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Sustrans to develop new trails
BRADFIELD Parish Council and Stocksbridge Town Council have jointly commissioned the charity Sustrans to develop cycle and walking route options over and through their eastern boundary, the Upper Don Valley, into the Sheffield Lakeland Landscape Project (SLLP) area, including links to the existing Trans Pennine Trail.

The SLLP includes both Stocksbridge and Bradfield Parishes within and adjacent to the Peak District National Park. Both Councils are keen to identify and enhance access to this important and beautiful landscape which is rich in heritage and in recreational challenges at all levels for families and individuals alike.
Sustrans is the national charity which makes it easier for people to walk and cycle. It created the National Cycle Network, which is 16,575 miles of cycle and walking routes, many of which are trafficfree.
The need for better routes and improved provision for walkers and cyclists has never been so urgent as it is now. With increased traffic flow expected on existing infrastructure with new developments, this work will be a step forward in realising the ambitions of the area in elevating walking and cycling provision as a priority and supporting a sustainable way of tackling issues such as congestion, air quality and health inequality.
This work represents the ambition of both Bradfield Parish Council and Stocksbridge Town Council in promoting the Sheffield Lakeland as an emerging key tourist destination area, helping to increase local economic growth through attracting new and more cyclists and walkers to the area.
Both Councils welcome the opportunity to work together, as they appreciate the opportunities joining up the local cycleways and footpaths will bring to the Upper Don Valley.
Commenting, Cllr Julie Grocutt, the Mayor of Stocksbridge, said: “This is an exciting project that will not only provide better access to our great outdoors. It will also make healthy lifestyles more achievable for local people and will have a positive impact on the environment feeding into the clean air strategy.”
Significant housing developments particularly at Deepcar and Oughtibridge/Wharncliffe Side bring developer and local authority commitments to cycleway and footpath provision. The two Councils wish to see these fully implemented to best advantage for our new and present residents as well as for the enhancement the visitor economy in the area.
Cllr Trevor Bagshaw, Chairman of Bradfield Parish Council said: “The woodlands, crags and heathland to the east of the river have tracks and paths that connect to the Trans- Pennine Trail and beyond. My fellow councillors with our colleagues on Stocksbridge Town Council want to see route options and improvements that will enable walkers and cyclists to overcome the barrier of the railway line and the river.
“We hope this initial work will enable new long or short distance trails that will take the traveller deep in to the Sheffield Lakeland and beyond in to the furthest reaches of the National Park.”