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School gets GOOD Ofsted report
Students and staff at Stocksbridge High School are celebrating the outcome of an Ofsted inspection that has rated the school as good in all areas.
This is the first inspection of the school since it converted to an academy with Minerva Learning Trust in 2017.
A team of inspectors spent two days in the school in May and met with leaders, staff and many students. They looked at the curriculum and support the school offers and visited many lessons as well as examining student workbooks. The views of parents and families were also considered through surveys and telephone conversations. At the end of the process Stocksbridge High School was declared to be a good school.
The Headteacher Andy Ireland said: “This is a brilliant outcome for the school community and is a true reflection of all that has been done over the last five years to improve staff and students' hard work, dedication and resilience of staff and the students' hard work and dedication to the school.
It is a testament to the hard work, dedication and resilience of staff and students. My aims as Headteacher are to provide an ambitious and supportive education that ensures our community has a school in which they feel rightly proud.”
Andy Ireland continued “we are absolutely delighted and would like to acknowledge the partnership and collaboration across Minerva Learning Trust in both reaching this outcome and the future success of the school.”
In the report, inspectors praised the wide range of activities for pupils to take part in at school and remarked how Leaders make sure that there is equal opportunity for all pupils to participate. The ambition of the curriculum was identified as a strength as was how teachers challenge their pupils to achieve their best.
Inspectors also praised the school’s approach to safeguarding stating “Governors and leaders place safeguarding as a priority for all. There is an effective culture of safeguarding in the school.” Inspectors found that bullying was not tolerated and that pupils are encouraged to report their concerns.
The full inspection report is available on the school and Ofsted websites. As in all schools, there remains areas for further improvement, but the inspection team were satisfied that the plans and the capacity are in place to address these further.