Volume 10, Issue 11 - Not So Friendly Skies

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Sound Smart at a Party which can lead to problems with vision. The new research could be a setback to around the country have been reporting plans for longer missions in deep space. a rise in Tide thefts, which are so rampant in some cities that task forces A woman in Atlanta found herself have been set up to track the number of stuck after she tried to reach into bottles in stores. Stores have heightened an apartment complex’s trash chute security because of the problem, and to retrieve her phone. Police say the in some places Tide is kept in a locked 19-year-old mistakenly dropped her cell container and an employee must get it phone in a fast food bag and threw it for customers. Why is it so hot on the into the trash chute. When she realized street? Crooks shoplift the detergent her phone was MIA, she reached in for to buy drugs, cops say. Referred to as the bag, but got stuck in the process. “liquid gold,” Tide, which retails for $10 Luckily, her friends were able to call to $20 a bottle, can go for as much $5 authorities, who freed her by moving to $10… the dumpster at the end of the chute and pulling her out. Talk about a trashy Yes, it’s true. There’s a down side to mistake… being an astronaut. A new study shows that brain and eye problems have shown Around 300 bicyclists in Lima, up in astronauts who spent more than Peru, protested the safety conditions a month in space. Researchers looked of cyclists by riding through the city at MRIs of 27 astronauts who spent naked. Event organizer Octavio Zegarra an average of 108 days in space, either said the reasoning behind the disrobed on space shuttle missions or aboard the demonstration was that “this is our International Space Station. The astro- body. With this we go out in the streets. nauts who spent more than a month We don’t have a car to protect us.” Yes, in space over their lifetime had com- we’re thinking what you’re thinking. plications similar to a syndrome caused That must not have been a pleasant by unexplained pressure on the brain experience for the male protestors. Or known as intracranial hypertension, the females, come to think of it… Tide laundry detergent is cleaning up on the black market. Authorities



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A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that Canadian hospitals school their American counterparts. Research-

ers compared patient results among Canadian hospitals that spent more on care and those that spent less, and found that patients in the first category had lower death rates and were less likely to be in intensive care. On the U.S. side, it wasn’t so black and white. Higher spending at American hospital systems didn’t guarantee better results. It’s because Canada’s system of universal health care allowed patients longer hospitalization and more specialist visits…

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Long Island Press

“She’s always with me. Her spirit is strong; it’s a strong spirit. I feel her pass through me all the time.” —Bobbi Kristina Brown on her late mother, singer Whitney Houston, during an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey. The interview was shown during Oprah’s Next Chapter, Sunday, March 11, 2012 on the OWN network. (AP Photo/Harpo, Inc.)


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Letters To the Press High Tide for Clean Water Dear Editor: Thank you for your well-researched and comprehensive article about a subject that should be a top priority for all Long Islanders: protecting the local drinking water supply as well as the health of the bays and estuaries [“Septic County,” Feb 23]. In Nassau and Suffolk counties, we may live above our water supply but, as many of us know, we’re not above being better stewards of this life- and economy-sustaining resource. That is why we must heed the advice of environmentalists, scientists, and elected officials and take swift but thoughtful action to reverse the decline in Long Island’s water quality. There’s also a critical need to reduce our water consumption – by homeowners, businesses and industry alike. As your article illustrates, our use of water is closely tied to the quality of our water supply. Relying more on water efficient products and recycling wastewater can help to reduce contamination (as well as consumption). We should give serious consideration to the creation of a commission or agency that’s primary mission would be oversee and protect LI’s drinking water supply. Maybe a Water Bill of Rights is in order. Hey, we’ve got an airline passenger bill of rights. Why not one for water! Clean water needs to be a top priority for all of us – LI’s economic and environmental future depends on it. Kyle Rabin Program Director (Water and Energy Programs) GRACE Communications Foundation

Targeting Paul Dear Editor: There is an alternative to “Rick-Off Target” [“The Target,” Feb. 16]. Texas Republican Congressmember and Presidential candidate Ron Paul is refreshingly candid. This is why he came within several hundred votes of beating Mitt Romney in the Maine Republican Presidential caucus. Too many candidates for public office base and or change their views on issues of the day upon responses from voter focus groups and polling. Agree or disagree with Paul, you know that his thoughts are original, authentic and based on principles. This may be why he is polling No. 1 with under 30, first time and independent voters. All three are critical in building a winning coalition in the November general election. Many voters like Paul’s consistent defense of both economic and civil liberties. They can agree with Paul that what consenting adults consume, inhale, perform, read or view in the privacy of their own home or private social club isn’t the concern of government. Individual economic and civil liberties prosper best when government stays out of both the bedroom and marketplace. Paul offers voters a real choice versus the other GOP Presidential candidates Romney, Santorum and Gingrich who collectively offer more of the status quo. Sincerely, Larry Penner Great Neck

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! Yahoo Church Mets News Hamm

The Target Yahoo!—off target The Internet search engine giant files a lawsuit against Facebook, claiming FB has infringed upon 10 of its patents, including those covering social networking and privacy controls. Um, Yahoo? As the kid said in the movie, “If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you would have invented Facebook.” Church—off target Church foreclosures, triggered by the 2008 financial crisis, surge as banks are no longer willing to grant struggling religious organizations forbearance, according to real estate information company CoStar. Looks like the crowd at Occupy just got a whole lot bigger.

The Mets—off target Mets team owners prepare for trial, accused of reaping $83,309,162 in phony profits on Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. The Mets say they are innocent victims, but if found guilty, they’ll have to pay up to $303 million in restitution. On the bright side, ESPN analyst Keith Law feels the Mets could be in a position to contend by 2016! ess


News of the World—off target The former newspaper editor for Rupert Murdoch’s British tabloid News of the World, Rebekah Brooks, is arrested in London along with six others in connection to the phone-hacking scandal that led to Brooks’ resignation last summer. And yet no one is ever arrested when an American starlet’s cell phone is “hacked” and her nude photos are “leaked.” Weird. Jon Hamm—off target After referring to Kim Kardashian as a “f**king idiot” in the new issue of Elle UK, the Mad Men star amended his statement somewhat, saying, “What I said was meant to be more on pervasiveness of something in our culture, not personal.” Uh huh. First off, calling someone a “f**king idiot” sounds kinda personal to us. Second, why backtrack? She’s clearly a f**king idiot! Homeless Hotspots—off target A marketing stunt that paid homeless people to carry Wi-Fi signals during SXSW in Austin, Texas, is drawing widespread criticism. BBH Labs, a unit of the global marketing agency BBH, gave 14 people from a homeless shelter mobile Wi-Fi devices and T-shirts that announced “I am a 4G Hotspot” and paid them a minimum of $50 a day. So…which is the greater transgression here? Giving money to the homeless? Or encouraging more blog updates from SXSW?

Pink Slip JOSEPH KONY The madman at the helm of the so-called Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a Ugandan guerrilla group, was indicted for war crimes in 2005 by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, but has to date eluded capture. Among some of Kony’s dirty work: the systemic abduction and forced sex slavery of children, the forcible enlistment of more than 66,000 children as child soldiers and countless atrocities, including rape and murder, of innocent people throughout central Africa. The twisted warlord recently became a movie star, with KONY 2012—a documentary exposing his evil acts—going viral across the Internet and social networking sites, such as Facebook. It’s racked up more than 100 million views in less than two weeks as part of a campaign by nonprofit Invisible Children, with the goal of raising global awareness of the sicko’s sinister crimes, his arrest, and help set a precedent for international justice. Kony, you are a vile, wretched, poor excuse for a human. You twist religion to fit your murderous pedophilic psychosis machinations and pervert the very air you breathe. You are slime. You are lesser than scum. You are nothing. You will be brought to justice. Kony, burn in hell. Before you eternally sizzle, however…You’re fired, you sick, warped bastard!


The Quote

The Photo

“I can honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it… It makes me ill how callously people talk about ripping their clients off…”

An aurora borealis swirls in the sky over the Yukon River village of Ruby, Alaska, a checkpoint of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. (AP Photo/The Anchorage Daily News, Marc Lester)

–Goldman Sachs Executive Greg Smith in a scathing open letter to the New York Times, in which he resigned from the company

The Equation


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1 viable candidate??? Food


3. HAVE A LEPReCHAUN LATTE: Irish eyes are smiling at Hampton Coffee Company (Westhampton Beach & Water Mill). The local espresso bar and café is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with two specially-themed beverages: the Leprechaun Latte, a chocolate mint espresso blend; and Irish crème flavored coffee, with the warm taste of Irish whiskey and the smoothness of fresh cream, both available from 6 a.m.-6 p.m., daily. Stop by before lunchtime and try out some free samples. What better way to say “Top o’ the mornin’!”

4. YOUTUBE “LOVE AND THE SMALL PRINT TRAILER”: Featuring local actors and scenes filmed in Dix Hills, the latest project from NY-based film company Beast of the East, Love and the Small Print, was accepted into the Short Film Corner of this year’s Cannes Film Festival. The story focuses on three couples navigating through dramatic events, but not all of them survive with their sanity, or life, intact. Check it out. 5. DOWNLOAD DRAW SOMETHING: This app is becoming wildly popular with more than 1 billion drawings created in 79 countries. And it’s a game you can play with friends. Whatever do we mean by that? Think of it as a future-forward version of Pictionary.

