FACEBOOK.COM/LOOKLOCALnews@looklocal.org.ukwww.looklocal.org.uk Tel: 0114 283 11 00 South YorkShire tranSport awarded £570m - paGe 2 YorkShire natural hiStorY muSeum - paGe 6 ISSUE : 1231 maGiC oF CreatiVe writinG BrouGht to liFe For SheFField pupilS 11 Established 1998 THURS, aUg 18, 2022 FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION CALL 0114 240 0158 OR VISIT directkitchens.co.uk Design House, ��� Church Street, Ecclesfield, Sheffield, S�� �WG MASSI VE NO W ON Join OutstandinganCollege www.barnsley.ac.uk/enrol 01226 216 123 info@barnsley.ac.ukNOWEnrol JUL2222LL Apply Now to study with us in September www.barnsley.ac.uk/he OpenDay Monday 22 August 10.00am to 2.00pm Book your place www.barnsley.ac.uk/at:he-open-days HugE FirE in WHArnCLiFFE WOOdsWaterYorkshirehosepipebantostarton26August
Yorkshire Water, which supplies five million custom ers, has announced its first hosepipe ban in 27 years. It said reservoir levels had fall en below 50% for the first time since the drought of 1995 and it would take months of rain for them to recover. Anyone breaking the temporary ban, which starts on 26 August, faces a fine of up to £1,000. It comes as the Met Office is sued an amber extreme heat warning for much of England amid a new heatwave. Neil Dewis, head of water at the company, said: "We've been do ing everything we can to avoid putting in restrictions but un fortunately they're now nec essary as part of our drought Heplanning."saidthe decision to intro duce a ban was "based on the risk that water stocks continue to fall in the coming weeks". Mr Dewis added: "We need to make sure that we have enough supply for the essential needs of people across the region this year and next, as well as making sure we're able to protect our local environment by limiting the amount of water we have to draw from the rivers." The ban follows a number of others announced in parts of southern England and Wales. battled a dramat ic blaze in Wharncliffe Woods in ughtibridge over the weekend. The fire service said around 20,000 square metres of woodland has been South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue said on Monday 15 August.
" We remain at the wildfire in Warnc liffe Woods, Oughtibridge, as the fire continues to burn. We were called at 2.10pm yesterday (Sunday 14 August) and at its height there were four fire engines and a wildfire unit (around 20 firefighters) involved in tackling the There remains three fire engines, a wa ter bowser and a wildfire unit (so again around 20 firefighters) on scene this morning. It’s estimated around 20,000 square metres of woodland has been on fire. The fire is largely surrounded and under control but it’s a large area, so crews will likely be there all day

South YorkShire SuStainable tranSport SchemeS awarded £570m
The Department for Trans port has awarded the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) £570m to invest in sustainable transport schemes across the county, in cluding several Sheffield initia tives.
The latest funding complements the work already in progress in Sheffield through the Connecting Sheffield schemes, which aim to transform the city’s transport in frastructure to encourage walk ing, cycling and travel by public Cllrtransport.Julie Grocutt, Co-Chair of the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee, said: “We are committed to safer and more sustainable travel and it is fantastic that Sheffield, as well as the wider region, has secured the funding it needs to see out its am bitions. We will work alongside the people of Sheffield through consultation to deliver these im portant changes.
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk2 Local News
The funding (City Region Sus tainable Transport Settlement) will support schemes for the next five years and delivery will be managed by SYMCA. In Sheffield, Supertram will be improved and several priority bus routes will be established, in cluding better active travel links to the north of the city, via the Northern General Hospital.
Wider schemes across the region will also have an impact on Shef field’s transport facilities, includ ing improvements to the bus network and the introduction of zero emission buses.


Issue 1230 Call 0114 283 1100 11th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk4 Local News • WINDOWS • CONSERVATORIES • FACIAS & SOFFITS • DOORS • COMPOSITE DOORS • DOUBLE GLAZING • GARAGE CONVERSIONS • GARAGE DOORS NEWLY REFURBISHED SHOWROOM 247 Manchester Road, Deepcar, She eld S36 2RA. For a prompt & professional service ring Ian on: We fit Firestone rubber flat roofing We are a small local family business and have been fitting top quality Windows, Doors & Conservatories since 1978. Why use big firms from out of town, when you can use: A local company with local people offering a localDIDservice.YOU KNOW? We also repair: Misted Up Double GlazingDoors & Windows Handles / Locks / Seals New Door Locks Fitted For the best quality products at the best possible prices, ring now for a free quote. HOME IMPROVEMENTS DEEPCAR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM NOW! Use your Conservatory all year round with a tiled roof system! Mon - Fri - 8 - 5pm Sat - 8 - 1pm - Sun - 10 - 12pm OPENING TIMES 0114 288 5898 07787 140 430 24hr Answering Service WE BEATWILLANYGENUINEQUOTE 40 Years of Quality Service DuringBefore Completed

The new offering follows the success of her first book 'Bottle Green Knickers with Pockets - Growing up in 1950s Sheffield'.
This one 'When Irish Eyes Meet Yorkshire Skies' provides a nostalgic journey for any one who is originally from Ireland, is Ang lo/Irish or who just loves the 'Emerald Isle' Monica told Look Local "This is the story of my mother Roisin Conlan who was born and brought up in Hillhead Farm, Drumgor, County Monaghan with seven siblings and then left in her early twenties, together with two of her sisters, Bridie and Eileen to seek work in the UK. Their eldest sister Mary left the farm a few years before on her 18th birthday, sailing to New York where she married Jimmy Ward and had four sons. My sister and myself spent every summer holiday staying with our grandparents, exporing Ballybay, Latton and Dunleer. Neighbours included Conlans, Conlons, McCabe, Marron and Duffy. Peat bogs, Irish soda bread, music and poetry and fairy rings. My mother married my father Ernest, au thor and playwright, whose story is also extremely interesting and full of Sheffield Forhistory."details of either book please contact me on - monica.dyson42@btopenworld.com'
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 5Local News C C I N T E R I O R S Don’t just take our word for it - our customers rate us 5 � see reviewsour 72‑80 Sheffield Road, Barnsley (acrossfromtheoutpost) Tel: 245130 Open: Monday to www.ccinteriors.org.uk9.30am‑5pmSaturday DONCASTER ROADRd.HillHarborough Wynsors Shoes Find us Facebookon*ReviewsfromFacebook HUGE SELECTION OF SUITES HIGH CHAIRS AND RISERS FROM £199 LARGE SELECTION OF BEDS AND MATTRESSES FROM £159 LEATHER SOFAS FROM £999 CORNER FROM £699 Edinburgh Abbey Yasmin Warwick BedsetFabric Ma�ressSeasonsDual O�oman Beds now in stock Large selec�on of fromfurniturebedroom£199 FREE ASSEMBLY �FREE FurnitureBedroomASSEMBLY �OAPs FREE suite disposal �BED ArrangedDISPOSAL �FREE DELIVERY �Great after sales care 5� SERVICE � welcomeEXCHANGEPART �FREE PARKINGEASYAtRear VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Sheffield: Boy, 16, arrested over rape of girl, 13
The girl was sexually assaulted in woods off Lane End, in the Chapeltown area of Sheffield between 18:15 and 18:45 BST on Monday, South Yorkshire Police said. The force said the boy was arrested on suspi cion of rape of a female aged 16 or under and remains in custody. Officers said the victim was being supported by specially trained staff.
A 16-year-old boy has been arrested on sus picion of raping a 13-year-old girl as she walked through woodland.
