Issue 1197 Thursday 23 December 2021

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THURS, dec 23, 2021

Tel: 0114 283 11 00


ISSUE : 1197


shed 1 Establi

Floodlight failure in local football Local pub awarded aa rosette - PAGE 04

unsung hero - PAGE 02

Married man spared jail A married man from Stocksbridge who ‘groomed’ a 15-yearold schoolgirl had booked a hotel room for them just before the youngster’s step-mother alerted the police, writes Jon Cooper for the Sheffield Star.

Sheffield Crown Court heard on December 15 how Matthew Nightingale, aged 37, of Knowles Avenue, in Stocksbridge, gave the youngster gifts, took her to McDonald’s, kissed her and exchanged sexual pictures. Judge Peter Kelson QC told Nightingale: “There is plainly here grooming in the form of expensive gifts being bought for this child.” He added: “You spent a lot of time with her and you spent a lot of time alone with her but your activity only extended to kissing her when you dropped her off back


at home. These kisses began as pecks and lingered longer as time passed.”

£2,000 because he felt it was his fault she had lost her job.

Catherine Duffy, prosecuting, said the 15-year-old’s step-mother became suspicious when the youngster was receiving gifts and the police were alerted.

The youngster stated Nightingale would give her gifts and pick her up in his van and take her to McDonald’s and drop her off at the end of the street where he kissed her.

The court heard Nightingale had given the youngster, who cannot be named for legal reasons, expensive items including trainers, perfume, a watch and £2,000.

Ms Duffy said Nightingale met the youngster more often after school and they went shopping in Rotherham and they started kissing more often.

Nightingale claimed the youngster was a friend he had met at a Sheffield pub and they had communicated by Snapchat and texting and they had gone to McDonald’s and he had bought her gifts.

During one trip to Scarborough, Nightingale told the youngster he wanted them to be in a relationship, according to Ms Duffy, and after a trip to Doncaster’s Frenchgate Shopping Centre they shared a kiss that was more like a snog.

He admitted putting money into her bank account and giving her

...continued on page 2.

Covid: Chancellor announces help for hospitality The chancellor has set out measures to help England's hospitality sector as it struggles with a collapse in bookings sparked by the rise in Covid cases. Speaking on Tuesday, Rishi Sunak unveiled a £1bn fund of cash grants of up to £6,000 per premises for each eligible firm. He said the government would also help certain firms with the cost of sick pay for Covid-related absences. The chancellor also announced an extra £30m to help theatres and museums. He said the "generous" new support recognised the situation many hospitality and leisure businesses faced in the run-up to Christmas.


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Issue 1197

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Married man spared jail ...continued from front page Ms Duffy revealed Nightingale sent a naked photo of himself to the youngster and they began talking about sex and the defendant enquired about a one-night stay at a Sheffield Hotel not long before the youngster’s stepmother alerted police. Nightingale, who has no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to meeting a girl aged under 16, engaging in sexual communication with a child and engaging in sexual activity with a child between February and May, 2019. Sean Smith, defending, said: “She was 15, but she was not particularly vulnerable over and above that. I accept and concede that sexual images were exchanged but they were a small number.” He added that Nightingale has a son with health concerns and his wife is currently on maternity leave with their second child and they would suffer if the defendant was jailed. Mr Smith also said Nightingale has expressed genuine regret and remorse and he was described as caring, hard-working and supportive in a number of references. Judge Kelson sentenced Nightingale to two years of custody suspended for two years, with a rehabilitation requirement. Nightingale was also made subject to the Sex Offenders Register for ten years and a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for the same period.

23rd December 2021

Local News

Unsung hero

National award for local volunteer

An ‘unsung hero’ from north Sheffield has been recognised with a National community award presented by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Gary Chamberlain setup HOWWL back in December 2019 with the vision to build on the strengths of the community and provide help to those vulnerable within the communities of Oughtibridge, Worrall, Wharncliffe Side and Wadsley Park Village. Through ‘Covid’ volunteers have delivered over 1500 bags of groceries to those in need and delivered 81 turkeys at Christmas to families in need. The award ceremony is to be aired on ITV on Christmas Eve

at 7.30pm, was hosted earlier this month at Westminster Abbey. Gary,59, a retired civil servant was nominated for the award by Alex Archer and Peter Burchill from the local Co-op store. Alex said of the group “They do brilliant work to support mental wellbeing…They worked incredibly hard to set up a food bank during lockdown to support families in need. Alongside this, they ran a prescription delivery service for those self-isolating.”. Miriam Cates MP said "HOWWL have been a fantastic support network to our communities during the pandemic …HOWWL is a wonderful example of how volunteering can empower and enrich communities."

Local News



Issue 1197

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23rd December 2021


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Issue 1197

Call 0114 283 1100

23rd December 2021

The Wortley Arms Jamie and team would like to thank all their customers for their continued support in 2021 and look forward to seeing everyone in 2022.

Local News

Local pub awarded AA Rosette

FESTIVE OPENING HOURS 2021 Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd Food service: 12pm - 2.30pm / 5pm - 9pm | Bar: 12pm - 10.30pm Christmas Eve Food service 12pm - 8pm | Bar 12pm - 11.30pm Boxing Day Food service 12pm - 5pm | Bar 12pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th Normal opening hours New Years Eve Food service 12pm - 3pm & 5 - 8.30 pm | Live band until the early hours! New Years Day & Sunday 2nd January Food service 12pm - 5pm

To make a booking: Email: Or call: 0114 288 8749

The Wortley Arms, in Wortley have been recently awarded one AA Rosette. Owner Jamie Ellis “I couldn’t be prouder of the team for achieving this. Head chef Jamie Taylor & his kitchen team have worked incredibly hard this year and its great to see it rewarded. Thank you must

also go to Mike & the front of house team for delivering great service to our lovely customers.” Restaurants that achieve the AA rosette award are said to have standards that stand out in their local area. They serve food prepared with care, understanding and skill, using good quality ingredients.

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Christmas Opening:

Re-open Jan 2nd 9.30 – 5pm Mon -Sat

Local News

Issue 1197

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23rd December 2021


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Local News Experience, quality and

23rd December 2021

Issue 1197


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Styles to suit every home





In 1976 school-leaver Ian Clancy learned his trade at a local doubleglazing company before making the leap two years later of going it alone. A young enthusiastic worker Ian was described as ‘always first on site and last on site’. It wasn’t long before the hard-working Ian bought his first and current premises on Manchester Road in Deepcar, and set up his own window company Deepcar. These premises are now home to a brand new showroom featuring the latest range of products, from tiled roof system conservatories to composite doors. Early success was to follow when in 1983 Ian was named winner of Yorkshire Televisions ‘Young Enterprise - Businessman of the year’ Ian still has the very first door made by Deepcar back in 1978. Still in perfect working order, the door sits proudly at the back of the showroom, illustrating Deepcar’s pride in their humble beginnings. Ian beams “ Our aim is the same today as it was back then - we will provide the best products and best customer service.” He continues “ In today's busy world we pride ourselves in looking after you the customer and will offer the same level of service whether you are having a new conservatory or a lock fixed on your window.


Ian’s two young sons Tom and Joe and daughter Alice show the same hard-working and conscientious qualities as their father. They are now helping the successful window company build on the 43 years of trading.


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Local News Chapeltown hero meets the man whose life she saved after Sheffield crash

Issue 1197

Call 0114 283 1100

Festive bin collections

23rd December 2021


Leisure Centre raise money for rescuers

Over the festive period this year, there will be no changes to bin collection days, and excess festive waste can be left out for collection. Residents can check the online collection calendar to confirm collection days. To be collected, bins must be placed out by 7am on collection day with the bin lid closed. Over the festive period, it is likely that extra waste and recycling will be produced, including wrapping paper, Christmas cards, boxes, catalogues, glass and plastic bottles, biscuit/chocolate tins and lots more. A wrong turn home became a lifesaving coincidence in a near fatal Sheffield crash, writes Isobel Fry for the Sheffield Star. Emily Hill-Green, 24, was driving home from work when she took the wrong turn home and ended up on the road where Ryan Ward, 22, had crashed his car. After performing first aid on Mr Ward and staying with him till the paramedics came, she went home and never heard anything more. Months after the accident, Miss Hill-Green posted in a Facebook community group, asking for information about Mr Ward’s status. Through Facebook friends and community help, she was messaged by Mr Ward’s mother before being put in touch with Mr Ward. Today they meet again, with words of thanks and cherish to be shared. Mr Ward remembers nothing from the night of the accident but said, “If it had just been my friends there that night, I would be dead.” Miss Hill-Green heard Mr Ward’s friends shouting to pull him out the car, those words made her step in, and her first aid knowledge kicked in. Miss Hill-Green said, “I’m just grateful I was there to help otherwise it could have ended much worse.” “After hearing from your (Ryan’s) mum and how grateful she was I felt good, like I had done something right.” “I didn’t post on the Facebook group to receive praise, but it definitely felt good, I couldn’t sleep not knowing what had happened to Ryan.” Mr Ward is on the mend, after the accident he was in a coma for over a month and has had many major operations. He was discharged from the hospital midOctober but has to go back for several more surgeries. His outlook on life has changed since the accident, “I just feel happier, the whole situation has humbled me.” he said. Miss Hill-Green received her first aid training as part of her course at university and worked in an A&E ward before starting her job as a support worker. She said, “anyone with her training or knowledge would do the same thing, it’s a duty of care.” She is keen to encourage everyone to get first aid training if they can as she has proven it can help save a life when you least expect it. She said, “The first thing they tell you in training is you’ll never know when you need it, and that couldn’t be more true.”

There are a number of options available to help residents manage any extra waste and recycling: A reminder that paper and card including wrapping paper, Christmas cards, boxes and catalogues, can be recycled in the blue bin. Glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles, biscuit and chocolate tins can all be recycled in the brown bin. Blue bins: Small amounts of additional paper and card can be tied in a bundle and put next to blue bins for collection (the additional bundle should be no bigger than the size of the bin) Brown bins: Up to two extra bags of tins, cans and plastic bottles will be collected between 27 December and 21 January. They should be placed inside a carrier bag, tied and then put out for collection next to the brown bin. Glass bottles or jars must be placed inside brown bins, otherwise the extra recycling will not be collected.

The Woodhead MRT team would like to say a huge thanks to Thorncliffe Health and Leisure Centre for their generous donation to the team. The joint donation with Edale Mountain Rescue Team came as a result of a callout both teams took part in last year. The amazing people at the leisure centre played host to a very successful coffee and cake morning. As a result, they were able to raise a total of £541.52 which has been split between both teams. Once again, a big thank you to the leisure centre and everyone who called in! We can’t do what we do without you.

