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LEADING PEOPLE. LEADING PROSPERITY. WE’RE THE R.E.A.C.H. Inserts [ CLICK IMAGES ] NEW KIDS Are you a new member? During your first year of new membership, you can place an insert in R.E.A.C.H. for free! IN TOWN For more information contact Suzanne Brown at longviewtx.com. sbrown@ BRINGING QUALITY DIGITAL H A N N A H H O U S E M A T E R N I T Y I S A F A I T H - B A S E D M I N I S T R Y H O M E T H A T ADVERTISING TO EAST TEXAS F O C U S E S T H A T W E O N L I F E . W E B E L I E V E A R E C A L L E D T O H E L P C H A N G E T H E L I V E S O F T H E W O M E N BY DELIVERING REAL RESULTS T H A T C O M E I N T O O U R H O M E T H A T H A V E C H O S E N L I F E F O R T H E I R THROUGH ACTUAL CONVERSIONS. C H I L D . O U R G O A L I S T O E Q U I P E A C H W O M A N W I T H S K I L L S A N D R E S O U R C E S N E C E S S A R Y T O M A K E T H E B E S T D E C I S I O N F O R H E R S E L F A N D H E R C H I L D . changethelifeofamother, savethelifeofachild. 3698 East Marshall Ave, Longview, Texas NEWS RELEASE


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Hundreds of children are victims of sexual or physical abuse in East Texas each year. Most often, the abuser is a family member. Covid-19 has removed children from the watchful eyes of teachers, coaches, daycare workers, church members, and other caring adults. It’s more important than ever that every adult learn the signs and symptoms of abuse and how to report concerns. Young lives depend on it. For more information on how to prevent child abuse or to schedule a free class, call 903.807.0189 It’s time to shatter the silence! Family Owned & Serving East Texas Operated Since 1983 Sparklight is looking forward to delivering Gigabit internet, TV and phone services to residents and businesses throughout the city of Longview. 606 W. Garfield Dr. Suite D, Longview 903.807.0189 www.TheMartinHouseCAC.org 903 –297 –2080 We are designing a state-of-the art fiber optic network that will expand business opportunities, create jobs, and bring the fastest, most reliable internet service to Longview. A better experience is on the horizon. sparklight.com/longview Beginning Winter 2020 Beth Ziesenis Name(s): Company: Registration Form August 31, 2020 –September 2, 2020 PROGRAMMATIC IS THE NEW TRADITIONAL REGISTER HERE | VIRTUAL SEMINAR JULY 8 10:00 A.M. “A Day in the Life of a Nerdy Professional.” Address: City: State: Zip: Cell phone: Email: Registration includes transportation while in Tulsa, briefing materials, 2 evening receptions (Monday & Tuesday) and lunch on Tuesday. REGISTRATION FEE: $375 TOTAL FEE = _________ Check Enclosed Credit Card No. (VISA/MC/AMEX/Discover): Expiration Date: CCV Code: Billing Zip Code: (Refund Policy: No refunds after August 1, 2020) Hotel Information: recommended (Room block available until August 1, 2020) Hotel: Hotel Indigo Downtown Tulsa Rate: $139.00 plus tax 121 South Elgin Ave Tulsa Oklahoma 74120 918.779.4445 Daily Parking: $12.00 Group Name/CODE: LCC Online Registration Link: https://bit.ly/2NlmOZO

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK PRESENTING SPONSOR Please return with payment to: The Longview Chamber of Commerce 410 N Center Longview, TX 75601 Email: khall@longviewtx.com Phone: 903-237-4004 410 N Center St. Longview TX 75601 www.longviewchamber.com 12 WWW.LONGVIEWCHAMBER.COM Back to What’s Inside?

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