salonga Rd. Northport, NY 11768 631-754-4439 www.batatacafe.com

Bee Organic

4 Bond St. Great Neck, NY 11021 516-570-0915 www.bee-organic.com

Blue Point Bistro and Grille

4902 Merrick Rd. Massapequa Park, NY 11762 516-541-4209 JuiceItUp.com 67-75 E Old Country Rd. Hicksville, NY 11801 516-932-5191 www.kiranpalacehicksville. com

Marco Polo Restaurant

(Inside Viana Hotel & Spa) 3998 Brush Hollow Rd. Westbury, NY 11590 516-338-7777 VianaHotelAndSpa.com

Nature’s Best Health Hut

345 North Central Ave. Valley Stream, NY 11580 516-285-4029 www.naturesbesthealthhut. com


385 New York Ave. Huntington, NY 11743 631-547-1232 OaxacaMenu.com

Organic Corner

37 Broadway Massapequa, NY 11758 516-798-5670 OrganicCornerNY.com

Sweet Tomato

Multiple locations. 154 Montauk Hwy. MySweetTomato.com Blue Point, NY 11715 631-868-7900 BluePointBistroandGrille.com The Cup Coffeehouse 3268 Railroad Ave. Wantagh, NY 11793 Bob’s Natural Foods 516-826-9533 104 W. Park Ave. www.thecupcoffeehouse.com Long Beach, NY 11561 516-889-8955 www.bobsnaturalfoods.com The Health Nuts 4902 Merrick Rd. Chloe’s Soft Serve Fruit Massapequa Park, NY 11762 516-541-4209 Co. 869 Montauk Hwy. The Healthy Eatery Water Mill, NY 11976 356 Jericho Tpke. 631-726-6166 Syosset, NY 11791 www.chloesfruit.com 516-496-3344

30 long island organic




The Juicy Naam

Cherrywood Foot Care


Multiple locations. www.thejuicynaam.com

The Purple Elephant

81b Fort Salonga Rd. West (25A) Northport, NY 11768 631-651-5002 ThePurpleElephant.net

Tiger Lily Café

156 E Main St. Port Jefferson, NY 11777 631-476-7080 www.tigerlilycafe.com

Tula Kitchen

41 E. Main St. Bay Shore, NY 11706 631-539-7183 www.tulakitchen.com

2791 Jerusalem Ave. Bellmore, NY 11710 516-826-9000 www.cherrywoodfootcare. com

Suffolk Community College 533 College Rd. Selden, NY 11784 631-451-4110 www.sunysuffolk.edu/

Habberstad BMW

945 E Jericho Tpke. Huntington Station, NY 11746 631-271-7177 www.habberstadbmw.com

Iavarone Bros

311 Hempstead Tpke. West Hempstead, NY 11552 516-489-9482

1166 Wantagh Ave. Wantagh 516-781-6400 7929 Jericho Tpke. Woodbury 516-921-5400 1538 Union Tpke. New Hyde Park 516-488-5600 www.ibfoods.com

ZenWay Natural Food Market

Clear View Environmental

Whole Foods Market Multiple locations. www.WholeFoods.com

Witches Brew

47 E Main St. Bay Shore, NY 11706 631-665-3050 ZenWayOnline.com

Environmental Advocacy Sustainable Table

215 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10015 212-726-9161 www.gracelinks.org/sustainabletable

Organic Salon FOS Living

13 Nassau Blvd. S. Garden City, NY 11530 516-481-5900 fosliving.com

Green Businesses Kiddie Academy

132 W. John St. Hicksville, NY 11801 516-931-3330 educationaldaycare.kiddieacademy.com/academies/ hicksville#tabs-1

Sustainability Institute at Molloy College

7180 Republic Airport Farmingdale, New York 11735 516-678-5000 Ext. 7562 www.molloy.edu/long-islandconnections/the-sustainability-institute

Long Island Compost Corp. 100 Urban Ave. Westbury, NY 11590 516-334-6600 www.licompost.com

Farmingdale State College

2350 Broadhollow Rd. Farmingdale, NY 11735 631-420-2000 www.farmingdale.edu

Branching Out Tree Service 145 Dixon Ave. Amityville, NY 11701 516-712-8449

Arrow Scrap

634 Blue Point Rd. Holtsville, NY 11742 631-569-2667 clearviewenvironmental.com

Island Bio-Greens

1556 West Main St. Riverhead, NY 11901 631-749-0621 www.islandbiogreens.com

FOS Living

13 Nassau Blvd. S. Garden City, NY 11530 516-481-5900 fosliving.com

Twin Dragon Acupuncture 3 Gaymor Rd. Happauge, NY 631-265-9440

Vitamin Shops Bi Nutraceuticals 120 Hoffman Lane Islandia, NY 11749 631-232-1105 www.botanicals.com

Carman Drugs

829 Carman Ave. Westbury, NY 11590 516-333-4545 www.carmandrugs.com

Country Life LLC

180 Motor Pkwy. Hauppauge, NY 11788 631-232-5400 www.countrylifevitamins.com

Futurebiotics LLC

70 Commerce Dr. Hauppauge, NY 11788 631-273-6300 www.futurebiotics.com

Good ‘N Natural

2100 Smithtown Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800-544-0095 www.goodnnatural.com

Mart Pharmacy

5 Candlewood Rd. Bay Shore, NY 11706 631-300-4670 179 Atlantic Ave Freeport, NY 11520 516-377-4050 www.healthmart.com

Kabco Pharmaceutical Inc

83 Kean St. West Babylon, NY 11704 631-491-3061 www.arrowscrap.com

2000 New Horizons Blvd. Amityville, NY 11701 631-842-3600 www.kabcopharm.com

Dunrite Pools

Nature’s Bounty

3510 Veteran’s Memorial Hwy. Bohemia, NY 11716 631-585-1616 www.dunritepools.com

110 Orville Dr. Bohemia, NY 11716 800-433-2990 www.naturesbounty.com

Green Audit USA

Natural Organics Inc

74 Bridge Rd. Islandia, NY 11749 631-239-5047


548 Broad Hollow Rd. Melville, NY 11747 631-293-0030

2100 Smithtown Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 631-567-9500 5100 New Horizons Blvd. Amityville, NY 11701 631-225-1710 www.nbty.com

Nutricap Labs

70 Carolyn Blvd. Farmingdale, NY 11735 800-659-9687 www.nutricaplabs.com

Nutritional Healing Technologies

185 Main St. Kings Park, NY 570-421-0665 www.nhthealthyliving.com

Only Natural Inc

31 Saratoga Blvd. Island Park, NY 11558 516-897-7001 www.onlynaturalinc.com

Port Nutrition

927 Port Washington Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050 516-883-3012 www.portnutrition.com

Purity Products

200 Terminal Dr. Plainview, NY 11803 888-769-7873 www.purityproducts.com

The Natural

770 Middle Country Rd. Middle Island, NY 11953 631-924-2500 www.thenaturalonline.com

Total Health Vitamins Superstore

120 New York Route 110 #1 Farmingdale, NY 11735 631-293-3001 www.totaldiscountvitamins. com

Vitamin Power

75 Commerce Dr. Hauppauge, NY 11788 631-676-5790 www.vitaminpower.com

Vitamin Shoppe

Multiple locations. www.vitaminshoppe.com

Vitamin World

Multiple locations. www.vitaminworld.com

Yoga Studios Absolute Yoga

1 Guilles Lane Woodbury, NY 11797 516-682-9642 info@absoluteyogastudio. com absoluteyogastudio.com

Amba Yoga Center

321 Middle Country Rd. Suite #2 Smithtown, NY 11787 631-366-3396 lk@ambayoga.com www.ambayoga.com

Balance Yoga and Healing

680 E Jericho Tpke. Huntington Station, NY 11746 631-423-2055 info@balanceyogaandhealing.com www.balanceyogaandhealing.com

Bikram Yoga

70 E Main St. Smithtown, NY 11787 631-265-9642 www.bikramyogasmithtown. net

Bikram Yoga Carle Place

143 Voice Rd. Carle Place, NY 11514 516-385-6787 info@bikramyogacarleplace. com www.bikramyogacarleplace. com

Bikram Yoga Center 764 Route 25A

Setauket, NY 11733 631-751-9642 www.bikramyogasetauket. com

Silk Wind Studio

1 Schwab Rd. Melville, NY 11747 631-424-8305 Blue Firmament Holistic silkwind@optonline.net www.silkwindstudio.com Center 202 Merrick Rd. Rockville Centre, NY 11230 Yoga Darshana Center 516-665-3641 180 Great East Neck Rd. www.bluefirmament.com West Babylon, NY 11704 631-893-1146 info@yogadarshanacenter. Body & Soul com 52 B Wall St. www.yogadarshanacenter. Huntington, NY 11743 com 631-385-4664 bodyandsoulcenter@yahoo. com YogaFlex www.bodyandsoulcenter.net 639 Commack Rd. Commack, NY 11725 631-462-9642 Bonda Yoga danaptucha@yogaflexny.com 4A Bond St. www.yogaflexny.com Great Neck, NY 11021 516-304-5757 www.bondayoga.com Yoga Flow Studio 977 Glen Cove Ave. Glen Head, NY 11545 Embrace Yoga Center 516-656-0672 84 W Main St. yogaflowstudio@gmail.com East Islip, NY 11731 www.yogaflowstudio.com 631-859-9642 embraceyogainfo@gmail.com www.embraceyogacenter. Yoga Long Beach com 54 W Park Ave. Long Beach, NY 11772 Essence of Yoga Studio 516-889-0808 hana@yogalongbeach.com Inc www.yogalongbeach.com 388 Furrows Rd. Holbrook, NY 11741 Yoga LynBrook 631-467-6505 49 Atlantic Ave. info@essenceofyogastudio. Lynbrook, NY 11563 com 516-887-1188 www.essenceofyogastudio. hana@yogalynbrook.com com www.yogalynbrook.com

Fuel the Soul

188 Merrick Rd. Merrick, NY 11566 516-379-0810 www.fuelthesoul.com

Yoga Oasis

100 Woodbury Rd. Woodbury, NY 11797 516-367-8500 www.yoga-oasis.com

Hamptons Yoga Healing Yoga Nanda Arts 8 Moniebogue Lane Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 631-355-1855 info@hamptonsyogahealingarts.com hamptonsyogahealingarts. com

Hot Yoga Massapequa

5078 Sunrise Hwy. Massapequa Park, NY 11762 516-798-7980 www.hotyogamassapequa. com

Inner Spirit Yoga

24 Vernon Valley Rd. East Northport, NY 11731 631-262-9642 info@innerspirityoga.com www.innerspirityoga.com

Long Island Yoga

107 E Main St. Babylon, NY 11702 631-893-5445 info@longislandyoga.com www.longislandyoga.com

960 Franklin Ave #101 Garden City, NY 11530 516-509-5941 yoga.nanda.nyc@gmail.com www.yoga-nanda.com

Yoga Yama

13 N Ocean Ave Patchogue, NY 11772 516-902-7297 ombird@optonline.net www.yoga-yama.com

Alternative Medicine Creating Wellness Center

66 Commack Rd., Ste. 101 Commack, NY 11725 631-462-0801 www.CreatingWellnessLI.com

Faillace Chiropactic

2805 Veterans Memorial Hwy. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 631-648-855 www.docgene.com

Mindful Turtle Yoga and Healthy Alternatives 79 Deer Park Ave. Wellness 1111 New York 25A Stony Brook, NY 11790 631-721-1881 info@mindfulturtle.com www.mindfulturtle.com

Om Sweet Om Yoga

12 Irma Ave. Port Washington, NY 11050 516-944-9642 www.omsweetomyoga.com

River Yoga LLC

93 East Main St. Riverhead, NY 11901 631-369-9569 info@peconicriveryoga.com www.peconicriveryoga.com

Revolution Yoga

7 N Village Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11570 516-619-6421 yoga@revolutionyogaspace. com www.revolutionyogaspace. com

Sayville Hot Yoga Center

299 Raft Ave. Sayville, NY 11782 631-750-5647 www.sayvillehotyoga.com

Babylon, NY 11702 631-587-4629 www.ihealthyalternatives.com

InnerSource Natural Health and Acupuncture, PC

11 Stewart Ave. Huntington, NY 11743 631-421-1848 www.innersourcehealth.com

L.I. Holistic Health Associates

399 Deer Park Ave., Suite 1 Babylon Village, NY 11702 631-539-9733 -1 Hollow Lane, Suite 300 Lake Success, NY 11042 (516) 279-6694 www.liholistic.com