South Yorkshire wins £12million bid to establish an Institute of Technology

A collaboration of educators and employers from South Yorkshire, including Barnsley College, have successfully secured over £12million to establish a new South Alternatively extra waste and recycling can be taken to one of the Yorkshire Institute of Technology City’s Household Waste Recycling Centres. The Winter opening (IoT). times are from 9.30am until 3.30pm however sites will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, and will close at The Department for Education 3pm on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Residents are advised to (DfE) made the announcement today as part of the second wave check site opening days before planning a visit. of IoT bids to have funding confirmed by the government. New employer-led IoTs offer higher level technical education to help South Yorkshire Police appeal home on Mowson Crescent, in close skills gaps in key STEM arafter gang armed with machete Worrall, and damaging a mo- eas. They are part of the governattack man in his 70s in Wor- torhome and car parked outside. ment’s plans to reform technical training to help employers get the rall, Sheffield Police, who said officers were skilled workforce they need and A gang of thugs armed with a called on December 6, at around offer local people rewarding jobs. machete and a wrench attacked 9.45pm, have appealed for inforThe South Yorkshire IoT joins a man in his 70s, seriously in- mation following the assault. Further Education institutions, juring him, outside his home in Higher Education institutions Sheffield. and local employers together to Anyone with information is The victim was assaulted after provide pathways from STEM asked to call 101, quoting inciconfronting the men when they based T-Levels to Higher Techdent number 898 of December started smashing windows at his nical Qualifications, apprentice6. Black Bins: Between 27 December and 21 January, up to two bags of extra general waste will be collected. The extra non-recyclable waste should be put into a black bag, tied, and then put out for collection next to the black bin.

Machete attack

ships, and degrees. The IoT will also offer flexible courses for adults looking to reskill or upskill. The collaboration includes DN Colleges Group, Sheffield Hallam University, Barnsley College, and the University of Sheffield AMRC Training Centre as core education partners. RNN Group, the Sheffield College and the National Centre for Advanced Transport & Infrastructure (NCATI) are also associate partners. In addition, the core employer partners include AESSEAL PLC, Engie UK, HLM Architects and WANdisco. They will have a place on the Board of the IoT. The South Yorkshire IoT will work closely with employers to provide specialist provision for over 1,500 learners, aiming to meet the demand for construction, digital, engineering/manufacturing, and healthcare science higher level technical skills within the region.

Christmas Friendship Lunch

Miriam Cates MP made a surprise visit to the Red Lion in Grenoside Christmas Friendship Lunch last week. The sold out event was a huge success, with entertainment by Paul Anthony. Miriam enjoyed chatting to guests and looks forward to attending future events. For further information and/or to discuss hosting/sponsoring a Friendship Lunch, please contact Kathy Markwick, Freelance Community Consultant, 0772 9528844



call 0114 283 1100

6.00 Breakfast. 9.05 Zog. (R) 9.35 Zog and the Flying Doctors. (R) 10.00 Christmas Day Service from Coventry Cathedral. 11.00 Stick Man. (R) 11.25 Shaun the Sheep: The Flight Before Christmas. (R) 12.00 Top of the Pops Christmas Special. 1.00 BBC News; Weather. 1.10 Film: The Secret Life of Pets 2. (2019) 2.30 Superworm. 3.00 The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast. 3.10 Film: Mary Poppins Returns. (2018) 5.10 Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special. 6.25 Michael McIntyre’s Christmas Wheel. Danny Dyer, Zoe Ball and David Walliams compete for charity. 7.25 Blankety Blank Christmas Special 2021. Bradley Walsh hosts a festive edition of the game show. Last in the series. 8.00 Call the Midwife. New series. Lucille and Cyril prepare for their upcoming winter wedding in December 1966. 9.35 EastEnders. Whitney is ready to go through with her plan of exposing Gray. 10.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys Christmas Special. 10.55 The Vicar of Dibley. (R) 11.50 BBC News; Weather. 12.00 On Christmas Night. 12.05 Film: Last Christmas. (2019) 1.45 Would I Lie to You? at Christmas. (R) 2.15 I Can See Your Voice Christmas Special. (R) 3.15 Weather for the Week Ahead. 3.20 BBC News.

Saturday CHRISTMAS DAY TV 25.12.21


ONGOING Mondays Mens Activity and Games Session Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre Monday afternoons 1-30pm to 3-30pm Cost £1 (includes free refreshments) Activities will include a range from Badminton, Table Tennis, Indoor Curling, Dominoes, Card and Board Games, Quiz Contact Mark Hible 07841 430171 for further information. Leonie Elliott

Wednesdays Call the Midwife Everyone is welcome at the Tea BBC1, 8pm and Chat group - 1:00-3:00pm New series. The Christmas every Wednesday afternoon at of 1966 promises to be a St Leonards Church Wortley. Pop one at in for a drink memorable and a chat. ConNonnatus House as Lucille tact Joan for more details: 0114 and Cyril prepare for their 2887435 upcoming winter wedding.

Thursdays The midwives are faced their busiestCafé Open House with Community Christmas Day as the Everyone is welcome at ever Open Home iscafé filled House, our newMaternity community expectant mumsatto be, - 1:30-3:30pmwith every Thursday each with their own Holy Trinity Thurgoland Church. challenging Pop in for coffee, cakescase, andbut,a Mother chat. Contact luckily, Hannah for Mildred more is on hand to support them. details: hannahosandoval@



Saturdays Councillor Julie Grocutt Saturday morning Surgery 10-11am First Saturday of each month at Stocksbridge Library. Call in for David Tennant help, advice or a chat. Around the World in 80 Councillor Lewis Days Chinchen’s surgeries willBBC1, be on the 2nd 5.50pm Saturday of each month froman New series. Following 10.30-11.30amoutrageous at Stocksbridge wager, wealthy Library. Drop Englishman by if you Phileas requireFogg assistance orandsupport. Lewis his French valet, can also be contacted on 07766 Passepartout, take on the 540328 or unlikely lewis.chinchen@ challenge of if the youglobe circumnavigating cannot make just 80 days. The pair are swiftly joined on their journey by aspiring journalist Abigail 'Fix' Fortescue, who seizes the chance to report on this extraordinary feat.


7.00 Good Mornin Lorraine. 10.00 Th 12.00 James Mart Day. 2.00 Ainsley’s Good Mood Food. Queen’s Christmas Listi Film: Santa Claus: (1985) 5.15 ITV N 5.30 Paul O’Grady Dogs at Christmas 6.00 The Masked Dommett ho special of TV guessing ga return of som favourites. 7.00 Emmerdale enjoy Christ a threatenin Manpreet se information 8.00 Coronation delights Tyro her holiday a girls home. 9.00 The Larkins this festive s Larkins are g Christmas, a all talk is of t and an ongo burglaries. 10.25 ITV News; W 10.40 Film: Love A Romantic co Hugh Grant McCutcheon 1.05 The Royal Va Performance. (R) 3.35 Joanna Luml Home – Travels in (R) 4.25 Rolling in Unwind with ITV.

BBC Two.

Point. (R)

channel CHANNEL 55


6.00 Milkshake! 8.20 Funniest Ever BBC Four 7.15 The Simpsons. (R) 7.40 The Simpsons. (R) 8.05 The Simpsons. Pets at Christmas. (R) 9.15 7.00 Peng Greatest Family Christmas Hits. (R) World 7.0 (R) 8.30 The Simpsons. (R) 9.00 10.10 Britain’s Favourite Christmas Schubert’ The Simpsons. (R) 9.30 The Songs. (R) 1.10 All-Time Favourite and Ernie Simpsons. (R) 10.00 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. (R) 10.30 The Tiger ABBA Songs. 3.10 Film: Chitty Film: The Chitty Bang Bang. (1968) 4.10 Who Came to Tea. (R) 11.00 Film: Dickens’ F Entertainment News on 5. 4.15 How to Train Your Dragon. (2010) ITV2 Film: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. 12.55 Film: White Christmas. 3.50 Film (1968) Concluded. (1954) 3.20 Father Christmas. (R) 5.40 Film 3.55 The Snowman. (R) 4.30 The 6.15 Britain’s Greatest 80s Kingdom Songs. A countdown of the Snowman and the Snowdog. (R) nation’s favourite 80s songs, Mamma M 5.00 The Alternative Christmas (2018) 10 as voted for by the British Message. 5.05 Channel 4 News. Christmas public, with Queen, Duran 5.15 Film: Home Alone 2: Lost in Guy Duran, Spandau Ballet, New York. (1992) ITV3 George Michael and 7.30 Terry Pratchett’s the Eurythmics all sure to 2.40 Film Abominable Snow Baby. feature. 4.30 Film 8.00 The Great Christmas Bake 6.30 Film BBC2 ITV 9.00 Britain’s Favourite Party Off 2021. Paul Hollywood, 6.00 CITV: The Ru 6.45 Film: Sign Zone: Mary 8.15 Film Songs. A celebration of the Prue Leith, Matt Lucas(2018) and Dave Spud. 6.35 M Poppins Returns. 8.45 (1970) 10 Gardeners’ World Winter Specials. best-loved dance7.00 craze Dare Master Noel Fielding invite the stars 7.05 Mr Bean: The (R) 9.45 Countryfile at Christmas. records from across the past(R) 7.30 Series. (R) 10.40 Saturday Kitchen Best ITV4 H from12.10 the award-winning hit Food Guys (R) 7.45 Hotel Tran Bites. The Great 50 years, featuring the likes 8.00 The Rubbish Hogmanay Special. 12.40 Film: 3.10 Film drama It’s a Sin to join them Spud. (R) 8.15 Th Singin’ in the Rain. (1952) 2.20 of the Macarena,ofVogue and Dave Spud. (R) 4 FYI Daily Film: Some Like It Hot. (1959) in the famous white tent to Rubbish World of 4.20 Final Score. 5.20 The Two Agadoo. (1960) 6. 8.35 The Epic Tale celebrateatChristmas. Ronnies Christmas. (R) Mega 6.10 The Perfect Morecambe & 30 Years Underpants: 11.05 Kylie: of Hits. (1969) 7. 9.25 ITV News. 9. 9.15 Gogglebox Highlights Special. Wise2021. Christmas A Family whose Adventure: selection of classic clipsProfile of the singer The Italian (R) 10.00 Love Yo of the past year’s from the episodes, duo’s festive BBC debut single I Should So Titchmar withBeAlan Rocky (19 specials, including featuring appearances by the Angela Christma Rippon coming out fromLucky launched Ainsley’s an enduring Food. (R) 12.50 IT Film: Roc behind the news desk and Siddiquis, Giles and Mary, 1.00 ITV Andre Previn being shown pop career, withWeather. the Kempton. American from 3.3 how to play Grieg. Jenny and Lee, Ellie and Izzi, (R) programme charting For the the Love of Do 6.40 Anything Goes: The News; Weather. E4 4. Marcus and Mica, and Amira Musical. A production Night constant reinvention of herTakeaway Pr of the classic musical Trouble. 5.00 andcomedy Iqra. 4.55The Film filmed at London’s image. (R) Christmas Special Turtles:Ca O Celebrity 11.15 FirstBarbican. Dates at Christmas. 9.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse: 12.30 Wonderful World6.00 of Christmas S 7.05 Film Christmas Fishing. FredGone Sirieix and his team try 7.00 Emmerdale Paul takes Bob on a Chocolate. steam (R) 1.00 The 7.30 Coronation (2006) 9. to make suretothat Christmas train the north of England LiveEnglish Casino Show. 3.008.00 All Star Mus search for a prized Off: Best B Christmas. 2021to is one to remember. salmon in the Eden and Tyne, News on 5. 3.10 Our Entertainment 9.30 Billy Conno the pair are joined on the Inbetween (R) and riverbank by Paul Gascoigne. New Puppy. (R) 4.00 The Great Pleasure. 10.40 ITV News; 10.00 Adele: The BBC Sessions. Film4 W 12.20 Film: Slumdog Millionaire. Model Railway Challenge. (R) 4.50 BBC archive clips of the 10.50 Madame Tu hugely singer. Wax. (R)Bum (2008) 2.20 One Nightsuccessful in the 3.55 The Highland Midwife.11.50 (R) 5.40 British 11.00 Tina Live! A 2009 concert by Tour Natural History (R)in3.15 Independ TinaMuseum. Turner the Dutch cityMonkey’s Amazing Champions Milkshake! of Arnhem. (R) Come Dine with Me Christmas. (R) (2015) John Wic Adventures. (R) 5.45 Thomas &the Season. 1.10 Film: Mr Holmes. 2.50 1.30 Shop: Ideal W Sign Zone: Strictly Come Dancing Extra. 3.15 Motors 5.25 Countdown. (2019) 11 Friends. (R) Christmas Special. (R) 4.05 This Is 4.05 Unwind with

Ahead. 2.20 BBC News.






