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Aim Hire Texas
Improving The Texas Workforce System
Lee Jackson, Chancellor Emeritus of the University of North Texas System, visited with Partners In Education attendees about the importance of improving the Texas workforce system. As a senior director with Texas2036, he believes the work of Aim Hire Texas (AHT) alongside critical partners will drive greater economic growth and prosperity in Texas.
Aim Hire Texas (AHT) has four Big Goals to drive systemic progress:
Grow stronger households
Increase shared prosperity
Improve Texas employers’ access to a trained labor force
Attract employer to the state to access the state’s talent
Jackson shared that by focusing on the adopted six (6) key drivers we will build better workforce outcomes for Texas.
What is Aim Hire Texas? | www.aimhiretexas.org |
Aim Hire Texas is a state-wide initiative designed to improve and grow the Texas talent pipeline under the umbrella of Texas2036. Jackson has focused on building and leading a consortium of impressive allies including the Commit Partnership, Texas Association of Community Colleges, Texas Rural Funders, Chambers of Commerce from across the State, and United Ways of Texas. For the past two years Aim Hire Texas has been focused on creating a broad statewide force for data collection illuminating Texans’ career success in jobs of the future, driving more effective and innovative training programs, and building better coordination and planning across organizations and agencies.
1. Organize for success by aligning state structures and governance across education, workforce, and economic development.
2. Strengthen strategies and align state and regional workforce development strategies, data, priorities, and targets.
3. Mobilize resources to action by leveraging funding to incentivize action towards state targets.
4. Grow & Innovate pathways by launching new programs to build a representative, diverse talent supply to meet demand and shape future workforce.
5. Invest in technology & information to inform and empower individuals to find jobs and support employers to find talent.
6. Foster employer engagement.
Jackson challenged Longview to harness regional partners and create a strategy that is aligned to state goals. Regional partners must include workforce board and employers who actively review and update curricula and pathways, as well as non-profits and philanthropies to expand and fund programs aligned to state goals that help students and workers gain credentials and skills. Also, at the table must be employers who are willing to get involved in regional and state planning, and provide opportunities and support for more workers to upskill/reskill. One of the crucial keys is a willingness from students, job seekers, and employees to take an active role in their skill development.
Who is Lee Jackson?
Jackson was the State of Texas’ longest-serving Chancellor when he announced his retirement in March 2017. He previously served as Dallas County Judge from 1987 to 2001. Prior to that, he represented Dallas County in the Texas House of Representatives from 1976 to 1986. Jackson was lauded for his work in public by D Magazine, which named him Dallas’ Best Public Official in 1996 and a Legislative All-Star in 1981.
What is Texas2036?
Texas2036 was named after the upcoming bicentennial of Texas. It is a nonpartisan organization that advocates for data-driven strategies that will advance the state. The organization was founded by Tom Luce, who serves as chairman and Margaret Spellings, the organization’s President and CEO. Texas2036 was formed to help break down silos for Texas by confronting critical issues. The strategic framework document lays out 36 important goals connected to Texas’s collective prosperity. The 2021 legislative agenda focuses on education, workforce, healthcare, government performance, digital connectivity, and budget prioritization. Texas2036 is committed to reaching their vision: Texas is the best place to live and work.