Long Island Naturopathic

Dr. Prego 560 Main St, Suite 2F 888-339-8683 Islip NY 11751 www.doctorprego.com contact@drprego.com

New York Acupuncture & Chinese Herb Clinic





long island organic

175 Jericho Turnpike #208 Syosset, NY 11791 516-313-6223 www.acupuncturechineseherbs.com

Nassau County Early Intervention Referral Intake Line

Northport Wellness Center

Parent to Parent of NYS

220 Rte. 25A Northport, NY 11768 631-262-8505 www.northportwellnesscenter.com


Cathleen Almont 631-434-6196 415 A Oser Ave. Hauppauge, NY 11788 www.parenttoparentnys.org

Parenting Resource Smithtown Wellness 285 Middle Country Rd. #204 Network Karen Horowitz

Smithtown, NY 11787 516-766 4341 ext. 162 631-361-9355 NY 11572 www.smithtownwellness.com Oceanside, www.parentingresourcenetwork.org

Simply Vibrant Wellness Center, Parent-to-Parent NYS 128 N. Long Beach Rd. Rockville Centre, NY 11570 516-203-7442 www.simplyvibrant.com

Autism Resources Harvey Weisenberg Resource Center

866-314-7959 191 Sweet Hollow Rd. Old Bethpage, NY 11804

Age of Autism


Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Association

Patricia Schissel, President 516-470-0360 4300 Hempstead Tpke. Bethpage, NY 11714 pats@AHAny.org www.ahaNY.org

Autism/Asperger’s Digest Magazine


Autism on the Seas Cruises

Mike Sobbell 800-516-5247 msobbell@alumnicruises.org www.autismontheseas.com

Autism Speaks

800-559-1729 www.parenttoparentnys.org

PROMPT Therapy for Chldrenwith Verbal Apraxia

Donna Lederman, M.A., CCC, PLLC 917-715-4303 Locations in Williston Park and Commack dglederman@yahoo.com www.donnalederman.com

School for Language & Communication Development (SLCD) Ellenmorris Tiegerman Executive Director 516-609-2000 100 Glen Cove Avenue Glen Cove, NY 11542 info@slcd.org www.slcd.org

Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) www.tacanow.org

Unlocking Autism


Harvey Weisenberg Resource Center

866-314-7959 191 Sweet Hollow Rd. Old Bethpage, NY 11804

Long Island Spectrum Center

212-252-8584 contactus@autismspeaks.org Dr. Michael Gruttadauria 516-470-9525 100 Manetto Hill Road, The Dan Marino Suite 106 Foundation Plainview, NY 11803 www.danmarinofoundation. www.lispectrum.com org

Matt and Debra Cody Center for Autism and Developmental foundation@darrylstrawberry. Disabilities net The Darryl Strawberry Foundation www.darrylstrawberry.net

Dental Associates for Kids Only 516-625-3806 216 Willis Ave. Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 www.dafko.com

Distinctive Dental Services of New York, P.C. 516-294-6288 Locations in Great Neck & Garden City info@ddsny.com www.ddsny.com

The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. 866-3AU TISM info@flutiefoundation.org www.flutiefoundation.org

The Elija Foundation

Deb Harris/Nicole Dibra 516-433-4321 665 N. Newbridge Rd. Levittown, NY 11756 info@elija.org www.elija.org

Exceptional Parent Publication www.eparent.com

JCC of the Greater Five Towns Bracha Arnan, Autism Coordinator 516-569-6733 x 204 207 Grove Avenue Cedarhurst, NY 11516 bar.arnan@fivetownsjcc.org www.fivetownsjcc.og

MAAP Services for Autism and Asperger Spectrum, Inc. info@maapservices.org www.maapservices.org

631-632-3070 177 Putmam Hall South Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794-8790 www.codycenter.org

Mt. Sinai School of Medicine

The Seaver and New York Autism Center for Excellence 212-659-8287 www.mssm.edu/psychiatry/ autism/

Therapy Andretta Behavior Analysts

Melissa J. Andretta 631-961-1405 14 Rassmussen Place Melville, NY 11747 www.andrettabehavioranalysts.com

Behavior Therapy Associates

Dr. Jeffrey Felixbrod 516-294-5000 228 Birch Drive New Hyde Park, NY 11040 www.behaviortherapist.net

Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics Beth P. Bailey, D.O., FAAP

516-671-8101 333 Glen Head Rd. Suite 250 Glen Head, NY 11545

Patricia Bigini-Quinn, M.D. Alyson H. Gutman, M.D. Dorie Hankin, M.D. David L. Meryash, M.D. Ruth L. Milanaik, D.O. 516-802-6100 1983 Marcus Ave., Suite 130, Lake Success, NY 11042

Elisa K. Han, Ph.D. Catherine Riley, M.D. 631-632-3786

www.theprojectheal.org ProjectHEAL.ed@gmail.com

Solutions Program for Eating Disorders 1517 Franklin Ave Mineola, NY 11501 516-877-0200 www.solutionsprogram.net

Sondra Kromberg

718-343-6681 8214 262nd St. Floral Park, New York 11004

Staci Leavitt Mind & Body Inc.

700 Old Country Rd. Plainview, NY 11803 516-433-1456 www.stacileavittmindandbody.com

Virginia Porcello

516-625-9181 70 Glen Cove Rd. Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Dance/ Movement Therapy Absolute Yoga

Leslie Luft 516-682-9642 (YOGA) 1 Guilles Ln. Woodbury, NY 11797 info@absoluteyogastudio. com www.absoluteyogastudio. com

The Danc’in Place 516-333-5220 493 Westbury Avenue

Cody Center For Autism Carle Place, NY 5 Medical Dr. Port Jefferson Sta., NY 11776

info@thedip.org www.thedip.org

Jack Levine, M.D.

Therapeutic Riding Programs

516-734-2997 5 Aspen Place Great Neck, NY 11023 dpeds@optonline.net

Richard D. Lippmann, M.D. 516-771-8123 LI Pediatrics of Baldwin 2004 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510

Old Bethpage, NY 11804

Eating Disorders East End Eating Disorder Center

9 N Main St. # 5 East Hampton, NY 11937 631-329-1314

Eating Disorders Associates

800 Veterans Memorial Hwy. Hauppauge, NY 11788 631-724-7152

Eating Disorder NSASA (Nassau Suffolk Associates Treatment and Referral Centers Autism Society of 631-724-7152 America) 111 Smithtown Bypass

631-367-1647 238 Round Swamp Rd., Melville, NY 11747 info@horseability.org www.horseability.org

Lakewood Stables

516-486-9673 633 Eagle Ave. West Hempstead, NY 11552 lakewoodstablesny@yahoo. com www.thelakewoodstables. com

Pal-O-Mine Equestrian, Inc. Lisa Gatti 631-348-1389 829 Old Nichols Rd. Islandia, NY 11749 info@pal-o-mine.org www.pal-o-mine.org

Saddle Rock Ranch

Gluten-Free Market/Grocery

NYU Child Study Center Dr. Jeffrey Desarbo 300 Garden City Plaza - Long Island Campus Garden City, NY 11530 Dr. Karen Fleiss 516-358-1811 1981 Marcus Avenue, Suite C-102 Lake Success, NY 11042 www.AboutOurKids.org

Sensory Street Kids

80 Orville Dr. #100 Bohemia, NY 11716 631-828-8890 www.sensorystreetkids.com info@SensoryStreetKids.com

516-414-2545 www.drdesarbo.com

Nassau Guidance & Counseling

1262 Powell Ave Merrick, NY 11566 516-221-9494 www.nassauguidance.com

National Eating Disorders Long Island

516-794-0415 900 Merchants Concourse Team Heroes Sports www.TeamHeroesSports.com Suite 403 Westbury, NY 11590


32 long island organic

Project Heal


Franklin Square Health Foods 516-437-2570 944 Hempstead Tpke. Franklin Square, NY 11010

Get Healthy America

516-931-1900 148 Manetto Hill Rd. Plainview, NY 11803 dietlady@gethealthyamerica. com www.gethealthyamerica.com

The Healthy Eatery

516-496-3344 Locations in Syosset and Wantagh info@thehealthyeatery.com www.thehealthyeatery.com

The Healthy Garden Nutrition Center

631-471-3335 288 Ronkonkoma Avenue Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

Jandi’s Natural Market 516-536-5535 3000 Long Beach Rd. Oceanside, NY 11572 www.jandis.com

516-804-5600 1905A Bellmore Ave. Bellmore, NY 11710 www.gfgreatbakes.com

Provisions Natural Foods Market 631-725-3636 Bay & Division St. Sag Harbor, NY 11963

Rising Tide Market

516-676-7895 42 Forest Ave. Glen Cove, NY 11542 www.risingtidemarket.com

Second Nature Markets Multiple locations. www.secondnaturemarkets. com

Sherry’s The Healthy Gourmet

631-661-5552 89 Deer Park Ave. Babylon Village, NY 11702 dp9ny@aol.com www.sherryshealth.com

South Shore Health 631-205-0432 41 Coram-Swezeytown Road, Food Center Middle Island, NY 11913 516-623-4432 2156 Grand Ave. Baldwin, NY 11510 Thomas School of

P.O. Box 7472, Wantagh NY Hauppauge, NY 11788 11793 516-404-2306, (631) 404-8217 Eating Disorder www.nsasa.org Treatment Collaborative Horsemanship nypaac@yahoo.com Multiple locations. 631-692-6840 North Shore-LIJ Health www.eatingdisordertreat250 Round Swamp Rd. mentspecialists.com Melville, NY 11747 System www.tshcamp.com Fay J. Linder Center for Eating Disorders Autism Psychotherapy 516-802-8600 84 Park Pl 4300 Hempstead Turnpike East Hampton, NY 11937 Bethpage, NY 11714 646-321-0268 www.nslij.com

Azure Chocolate, Ltd.

631-425-1885 90 C Washington Dr. Centerport, NY 11788 azurechocolate@optonline. net www.azurechocolate.com

Bare Naked Bakery & Cafe

St. James Natural Food

104 W Park Ave. Long Beach, NY 11561 516-889-8955 www.bobsnaturalfoods.com

Cornucopia Natural Foods

39 N Main St. Sayville, NY 11782 631-589-9579 www.cornucopiahealthfoods. com

The Diet Shop

600 County Rd. 16 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 631-981-0882 www.thedietshop.biz

Fairway Market

Multiple Locations. www.fairwaymarket.com

Get Healthy America

Carrabba’s Italian Grill

Green Earth Natural Foods

200 Middle Neck Rd. Great Neck, NY 11020 516-829-6464 CafeRusticaRestaurant.com 631-232-1070 Locations in Cental Islip and Smithtown www.carrabbas.com


Mulitple Locations www.chilis.com

148 Manetto Hill Rd. Plainview, NY 11803 516-931-1900 www.gethealthyamerica.com

50 E Main St. Riverhead, NY 11901 631-369-2233 genfm@optonline.net www.genfm.com

Jandi’s Natural Market

Mulitple Locations www.chipotle.com

3000 Long Beach Rd. Oceanside, NY 11572 516-536-5535 www.jandis.com

Da Vinci’s Pizza

Natural Market


516-889-3939 118 Long Beach Road Island Park, NY 11558

Emerson’s Restaurant

631-669-2333 69 Deer Park Ave. Babylon, NY 11702 emersonsrestaurant@gmail. com www.emersonsrestaurant. com

Granny’s Ice Cream 1153 Jericho Tpke. Commack, NY 11725 631-543-7501

Legal Sea Foods

Locations in Garden City & Huntington Station www.legalseafoods.com

Mama’s Italian Restaurant

631-567-0909 1352 Montauk Hwy. Oakdale, NY 11769

Mr. Miceli’s Pizza

516-764-7701 19 North Park Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Nocello Ristorante 631-262-8565 843 Fort Salonga Rd. Northport, NY 11768 www.nocellos.com

Outback Steakhouse Multiple Locations www.outback.com

P.F. Chang’s China Bistro 516-222-9200 1504 Old Country Rd. Westbury, NY 11590 www.pfchangs.com