6.00 Milkshake!: 9.45 SpongeBob 6.00 CITV: The Rubbish World of 6.05 Film: Rugrats Go Wild. BBC Four 6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 The Snail and 6.45 Film: Sign Zone: Mary Eas Low Dave Spud. 6.35 Mr Magoo. (R) (2003) 7.25 Film: Christmas at the SquarePants. (R) 10.00 Poppins Returns. (2018) 8.45 the Whale. (R) 9.45 The Highway 7.00 The No 7.00 Dare Master at Home. (R) Palace. (2018) 9.00 Jamie: Keep SpongeBob SquarePants. (R) Gardeners’ World Winter Specials. Rat. (R) 10.10 Film: Shaun the Dancing Can t 7.05 Mr Bean: The Animated Cooking at Christmas. 9.30 (R) 9.45 Countryfile at Christmas. 10.15 Entertainment News on 5. Sheep Movie. (2015) 11.30 Film: Royal Bal Wal Series. (R) 7.30 Hotel Transylvania. Christmas Brunch. 12.30 Terry Bath Trolls. (2016) 12.55 BBC News. (R) 10.40 Saturday Kitchen Best 10.20 NFL End Zone. 10.45 Toys the Royal Com (R) 7.45 Hotel Transylvania. (R) 1.05 Regional News. 1.10 Weather Bites. 12.10 The Great Food Guys Pratchett’s the Abominable Snow That Made Christmas Great. (R) Moonstru From 8.00 The Rubbish World of Dave for the Week Ahead. 1.15 Songs of Hogmanay Special. 12.40 Film: Baby. (R) 1.05 The Simpsons. (R) 12.45 Film: Calendar Girls. (2003) ITV2 Spud. (R) 8.15 The Rubbish World Praise: Daniel O’Donnell’s Faith 1.55 Film: Home Alone 3. (1997) ea Singin’ in the Rain. (1952) 2.20 1.45 Entertainment News on“Safe, 5. 3.50 Film of Dave Spud. (R) 8.25 The Journey. 1.50 Revolting Rhymes. 4.00 Film: Crocodile Dundee. Film: Some Like It Hot. (1959) 1.50 Film: Calendar Girls. (2003) Dr Hilar Terrestria Rubbish World of Dave Spud. (R) (R) 2.20 Film: Beauty and the (1986) 5.50 Channel 4 News. 4.20 Final Score. 5.20 The Two Concluded. 3.00 Film: The 5.05 Film 8.35 The Epic Tales of Captain Beast. (2017) 4.20 Film: Ronnies at Christmas. (R) 6.00 Britain’s Scenic Railways at Proposal. (2009) 4.00 Terrestria Underpants: Mega Blissmas. (R) Paddington. (2014) 5.50 Around Christmas. A magical winter Entertainment News on 5. 4.05 6.10 The Perfect Morecambe & (2001) 7. 9.25 ITV News. 9.30 Gino’s Italian the World in 80 Days. Film: The Proposal. (2009) journey through some of the Wise Christmas Special. A Shrek (20 Mobility Plus give £100 from the sale of every bathroom fitted to Cancer Research From the start of this promotion over Family Adventure: A FestiveUK. Feast. Concluded. 5.10 Film: Sister Act. £1,000,000 has Cancer Research work. Cancer Research UK is a registered in England 6.40 Around the World in been 80 raised towards country’scharity most festive selection of classic clips UK’s life saving www Furious P and Wales (1089464) and in Scotland (SC041666) #Subject to(R) normal installation conditions. Terms and conditions apply. 10.00 Love Your Christmas (1992) Days. Traversing Italy by railways, including the from the duo’s festive BBC (2019) 9. with Alan Titchmarsh. 11.55 train, Fogg’s self-respect is sparkling illuminations of specials, including Angela 6.15 Entertainment News on 5. Fast & Fu Ainsley’s Christmas Good Mood shattered by an arrogant Steam in Lights at the Severn 6.20 Film: Sister Act. (1992) Rippon coming out from Shaw (20 Food. (R) 12.50 ITV News; bully’s ridicule, worrying Valley Railway. behind the news desk and Concluded. Weather. 1.00 ITV Racing: Live ITV3 Abigail and Passepartout Andre Previn being shown 7.00 Escape to the Chateau at 7.00 World’s Strongest Man from Kempton. 3.30 Paul O’Grady: 3.05 Film even before a disaster how to play Grieg. (R) Christmas. Dick, Angel, 2021. Britain's Strongest For the Love of Dogs. (R) 4.00 ITV (1969) 4. strikes. Arthur and Dorothy enjoy a 6.40 Anything Goes: The News; Weather. 4.15 Saturday Man. James Richardson Lose Your 7.30 Death in Paradise magical festive adventure. Musical. A production Night Takeaway Presents: Double presents action from the final Carry On Christmas Special. FeatureLast in the series. (R) of the classic musical Trouble. 5.00 The Chase Celebrity round of the Giants Live Carry On length festive special. A comedy filmed at London’s 8.00 All I Want(ed) for Christmas Special. series, held at FlyDSA Arena 10.00 Ver t *OTUBMMFST PG A" 3BUFE &OFSHZ 4BWJOH 17$ shipping magnate is found Barbican. Christmas. Celebrities in Sheffield. 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase: ITV4 dead at a party. receive the presents they 9.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse: 8JOEPXT %PPST $POTFSWBUPSJFT 1PSDIFT Christmas Special. 8.00 Film: Dirty Dancing. (1987) 3.25 Film 9.00 A Very British Scandal. New wanted as kids but never got. Gone Christmas Fishing. Romantic drama, with 7.00 Emmerdale. t 8PPEHSBJO &GGFDU $PNQPTJUF %PPST JO Film: The series. Drama focusing on Paul takes Bob on a steam 9.00 The Big Fat Quiz of the Year Patrick Swayze. 7.30 Coronation Street. Daily 6.50 the 1963 divorce of the Duke train to the north of England 7BSJPVT $PMPVST 2021. The annual year-end 9.00 Entertainment News on 5. 8.00 All Star Musicals at 9.00 Film and Duchess of Argyll, to search for a prized English quiz, hosted by Jimmy Carr. t "MVNJOJVN 4FDPOEBSZ (MB[JOH 9.05 Film: Dirty Dancing. (1987) Christmas. FYI Daily notorious for scandalous salmon in the Eden and Tyne, Sarah Millican, James Concluded. (2010) 11 accusations and salacious 9.30 Billy Connolly: My Absolute 4BWF PO &OFSHZ /PJTF and the pair are joined on the Acaster, Jonathan Ross, Judi photographs. With Claire Foy Pleasure. FR E E 10.00 Film: Road House. (1989) riverbank by Paul Gascoigne. E4 Love, Guz Khan and Sara t A5JSFE $POTFSWBUPSZ 1PSDI 6QHSBEFT g CWeather. h ri s tm a r i n The BBC Sessions. and Paul Bettany. 10.40 ITV News; 11.15 Entertainment News on 5. Pascoe look back on the 10.00BAdele: 5.00 Lego s ur g if t fo r t "MVNJOJVN #J 'PME %PPST yoarchive 10.00 EastEnders. Janine tries to strange events of 2021. BBC clips of the Film: Son 10.50 Madame Tussauds: The Full s 11.20 Film: Road House. (1989) e E i V l E l R get Mick to herself. we successful singer. hugely 9.00 Gog Wax. (R) c h il dY Concluded. t 'BTDJBT 4PGåUT %SZ 7FSHFT 11.00 Gogglebox 2021. Highlights 10.30 Film 10.25 BBC News; Weather. of the past year’s episodes. 11.00 Tina Live! A 2009 concert by 11.50 British Touring Car 12.15 Swayze: The Demons & the t 3FQMBDFNFOU 4FBMFE 6OJUT (2014) (R) Tina Turner in the Dutch city 10.40 Match of the Day. Action Championship Review of Dance. (R) 1.40 Entertainment t :FBS '3&& *OTVSBODF of Arnhem. (R) Film4 from the Boxing Day Premier the Season. 12.55 Back to the 80s with Lenny News on 5. 1.50 The Live League fixtures. Henry. (R) 2.40 Come Dine with 1.10 Film: Mr Holmes. (2015) 2.50 1.30 Shop: Ideal World. 3.00 FYI Casino Show. 3.35 Our New Puppy. 3.35 Sens CBDLFE (VBSBOUFFT Me. (R) 4.55 Countdown. (R) 5.35 Sign Zone: Strictly Come Dancing 6.20 A Kn (R) 4.40 The Great Model Railway 12.15 Film: The Accountant. Extra. 3.15 Motorsport UK. (R) Christmas Special. (R) 4.05 This Is Mission: I (2016) 2.15 Weather for the Week Challenge. (R) 5.35 House Doctor. 4.05 Unwind with ITV. 5.05 Tipping Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas. (R) 5.50 The Simpsons. (R) BBC Two. Point. (R) Ahead. 2.20 BBC News. (2018) 11 (R) Norwegian Spruce with non-drop needles       


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7.10 Film: Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast. (2014) 8.20 Malory Towers. (R) 8.45 Carols from King’s. (R) 10.00 Gangsta Granny. (R) 11.10 Film: Casablanca. (1942) 12.50 Film: Meet Me in St Louis. (1944) 2.40 Marvellous Musicals: Talking Pictures. (R) 3.10 The Two Ronnies Christmas Sketchbook. (R) 3.40 The Two Ronnies: The Studio Recordings. (R) 4.10 Quentin Blake: The Drawing of My Life. 5.10 Sign Zone: The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast. (R) 5.20 Film: The Adventures of Robin Hood. (1938) 7.00 The Morecambe and Wise Christmas Show 1971. Seasonal special from 1971. (R) 7.45 The Morecambe & Wise Show 1970 – The Lost Tape. An episode that had been considered lost for more than 50 years. (R) 8.35 A Musical Family Christmas with the Kanneh-Masons. A festive celebration with the musical siblings. 9.35 Film: Pavarotti. (2019) Premiere. Oscar-winnning director Ron Howard’s documentary examining the life, career, achievements and legacy of Italian operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti. 11.30 Pavarotti in Hyde Park. (R) 1.05 Beauty and the Beast: A Pantomime for Comic Relief. (R) 2.05 Impeachment: American Crime Story. (R) 3.15 Sign Zone: What We Do in the Shadows. (R) 4.35 This Is BBC Two.