'Making their mind up' Sheffield is one of 7 cit ies shortlisted out of 20 who expressed interest as host for the eurovision Song Contest 2023. Eurovision organisers con firmed that the UK would host on behalf of Ukraine last month and Sheffield, in part nership with the South York shire Mayoral Combined Authority submitted a phase 1 bid to be host. Sheffield has been shortlisted to apply for the next stage along with Bir mingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and CllrNewcastle.Martin Smith, Economic Development and Skills Poli cy Committee Chair said: “It's fantastic news that we have been shortlisted to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023. “We’re working with our partners across the region on the next stage of the bidding process. It’s an exciting step closer in our collaboration on this, and we plan to work with our Ukrainian commu nities and partners, bringing cultures together in solidar ity. We know that Sheffield can put on a fantastic show and deliver international events at the highest level. With support from Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham we can bring communities and cultures together on a larger scale and really show Europe what we have here in South Yorkshire. “As with all potential host cities, we are thinking care fully about the next steps and taking time to consider the details. We expect the bid ding process to be complete in SouthAutumn.”Yorkshire’s Mayor Oli ver Coppard said: “Crack open the bucks fizz, Eurovision are making their minds up – and the only cor rect choice is Sheffield and South Yorkshire! I’ve pre viously said that Sheffield seemed the obvious choice to host next year’s Eurovision Song Contest, you’d have to be a spaceman not to. But I will say it again - we have the venues, the heritage, the track record and the passion that Eurovision deserves in such an important year for the contest, that would be held in solidarity with our friends and partners in Ukraine.”
LocaL author, Monica DySon, haS a new Book 'out'

He has said that if the de mand is there, he hopes the museum can move to a larger building in future.
MoRe than 800 Sheffield Council tenants faced evic tion in just three months for not paying rent shortly after the authority was named as evicting the most tenants in the country, writes Molly Wil liams for the Sheffield Star.
Five-star reviews as Sheffield's newest attraction opens in Malin Bridge Sheffield’ S newest museum has been award ed five-star reviews by its first visitors after open ing at the weekend, writes Robert Cumber for the Sheffield star. Yorkshire Natural History Museum opened on Hol me Lane in Malin Bridge on Saturday, August 13, with people queuing down the street to be the first in Itside.is the brainchild of 22year-old James Hogg, who has put his personal col lection on display, and features numerous fossils found in the region, with a large mammoth tusk and a fossil of a crocodile’s skull among the prize artifacts. Entry costs £4 for adults and £2 per child, or £10 for a family of four, and there is a vegetarian and vegan cafe called TriloBites inside. The first reviews have landed on Tripadvisor, with three people award ing it the maximum pos sible five stars and another giving it four stars. New museum in Sheffield called a ‘hidden gem’ and an ‘amazing place’ One visitor called it a ‘nice little museum with a wide array of interesting fossils’ but said there could have been a ‘bit more informa tion on the displays’. The new museum also re ceived the seal of approval from TV naturalist Chris Packham, who retweeted a video of Dr Dean Lomax cutting the ribbon in style – with a baryonyx dino saur “Thisclaw,iscool,” wrote the Springwatch, Autumn watch and Springwatch Thepresenter.museum's director and founder James Hogg said the response on its opening day had ‘broken everyone’s expectations and shows how much peo ple want to have natural history in Sheffield’.
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk6 Local News CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CURRENT AVERAGE SCORES ARE: 4.94 / 5 (99%) Schuco aluminium bi-folding, sliding and large span sliding door systems Various www.eco-thermaldesign.co.uk(GermancanEnhancedoptionsglazingsecuritybeachievedtostandard)WK2-EnEV1627 We use only industry leading suppliers ensuring only the highest quality at all times, selecting windows, doors and conservatories from industry leading manufacturers Windows, Doors & Conservatories Manufactured & installed to the highest standards Whatever your style we’ll have something to suit you. Call Patrick for a free quote 01226 764841 Transform spacebring the outside in Easy to use - one handedoperationsliding/foldingStormyEntrancedoorinSeas ResidentialCompositedoor Eclectic conservatoryResidenceGreyCollection Flush ResidenceFrenchSashdoorfromthe7range White IcothermPVCsolidconservatoryroof Powder coated colour options Energy efficient Showsite: Factory Showroom: Bridge End, Penistone, Sheffield, S36 7AH 01226 764 841 Unit 17, Redbrook Business Park, Withorpe Road, Barnsley, S75 1JN | 01226 294 555 Yorkshire Natural historY MuseuM huNdreds of teNaNtsevictiofaceN
It comes as people battle to survive the cost of living cri sis which has exacerbated the struggle many were already fac ing due to Covid-19 and more than a decade of austerity. Coun Douglas Johnson, chair of the housing committee, said the council served 805 notices seeking possession for rent ar rears between February and April. During the same time, the council made 17 evictions for not paying rent. There were also 28 notices seek ing possession and four evic tions for anti-social behaviour.

A She FFI eld business man who headed a largescale operation supplying thousands of counter feit mobile phone parts throughout europe and the UK has been ordered to pay over one million pounds following the making of a Confiscation o rder at Sheffield Crown Court. On Friday 5th August 2022, Rong Ren appeared at Sheffield Crown Court and was ordered by His Honour Judge Kelson QC to pay over the value of his available assets total ling £1,097,563.64 within 3 months or face a de fault prison sentence of 14 Renyears.and his business 2028 W Ltd, located at Burton Street in Sheffield, initially came to the attention of Sheffield City Council’s Trading Standards team in early 2018. In August that year, Trading Standards investigators executed a warrant at Ren’s business premise and seized 80,000 mobile phone accessories. South Yorkshire Police of ficers also attended and as sisted with the warrant. In February 2020, Ren was jailed for 12 months and banned from acting as a company director after pleading guilty to Trade Marks Act offences relat ing to the seized items. The sentencing judge HHJ Jeremy Richardson QC remarked that “offences of this type materially un dermine public trust in the legitimate brands and in volve serious criminality. The public have essentially been duped by the defend ant and legitimate busi nesses have been cheated of Officersprofit.” from the North East Regional Economic Crime Unit launched a separate investigation un der the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 into the funds generated by Ren’s crimi nality. Following extensive enquiries, they discovered that the value of his crimi nality was over £4.8 million and traced his available as sets which will satisfy the Confiscation Order.
The event promises to be a fabu lous treat for wine lovers as well as food lovers with some expert wine tips from the restaurant’s very own, resident wine whisper er. Fabio is the Head Sommelier of Cantine 4 Valli - the Ponti’s principal wine supplier which is based in the family’s beautiful home town of Piacenza. With a history of wine making which dates back to 1882 the company is focussed on produc ing high quality wines that rep resent their territory of origin in the best possible way. Fabio has curated a special evening – se lecting a superb wine for each of the four courses which perfectly complement the dish. Guests will be served canapes with a fresh sparkling Il Pigro, followed by antipasti misto with a glass of Lo Straniero Pinot Nero. An orata dish will be served with a fabulous Poggiarello Savignon Blanc. And the meal will finish with panna cotta with a glass of Perini Malvasia and a delicious cheese board with a perfect glass of full bodied red Cecco. Tickets are £60 each which in cludes the welcome drink and canapes along with the fourcourse dinner and paired wines. Guests can also purchase the wines which will be featured so they can be enjoyed at home.