Pizza Bistro

4952 Merrick Rd. Massapequa Park, NY 11762 516-797-4747 PizzaBistroNY.com

Tiger Lily Cafe

Plum Tomatoes Pizzeria

631-476-7080 156 E. Main St. Port Jefferson, NY 11797 www.tigerlilycafe.com

Bob’s Natural Foods

Cafe Rustica

631-862-6076 296 Lake Ave. St. James, NY 11780

140 7th St. Garden City, NY 11530 516-279-4973 www.naturalmarketny.com


7 Main St. Sag Harbor, NY 11963 631-725-3636 www.provisionsnaturalfoods. com

Rising Tide Natural Market

42 Forest Ave Glen Cove, NY 11542 516-676-7895 mail@RisingTideMarket.com www.risingtidemarket.com

Second Nature Markets 41 Newtown Ln. East Hampton, NY 11937 631-324-5257 www.secondnaturemarkets. com

Strictly Gluten Free

396 Larkfield Rd. East Northport, NY 11731 631-486-6835 www.strictlyglutenfree.com

Supreme Blends

71 Main St. East Islip, NY 11730 631-277-5404 www.mysupremeblends.com

Trader Joe’s

Multiple Locations www.traderjoes.com

Whole Foods

Multiple Locations. www.wholefoodsmarket.com

Wild By Nature

Multiple locations. www.wildbynature.com

Zenway Natural Food Market 47 E Main St. Bay Shore, NY 11706 631-665-3050 www.zenwayonline.com

516-248-6390 228 Old Country Rd. Mineola, NY 11501

Holistic Practices

Trader Joe’s

Sweet Tomato

Bethany Brown, CHHC

Whole Foods Market

Strictly Gluten Free

Multiple Locations www.traderjoes.com Multiple Locations www.wholefoodsmarket.com

2572 Merrick Rd. Bellmore, NY 11710 516-809-7370 BareNakedBakery.com

Wild By Nature Market

The Best Ever Low Carb Cakes

Gluten-Free Menu

516-541-3640 5497 Merrick Rd. Massapequa, NY 11758 www.besteverlowcarb.com

516-755-1100 3BrothersPizzaCafeFarmingdale.com

631-589-9579 39 N. Main St. 3 Brothers Pizza Cafe Sayville, NY 11782 www.cornucopiahealthfoods. 212 North Long Beach Rd. Rockville Center, NY 11570 com 516-776-3939 www.3brotherspizzacafe.com The Diet Shop 631-981-0882 Bare Naked Bakery 600-16 Portion Rd. & Cafe Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 2572 Merrick Rd. www.thedietshop.biz Bellmore, NY 11710 516-809-7370 Dr. B Well Naturally BareNakedBakery.com 516-932-9355 8 Washington Ave. Café Formaggio Plainview, NY 11803 516-333-1718 516-334-5834 Fairway 307 Old Country Rd. 516-937-5402 Carle Place, NY 11514 50 Manetto Hill Rd. www.cafeformaggio.com Plainview, NY 11803 www.fairwaymarket.com

Bethpage Park Stables SHINE Program (Special Horses Instructing Noble Equestrians) Joan’s Gluten Free 516-531-8007 Great Bakes 499 Winding Road

NYU Child Study Center HorseAbility Katie McGowan Long Island Campus 631-367-1646 Dr. Karen Fleiss 516-358-1811 1981 Marcus Ave., Suite C-102 Lake Success, NY 11042 www.AboutOurKids.org

Cornucopia Natural Foods

516-764-3580 Multiple Locations www.wildbynature.com

3 Brothers Pizza Cafe 75 Merritts Rd. Farmingdale, NY 11735

Multiple locations. www.MySweetTomato.com 396A Larkfield Rd. East Northport, NY 11731 631-486-6835 StrictlyGlutenFree.com

Villa Milano

516-365-3441 168 Plandome Rd. Manhasset, NY 11030

Health Food Stores/Farmer Markets

917-371-7363 664 Merrick Rd. Baldwin, NY 11510

Cleansing Concepts

309 Madison St. Westbury, NY 11539 516-640-5322 www.cleansingconceptsinc. com

Healing Alternatives Judi Talit 516-248-4336

Integrative Healthcare Solutions

516-676-0200 1180 Northern Blvd. Suite 200 Manhasset, NY 11030





long island organic

www.integrativehealthcareso- Concepts lutions.org Jene Aviram 800-823-3430 New Life Chiropractic 21 Gallatin Dr., Suite B Dr. Keri Chiappino DC, Dix Hills, NY 11746 DACNB www.nlconcepts.com 631-265-1223 323 Middle Country Rd. North Shore Learning Smithtown, NY 11787 Associates newlifechi@yahoo.com 516-625-1008 www.newlifechiropractic.com 37 Milburn Ln. Roslyn Heights , NY 11577

Northport Wellness Center

Dr. Alan P. Sherr, DC Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D. 631-262-8505 220 Fort Salonga Rd. Northport, NY 11768 www.northportwellnesscenter.com

Twin Dragon Acupuncture

3 Gaymor Rd. Hauppauge, NY 11749 631-265-9440

Wellness Across America

Janine Campisi DiNatale 631-243-2676 janine@wellnessacrossamerica.com www.WellnessAcrossAmerica.org

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Hbot) Hyperbarics of Great Neck PC

631-262-1272 290 Community Dr. Great Neck, NY 11021 info@northportwellnesscenter.com www.northportwellnesscenter.com

Long Island Hyperbaric and Wound Care Peter Salzer, MD, FACS, Director 516-796-1313 NSLIJ Plainview Hosp. 888 Old Country Rd. Plainview, NY 11803 www.hyperbariconline.net

Hyperbaric Medical Solutions/New Beginnings Community Center 12 Platinum Court Medford, New York, 11763 631-286-6166 www.nbli.org

Learning Programs Brain Quality Performance

Joyce Hansen, MA 631-286-5750 175 Old Stump Rd. Brookhaven, NY 11719 joyce.hansen@gmail.com

Da Vinci Learning Center

631-928-4815 905 Main St. Port Jefferson, NY 11777 www.LandMMultisensory. com

Reading and Learning Development Centers 516-299-2207 631-273-5112 Brookville, NY 11548 Brentwood, NY 11717 www.cwpost.liu.edu/cwis/ cwp/ reading/

Reading/Writing Learning Clinic at Hofstra University

516-463-6535 Joan and Arnold Saltzman Community Services Center Hempstead, NY 11549 www.Hofstra.edu/community/ slzctr/slzctr_reading.html

Smart Brain America

516-437-2930 1614 Hillside Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Info@SmartBrainAmerica. com www.smartbrainamerica.com

Sylvan Learning Centers Multiple Locations www.educate.com

Tutor Time

1-TUTOR-TIME1 Multiple Locations www.tutortime.com

Mental Health Counseling Advanced Psychological Assessment, P.C.

Shahal Rozenblatt, Ph.D. 866-840-9790 50 Karl Ave., Suite 104 Smithtown, NY 11787 neuro@advancedpsy.com www.advancedpsy.com

Doris Aptekar, Ph.D. 516-484-6351 30 The Hemlock Roslyn, NY 11576

Autism Counseling Center

Lorrie Cohen, MS 631-667-6677 3 Fox Hollow Court Dix Hills, NY counseling4today@aol.com autismcounselingconnection.com

Julie Bakalor, LMHC 631-423-1056 117 Main St. Huntington NY 11743

Margaret Bernstein 516-376-2733 2280 Grand Ave. Baldwin, NY 11510

Bio Behavioral Institute

The Functional Learning 516-487-7116 935 Northern Blvd., Suite 102 Center Great Neck, NY 11021 888-880-ADHD www.bio-behavioral.com 124 Percheron Lane Rosyln, NY 11577 Brentwood Mental www.rfbd.org/New_York.htm Health Clinic

The Huntington Learning Center

Multiple Locations www.huntingtonlearning.com

Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes

516-625-5133 20 Roosevelt Ave. Roslyn, NY 11576 www.lindamoodbell.com

Literacy Builders

631-853-7300 1841 Brentwood Rd. Brentwood, NY 11717

Brookhaven Mental Health Clinic 631-852-1070 550 Montauk Hwy. Shirley, NY 11967

Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Svcs, Inc.

Craig Yaris 516-605-0024 88 Sunnyside Blvd., Suite 309, Plainview, NY 11803 info@literacy-builders.com www.literacy-builders.com

516-822-4060 950 South Oyster Bay Rd. Hicksville, NY 11801 www.centralnassau.org

Maximum Potential

631-647-3120 1444 Fifth Ave. Bay Shore, NY 11706 www.fsl-li.org

631-269-4819 2 Pasture Rd. Kings Park, NY 11754 simcoam@aol.com

Nadine DeRovira, Ph.D. 516-377-6233 1351 Merrick Ave. Merrick, NY 11566 nadinejri@hotmail.com

Joan Dorfman Cohen, Ph.D.

516-482-3312 350 Northern Blvd., Suite 310 Great Neck, NY 11021

Family and Children’s Association

516-746-0350 100 East Old Country Rd. Mineola, NY 11501 info@familyandchildrens.org www.familyandchildrens.org

Family & Children’s Services

631-854-9429 3455 Veterans Memorial Highway Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

Family Counseling Service

631-728-7232 Locations in Hampton Bays and Shirley

Family Service League Multiple Locations www.fsl-li.org

Farmingville Mental Health Clinic 631-854-2552 15 Horse Block Rd. Farmingville, NY 11738

FEGS- Health & Human Services System Long Island Services 516-496-7550 6900 Jericho Tpke. Syosset, NY 11791 fegs-li@fegs.org www.fegs.org

Janet Fischel, Ph.D. 631-444-5437 Stony Brook University. Medical Center Level 5, Suite 7 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Keith Harris, MD

631-423-5534 775 New York Ave., Suite 435 Huntington, NY 11743

HIP Center Nassau/ Suffolk Mental Health Services. 1-800-HIP-TALK Locations in Melville and Woodbury www.hipusa.com

Hispanic Counseling Center

34 long island organic

Long Island Phobia & Anxiety

Marilyn Smith, LCSW, ACSW 631-928-6313 Setauket & Plainview msacsw@optonline.net www.longislandphobia.com

Melissa Jewels

631-692-9689 18 Goosehill Rd. Cold Spring Harbor, NY missy7032@hotmail.com

C. Faith Kappenberg, R-C.S.W. 516-625-6056 23 Marion St. Greenvale, NY 11548 kappenberg@aol.com

Robert Katz, MD 516-409-2098 Bellmore, NY 11710

Elaine Lerner, MSW

516-487-0636 233 Seventh St. Suite 200, Garden City, NY 11530 Elaine@ADHDParentTrainer. com www.ADHDParentTrainer. com

Long Beach Medical Center Mental Health Clinic 455 East Bay Dr. Long Beach, NY 11561 www.lbmc.org

James B. Snyder, MD, Director 516-626-2182 2 Main St., Suite 8 Roslyn, NY 11576 www.lipsychiatric.com


516-439-4126 75 Plandome Rd. Suite 21 Manhasset, NY 11030 www.drsawicki.com

Richard Schloss, M.D. 631-385-3328 775 New York Ave. Huntington NY 11743

631-592-1143 232 South 11th St. Lindenhurst, NY 11757

Jamesport Manor Inn

370 Manor Ln. (bet. Main Rd. & Sound Ave.) Jamesport, NY 11947 631-722-0500

Luce & Hawkins

2028 N. Country Rd. (Zophar Mills Rd.) Wading River, NY 11792 631-886-2242

Michael Anthony’s Food Bar

2925 N. Wading River Rd. 400 S. Jamesport Ave. (bet. Main Rd. & Peconic Bay Blvd.) Wading River, NY 11792 631-929-8800 Jamesport, NY 11947 631-722-2900

Village Lanterne

143 N. Wellwood Ave. (bet. Auburn & Bristol Sts.) Lindenhurst, NY 11757 631-225-1690

South Nassau Communitie Hospital

A Mano

Psychological Services



760 Montauk Hwy., (Station Rd.) Water Mill, NY 11976 631-726-0246


670 Montauk Hwy. 13550 Main Rd. (bet. Love Ln. Water Mill, NY 11976 631-726-4444 & Wickam Ave.) Joyce Sprafkin, Ph.D. Mattituck, NY 11935 Debra Machado, LCSW 877-768-8462 631-298-4800 516-333-6626 Robert’s One Healthy Way 117 Pilgrim Lane 755 Montauk Hwy. Oceanside, NY 11572 Westbury, NY 11590 Water Mill, NY 11976 Love Lane Kitchen www.southnassau.org DM2822@cs.com 631-726-7171 240 Love Ln. (bet. Main Rd. & Pike St.) South Shore Child Mattituck, NY 11935 Madonna Heights Galleria Ristorante Guidance Center 631-298-8989 238 Post Ave. Services 516-868-3030 Westbury, NY 11590 631-643-8800 17 West Merrick Rd. 516-997-7373 Backyard 151 Burrs Lane Freeport, NY 11520 90 Second House Rd. (S. Dix Hills, NY 11746 www.southshorechildguidEldert Ln.) www.sco.org/madonna_ Starr Boggs ance.org Montauk, NY 11954 hights.htm 6 Parlato Dr. (Library Ave.) 631-668-9739 Westhampton Beach, NY June Wasserman, 11978 Angelo J. Melillo Center LMHC 631-288-3500 Dave’s Grill for Mental Health 516-761-8188 468 W. Lake Dr. (bet. Flamin516-676-2388 Locations in Roslyn Heights & go Ave. & Soundview Dr.) Whole Foods Market 113 Glen Cove Ave. Rockville Centre Montauk, NY 11954 Multiple locations. Glen Cove, NY 11542 631-668-9190 www.WholeFoods.com www.melillo.org Western Suffolk