Channel CHANNEL 44

6.00 Breakfast. 9.05 Zog. (R) 9.35 7.10 Film: Tinker Bell and the 7.00 Good Morning Britain. 9.00 Zog and the Flying Doctors. (R) Lorraine. 10.00 This Morning. Legend of the NeverBeast. (2014) 10.00 Christmas Day Service from 8.20 Malory Towers. (R) 8.45 12.00 James Martin’s Christmas Leonie Elliott Coventry Cathedral. 11.00 Stick Day. 2.00 Ainsley’s Christmas Carols from King’s. (R) 10.00 Call theShaun Midwife Man. (R) 11.25 the Sheep: Good Mood Food. 3.00 The Gangsta Granny. (R) 11.10 Film: BBC1, 8pm The Flightseries. Before Christmas. (R) Christmas Queen’s Christmas Broadcast. 3.10 Casablanca. (1942) 12.50 Film: New The of 1966 promises beMe ain St Louis. (1944) 2.40 12.00 Top of the Pops Christmas toMeet Film: Santa Claus: The Movie. memorable Special. 1.00 BBC News;one Marvellous Musicals: Talking (1985) 5.15 ITV News; Weather. Nonnatus House as Lucille 1.10 Film: The Secret Life of Pets forPictures. 5.30 Paul O’Grady: For the Love of and Cyril prepare their(R) 3.10 The Two Ronnies 2. (2019) 2.30 Superworm. 3.00 wedding. upcoming winter Dogs at Christmas. Christmas Sketchbook. (R) 3.40 The midwives are faced The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast. The Two Ronnies: The Studio 6.00 The Masked Singalong. Joel with their busiest 3.10 Film: Mary Poppins Returns. Recordings. Dommett hosts a one-off Christmas Day ever as the (R) 4.10 Quentin (2018) 5.10 Strictly Home Come Dancing Maternity is filled Blake: The Drawing of My Life. 5.10 special of TV’s most surreal with expectant mums to be, Christmas Special. Sign Zone: The Queen’s Christmas guessing game, featuring the each with their own Broadcast. (R) 5.20 Film: The 6.25 Michael McIntyre’s return of some old challenging case, but, luckily, Mother Mildred is of Robin Hood. (1938) Adventures Christmas Wheel. Danny favourites. on hand to support them. Dyer, Zoe Ball and David 7.00 The Morecambe and Wise 7.00 Emmerdale. The villagers Walliams compete for Christmas Show 1971. 26.12.21 enjoy Christmas day. Al gets BOXING DAY TV charity. Seasonal special from 1971. a threatening message. BBC1 CHOICE (R) 7.25 Blankety Blank Christmas Manpreet searches for 6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 The Snail and Special 2021. Bradley Walsh 7.45 The Morecambe information. & Wise the Whale. (R) 9.45 The Highway Rat. (R) 10.10 Film: Shaun the hosts a festive edition of the Show 1970 – The Lost Tape. Coronation Street. Fiz Sheep Movie.8.00 (2015) 11.30 Film: Trolls. (2016) 12.55 BBC News. game show. Last in the An episode that1.05 had been delights1.10 TyroneWeather by cancelling Regional News. series. the Week Ahead. 1.15and Songs considered lostfor for more her holiday bringingof the Praise: Daniel O’Donnell’s Faith 8.00 Call the Midwife. New than 50 years. (R) Journey. 1.50 Revolting girls home.Rhymes. (R) 2.20 Film: Beauty and the series. Lucille and Cyril Beast. (2017)9.00 4.20 8.35 A Musical Family Christmas TheFilm: Larkins at Christmas. In Paddington. (2014) 5.50 Around prepare for their upcoming with the Kanneh-Masons. A in 80 Days. the World this festive special, the 6.40 Around the World in 80 winter wedding in December festive celebration with the Larkins areItaly gearingbyup for Days. Traversing 1966. train, Fogg’s self-respect is musical siblings. Christmas, and in the village shattered by an arrogant 9.35 EastEnders. Whitney is bully’s ridicule, worrying all talk is of the pantomime 9.35 Film: Pavarotti. (2019) Abigail and Passepartout David Tennant ready to go through with her anda an ongoing spate of before disaster Premiere. Oscar-winnningeven strikes. Around theGray. World in 80 plan of exposing burglaries. director Ron Howard’s 7.30 Death in Paradise Days Special. Feature10.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys documentary examining Christmas the 10.25 ITV News; Weather. BBC1, 5.50pm length festive special. A magnate is found New series. Following an Christmas Special. life, career, achievementsshipping Film: Love Actually. (2003) dead at10.40 a party. outrageous wager, wealthy 9.00 A Very British Scandal. New and legacy of Italian operatic 10.55 The Vicar of Dibley. (R) Romantic comedy, with Englishman Phileas Fogg series. Drama focusing on 1963 divorce ofand the Duke and his French HughofGrant Martine 11.50 BBC News; Weather. valet, tenor Luciano Pavarotti. the and Duchess Argyll, Passepartout, take on the (R) for scandalous McCutcheon. 12.00 On Christmas Night. 12.05 of11.30 Pavarotti in Hyde Park. notorious unlikely challenge accusations and salacious With Claire Foy circumnavigating globe Beauty and the Beast: A photographs. 1.05 The Royal Variety Film: Last Christmas. (2019) 1.45 the1.05 and Paul Bettany. in just 80 days. The pair are Pantomime for Comic10.00 Relief. (R)EastEnders. Performance. (R) 3.15 FYI Extra. Would I Lie to You? at Christmas. Janine tries to swiftly joined on their get Mick to herself. 3.35 Joanna Lumley’s Home Sweet 2.05 Impeachment: American (R) 2.15 I Can See Voice journey byYour aspiring 10.25 BBC News; Weather. journalist Abigail 'Fix'Crime Story. (R) 3.1510.40 – Travels in Action My Own Land. Sign Zone: Christmas Special. (R) 3.15 Match Home of the Day. from the Boxing Day Premier Fortescue, who3.20 seizes 4.25 Rolling in It. (R) 5.15 Whatthe We Do in the Shadows. (R) Weather for the Week Ahead. League(R) fixtures. chance to report on this 12.15 Film: The Accountant. Unwind with for ITV. the Week BBC News. extraordinary feat. 4.35 This Is BBC Two.(2016) 2.15 Weather

FridaysBOXING DAY TV 26.12.21 † Stocksbridge CHOICE Community Care FREEBBC2 BBC1 Group’s Friday Drop In Service for elderly residents is once again being held weekly at The Venue, between 10am and 3pm. For a small charge visitors can enjoy a hot drink, company, games, talks and a light lunch. For further information contact Dave Owen on 0114 2864426.



Est. 1982

January 8 Don Valley Probus will meet on 8th January 2022 at 10.00 in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, when our speaker will be Peter Drake. Our meetings are always friendly, relaxed and take place on alternate Wednesday mornings throughout the year. We look forward to seeing our regular members and welcoming visitors. For more information, please call Stephen Clarke on 07593 792967 11 Stocksbridge & upper don 50+ group will meet from 1.30pm-3pm at Stocksbridge Library. New members welcome. 13 Chapeltown WI will meet at in Chapeltown Methodist Church. Alan Hittling will explain how to “Discover your roots”. The competition is for a family heirloom. New members and visitors will be made welcome.



event listings December 24 St Nicholas’ Church, High Bradfield, Christingle, 4pm 24 St. John’s, Deepcar - 4.00 pm - Carols round the Crib & Christingle St. Mary’s, Bolsterstone - 11.30 pm - Midnight Communion 24 Carol Sing Christmas Eve 7:00 p.m. Millennium Green Oughtibridge All welcome 25 St Nicholas’ Church, High Bradfield, Christmas Communion, 10.30am 25 Stocksbridge Christian Centre, Cedar Road at 10 AM. CHRISTMAS ! Celebration and communion. 25 St. Mary’s, Bolsterstone 10.30 am - Christmas Day Communion 26 St. John’s, Deepcar - 10.30 am - Benefice Communion for St John’s & St Mary’s 26 Stocksbridge Christian Centre, Cedar Road at 10 AM. Boxing Day service. 31 STOCKSBRIDGE CHRISTIAN CENTRE Invites you to Carols by candlelight on on Friday 31st December at 4 p.m. Local carols, lighthearted and meaningful readings and poems with items from local musicians Refreshments to follow


23rd december 2021

Issue 1197

Shower & bathe

Trees located at the top of More Hall Lane

   

in com & safet

and legacy of Italian operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti. 11.30 Pavarotti in Hyde Park. (R) 1.05 Beauty and the Beast: A Film: Last Christmas. (2019) 1.45 Pantomime for Comic Relief. (R) Would I Lie to You? at Christmas. t, 2.05 Impeachment: American (R) 2.15 I Can See Your Voice ed is 4Sign Zone: Crime Story. (R) 3.15 Christmas Special. (R)CHANNEL 3.15 hem. The Simpsons. (R) 7.40 The ng Britain. 9.00for the Week7.15 What We Do in the Shadows. (R) Weather Ahead. 3.20 Simpsons. (R) 8.05 The Simpsons. his Morning. tin’s Christmas (R) 8.30 The4.35 Simpsons. (R) 9.00 This Is BBC Two. BBC News.

10.55 The Vicar of Dibley. (R) led 11.50 BBC News; Weather. s to be, 12.00 On Christmas Night. 12.05

10.40 Film: Love Actually. (2003) 12.30 Wonderful World of 7.05 Film: The Devil Wears Prada Fred Sirieix and his team try Romantic comedy, with Chocolate. (R) 1.00 The (2006) 9.15 The Great British Bake to make sure that Christmas Hugh Grant and Martine Live Casino Show. 3.00 Off: Best Bits 10.20 Film: The 2021 is one to remember. McCutcheon. Entertainment News on 5. 3.10 Our Inbetweeners Movie (2011) (R) 1.05 The Royal Variety New Puppy. (R) 4.00 The Great Film4 Issue 1197 12.20 Film: Slumdog Millionaire. Performance. (R) 3.15 FYI Extra. Model Railway Challenge. (R) 4.50 Listings supplied by PA Media call 0114 283 1100 3.55 Bumblebee (2018) 6.10 3.35 Joanna Lumley’s Home Sweet (2008) 2.20 One Night in the The Highland Midwife. (R) 5.40 CHANNEL 5 DIGITAL Natural History Museum. (R) 3.15 Independence Day (1996) 9.00 Home – Travels in My Own Land. Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing 6.00 Milkshake! 8.20 Funniest Ever BBC Four Come Dine with Me Christmas. (R) Adventures. (R) 5.45 Thomas & John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (R)Pets 4.25 Rolling in It. (R) 5.15 at Christmas. (R) 9.15 7.00 Penguin Post Office: Natural Greatest Hits. (R) Countdown. Unwind with ITV.Family Christmas5.25 (2019) 11.35 Hear My Song (1991) Friends. (R)Journey: World 7.05 Winter

TV Guide

s Christmas . 3.00 The s Broadcast. 3.10 : The Movie. News; Weather. y: For the Love of s. d Singalong. Joel osts a one-off V’s most surreal ame, featuring the me old

The Simpsons. (R) 9.30 The Simpsons. (R) 10.00 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. (R) 10.30 The Tiger Who Came to Tea. (R) 11.00 Film: How to Train Your Dragon. (2010) 12.55 Film: White Christmas. (1954) 3.20 Father Christmas. (R) 3.55 The Snowman. (R) 4.30 The Snowman and the Snowdog. (R) 5.00 The Alternative Christmas Message. 5.05 Channel 4 News. 5.15 Film: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. (1992) 7.30 Terry Pratchett’s the Abominable Snow Baby. 8.00 The Great Christmas Bake Off 2021. Paul Hollywood, Prue Leith, Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding invite the stars from the award-winning hit drama It’s a Sin to join them in the famous white tent to celebrate Christmas. 9.15 Gogglebox 2021. Highlights of the past year’s episodes, featuring appearances by the Siddiquis, Giles and Mary, Jenny and Lee, Ellie and Izzi, Marcus and Mica, and Amira and Iqra. 11.15 First Dates at Christmas. Fred Sirieix and his team try to make sure that Christmas 2021 is one to remember. (R) 12.20 Film: Slumdog Millionaire. (2008) 2.20 One Night in the Natural History Museum. (R) 3.15 Come Dine with Me Christmas. (R) 5.25 Countdown.

