BCA 60TH Anniversary Program

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Milestones mark time and achievement. They also offer a time to reflect and take in how the past has brought us to the present, and then shines a light toward the future. We have not been here for BCA’s 60 years of service but have been here for the last 20+ years, and we don’t need to have been here since the inception to witness the massive impact and role the organization has had in crowning The Bronx a creative place.

We can proudly say that The Bronx has changed because of the great achievements BCA has seeded and nourished. From advocating for and attaining over $25 million dollars in arts funding, to helping hundreds of organizations thrive, to fostering thousands of artists with grants and support services, all these vital tasks have jettisoned the arts in The Bronx.

Bronx artists supported by BCA have an impressive accumulation of awards, including MacArthur “Genius” Fellowships, USA Artist Awards, Guggenheim Fellowships, NYFA Awards, and many of them began their award-winning tracks with a Bronx Recognizes its Own (BRIO) Award.

All of these accomplishments have been the labor and love of people, visionaries who knew in their core the power of the arts. From the vibrant Irma Fleck to the titan Bill Aguado, great leadership has consistently raised the bar to bring more to the arts in the Bronx. Bill was followed by Deirdre Scott who maneuvered the beginnings of the new building and then was succeeded by Viviana Bianchi, who has stewarded the organization these past five years and is vibrantly laying down the tracks for the next 60. But formidable leadership is only one of the ingredients for BCA’s success, the countless staff whose labor is experienced and appreciated by the artists and

organizations, very often soars below the radar of the general public. For every great BCA leader, there have been dozens (too many to name here) of committed staff members who’ve given their talents, skills, and passions in the name of uplifting artists and the arts in The Bronx.

There have been and we continue to have amazing board members who have stood and continue to stand strong with the leadership and staff celebrating the triumphs and weathering through the hurdles and challenges. We’ve also arrived at this moment because of the valiant and caring funders and community leaders who understood how essential Bronx artists and arts are to the ecology of the world’s creative dialogue.

We are excited to relish all this achievement and this vast community of support that has empowered artists and arts organizations for six decades. We stand hand in hand with artists who know their worth and value. Now, we harvest this history to invest in a future that will glimmer and thrive with creativity and art in The Bronx.

Happy 60 years of fierce Bronx arts! Much love,



It is a pleasure to welcome all of you to the Bronx Council on the Arts 60th Anniversary Celebration. And indeed, there is much to celebrate. As a pioneer for cultural equity, for 60 years BCA has nurtured and supported Bronx artists and arts organizations like no other cultural organization in this borough has. I’m grateful for the contributions of funders, partners, board members, staff, and many others before me who have understood the crucial role that BCA and the arts play in our lives.

Thanks to the commitment and resiliency of BCA staff and of those we serve, BCA has been able to continue offering amazing programming during very trying times. Programs have included exhibitions at BCA Headquarters and at the Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos, which helps connect and lift under-represented voices; a robust regrants program that invests over $750,000 annually in our communities; the Bronx Memoir Project that has helped build an amazing community of writers; and BCA professional development workshops, among others, that support artists’ careers through sustainable practices.

As The Bronx continues to change, posing new opportunities and risks for our field, BCA’s role as a stalwart advocate for local arts and culture is now more important than ever. Our amazing new headquarters will allow us to expand our programming by offering performances and artistic events for the community, and rehearsal and meeting space for artists and small art organizations. Most importantly, we will continue to stand for artists, and for the hundreds of small cultural

organizations that enhance the wellbeing of our communities through creative endeavors and accessible programs.

This year marks 60 years of accomplishments, as well as the beginning of another 60 years of continued service and of providing the resources, connections, and advocacy that the arts need to thrive in The Bronx.

Please join me in congratulating all those that came before me, and all those that embody our future.


A pioneering advocate for cultural equity, the Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) nurtures the development of a diverse array of artists and arts organizations and builds strong cultural connections in and beyond The Bronx. We strengthen the cultural ecosystem of The Bronx by nurturing its artists and arts organizations, and by serving the field at large and the public through programs that build connections, provide resources, and advocate for equitable practices.

Since its founding in 1962, BCA has focused on the work of underrepresented groups, especially artists of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. We provide direct services to over 1,500 artists and 250 community-based arts groups each year, and thanks to our grantmaking programs, we are able to touch the lives of over 100,000 community members.

Over its 60-year history, BCA has launched the careers of thousands of artists and has helped sustain and support dozens of artist collectives and cultural organizations. A new

chapter of BCA’s history began in 2011 with the acquisition of our first program space: a 6,750-square-foot facility in Westchester Square, donated by Chase Bank.


BCA serves as a conduit between the Bronx community and its rich arts and culture assets.