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 7Local News Appointments within a week Convenient Free Parking & Public Transport All types of Contact Lenses Large Kids Range PREMIER EYECARE OPTOMETRISTS & CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS PrescriptionRegisteringNewPatientsServiceavailable Over 60s Free Eye test Home Visits for Elderly Disabled& Brand new premises 18 King Barnsley,Hoyland,Street,S749JU • 01226 742 158 • 3 Learoyd Way, Hillsborough Barrack, Sheffield S6 2LR (upper level parade outside Morrisons) • 0114 285 2696 • Appointments available within 1 week! Celebrating our 17th year of service Wine Tasting with Fabio Join us for an evening of delicious wines and a sumptuous four course dinner. Friday 30 th DoorsTICKETSSeptember£60openat6:30pm with a welcome glass of prosecco and canapes Dinner served at 7pm Places are limited so book your tickets now! *Each course will be paired with 75ml glass of wine Wine available to purchase on the night. A journey of fine wine with the teAm At Ponti’s itAliAn Kitchen
Fox Valley’s award-winning Italian restaurant is serving up a special evening of fine wines next month – hosted by wine expert Fabio Boni. Fabio collaborates with the team from Ponti’s Italian Kitchen on selecting the right Italian wines to complement the restaurant’s menu – and he’ll be sharing his secrets and stories of the vine yards of Italy at a special evening taking place on September 30th. Tickets are already on sale and are selling fast for the special wine tasting event. Each wine will be in a 75cl serving and be accompanied with the story and history of the vineyard and area of Italy that it comes from.
The Fox Valley restaurant has also just launched its new look menu with some fabulous new dishes as well as some very well loved Ponti’s favourites. Argys Myrtja, restaurant man ager, said: “We are really looking forward to having Fabio here for this very special event on Sep tember 30th – it’s a great chance for our customers to enjoy a love ly evening and find out a little bit more about the stories and the detail behind the fantastic Italian wines we take such pride in serv ing here at Ponti’s. “We’re also launching our new menu this month which we’ve been busy working on for the last few weeks – with the same com mitment to great Italian food but a few little twists so you can enjoy your favourite Italian dishes the way you want to.” To book your place at the wine tasting event or to reserve a table call or email Argys and the Fox Valley team on 0114 288 7475 or fv@pontis.co.uk

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in a new
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routes are to be found. We would appreciate feedback and you can email us through the website.
available from: • Regatta, Outdoor Specialists, Fox
S e PT e MB er 3 On Saturday 3rd September there will be a morning of free musical entertainment “COFFEE AND CHORDS”, host ed by Welsh John and guests , at our regular open theatre morning. Admission is free , but the sale of refreshments helps EPPiC Theatre funds. EPPiC Theatre, Well Lane , off High Street, Ecclesfield S35 9TB. Watch for details of our forthcoming drama “THE SECRET TENT”
Hunshelf Bottom • Stocksbridge Library, Man chester Road • Stocksbridge History Museum, Manchester Road • Look Local Newspaper, Man chester Road Also, there is our website www. heritagehighways.co.uk where more information and the
Thank you to all who came to Bolsterstone for heritage high ways walks/ rides launch. It was lovely to see so many people. Thank you too for your dona tions of £128 which will help in the development of safe off road horse riding. Heritage Highways is a small group of volunteers who have been researching the old high ways and packhorse trails in Sheffield's “Lakeland” as part of a wider project run by Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust, funded by Heritage lottery Fund. We have also devised a range of walking and cycling/horse riding routes in the area. The walks use old routes and are in the quieter parts of Sheffield's “Lakeland” - Bolsterstone, Ewden Valley and Little Don Valley near Stocksbridge and Dungworth between Stannington and Low Bradfield.Itishoped the “Walk the Old Tracks” booklet would help you:new routes or old routes way the history of the area evidence of hundreds of years of use have some free booklets Valley cafe/shop, walks/ riding
• Spot
lookthroughoutnateandmeetings–Stevenwithchesterintembermeet14come.visitorsortitionActionspeakingspeakerMethodist7.30pmholding8CharitableCouncilportedlocalplusBouncywillfromtomleytheirGreen3bradfield-walkers.org.ukpleaseited.and-apps/field-walkers.org.uk/maps-https://bradPlacesarelimIfyouhaveaquestion,emailenquiries@“PartyinthePark”,HighInBloomareholdingannualgalainMorPark,HighGreen11amto3pm.TherebefreeridesandaCastleforchildrenotherattractionsfromorganisations.SupbyEcclesfieldParishandtheJ.G.GravesTrust.ChapeltownWIwillbetheirmeetingatinChapeltownChurch.ThewillbeHelenSlateraboutCommunityinNepal.Thecompeisforadecorativescarfshawl.NewmembersorwillbemadewelDonValleyProbuswillonWednesdaySep14that10.00AMChristChurchHall,ManRoad,Stocksbridge,apresentationbyGaye“PenistoneSheffieldRailway”.OurarealwaysrelaxedtakeplaceonalterWednesdaymorningstheyear,andweforwardtowelcoming Mens and ladies fragrances inspired by designers at affordable prices. Available to buy in Look Local Scentsations by Amie Contact Amie 07957 399 Scentsations708by Amie GLAZINGBARRIER 1982Est. “Walk
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk8 What’s EvEnt
3 LANGSETT Bradfield Walk ers are Welcome is inviting participants to a FREE short session as an introduction on how to find your way in the countryside, where to find new walks and how to keep safe. These sessions are aimed at walkers who want to start to explore the area away from familiar territory and well known hotspots. We will be looking at where you can walk in the Peak District and beyond and where you might find interesting walks to try. Booking is essential using the eventbrite link on the Web page the Old bookletTracks”launch
We still
• Samuel's Kitchen,
WedneAUGUSTSdAy 17 Don Valley Probus will meet on Wednesday August 17th at 10.00AM in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, with a presentation by Alex Soth ern, “Military History”. Our meetings are always relaxed and take place on alter nate Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming our regular members, visi tors and new members. For more information, please call Stephen Clarke on 07593 792967. ThUrSdAy 18 SHEFFIELD’S Working Jobs Fairs are a great place to meet local employers, dis cover part-time and full-time job opportunities, receive in formation, advice and guid ance, support with your CV, and much more. Meet local employers, including leisure centres, larger employers such as Evri, The University of She¬ffield and the NHS, as well as training oppor tunities with Sheffi¬eld Wednesday Football Club. Join us at the Venue in Stocksbridge on Thursday 18th August, from 10am un til 2pm. Drop in to see how we can help you take the next step in your career. FridAy 19 Coffee Morning at St Sav iours Church, High Green 10:30am-12pm Coffee and cakes, all welcome, good company SATUrdAy 20 at Stocksbridge Christian Centre, RIGHT ROYAL AFTER NOON TEA 3-5pm, £7-Book ing essential Tel: 2884377 MondAy 22 “FRIENDS OF FOX GLEN PARK Meeting in Stocks bridge Town Hall Council Chamber on MONDAY 22nd August at 7.00 pm. We are a newly formed community group who’s aim is to get the old equipment and flooring in Fox Glen play area (Wood Royd Rd) replaced, through sourcing funding and involv ing the community, local schools and pre-schools in its design. We have council support for this project, and wish to get more community members involved. Please come to the side door of the Town Hall and ring the bell to enter. The Council Cham ber is on Floor 3” MondAy 29 Hoylandswaine Church S36 7JQ. Teddy Bear Para chute Jump 10.00 - 12.00. £2.00 per bear. Refresh ments. All welcome Wedne SdAy 31 Don Valley Probus will meet on Wednesday August 31st at 10.00AM in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, with a presentation by Sarah Tom kinson, “All things Choco late”. Our meetings are al ways relaxed and take place on alternate Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming our regular members, visitors and new members. For more infor mation, please call Stephen Clarke on 07593 792967.