Sunday DAY TV 26.12.21



6.00 Breakfast. 9.15 The Snail and 6.45 Film: Sign Zone: Mary Poppins Returns. (2018) 8.45 the Whale. (R) 9.45 The Highway e. The villagers tmas day.Rat. Al (R) gets Gardeners’ World Winter Specials. 10.10 Film: Shaun the ng message. (R) 9.45 Countryfile at Christmas. Sheep Movie. (2015) 11.30 Film: earches for n. Trolls. (2016) 12.55 BBC News. (R) 10.40 Saturday Kitchen Best Street. Fiz rone by cancelling 1.05 Regional News. 1.10 Weather Bites. 12.10 The Great Food Guys and bringing the for the Week Ahead. 1.15 Songs of Hogmanay Special. 12.40 Film: s at Christmas. In Praise: Daniel O’Donnell’s Faith Singin’ in the Rain. (1952) 2.20 special, the gearing up for Journey. 1.50 Revolting Rhymes. Film: Some Like It Hot. (1959) and in the village the pantomime (R) 2.20 Film: Beauty and the 4.20 Final Score. 5.20 The Two oing spate of Beast. (2017) 4.20 Film: Ronnies at Christmas. (R) Weather. 6.10 The Perfect Morecambe & Actually.Paddington. (2003) (2014) 5.50 Around omedy, with the World in 80 Days. Wise Christmas Special. A and Martine n. 6.40 Around the World in 80 selection of classic clips ariety 3.15 FYI Extra. Days. Traversing Italy by from the duo’s festive BBC ley’s Home Sweet train, Fogg’s self-respect is My Own Land. specials, including Angela n It. (R) 5.15 shattered by an arrogant Rippon coming out from bully’s ridicule, worrying behind the news desk and Abigail and Passepartout Andre Previn being shown CHANNEL 4 (R) even before a disaster how to play Grieg. ubbish World strikes. of 6.05 Film: Rugrats Go Wild. Anything Goes: Theat the Mr Magoo. (R) (2003) 7.25 6.40 Film: Christmas inat80 Home. (R) Palace. (2018) 9.00 Jamie: Keep 7.30 Death in Paradise Musical. 9.30 A production e Animated Cooking at Christmas. Hotel Transylvania. Christmas Terry Christmas Special. Feature- Brunch. of the12.30 classic musical nsylvania. (R) Pratchett’s the Abominable Snow World of Dave Baby. Simpsons. (R) length festive special. A (R) 1.05 The comedy filmed at London’s he Rubbish World 1.55 Film: Home Alone 3. (1997) 8.25 shipping magnate is found 4.00 Film: Crocodile Dundee. Barbican. gDave an The Spud. (R) (1986) 5.50 Channel 4 News. es of Captain dead at a party.6.00 Britain’s 9.00 Scenic Mortimer Railways & Whitehouse:at wealthy a Blissmas. (R) Christmas. A magical winter .30 Gino’s Italian 9.00 A Very British Scandal. New Gone Christmas Fishing. journey through some of the :Fogg A Festive Feast. country’s most festive our Christmasseries. Drama focusing on Paul takes Bobthe on a steam railways, including rsh. 11.55 sparkling illuminations of , Good Moodthe 1963 divorce of the Duke train to theatnorth England as Steam in Lights theofSevern TV News; Valley Railway. to search for a prized English V Racing: Live and Duchess of Argyll, on30 the 7.00 Escape to the Chateau at Paul O’Grady: notorious for scandalous salmon in the Eden and Tyne, Christmas. Dick, Angel, ogs. (R) 4.00 ITV Arthur and Dorothy enjoy a .15 Saturday accusations and salacious and the pair are joined on the magical festive adventure. resents: Double Last series. (R) photographs. With Claire Foy in theriverbank el.Chase globe Celebrity by Paul Gascoigne. 8.00 All I Want(ed) for and Paul Bettany. Christmas. Celebrities atchphrase: 10.00 Adele: The BBCthey Sessions. pair are receive the presents Special. asBBC kids butclips never 10.00 EastEnders. Janine tries wanted to archive of thegot. e. rStreet. 9.00 The Big Fat Quiz of the Year get Mick to herself. successful singer. 2021. Thehugely annual year-end sicals at hosted by Jimmy Carr. 10.25 BBC News; Weather. quiz, Sarah11.00 Millican, James Tina Live! A 2009 concert by olly: My Absolute Acaster, Jonathan Ross, Judi ' Turner in theSara Dutch city 10.40 Match of the Day. ActionLove, Guz Tina Khan and Weather. Pascoe look back on the of Arnhem. (R) the Boxing Day Premier strange events of 2021. es the The from ussauds: Full 11.00 Gogglebox 2021. Highlights League fixtures. 1.10 Film: Mr Holmes. (2015) 2.50 of the past year’s episodes. ring this Car (R) ship Review of Sign Zone: Strictly Come Dancing 12.15 Film: The Accountant. . 12.55 Back to the 80s with Lenny Henry. (R) 2.40 Come Dine with World. 3.00 FYI Christmas Special. (R) 4.05 This Is (2016) 2.15 Weather Me. for the(R) Week 4.55 Countdown. (R) 5.35 sport UK. (R) BBC Two. Christmas. (R) 2.20 BBC News. ITV. 5.05Ahead. Tipping Kirstie’s Handmade 5.50 The Simpsons. (R)

10.10 Britain’s Favourite Christmas Songs. (R) 1.10 All-Time Favourite ABBA Songs. 3.10 Film: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. (1968) 4.10 Entertainment News on 5. 4.15 Film: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. (1968) Concluded. 6.15 Britain’s Greatest 80s Songs. A countdown of the nation’s favourite 80s songs, as voted for by the British public, with Queen, Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet, George Michael and Eurythmics all sure to feature. 9.00 Britain’s Favourite Party Songs. A celebration of the best-loved dance craze records from across the past 50 years, featuring the likes of the Macarena, Vogue and Agadoo. 11.05 Kylie: 30 Years of Hits. Profile of the singer whose debut single I Should Be So Lucky launched an enduring pop career, with the programme charting the constant reinvention of her image. (R) 12.30 Wonderful World of Chocolate. (R) 1.00 The Live Casino Show. 3.00 Entertainment News on 5. 3.10 Our New Puppy. (R) 4.00 The Great Model Railway Challenge. (R) 4.50 The Highland Midwife. (R) 5.40 Milkshake! Monkey’s Amazing Adventures. (R) 5.45 Thomas & Friends. (R)


Channel channel CHANNEL 4 4 CHANNEL 55


6.00 Milkshake!: 9.45 SpongeBob 6.00 CITV: The Rubbish World of 6.05 Film: Rugrats Go Wild. Dave Spud. 6.35 Mr Magoo. (R) (2003) 7.25 Film: Christmas at the SquarePants. (R) 10.00 7.00 Dare Master at Home. (R) Palace. (2018) 9.00 Jamie: Keep SpongeBob SquarePants. (R) 7.05 Mr Bean: The Animated Cooking at Christmas. 9.30 10.15 Entertainment News on 5. Series. (R) 7.30 Hotel Transylvania. Christmas Brunch. 12.30 Terry 10.20 NFL End Zone. 10.45 Toys (R) 7.45 Hotel Transylvania. (R) Pratchett’s the Abominable Snow That Made Christmas Great. (R) 8.00 The Rubbish World of Dave Baby. (R) 1.05 The Simpsons. (R) 12.45 Film: Calendar Girls. (2003) Spud. (R) 8.15 The Rubbish World 1.55 Film: Home Alone 3. (1997) 1.45 Entertainment News on 5. of Dave Spud. (R) 8.25 The 4.00 Film: Crocodile Dundee. 1.50 Film: Calendar Girls. (2003) Rubbish World of Dave Spud. (R) (1986) 5.50 Channel 4 News. Concluded. 3.00 Film: The 8.35 The Epic Tales of Captain 6.00 Britain’s Scenic Railways at Proposal. (2009) 4.00 Underpants: Mega Blissmas. (R) Christmas. A magical winter Entertainment News on 5. 4.05 9.25 ITV News. 9.30 Gino’s Italian journey through some of the Film: The Proposal. (2009) Family Adventure: A Festive Feast. Concluded. 5.10 Film: Sister Act. country’s most festive (R) 10.00 Love Your Christmas (1992) railways, including the with Alan Titchmarsh. 11.55 sparkling illuminations of 6.15 Entertainment News on 5. Ainsley’s Christmas Good Mood Steam in Lights at the Severn 6.20 Film: Sister Act. (1992) Food. (R) 12.50 ITV News; Valley Railway. Concluded. Weather. 1.00 ITV Racing: Live 7.00 Escape to the Chateau at 7.00 World’s Strongest Man from Kempton. 3.30 Paul O’Grady: CHANNEL 5 Christmas. Dick,DIGITAL Angel, 2021. Britain's Strongest For6.00 the Love of Dogs. (R) 4.00 ITV SpongeBob BBC Four Milkshake!: 9.45 Arthur and Dorothy enjoyThe a Chronicles SquarePants. (R) 10.00 7.00 of Erne 7.30 News; Weather. 4.15 Saturday Man. James Richardson SpongeBob SquarePants. (R) Dancing the Nutcracker – Inside the festive adventure. 10.15 Entertainment News on magical 5. Royal Ballet 9.00 La Boheme from Night Takeaway Presents: Double presents action from the final 10.20 NFL End Zone. 10.45 Toys House 11.00 Film: Last in the series.the (R) Royal Opera round That 5.00 Made Christmas Trouble. The Chase Celebrity Great. (R) of the Giants Live Moonstruck (1987) 12.45 Film: Calendar Girls. (2003) All I Want(ed) forITV2 Christmas Special. series, held at FlyDSA Arena 1.45 Entertainment News 8.00 on 5. 3.50 Film: E.T.: The Extra1.50 Film: Calendar Girls. (2003) Christmas. Celebrities Terrestrial (1982) 5.00 FYI Daily in Sheffield. 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase: Concluded. 3.00 Film: The 5.05 Film: E.T.: The ExtraProposal. (2009) 4.00 receive the presents they Terrestrial (1982) 6.10 Christmas Special. 8.00 Film: DirtyFilm: Dancing.Shrek (1987) Entertainment News on 5. 4.05 (2001) 7.10 FYI Daily 7.15 Film: Film: The Proposal. (2009) wanted as kids but never got. Shrek (2001) 8.00 Film: Fast & Romantic drama, with 7.00 Emmerdale. 5.10 Film: Sister Act. Concluded. Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (1992) 9.00 The Big Fat QuizFurious of the Year9.00 (2019) FYI Patrick DailySwayze. 9.05 Film: 7.30 Coronation Street. 6.15 Entertainment News on 5. Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & year-end(2019)9.00 6.20 Film: Sister Act. (1992)2021. The annual Shaw 10.40 FamilyNews Guy Entertainment on 5. 8.00 All Star Musicals at Concluded. ITV3Carr. quiz, hosted by Jimmy 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 9.05 Film: Dancing. (1987) Christmas. 3.05 Film: Carry OnDirty Again Doctor 2021. Britain's Strongest Sarah Millican, James (1969) 4.45 Film: Carry On Don’t Richardson Lose Your Head Concluded. (1966) 6.30 Film: 9.30 Billy Man. Connolly:James My Absolute Acaster, Ross, Judi presents action from the finalJonathan Carry On Matron (1972) 8.15 Film: round of the Giants Live Pleasure. Road House. (1989) the Film: Khyber (1968) Love, Guz Khan Carry and SaraOn Up10.00 series, held at FlyDSA Arena 10.00 Vera in Sheffield. 10.40 ITV News; Weather. 11.15 Entertainment News on 5. Pascoe look back on the ITV4 8.00 Film: Dirty Dancing. (1987) 3.25 Film: Rio Lobo (1970) 5.45 Romantic drama, 2021. The Alamo 10.50 Madame Tussauds: The Full with strange events ofFilm: 11.20 Film: Road House. (1960) 6.45(1989) FYI Patrick Swayze. Daily 6.50 Film: The Alamo (1960) Wax.Entertainment (R) Concluded. 11.00 2021.9.00 Highlights 9.00 News onGogglebox 5. Film: True Grit (2010) 10.05 9.05 Film: Dirty Dancing. (1987) Daily 10.10 Film: True Grit of the past year’sFYI episodes. 11.50 BritishConcluded. Touring Car 12.15 Swayze: The Demons & the (2010) 11.15 Film: Rocky II (1979) 10.00 Film: Road (1989) E4 (R) Championship ReviewHouse. of Dance. (R) 1.40 Entertainment 11.15 Entertainment News on 5. 5.00 Lego Masters Australia 6.55 the Season. Sonic News the Hedgehog (2020) Back to the 80s Film: with Lenny on 5. 1.50 The Live 11.20 Film: Road House.12.55 (1989) 9.00 Gogglebox Festive Special Concluded. Henry. (R) 2.40 Come Dine with Film:Casino Show. 3.35 Our New Puppy. 10.30 The Inbetweeners 2 1.30 Shop: Ideal World. 3.00 FYI 12.15 Swayze: The Demons & the (2014) Dance. (R) 1.40 Me. (R) 4.55 Countdown. (R) 5.35 (R) 4.40 The Great Model Railway Extra. 3.15 Motorsport UK.Entertainment (R) Film4 News on 5. 1.50 The Live Casino Show. 3.35 Our New Puppy. 3.35 Sense and Sensibility (1995) Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas. (R) Challenge. (R) 5.35 House Doctor. 4.05 Unwind with ITV. 5.05 Tipping 6.20 A Knight’s Tale (2001) 9.00 (R) 4.40 The Great Model Railway 5.50 The Simpsons. (R)Mission: Impossible Point. (R) (R) – Fallout Challenge. (R) 5.35 House Doctor. (R)