Nassau-Suffolk Counseling Services, PLLC

James Sellars, L.C.S.W. 516-364-4728 50 Jackson Ave., Suite C1, Syosset, NY 11791 jsellarslcsw@nscounseling. com www.nscounseling.com

North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center 516-626-1971 Locations in Roslyn Heights, Westbury & Manhasset www.northshorechildguidance.org

631-920-8000 755 New York Ave., Suite 200 Huntington, NY 11743 wsps.info

NaturalIngredient Restaurants Barrique Kitchen & Wine Bar 69 Deer Park Ave. Babylon, NY 11790 631-321-1175

Grey Horse Tavern

1060 Rte. 25A (Pipe Stave Hollow Rd.) Mount Sinai, NY 11766 631-928-8600

Wild Honey Dining & Wine 1 E. Main St. (South St.) Oyster Bay, NY 11771 516-922-4690

The Fifth Season

Dr. Jeffrey I. Kassinove, Ph.D. 516-592-7404 1955 Merrick Rd., Suite 201, Merrick, NY 11566 JKassinove@yahoo.com www.counseling-for-kids. com


Port Washington

Dr. Karen Fleiss 516-358-1811 1981 Marcus Ave., Suite C-102, Lake Success, NY 11042 www.AboutOurKids.org

(Natural/Organic Ingredients)


Ludlow Biostro


588 Westbury Ave. (bet. Glen Cove Rd. & Post Ave.) Carle Place, NY 11514 516-997-5283

Neuropsychology Office of Yvette Feis Yvette Feis, Ph.D. 631 643 8660 212-214-0685 29 Northcote Drive Melville, NY 11747 yfeis@optonline.net


Tiger Lily Café

Psychological Services


34 E. Broadway (bet. Main St. The New York Center & Mariners Way) for Neuropsychology Port Jefferson, NY 11776 and Forensic Behavioral 631-477-8500

291 Bayport Ave. (Railroad NY Psychological Child, St.) Bayport, NY 11705 Adolescent & Family 631-472-1868

Port Jefferson, NY 11776 631-476-7080 (Vegetarian) Wild Honey on Main 172 Main St. (bet. Madison & Monroe Sts.) Port Washington, NY 11776 516-439-5324

Dr. N.G. Berrill, Executive Director 516-504-0018 45 N. Station Plaza, Suite 404 Great Neck, NY 11021 www.nyforensic.com

Z Helps

516-921-0985 2 Hillside Ave. Building E Williston Park, NY 11596 www.zhelps.com

West End Cafe Farm Country Kitchen 187 Glen Cove Rd. (bet. Old Rd. & Westbury Ave.) 513 W. Main St. (bet. Marcy & Social Anxiety NYU Child Study Center Country Sweezy Aves.) Carle Place, NY 11514 - Long Island Campus Berent Associates Riverhead, NY 11901 516-294-5608

Peninsula Counseling Center 516-569-6600 124 Franklin Place Woodmere, NY 11598 www.peninsulacounseling. org

1945 Deer Park Ave. (Schwartz Pl.) Deer Park, NY 11729 631-667-9595

242 Sunrise Hwy. Rockville Centre, NY 516-594-3404

Café Max

79 N. Long Beach Rd. Rockville Centre, NY 11570 516-678-3878

85 Montauk Hwy. (Cove Hollow Rd.) East Hampton, NY 11937 631-324-2004

Nick & Toni’s

136 N. Main St. East Hampton, NY 11937 631-324-3550

Fred Penzel, Ph.D.

The Living Room

Psychological Services Center at C.W. Post

Palm Court at the Carltun

631-351-1729 775 New York Ave. Huntington NY 11743

207 Main St. (Mill Hill Ln.) East Hampton, NY 11937 631-324-5006

516-299-3211 720 Northern Blvd. Brookville, NY 11545

Eisenhower Park (Merrick Ave.) East Meadow, NY 11554 516-542-0700

Riverhead Mental Health Center

Burton & Doyle Steakhouse

631-852-1440 300 Center Dr., 2nd Floor Riverhead, NY 11901

661 Northern Blvd. (Summer St.) Great Neck, NY 11021 516-487-9200

Roosevelt Counseling & Resource Center Tellers American 516-623-1644 Chophouse 175 Nassau Rd. Roosevelt, NY 11575

Sagamore Children’s Psychiatric Center 631-370-1700 197 Half Hollow Rd.

Long Island Counseling Dix Hills, NY 11746 Center At The Family & SCISDCC@omh.state.ny.us www.omh.state.ny.us/omChildren Association 516-437-6050 570 Elmont Rd.

Dr. John M. Sawicki, D.O.

Long Island Psychiatric, PLLC Sandra Schumer

516-538-2613 344 Fulton Ave. Hempstead, NY 11550 www.hisspaniccounseling.org Pederson-Krag Center 631-920-8000 Multiple Locations Laurie Hollman, Ph.D. www.pederson-krag.org 1 Wawapek Rd. Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724

Children and Parents Together (CAPT Center) 516-897-1270

Garrett Butch 877-629-7654 info@maximumpotentialkids. com www.MaximumPotentialKids. Counseling and com Hypnosis by Alesia Simco CRC, CHt, CMT, LMHC Natural Learning

Elmont, NY 11003 www.familyandchildrens.org

hweb/ facilities/scpc/facility.htm

605 Main St. (bet. Locust & Nassau Aves.) Islip, NY 11751 631-277-7070

Jamesport Country Kitchen

1601 Main Rd. (Manor Ln.) Jamesport, NY 11947 631-722-3537


Trattoria Diane 21 Bryant Ave. Roslyn, NY 11576 516-621-2591

Estia’s little Kitchen

1615 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Tpke. Sag Harbor, NY 11963 631-725-1045

Vintage Prime Steakhouse

433 N. Country Rd. (Clinton Ave.) St. James, NY 11780 631-862-6440

Vine Street Café

41 S. Ferry Rd. (Cartwright Rd.) Shelter Island, NY 11964 631-749-3210

Sant Ambroeus

30 Main St. Southampton, NY 11968 631-283-1233

North Fork Table & Inn 57225 Main Rd. Southhold, NY 11971 631-765-0177

Franina Ristorante 58 W. Jericho Tpke. Syosset, NY 11791 516-496-9770


Jonathan Berent, LCSW , ACSW 800-248-2034 516-487-7414 17 Maple Dr. Great Neck, NY 11021 info@socialanxiety.com www.social-anxiety.com

Developmental Support Groups The Cody Center

631-363-6033 Port Jefferson Station., NY 11776

Craniosynostosis and Positional Plagiocephaly Support, Inc. cappsorg@aol.com www.cappskids.org

C.W. Post Psychological Services Center 516-299-3211 720 Northern Blvd. Brookville, NY 11548

Family and Children’s Association

Donna Teichner 516-485-4289 x223 129 Jackson St. Hempstead, NY 11550 www.familyandchildrens.org

Family Counseling and Education Center Robin Shamitz, CSW 516-746-1709 101 Kensington Rd. Garden City, NY 11530

Freidberg JCC - Ezra Center for People with Disabilities

Ann Marie Pedalino, Director 516-766-4341 x160 15 Neil Court



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long island organic

Oceanside, NY 11572 apedalino@friedbergjcc.org www.friedbergjcc.org

Friends of Karen

Nancy Mariano, Regional Director 631-473-1768 21 Perry Street Port Jefferson, NY 11777 www.friendsofkaren.org

Wantagh, NY 11793

South Oaks Child & Adolescent Center of Excellence 631-608-5610 400 Sunrise Hwy. Amityville, NY 11701

Tourette Syndrome Support Group

Grandparent Advocates 631-589-7287 101 Hospital Rd. Supporting Autistic East Patchogue, NY 11772 Kids (GASAK) Margo Messina, LCSW 516-626-1971 x 370 480 Old Westbury Rd. Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Jeffrey D. Kent, M.D. 516-932-0435 23 Briar Lane Jericho, NY 11753

Long Island OCD Support Network

Warren Barlowe 516-681-7861 www.ocd.hereweb.com

Long Island Phobia & Anxiety

Natural Doctors Jillian Finker, ND

South Shore Naturopathic, Inc 2308 Bellmore Ave. Bellmore, NY 11710 (516) 765-3272 www.drfinker.com

Allison Hofmann, ND

Integrative Wellness Centers 548 Roanoke Ave. Riverhead, NY 11901 (631) 722-2246 iwc@optonline.net

Marilyn Smith, LCSW , ACSW 631-928-6313 Locations in Setauket & Plainview msacsw@optonline.net www.longislandphobia.com

Rachel Kushner, ND

Mental Health Association of Nassau County

Steve Nenninger CDN

516-489-2322 16 Main St. Hempstead, NY 11510 www.mhanc.org

Mental Health Association Of Suffolk County 631-226-3900 199 North Wellwood Ave. Lindenhurst, NY 11757 help@mhasuffolk.org www.mhasuffolk.org

Nassau County Neurofibromatosis Support Group 516-833-6461 Hempstead, NY 11550 www.ctf.org

New York Naturopathic 1420 Broadway, 2nd Floor Hewlett, NY 11557 516-317-5998 drrachelkushner@gmail.com www.drrachelkushner.com 109 Randall Ave Port Jefferson, NY 11777 (631) 235-2111 (Fax) 631-551-0204 SteveNenninger@gmail.com www.stevenenninger.com

James Prego, ND

Long Island Naturopathic 560 Main St, Suite 2F Islip, NY 11751 888-339-8683 contact@doctorprego.com www.doctorprego.com

Anne Van Couvering, ND, LMT

Hamptons Naturopathic 17 Main Street, # 5 Sag Harbor, NY 11963 (631) 353-2316 dravcnd@gmail.com www.hamptonsnaturopathic. com

North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center Donielle Wilson, ND, 516-626-1971 CPM 480 Old Westbury Rd. Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 www.northshorechildguidance.org

North Shore-LIJ Health System Fay J. Linder Center for Autism

516-802-8600 4300 Hempstead Tpke .Bethpage, NY 11714 www.nslij.com

Empowering Women’s Wellness - Naturally 317 Thompson St. Port Jefferson, NY 11777 855-316-2114 www.doctordoni.com

Naturopathy Inner Source Natural Health and Acupuncture

Mastic, NY 11950

Leslie Axelrod

516-835-0807 10 Vanderbilt Lane Old Bethpage, NY 11804

Anupama Chawla, M.D. 631-444-5437 Stony Brook Primary Care Center 2701 Sunrise Hwy. Islip Terrace, NY 11752

Robyn Cotler, MS RD 516-496-9496 700 Old Country Rd. Plainview NY 11803

Ellyn Field, MS RD 516-367-4287 8243 Jericho Tpke. Woodbury, NY 11797

Shari Hamburg, MS RD CDN 516-938-2233 12 Michael Rd. Syosset, NY 11791

Martin P. Kaplan

631-331-1710 12 Medical Drive Port Jefferson Sta., NY 11776

Mark S. Lowenheim, M.D. 631-444-5437 Stony Brook Univ. Medical Ctr. Level 5, Suite 8 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Jeffrey Morganstern, M.D.