FridAyS Stocksbridge Community Care Group’s Friday Drop In Service for elderly residents is once again being held weekly at The Venue, be tween 10am and 3pm. For a small charge visitors can enjoy a hot drink, company, games, talks and a light lunch. For further informa tion contact Dave Owen on 0114 2864426. SATUrdAyS Councillors Julie Grocutt & Janet Ridler Surgery 1st Sat urday of each Month Stocks bridge Library 10-11am. Call in for help advice or a chat. Also contact us on are12.morningopenEppic540328.sheffield.gov.uklewis.chinchen@councillor.canassistancebrary..30am(exceptSaturdaysurgeriesCouncillorlor.sheffield.gov.ukgov.ukcutt@councillor.sheffield.julie.grojanet.ridler@councilLewisChinchen’swillbeonthe2ndofeachmonthJuly)from10.30-11atStocksbridgeLiDropbyifyourequireorsupport.Lewisalsobecontactedatoron07766TheatreEcclesfieldisagaineverySaturdayfrom10amuntilTea,coffeeandbiscuitsavailable. MOT - SERVICE - REPAIRS 0114 283 1615 8am - 5pm Mon - Fri Diagnostics & Air-con refills Auto - electrical work Suppliers of Flo-gas and gas bottles suitable for BBQ’s DCSS (garages) LTD Manchester Rd, DEEPCAR S36 2QY Call us on: 0114 244 4475 £470 0114 231 www.laundreams.co.uk3499 273 Foxhill Road Sheffield S6 1HG RUGS CLEANED DOG BEDS WASHED PET BLANKETS CLEANED DRY CLEANING SUITS COATS CURTAINS CHAIR COVERS WE CAN PICK UP & DROP OFF ALL YOUR DOMESTIC LAUNDRY & IRONING AS WELL AS ANY DUVETS, CHAIR COVERS AND DRY CLEANING DOMESTIC LAUNDRY SERVICE WASHES DRYING & PRESSING SHIRT SERVICE DUVETS PILLOWS BLANKETS THROWS MATTRESS TOPPERS WASHED, DRIED & BAGGED We are your local laundrette: you are always welcome to visit us at the shop or use our collection and delivery service. SHOWING THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO 10% OFF DRY CLEANING & DUVETS
On listings LocalLookwithassociationIn our regular members, visi tors and new members. For more information, please call Stephen Clarke on 07593 10792967.StLeonards Church Wort ley are hosting a presenta tion in words and pictures by Andrew Beevers and Dawn Johnson of “St Leonards graveyard stories and lo cal histories”. This will be in the church on Saturday 10th September at 7.30 pm. Tick ets £9 including pie and pea supper, entry by ticket only. Tickets available from Joan Clark on 0114 2887435 or at Wortley Post Office. 24 A special coffee morning. On Saturday 24 th Septem ber, John Snook, a theatre patron, will be hosting andstart10funds.mentsFREE,biscuits,andminutes)(lastingandisEcclesfieldWelleventmonologue/poetry/readingaattheEPPiCTheatre,Lane,offHighStreet,S359TPAnyonewelcometocomealongreadafavouritepieceaboutonetothreeorsimplycomeenjoyteaorcoffeeandandlisten!EntryisbutthesaleofrefreshhelpsEPPiCtheatreTheatreisopenfromam,butthereadingswillatabout11amComejoinus!! on G oin G MondAyS Men’s Activity and Games Session Stocksbridge Com munity Leisure Centre Mon day afternoons 1-30pm to 3-30pm Cost £1 (includes free refreshments) Activities will include a range from Badminton, Table Tennis, Indoor Curling, Dominoes, Card and Board Games, Quiz Contact Andy Walker 07723 506423 for further informa Autismtion.
Hope Sheffield, a parent/carer support group, for children of all ages with Autism Spectrum disorder. Every 2nd and 4th Monday at 1pm. Community Campus, Pack Horse Lane, High Green. For more information look on Autism Hope Sheffield web site or Facebook page Millhouse Green Male Voice Choir meet every week at 7.30 p.m. at Millhouse Green Institute, A629 Manchester Road, Millhouse Green. The Choir is now practising for their next concerts in April and June. If any male singer would be interested in join ing the Choir, then contact 07901851992 for further in formation. TUeSdAyS Thorncliffe Bowling Club’s Over 50s meet every Tues day at 1:45pm at the green off Mortomley Close, High Green, S35 3HS. Cost £2.50 with bowls provided. It’s gentle exercise with a com petitive edge. Come and have a go. Start on April 5th, going through to the end of September.
issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 9
Wedne SdAyS Everyone is welcome at the Tea and Chat group - 1:003:00pm every Wednesday afternoon at St Leonards Church Wortley. Pop in for a drink and a chat. Contact Joan for more details: 0114 2887435 ThUrSdAyS Open House Community Café Everyone is welcome at Open House, our new com munity café - 1:30-3:30pm every Thursday at Holy Trini ty Thurgoland Church. Pop in for coffee, cakes and a chat. Contact Hannah for more details: 07724505911moredayslunch.andAnycise,EnjoyGreaveVolunteerpersondaycampus,AerobicsHighp.m.DeepcarThursdaySociety,Thegmail.comhannahosandoval@SouthYorkshireBonsaimeetingonthe4thofthemonthatVillageHall8to10GreenFitnessandFunandActivitiesPacesHighGreenThurs11am-12:30pm£3perThursdaysatHouseFarmTrust.freshair,gentleexermeetingnewfriends.timebetween10am4pm.BringapackedAlsomonthlyworkon2ndSaturday.ForinfocontactBarbara:oremail

Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk10 Family Notices 4848 5759 23 265 67497© 2022 Syndicated Puzzles715369248 923814576 468527931 359281764 271643895 846795312 532476189 184932657 697158423 board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number Foruniquely.many strategies, hints and tips, visit www.sudokuwiki.org If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store.The solutions will be published here in the next issue.Easy Previous solution - Very Hard Family Notices FAMILY NOTICES Heading (please circle): Births / Birthdays / Graduations / Exams / Engagements / Weddings / Anniversaries / Missing / Acknowlegments / In Memory / Other: Included Photo Your name and address: Please ring us or call in for payment: or 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, S36 2DU or enquiries@looklocal.org.uk It’s not too late to make a Will... Jane 07850 709 66607377 005 0114177288 1104 Contact us today for friendly and professional advice: Jane came to see my parents to help them protect the family home. She really made us all feel at ease, especially my parents. We had no idea what we could do to protect Mum and Dad. Having set up trusts and Lasting Power of Attorney’s, Mum and Dad can get on with their lives without worrying, knowing everything is now in place. Thank you Jane! Mrs Boyle and family, Ecclesfield
We know that planning for the future is a very personal matter. Not everyone is able or wants to travel to an appointment in town to sort out their affairs. We can visit you at a convenient time in the privacy and comfort of your own home to discuss your unique A visit and consultation is completely free and you are under no obligation to do anything. If you decide to make any arrangements you can be safe in the knowledge that all our professional services and work are fully insured and we are members of the Society of Will Writers, so all our clients are assured of the highest standards of conduct at all times. All our clients (and their families) that we have helped in the past have been very happy with our services and tell us they have gained great peace of mind knowing that they have sorted everything out.