BCA places professional artists at community sites throughout the borough, bringing the joy of creative expression to underserved populations.


BMP is a writing project that encourages Bronx residents to creatively share their life stories. Participants engage in free workshops, led by professional writers and culminating in the publication of the annual BMP Anthology.


BCA offers varied community programs, including artist talks, performances, concerts, and other public offerings.


Founded in 1981, the project is one of the first alternative arts spaces in The Bronx. Home to the Longwood Arts Gallery @ Hostos and the Youth Arts Engagement program, it focuses on exhibiting underrepresented artists, offering community programs, and connecting youth to an art gallery experience.


For over 60 years, BCA has been a resource for Bronx artists and cultural organizations from every zip code in The Bronx.


BCA offers funding to support community-focused arts and culture projects and to recognize outstanding local artists through a suite of grant opportunties.


Functioning as a free directory of local talent, the registry allows artists of all disciplines to gain visibility for commission work or collaborative projects. Artists can create their own profiles and upload work samples as well as a bio, professional statement, and more.


BCA provides annual workshops for artists seeking to build their skill sets. Our professional development sessions help artists learn how to structure their artistic practices for a sustainable career.


Housed on our website, this is a one-stop destination to find and post arts events and opportunities for artists and cultural organizations.


BCA advocates for cultural equity and inclusion, and envisions a world in which all people have creative agency, as well as knowledge of and access to the arts.


Featuring innovative and interactive GIS maps, BCA has held community conversations and worked with the Bronx Insitute for Urban Systems (BxIUS) to gather accurate information outlining all of the borough’s cultural assets, key demographics, development plans, community portraits, and oral histories. We seek to empower artists with accurate, current information, and to allow for the preservation of cherished cultural assets and history. BCA is working with Lehman College to map areas of The Bronx most at-risk for gentrification.


Charles Rice-González Co-Chair

Shereen Briggs Co-Chair and Secretary

Shannon Hartley Treasurer Leenda Bonilla Alexander Campos Cathy M. Kaplan Eileen Newman

Lisa Sorin

Rhina Valentin

Jean Tatge Board Member Emerita

Montefiore Einstein is proud to support the Bronx Council on The Arts and celebrate BCA for 60 years of advocating for cultural equity by nurturing artists and arts organizations throughout the Bronx.

Congratulations to all the honorees.

The Bronx Council on the Arts and the work they do supporting artists and art organizations to strengthen the cultural diversity and cultural ecosystem of The Bronx.



Viviana Bianchi Executive Director Lizzy Alejandro Art Gallery Coordinator Dionne Dauxy Grants and Programs Coordinator

Bryan E. Glover Deputy Director of Grants and Programs

Jesús López-Jensen Administration and Development Manager

Anna Matos Marketing and Communications Associate Breana Vazquez Marketing and Communications Manager

Lucia Warck-Meister Art Gallery Director


Opening Remarks

Monica Morales, Emcee, Pix 11

Welcoming Remarks and Ribbon Cutting

Viviana Bianchi, Executive Director, BCA

Board of Directors Remarks

Charles Rice-González, Co-Chair, BCA

Awards Presentation

Arts Guardian Award Presented by Arnaldo J. López, Ph.D. Managing Director, Pregones / Puerto Rican Traveling Theater

Arts Guardian

Marisol Díaz-Gordon, Artist

Arts Champion Award Presented by Charles Rice-González, Co-Chair, BCA

Arts Champion

James Vacca, Professor, Queens College and Former NYC Council Member, CD13

Arts Visionary Award Presented by Betti-Sue Hertz, Pepón

Osorio, Merián Soto, Ray Vega, Michael Kelly Williams, and Fred Wilson

Arts Visionary

Bill Aguado, Arts Leader, Former Executive Director, BCA

Sponsor Remarks

Montefiore Einstein, Presenting Sponsorship

Closing Remarks

Monica Morales Emcee, Pix 11



Bill Aguado, a fixture in The Bronx since 1972, is regarded as a leading cultural and community activist. Retired in 2011 as Executive Director of the Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA), he is still called upon to lend his expertise on behalf of emerging artists, community cultural groups and community–based organizations. In 1971, Hunter College awarded Bill a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and in 1973 he received his Master of Arts from Fordham University in Sociology and Education. His current board affiliations include: Bronx Works, En Foco, Bronx River Arts Center and recently resigned from the Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College Foundation.

As a cultural activist and arts consultant, he consulted with The Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation (WHEDCO) to shape the vision and development of the Bronx Music Heritage Center (BMHC), celebrating the musical heritage of the Bronx. He also organized the “Conversing Bricks” permanent sculptural installation, created by Hatuey Ramos-Fermin and situated at Hostos Community College.