631-444-5437 Locations in Stony Brook and Islip Terrace

Plainview, NY 11803 vitaminP@prodigy.net www.innersourcehealth.com

Long Island Naturopathic Dr. Prego

NYU Child Study Center 560 Main St, Suite 2F - Long Island Campus 888-339-8683 Dr. Karen Fleiss 516-358-1811 1981 Marcus Ave., Suite C-102 Lake Success, NY 11042 www.AboutOurKids.org

Parenting Solutions/ Therapy Solutions

Stacey Shulman, LCSW Karen Zampa Katz, LCSW 516-308-3710 locations in Roslyn & Bellmore sshulmanlcsw@optonline.net

Parents and Children Together 516-485-1616 129 Jackson St. Hempstead, NY 11550

Sagamore Children’s Psychiatric Center 631-673-7856 197 Half Hollow Rd. Dix Hills, NY 11746

Solution Center of Wantagh 516-679-3079 3366 Park Ave.

Islip NY 11751 www.doctorprego.com contact@drprego.com

Mariaehel Sammis

631-262-8505 220 Fort Salonga Rd. Northport, NY 11768 mariaehel@ carepluswholistic.com www.carepluswholistic.com

Neurofeedback Advanced Mindcare, LLC

Laura Lynn Iacono 516-286-5255 Manhasset, NY 11030 info@onepotatotwotomato. com www.onepotatotwotomato. com

Arnold Scherz, M.D. 631-281-2525 Multiple Locations

Laurie Sloan, MA RD CDN 516-921-2103 29 Gainsboro Lane Syosset, NY 11791

Devin Snyder, R.D. 516-626-2182 2 Main Street, Suite 8 Roslyn, NY 11576 www.lipsychiatric.com

Winthrop Pediatric Specialty Center

516-633-4600 120 Mineola Blvd. Suite 210 Mineola, NY 11501

Old Bethpage, NY 11804

The Viscardi Center 201 I.U. Willets Rd. Albertson, NY 11507 516-465-1464 www.abilitiesonline.org

ACLD (Adults and Children with Learning and Developmental Disabilities) 516-822-0028 807 South Oyster Bay Road Bethpage, NY 11714 www.alcd.org

The Advocacy Center 800-650-4967 www.advocacycenter.com

Alphabet Disorders Association

info@alphabetdisorders.com www.alphabetdisorders.com 516-569-7717 1234 West Broadway American Council of the Hewlett, NY 11557 Blind www.advancedmindcare.com 800-424-8666 www.acb.org

Nutrition & Diet Albert Adler, M.D. 631-265-7272 1 Teapot Lane Smithtown, NY 11787

Farzana Ahsan, M.D. 631-281-4070 1 Lambert Ave.

36 long island organic

800-638-8255 actioncenter@asha.org www.asha.org

Angela’s House

Bob Policastro 631-979-2620 P.O. Box 5052 Hauppauge, NY 11788 BPolicastro@angelashouse. org www.angelashouse.org

Anxiety Disorders Association of America 240-485-1001 information@adaa.org www.adaa.org

Asperger Foundation International

212-371-7755 501 Madison Avenue, 18th Floor New York, NY 10022 info@aspfi.org www.aspfi.org

Asperger Institute

Lynda Geller 212-652-1960 145 E. 32nd Street, 5th floor New York, NY 10016

Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Association

Patricia Schissel, President 516-470-0360 4300 Hempstead Turnpike Bethpage, NY 11714 pats@AHAny.org www.ahaNY.org

American Foundation for the Blind 800-232-5463 11 Penn Plaza, Suite 300, New York, NY 10001 www.afb.org

American SpeechLanguage Hearing


Commack, NY 11725 www.suffolkyjcc.org

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 800-CDC-INFO (800-2324636) cdcinfo@cdc.gov www.cdc.gov

CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Nassau County Chapter 516-932-0903 East Meadow, NY www.chadd.org

CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Suffolk County Chapter 631-981-9270 Ronkonkoma, NY www.chadd.org

Child Care Council of Nassau, Inc.

516-358-9288 925 Hempstead Tpke., Suite 400 Franklin Sqaure, NY 11010 info@childcarenassau.org www.childcarenassau.org

Child Care Council of Suffolk, Inc.

631-462-0303 60 Calvert Avenue Commack, NY 11725 resourcereferral@childcaresuffolk.org www.childcaresuffolk.org

Association for the Help of Retarded Children The Children’s Tumor (AHRC), Foundation Nassau County

One Potato Two Tomato 516-626-1000

Developmental Health Organizations Harvey NYU Child Study Center Dr. Pina LoGiudice, ND, Lac Weisenberg Resource 718-354-7339 Anita Saltz Institute Island Professional Center Center for Anxiety & Mood 100 Manetto Hill Rd., Suite 866-314-7959 Disorders 205 191 Sweet Hollow Rd. Rachel G. Klein, Ph. D., Director and Carrie Masia-Warner, Ph. D., Associate Director www.aboutourkids.org

Association (ASHA)

1-800-323-7938 95 Pine Street, 16th Floor New York, NY 10005 info@ctf.org www.ctf.org

189 Wheatley Road Brookville, NY 11545 www.ahrc.org Suffolk County 631-585-1000 2900 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Cooley’s Anemia Foundation Bohemia, NY 11716 800-522-7222 www.ahrcsuffolk.org www.cooleysanemia.org

Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) 856-439-9099 adda@add.org www.add.org

The Autism National Committee www.autcom.org

Autism Network International (ANI)

COPE Foundation

Karen Flyer, Executive Director 516-484-4993 P.O. Box 1251 Melville, NY 11747 karen@copefoundation.org www.copefoundation.org

EJ Autism Foundation

P.O. Box 464 East Islip, NY 11730 bea@ejautismfoundation.org www.ejautismfoundation.org

Epilepsy Foundation of Long Island 516-739-7733 x140 506 Stewart Ave. Garden City, NY 11530 www.efli.org

Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged

Susan Maxwell 518-474-8889 1 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12238 susan.maxwell@oprhp.state. ny.us www.empirestategames.org

888-326-8644 www.ftnys.org

F.E.G.S. Health & Human Services System Long Island

Services Administrative Offices 516-496-7550 6900 Jericho Turnpike Syosset, NY 11791 fegs-li@fegs.org www.fegs.org

Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) 1-800-929-4040 www.foodallergy.org

The Friendship Connection

516-422-4727 17 Maple Dr. Great Neck, NY 11021 www.thefriendshipconnection.org

Generation Rescue

1-877-98AU TISM info2@generationrescue.org www.generationrescue.org

The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership, Extension of Suffolk County Inc.

Autism Action Network

Custom Education Foundation

Mary Pallotta, President 631-271-3292 P.O. Box 1216 Bellmore, NY 11710 info@guardianbrain.com www.guardianbrain.org

Autism United

John Gilmore, Executive Director 516-933-4050 100 West Nicholai Street, Hicksville, NY 11801 www.autismunited.org

Dierdre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology 201-336-8071 dienviro@humed.com www.dienviro.com

The Guardian Brain Foundation

Hunter’s Hope Foundation (Krabbe Disease) 1-877-984-HOPE info@huntershope.org www.huntershope.org

The International Dyslexia Association

212-252-8584 contactus@autismspeaks.org Disabled And Alone

New York Branch 212-691-1930 info@nybida.org www.nybida.org

Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Long Island

Island Autism

Autism Speaks


Boomer Esaison Foundation

516-746-0077 200 B Armstrong Road Garden City Park, NY 11040 info@esaison.org www.esaison.org

Life Services for the Handicapped, Inc.

Leslie Park, Chairman 212-532-6740 61 Broadway, Suite 510 New York, NY 10006 info@disabledandalone.org www.disabledandalone.org

Early Childhood Direction Center of Nassau (ECDC)

516-364-8580 47 Humphrey Dr. Syosset, NY 11791 Tammy Maier nassauecdc@VCLC.org 631-470-0840 www.vclc.org/early-childbrittanymaiersworld@hotmail. hooddirectioncom center.html BrittanyandFriendsFoundation.org Early Childhood

The Brittany Maier & Friends Foundation

Butler Special Needs Center at the Suffolk Y JCC

Eileen Schneyman, LMSW, Program Director 631-462-9800 74 Hauppauge Road

Direction Center of Suffolk (ECDC)

631-863-2600 99 Hollywood Dr. Smithtown, NY 11787 ECDCSuffolk@ddiinfo.org www.ddiinfo.org

Lifespire, Inc.

212-741-0100 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 301 New York, NY 10118 info@lifespire.org www.lifespire.org

Little Flower Children and Family Services of New York

Cornell University Cooperative

Charlene Schermer 631-813-8309 150 Broadhollow Rd., Suite 120 Melville, NY 11747 info@customeducationfoundation.org www.customeducationfoundation.org

Long Island Chapter 631-752-8500 Suite 403 Melville, NY 11747 www.leukemia-lymphoma.org

Families Together in NYS, Inc.

Autism Research Institute (ARI)

516-354-3300 1205 Franklin Avenue, Suite 110 Garden City, New York 11530 www.autismactionnetwork. org

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

The Little Angel Fund, Inc.

Kathleen Page 1-800-439-2300 120 West John Street Hicksville, NY 11801 kathleen@familyaides.net www.familyaides.net

646-242-4003 www.grasp.org


631-242-8943 323 Concord St. Dix Hills, NY 11746 www.ldanatl.org

Family Aides, Inc.

631-727-7850 423 Griffing Ave., Suite 100 Riverhead, NY 11901 suffolk@cornell.edu www.cce.cornell.edu/suffolk/


Learning Disabilities Association of Nassau/ Suffolk Counties

Jenny & Joseph Tranfaglia 631-736-2512 P.O. Box 510 Selden, NY 11784-0510 www.littleangelfund.org

631-929-6200 2450 N. Wading River Rd Wading River, NY 11792 www.littleflowerny.org

Long Island Autism Conference

Christine ZichittellaHeeren, Event Coordinator 631-245-0293 christine@autismfair.com www.autismfair.com

Long Island Developmental Disabilities Services Office (LIDDSO) 631-493-1700 45 Mall Drive Commack, NY 11725 www.omr.state.ny.us

Long Island Dyslexia Association

631-261-7441 728 Route 25A Northport, NY 11768 information@lidyslexia.org www.lidyslexia.org

Long Island Head Injury Association (LIHIA) Michele Magro, Admissions Specialist 631-543-2245 x 268 65 Austin Blvd. Commack, NY 11725 mmagro@headinjuryassoc. org www.headinjuryassoc.org

Long Island Parent & Family Technical Assistance Center

Steven Held, Director 631-603-3300 887 Kellum St. Lindenhurst, NY 11787

Long Island Phobia Associates

516-938-2890 631-928-6313 Locations in Plainview and Setauket, msacsw@optonline.net www.longislandphobia.com

Long Island Special Needs Advisory Partners (LI SNAP) and Preventive

631.269.5709 info@ahaNY.org www.ahaNY.org

Family Support Services (PFSS) 516-521-1099 1225 Franklin Ave. Suite 325 Garden City, NY 11530 www.longislandsnap.com

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Long Island Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center

Kids in Action of Long Island

Long Island Toy Lending Center for Children with Disabillities

631-414-1126 532 Broadhollow Rd., Suite 118 Melville, NY 11747 longisland@jdrf.org www.jdrf.org/longisland

631-581-6800 Locations in East Moriches and Islip info@kidsinactionli.com www.kidsinactionli.com

Learning Disabilities Association of NYS

518-436-4633 LDA @associationresources. org

Kathy Testaverde 516-221-9255 (WAL K) 3445 Edgerton Ave. Wantagh, NY 11793 info@testaverdefund.org www.testaverdefund.org

Colleen Moseman 516-889-8287 Multiple Locations litlctoys@juno.com www.longislandtoylendingcenter.org

Lupus Alliance of America

Long Island/Queens Af-


filiate 1-800-850-9000 2255 Centre Ave. Bellmore, NY 11710 info@lupusli.org www.lupusli.org

516-227-8665 60 Charles Lindbergh Blvd. Uniondale, NY 11553

Lyme Induced Autism Foundation

Chris Petrosino P.O. Box 1405 Melville, NY 11747 nypaac@yahoo.com www.nsasa.org

Cheryl Viserto 631-696-1452 9 Lynn Haven Place South Setauket, NY 11720 www.lymeinducedautism. com

Make-A-Wish Foundation

Nassau 516-944-6212 1111 Marcus Avenue, Suite LL22 Lake Success, NY 11042 info@metrony.wish.org www.metrony.wish.org Suffolk 631-585-WISH 1 Comac Loop, Suite 1A1, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 www.makeawish-suffolkny. org

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Long Island

Chapter 516-496-2100 325 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, NY 11797 www.marchofdimes.com

Marcus Avenue Early Childhood

Direction Center 516-326-5600 1983 Marcus Avenue, Suite 100 New Hyde Park, NY 10042

Marion K. Salomon & Associates 631-567-3400 516-731-5588 Locations In Bohemia and Plainview info@mksalomon.com www.mksalomon.com

Maryhaven Center of Hope 631-474-4120 455 County Road 101 Yaphank, NY www.maryhaven.chsli.org

Mental Health Association in Suffolk County, Inc. 631-226-3900 199 N. Wellwood Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 info@mhasuffolk.com www.mhasuffolk.org

Mind Freedom International

Nassau/Suffolk Autism Society of America (NSASA)

National Association of School Psychologists 866-331-NASP www.nasponline.org

877-622-2884 www.nationalautismassociation.org

National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities 800-311-3435 www.cdc.gov/ncbdd

National Coalition on Auditory Processing Disorders, Inc.