6. PLAY MARIACHI WITH TWISTED SISTER: In honor of Cinco de Mayo, Hornitos Tequila is teaming up with ’80s rock legends Twisted Sister for a mariachi remake of their headbanger classic “We’re Not Gonna Take It.” For a chance to appear in the video, visit www. facebook.com/hornitostequila. 7. YOUTUBE “KRISTIN WIIG AS PAULA DEEN”: It’s Kristin Wiig, ya’ll! And she’s at her very best doing a butter-and-oil soaked impression of Paula Deen. The SNL skit is hilarious, but the reality is not so amusing. Following allegations that Deen’s restaurant was home to racism and sexual harassment, the celebrity cook is facing a recipe for disaster that even another stick of butter can’t fix. 8. GOOGLE “CARRIE BRADSHAW’S TOWNHOUSE”: Any Sex and the City devotee can tell you that visiting the iconic brownstone that housed HBO’s most beloved sex columnist would be on their Manhattan site seeing to-do list. The good news is that Ms. Bradshaw’s old digs are on the market, the bad news is that you’re going to need $9.65 million to get it. We’ll settle for a drive by view from the Sex and the City tour bus. 9. GO SEE THE HUNGER GAMES: If you’ve been a devoted reader of this cult series, get ready for the first movie in the franchise, which could be as explosive as Twilight but, hopefully, less annoying. Based on Suzanne Collins’ novels, The Hunger Games is set in a fragmented futuristic society where the government selects teens to battle one another as part of punishment for a failed uprising. With early online ticket sales breaking records, this film promises to be one of the bigger releases of the spring. The Hunger Games hits theaters on March 23. 10. HAVE A HEARTY HELPING OF CORNED BEEF… and cabbage, soda bread and green beer. After all, St. Patty’s Day comes but once a year! Need help in the kitchen? Think that picture to the left looks delicious? It is. Google “A Corned Beef And Cabbage Recipe That Rocks” and see for yourself. You won’t be disappointed. News


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2. Check out SXSW Coverage: Music fans know this time of year means the Austin-based citywide festival, South by Southwest. Though it’s a hike from New York, the Texas festival has a slew of websites, magazines, and other publications covering it through March 18. The festival represents the spectrum of music, hosting acts ranging from hardcore/metal genre’s to bubble gum pop rock and with “best-of” or “don’t miss” lists popping up all over the web, Long Islanders have been given a lens to see just what’s going on in Austin.

The Rundown

1. LAUNCH ANGRY BIRDS INTO SPACE: Look out universe, angry birds are breaking the atmospheric barrier and headed to a planet near you. We’re not sure what effects the lack of gravitational pull will have on their launching capabilities, but you’ll find out soon enough. Angry Birds Space officially blasts off into space (and is available to download) on March 22. One small fling for a bird, one quantum leap for birdkind!

The Book Habibi By Craig Thompson In 2003, graphic novel publisher Top Shelf Press released Craig Thompson’s Blankets, a 600-page opus filled with lovely, swirling, thick black line drawings and deceptively simple text that somehow captured all the wonder and heartache that comes with growing up. Blankets quickly became a beloved graphic novel, winning multiple awards and earning a spot on bookshelves across the globe. My point is: Craig Thompson had a lot to live up to. He does a valiant job with Habibi, an even longer tale (672 pages!), which has roots in a lot of big ideas: Islam, Christianity, women, men, love, relationships, slavery. But let’s talk about the art for a moment: Thompson’s drawings no longer exist to support the story, but now often take center stage, with fantastically detailed panels that are crammed with characters, patterns and designs, all elegantly molded to the panels. It’s visually stunning. At its heart, Habibi is the story of Dodola and Zam, two orphans who find each other in a very cruel and oppressive world, and are saved mostly by their love for one another. Circumstance splits them up and keeps them apart for years, as both dedicate their internal lives to the other. Dodola is captured and held captive in a harem; Zam, left alone, begs on the street until a group of eunuchs takes him in. The story zigs and zags through the heartache of their separation and the difficult decisions they must make on their own. There are religious themes that, while fascinating, sometimes overwhelm the truth of the story: the relationship between these two souls. Habibi ends on a note of brightness, but the trip there is dark and dirty, and it’s a long ride through the beautiful but unforgiving world that Thompson has fashioned. —Jenn Kane For more of Jenn Kane’s book reviews, go to allreadup.wordpress.com. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// heThe number of members of the Perez Organization, a heroin-trafficking ring, charged in an indictment at federal court in Central Islip on Tuesday, March 13. Eighteen alleged members of the ring were arrested during raids in Queens, Brooklyn and Long Island. Among those arrested are 10 people from LI who acted as dealers, authorities said. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

B-List B-Day KEVIN “MR. SPEARS” FEDERLINE March 21, 1978 Dancer, rapper, model and actor Kevin Federline is an Aries, an adventurous sign known for living carelessly in the moment. K-Fed dropped out of high school in the ninth grade to be a dancer, but it worked out for him. He went on to dance with everyone from Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake to Beyonce and Pink. But all things that go up surely must come down. K-Fed’s latest achievements include stints on Celebrity Fit Club and WWE Raw. But no matter how many lows are hit, this fire sign is known for bouncing back and crossing the finish line first, so don’t ever try to beat them. Whether it’s skydiving, firewalking—or in K-Fed’s case, Britney Spears—you can be sure an Aries has already done it.

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Off the Reservation

Still shot from Peter King’s YouTube video posted by political website Talking Points Memo

BY Jed Morey, Publisher, Long Island press Facebook.com/JedMorey


Petey’s Big Adventure Earlier this week House Rep. Pete King (R-Seaford) uploaded a video of a ride-along with U.S. Marshals performing raids in the Bronx and Brooklyn. In the video King can be seen wearing a police jacket and following marshals who’ve starred in the reality television show Manhunters up the stairs and into a suspect’s apartment. After the bust King is heard joking with them, saying, “I got him,” then listening to an official describe kicking a suspect down a ladder during the raid. That’s our Pete. Tough on crime. The only problem is that the filming of Petey’s Big Adventure is technically against the law. The video began circulating on the Web after a story first appeared on the political website Talking Points Memo. According to the story, King’s people took the video down from YouTube, then reposted an edited version later in the day. TPM reports differences between the versions saying, “Clips of an officer kicking in a

door, a joke about how King ‘got’ a suspect and an officer describing to King how he kicked someone, perhaps the suspect, off a ladder were cut out.” The edited version was also later taken down. Considering how many laws and rights we’ve thrown out the window over the last decade, this incident will likely die out in short order. And since the marshals are going after law-breaking reprobates, few will care about the violation of federal protocol. What bothers me is how ridiculous he looks on the video. Not only does King represent Long Island, but he’s also the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee. Instead of looking official or important, he looks like a 7-yearold about to take his first ride through Safety Town in Eisenhower Park. Wearing a police jacket (illegal) when you’re not a cop while taping a bust inside a person’s home (illegal)

and filming yourself joking about it (legal but stupid) is just about the last thing we need this guy doing as the head of the Homeland Security committee. But judging by the plurality of his victories, Long Islanders love Rep. Pete King. Some people can’t seem to get enough of him. The “take no prisoners” attitude exhibited by LI’s anti-American sentiment like some full-time congressman and part-time loudmouth running back pumping pugilist whips his dedicated base into up the opposition. Meanwhile, our a frenzy. He is always on hand to offer servicemen and women are cracking commentary on global situations— under pressure and displaying personal particularly when it comes to military anguish in horrific ways. Recent affairs or law enforceincidents reported ment issues. or caught on video King never backs of soldiers burning down from conflict; if Qorans and urinating anything, he seems to on dead Taliban invite it. He doesn’t fighters—and the duck reporters or most recent tragedy in shrink from controAfghanistan when a versy and has even U.S. soldier reportedly shown a willingness to executed 16 unarmed publicly battle his own villagers—are overparty when he disagrees shadowing the positive with its leadership. work being done by These are sentiour military. ments that are uttered Our mission by King’s propoin Afghanistan was nents and detractors supposed to be to alike. But while many disrupt terrorist cells, find these qualities not take over the entire appealing, I consider country and leave them to be dangerous. our men and women Not because these there to languish in aren’t admirable traits in a person, but an undefined, unethical and unwinbecause of his position in Congress. nable war. This was sold as a homeland Peter King is incapable of nuance and security mission, not an occupation. separating his emotion from policy- This is why watching the head of the making and is forever insulting various House Homeland Security Committee ethnic groups, sometimes entire gleefully lumber along behind U.S. nations. Moreover, when he speaks he Marshals on a raid while a staffer films insults the intelligence community by it for YouTube is so utterly juvenile displaying a remarkable and ridiculous. Instead lack of, well, intelligence. of screwing around in A bigger problem the Bronx living out is that King’s bellicose facebook.com/jedmorey some sort of unfulfilled nature and incapacity cop-fetish-fantasy, I for subtlety makes him walking fodder wish this guy would focus on getting for terrorists. He routinely offers our most precious possessions out of bulletin board material that stokes Afghanistan.