Funeral Services All
best designs. Any quote beaten TOP QUALIT Y MEMORIALS 2' 6" in black or grey granite £655.00 plus VAT, including all lettering SHEFFIELD MEMORIALS Unit 1 Meadowhall Industrial Estate Amos Road, She eld S9 1BX Tel. 0114 327 31 71 www.she eldmemorials.co.uk For free brochure, quote or home visit T.W.BIRKS & SON LTD. Your caring local funeral director Tel: 0114 288 55 55 DYSON FUNERAL SERVICE A helpful, local family business CHAPELS OF REST at Barnsley Road, Bridgend, S36 7AH 01226 762 481 New Road, S36 2RS 0114 288 3169 info@dysonfunerals.co.ukwww.dysonfunerals.co.uk DYSON’S Funeral Services A helpful, local family business CHAPELS OF REST at Barnsley Road, Bridgend, Penistone, S36 7AH 01226 762 481 New Road, Deepcar, S36 2RS 0114 288 3169 info@dysonfunerals.co.ukwww.dysonfunerals.co.uk FUNERAL DIRECTORS K. DYSON M.B.I.E. TEL: (0114) 288 3169 TEL: (01226) 762 481 COULDWELL(NéeFirth) Peacefully at home on July 8th, Beryl aged 83 years. Dearly loved Wife of Michael, much loved Mum of Sharon, Andrew and Mandy, a loving Grandma and Great Grandma. Service to be held at St John’s Church, Penistone on Tuesday 23rd of August at 12.30 pm, followed by cremation at Grenoside South Chapel at 1.30 pm. Family owers only please but donations if desired for Macmillan Cancer Research. All Enquiries to Dyson Funeral Service, Barnsley Road, Penistone, She eld, S36 7AH. Tel. 01226722481. Family Notice? Contact us on: enquiries@looklocal.org.uk or call in at: 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, S36 2DU Family Notices Brenda LEADER Passed away peacefully in hospital age 92 on August 1st 2022. Forever in our hearts. Funeral Tuesday September 6th at 10:30am at St Saviours Church, Mortomley Lane, followed by burial at Wisewood Cemetery. Family owers only. Donations to Alzheimer’s Society c/o Peace Funerals.
Hello, I’m Jane Bowland, your local Estate Planning Consultant of 13 years experience. I am an expert in helping people arrange their Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Pre-paid Funeral Plans. Along with my colleague Haworth Ward-Drummond we specialise in helping all kinds of people gain peace of mind by providing professional advice, but with a personal touch. We offer a FREE consultation without obligation for anybody who would like to know more about any of the following: Making a basic Will Setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney your home for future generations Pre-paid Funeral Plans new memorials with 30 year guarantee. Specialists in renovation work and ground anchor supports. showroom,

Gemma Thornton, Creative Learn ing Manager at Grimm & Co, said: “This is our penultimate residency, and it has been filled with inspira tion, creativity and wonder. Year Four pupils at Greengate Lane have contributed their own individual spark and personality to this creative journey and I have loved working with them and their class teacher. From three course meals designed for The Iron Man (at the McIron Restaurant), to the creation of their own original characters, as well as empathetic choreographed per formances to show the main char acter's feelings - these pupils have flourished, and their confidence and pride has skyrocketed.”
“Today is just the beginning - as we continue to work with Grimm & Co and others to provide broad oppor tunities, we will build the knowledge and develop the creative skills of our children in the years to come.”
Hackwood, CEO of Astrea Academy Trust, said: “This innovative programme will hugely benefit our pupils at Green gate Lane Academy. These memo rable experiences are those which are usually only afforded by inde pendent schools. We are delighted to have had the opportunity to roll the programme out to our pupils at Greengate Lane and to our other primary schools in South Yorkshire.
Paul was walking near burncross cemetry when he fell banged his head which left him with a cut on his head and left him serverly shuck up.
To you lovely children who went and got help. your a credit to your parents .and you should be so proud of yourselfs for what you did thankyou. You really are wonderfull people.paul is okay now thankyou to you Once again a massive thankyou Paul and family
Deepcar strikes GOLD again
Kara Robinson, Headteacher of Greengate Lane Academy, part of Astrea Academy Trust, said: “Our Year 4 children are filled with awe and wonder, and eagerly await every Tuesday, when 'Inspector Door-Table' arrives. All pupils are engaged and contributing during lessons, and I have a steady stream of Year 4 pupils wanting to share their work with me throughout the day. Parents and carers have told us their children are excited about this learning from conversations they are having at home. On top of the amazing impact on children's en gagement and learning, their class teacher is also receiving excellent ongoing professional development from Grimm and Co, which will benefit so many of our pupils for Rowenayears.”
If you see quads in fields at night in South Yorkshire over the next few weeks, and its not your local farmer, then give us a call. Now the crops are being cleared unfortunately it prompts our resident and travelling poachers to come out to kill what ever they can. Not many people will be in farm fields at 2am on quads with Ourdogs.ask is for you is to let us know…its most probably wildlife crime in progress, and will get a prompt turn out from ourselves to check it out. If you run a storage yard, or live or work near one, and have farm quads coming and going from the containers and suspect they are taking part in late night poaching, please do let us know. If they pass through your village and you think they are up to no good , make a note of the time and if you have CCTV then send it though. The destruction they cause to the farmers fields, hedgerows and fences, and untold effect on our wildlife is not to be tolerated in our county. SY Police Thank you We would like to say a big massive heart felt thankyou to the children and lady who came to my uncles rescue on thursday afternoon.
Deepcar St Johns Junior School has retained its School Games Mark Gold status. The Mark recognised the schools commitment to and development of competition, school sport, physical edu cation and physical activity. Miss Jones, Headteacher, com mented “The staff at Deepcar have worked extremely hard to retain this award. We have continued to provide high quality physical activity op portunities.”Aspartofthe “Gold” criteria schools are expected to pro vide all pupils with two hours of timetabled PE per week, engage 50%+ of pupils in ex tracurricular physical activity every week, 15% of the pu pils leading and officiating in physical activities as well as several other aspects. we are providing the very best opportunities for our pupils. We have surpassed a lot of the gold criteria. Over 60% of our pupils have attended extracur ricular physical activities and approximately 30% of our pu pils are sports leaders”. Mr Priest commented “We have had yet another really successful year with sport. We have entered lots of competi ments. There have been many highlights but if I had to pick one it would be the Year 4 pu pils winning the Hotshots City Finals and being crowned Shef field City Champions”. This award is added to Deepcar’s growing list of awards with the school previously winning the ‘Active Girls Award’ and the “Upskilling Staff Award” cat egories at the Sheffield School Active Awards Evening.
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 11Local News
Poachers in fields Its Harvest time...so poachers come out to play.