(2018) 11.55 Commando (1985)

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Schubert’s Winterreise 8.35 Eric and Ernie – Behind the Scenes 9.35 Film: Their Finest (2016) 11.25 Mrs Dickens’ Family Christmas ITV2 3.50 Film: Chicken Run (2000) 5.40 Film: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) 8.00 Film: Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018) 10.20 Celebrity Juice Christmas Special 11.20 Family Guy ITV3 2.40 Film: Carry On Loving (1970) 4.30 Film: Carry On Doctor (1967) 6.30 Film: Carry On Behind (1975) 8.15 Film: Carry On Up the Jungle (1970) 10.00 Midsomer Murders ITV4 3.10 Film: Spartacus (1960) 4.10 FYI Daily 4.15 Film: Spartacus (1960) 6.55 Film: The Italian Job (1969) 7.55 FYI Daily 8.00 Film: The Italian Job (1969) 9.00 Film: Rocky (1976) 10.05 FYI Daily 10.10 Film: Rocky (1976) 11.25 Film: American Gangster (2007) E4 4.55 Film: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016) 7.05 Film: The Devil Wears Prada (2006) 9.15 The Great British Bake Off: Best Bits 10.20 Film: The Inbetweeners Movie (2011) Film4 3.55 Bumblebee (2018) 6.10 Independence Day (1996) 9.00 John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (2019) 11.35 Hear My Song (1991)

23rd december 2021


BBC Four 7.00 The Chronicles of Erne 7.30 Dancing the Nutcracker – Inside the Royal Ballet 9.00 La Boheme from the Royal Opera House 11.00 Film: Moonstruck (1987) ITV2 3.50 Film: E.T.: The ExtraTerrestrial (1982) 5.00 FYI Daily 5.05 Film: E.T.: The ExtraTerrestrial (1982) 6.10 Film: Shrek (2001) 7.10 FYI Daily 7.15 Film: Shrek (2001) 8.00 Film: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) 9.00 FYI Daily 9.05 Film: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) 10.40 Family Guy ITV3 3.05 Film: Carry On Again Doctor (1969) 4.45 Film: Carry On Don’t Lose Your Head (1966) 6.30 Film: Carry On Matron (1972) 8.15 Film: Carry On Up the Khyber (1968) 10.00 Vera ITV4 3.25 Film: Rio Lobo (1970) 5.45 Film: The Alamo (1960) 6.45 FYI Daily 6.50 Film: The Alamo (1960) 9.00 Film: True Grit (2010) 10.05 FYI Daily 10.10 Film: True Grit (2010) 11.15 Film: Rocky II (1979) E4 5.00 Lego Masters Australia 6.55 Film: Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) 9.00 Gogglebox Festive Special 10.30 Film: The Inbetweeners 2 (2014) Film4 3.35 Sense and Sensibility (1995) 6.20 A Knight’s Tale (2001) 9.00 Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018) 11.55 Commando (1985)



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Family Notices

23rd December 2021


In Memory


Hazel Mary WOODCOCK (Née Wade)

TEL: (0114) 288 3169 TEL: (01226) 762 481


Roger KAY

18.4.1932 – 24.12.2014 There is always a face before me A voice I would love to hear A smile I will always remember A Wife I loved so dear. No matter how life changes No matter what I do A special place within my heart Is always there for you. From your loving Husband Peter xxxxx

Passed away 7th December aged 80. Much loved Husband, Dad, Grandad and Great Grandad. Service at Grenoside Crematorium South Chapel 11th January at 10.30. Family flowers only please, but donations would be welcomed for Hallamshire Hospital Rheumatology Department. Enquiries to T W Birks and Son, 100 Manchester Road, S36 2RE, 0114 2885555.

Margaret Ellen WARREN (Née Patching)


John SELLARS 28.6.33 – 29.12.11 His memory is in our keepsake With which we’ll never part God has him in his keeping We have him in our hearts. From Mavis, Lorraine, Paul and Cora.J


Happy Wedding Anniversary December 24th

STR8TS Acknowledgements


Unit 1 Meadowhall Industrial Estate Amos Road, Sheffield S9 1BX Tel. 0114 327 31 71

T.W.BIRKS & SON LTD. Your caring local funeral director

Your name and address:

Family Notice? Contact us on:

all family, friends and neighbours for their kind messages of sympathy and support at this difficult time. Also thank you for £98.40 donations received for Yorkshire Air Ambulance.


Family Notices



8 2 7

Very Hard


6 4


9 2

2 1

Previous solution - Tough

9 6 1 8 3 2 5 7 4


8 9

3 4 9



2 4


The solutions will be published here in the next issue.

3 2 8 4 5 7 6 9 1

7 5 4 1 6 9 8 3 2

8 1 2 3 7 6 9 4 5

6 3 9 5 4 8 2 1 7

5 4 7 9 2 1 3 6 8

4 8 3 7 9 5 1 2 6

2 9 5 6 1 4 7 8 3

1 7 6 2 8 3 4 5 9

7R FRPSOHWH 6XGRNX ¿OO WKH board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely. For many strategies, hints and tips, visit If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store.




No. 574


5 6

In Memory

1 2

Ralph Barry WHITE 2 years today 17.2.1945 – 21.12.2019 Days will pass and turn to years We remember you with silent tears We love you and miss you always and forever Until our family links are connected. Merry Christmas Ralph, Dad, Grandad, Great Grandad, Brother, Brother in Law, Uncle.

or call in at: 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, S36 2DU

Tel: Please ring us or call in for payment: 0114 283 1100 or 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, S36 2DU or email

Wish all their relatives and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year © 2021 Syndicated Puzzles

7 2 7 6 9 Graham GUY 1 and 4 James would like to thank Dilys

repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These QHHG WR EH ¿OOHG LQ ZLWK QXPEHUV WKDW complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ are formed.

Tel: 0114 288 55 55

Included Photo

5 6

How to beat Str8ts – 2 Dennis Rolfeno& Jean Long Like Sudoku, single number can

All new memorials with 30 year guarantee. Specialists in renovation work and ground anchor supports. Biggest showroom, best designs. Any quote beaten For free brochure, quote or home visit


8 9 7 6 3 4 7 8 9 5 4 3 2 Christmas 6 7 4 Greetings 5 2 1 3 8 5 6 3 1 2

2' 6" in black or grey granite £410.00 plus VAT, including all lettering

Your message:

Mary, SUDOKU Thanks for having for the last No. 574 Easy No. 574 Medium Previous solution -me 55 years. Yes I’ll cut the grass 3 2 4 8 9 7 7 5 3 when2 I’ve 1 3 washed 5 8 6 4the 7 dishes. 3 2 4 1 9 7 5 8 6 late Norah 9 5 Love 6 2 Paul 8 7 4 6 The Family of the1 2 Allott 5 6 5 would like to thank everyone for their 4 8 xxx 7 9 6 5 cards, flowers and the very generous donations for the Alzheimers Society and Christ4Church Lunch Club. Not forgetting 8 the3Rev. Ian Lucraft for all his support and comforting service 5 and both Lisas at9 Co-op Funeral Service.


Heading (please circle): Births / Birthdays / Graduations / Exams / Engagements / Weddings / Anniversaries / Missing / Acknowlegments / In Memory / Deaths / Other: ______________


8.2.47 - 11.12-21 Passed away peacefully on 11th December 2021 at Aaron View Care Home. Wife of the late Michael. Much loved Mum of Andrew, Elizabeth and Alison. Grandma to Joshua, Joseph, Caitlin, Amy, Lewis, Emma and Thomas. A service to celebrate the life of Margaret will be held at The Venue, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge on Friday 14th January 2022 at 12 noon after a private cremation. No flowers by request, donations if desired to be split between St.Lukes Hospice and Stocksbridge Christian Centre. c/o T.W.Birks & Son, 100 Manchester Road, Deepcar, S36 2RE.

Funeral Services

Issue Date:

© 2021 Syndicated Puzzles

Issue 1197

Family Notices

4 8 3 5

Previous solution - Easy

3 2 1 3 2 9 4 5 8 6 7 6 8 5

3 5

2 9

7 2

7 6 9


© 2021 Syndicated Puzzles


2 3 4 5

4 5 1 6 8 9 7 8 9 7 6

8 9 2 7 6 5 4

9 7 6 7 7 8 6 8 4 9 5 4 4 3 2 5 2 1 3 3 1 2


8 4 5 7 6 3

How to beat Str8ts – Like Sudoku, no single number can repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These QHHG WR EH ¿OOHG LQ ZLWK QXPEHUV WKDW complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ are formed.


