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Golfers Complete 10 Round Challenge Marathon
Two golfers at Stocksbridge Golf Club completed a marathon busting 10 rounds of golf in one day on Friday 18 June. Steven Haigh and Jamie South, pictured with Club Gents and Ladies Captains Alan Revill and Helen Moffett at the end of the event, completed the 180-hole challenge in just under 16 hours. They were raising money for the Captain's chosen charity, the Cardio-Thoracic Unit at the Northern General Hospital's Chesterman Wing. Alan chose this charity to fund raise for during his year of Captaincy because he underwent bypass surgery just over a decade ago. Alan has been so grateful for the care that he received that he even volunteered on the Unit for 7 years.

This is not the first time the 10- round challenge has been completed. Two years ago, Steven Haigh and Matt Sedgwick managed the feat to raise funds for St Luke's Hospice. Matt would have been repeating the event this time with Steven, but unfortunately his partner was diagnosed with Covid-19 four days before the start. Matt was very frustrated to have to quarantine, but Greenkeeper Jamie South willingly stood in for him at late notice. Matt has been instrumental in getting the challenge set up and getting a lot of the money donated so far from a variety of friends and family. All through the day he was sending messages of support and encouragement.
Jamie and Steven set off at 4am and completed the challenge by 7.30 pm, running much of the course on every round. That was 2.5 hours quicker than when Matt and Steven undertook the challenge two years ago. The Captain said "if I had not witnessed it, I wouldn't have believed it. Not only did they do it, but Jamie even managed a birdie on the 180th hole." To complete the challenge the pair of them ran over 38 miles and apart from some very short refreshment breaks at the end of each round, they didn't stop for the whole challenge.
That is apart from a couple of interviews for BBC Radio Sheffield, when Steven even carried on playing one handed so as not to lose any time. Both players were exhausted at the end of the 10 rounds but were extremely well supported by enthusiastic club members. Alan summed it up perfectly: "Stocksbridge is a small, friendly club and when events like this occur, the members pull together."
So far, the event has raised close to £1400. If you would like to add to the sponsorship money raised so far, you can find a Just Giving Page on https://www.justgiving. com/crowdfunding/matthewsedgwick.