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R.E.A.C.H. Team / ETHRA
R.E.A.C.H. Team Key to Business Development
The R.E.A.C.H. Team (formerly known as the Ambassadors), is a highly engaged group of professionals who volunteer for Longview Chamber of
Commerce events and activities on behalf of their employers. Business development is at the heart of why employers, like Texas Bank and Trust, give their employees the time to participate.
“Being a part of the REACH Team is rewarding in several ways. Our company encourages us to become involved within our community and serve. Being on the REACH team allows you to do just that! There are so many opportunities to serve from ribbon cuttings, to Wake up Longview and Business After Hours to Golf Tournaments, and quarterly luncheons, the list could go on. The networking opportunities through the REACH team allow you to not only share ideas within the different businesses and industries represented but also grow lasting relationships with people in the community as well.” – LESLIE PAUL – Texas Bank and Trust
“Business development is not only important for our larger employers, but our smaller employers as well. Being involved with the Chamber’s REACH team has been such a great experience for my business. I’ve built strong relationships with other business owners and professionals. And most importantly, it’s been amazing to see all that goes on in our community. That knowledge and those experiences have helped me be a better resource for my own customers.” – LORI IVEY – Lori Ivey State Farm
Applications to serve as a R.E.A.C.H. Team member are accepted yearround. If you are interested or have an employee that you would like to have engaged with this group, you can access the application at this link:
Local Human Resources Expertise for Your Business
East Texas Human Resources Association (ETHRA) is a non-profit organization business partner that provides employer / employee education and guidance to the East Texas business communities by facilitating the growth, development, and awareness of all professionals.
Comprised of professionals from a diverse group of East Texas businesses and industries, our members stand ready as potential resources to assist you and to help you find answers to your business-related inquiries. As you are aware, in a post-pandemic job market that favors the job seeker, acquiring skilled and knowledgeable employees is a significant challenge to businesses. As a result, the unintended consequence creates undue hardship on the East Texas economy. ETHRA professionals possess a robust proficiency in terms of acquiring talent through recruitment and retention best practices.
Proactively addressing issues surrounding employment challenges during the pandemic, the organization continued supporting the Human Resources function via monthly virtual meetings. This professional development and training continued to support in crafting company culture to lead dynamic, engaging and attractive organizations; identifying workforce trends in 2021; navigating employment law and regulations; strengthening hiring decisions; strategic diversity, equity, and inclusion plans in Texas; drug trends and its impact on your organization; and safety and health. Annually, ETHRA hosts a region-wide employment law symposium.
Reach out to your local HR professionals at [ GOETHRA.ORG ]
2021 R.E.A.C.H. TEAM SPONSOR: In existence since 1977, ETHRA is an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management, and is the local starting point for networking, information, professional development, and continued support of excellence.
ETHRA strives to be the benchmark in strategic professional development by leveraging networking, educational opportunities, and diversity. ETHRA is committed to supporting its members and the communities it serves.
Help from TWC
When a Job Offer or Return-to-Work Offer is Refused?
To be eligible for unemployment benefits, claimants must be willing, able, and available for full-time work and they must apply for and accept suitable work. If you made a job offer to an applicant or gave your employees a chance to return to work but they refused, TWC needs to know. Please report these instances on our online – Employer Work Refusal Documentation form
Although TWC will take appropriate action when you submit a report on individuals receiving unemployment benefits, not all submissions will prompt a return correspondence. If the person did not appear for the interview or refused the job due to a reason not listed on the Documentation form, select “Other” from the Reason for Refusal dropdown menu, and give a short description in the Refusal Other Description field.
Employers are encouraged to post their positions in Work In Texas, and then follow the steps in this document.
If a candidate refuses a job offer. Doing this will suspend the Unemployment Claim and open an investigation into why the claimant didn’t show or refused suitable employment. If there is no justified reason for the claimant’s actions, the claim will be terminated.
If child care is mentioned as a reason they cannot accept work, please refer them to Workforce Solutions East Texas. Follow the links to Child Care Services to apply for Child Care assistance. The state has increased Child Care Services funding to help address the needs of jobseekers wanting to return to the workforce but are experiencing difficulties in affording child care.
Applicant Refusal to Work: Steps for Employers to Update Why an Applicant Wasn’t Hired
1. Go to WorkInTexas.com https://www.workintexas.com/vosnet/Default.aspx
2. Login to WorkInTexas using the Employer account.
3. Navigate to the top left Menu column and click to open the dropdown menu.
4. Scroll the dropdown menu to My Employer Workspace. Select the arrow located to the right to open another dropdown menu.
5. Select My Employer Dashboard from the second dropdown menu.