(NCAPD) Jay R. Lucker, EdD, CCC -A/ SLP , FAAA drj@ncapd.org www.ncapd.org

631-234-9021 516-358-1012 Locations in Hauppauge & New Hyde Park www.mda.org

Nassau BOCES

516-396-2500 71 Clinton Road, P.O.Box 9195 Garden City, NY 11530 info@mail.nasboces.org www.nassauboces.org

Nassau County Department of Social Services

516-227-8268 60 Charles Lindbergh Blvd. Uniondale, NY 11553 www.nassaucountyny.gov/ agencies/dss/DSS HOME .htm

518-459-4499 5 Palisades Drive, Suite 330 Albany, NY 12205 www.nypta.org

New York State Speech- LanguageHearing Association 518-463-5272 nysslha@aol.com

New York State TRAID Project 518-474-2825

National Dissemination Center for Children with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities Disorders Association 800-695-0285 (NLDA) www.nichcy.org/states.htm National Federation for the Blind 410-659-9314 www.nfb.org

860-658-5522 Info@NLDA .org www.nlda.org

Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation

The National Fragile X Foundation

203-401-2070 www.ocfoundation.org

800-688-8765 www.fragilex.org

Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental National Information Center for Children and Disabilities (OMRDD) Youth with 631-493-1700 Disabilities (NICHCY) 1-800-695-0285 nichcy@aed.org www.nichcy.org

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

NIHinfo@od.nih.gov www.nih.gov

National Institute of Mental Health

301-443-4513 nimhinfo@nih.gov www.nimh.nih.gov/site-info/ contact-nimh.shtml

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Information Clearinghouse: www.nidcd.nih.gov

National Multiple Sclerosis Foundation 800-FIGHT-MS www.nmssli.org

National Marrow Donor Program 1-800-627-7692 patientinfo@nmdp.org www.marrow.org

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Stacy Bona 631-864-8337 40 Marcus Drive Melville, NY 11747

Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC) 718-7-AU TISM 30-10 38th Street Astoria, NY 11103 info@qsac.com www.qsac.com


SCO Family Services Lisa Forgione 516-759-1844 x 113 1 Alexander Place Glen Cove, NY 11542 lforgione@sco.org www.sco.org

Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation www.spdfoundation.net

Shire US, Inc.

800-828-2088 www.adhdsupport.com

Spark Development Centers, Inc.

Robert Stevens, CEO 516-568-2100 337 Merrick Road, Suite 4 Lynbrook, NY 11563 stevens@sparkcenters.com www.sparkcenters.com

800-621-3141 www.spinabifidaassociation.org

National Resource Center on ADHD

Special Olympics New York

800-233-4050 www.help4adhd.org

National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)

Spina Bifida Association

liregion@drif.org www.diabetesresearch.org

Long Island Chapter 516-354-4837 218 White Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Lp1020@optonline.net www.sbancny.org

Long Island Region 631-254-1465 819 Grand Blvd. Suite 3 Deer Park, NY 11729 nyso.org/LongIsland/home. php

631-366-5252 236 East Main Street Smithtown, NY 11787

Diabetes Resource Coalition of Long Island Kalpana Patel, M.D. Susan Wilk, Co-Director Jeffrey Morganstern, 631-727-7850 x385 M.D. 423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 100 Riverhead, NY 11901 srw32@cornell.edu www.longislanddiabetes.org

631-444-5437 Stony Brook University Medical Center Level 5, Suite 8 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Leslieann Sussman, President 631-821-9028 12 Hampton Road Sound Beach, NY 11789 kid3418@optonline.net www.sbancny.org

Winthrop Pediatric Diabetes Center

Protect Allergic Kids (PAK)

Stuttering Foundation of America

Down Syndrome

Spina Bifida Association of Nassau County

800-992-9392 info@stutteringhelp.org www.stutteringhelp.org

Suffolk Independent Living Organization (SILO) 631-880-7929 3680 Rt. 112, Suite 4 Coram, NY 11727 info@suffolkilc.org www.suffolkilc.org

Suffolk County Department of Health Division of Services for Children with Special Needs

120 Mineola Blvd, Suite 210, Mineola N& 11501 516 663-4600 www.Winthrop.org

Down Syndrome Advocacy Foundation Cathy Hoffman 516-983-7008 P.O. Box 12173 Hauppauge, NY 11788 dsaf2@optonline.net www.dsafonline.org

Great Living Alternatives for People with Down Syndrome (GLADS) Fritz Trinklein 516-364-2949 P.O. Box 625 Jericho, NY 11753 gladsorg@optonline.net www.glads.org

631-853-3100 50 Laser Court National Down Hauppauge, NY 11788 co.suffolk.ny.us/departments/ Syndrome Society healthservices/children.aspx 1-800-221-4602 info@ndss.org www.ndss.org Talk About Curing

Autism (TACA)

949-640-4401 www.talkaboutcuringautismnow.org

Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

The Tender Loving Care Adult & Pediatric Allergy & Asthma Foundation Specialists LLC 866-642-8852

Dr. Yose Solemoni 516-354-6040 1575 Hillside Ave. New Hyde Park, NY 11040


Tourette Syndrome Association

Long Island Chapter 516-876-6947 P.O. Box 615 Jericho, NY 11753 LongIslandTSA@aol.com www.li-tsa.org

UJA-Federation of New York 516-677-1841 www.ujafedny.org

Advanced Allergy & Asthma

Dr. Ellen Epstein 516-678-0056 165 N. Village Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Vincent R. Bonagura, M.D.

516-622-5070 865 Northern Blvd. Suite 101 Great Neck, NY 11021

United Cerebral Palsy Assossiation of Greater Marie A. Cavuoto, M.D. Suffolk, Inc. James C. Fagin, M.D. 631-232-0011 250 Marcus Blvd. Hauppauge, NY 11788 info@ucp-suffolk.org www.ucp-suffolk.org

Safe Minds (Sensible Action For Ending Mercury-Induced Neurological Disorders) United Cerebral Palsy Elizabeth Kilpatrick Association of Nassau 404-934-0777 County., Inc. eksafeminds@gmail.com

Spina Bifida Association of America

Nassau County Physically Handicapped Paul Arthur PaulNVIC@gmail.com Children’s Program


New York State Physical Therapy Association

State Plaza, Suite 1001 Albany, NY 12223-1150 traid@emi.com www.interdys.org

800-438-9376 www.tr.wou.edu/dblink

National Institutes of Health

Muscular Dystrophy Association

New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC)

Office of Advocate for Persons with National Consortium on Disabilities NYS One Empire Deaf- Blindness

Mollie Biggane Melanoma Foundation

Lilya Popovetsky 516-730-5001 516-377-0945 2998 Shore Drive Merrick, NY 11566 info@multilingualdevelopment.com www.multilingualdevelopment.com



National Autism Association


Multilingual Development Agency, Inc.

Dr. Alexandra de Moura 516-357-8777 1101 E. Stewart Ave. Garden City, NY 11530 www.nyspine.com

New York State Department of Health

1-800-877-8339 www.niaid.nih.gov

516-741-2056 168 Euston Rd Garden City, NY 11530


New York Spine Institute

516-378-2000 380 Washington Avenue Roosevelt, NY 11575 info@ucpn.org www.ucpn.org

516-465-8444 600 Northern Blvd, Suite 214 Great Neck, NY 11021

Steven J. Weiss, M.D., Ph.D. 516-921-2267 175 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 121 Syosset, NY 11791

Pediatric Asthma 631-689-6226 207 Hallock Rd., Ste. 106 Stony Brook, NY 11790

Michael P. Nussbaum, M.D.

Pediatric Cardiology

Rula S. Balluz, M.D. Peter J. Morelli, M.D.

631-444-5437 Stony Brook Primary Care Center 450 Waverly Ave Patchogue, NY 11772

Thomas M. Biancaniello, M.D.

Fredrick Z. Bierman, M.D.

202-245-7468 www.ed.gov/about/offices/ list/ osers/osep

United Way of Long Island

718-470-7350 269-01 76th Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Marion Rose, M.D.

631-376-4092 Samaritan Pediatric Services, 1111 Montauk Hwy. West Islip, NY 11795

Samaritan Pediatric Services Barry E. Goldberg, M.D.

Howard S. Seiden, M.D. 718-470-7350 269-01 76th Avenue, Suite 139 New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Winthrop Pediatric Specialty Center

516-633-4600 120 Mineola Blvd. Suite 210, Mineola, NY 11501

Winthrop Cardiology Associates 516-663-4480 120 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501

Pediatric Dermatology Garden City Dermatology

Pediatric Endocrinology

Family Allergy and Asthma Care

Eastern Suffolk Cardiology

Rachael N. Bitton, MD

631-751-4661 3771 Nesconset Highway Centereach, NY 11720

Ilene J. Goldstein, M.D.

516-470-2020 600 Northern Blvd, Suite 214 Great Neck, NY 11021


Paul A. Lusman, M.D.

Anthony Childs, Long Island Regional Director 516-822-1700 516-822-3570 410 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 201, Jericho, New York 11753

Angela Romano, M.D.

718-470-6270 2035 Lakeville Rd. Ste. 101, New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Unlocking Autism

Diabetes Research Institute Foundation

516-365-3340 Locations in Roslyn and West Islip info@pdcardio.com www.pdcardio.com

516-933-1125 700 Old Country Road Plainview, NY 11803

Dr. Sylvia Kodsi, M.D.


Pediatric Cardiology of Long Island

Theodore J. Daly, M.D., FAAD, FASD 516-227-3377 901 Stewart Avenue, Suite 201 Garden City, NY 11530 Andrew D. Blaufox, M.D. info@GardenCity Derm.com 718-470-7350 www.gardencityderm.com 718-347-5864 269-01 76th Avenue, Suite Leonard Kristal, M.D. 139, New Hyde Park, NY 631-444-4200 11040 516-352-6151 Locations in East Setauket Sandra C. Brunson, and Lake Success

631-283-2070 97 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968

Therese M. Giglia, M.D.

516-562-3078 631-425-0808 Advanced Allergy and Asthma 300 Community Drive Manhasset, NY 11030 Care 158 East Main Street Huntington, NY 11743

631-940-3700 819 Grand Blvd. Deer Park, NY 11729 www.unitedwayli.org/

2500 Rte. 347, Ste. 1 631-689-7700 Stony Brook, NY 11790

718-470-7350 269-01 76th Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Bruce L. Edwards, M.D. M.D.

United States Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)

North Suffolk Cardiology Associates

631-281-2525 Locations in Shirley, HolBarbara L. Seifert, M.D. brook, 631-979-4541 Wading River & Port Jefferson 285 Middle Country Rd., Suite LL-2 Foazia Siddiq, M.D. Smithtown, NY 11787 631-563-2294 Locations in Holbrook Yehuda Shapir, M.D. and East Islip, 516-470-7350 269-01 76th Avenue Smith Haven Pediatrics New Hyde Park, NY 11040 631-361-2121 269D East Main Street Rohit Talwar, M.D. Smithtown, NY 11787 631-376-4092 1111 Montauk Hwy, 3rd Floor, West Islip, NY 11795

Diane H. Cymerman, M.D.

631-751-6262 2500 Nesconset Hwy., Bldg. 17A Stony Brook, NY 11790

718-470-7350 269-01 76th Avenue, Suite 139 New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Friendly Medical Group, 631-376-4092 1111 Montauk Hwy. PC West Islip, NY 11795

516-622-5070 865 Northern Blvd. Great Neck, NY 11021

631-728-9391 182 W. Montauk Hwy. Hampton Atrium Bldg. B, Ste. F Hampton Bays, NY 11946

1-800-404-2898 info@unitedspinal.org www.unitedspinal.org

Dr. Steven E. Rubin, M.D.

