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2021 Strategic Business Plan

As we usher in 2021, we are extending our Chamber’s five-year strategic plan, R.E.A.C.H., and our board, volunteers, and staff remain focused on the blueprint brought forth. Like you, we enter 2021 with optimism and the anticipation of a better year. We learned so much from 2020 that has prepared us. Our investors believed in us and rose to the challenge of a new program of work for 2021, always holding the light toward moving our business community forward! And your Chamber has the courage and wisdom to lead into the new reality. We will pilot, assess, and recalibrate as needed to accomplish the major initiatives underway. All that we learned in 2020 propels us forward into an exciting 2021!

Redevelopment. Education. Advocacy. Collaboration. Health.

Redevelopment - The Chamber’s Foundation Board continues to advance the priorities of our business community while working with key stakeholders. One focus area is to aid in the transformation of underutilized areas of our community while remaining in alignment with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. In 2020, the Foundation focused on building relationships amongst higher education and East Texas Workforce Solutions to expand the East Texas Advanced Manufacturers Academy into adult learning opportunities. In addition, due diligence continues for the feasibility of an amphitheater facility.

Education - The initiatives championed by the Chamber continue to strengthen workforce development needs. We will continue to:

▸ Provide tools to help students plan for their future ▸ Convene key stakeholders at the Partners In Education


▸ Promote the Texas Internship Challenge ▸ Support TX 60 x 30 and Texas 2050

Advocacy - Representing the Voice of Business will continue to remain at the forefront of all our initiatives and areas of work. We will build on the unprecedented involvement and leadership of the advocacy team as we prepare for the East Texas Coalition in Austin trip, comprised of four area chambers of commerce for a strong voice in Austin. With the legislature in session, governmental affairs calls resume to keep members abreast of policy development into legislation. Out 2020 Washington, D.C. Fly-In trip will also take place this year. From a local lens, candidate forums will commence for city council and mayoral races. Coffee Conversations at the Chamber will continue to focus on priority areas that impact YOUR bottom line: health care, tax reform, school financing, regulatory systems, expanding small businesses, and more!

Health - Building a culture of health is no easy task! The Chamber continues to serve as the catalytic leader. In 2017, we launched our collective impact work around health and wellbeing: HealthyVIEW. We revived our Association Health Plan for Small Businesses and launched HealthyVIEW of East Texas, encompassing 31 East Texas Counties. We have conducted an employee health & wellbeing survey (with nearly 800 completed) and industry driven focus groups to better understand our local predicament. Moving forward, 5 task forces around our pillars of health will take deeper dives on how we effectively affect change creating an awareness of why it is critical we advance this work.

The R.E.A.C.H. strategic plan is our roadmap to the future. COLLABORATION is the key to success. Together we ARE stronger and together we WILL continue to trail blaze into the future. We believe by working together we can move Longview forward and realize a more vibrant community for the generations who follow us.

You, our loyal investors, are our reason for being. You ignite our passion to create programs and opportunities that move our business community forward. The wisdom we gained this past year will make us even better and has opened up even more possibilities to collectively move Longview forward now and in the years to come!

Here’s to 2021 being a year of bigger and better milestones and achievements for the Longview trade area!

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