He routinely offers bulletin board material that stokes antiAmerican sentiment like some loudmouth running back pumping up the opposition.


to comment on “Off the Reservation” email jed at JMorey@longislandpress.com


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Jerry’s Ink BY JERRY DELLA FEMINA, Publisher, the Independent

Steve Jobs For President

Pure Island joy.

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I now own an iPhone and it is the most amazing instrument ever put on this earth. It does everything. It even has Siri, a tiny little woman who lives in the phone and answers any question I ask her. Steve Jobs was a genius. I must say Steve is lucky he died when he did because if he were still alive today, and by some wild chance Rick Santorum got himself elected President, Santorum would take one look at the magical instrument called the iPhone and have its creator, Steve Jobs, burned at the stake as a witch. Sadly, because of a physical problem, I must give up my new iPhone. I have these fat chubby overweight fingers. My fingers cannot type a simple email on the iPhone’s itty bitty, teeny tiny keyboard. My thumb covers half the keyboard. So when I go to type THE QUICK BROWN FOX, it comes out TYA QUIZM BRATON FUC. By the time I correct it with my slow-moving, arthritic fingers, two hours have gone by and it doesn’t pay to send the message. The iPhone also has a feature called Predictive Typing where, when you are writing an email, before you spell out an entire word the iPhone anticipates what you are about to type and spells it out. This is eerie. This is the work of the Devil. Recently a friend sent me an email and asked me how I was doing. I answered “I’m good,” but as soon as I painfully tapped the first two letters, “g-o,” for “good,” the Predictive Typing message thought I was saying “God,” so my friend got a message that read: “I am God.” She wasn’t surprised because she knows me and she knows that I think I am God. But telling a stranger you’re God could present some problems. Here’s the good news. When I take my iPhone back to the Apple Store, they will take one look at my chubby hands and give me my money back. The Apple Store is the greatest retail store in the history of retail stores. I will never forget the first time I walked into the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue. It was packed with people from all over the world. I walked in and worked my way through the crowd, which was speaking Chinese, Greek, Swahili, when suddenly a clean-cut

young man walked up to me and said, “Can I help you?” Being a typical New Yorker I took one step back and quickly put my hand over the wallet in my back pocket. “H-h-h-h-help me?” I managed to stammer. “Sure,” he said. Totally disarmed, I handed him an iPad with a shattered screen and proceeded to speak the guilty gibberish everyone speaks when they try to return an item. “I have had it maybe a year or two … don’t know what’s wrong … never dropped it (a lie) …. it never got wet (a bigger lie) …” The young man nodded sympathetically as though he had never heard this rap before. Then he said, “May I have your American Express card and driver’s license, please?” In a minute the young man was back. “You’re still on warranty. Enjoy your iPad.” Then he handed me a new iPad, smiled and went on to help the next confused stranger. Paranoia aside, I’ve been back 20 times, and I’m always greeted near the door by some clean-cut young person anxious to help. I’ve walked in to buy a new set of those white Apple earphones that tangle as they come out of the box and for which I’m sure Steve Jobs will burn in purgatory for the next 500 years. And when I asked where the earphones were, the nice young woman who greeted me with a “May I help you?” didn’t point. She walked me across the store and showed me the different earphones Apple offers. Steve Jobs has built a great company. The stores are clean, beautifully designed and filled with eager, intelligent, hard-working young people. The products are great. Apple under Steve Jobs’ vision is run far better and is far more profitable than the United States government. Which brings me to a political note: If the Republican hardliners manage to screw Mitt Romney out of the nomination, as a Republican I plan to cast a write-in vote for Steve Jobs for President. It’s obvious to me that a dead Steve Jobs will make a far better president than a live Rick Santorum.

If you wish to comment on “Jerry’s Ink” email Jerry at jerry@dfjp.com

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On a recent Friday afternoon at Long Island MacArthur Airport, only two people were spotted on the vast second floor of Veterans Concourse—and they were both working there. The cashier, an attractive young woman, was chatting with a male employee resting his arms on a stack of unsold magazines. “It’s a slow airport,” she smiled. Not a passenger was in sight. Downstairs, however, was a different story as men, women and children began lining up before their flights. Their voices rose and fell with anxiety and anticipation, their carry-on baggage added to the growing buzz, whumping and whooshing while being dragged closer to the check-in counter. It’s a scene repeated in countless airports across America but one that has become a rarer commodity in Islip, unfortunately, because there is trouble in the air at MacArthur. “We used to have a thriving airport,” says Islip Town Supervisor Tom Croci. “We went from having 46 flights a day to 16 flights a day in the past five years. We’ve seen the airport go from four or five airlines to now one and a half, with Southwest and some flights from U.S. Air.” Besides MacArthur Airport, there is only one other town-owned airport in New York State: the Adirondack Regional Airport in Harrietstown. Questions abound whether Islip’s partisan politics are swirling around the runways like a bad crosswind. The answers come from opposite horizons. “I think the airport has been neglected in the past five years,” says Croci, a Republican, leaning forward at his conference table in his supervisor’s office at Islip Town Hall, “and I’m looking to do whatever I can to provide all the tools and resources 12

Long Island Press


‘right now a lot of people drive past macarthur to go to kennedy and laguardia just because you don’t have the flights out of islip.’ –joseph loccisano, president of long island business aviation

to the commissioner and the airport team to make sure that we increase the number of flights out of that airport and make it an attractive destination and an attractive departure point for Long Islanders—and also for people who want to come and visit New York.” This week, Croci formally announced the appointment of Terry Hennessey, British Airways manager at Baltimore Washington Marshall International Airport and Washington Dulles International Airport, as the new deputy commissioner of the Islip airport. “Terry is a seasoned professional who has demonstrated his ability to create positive and sustained results in a very demanding environment,” said Teresa Rizzuto, Long Island

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MacArthur Airport commissioner, in a press release. “I am delighted to welcome him to the team.” The announcement capped months of speculation about how much longer Commissioner Rizzuto herself may remain on the team, given that the airport—and her role in running it—became a hot button issue in the recent supervisor’s race. Rizzuto’s premature departure could imperil the airport’s ascent after the recession, since she has been in the captain’s seat piloting the airport’s potential growth into new markets with additional airlines. Rizzuto was picked by Croci’s Democratic predecessor, Phil Nolan, after a three-month nationwide search in 2007. A wellrespected administrator, she has won

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recognition in the aviation industry and numerous awards—as well as a frequent spot on the Long Island Press’s much coveted “Power List.” In fact, MacArthur Airport was the venue for the 2011 gala for the honorees. Nolan was unsparing in his praise of Rizzuto’s achievements. “This is a woman, a single mother, who started out in the ’90s as a baggage handler at Kennedy and became one of the first female baggage handlers in the history of the airport,” Nolan says. Soon “she was in charge of all the baggage handlers and several years after that she was running Terminal A at Newark, which is roughly the size of Long Island MacArthur Airport. So she has distinguished herself practically beyond belief in a male-dominated field.” Rizzuto had literally started at ground level in 1992 at JFK and by 1999 United Airlines had made her general manager of their Newark terminal with a $30 million budget. Four years later, she was also running United’s hub at Washington Dulles International Airport, alternating weeks between New Jersey and D.C. Hennessey, who’s spent more than 30 years in the aviation industry, has an “excellent” reputation, said a source with broad knowledge of the nation’s airport management system who asked not to be named. Both the present and the past Islip supervisors agree that the airport known by its acronym LIMA can be an economic engine for our area’s recovery. But in the heat of last fall’s campaign they didn’t see eye to eye at all. At a September meeting of the Long Island Metro Business Action, Croci reportedly referred to Rizzuto as a “glorified baggage handler,” a charge that took off in the partisan atmosphere.

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macarthur airport Commissioner teresa rizzuto is hoping to land more airlines at islip. She just got a new deputy commissioner on board her team.

Meeting with the Press last week, Croci was adamant that the “comment was never made the way that it was expressed…it was turned into something.” Nolan said that Croci’s campaign was so desperate for an issue to use against him that it blamed his administration for the airport’s decline in business when the global recession was the culprit. “Anyone with a brain in their head…realizes that we run the airport, but we don’t dictate how many customers come to

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the airport,” Nolan says. “We did everything we can do to let people know we’re here. You have a down economy!” A 2011 study by the New York State Department of Transportation, citing 2010 data, summarized the situation this way: “The impact of the current national/global economic recession has been significant to the aviation industry nationwide and in New York….Airports in New York State [that were] hit harder by the recession than the national averages include…Long Island MacArthur.”