631-444-5437 Stony Brook Primary Care Center 450 Waverly Avenue Patchogue, NY 11772

Hema P. Dalal, M.D.

Untied Spinal Association

Alisha Coupe 631-764-8716 alisha@protectallergickids. com www.protectallergickids.com

Manhasset, NY 11030

Sanah Merchant, M.D.

631-928-4990 120 N. Country Rd., Suite 1, Port Jefferson, NY 11777

Peter Logalbo, M.D.

516-465-5360 410 Lakeville Rd. Ste. 108, New Hyde Park, NY 11042

Daniel Mayer, M.D.

Island Cardiovascular Associates

631-979-8880 496 Smithtown Byp Ste 101 Smithtown, NY 11787

Dipak H. Kholwadwala, M.D. 516-562-3078 300 Community Drive Manhasset, NY 11030

Michael A. Lacorte, M.D.

516-562-3078 300 Community Drive - 9 Tower


516-536-3700 Rockville Centre, NY

Rory S. Breidbart, MD 516-482-0347 Great Neck, NY

Dennis Carey, M.D. Phyllis Speiser, M.D.

400 Lakeville Rd New Hyde Park, NY 11040 718-470-3290

Mireya H. Garcia, M.D. 631-444-5437 Stony Brook Primary Care Center 2701 Sunrise Hwy. Islip Terrace, NY 11752

Andrew H. Lane, M.D. 631-444-5437 Stony Brook Primary Care Center 450 Waverly Avenue Patchogue, NY 11772


long island organic

Issac Sachmechi, MD 516-627-0805 3003 New Hyde Park Rd New Hyde Park, NY 11042

Joseph Thomas, M.D. 631-689-4932 1344 Middle Country Road Centereach, NY 11720

Thomas A. Wilson, M.D. 631-444-5437 Stony Brook Univ. Medical Center Level 5, Suite 8 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Winthrop Pediatric Specialty Center 120 Mineola Blvd. Mineola. NY 11501 516-663-4600

Pediatric Gastroenterology Anupama Chawla, M.D. 631-444-5437 Stonybrook Primary Care Center 2701 Sunrise Hwy. Islip Terrace, NY 11752

Fredric Daum, MD, Chief,

Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology 516-663-4600 120 Mineola Blvd., Suite 210 Mineola, NY 11501 fdaum@winthrop.org


Neurological Surgery, P.C.

631-727-6785 15 West Second St. P.O. Box 1023 Riverhead, NY 11901

Jeffrey Morganstern, M.D.

631-444-5437 Stony Brook Univ. Medical Center Level 5, Suite 8 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Pediatric Geneticist Patricia Galvin-Parton, M.D.

631-444-5437 Stony Brook Medical Center, Level 5, Ste. 8 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Pediatric Nephrology Richard N. Fine, M.D.

631-444-5437 Stony Brook Univ. Medical Center Stony Brook, NY 11794

Mid Suffolk Pediatric Associates 631-434-1770 1770 Motor Pkwy. Hauppauge, NY 11788

Dilys A. Whyte, M.D.

631-444-5437 Stony Brook Univ. Medical Center Level 5, Suite 8 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Pediatric Neurology Mary Andriola, M.D. 631-444-2599 Stony Brook Technology Park 179 Belle Meade Rd. East Setauket, NY 11733

Anita L. Belman, M.D.

631-444-2599 SBTechnology Park, 179 Belle Meade Rd. East Setauket, NY 11733

Joseph Gartner, M.D. 631-632-3070 Stony Brook Univ. Putnam Hall S. Campus Stony Brook, NY 11794

Lauren B. Krupp, M.D. 631-444-2599 Stony Brook Technology Park, 179 Belle Meade Rd. East Setauket, NY 11733

Joseph Maytal, M.D Lydia Eviatar, M.D

269-01 76th Ave., Rm 267 New Hyde Park, NY 11040

Pediatric Radiology

866.377.3091 260 Middle Country Rd., Suite 201 631-983-8400 Smithtown, New York 11787 Dvorah Balsam, M.D. Multiple Locations www.nseye.com www.neurosurgeryli.com Harris L. Cohen, M.D. 631-638-2121 NYU Child Study Center Stony Brook University Gail I. Schuman, D.O. Medical Center, The Imaging 631-444-2599 - Long Island Campus Center, 3 Edmund D. PelStony Brook Technology Park Dr. Karen Fleiss legrino Rd. 179 Belle Meade Rd. 516-358-1811 Stony Brook, NY 11794 East Setauket, NY 11733 1981 Marcus Ave., Suite C-102 Lake Success, NY 11042 Dr. Robin Smith Schneider Children’s Hospital 269-01 76th Ave. Pediatric Orthopedics New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Dr. Russell J. Crider www.schneiderchildrenshos- 516-466-3131 Pediatric Urology pital.org 225 Community Drive, Ste. Associates 120 516-466-6953 Great Neck, NY 11021 Gerardo R. Tolentino, 1999 Marcus Ave., M18 Lake Success, NY 11042 M.D. Susan S. Haralabatos, 631-632-3070 Stony Brook Univ. Putnam M.D. Robert J. Wasnick, M.D. Hall S. Campus 631-444-4233 631-444-6300 Stony Brook, NY 11794 Stony Brook Technology Stony Brook Primary Care Park 14 Center Technology Drive, Ste. 11 450 Waverly Ave. Winthrop Pediatric East Setauket, NY 11733 Patchogue, NY 11772 Neurology Viijaya L. Atluru, MD John Labiak, M.D. 400 South Oyster Bay Rd., 631-265-1855 #705 290 E. Main St. Hicksville, NY 11801 Smithtown, NY 11787

Pediatric Urology

Pediatric Oncology

Robert Parker, M.D.

631-638-1000 Stony Brook University Cancer Center, 3 Edmund D. Michael J. Demaria, MD Pellegrino Road Stony Brook, NY 11794 516-676-0239 Glen Cove, NY 11542

Mark S. Lowenheim, M.D.

North Shore Eye Care

Devina Prakash, M.D.

631-638-1000 Stony Brook University Cancer Center, 3 Edmund D. Pellegrino Road Stony Brook, NY 11794

Pediatric Ophthalmology

David Wallach, MD Mark E. Stephen, M.D. Wesley Carrion, M.D. 631-444-2225 Stony Brook Technology Park 181 Belle Meade Rd.,Ste. 5 East Setauket, NY 11733

Orthotics/ Prosthetics Island Prosthetic Lab Inc 631-360-3859 440 Waverly Ave. Patchogue, NY 11772

Alfred J. Cossari, M.D.

Lehneis Orthotics & Prosthetic

Dr. James M. Doyle

Mark Goldberg Prosthetic Labs

631-928-6400 311 Barnum Ave. Port Jefferson, NY 11777

516-764-2972 119 N. Park Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Maury Marmor, M.D. Richard E. Koty, M.D. Michelle Levi, M.D. Eric L. Roberts, M.D.

516-942-4400 Locations in Plainview and Port Jefferson

Sidney A. Martin, M.D. 631-265-8780 260 Middle Country Rd., Ste. 201 Smithtown, NY 11787

Stony Brook University Medical Center

800-775-5672 518 E Main St. Riverhead, NY 11901

631-732-2463 9 Technology Dr. East Setauket, NY 11733

North Shore Orthotics and Prosthetics 631-928-3040 167 Main St. Shinnecock Hills, NY 11968

Nova Care Orthotics & Prosthetics

Brentwood Vision Center 631-273-3335 601 Suffolk Ave. Brentwood, NY 11717

Hatsis Laser Vision

1-888-4NEWE YE 2 Lincoln Ave. Suite 401 Rockville Centre, NY 11570 www.thatislaswervision.com

Huntington Eye Care 631-223-0400 755 Park Ave., Suite 100, Huntington, NY 11743 www.eye-surgeons.net

Long Island Retina

Multiple Locations www.longislandretina.com

Modern Rehabilitation Technology 631-360-6400 329 E Main St. Smithtown, NY 11787

Mutual Orthopedic Company 631-265-4444 18 Bellemeade Ave. Smithtown, NY 11787

38 long island organic

Able Newspaper

516-939-2253 P.O. Box 395 Old Bethpage, NY 11804 contact_us@ablenews.com www.ablenews.com

Ability Magazine


ADDitude Publication 888-762-8475 www.additudemag.com


888-238-8588 www.addvance.com



Asperger’s Syndrome

516-338-8585 516 Mineola Ave. Carle Place, NY 11514

Pediatric Otolaryngology Richard S. Litman, M.D. 631-654-3833 Locations in Patchogue and Port Jefferson

Ghassan J. Samara, M.D. 631-444-4121 Stony Brook Technology Park 37 Research Way East Setauket, NY 11733

Pediatric Pulmonology Marie M. GregoireBottex, M.D.

631-444-5437 Stony Brook Univ. Medical Center Level 5, Suite 7 Stony Brook, NY 11794

Catherine E. Kier, M.D. 631-444-5437 Stony Brook Primary Care Center 2701 Sunrise Hwy. Islip Terrace, NY 11752


Internet Special Education Resources (ISER) www.iser.com


Amy Platt 516-426-7983 516-908-4386 PO box 7472 Hicskville, NY 11802 info@liparentsource.com www.LIParentSource.com

516-569-6733 x204 207 Grove Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516 bar.arnan@fivetownsjcc.org www.fivetownsjcc.org

516-576-2131 225 Executive Dr. Suite LL 108 Plainview, NY 11803 www.allaboutkidsny.com

Kid Esteem, Inc.

Allied Medical and Rehabilitation

Dr. Lee R. Chasen 631-321-6675 411-A Lexington Ave. West Babylon, NY 11704 kidesteem@aol.com www.kidsesteem.com

Kid Success Inc.

Long Island Autism

Lisa La Fada 516-796-0989 2950 Hempstead Tpke. Levittown, NY 11756 www.4kidsuccess.com

The Max Foundation

Kidz Therapy Services, LLC

www.longislandautism.com www.maxfoundation.org

National Institute of Child Health & Human Development www.nichd.nih.gov/autism

Gayle Kligman 516-747-9030 300 Garden City Plaza, Suite 350 Garden City, NY 11530 kidztherapy@kidztherapy. com www.kidztherapy.com

Social Skills Resources

Partners in Action for Learning Social Skills (PALS)

TAP Publication

School for Language and Communication Development (SLCD)


Cerebral Palsy Publication

Catherine A. Bottari, LCSW

516-732-6964 500 Old Country Rd., Suite 300 Garden City, NY 11530 cbottari@optonline.net

Jonathan Cooper, CSW Jonathan Cooper 516-486-5776 Locations in West Hempstead and Port Washington.

Staci Davis, R-LCSW 877-843-7278 cerebralpalsypublication.com 516-292-1271 574 East Meadow Ave. East Meadow, NY 11554 CHILDNETT-TV sdcsw@optonline.net www.childnett.tv Different Needz.com

Family Service League

1-888-343-3639 contactus@differentneedz. com www.differentneedz.com

Penny St. John 631-324-3344 East Hampton, NY

Different Roads to Learning, Inc.

