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Public technology lab opening in Stocksbridge
THE Inman Pavilion in Stocksbridge is about to open a laboratory full of amazing technology for the public to use.

‘Science X’ is the latest initiative at this ever-evolving local community centre, with the Grand Opening of the facility on Sunday September 15 from 3pm. Choose to visit and you will find a 3D printer, laser cutter, microcomputers and a host of other modern technological gadgets.
“For a few years the Inman Pavilion has been running a successful science club for young people.” says James O’Neill.
“We noticed the adults had just as much, if not more, fun than the kids. So we decided to create a dedicated laboratory for adults and older children where we could meet up and learn to use some amazing machines.”
A room has now been refurbished and kitted out with the equipment funded through grants from Sheffield City Council’s Ward Pots and Community Fund, Virgin’s Heart of the Community and The Institute of Physics.
The Science X project aims to get as many local people to gain handson experience of new technologies whilst developing and sharing skills.
After the opening event the facility can then be accessed at least twice a month, more if you become a fully trained volunteer. Maybe you are already an expert and wish to join the team?
If 3D printing or laser cutting is something you wish to see close up, then head to the Inman Pavilion on Moorland Drive on Sunday September 15, where you will be able to get free tea and coffee too.
For more information visit find @ inmanpavilion on facebook, email james@inmanpavilion.org.uk or ring Beryl on 07966 720 773.