334,000 people live in Islip but only 49,709 of them cast their ballots last November, and Croci beat Nolan by 343 votes. It was an upset that rocked Long Island’s political world: an incumbent unseated by a newcomer. Croci, a Lieutenant Commander now with the U.S. Naval Reserve, has been deployed twice to Afghanistan with a Navy SEAL team and served as deputy executive secretary of the Homeland Security Council for two presidents. He got his start in politics as a college intern working for Rick Lazio when he was the Republican congressman representing the district. The election also gave him a town board with no opposition: four

Republicans (including Croci) and a Conservative. Nolan’s victory in 2006 had made him the first Democratic supervisor in 40 years, so to many observers his defeat last November simply meant that Islip was reverting to its normal, Republican ways. But according to a December report, registered Democrats now outnumber Republicans by 2,000 people: 63,000 Democrats, 61,000 Republicans and 43,000 “blanks.” Regardless of the numbers, only a little more than 27 percent of these registered voters bothered to show up at the polls last fall. Nolan had first come to the supervisor’s office in 2006, winning a special election after bribery and campaign fraud scandals forced out Republican Supervisor Pete McGowan in his 14th year in office. McGowan had been instrumental in bringing Southwest Airlines to MacArthur, putting the airport on the map by all accounts, and subsequently getting the new concourse named after himself. McGowan later admitted to Suffolk County District Attorney Tom Spota that

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he’d used more than $30,000 from his campaign to pay for expensive restaurants, spa treatments and massages as well as take vacation trips to Ireland and Florida, and he’d laundered $52,000 in kickbacks through his campaign account. McGowan wasn’t the first Islip elected official to ever get into trouble with scandal. The airport, which began as a military facility in World War II and was later renamed after Gen. Douglas MacArthur, ensnared town leaders in the 1960s, particularly town attorney Walter Conlon. Even Newsday’s then-Suffolk editor, Kirk Price, was “buying some tax land up around MacArthur Airport,” and he was “involved in land deals with the Republicans,” as detailed in Robert Keeler’s Newsday: A Candid History of the Respectable Tabloid. Price had no interest in pursuing that story, and it languished until the paper’s legendary investigative reporter Bob Greene looked into it. Price and his wife had invested “only a $50 binder in a choice piece of airport property and later made a profit of $33,000 when they and their partners sold the land

‘We used to have a thriving airport. we went from having 46 flights a day to 16 flights a day in the past five years.’ –Islip town supervisor tom croci

to a syndicate that included [town councilman Donald] Kuss,” wrote Keeler. Those days of looser ethics for journalists and lawmakers are hopefully long gone—at least on Long Island. But the last thing the airport needs today is a hint of political scandal, which is why the recent change in town leadership and its potential impact on airport management has drawn such wide interest around the Island. MacArthur Airport’s potential to rejuvenate the region’s economy is seen as key. According to several

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recent studies, MacArthur Airport generates some 6,085 jobs in the surrounding community (1,200 people employed at the facility) and $577 million in annual economic activity, at least in 2010. Maintaining the facility is a constant demand. Modernizing it is a necessity. In 2005, the airport’s freshly poured concrete apron, which covers gates five through eight where planes park next to the concourse, had to be repaired because its six-inch base apparently wasn’t thick enough to resist the frost cycle and was starting to crack. Airport officials worried that debris collecting in the cracks could get sucked into the jet engines, creating a dangerous situation. That problem has since been fixed. The

airport also boasts a two-year-old control tower. Currently underway at MacArthur Airport are two improvement projects funded from passenger fees collected by the airport: One is a better terminal access roadway for $7.2 million; the other is a new drop-off canopy and vehicle inspection canopy for $2.7 million. Just last week it was announced that Dunkin’ Donuts has signed a 20-year lease to open up space left vacant by T.G.I. Friday’s restaurant. But the news people are waiting for—that a new airline is coming to the concourse—is still just pie in the sky. In January, JetBlue’s president and chief executive officer, David Barger, toured the facility with Commissioner Rizzuto, Supervisor

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no passengers rush for the gates or crowd the check-in counters at macarthur’s main concourse. But these scenes could change if new airlines add flights.

Croci and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY). “We continue to make the case to JetBlue that MacArthur has much to offer and we’re hopeful that JetBlue will decide that Islip is the right fit for their northeastern expansion,” Schumer tells the Press in a statement. “Currently, Long Island’s population is greater than 19 states and the infrastructure in Islip is already in place. MacArthur, already an important component of Long Island’s economy, has the capability of being a jobs juggernaut for the region, particularly if it is able to tap into the full potential of the passenger market that the Island has to offer.” Several months ago US Airways

announced it was reinstating two daily round-trip flights to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The new flights start March 25. Air Canada and Ireland’s Ryanair have also been reported sniffing around Islip to see which way the wind is blowing. “I know for a fact that the airport commissioner is entertaining quite a few airlines right now,” says Joseph Loccisano, president of Long Island Business Aviation. Which airlines they might be remain hush-hush for now. “To come to a new place is a major, major decision,” says Nolan, who was in office when US Airways decided to increase its flights from MacArthur. “People could lose their

aviation experts say, the industry looks poised for a comeback, but serious problems persist, particularly with congestion at our region’s big three airports, which account for a third of all U.S. air traffic. Delays at JFK, Newark and LaGuardia ripple across the country. The national average delay is 10 minutes, but in our region it’s already double that and expected to get worse. A recent study by the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, which runs those three huge airports as well as the smaller Stewart International Airport upstate in Orange County, pointed out that MacArthur and Stewart could both play an important role in the near future to relieve air traffic, which has reached

careers over it if they get it wrong. They’re very hesitant. It’s a remarkably complex equation.” According to a recent report in Reuters, the air industry “is in recovery mode after a decadelong downturn that saw several major airlines fall into bankruptcy.” Companies have trimmed costs through cuts in capacity and mergers, and raised ticket prices to give them “a much-needed toehold on stability.” The two carriers that service MacArthur Airport, Southwest and US Airways, both reported positive news recently; quarterly profits are up for Southwest and US Airways’ on-time performance had its best month in February. Overall,

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“crisis proportions,” and that would certainly be to Islip’s benefit. “The only answer is more pavement!” says Loccisano. “The only way you’re going to solve the congestion problem is to add more runways and more airports. Islip is definitely the next step.” He’d like MacArthur to extend its 5,000-foot runway so it would have two 7,000-foot runways rather than just one, which he says would give large commercial aircraft more flexibility in case of crosswinds. There are no plans on the table right now to do so, and the shorter runway was no deterrent when carriers were booking 80 to 90 flights a day from Islip. With the future in mind, planners at Brookhaven and Islip have worked together to submit the “Ronkonkoma and MacArthur Airport Transit Oriented Development,” aka the Ronkonkoma hub project, to the federal government as part of the Long Island Regional Planning Council’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, aka CEDS for policy wonks. The goal is to “turn [around] a blighted

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area around the LIRR station in Ronkonkoma and connect it to Long Island’s only major commercial airport… This will spur business growth at the airport. To make these projects a reality, a regional sewage treatment plant is needed.” The proposal, valued at $324 million, calls for $35 million just for the

there needs to be more flight opportunities. Right now a lot of people are driving past MacArthur to go to Kennedy and LaGuardia just because you don’t have the flights out of Islip.” “If the economy turns around and the growth doesn’t follow,” he says, “then maybe the right decisions

‘anyone with a brain in their head...realizes that we run the airport, but we don’t dictate how many customers come to the airport.’ –Phil nolan, former islip town supervisor

sewage treatment plant. Adding to MacArthur Airport’s regional appeal is its proximity to the Islip Foreign Trade Zone, a 52-acre site (with a couple of parcels still available) that allows companies to avoid costs associated with importing and exporting goods with other countries, according to Tracey Krut, the zone’s executive director. “Good things are ready to happen there,” says Loccisano. “But

aren’t being made at the airport for whatever reason.” “Without sounding too partisan, I think the airport for the past four years has been undermarketed,” says Frank Tantone, Islip Republican chairman. “Look, there’s more than one way to do things. And some of it was economics but some of it was not being advertised properly or more efficiently. I think as the economy comes back and

maybe we take a different tack, the airport will also start to thrive again.”

Leaving on a jet plane

When Croci took office, he moved Eric Hofmeister, who had filled in for eight months as Islip supervisor after McGowan had resigned, from his job at the airport where he’d been deputy commissioner and made him the town’s head of its Resource Recovery Agency, which manages Islip’s solid waste system. The newly opened No. 2 spot at the airport fanned speculation that Croci was going to pay off his backers with a political appointment. Croci put that theory to rest—at least temporarily—when he brought in Hennessey from British Airways this week. But the echoes of the recent campaign when Rizzuto’s upward career path from ground career to airport manager was called into question haven’t died down. “People care about the airport,” says a well-connected Suffolk political insider with experience in county government who asked not to be Continued on page 25

Jerry Laricchiuta, President

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Continued from page 16

named. “They were scratching their heads in the campaign wondering why Croci was going after Rizzuto. She’s a real professional, a competent person, the best manager the airport’s ever had in my lifetime…. You don’t want morons and political hacks running MacArthur.” This Republican, not an Islip resident, expressed the concern that others outside the town shared with this reporter that Tantone and Suffolk Conservative Party Chairman Ed Walsh were exerting too much pressure on the newly elected Supervisor Croci to get their people hired by the town. “Everywhere when a new regime takes over, they bring in people they’re confident in and they trust,” says Walsh. “I mean [Suffolk County Executive] Steve Bellone is bringing in a lot of Democrats in Suffolk County. That’s just the way it works.” Business leaders agree. “You want to have the best talent you could possibly muster to administer these airports. They are too important to be administered by people with no credentials,” says Desmond Ryan, executive director of the Association for a Better Long Island. Others weren’t convinced. “The airport should not be political! It should be hands-off,” says an elected Suffolk official with ties to Islip, who asked not to be identified. “If Croci moves on Rizzuto, I think that would be a big mistake for him. I think he’s realized now that he shouldn’t get dragged into this stuff because he’s too young, he’s too sharp, he’s got to be thinking to himself: ‘Do I really need to be identified as a hack?’” Indeed, Supervisor Croci would not let Commissioner Rizzuto speak to this reporter on the record, nor were other town commissioners permitted to do so. All questions to them had to go through the public information office. When pressed in his office, Croci would not give this reporter reassurance that his airport commissioner’s tenure was secure. “It’s one of the toughest job markets in our lifetime and the hardest thing in the world is to let a person go,” says Croci, adding that News


