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Penistone Fairtrade Fortnight
THE Fairtrade in Penistone committee are thanking the local branch of the Co-op for mounting a display of the Fairtrade goods on sale there.

On Friday morning there was also an opportunity for customers to taste Fairtrade bananas, wine and chocolate.
The Co-op has also provided chocolate, tea and other essentials for the Chocolate Tea
Party we are holding in St Andrew’s Church from 2.30pm to 4.30pm on Friday March 8. Everyone is welcome.
A spokesperson for Penistone Fairtrade said: “The main themes of this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight are to do with chocolate and the West African women who grow its main ingredient - cocoa. Being female as well as poor makes it very hard for them to get a fair deal from the merchants and big chocolate companies.
“Even here in Britain women are still fighting to be treated fairly. Their achievements are often not recognised in the same way as those of men.
“So we asked the Year Five and Year Six pupils in our local primary schools to find out about a talented Yorkshire woman, draw her portrait and write about what she has done to inspire them.
“We were delighted by the response and urge you to take a look at the hundred or so posters displayed around Penistone. Most children portrayed famous people from sport and showbiz but others chose scientists or politicians. For instance, did you know that the first ever British astronaut was a woman (Helen Sharman) - and a Yorkshire woman at that?
“She was chosen ahead of thousands of male applicants, winning a difficult struggle against stereotyping and prejudice. Other children wrote about their family members or friends who have set them a wonderful example. You don’t have to be famous to inspire others!
“We hope the children’s work, the Fairtrade display and the Chocolate Tea Party will inspire us all to treat people fairly. Buying products with the Fairtrade mark is a big step in that direction.”