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OUTSTANDING - Children thrive in the stimulating home from home nursery
Children thrive in the stimulating home from home nursery
A pre-school nursery in Stocksbridge where ‘children thrive’ and ‘enjoy every moment of their time’ has achieved an OUTSTANDING rating from Ofsted for the third consecutive time.

Happy Hands Preschool & Childcare in Stocksbridge received the outstanding rating. Manager Angela Moffatt told Look local “This is a significant accomplishment and all the team are very proud.”
This is acknowledged in the report; the team ‘consistently deepens and develops their understanding of how children learn’.
Happy Hands is a voluntary committee run charitable organisation and since it began 23 years ago, has continued its mission to help children into St. Ann’s Catholic Primary school alongside other local schools.
Throughout the day the inspector was impressed that ‘opportunities are skillfully planned to inspire children’s imagination and curiosity and build on their interests and experiences’.
Recognition was given to how staff ‘nurture children’s communication skills extremely well and how the children love the many songs, stories and rhymes that staff share, contributing to the rich vocabulary they acquire’.
He also felt that children, including those with ‘special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn to explore the world around them and think and act together’.
Happy Hands stayed open throughout the COVID pandemic, continuing to support families of key workers not only during the term time but also through the holidays. Parents highly recommend Happy Hands and feel it is at the heart of the local community.
Happy Hands will be celebrating this fantastic achievement and invite you to join them for tea and cake at Happy Hands on Friday 15th July 12-2pm. All welcome.