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he was in the Bush administration when President Barack Obama came in. “I think Secretary Condoleezza Rice was one of the finest secretaries of state in our history and President Obama didn’t keep her. It wasn’t because she wasn’t a skilled secretary of state that didn’t have the ability; he wanted his own team—the people that shared his values and his vision. That’s what we’re doing.” Political observers concur. “It is under the jurisdiction of the supervisor to do as he sees fit with anyone within the administration. That’s the political lay of the land,” says Ryan. “You could have an individual who’s competent, capable and qualified with impeccable credentials but if that individual does not have the confidence of the chief administrator of the town, then all of the politicking aside is lost.” What Rizzuto thinks of this change in town leadership she’s not saying, but people who know her closely say never underestimate her. “Teresa has the appearance of a China doll but she has a steel rod running down the middle!” says a source with close ties to Islip but who asked not to be identified. “She’s a very strong person with tremendous character and integrity, and she’ll do what she has to do because she’s made a commitment to move this airport forward. Unfortunately, I think Mr. Croci’s priorities are somewhat askew. “We desperately need more direct flights and airlines,” this source continued, “and Commissioner Rizzuto is the person who is on the verge of landing those deals. Does it make any kind of sense for a man who promised to untie the hands of the commissioner— which, by the way, were not tied— to ditch her?” Airline executives crave reliability in an industry that is battling the elements day and night, coping with rising fuel prices and falling customer demand. Whether MacArthur Airport can provide them the stability they need to make a commitment to come to Islip is a question still up in the air.

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With additional reporting by Mike Ventimiglia Food


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affects a limited number of people at a school as large as Penn State is going to have that much of an impact in the future,” said guidance counselor Christine Natali. Naviance, a website used to analyze data about college and career plans, states 53 of the 603 in the graduating Class of 2012 applied to Penn State University, an increase by eight students from last year. “I want to go to Syracuse because I like the school,” said sophomore Christian Handlik. “I was disappointed when I found out [about the scandal] and I didn’t want to believe it, but it didn’t change my mind about

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1/31/12 1:05 PM


Broken Heart Syndrome, What Is It Really? Loss of a loved one, winning the lottery, losing a job, all are situations that cause extreme stress and may break your heart, literally. Broken Heart Syndrome is a temporary heart condition brought on by sudden stress. The symptoms including chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat and generalized weakness, as per founder of Heart and Health Dr. David Kavesteen. Any long-lasting chest pain, a very rapid or irregular heartbeat, or shortness of breath after a stressful event should be taken seriously as they could also be signs of a heart attack. Anyone experiencing those symptoms needs to call 911 or get emergency medical assistance immediately. What causes broken heart syndrome? Dr. Kavesteen believes that the surge of stress hormones, such as adrenaline plays a major role. 30



Long Island Press


MARCH 1 - MARCH 7, 2012


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These hormones will increase blood pressure increasing your heart rate, which could induce fatal arrhythmia and cause sudden cardiac death. A short term squeezing of the arteries (arterial spasm) of the heart may play a role. Broken heart syndrome is different from a heart attack. Heart attacks are caused by a complete blockage of an artery. In broken heart syndrome, the arteries are not blocked, although blood flow may be temporarily reduced. It appears that most people who have broken heart syndrome are women 50 or older. Rarely is broken heart syndrome fatal. However, complications can include: Disruptions in heartbeat (increased or decreased heartbeat) or shortness of breath due to fluid backing up into lungs (pulmonary edema) .


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For more information please visit www.HeartAndHealth.com. FOOD


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Long Island Press Arts, Entertainment & Nightlife


Thursday p.29

Friday p.29

Saturday p.31

Sunday p.31

Week of March 15 - March 22, 2012

Monday p.31

Tuesday p.32

Wednesday p.32

Ongoing Senior Days @ Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum, Huntington Historical Society, Heckscher Museum of Art, Northport Historical Society Monthly events including lectures, art-making, exhibit tours, films, musical performances and more. Visit http:// seniordays.weebly.com for events calendar and listings. Annual Photo Contest @ Gurwin Applications available at www.gurwin.org.



Jolie Holland of The Be Good Tanyas plays the City Winery on Wednesday, 3.21.


LONG ISLAND SPA WELLNESS WEEK The largest nationwide initiative dedicated to helping Americans lead healthier and happier lives, is coming back to Long Island and throughout the week, spas, yoga studios, health clubs, salons, and other wellness businesses in the area will offer spa treatments, private trainings, and more for either 50 percent off or flat-rate $50 deals. Many businesses will also be hosting free consultations, minitreatments, and workshops to help local residents look and feel their best. For a full list of participation businesses visit www. wellnessweek2012.com.—Daphne Livingston

Venue addresses and information can be found on Page 32



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Venue Info p.32

Do This Event Listings

DIZZY REED (OF GUNS ‘N ROSES) @ OLLIES POINT Even though he wasn’t in Guns ‘N Roses when it was founded in 1985, Dizzy Reed is the longest-tenured G’NR member after Axl Rose. Reed’s indoctrination into the band was in 1990 and he quickly started making contributions to the group starting with Use Your Illusion I and II. Since then he’s been a part of whatever G’NR ends up doing whether it was releasing the Ill-fated Chinese Democracy or going on random tours. During his down time, Reed has kept busy with his band Hookers N’ Blow. For this Long Island date, the Illinois native is staying close to his roots by appearing on a bill with G’NR tribute band November Rain. With Big Hair Daze, Panzie & War & Blues. Friday, 3.16. —Dave Gil de Rubio

THE BLACK KEYS & ARCTIC MONKEYS @ MADISON SQUARE GARDEN While Jack White and his late lamented White Stripes seemingly cornered the market on two-man bands, Akron twosome The Black Keys has created an increasingly intriguing and eclectic canon while simultaneously achieving great commercial success in part thanks to the band having the distinction of being Warner Brothers Records most-licensed band in 2010. Following up on the ginormous sales of that year’s Brothers, the Keys popped out the 2011 follow-up El Camino back at the end of December. Once again tapping hip-hopleaning knob-twirler Danger Mouse to produce, the Ohio natives have continued its upward trajectory so much so that this is the second time they’ve headlined Madison Square Garden in the past two weeks. Thursday, 3.22.—DGdR

Thursday p.32


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Long Island Press

Women’s Activism and Empowerment: A Global Perspective @ Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center Featuring the work of Ana Elisa Fuentes, noted photojournalist, human rights activist, and visual artist, through 4.11. thursday 3.15 Tyson @ Bay Street Theatre With best-selling author Steven Gaines moderating a panel discussion on violence.

Immortal Technique @ Irving Plaza YOSH/Picastro/ Sondra Sun-Odeon @ St. Vitus Marianne Faithfull & Marc Ribot @ City Winery Also 3.16. thursday 3.16 John Lennon Imagined @ YMCA Boulton Center Allman Brothers Band @ Beacon Theatre Far more important than the NCAA, the Allman Brothers Band’s traditional run of dates at the Beacon is truly the only March Madness whose mania is worth getting caught up in. An annual event since 1989, this year is not only the twentythird anniversary of this event, but is extra special given how 2012 is also the fortieth anniversary of Eat a Peach. Through 3.25.—DGdR Brian McFadden @ Brokerage Comedy Club Also 3.17.

Squarepusher @ Webster Hall

Saw Doctors @ Irving Plaza

Joe Hurley & the Gents @ Joe’s Pub Also 3.17.

Betty Buckley @ B.B. King Blues Club & Grill

Ballyhoo! @ Ollies Point With Hazmat Bay.

The Pilgrim/Slow


Continued on page 30

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1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons

Gross HH Max. Annual Income

1BR: $37,536 $62,897 1BR: $37,536/ 2BR: $45,456 $71,882 2BR: $45,456/ 3BR: $52,128 $80,868 2BR: $45,456/ 3BR: $52,128 $89,853 3BR: $52,128 $97,041 3BR: $52,128 $104,229

George Lopez @ Best Buy Theater Also 3.17. Erin Go Murder! @ Villa Umberto,

Ladysmith Black Mambazo @ Landmark on Main Street With a history dating back to its founding in 1960, Ladysmith Black Mambazo has almost single-handedly spread the legacy of South African a-capella music styles known as isicathamiya and mbube. After

Poetry Reading @ Hillside Public Library With award-winning


Cooperative efforts of the Town of Huntington & AvalonBay Communities, Inc. have enabled apartments to be rented for:

– Avalon Court –

Rents** are set as follows: 80% Median HH Income Apt. Size Mo. Rent 1BR $1,564.00 2BR $1,894.00 3BR $2,172.00

20 PARTIES THAT WILL ROCK YOUR SHAMROCKS 1. St. Patrick’s All-Day Party @ Lily Flanagan’s, 345 Deer Park Ave., Babylon. Lily’s opens their doors at 9 a.m. for a full Irish breakfast, shows the Ireland vs England rugby game at 11 a.m., brings out the Irish step dancers and buffet at 3 p.m. and the DJ takes over at 8 p.m.