Jennifer Walsh 631-723-2316 Hampton Bays, NY

1-800-853-1057 info@difflearn.com www.difflearn.com

Disability News & View Radio Monica Moshenko

Family Service League

Family Service League

Caroline Rubsamen 631-723-2316

The Friendship Foundation

866-369-8058 monica@disabilitynewsradio. Jonathan Berent, LCSW , ACSW com www.disabilitynewsradio.com 516-872-9383

Dyslexia Teacher


Helping Hands Behavioral Outreach, Inc.

info@firstsigns.org www.firstsigns.org

Vanetta La Rosa 516-870-7826 191 Sweet Hollow Rd. Old Bethpage, NY 11804 hhbo@optonline.net www.hhbo.net


Bonnie Jan

Healing Thresholds

JCC of the Greater Five Towns

Enabling Devices 1-800-832-8697

First Signs, Inc.

www.flaghouse.com www.healingthresholds.com

Cynthia Zenner-Rubesh, OTR/L 631-656-8489 cyndyzr@optonline.net

Cooper Kids Therapy Associates

888-577-9144 516-921-4432 2 Roosevelt Avenue, Suite 300 Syosset, NY 11791 www.cooperkidstherapy.com

Dove Rehab Services for Children


Sandra Levine 631-265-0490

Autism Speaks

Complete Accessibility

info@oneaddplace.com www.oneaddplace.com

15 Neil Ct. Oceanside, NY 11572 The Autism Perspective www.friedbergjcc.org 1-877-328-8476 info@theautismperspective.org www.theautismperspective.org

516-221-0225 2154 Newbridge Road Bellmore, NY 11710

516-935-3683 2520 Hyacinth Court Westbury, NY 11590 Long Island Psychiatric, info@doverehab.com PLLC www.doverehab.com 516-626-2182. 2 Main St. Suite 8 Central Park Therapy Roslyn, NY 11576 Cora Gross / Karen BevaJohnson Therapeutic www.www.lipsychiatric.com/ laqua Lori Johnson services.asp 631-549-6994 262-820-8266 150 Broad Hollow Rd., Suite lori@johnsontherapeutic.com www.johnsontherapeutic.com Marie Mistretta, LCSW, 100 BCD Melville, NY 11747 516-248-4581 Sensory Processing 101 Hillside Ave., Suite 101 Creative Therapy Disorder Williston Park, NY 11596 Learning Center www.sensory-processing631-348-2142 disorder.com North Shore Child & Family info@creativetherapykids. Guidance Center com Spectrum Publications 516-626-1971 www.creativetherapykids. Evelyn Ain 480 Old Westbury Rd. com 516-933-4050 Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 100 West Nicholai St. Excel-Abilities, LLC Hicksville, NY 11801 North Shore-LIJ Health Michele J. Petherick, PT info@spectrumpublications. System Fay J. Linder 516-690-3681 com Center for Autism websupport@excel-abilities. www.spectrumpublications. com Ann Marie Werz, CSW com www.excel-abilities.com 516-802-8600 4300 Hempstead Tpke. Bethpage, NY 11714 The Feldenkrais ® www.nslij.com Center for Wellness In

One ADD Place


Autism Today

Progressive Orthotics


Barry & Florence Online Asperger Friedberg Syndrome Information JCC / Ezra Center and Support (O.A.S.I.S.) 516-766-4341 x109

516-481-9670 Student Initiatives 631-751-6966 www.autismspeaks.org Locations in West Hempstead and Stony Brook

631-444-4090 Stony Brook Technology Park 33 Research Way S P Prosthetics & East Setauket, NY 11733 www.stonybrookhospital.com Orthotics 516-565-1519 117 Broadway West Hempstead, NY 11552

Pediatric Optometry

Health Publications/ Websites

Internet Resources for Special Children

516-626-2182 Roslyn, NY

Bracha Arnan

Gina LaBella 516-609-2000 x 120

Sid Jacobson JCCWeekday Program Sharon Denison, Dir. SP.N.Pgm. 516-484-1545 x148 300 Forest Dr. East Hills, NY 11549 sdenison@sjjcc.org www.sjjcc.org

Sid Jacobson JCCWeekend Program Danielle Slade 516-484-1545 300 Forest Dr. East Hills, NY 11549 dslade@sjjcc.org www.sjjcc.org

Social Connection Center

631-696-2499 socialskills@optonline.net Social Skills Training Project Dr. Jed Baker, Ph.D., Director 29 Collinwood Road Maplewood, NJ 07040 jandbbaker@aol.com www.socialskillstrainingproject.com

Variety Child Learning Center 516-921-7171 47 Humphrey Dr. Syosset, NY 11791 www.vclc.org


Lisa Nathanson, PT 516-431-1383 4025 Austin Blvd., Suite 2 Island Park, NY 11558 lisaninlb@hotmail.com www.anatbanielmethod.com

Harvey Manes Wellwood Physical Therapy 631-226-8762 256 Wellwood Ave. Lindenhurst, NY 11757

In Touch Hand Therapy 516-798-1722 690 Broadway, Suite 100 Massapequa, NY 11758

Integrated Therapeutic Solutions 631-841-3899 P.O. Box 1264 Center Moriches, NY 11934

Island Therapies of Suffolk, LLP

631-392-0081 1 Brandywine Dr Deer Park, NY 11729 www.islandtherapies.org

Kids First Evaluation & Advocacy Center Dawn Plumitallp 631-243-1765 1755 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park, NY 11729

Kidz Therapy Services, LLC

Gayle Kligman 516-747-9030 516-576-2131 300 Garden City Plaza, Suite 350 Garden City, NY 11530 kidztherapy@kidztherapy. com www.kidztherapy.com

Yours, Ours and Mine Community Center (YOM)

Millenium Children’s Therapy

Physical/ Occupational Therapy

New York Physical Therapy

516-796-6633 152 Center Lane Levittown, NY 11756

All About Kids

631-421-3949 132 Wall St. Huntington, NY 11743 admin@mmctherapy.com www.mmctherapy.com

516-358-8911 828 Hempstead Tpke. Franklin Square NY 11010



New York Therapy Placement Services, Inc.

Barabara Johnston 631-473-4284 5225 Nesconset Hwy., Suite 30 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 therapyLI @nytps.com www.nytps.com

NY Spine Physical Therapy

631-289-0044 475 E Main St. Patchogue, NY 11772 www.harveymanesmd.com

O’Connell, Selig & Associates, LLP

Bonnie O’Connell 631-549-1280 709 West Jericho Tpke. Huntington, NY 11743 info@oconnellandselig.com www.oconnellandselig.com

Progressive Physical Therapy 516-797-7003 700 Broadway Massapequa, NY 11758

Maribeth Rocchio MEd. LCSW 631-470-5549 631-351-1461 14 Thea Lane Huntington, NY 11743 mrocchio@optonline.net

Sacred Family Wellness

Rosalie Menduni M.A. OTR/L 516-677-1994 898 Oysterbay Rd., East Norwich 2 Calvert Drive - Syosset rmtherapy@verizon.net

1840 Union Blvd. Bayshore, NY 11706 Stillwatergroup@hotmail. com

South Shore Medical & Rehabilitation 516-379-7550 175 West Merrick Rd. Freeport NY 11520

St. Charles Rehab

Lynn Drucker, Development Department 516-739-4900 201 I.U. Willets Rd. Albertson, NY 11507 squinn@abilitiesonline.org


Tanya Ciancio, ABA Clinical Supervisor 631-851-9486 1767 Veterans Hwy. Islandia, NY 11749 tanyaciancio@theracare.com www.theracare.com

The Therapy Center for Children 631-207-1053 156 North Ocean Ave. Patchogue, NY 11772 info@therapycenterforchildren.com www.therapycenterforchildren.com

Speech Therapy All About Kids

516-576-2040 225 Executive Dr. Suite LL 108 Plainview, NY 11803 www.allaboutkidsny.com

Allied Speech Language Therapy

South Shore Medical & Rehabilitation

Robert Domingo, Ph.D. 516-249-5477 516-777-2821 399 Conklin St., Suite 201 Farmingdale, NY 11735

Stillwater Therapy Group

All Island Speech Therapy- The Center for Stuttering Treatment & Communication Disorders

516-379-7550 175 West Merrick Rd. Freeport NY 11520

Rae Zysman 631-647-7885


Lori Melnitsky, MA CCCSLP Stuttering Specialist 516-776-0184 7 Linda Ln. Plainview, NY 11803 lori@allislandspeech.com

American SpeechLanguage Hearing Association (ASHA) 800-638-8255 actioncenter@asha.org www.asha.org

Cooper Kids Therapy Associates

888-577-9144 516-921-4432 2 Roosevelt Ave., Suite 300 Syosset, NY 11791 www.cooperkidstherapy.com

Communication Development Services Alan L. Johnson 516-783-1441 2175 Wantagh Ave. Wantagh, NY 11793

H.E.A.R.S. Audiology, P.C. (Hearing, Education, Assessment & Related Services) Kathleen Page 631-360-HEARS (4327) 516-731-5573 732 Smithtown Bypass (Rte.347) Ste. 301 Smithtown, NY 11787 www.hearsny.com

services/speech_language. Asp

The Language for Interaction Center

Avital Balsam, MA CCCSLP 516-374-8914 Woodmere, NY 11598 talibalsam@hotmail.com

631-493-5859 Located in Commack and Manorville

New York Speech Consultants (NYSC)

Judy and Stephen Cavallo 516-628-1090 Oyster Bay, NY www.nyspeechconsultants. com

Island Speech Pathology Services

South Shore Center for Speech, Language & Swallowing Disorders, LLP

Debbie Cantor-Apfel 516-692-5675 65 Hofstra Drive
Plainview, NY 11803

Kids in Action of Long Island, Inc. 631-581-6800 252 Islip Ave. Islip, NY 11751 info@kidsinactionli.com www.kidsinactionli.com/

Steven M. Asofsky, M.A., L.S.P., C.C.C. 631-669-7098 400 Montauk Highway Suite 152, Babylon, NY 11702 www.southshorecenterforspeech.com

Stuttering Therapy Long Island

American Hippotherapy Association

888-290-0878 www.arttherapy.org

215 Hallock Rd., Ste.6B Stony Brook, NY 11790 SuffolkSpeech@hotmail.com www.myofunctionaltherapyandspeechcenter.com

Suffolk Hearing and Speech Center, Inc.

Creative Arts and Expression


631-653-3787 691 Rte. 25A # 13 Miller Place NY 11764


The American Art Therapy Association

Tammy Maier 631-470-0840 380 Deer Park Rd. Dix Hills, NY 11746 brittanymaiersworld@hotmail. com www.bmff.org

Nancy Freshley, Director 631-277-6000 631-277-6852 369 East Main St., Suite 1 NY Speech Consultants East Islip, NY 11730 516-628-1090 The Therapy Center for 142 Lexington Ave. Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Children 631-207-1053 156 North Ocean Ave. PROMPT Therapy Patchogue, New York 11772 for Children with info@therapycenterforchilVerbal Apraxia Donna dren.com Lederman, M.A., CCC, www.therapycenterforPLLC childen.com 917-715-4303 Locations in Williston Park and Commack dglederman@yahoo.com Kidz Therapy Services, www.donnalederman.com

Sound Therapeutics

Art Therapy

The Brittany Maier Suffolk Center for Myofunctional Therapy Music & Arts Center for & Speech Rehabilitation Special Needs

Myofunctional Therapy Janine Stiene & Speech Rehabilitation 631-689-6858

Island Therapies of Suffolk, LLP

631-392-0081 Deer Park www.islandtherapies.org

SLP 516-496-4451 38 South Oyster Bay Rd. Syosset, NY 11791 lcaggiano@aol.com www.stutteringtherapylongisland.com


Gayle Kligman 516-747-9030 300 Garden City Plaza, Suite 350, Garden City, NY 11530 kidztherapy@kidztherapy. com www.kidztherapy.com

New York Therapy Placement Services, Inc.

Barabara Johnston 631-473-4284 5225 Nesconset Hwy, Suite 30 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 therapyLI@nytps.com www.nytps.com

Susan Lau, Ms Ed, ATR, LCAT 631-525-1012 Port Jefferson, NY arttherapy@optimumonline. net www.integrativearttherapy. com

Lois Plitt Warren, MPS, ATRBC, LCAT 516-967-7530 Great Neck/ Lynbrook, NY loispw@gmail.com

Not Just Art

Jessica, Director 516-922-8300 183 South St. Oyster Bay, NY 11771 create@notjustart.com www.notjustart.com

Behavioral Intervention New York Therapy Placement Services, Inc.

Barabara Johnston 631-473-4284 5225 Nesconset Hwy., Suite 30 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 therapyLI@nytps.com www.nytps.com

www.americanhippotherapy association.org

Physical Therapy In Motion

Lori Garone, MA, PT, HPCS 516-376-7292 cell 20 Dakota St. Hicksville, NY 11801 lgarone@americanhippotherapy association.org www.americanhippotherapy association.org

Music Therapy The Music Academy for Special Learners Sandra Kane/Maria LaMon 631-615-6707 320 Smithtown Blvd. Ronkonkoma, NY 11799 vmconcepts@optonline.net www.speciallearningpiano. com

Jennifer L. Pacht, CMTMA 212-996-9019 516-331-6865 65 E. 11th St., Apt. 2A New York, NY 10003

Sensory Street Kids

80 Orville Drive #100 Bohemia, NY 11716 631.828.8890 www.sensorystreetkids.com info@SensoryStreetKids.com

The Rebecca Center for Music Therapy John Carpente, Executive Director 516-678-5000, ext. 6643 Molloy College, 1000 Hempstead Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11571 jcarpente@erols.com www.therebeccacenter.org

Lee Caggiano, M.A., CCC-



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40 long island organic



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