2 minute read

Elisha Reyes The Deepest Sleep

by Elisha Reyes

Cold, the coldness took over my body, like a puppet attached to string, instead of being played with I was thrown to the side, abandoned and left alone in the mud slowly withering away becoming one with the mud. The mud was my only comfort, seducing me with its warmth into a deep, deep sleep.



“Charge! Charge!” the faint shouts I could hear were slowly being replaced with a ringing sound, turning into a melody. I wanted to lift up my feet and dance, my mouth sculpted into a smile, “what were these feelings?” I started to question myself but was interrupted with a bright light, the light sang an angelic, comforting soft voice harmonising with the ringing sound creating an elegant song, closing my eyes focusing my attention more on the music slowly being hypnotised.

“Dad!” a voice quickly replaced the mesmerizing songs that filled my ears. Out of curiosity I shifted my focus on this mysterious voice, my eyes started vomiting a stream of salty water, I was crying, crying not from sorrow but crying tears of joy. “Son!” I screeched out, spreading my wings like an eagle ready to take my son in. I cherished him in my arms having no intentions of letting go. “Dad! You’re really back, you’re really back!” he placed his soft petite hands on my face, caressing my face to see if it was really me. “It’s me, yes it’s me it’s me!” I tripped on my words, not having a care in the world, placing my lips upon his soft cushioned cheek.

A woman with a floral flowy dress that hugged her body tight approached us,

“you haven’t forgotten about me have you?” the mysterious woman said in a sorrowful voice, I turned my head out of pity, my heart started to beat fast, bum, bum, bum, I could now hear it in my ears, my face painted with a rosy red and my eyes were in awe. I pulled her close without hesitation, we were now all one happy family back together again “Dad don’t ever leave us” I laughed in amusement “of course I won’t” he said in return, “dad don’t leave us” , I now laughed again but in confusion “dad don’t ever leave us” he repeated again, and again and again.

“DAD DON’T LEAVE US” a boy screamed that echoed throughout the hospital,

“Doctor there must be something you can do…please I’m begging you” a women said in a pleading voice. Tears were flowing down her eyes that were covered with eye bags. “I’m sorry miss but there’s nothing we could do” the doctor said leaving a trail of guilt exiting the room. Warmth, was now the only feeling I felt, the bright light filled my body with euphoria and comforted me, I felt tired, my eyes hung low to the point where my eyes were now fully shut, the ringing was a lullaby I slowly fell asleep to, I was ready to go into a deep, deep sleep.

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