** Rent is adjusted annually & calculated after Utility Allowance Deductions

Fair housing laws will be followed. To receive an application, please contact Carmen Echeverria with the Long Island Housing Partnership Office at

866-978-1681 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, or visit Avalon Court at 100 Court North Drive, Melville, NY 11747.


2. Get Your Irish On @ Bulldog Grille, 292 Merrick Rd., Amityville. Irish drink specials—$3 Jameson shots, $4 Guinness pints—and free Irish buffet from 4-6 p.m.


t’s that time of year Isles fans. The games are ramping up and the players are ready to go. Join us as we push through the Eastern Conference against some of our fiercest rivals in the most intense action of the season!

3. St. Patrick’s Day Celebration @ Paddy’s Loft, 1286 Hicksville Rd., Massapequa. Start the party early with an Irish breakfast served at 10 a.m. with Barry’s Tea and festivities.





Long Island Press

You,” Raye has carried on admirably, going beyond his trademark romantic country-pop ballads and focusing on recording music with a social message ranging from alcoholism (“Little Rock”) to child abuse (“The Eleventh Commandment”). — DGdR

gaining worldwide acclaim when Paul Simon asked them to participate on his 1986 opus Graceland, the male choral group has continued on its mission to educate the world about South Africa and its people. Along the way, there’ve been multiple Grammy nods and wins as well as constant touring and recording, of which the latest project is last year’s Songs From a Zulu Farm. (Also 3.19 @ B.B. King Blues Club & Grill.—DGdR

Saturday MARCH 17

*Income Guidelines are adjusted annually


Gary Klausner @ Book Revue Author of Never Say Never.

Collin Raye @ Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center A decade-plus removed from his membership in Epic Records’ country music stable, Collin Raye has carried on as an independent artist with four albums under his belt since then. And while his last chart-topper was 1998’s “I Can Still Feel

80% of the Town of Huntington median HH Income Gross HH Min. Income

Bull/La Otracina/ Radical Discharge @ St. Vitus

Continued from page 29 /////////////////////

Wait List Intake Forms & Initial Apps are now available on a first come, first serve basis for affordable apartments at Avalon Court in Melville. Avalon Court consist of 1, 2 & 3BR apartments. Program guidelines provide full explanation of criteria for entrance into the program which is limited to households that fit within the max. & min. income guidelines, as follows:

Household (HH) Size

Do This

90 Meacham Ave., Elmont $60 includes wine and beer. 8 p.m.


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Ale House—All Locations, www. croxley.com. Free corned beef and cabbage starting at 3 p.m., special Irish menu and $5 Blue Point all night long. 7. St. Patty’s Beer Bash Dance Party @ Loyal Dog Ale House, 288 E. Montauk Hwy., Lindenhurst. A ‘round the clock celebration from 8 a.m.-4 a.m. with Irish eats and drink specials. Free breakfast and corned beef. 8. St. Patrick’s Day w/ The Fian @ Port Jeff Brewing Company, 22 Mill Creek Rd., Port Jefferson. An afternoon of music and festivities with The Fian playing in the brewery porch from 1-5 p.m.

4. St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance @ Shandon Court, 115 E. Main St., East Islip. Irish rock starts at 1 p.m. and goes through the night with the Cara Band, the Fugitives and guests.

9. St. Patrick’s Day Party Rock @ Middle Country Beer Garden, 1702 Middle Country Rd., Centereach. The weekly Saturday night dance party gets its Irish on with DJ Doug O’Mara and DJ Soco, plus green beer, Irish drink specials and corned beef sandwiches.

5. St. Patrick’s Day Fiasco @ Tap & Barrel, 550 Smithtown Bypass, Smithtown. 1-5 p.m. The microbrewery known for their 52 craft beers on tap goes green.

10. Kegs & Eggs @ Post Office Café, 130 W. Main St., Babylon. Irish buffet and live music, $15 bucket of greens and $4 Guinness pints all night long.

6. Corned Beef & Chaos @ Croxley

11. Super St. Patrick’s Day Party

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@ Mr. Beery’s, 4019 Hempstead Tpke., Bethpage. A “drunken, super Irish day” with Irish food, beer and drink specials including Irish whiskey shots. Music by Ten Pints In at 7 p.m. 12. St. Pat’s Party @ RC Dugans, 2314 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow. Celebrate the friendliest day of the year with $3 green beers and corned beef and cabbage. 13. St. Patrick’s Day Celebration @ Pindar Vineyards, 37645 Route 25, Peconic. A celebration with live Irish music, raffles and soda bread from 1-5 p.m. 14. Corned Beef & Chaos @ Mulcahy’s, 3232 Railroad Ave., Wantagh. Roger & JP from WBAB broadcast live with $1.02 beers, corned beef and cabbage buffet, t-shirts, pint glasses, games, prizes special guests and more from noon-5 p.m. 15. St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner @ Polish Hall of Riverhead, 214 Marcy Ave., Riverhead. 6 p.m. Bag pipes, Irish music and dancers, dinner and more.

Levittown. 1-4 p.m. Corned beef and cabbage and drink specials to raise for the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. 17. Happy St. Pat’s Party @ The Nutty Irishman— All Locations, www.thenuttyirishman.com. With live music and nutty Irish shenanigans across Long Island. 18. St. Patrick’s Day Headquarters @ Napper Tandy’s—All Locations, www.nappertandys.com. Traditional Irish fare, Irish step dancers and bag pipers piping. 19. St. Patrick’s Day @ Katie’s, 145 W. Main St., Smithtown. With Southbound performing live and Irish step dancers. 20. St. Paddy’s Weekend Shenanigans @ McFadden’s, 210 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre. Kegs and eggs from 10 a.m-noon. $20 breakfast buffet and unlimited drafts. Green beer, Irish drink specials. —Jaclyn Gallucci

16. St. Patrick’s Day Fundraising Party @ Miller’s Ale House, 3046 Hempstead Tpke.,

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poets David Axelrod and Gayl Teller at 7 p.m. John Mulrooney @ Governor’s Comedy Club Also 3.17. The Irish Show w/ Mick Thomas @ McGuire’s Comedy Club saturday 3.17 Call Me Anything @ Ollies Point With Here’s to You, Abby Adams, Zack Zukowski, Arsenal, Mayve & Almost a Memory. Megafaun @ Highline Ballroom

Black Summer & Brand of Julez. Black 47 @ B.B. King Blues Club & Grill St. Patrick’s Day show. Fina’mor/So Hideous My Love/ Satevis/Alkahest/ Druglord @ St. Vitus Joseph Arthur/Joan as Police Woman @ City Winery Richie Byrne on St. Patrick’s Day @ McGuire’s Comedy Club Alan Cumming @ XL Nightclub & Cabaret St. Patrick’s Day Run @ Coindre Hall 4-mile and fun run at 8:30 p.m. along Huntington Harbor.

Bobby Bare, Jr. @ Grey Horse Tavern The namesake of a bona fide country legend must really like Long Island, given that this is his second gig at the Grey Horse Tavern since December. For those who missed him the first time, Bobby Bare, Jr., has passing familiarity with the kind of heartache and pain that’s always been the best source material for his dad’s genre of music. In the past five years, the junior Bare lost his house, got divorced, almost lost his mom and had a son. All this inspired his fifth fulllength project, 2010’s oddly titled A Storm, A Tree, My Mother’s Head, which actually tells the true story of his mom almost dying after high winds toppled a tree into the Bare home and broke her back. In the meantime, he’s bringing his gritty Dinosaur, Jr.-meetsDrive-By-Truckers style of y’alternative to the North Shore again. —DGdR

Lee Fields & The Expressions @ Music Hall of Williamsburg Lee Fields was toiling away in obscurity before signing on with Desco and later Daptone Records, two Brooklyn-based imprints dedicated to preserving classic R&B. Fields’ resume dates back to the early 1970s, when his style and approach to funk was so close to that of James Brown that the younger artist was dubbed “Little J.B.” In the past decade, Fields has been staging a comeback, and with his latest band The Expressions, he’s continued to build up his canon with his most recent efforts being last year’s Treacherous and the recently-released Faithful Man. With the Jay Vons. —DGdR

Burn Halo @ Ollies Point With Black Water Rising, Charetta,

Gala St. Patrick’s Dance @ Christ the King Church Traditional Irish food,

St. Patrick’s Day Walk @ Caleb Smith State Park

drinks, music and dance from 8 am.noon.

With Drew Grow and the Pastors’ Wives & Black Girls.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade @ St. James Begins 1 p.m. at Woodlawn Avenue and Lake Avenue.

Eisley @ Bowery Ballroom With Marksmen, Christie DuPree & Say Chance.

Mike Barry @ Trinity Irish music and “the usual rubbish!”

Great Gardens of the World @ Clark Botanic Garden Pre-registration required. 516-4848603.