Year 4 pupils have participated in a ground-breaking writing pro gramme called ‘Chapter & Verse’, devised, and led by literacy charity Grimm & Co, which offers a rare chance for pupils to develop their confidence, wellbeing and creative writing skills through drama, music, poetry, and storytelling. Grimm & Co, based in Rotherham, took pupils on a fantastical adven ture throughout the day, bringing the magic of the ‘Bridge Between’ – a theatre space initially conjured up in 1148 by Graham Grimm - which is used as a bridge between our world and the world of the story being studied in literacy lessons. Grimm & Co built the travelling theatre inside the Sheffield school, styled in the theme of The Iron Man, where pu pils took part in their creative writ ing workshops and lessons. ‘Chapter & Verse’ was brought to Astrea schools across South York shire from January 2021, through a collaboration between Astrea Acad emy Trust and Grimm & Co. Astrea and Grimm worked together to suc cessfully secure a £150,000 grant from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s Teacher Development Fund, beating off stiff competition from a number of other bids from across the UK, to develop the two-year programme. The aim is to embed creative cour age in the classroom and in doing so, instilling a love of writing amongst pupils. The project is completely free to schools and families and has been offered across eight Astrea primary schools over the last two years. The programme has seen Year 4 teachers at Greengate Lane Acad emy, and teachers at another seven Astrea schools in South Yorkshire across the last two academic years, ners to embed an innovative creative writing strategy in their schools for years to come – unleashing the imag inations of their children, sparking their motivation and confidence to find their untapped creativity. A parent of a Year 4 pupils at Green gate Lane Academy said: "It has been really amazing to see the increased confidence in my child. She has been so engaged throughout the project, even doing extra writing at Yearhome."4pupils at Greengate Lane Academy said: "Working with Grimm & Co has been great!”
Some children was playing and came and asked him if he was okay and went and fetched help A lovely lady came to help and drove him home. Without you who knows what would have Iamhappened.sooglad theres such lovely caring people in this world.
Immersive creative writing programme - ‘Chapter & Verse’ - comes to Greengate Lane Academy £150K grant funds the programme across 8 South Yorkshire schools. Pupils aged 8 and 9 at Greengate Lane Academy in Sheffield, part of Astrea Academy Trust, celebrated an event this July to mark a 6-week magical creative writing programme that their pupils will never forget.
"This project with Grimm & Co has been so good. It was fun and amaz ing seeing all the imaginative things you can do."

The solicitor who shot his lover and her two children in their rented Sheffield mansion IA n Wood allegedly played hide and seek with his lover's three-year-old daughter be fore shooting her at a Brad field mansion in 1986, writes Jasmine Morden for Yorkshire Live. In 1986, solicitor Ian Wood was renting 18-room mansion Ughill Hall in Bradfield, Sheffield with his lover and her two children. Wood had left his wife and three children to begin renting the mansion in April 1986 with mis tress Danielle Ledez. Danielle, from France, was in the process of divorcing her second husband when she moved in with Wood. On the night of September 21, 1986, when Danielle was 10 weeks pregnant, Wood shot her in the head in the playroom of the Allegedly,mansion.he then proceeded to play hide and seek with Dan ielle's three-year-old daugh ter Stephanie. Wood then shot Stephanie twice in the head. Stephanie died instantly. Danielle's oldest child Chris topher was just five years old - Wood shot him twice in the head too, and bludgeoned him with a ruler on the back of the Thehead.solicitor left the gun in the kitchen with one bullet remain ing, and packed his bags and left. He rang the police, who rushed to the mansion the next day and broke down the door. Christopher was still alive - and was taken to Sheffield Children's Hospital and put on life support for his severe head injuries. Po lice issued an arrest warrant on September 23, and put the for mer spouses of Wood and Ledez under protection. While on the run, Wood made calls to newspaper the Sheffield Weekly Gazette. He is said to have threatened suicide in one, and said he wanted to give his side of the story.
Local Notices
through assignments, practical teaching experience, observation records and reflec tive practice, students must suc cessfully demonstrate they have developed the necessary knowl edge, skills and experience to be a successful teacher in order to complete the programme. After completing the course, stu dents will have gained extensive knowledge in high-quality teach ing and be able to secure employ ment as a qualified teacher, apply for Qualified Teacher Learning Skills (QTLS) with the Educa tion and Training Foundation or consider further education such as starting a master’s degree in an education-related subject. Barnsley College also offers other teaching qualifications for those of other ages with varying experience with Level 3 appren ticeships perfect for those in the infancy of their career to Level 4 and 5 courses suitable for those continuing their professional Toeducation.findout more about the Level 6 Professional Graduate Cer tificate in Education (ProfGCE) (Post-Compulsory Education) along with other Higher Edu cation courses at Barnsley Col lege, come along to the upcom ing Open Day on Monday 22 August, 10.00am – 2.00pm. To book, visit: higher-education-open-days.www.barnsley.ac.uk/
BArnsLeY College has launched a new course for budding teachers. The Level 6 Professional Graduate Certifi cate in education (ProfGCe) (Post-Compulsory education) is ideal for those who aspire to work in Further education col leges, sixth form colleges, adult and community learning and independent training provid ers amongst others. The course is available to anyone who currently has an interest in teaching and holds a degree in a relevant subject or has substan tial professional experience. The programme is delivered on ei ther a full-time (over one year) or part-time (over two years) basis making it perfect for those with existing external commitments such as family and work. The course will help students to develop the required skills, knowledge and professional values to be a highly effective teacher. The modules within the programme provide a deeper un derstanding into teaching roles with topics such as planning and assessing learning, the role of theory and use of evidence in practice, the contemporary issues that exist in post-compulsory education and reflective teaching Studentspractice. enrolled onto this course will spend a large propor tion of their time on placement, gaining the real-world experi ence needed to prepare them for a fulfilling career in education. The placement portion of the programme is also known for boosting students’ confidence and increasing their indepen Assesseddence.
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk12 Local News
Less than a week later on Sep tember 29, French police were called to Amiens Cathedral to reports of a man who'd left a suicide note with a member of staff. It was Wood, who had been on a tour of the cathedral, and then left the group tour to climb over the parapet to hang on a Aftergargoyle.hoursof pleading from emergency services and suicide threats from Wood, he was per suaded to come down. He was extradited back to the UK on November 19. Wood was charged with the murders of Danielle and Stepha nie, and the attempted murder of Christopher, on December 1. He was also charged with theft for stealing from his clients. He pled guilty to the manslaugh ter of Danielle, but denied mur der, saying they had made a sui cide pact. Wood pled guilty to the other charges in his trial at Sheffield Crown Court. He was found guilty of Danielle's murder too on July 31, 1987 - his story about the suicide pact was rejected. Wood received two life sentences, as well as an addi tional 12 years for attempting to murder Christopher. His appeal was rejected.
The strikes on August 18 and August 20 are expect ed to cause disruption. Rail companies will be im pacted on Thursday, Au gust 18 and Saturday, Au gust 20, as well as the days either side after the unions called for more days of in dustrial action. These will be affecting services across the country towards the end of this week.