The so

Your Letters

Got something to say? Email us at Publication subject to space and content.

Publishing does not mean we agree with the content.

Your Letters Accident waiting to happen… I am glad to say I am okay, but I want drivers to think before turning on there engines and look up and down for Pedestrians, wait a minute then turn the key, it may save a life. As cars get higher there is no way for them to see people in wheelchairs, like me or children, who can be behind the vehicle that you get in, they may be just crossing the road. Children saunter, and NHS wheelchairs are slow. I was lucky as a quick thinker I turned my chair, I had been half way across the road when I saw the man's head coming down the path. By the time I had reached half way behind his vehicle I heard a click of the door and the engine start, and he just started reversing I screamed out for him to stop but he couldn't hear me above the roar of the engine I quickly turned my chair which, I am sure saved my life, and kept pushing my chair in forward position so it would freely move along with the pushing sensation I could feel coming from my back. Eventually he heard my screaming and stopped, I had just been about a foot away from the kerb, but what if it had been a child or someone that panics? Please think twice when reversing in your cars, just wait a minute or two you may actually save a life. I am not asking for much just a minute before you turn that key as people use the road too. If I or a child cannot see in to a vehicle, you definitely cannot see what's behind you. I hope everyone stays safe, and has a lovely Christmas. And I hope the gentleman who could not see me has recovered from his shock too.

Covid vote

Mary Condon

Call 0114 283 1100

Mayor condemns recordbreaking fare rise weeks after axing of Northern rail investment

Poem from SY Police

The record-breaking hike in rail fares the government has snuck out just before Christmas is yet another sign of their utter failure to control the cost of living crisis – and their contempt for rail passengers, for whom this is just the latest in a decade of inflation-busting rises.

We are extremely lucky to have such talent in our force and you can read his festive poem, titled 'The humble sprout', here:

A difficult year

It can make you really sad, Alone and quite bereft, To be the only dish, At Christmas to be left.

Dear Editor

I’m really very nice you know, You ought to try me out, 2021 has been a difficult year for all of our So please, I say, take a chance, community across Stocksbridge & Upper Don, the On this small, green, humble sprout. covid virus taking it toll in many ways leaving all of Kevin Wild, SY Police us touched by its devastation. Christmas and this festive period is the right time for me to say a massive thank you to everyone in This week in focus: our community for the responsible way you have continued to respond to the pandemic, ensuring We're reminding you to know your limits this Christmas! that we remain as safe as possible. Our key workers and voluntary community have We know many of you may be out enjoying the continued to lead the way in keeping things going festivities this week as we run up to Christmas and as usual, always with positivity and cheer despite we want to remind you to think about your actions the enormous pressures they have been working and ensure you enjoy your celebrations in the right under. Thank you to you all, you have provided way. support and normality for so many. It has been reassuring to see new volunteers come forward to assist with the covid vaccination programme, if you have not had your jab, please make sure to go and get it.

23rd December 2021


In honour of the festive season our Police force poet, Kevin Wild, who is one of our receptionists, has put pen to paper again to write a Christmas poem.

I wish I was as popular, As the Turkey that I see, And all those other trimmings, This is an especially bitter pill for anyone in the North. Who stare and glower at me. They’ve jacked up prices weeks after announcing that they were breaking years of promises to renew I’ll never be the centrepiece, the unacceptably decrepit Northern rail system by I’m often hidden out of sight, fully implementing Northern Powerhouse Rail. It’s It’s as if I wasn’t there at all, a bargain basement service at sky-high prices, and It really isn’t right. it’s not good enough. I know I’m rather small, But this pattern is not just true in the North. The Insignificant it seems, government has presided over a similar rip-off But the things I hear those trimmings say, across the whole system. Since 2010 season ticket They really can be mean. prices have gone up on average 49%, with fares rising at twice the rate of wages, and people paying thousands of pounds more even as travel remains And those sat round the table, below standard in many places. Treat me with disdain, For when I’m offered to their plates, As we try to encourage people off the roads and They refuse again and again. amid a wider crisis in the cost of living, the actions of the Conservatives once again speak louder than They talk about the taste, their words. How they simply cannot face, Dan Jarvis To have me in their mouths, South Yorkshire Mayor And the table I disgrace.

I have been delighted to support a number of new community groups that have started up this year, supporting local parks and keeping out areas tidy by holding regular litter picks to mention a few. I can say with confidence that all our community groups would always welcome new members, if you have even a small amount of time to spare please get involved. I am happy to put you in touch But in the same article, the Star states that MPs with volunteer groups in your area should you voted to make facemasks mandatory in most wish to join. indoor venues. What the article neglects to say, is The plans for the regeneration of Stocksbridge are that Miriam Cates was one of the 41 Tory only MPs progressing and it was great to see so many people who voted AGAINST mandatory mask wearing. engaging in the consultation, this will be an onWhose "freedom" is she talking about? Not mine. going process as the project develops, please make I had become increasingly nervous about going in sure to get involved. to crowded shops as face mask wearing declined. I recently abandoned an intercity rail journey as the As always should you need any assistance from me train I wanted to board had standing room only as your local councillor please do get in touch. My and was jam packed with maskless travellers. All contact details are below and I have a surgery the scientists have continued to advise that facemasks first Saturday of every month in the Stocksbridge DO help to stop transmission of Covid. They are Library. Please pop in even if its just for a chat. worn to protect others if you are unknowingly With very best wishes infected. Does Miriam Cates think that infecting others is a basic freedom and we should all be at Julie (Cllr Julie Grocutt liberty to do so? She claims to be speaking for her constituents, but she has voted in a way to 07825195212) potentially do us enormous harm. Shame on her. An article in the Sheffield Star on 14th December quotes from a speech our MP, Miriam Cates, made in parliament in the debate on new Covid rules. She voted against the introduction of Covid passes on the grounds of wanting a "society of freedom and responsibility". She was one of 126 MPs from all parties to vote that way.

Issue 1197

We don't want your night to end in a police cell! So take responsibility for your actions and if you feel there is a problem, step away and report it.

Need a Public Notice? Email us at: Or call: 0114 283 1100

Local Notices Masks Ms Cates has been getting some screen time again this week but her speak is made up, she’s pushing the unscientific idea that face coverings aren’t necessary because the COVID death rate has dropped, 14th December there were 138. Is she thinking that’s acceptable or she’s not well informed, Tories don’t do detail do they. Ms Cates voted last week against face coverings, she said her constituents wanted that, sorry who has she been talking to? In my humble opinion wearing a face mask is not an inconvenience to our daily life. They help save lives and protect the public. It will be difficult to impose now when the public see the Tories not following the rules. Latest on the Christmas parties, Simon Case who was tasked by the PM to investigate the parties has been found he attended one himself so has been removed from the investigation. Not sure if an investigation is required anymore as it seems everyone knows it happened, Johnson just needs to be open and admit he knew and mislead the nation. Tory ministers are self imploding by condemning Chris Whitty who contradicted Johnson‘s message of carry on regardless as Omicron infections soar. Whitty’s message was to be more cautious. Who’s advice would you follow? I’m sure it would be good for Johnson to go now but he’s doing a great job in dismantling the government so keep him in place until he completes the job and takes his spokeswomen Ms Cates with him.

We want you all to enjoy whatever celebrations you have planned and to keep you safe as you participate in the festivities, our officers will be doing extra high visibility patrols in our towns and Tory sound bite: arrogant, selfish, don’t follow the city centres over the Christmas period. If you do science, slow, misleading and don’t care. see any of our officers whilst you're out and about, please do go and say hello!

Umpires needed Stocksbridge Cricket Club require two umpires for the 2022 cricket season for our new venture in Yorkshire Cricket Southern Premier League.

News headline Dear look local

Your headline 'parents get say on post 16' could Full training will be provided and you will be required to umpire cricket club matches on have been MP' s husband gets say. Saturday afternoons and will be paid approximately The basic right of young people in the area to £40 - £50 per match. get educated beyond 16 without depending on deteriating public transport is too important to Please contact Stocksbridge CC Committee for be caught up in the possibility of yet another Tory anymore information or questions and to express interest. conflict of interest investigation. Peter Morton

Stocksbridge CC Committee


Issue 1197

Call 0114 283 1100

GR BUILDERS George from GR BUILDERS would like to wish all his customers a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. For all your property repairs and maintenance

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23rd December 2021

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Happy Days

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of our advertisers and readers from everyone at Look Local! There will be no Look Local issue next week and we’ll be back on Thu 6th January 2022.

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Penistone Town Council would like to wish all their residents A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Simon would like to wish all a Very Merry Xmas and a Very Happy New Year. Thankyou for your custom TEL: 0114 3830006 | MOB: 07707 447345

Stocksbridge Town Council Would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! from all at Stocksbridge Town Council.

The Town Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 2DT

Tel. 0114 288 78 95


Local Directory

Issue 1197



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Suzanne McGill was the overall winner of the ladies over45 category and was also fourth lady home. First man back for Penistone was Simon Pike who also claimed 3rd place in the men’s over40 age category.

• BOLSTERSTONE FOREST CHRISTMAS TREE FOREST. These magnificent trees have been tenderly grown for over 15 years. Every conceivable variety of Christmas tree is allowed to flourish in this perfect environment. The trees are cut (by yourselves) so that absolute freshness is guaranteed to perfume your home. 4ft to 40ft. 2000 to choose from. Norwegian spruce pine needles. Or buy a potted ‘tree for life’ from £10. Non-drop needles/ Free gifts for the kids. Don’t forget to bring your wellies. For the ultimate Christmas tree this year phone 07957 549 136.

Charlotte was third lady overall in 2-12 and also first in the ladies over50 age category. Andrew came home a creditable 10th overall in 2-02. Lots of runners were in action at various Parkruns around the region. Brothers James and Tom Fryers claimed first and second place at the Frickley Parkrun. James was first in 18-13 and Tom second in 18-57. The fourth and final south Yorkshire cross country fixture was held at Graves Park in Sheffield. This fixture also acted as the South Yorkshire Cross Country championships. There were a good number of junior and senior Penistone athletes involved with some achieving notable success. At the junior end Alexander Wright was 8th in the boys under11 category and Onnee Turner was 10th in the under13 girls. In the senior ladies event Ruby Sykes claimed an excellent 7th place. Other strong performances in the ladies race were Julia Cobham (9th over35 ladies) and Barbara Haigh (1st over75 ladies).

19, Oliver Pike 44-46; 28, Suzanne McGill 46-01; 48, Alan Knox 49-19; 56, Keith Gordon 51-43; 84, Sarah Halstead 55-30; 113, Susan Charlesworth 60-49; 119, Barbara Haigh 61-30; 127, Jane Cockerton 63-17; 129, Raymond Brown 63-36; 139, John Spencer 65-58; 140, Jane Partridge 66-06; 142, Denise Pozorski 67-48.