Yoga Stretch Class @ Family Wellness Center Séance w/ Medium Joe Giaquinto @ Ripe Art Gallery Stuntman Hal Needham @ Cinema Arts Centre Hampton Idol @ Southampton High School Speed Dating Dinner @ 34 New Street Restaurant Ages 30s & 40s. www. weekenddating.com sunday 3.18 Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra featuring the Pied Pipers @ Tilles Center Along with his younger brother Tommy, Jimmy Dorsey was a moverand-shaker during the Big Band Era, even managing to give a young singer out of Hoboken named Frank Sinatra one of his earliest breaks. And while Jimmy Dorsey prematurely left this mortal coil at the age of 53 in 1957, his music and legacy live on thanks to the leadership of trombone-playing bandleader Bill Tole and the participation of the Pied Pipers, a vocal group that’s been updated by newer members. —DGdR Salo/Recreant/ Scowl/Brickeater @ St. Vitus The Head and the Heart @ Terminal 5

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Open House @ Usdan Summer Arts Day Camp Explore the campus from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Call 631-643-7900 for appointment. Family Fun Fundraiser @ Manor East Dancing, games and festivities from 1-5 p.m. to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Speed Singles Bowling @ 300 Bowl Ages 27-49. www. weekenddating.com Passover Palooza @ Streit’s Matzo Factory Lively and unleavened w/ Streit’s Matzo Girl Mama Doni. monday 3.19 Weaker People, a Rock Musical on Bullying @ Stephen Sondheim Theatre, 124 W. 43rd St., Manhattan Operation Respect, a non-profit led by Peter Yarrow of Peter Paul and Mary, will be honored in a Broadway benefit musical exploration of Continued on page 32

Venue addresses and information can be found on Page 28

Y A D S R U H T ry e v E AY & FRI7D pm

join us for


th Beginning March 29

ixed Drinks M & r e e B HALF Appetizers & Personaal&PizSazlaad’sStation E ry Past




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4pm -

eola, NY 11501 159 Jericho Tpke., Min

516. 294.4620

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Do This Continued from page 31 /////////////////////

12th Annual Spring Luncheon Presented by

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY

Networking & Luncheon 11:30am - 2:30pm HONORING Crest Hollow Country Club

John Murcott, Founder & CEO

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For more information, call (516) 539-0150 or visit www.eacinc.org

POKER NIGHT Presented By

Tuesday, March 27th at Social Sports Kitchen Uniondale, NY

100 per person


Includes Open Bar, food & entry into FREE poker tournament Registration 6pm ● Poker begins 7pm

Table Sponsors - $200 Includes logo signage on table at event.

Contact: Robert Bommarito at robert@bommaritolaw.com More information: www.ebalongisland.com/poker-night-2012

the devastating effects of bullying, www. whatsthebenefit.org. The Woman Warrior’s Journey to Peace @ Nassau Community College With writer Maxine Hong Kingston. Gomez @ Brooklyn Bowl Playing requests. Also with Hey Rosetta! on 3.20. La Fiesta di San Giuseppe @ Church of the Resurrection Opening prayer and blessing of the bread at 2 p.m. tuesday 3.20 Poundcake @ City Winery With Jim Campilongo & Adam Levy Guitar Duo. Christopher Lynch: The Forgotten Irish Tenor @ Smithtown Library Cantor Don Goldberg discusses the man who was the Voice of Firestone and plays some of his newly discovered recordings. Registration required: 631-543-0998. Tender Loving Care Fundraiser @ Maximus Spa & Salon A night of dancing, cocktails and food while helping to support the TLC from 7-10 p.m. Register at www. tenderlc.com.


GRAND CELEBRATION SPONSOR Bethpage Federal Credit Union



MSC Industrial Direct Company, Inc. New York Community Bank Foundation The Treeline Companies


Sponsors as of February 18, 2010

Feng Shui Design Luxurious Accommodations Ultra-Modern Fitness Facility Asian Fusion Bar/Restaurant Banquet/Meeting Facilities State-of-the Art Spa & Salon


Long Island Press


m a rc h 8 - m a rc h 14 , 2 01 2

Bob Dylan & the Band @ Cinema Arts Centre With film collector Bill Shelley.

La Cage Aux Folles Musical Theatre @ Dix Hills Performing

Nassau County

Brokerage Comedy Club—2797 Merrick Rd, Bellmore. 516-7858655. www.brokeragecomedy.com Clark Botanic Garden—193 IU Willets Road, Albertson Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum— 279 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor Family Wellness Center—641-B Old Country Rd., Plainview Hillside Public Library—155 Lakeville Rd., New Hyde Park Hofstra University— Hempstead Turnpike, Hempstead. www.hofstra.edu

Maximus Spa & Salon—399 Old Country Rd., Carle Place

A History of the NY Yankees @ Nassau Community College With Professor John Despagna.

Molloy College—1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre

Saranac Beer Dinner @ The Lark

Nassau Coliseum—1255 Hempstead Tpke., Uniondale. 631-920-1203. www.nassaucoliseum. com

wednesday 3.21 Brit Floyd @ NYCB Theatre

Nassau Community College—1 Education Dr., Garden City. www. ncc.edu Ollies Point—140 Merrick Rd., Amityville. 516-208-6590. www. clubloaded.com

Lee Ritenour @ B.B. King Blues Club

Tilles Center—720 Northern Boulevard, Greenvale. 516-299-2752. www. tillescenter.org

The Wedding Present @ The Bell House

Rockville Centre Public Library—221 North Village Ave., Rockville Centre

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Stephen, Damian & Julian Marley @ Best Buy Theater Band of Skulls @ Webster Hall With We Are Augustines. Asbury Shorts @ Molloy College NYC’s longest running short film exhibition. ImaginOcean @ Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center A magical undersea

adventure featuring black light puppetry and music. Also 3.23. Chet Scire @ Book Revue Author of Other Side of the Menu. Mideast Update w/ Israeli Journalist Michael Tuchfeld @ Hofstra Also 3.27. Village Art Club @ Rockville Centre Public Library Artist Carl Lubrow demonstrates a watercolor at 7 p.m.

Where it’s At Do This Venue Information

Manor East—201 Jerusalem Ave., Massapequa

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey @ Nassau Coliseum Through 3.26. |

Jonathan Jones & Katy McAllister @ Ollies Point With Paging Grace.

Landmark on Main Street— 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516767-6444. www.landmarkonmainstreet.org

The Cat Empire @ Webster Hall 3998 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, NY 11590 516-338-7777 • 516-333-5013 (Fax) www.vianahotelandspa.com

thursday 3.22 Irish in NY @ Smithtown Library

Holocaust Memorial & Tolerance Center—100 Crescent Beach Rd., Glen Cove. www.holocaust-nassau.org

Women’s International Film Festival @ Cinema Arts Centre Through 3.28.

Pamper yourself and your guests with our special bridal treatment packages

Ladies Night Out @ Hyatt Regency LI

Arts Center

Meacham Ave., Elmont

Suffolk county

34 New Street Restaurant—34 New St., Huntington

300 Bowl—895 Walt Whitman Rd., Melville

Shore. 631-969-1101. www.boultoncenter.org


B.B. Kings Blues Club & Grill—237 W. 42nd St. 212-997-4144. www. bbkingblues.com

Beacon Theatre—2124 Bay Street Theatre—The Broadway. 212-465Long Wharf, Sag Harbor. 6500. www.beaconthe631-725-9500. www. atre.com baystreet.org Best Buy Theater—1515 Book Revue—313 New Broadway. 212-930York Ave., Huntington. 1950. www.bestbuythe631-271-1442. www. ater.com bookrevue.com Bowery Ballroom—6 Caleb Smith State Delancey St. 212-533Park—Jericho Turnpike, 2111. www.boweryballSmithtown room.com Christ the King City Winery—155 Varick Church—2 Indian Head St. 212-608-0555. www. Rd., Commack citywinery.com Church of the Resurrec- Highline Ballroom—431 tion—Edgewater Avenue, W. 16th St. 212-414Smithtown 5994. www.highlineballroom Cinema Arts Centre—423 Park Ave., Hun- Irving Plaza—17 Irving tington 631-423-FILM. Pl. 212-777-6800. www. www.cinemaartscentre. irvingplaza.com org Joe’s Pub—425 Lafayette Coindre Hall—101 St. 212-539-8778. www. Browns Rd., Huntington joespub.com Grey Horse Tavern—291 Le Poisson Rouge— 158 Bayport Ave., Bayport. Bleecker St. 212-505631-472-1868 3474 Heckscher Museum of Lincoln Center—70 N. Art—2 Prime Ave., HunBroadway. 212-875tington. 631-351-3250. 5000. www.lincolncenwww.heckscher.org ter.org Hyatt Regency Long Madison Square GarIsland—1717 Motor Park- den— 2 Penn Plaza. way, Hauppauge 212-465-6741. www. thegarden.com Lark Pub & Grub—93 Larkfield Rd., East North- Streit’s Matzo Facport. 631-262-9700. tory—148–154 Rivington www.thelarkpubandgrub. St. www.streitsmatzos. com com McGuires Comedy Terminal 5—610 W. 56th Club—1627 Smithtown St. 212-582-6600. www. Ave., Bohemia. 631terminal5nyc.com 467-5413. www.mcguirescomedyshows.com Webster Hall—125 E 11th St. 212-353-1600. Ripe Art Gallery—67A www.websterhall.com Broadway, Greenlawn. www.ripeartgal.com XL Nightclub—512 W. 42nd St. www.xlnightSouthampton High club.com School—141 Narrow Lane, Southampton


Usdan— 185 Colonial Springs Rd., Wheatley Heights. 631-643-7900

Bell House—149 Seventh St. 718-643-6510. www.thebellhouseny.com

Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Stuart Thomas Manor—2143 Boundary Ave., Center—76 Main St., Westhampton Beach. Farmingdale 631-288-1500. www. Trinity—190 Jericho whbpac.org Tpke., Floral Park YMCA Boulton CenVilla Umberto—90 ter—37 W. Main St., Bay

Music Hall of Williamsburg—66 N. Sixth St. 212-486-5400. www. musichallofwilliamsburg. com



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St. Vitus—1120 Manhattan Ave. www.saintvitusbar.com Food


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9 Lansdowne Ave. Merrick, NY 11566 (516) 992-0004 http://sportsmanli.com

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Why is Tom’s Wife Smiling? And the simple trick he used to help him perform like a 20 year old! Without drugs, pumps, or embarrassing doctor visits. By, Stefan Rothler; Freelance Health Writer;

If you’re like Tom, you know how frustrating it is when you can’t “Stand Up” for yourself. Especially in the bedroom! And even though your wife tells you “its okay”— she secretly wishes you weren’t such “a softy”. For your sake and hers.