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Wheelers on the road
LaSt Saturday Wheeler trevor Mayne travelled down to Newark for the Sherwood CC 25 mile Open time trial on the a46. On a blisteringly hot afternoon Mayne finished 19th of 60 riders in a time of 56m 46s. This beat his own club re cord time set at 57 years old by 36 seconds. The following day Wheeler Paul Heggie travelled to Top cliffe to ride in the Bramley Wheelers CC 25 mile Open Time Trial on two laps of the A168 to Thirsk and back. An early start made for good conditions and he finished in 1h 4m 46s. It also knocked a huge 2m 10s off his own club age record at 68. Sunday’s club ride meets at 9am at Brew ers Fayre Wombwell. Visitors are welcome. Check the club’s Fa cebook page changes.pagetinyurl.com/BW-FB-https://forlastminute
The overall winner of the Pres ident's Putter was Phil Beau mont, from Division 3, with 41 points. Phil couldn't make the evening presentation, but his playing partner Richard Sheppard received the prize on his behalf. He is pictured with Club President John Yeates, Club Captain John Moss, Lady Captain Heather Evans and Professional Roger Broad. The leading player in Division 1 was Andrew Finney with 37 points, pipping his brother Pe ter who also scored 37 points on countback. Division 2 was won by Ash Jowitt with 41 points. Ash lost the overall winner position to Phil on countback. Trevor Newton was the Division 2 runner up with 38 points. The Division 3 run ner up was Josh Shelley with 40 Thepoints.winner of the Presi dent's ladies Spoon was Hilja O'Sullivan with 41 points. The Ladies runner up was Ann Whitfield with 39 points. There was also a junior prize that was won by Jake Carr, with 32 points. At the evening presentation John Yeates thanked "everyone for their support through the day." The celebrations in the clubhouse continued with a pop music quiz that had every one singing along late into the Theevening.last week has seen a lot of competitive golf, with the Gents Monthly Medal taking place on 14 August. The over all winner came from Division 2, with Russ Walker (16) scor ing an impressive net 61. Joe Marsh (23) was the Division 2 runner up with a net 65, the same score as Ian Hulbert (13), but a better back 9. The Division 1 winner was Chris Naylor (7) with a net 61 as well. Trevor Mosely (10), Paul Blake (8) and Steve Clay ton (13) all scored net 63s, but finished in that order behind Chris on countback. Earlier in the week the Drag ons Section played Hillsbor ough Golf Club in a league match at home. The Dragons won the match convincingly by an aggregate score of 277248 points. Having lost the away fixture at Hillsborough earlier in the year, the convinc ing home win gave the Drag ons an overall aggregate win of 511-495 points. A day later the Dragons played for the Wharncliffe Dragon Trophy. The format was a bo gey competition, where each player plays match play against the course. Doug Needham (20) won the competition, fin ishing 5 up against the course. Les Wright (13) was second 3 up and Dave Stringer (14) fin ished third, 2 up against the Philcourse.Beaumont's (21)winning streak started with a victory in the Pro's Mid-Week Prize on 11 August. Phil scored 39 points, the same score as Ash Jowitt (4), but he won with a better back 9. Trevor Mosely (10) was third with 37 points.
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk14 Local Directory For Sale HYUNDI AMICA,• Genuine 30,000 miles, New Clutch £800. Tel 2846524. 2 LArGe WIND oW FrAMes,• unused 8ft x 4’ 6”. 3 openers, perfect for cheap extension. £75 each or £120 for both. Tel:2846524. 2 MoUNTAIN BIkes, 1 LADIes, 1 GeNTs, 1 BIke• rACk + 2 spAre WHeeLs. Good Condition. Tel: 07833966001 or 0114 2830073 sHeFFIeLD WeDNesDAY persoNALIseD• reGIsTrATIoN sIW 1867 (year sWFC established). £500 or sensible offer, fees already paid 07929187227. pANAsoNIC 55” sMArT T v.• could deliver locally£125 ono - 07956 794 084. 2 x LIGHT WooD DINING CHAIrs• - £20 each or £30 for pair 0114 2311052. UseD GrAYCo CAr seAT• with instructions £20 0114 B2311052LUeMANTIs BACk LAsH BIke,• 18 gears, very good condition - £50 - 0114 2311052. DUCker ANTIqUe pINe DressING TABLe• with drawers and separate mirror – very good condition - £50 ono 07973918880. For Free A roW oF MATUre rAspBerrY CANes• I want to dispose of. The row is about 15 feet long and must be removed by the new owner. There is no charge for the raspberries, they are Free. My plot is 1a on the Wortley road site at Deepcar. please ring to make a visit. David Lawson 0114 4534105. wanted poWAkADDY GoLF TroLLeY,• any condition. parts, wheels, chargers etc. 0114 2464546. CHopper pUsH BIke AND HoNDA• 50,70,70cc. Cash paid. please phone 07518938321 before 12 noon with details.MoTorCYCLe,• British, Japanese, German. Any condition pre 1982. Decent price paid Tel: 0114 2456562. Found Found sunday July 24th AM near the Chinese Takeaway• opposite the Fire station, stocksbridge, A ‘MeN’s UNUsUAL BrACeLeT ’ phone for more information 07435566351 Private Adverts BH SKIP HIRE ALL SKIP SIZES AVAILABLE Same day service Reliable delivery and collection Covering all LookLocal areas Competitive prices 07721 045 850 0114 288 6338 PROBLEMS WITH CONDENSATION BETWEEN YOUR DOUBLE GLAZED UNITS? DI D YOU KNOW? A 0114 288 58 98 07787 140 deepcarhomeimprovements.com430 No Call-out charge | Emergency Service Available OSS D EE P CA R Established 1978 Windows Job Adverts W. MAW SKIP HIRE FOR RELIABLE SAME DAY SERVICE • MINI SKIPS • 3 TON SKIP • 4 TON SKIP • 6 TON SKIP • 8 TON SKIP All prices subject to V.A.T. Credit Cards accepted Skips available up to 40 yard wheel barrow access available OPEN ALL DAY 6 DAYS A WEEK 01709 560 056 20yd & 40yd Roll On / Roll Off Skips. For Green & Wood Waste Ring For Details Skips & Removals ERNEST THORPE Halifax Road, Thurgoland Tel: 0114 2882152 Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm (last test) Now open 08:30am - 12:30pm from Saturday 6th August Sunday: Closed YOUR LOCAL MOT ONLY STATION Unbiased vehicle testing for over 40 years. Need we say more? MOT’s £35 No booking required The Governors of this ‘Good’ Church of England Junior School are seeking to appoint a Cleaner to work 10 hrs a week (2 hours a day 3.30pm - 5.30pm) The post is for 39 weeks of the year (term time only). Grade 1 pro rata to £18,333. Please contact the school for more information enquiries@deepcar-st-johns.on: sheffield.sch.uk Scorching Hot President's Day
Looking to recruit? Email us at: enquiries@looklocal.org.uk Or call: 0114 283 1100
CARE HOME DAY ASSISTANTCARERequired 3 - 4 shifts per week - please call Tel: 0114 286 22 11 Coumes Brook
Saturday 13 august, with very hot temperatures, saw a fantastic turn out for the annual President's d ay at Stocksbridge Golf Club. With all sections of the club invited to play by the Club President, John yeates, there were prizes galore available.