The Rother Valley event also offered 10k and half marathon races. In the 10k Jona• Motorcycle, British, Japanese, German. Any than Bentley placed fourth condition Pre 1982. Decent price paid Tel: 0114 2456562. overall and first man over50 • Military items including medals and death in 38-06. wanted


Ladies Eternity ring in Fox Valley car park on Saturday Contact 0114 2884165 Job Adverts

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Malcolm Rose (Rother Valley 5k)

Travellers 6 Ranking:

Laura McGill (Travellers 6 photo credit: Steve Frith)

will separate 0114 2830021.

plaques. Phone before 12 noon 07518938321.

was 5th in the men’s over65 category, Keith Gordon was 3rd in the men’s over70 category and Ray Brown claimed 2nd in the men’s over75 category. The results for the combined four race series saw Keith Gordon claimed 3rd place in the men’s over40 category. Kai Sunman was fourth overall in the series in the senior men’s category.


Malcolm Rose had a successful outing at the Rother Valley Winter Run 5k. He was 8th overall and first in the • 2 children’s bikes with stabilisers – ideal for 2 men’s over65 category in a years plus – 1 red, 1 blue – excellent condition £30 each – club record time of 20-10.

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Seven Penistone runners took on the challenge of the Travellers Six which takes in some challenging hills around Denby Dale.

• Personalised number plate C6 PFS £650 ono, ring Pete 07925 542787.

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McGill flying at Travellers 6

Other prize winners were Alan Knox (first over60 • White metal, single four poster bed frame man), Keith Gordon (first over70 man) and Barbara with mattress, like new, £35 ono 0114 2886549. Haigh who was first over75 • Girl’s Bike suitable 8-10 years. Black with pink lady. pedals,good condition £60. 16” spare wheel doughnut type, never used £70 TEL: 0114 2464891.


Local Directory

Penistone parkrun Ranking:

Carl Matthewman broke two hours in the half marathon finishing in 1-59-48. On the fells four Penistone runners headed over to Howarth for The Stoop fell race which is just under five miles with 700 feet of ascent. First back for the club was club chairman Steve Dickinson in 49-08 followed by Helen Wright (52-02), Steve Storey (59-04) and Lee Storey (5905). Andrew and Charlotte Metcalf took part in the Runable 10 mile trail race which is based out of Rishworth School in Sowerby Bridge.

Simon Pike (Travellers 6 photo credit: Steve Frith)

The men’s overall race winner was Chris Law who started his running career at Penistone before moving on to represent Hallamshire Harriers. First back in the men’s race for Penistone was Hugh Mackie who captured third place in the men’s under20 category. Kai Sunman claimed a top ten finish in the senior men’s race. In the veteran’s race Nick Whittingham

3, Jonathan Bentley 19-47; 5, Oliver Pike 20-20; 15, Daniel Limb 22-33; 17, Martyn Goodwin 23-16; 23, Matthew Coldwell 24-12; 25, Michael Walsh 24-30; 27, Stephen Owen 24-39; 53, Sarah Plummer 28-48; 59, Steve Dommett 29-19; 63, Eleanor Law 29-55; 65, Myfanwy Cross 30-07.

Local Sport

Issue 1197

Call 0114 283 1100

23rd December 2021


‘Stocksbridge Rugby victorious in the mist’

On a foggy, misty, murky day at Coal Pit Lane, Globe Holidays sponsored Stocksbridge Rugby managed to overcome the conditions & their opponents, Hessle Rugby to record a bonus point victory in a thrilling 27pts to 7pts win at the weekend, in the Christmas Jumper & final fixture of 2021. Still missing Ryan Smith, Ricky James & ‘slammin’ Sam Whitaker through injuries, Stocksbridge were able to field a near full strength team, & it showed in the performance. The referee only passed the ground fit for play after a last minute inspection, & playing up the slope in the first half, the home side had the better of the early exchanges with both backs & forwards going through the gears putting pressure on the visitors defence.

Good work from a dominant home pack, released early ball for that man Frith to release his backline where Ben Tyers & skipper Adam Roles-Middlehurst combined neatly to send full back Dan Burt scampering through a gap in an overworked defensive line, he managed to squeeze a pass out to veteran flyer Joe Jones, who danced past the last defender to give Stocksbridge the lead, with Jack Spencer con-

bins, was on hand to finish a massive forward pack rumble for the line, Bowskill, sponsored by K&K Decorators, making light of a difficult conversion to put the game out of reach. Industrious back rower Pete Newton, sponsored by Michelle Bell, claimed the last & bonus point try, flopping over from close range in the fading light to leave a final score of Stocksbridge Rugby 27pts – Hessle Rugby 7pts.

verting. Jones, kindly sponsored by Clarach Builders, was on hand again minutes later to finish another sweeping back line attack to increase the home side’s lead. In between the dominance, the visitors managed a try of their own when some weak midfield tackling allowed a score to bring Hessle back into the game. Half time, Stocksbridge Rugby 12pts – Hessle Rugby 7pts. The 2nd stanza was played almost fully in the visitors half, with Stocksbridge putting Hessle under pressure at both set pieces, & playing with increasing confidence. Front row forwards

Mikey Hartley, & Lewis Bowman enjoyed some freedom to make some rampaging runs as Newton, ‘clock tower’ Beal & the hard working Rowett were constant thorns in Hessle’s side. Stocksbridge introduced Gill, Woodcock & Bowskill from the bench, who made an immediate impact with a superbly struck 40yd penalty goal to take the lead beyond 2 scores. Ageless playmaker Ricky Christopherson was also sent on, along with Jack ‘milky’ Martin for the luckless Reece ‘diesel’ Aspin as the home side sought to close the game off, & Andy Beal, sponsored by Mr M Grib-

Kindly sponsored by Mr Mark Logan, Lewis ‘eggsy’ Bowman was awarded the Charlesworth Landscapes Man of the Match with excellent contributions coming from Hartley, Newton & the consistent Beal, but it was an all round team effort that impressed Director of Rugby, Andy Tyers most ‘we were on the ball from minute one today’, he said, adding ‘the lads should be proud of their efforts today & what can be achieved when we are able to field a full squad’. The Stocksbridge squad will enjoy a Christmas break & return to training on 5th January to prepare for the play off series when the fixtures are confirmed. Stocksbridge Rugby would like to wish all members, supporters & sponsors a very Merry Christmas & A Happy & Prosperous New Year.

Local Sport ERNEST THORPE Halifax Road, Thurgoland 0114 2882152


MOT’s £35.00


Mon - Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm (last test) Sat 8:30am - 12:00noon (last test)

Long serving striker Chapeltown RBL 5-2 leaves Stocksbridge Mosborough Reds Long serving Stocksbridge Park Steels striker Scott Ruthven has decided to leave Bracken Moor.

He scored both goals when the Steels memorably knocked out FA Trophy holders North Ferriby in 2015.

His decision ends his six-year spell with Stocksbridge who he joined in 2015 and immediately struck up a great partnership with Joe Lumsden.

He once scored four times against Ilkeston and even scored a free kick in the FA Cup live on the BBC.

Ruthven had enjoyed many high points during time with Stocksbridge.

Ian Richards told his club’s website: “We are sorry to see Scott leave but fully respect his decision.

“I cannot thank him enough for his efforts and commitment during his time with the club and what he has given the club for nearly seven years. “I wish him and his family all the best for the future.” Stocksbridge are next in action on the 27th December when they host local rivals Sheffield FC.

Church game abandoned after lights go out Toolstation NCEL Premier Division - Penistone Church 1-1 AFC Mansfield (h)

Match abandoned on 81 minutes due to floodlight failure. Game to be replayed a later date. Club Secretary Dave Hampshire spoke afterwards “I’d just like to say a massive thank you to the 327 supporters that came to the DSM on Saturday.

I can only apologise for the floodlight failure, but unfortunately there was nothing we could do. It seems a breaker could have gone down causing one bank of lights to go out. This is in a unit that none of us were qualified to go into, so we had to abandon the game on 81minutes”. Forthcoming Fixtures:

Tues 28 Dec v Maltby Main (a) KO 3pm Tues 3nd Jan Penistone Church v Emley AFC (h) KO 3pm.

Chapeltown RBL hit 5 to end the year with a win, although it took Mosborough taking the lead to spark them in to life. Niall Smith was hacked down in the area which resulted in Morgan Cowell firing home the penalty for his fifth goal of the season. Josh Savage then sent Mitch Savage clear who showed great composure to take it around the goalkeeper and slide Legion in to the lead. Mitch Savage then doubled his tally, as Smith found him in space 30 yards out, to hit an unstoppable effort in to the top corner just before half time. Mosborough scored early in the second half with a header from a free kick and began pressing for an equaliser. RBL responded with a triple substitution, and two of them combined as Joe Long played it to Adam Todd to turn his man and fire home left footed. Joe Moorhouse then caused confusion in the Mosborough back line with the ball falling to Ben Stringer to driver the final blow on the volley.


Local Sport

23rd December 2021

Issue 1197

Call 0114 283 1100

Steels take stock after loss Ten-Man Stocksbridge Park Steels fell to Stockton Town in a topsy-turvy game which saw both sides take the lead.

Stockton 3-2 Stocksbridge PS

Stockton got first blood when Kevin Hayes scored a wonder goal to give the Anchors the lead. Nathaniel Crofts scored a wonder goal of his own to level the game before Josh Nodder scored in the second with an impressive strike to give the Steels the lead. Stockton were level due to a Lee Cooksey own goal before Reece Fielding was sent off for a second bookable offence. Stockton took advantage of this and got the winner when Tom Coulthard made the most of a set piece. Both teams battled in the midfield and other than Luke Mangham going clear before being flagged for offside, not much had happened. Stockton took it upon themselves to liven the game. Hayes was played clear on the right before cutting inside and firing a shot into the top corner which left Ed Hall with little chance of saving it. The Anchors worked hard as they tried to double their lead and take control of the match. Mikey Roberts’ first shot was blocked but it didn’t bounce favourably for the Steels. This gave Jamie Owens a good opportunity to get another

Departure: Scott Ruthven has left Steels after seven years at the club. Photo by Pete Revitt


goal for the Teesside club but Hall pulled off an impressive close range save to keep the deficit down. This ended up being perfect for Stocksbridge as they got their equaliser soon after. Kurtis Turner and Crofts created space for themselves with some good passing. This still didn’t get them into a goalscoring space, but that didn’t matter for the former Sheffield United winger as he attempted a curling shot anyway. It had no right to go in, but it did anyway and went into the top corner, putting the Steels level. After Stocksbridge had a brief glimpse of getting a second with Nodder’s effort being well saved by Callum Roberts in the Stockton goal, the Anchors got back to attacking and trying to retake the lead. They got a great chance when Dan McWilliams found Roberts with a deceptive pass before the winger curled over. It was a great chance he was unable to take and it meant the two sides went into half time level. Stocksbridge should have had the lead from the off in the second half. A great pass found Crofts in acres of space and he raced


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While Stocksbridge weren’t far off getting another when Crofts almost caught out Roberts who had advanced too far off his line but the winger couldn’t keep that shot on target, Stockton did start putting on the pressure. Nathan Mulligan’s shot wasn’t too far wide of the post and Hayes continued to be dangerous with his shot thankfully skewing over. Next Home game: Monday 27 Dec v Sheffield FC,m 3pm KO

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The Steels did get their goal though. A long ball from Hall at the back went over the heads of the Stockton defence before eventually being knocked down to the ground. It would then fall kindly to Nodder who hit it sweetly into the back of the net, giving Stocksbridge the lead against the in-form Stockton.

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through to go one-on-one with Roberts. The duel was won by an onrushing Roberts with the former Preston North End keeper managing to save it with his feet. The ball almost bounced kindly to Mangham, but Stockton eventually were able to clear.


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