Tom’s Story:

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Long Island Press


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Rave Reviews Coming in Everyday

The Secret of the Adult Film Industry

Most men, who experience Herbal Virility’s firm results, can’t get enough of it. Here’s what people are saying... W. Pritchett II of Newport News, VA, tells us; “After I turned 52, I couldn’t get it to work. I thought my fun was over. But now, thanks to Herbal Virility I can heat things up in the bedroom anytime I want to.” Please send me another 6 month supply!” Melissa M. of Key Largo, FL reports; “Herbal Virility saved our marriage! What a difference it made in my husband. He’s like a new man! All I can say is WOW!”.

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The demand for Herbal Virility has been overwhelming. And until now, there just wasn’t enough of it to go around. That’s why the makers of Herbal Virility are limiting its supply to newspaper and magazine readers only. Herbal Virility is amazing. Men who try it can’t seem to get enough. But to really understand why, you have to try it for yourself. That’s why the makers of Herbal Virility asked us to “spread the word” by offering our readers a full-month supply, at a superdiscounted, “readers only” price.

And by age 60, you’re left with a fraction of the HGH you used to have. The signs of aging become impossible to ignore... narrower shoulders and more weight around the middle... thinner skin that loses elasticity... creases and wrinkles... aching joints and brittle bones... all signs that your body is gradually breaking down. Add to that, decreased desire and ability and a loss of muscle tone that leads to a dangerous loss of agility and balance. But none of this has to happen...

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Tom M. had a big problem. His love-life was “coming up short”. And like a lot of men his age, he had a tough time “performing” in the bedroom. But Tom’s wife was kind. She reassured him with words like “it’s no big deal”--- but it really was. So she urged him to get some help. He took her advice… Tom searched the web for answers, and came up with nothing but scams. Everything he tried failed. He thought about asking his doctor about that well-known “little blue pill”. But it was way too expensive (as much as $30.00 per tablet). Plus, it doesn’t work for 32% of all men who try it. And according to its warning labels you could wind up deaf, blind, or even dead! It’s just not worth the risk.

Herbal Virility contains all 25 of the most potent natural male enhancement boosters on earth. It helps kick-start your body’s natural ability to produce nitric oxide on its own. So you’re ready for action when you want it --- and as often as you want it. You’ll get a “big boost” of confidence in the bedroom. And your wife will be so excited she may wake up the neighbors!

As Tom continued his research, he came across something unusual. He read that male actors in the adult film industry use something called “Herbal Virility”. Before filming, the actors would pop one of these tiny pills in their mouth--- so when the director yells “action”- there’s always plenty of it! It’s been the secret of adult film producers for years! That’s because instead of taking a full-hour for it to work, Herbal Virility starts giving you “solid, long-lasting results” almost immediately after you take it --- no waiting! Tom was excited to try it. After all, Herbal Virility helped thousands of men get back their confidence in the bedroom. And since its all-natural Herbal Virility is a lot safer than drugs. There are no pumps to hassle with, no embarrassing doctor visits needed and it’s surprisingly affordable. Plus, it’s based on Nobel prize-winning research...

Here’s How It Works:

In 1998, three scientists shared a Nobel Prize for discovering that the chemical compound nitric oxide (or NO) plays a vital role in widening your blood vessels so blood flows more freely... especially in the “intimate areas” of your body. When you’re young, nitric oxide flows abundantly through your body. Unfortunately, as you grow older, your NO production starts to diminish. As a result, so does your love life. That’s why Herbal Virility is so important. Just pop a Herbal Virility into your mouth. Its proprietary formulation has no bitter taste and dissolves quickly into your bloodstream.

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1-800-471-3794 for more info go to www.herbalvirility.com/free


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Crossword EVERYBODY’S IRISH ACROSS 1 Auctioneer’s item 6 Column style 11 Tiff 15 Wallace or Ayres 18 Revenue 19 Ann -, MI 20 Well-ventilated 21 Have bills 22 Irish mobster? 24 Irish singer? 26 Fluffy female 27 - contact 28 Frighten 30 Corduroy ridge 31 Sean of “Colors” 33 Covered thickly 36 In any way 38 Furnish 41 “The Dating Game” producer 42 Young follower? 43 “Rigoletto” composer 44 Adams’ apparatus 45 Home wreckers? 49 “Make - double!” 50 Last name in fashion 52 Diva Leontyne 53 “ - been had!” 54 Baseball’s Bucky 56 Evangelist Roberts 57 Sag 59 Bottled spirits? 61 Box 63 Kind of carpet 64 Fit for a king

65 Easy stride 66 Irish explorer? 70 “East of Eden” character 71 Dancer Gregory 72 They may be wild 73 Porthos’ pal 75 Turn inside out 76 Cremona craftsman 78 Clarinetist Artie 79 School founded in 1440 82 Always, to Auden 83 Less available 85 Bartlett bits 87 Space 88 Ally Walker series 90 Country gentleman 92 - cotta 94 Bruins’ sch. 95 Compare 96 Castle feature 97 Greek island 99 Celtic cultists 100 Sociable starling 101 Bluenose 102 Actress Davis 104 Rainbow shape 105 Scholastic abbr. 108 Irish composer? 110 Irish boxer? 116 Infamous Amin 117 Chip off Woody’s block 118 Carve a canyon 119 Ill-tempered 120 Rock’s - Zeppelin 121 AMEX rival

122 Impressionist painter 123 Elbow DOWN 1 Tackle a bone 2 Lot size 3 Cubic meas. 4 Philips of “UHF” 5 Saga 6 Knight’s wife 7 Planet, for one 8 McGwire stat 9 Noun suffix 10 Balkan area 11 Bar food? 12 Wharf 13 Like potpourri 14 Cobb and Hardin 15 True-blue 16 Tom of “Adam’s Rib” 17 “ You - on My Mind” (‘65 hit) 18 Complete the cake 23 Writer Rand 25 Oscar or Tony 29 Meyerbeer’s “Huguenots” 31 Seal school 32 Author Ambler 33 Sahara sight 34 Turgenev’s birthplace 35 O’Hare info 37 Wire 38 Fired up 39 Jubilee 40 Irish actor? 41 Bite for Bonzo 42 Freighter or ferry 44 Pool shot 45 - -Magnon

46 Irish musician? 47 European health resort


48 - Patrick Harris 51 Torrid 52 Kelly’s possum

55 Candle 57 Delhi wrap 58 Shoots the


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At the tender age of 5 months, Clark was turned in to the shelter by his owner—no reason given. Not the most auspicious start to life, however, if anyone can overcome this it will be Clark. He is smart and friendly, likes other dogs and enjoys going for walks. He has a blast in the yard and loves to play ball but tends to be a little dominant in his interactions regarding high value items, more so with food than toys. For this reason, we recommend a home without small children. It might just be his lack of good experiences that make him feel like he must be on guard but he will need an experienced, compassionate owner to show him a better way of being. Since he’s a very smart, young boy who’s food motivated and eager to please, we know Clark will make a great student. He deserves his shot at a life filled with happiness and love. Will you be the one to give it to him?

Hello, my name is Clark!

breeze 60 A la King? 62 Curb 63 “Git, Garfield!” 65 Bile producer 67 Circus sound 68 City in Pakistan 69 Talk really big 71 Dickens villain 74 Veneration 76 - code 77 Sea, to Seurat 78 Decks have four 80 Grimm creature 81 Tidy 84 Extended metaphor 85 College courtyard 86 Amaze 89 Tierra del 90 Multiplied 2 X2 91 On the - vive 93 Significant

years 95 Directional suffix 96 Industrialist 97 - oil 98 Unbending 99 Crusoe’s creator 100 “The A-Team” actor 101 Skier Mahre 103 Architectural features 104 Aphrodite’s lover 105 Evigan or Gumbel 106 Unwind a rind 107 Some 109 Ashen 111 Northwestern st. 112 Marsh 113 Author LeShan 114 Joanne of “Red River” 115 Sturm - Drang

Last Week’s Answers

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Long Island Press


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