Marisol Díaz-Gordon is a Puerto Rican photographer born and raised in The Bronx. Díaz-Gordon received the New York Press Photographers Association (NYPPA) exhibition Award in April 2019. She is also a recipient of the 2012 New York Press Association’s Awards for Photographer of the Year, Best Use of Photos, Spot News Photo(s), Best Photojournalism and Picture Story; the 2012 Local Media Association’s 1st Place Award for Best News Photo; the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs’ Arts Fund through the Bronx Council on the Arts (2009), three BRIO Awards from the Bronx Council on the Arts (2004, 2007, 2009), the Local Hero Award from Bank of America (2011), a Citation of Merit from the Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión (2007), and the NY State Senate Award for her contribution to the arts in her community (2002).

Díaz-Gordon’s work has been exhibited in several galleries and alternative spaces in New York, including En Foco, El Taller Boricua Gallery, and ArtViews Gallery to name a few. Her company has also serviced several clients, such as Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture, Pregones and the Puerto Rican Traveling Theater, Pepatián, the Riverdale Press and others.


James Vacca has been involved in Bronx community affairs since the age of 13 when he led protests at his Throggs Neck junior high school against MTA bus service cuts impacting students. After serving as student President of the Bronx’s Christopher Columbus HS, Vacca served as a Peace Corps volunteer - assigned to The Bronx where he organized NYCHA senior citizens to successfully gain funding for a kitchen facility for their nutrition program.

He went on to Chair Bronx Community Board 10 and soon after became District Manager where he served for 26 years before being elected three times to the NYC Council serving communities such as Pelham Bay, Throggs Neck, Pelham Parkway and Westchester Square. He served as chair of the Council Transportation Committee, Technology Committee and in his last term in the Council’s leadership and budget negotiation team. He also became known for constituent services, being hailed as first among his colleagues in responsiveness to citizen complaints. During his tenure, Vacca was asked to allocate millions of dollars in capital money for a permanent home for the Bronx Council on the Arts and, with acquisition help coming from former Mayor Bloomberg and Congressman Joseph Crowley, we see the results of his work tonight.

Vacca continues to live in the Bronx and stays quite active in community and political affairs. He holds a master’s degree from Queens College in Urban Studies and upon leaving the Council was appointed a full-time faculty member at Queens College, given the title of Distinguished Lecturer. He also serves on the leadership team of the largest youth after school provider in the city, NY Edge.






Leenda Bonilla

Shereen Briggs

Alex Campos

James Grant

Shannon Hartley

Cathy Kaplan Arnaldo J. López

Sonia Lopez

Anthony Meyers

Jennifer McGregor

Eileen Newman

Charles Rice-González

Jean Tatge

Rhina Valentin


Tanisha Dozer

Charles Rice-González

Shannon Hartley

Andrea Louie

Joseph Pacia

Jean Tatge


Oscar “DJ Sabrosura” Alvarado

Felix Arocho, and the Staff of the Hostos Center of the Arts and Culture/Hostos Community College

Colette Atkins, Hostos Community College

Simon Bergson and the Staff of Manhattan Beer

Ofelia Castiblanco

Rachel Colbert Arnaldo J. López

Monica Morales

Liz Neumark, Ali Rae Baum, and the staff of Great Performances

Bonnie Oppenberg

Dorian Reece

Bob Sancho

Robert Sherr and the Staff of Crown Trophy

Robyn Stein

Kevin Subramany and the Staff of Bronx Brewery

Adi Talwar, Official Photographer

Josiah Vasquez

Ayanna Williams and her Staff


The celebration isn’t over! We invite you to consider supporting our work through a donation of any amount. Your partnership will help us continue providing pivotal resources to the artists and small arts organizations across the borough who bring the benefits of the arts to you every day.

Donate at bronxarts.org/donate

The Bronx Council on the Arts is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council; New York State Council on the ArtswiththesupportoftheOfficeoftheGovernorandtheNewYork State Legislature; Arts Midwest and the National Endowment of the Arts;  the  Coalition of Theaters of Color; the Cultural Immigrant Initiative;  NYC Council Member Eric Dinowitz and former  NYC Council Member Vanessa Gibson; NYS Assemblyman Michael Benedetto and the NYS Division of Criminal Justice; and the Hispanic Federation, the City of New York, and the Department of Youth and Community Development.  Also supported in part by  the New Yankee Stadium Community Benefits Fund, Con Edison, the Howard Gilman Foundation, the Mertz Gilmore Foundation,  the  Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Tiger Baron Foundation, and Amazon. Special thanks to Hostos Community College and the Hostos Center for the Arts & Culture for their support.

Bronx Council on the Arts

2700 E Tremont Ave Bronx, New York 10461 www. bronxarts.org @BronxArtsOrg

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