church good start continues
Saturday 13th august Toolstation NCEL Premier Divi Penistonesion Church FC 1-0 Golcar United (h) Scorer for Church – Kieran Ryan
Stocksbridge Golf Club T RY G OLF FOR £110
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 15Local Sport OLF CLUB HIP DEALS
The golfers were a mix of Stocksbridge Golf Club Dragons (Senior section) and staff and clients of En zygo. Enzygo are a Stocks bridge based environmental consultancy company that help developers comply with complex planning rules. The company works across the UK and in Europe. The golfing day was spon sored by Enzygo, but the money raised for SFAC was donated by those playing. On the day over £600 was raised for SFAC, with more to come. Representing the charity, Dan Hope said that "the money raised will help SFAC continue with the vital work of helping community groups who work with vul nerable children. It will help us provide training from social workers, therapists, lawyers and even judges. We are very grateful for the con tinued support from Enzygo and Stocksbridge Dragons for the money raised from the golf day today." Of course, golfers like to win prizes as well. On the day Kel Meegan won the competition with a Stableford score of 40 points. Kel is pictured with Matt Travis, Director of En zygo, Dan Hope from SFAC and Ian Batty, Secretary of the Dragons Section. After the presentations, Ian thanked Enzygo, SFAC and all the golfers for making "the day such a memorable event. We look forward to repeating it again next year"
over. Full PCFCTime1Golcar 0 A first home win of the season sees Church consolidate on their 2 successive 2-0 away wins. They will be particularly pleased with another clean sheet and 3 points in this tough game. Fixtures Tuesday 16th August Toolstation NCEL Premier Divi Hemsworthsion MW v Penistone Church (a) Kick off 7-45 pm Saturday 20th August The Emirates FA Cup Preliminary BrighouseRound Town v Penistone Church (a) Kick off 3-00 pm Local Sport
Nearly 60 golfers braved the intense heat on 12 au gust to raise money for the charity Strengthening Fam ilies for abandoned Chil dren (SFaC). SFaC support vulnerable children through training community organ isations in various parts of the world. you can find out more about SFaC on their website - sfac.org.uk
Attendance - 162
Attendance59 - 305 A report by Martin Webb At 28c it was a swelteringly hot by Penistone standards. Golcar visited the Parker Roof ing Memorial Ground for the first Thetime.last time these teams met was in the Yorkshire Trophy Semi-Fi nal. Church won that away match 3-0 in October 2020. The Church pitch was hard fol lowing several weeks without rain, but the grass looked great and played well. Church opened quickly and had the first shot on target within the first Golcarminute.hada good 10 minute spell with the ball, but lacked accuracy in the last third of the pitch. They drew a great save from Chris Snaith low down at the near post from 8 Churchyards.responded with their own spell of passing and started to open up the Golcar midfield. A massive Church clearance created havoc in the Golcar defence. Reece High was through and a collision with the defender ended with a red card for Golcar defend er Leon Henry. The foul was on the edge of the Golcar box. Nathan Keightley drew a great fingertip save from the keeper low to his left. The shot ricocheted off the post and away to Churchsafety.then stuttered a bit and could not break down the 10 men of Golcar. In fact it was Golcar who missed a sitter from 6 yards out. Church then drew a spectac ular save from the keeper with the last touch of the half. Half time PCFC 0 Golcar 0 Church were looking good going forward, but their shooting and final passes let them down. Goal 59 minutes. Nathan Keightley took the ball from half way. He worked the ball down the right with pace, turned inside and laid the ball off to Kier an Ryan. Kieran Ryan's low drive fizzed into the bottom right cor ner of the goal PCFC 1 Golcar 0 After 63 minutes Wayne Hughes replaced James Young in defence and Elliott Firth replaced Eddie Newsome in midfield. Reece High was replaced by Leon GolcarHurles-Brook.showed plenty of promise down the wings but could not get a clear Churchchance.continued to press and had a few chances in the last 20 minutes. However, Golcar made it into a tense nervous finish for both teams by attacking but fluff ing their chances. With 90 minutes up Church burst up field and Leon Hurles-Brook found Keightley in the box. His crisp shot from 10 yards was tipped
Tuesday 9th august Toolstation NCEL Premier Divi Silsdension AFC 0-2 Penistone Church (a) Scorers for Church – Ryan John son 5, Reece High 87
Anyone wanting to try golf can join the House plus Golf membership scheme for just £110. The £110 fee entitles the new member to house membership of Stocksbridge Golf Club with £20 bar credit and a maximum of 6 rounds of golf ( 6 x 18 holes or 12 x 9 holes) Anyone joining Stocksbridge Golf Club on the above o er will not pay any more membership fees until March 2024. ME M BER O FFER: G E N T S : £680 (£8.72/week) L ADIE S : £600 (£7.70/week) FOR FULL M E M BER S HIP
SucceSSful charity Golf Day

Next Home game: Saturday 27 August vs Stockton 3pm ko
Issue 1231 Call 0114 283 1100 18th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk16 Local Sport Look Local (Publishing) Ltd. Copyright © Look Local 2022. An independent publication registered as a newspaper at the Post Office. 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 2DU ORDER ONLINE - WWW.DEEPCARTYRES.CO.UK MOBILE TYRE FITTING AT YOUR HOME OR WORK PLACE, PLEASE VISIT WWW.MOBILETYRESSHEFFIELD.CO.UK TYRES TYRES TBRAKESRACKING 288 2569 0114SERVICINGBRAKESBATTERIESTYRESTRACKINGCALLNOW Interim Service Full SuppliedServiceandfitted FREE local collection and delivery service available, please call FIXED BRAKESERVICINGPRICEPADS From only £99 Inc VAT From only £149 Inc VAT From only £69 Inc VAT ManchesterRdStocksbridgeTo WE ARE StationHERERdToA616 ToWortleySheffieldRdOPEN 6 DAYS MON–FRI 8:30am–5:30pm SATURDAY 8:30am–2:30pm ODISC10%OUNTNPRESENTATIONOFVALIDNHSID *Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer OFFERS GALORE!!!NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! TYRE & AUTO CENTREEEP C AR STEELS GRAB WIN IN OPENER
Stocksbridge Park Steels won their first game of the season with a big victory over Dunston
After a goalless first half, Stocksbridge took the lead through a smart finish from Luke rawson. Dun ston equalised a minute later through a header from richard Coulson. Dunston would shortly take the lead through a similar header from Michael fowler. The Steels equalised themselves when Gareth Curtis got onto the end of a good ball and finished well. Curtis would get his second after catching out the goalkeep er with an impressive curl ing shot. Dunston got off to the bet ter start and could have eas ily had the lead and not just the first goal of the game but the first goal of the Northern Premier League season. The corner was whipped in and Jon Shaw was unmarked to head goalwards. The former Sheffield Wednesday striker was foiled by Harrison Da vison-Hale who was able to punch it Davison-Haleaway. had to be on form later on as well to keep the game goalless. Jack El liott, a constant bother on the left wing, put in a very dangerous cross that the young goalkeeper had to batter away. Liam Thear also had a shot from distance but it went right at the keeper. Stocksbridge struggled to get out of their own half for this half and when they did, they were often let down by their final both. Both Jack Tinker and Tomas Poole got the ball in dangerous posi tions on the ball only for their crosses to end up with the picnic tables behind the goal. With Dunston also fail to break through, it’d be goalless at half time. Stocksbridge got to the best possible start in the second half. The Steels got an early corner, Poole whipped it in and Elliot Murray headed it into the path of Luke Raw son who slammed it home to give Stocksbridge the lead. Dunston were right back into it though. Liam Thear got the ball on the right wing, whipped in the cross and it went over DavisonHale’s outstretched arm, al lowing Coulson to head in at the far post. The goals didn’t stop com ing and soon Dunston had the lead. In much the same way of the first goal, Michael Pearson whipped in a cross from the right handside and this time it was Fowler on the end it to give the North East side the lead. But this mad few minutes weren’t over yet. Rawson controlled the ball well be fore slipping through Cur tis who was able to latch onto the ball. He broke into the box and lifted it over the goalkeeper to level the Dunstongame. looked to continue the madness that had took over the game. Elliot con tinued to be a danger but when he broke through, he slammed the ball into the side netting. There was also a goal mouth scramble where seemingly everyone had a kick at the ball but Davison-Hale claimed it on the Stocksbridgeground. would then take the lead. The ball was hit long and James Ander son looked to go and clear it. He was indecisive though and Curtis was able to nip in and get the ball. Anderson backtracked but Curtis had already curled the ball over his head and into the back of the Dunstonnet. would throw ev erything at Stocksbridge in order to equalise. Sado Dja lo came on and the North East side would send in plenty of teasing balls which begged to be tapped in but Stocksbridge were just about able to survive them. Kurtis Turner almost put it into his own net when he headed over from a Dunston corner. But Stocksbridge were able to hold on to get a massive opening day win.
Photo by Ian Revitt