FACEBOOK.COM/LOOKLOCALnews@looklocal.org.ukwww.looklocal.org.uk Tel: 0114 283 11 00 Sheffield thug jailed - page 4 town deal planS for St ockSbridge reach funding mileStone - page 7 ISSUE : 1232 woman make hiStory aS village’S ‘firSt lady’ 11 Established 1998 THURS, aUg 25, 2022 FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION VISIT OUR SHOWROOM, CALL 0114 240 0158 OR VISIT directkitchens.co.uk MASSI VE NO W ON www penistoneshow com OFFER!!PENISTONESAVE£6NOWENDSAUGUST31stAGRICULTURALSHOW A LEvELs rEsuLts dELight
Kelly Rinaldi, Barnsley Sixth Form College Principal, said: “I am immensely proud of our achievements this year; both staff and students have worked incredibly hard to achieve such fantastic results after what has been a chal lenging few years. I wish ev ery student the best of luck in their next steps and hope they look back on their time at Barnsley Sixth Form Col lege with pride.”
Shona Lane received A*s in History, Law and Religion, Philosophy and Ethics and is now progressing to study History and Philosophy at Newcastle University. She said: “I have enjoyed both the social side of studying at Barnsley Sixth Form College and my classes. The Sixth Form provides a supportive learning environment and I would advise anyone think ing of studying A Levels to work hard and complete their work as soon as possible.”
It's not too late to apply to study at Barnsley Sixth Form College in September. coursesmationlege.co.ukwww.barnsleysixthformcolVisitformoreinforonapplyingandtheonoffer.
Barnsley sixth Form College is celebrating an other excellent set of a l evel results with a 99% overall pass rate and a 100% pass rate in 20 subjects, in cluding some of our largest subjects, such as Biology, Business, Psychology and sociology. Many of our students are now looking forward to starting Higher Education courses at universities throughout the country, including Bristol, Durham, Loughborough, Newcastle, Sheffield and OutstandingWarwick.
individual suc cesses include Jayden Camm, who achieved A*s in Chem istry, Maths, Further Maths and Physics and is going on to study Maths and Physics at the University of Warwick. He said: “The staff at Barnsley Sixth Form College are ap proachable and always avail able to help. If you have an aim, the College will support you as much as they can.”
FOr sixth FOrMErs

Home-grown festival
Valley Boy has a virtual gallery on Beacon’s website from the 12th and Beacon will be auctioning of his two beautiful prints with pro ceeds going to ArtWorks. If that’s not enough Steel Valley Beacon are excited to be launching Steel Val ley Beacon Folk Club at the Rugby Club, with Mc Shane and Shaw 14th, £10, on the door and Beacon are supporting Musical Director and composer, Joseph Shaw who is run ning an afternoon sing ing 5 new folk carols on the 18th at Christ Church (booking necessary). We have Suzy Senior’s world exclusive preview of her new children’s story, at the Library, on the after noon of the 20th, Suzy stories have featured on CBeebies, a fabulous ses sion for the kids, Alan Taylor, one of the coun try’s leading mural art ists, is running a class at Christ Church on the 13th (booking necessary) and on the 15th, 16th and 17th, Christ Church are doing a rip-roaring musi cal “Carry on Cruising”.
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk2 Local News
Steel Valley Beacon will host the Grand Finale on the 23rd with a line-up of local talent, bands, singer, poets, actors, instrumen talists and it’s free! Email us for tickets
WHen a resident from oughtibridge, worried that forecast rain might cause her potatoes to split, and decided to dig them up, she was in for a shock. All the “spuds” from one plant weighed more than one pound each, with the 9” long heavi est topping the scale at one pound 13 ounces. The total crop crop was an astonishing 50 Mrspounds.Stevens, has also had a bumper crop of courgettes and beans, and believes the re sults are down to using “green manure”, grown from a mixture of small seeds, and dug in to the soil.
Local Councillor and UDAC Chair Suzy Abra hams, local businesses, schools will be putting to gether an exhibition trail of young people’s artwork from the 16th.
From the 9th to 23rd September there is a wonderful opportunity to get involved in the Home Grown Arts Fes tival organised by Steel Valley Beacon Arts sup ported by the Upper Don Arts Community (UDAC), Christ Church, the Co-op, the Library and local businesses. The opening of the festi val is on the 9th with the launch of UDAC at the Rugby Club. There are art displays by Lakeland Art ists, the Arts Society, Art Around Ere, Julie Bryan and the Meeting Place. Glassmaking classes with Pam Goodison, folk night at the Castle, drop-in ses sions at Noodle Perform ing Arts, Bolsterstone MVC, Deepcar Brass Band and Waldershelf singers, youth performances by Beacon Youth, NoID and Noodle Performing Arts, photography displays at Christ Church with Jim Barter and Rebecca Ait ken combining two very different styles of work. Two wonderful events at Greave House farm, an Open Day and a Black smithing course. Poetry with Lesley Gillott at the Library, Open Mic at the Nook …and if you have the energy go on a round walk with Stocksbridge Walkers are Welcome on the Photographer18th.

Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 3Local News INDELIVERY!FORSTOCKAQUICK SALE £569 SALE £459 SALE £699 SALE £1369 Sale summer ENDS BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY SALE £899 SALE £929

A persistent thug with convictions for violence got into his expartner’s bedroom and assaulted her after he had previously attacked her in the street and plagued her with phone calls, writes Jon Cooper for the sheffield star. Sheffield Crown Court heard on August 16 how Wayne Anderson, aged 28, of Stone Moor Road, at Stocksbridge, Sheffield, had already been made subject to a restraining order not to contact his ex-partner after he had previously stalked and assaulted her and caused Stuartdamage. Bell, prosecut ing, said that following the imposition of the re straining order Anderson pulled his ex-partner to the ground by her hair in the street and later tried to get into her home on June 21, and he repeat edly phoned her between June 21 and 23. Mr Bell added Anderson also got into his ex-part ner’s home on June 29 while she was in her bed room where he repeat edly punched her. He said: “The complain ant was in her bedroom at home. Her son was in the house. He had left the front door unlocked by "Aboutmistake.3.20am, the de fendant entered the home, went upstairs, and entered the complainant’s "Shebedroom.was in bed asleep and he grabbed her by the neck and punched her to the left side of her Mrhead.”Bell added the com plainant called the po lice before Anderson punched her a further four or five times to the Theface. complainant stated she has been left feeling scared to leave her home and fearing the defendant may try to kill. Anderson, who has 33 previous convictions for 58 offences including vi olence,
WHen stephen Frith died at st Luke’s Hospice, son Adam made a promise that he would do something to pay the charity back for all the care and support they gave to the family. That’s why Adam and South York shire Police colleague and friend Jack Deakin are now in train ing for one of the north’s biggest fundraising challenges.
“The kindness and generosity of the St Luke’s team made my dad’s last Christmas and allowed us as a family to find peace.”
a dam and jack take on challengetough for St
Now Adam is determined to raise as much money as possible in rec age of the support my dad received and make sure that somebody else receives the same standard of care then it will be worth the effort,” he “There’ssaid. just an extra level of care at St Luke’s that we will never for get – their attitude is absolutely “Iimpeccable.knowtimes are hard at the minute but a donation of £1 can go along way when we all pull to Together.”support Adam and Jack visit https://gofund.me/40dbc472
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk4 Local News SPRING SPECIAL OFFERS IN£1295OSOLIDAKWasNOW £1095 £2835Was FROM £2595 The Colorado The Cassius *Applies to all the range **Applies to all relevant boilers when a Greenstar Filter is also installed ^Applies to Heat Exchanger only SIZZLING SUMMER DEALS We install A–rated, energy efficient, Combi, Conventional or System boilers with a variety of long guarantees Free 7* or 10** Year Parts & Labour Guarantee On Worcester–Bosch range, worth up to £1400! 0114 2313366 AMPLE FREE PARKING Hillsborough Barracks, Upper Mall, S6 2LR Use either Penistone Road or Langsett Road entrancewww.flamesofsheffield.co.ukofSheffield 10 YEAR GUARANTEE Any of these 5kw DEFRA Approved, Multi-Fuel Stoves Fully Fitted (standard) FOR £2695 Sheffield thug jailed
“At the end of 2015 my family’s life was flipped upside down, when, after many months of tests and in vestigations my dad was informed he had terminal cancer and was given the horrendous news of only having months to live,” said Adam. comfort and support from the staff and facility that St Luke’s hos pice “Notoffered.onlydid they make sure my dad had everything he needed, but they also ran support groups for family members in order to come to terms with the situation we were facing.
The 26-mile Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge takes walkers through the stunning Yorkshire scenery of the Dales National Park, starting with smallest of the peaks, Peny-ghent, before going on over 12 hours to tackle the peaks of Ingle borough and Whernside, climb ing a final total of 1,585 metres! Adam, who lives in Chapeltown, and Jack, who lives in Bolton upon Dearne, will be taking on the challenge in September and have set themselves a £1,000 fundraising target.

Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022Local News Apply Now to study with us in September www.barnsley.ac.uk/he We offer a range of university-level courses in areas including: > Animal Management > Art > Business and Management > Computing > Construction > Creative Media > Criminology > Early Years > Esports > Health and Social Care > Leadership and Management > Public Services > Sport > Teacher TrainingOpenDay Monday 22 August 10.00am to 2.00pm Book your place www.barnsley.ac.uk/at:he-open-days With our Adult and Part-time courses! Want to change your career, gain qualifications or learn a new skill? Start a course tailored to you! We offer flexible learning including: • Adult and part-time • Higher Education • Distance Learning • Apprenticeships Apply now by Forwww.barnsley.ac.uk/adultvisiting:moreinformationcall01226216123 or email info@barnsley.ac.uk ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Do you want to get better at speaking English? Be able to speak confidently in English with other people? Improve your chances of getting a job or studying a course? Our ESOL course can help. Contact us to find out more. yourBoostcareerprospects JUL2222LLP

Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk6 Local News HOME IMPROVEMENTS DEEPCAR A VISIT OUR WEBSITENEWAT: 247 Manchester Road, Deepcar S36 2RA OPENINGTIMES: Mon–Fri Saturday Sunday 8am–5pm 8am–1pm 10am–12pm1978EST. WINDOWS • DOORS • CONSERVATORIES EXTENSIONS • GARAGE DOORS EXPERIENCE • QUALITY • RELIABILITY WINDOWS • CONSERVATORIES • FACIAS & SOFFITS • DOORS • COMPOSITE DOORS • DOUBLE GLAZING • GARAGE CONVERSIONS • GARAGE DOORS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM NOW! WE BEATWILLANYGENUINEQUOTE deepcarhomeimprovements.com DEEP CA R HOME IMPROVEMENTS 28801145898 07787 140 430 24hr Answering Service Check out our latest work in Deepcar Another satisfied customer We now have an amazing home - Gordon (Deepcar)

• A local community bus service • Investment to upgrade the Little Don River alongside the improvements to cycle and walking trails
A first phase of improvements to Oxley Park have already been delivered and completed earlier this year through the Towns Fund Accelerated Funding Pro gramme which delivered a £500,000 Co-Chairinvestment.of the Towns Fund Board, Miriam Cates MP, said: “This is an im portant milestone in our plans for the town. This investment will create a last ing legacy in Stocksbridge which will help to re-focus the local economy. Not only are we upgrading the fabric of the town but we are creating new employ ment opportunities as well as investing in sports, leisure and educational facili ties.
“Our business cases outline what this investment will mean for Stocksbridge as a place to live, work and visit - and we look forward to continuing to work with the community on the next stage in the Deputyplans.”leader of Sheffield City Council Cllr Julie Grocutt, who is a member of the Towns Fund Board, said: “We have listened to residents to help us shape the vision for the town and worked together on a plan which will deliver much needed investment for Stocks bridge. “I would like to thank all the communi ty groups, volunteers and council offic ers who have worked so hard on getting our projects to this stage, ensuring that we have a strong case for investment.”
Stocksbridge is one of 101 towns in England selected to bid for the Govern ment’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund which aims to drive economic regeneration and level up the regions. On 27 July 2019, the Prime Minister announced that the Towns Fund would support an initial 101 places across England to develop Town Deal pro posals, to drive economic regeneration and deliver long-term economic and productivity growth. See further details of the announcement. PM speech at Manchester Science and Industry Mu seum - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) A Town Deal is an agreement in prin ciple between government, the Lead Council and the Town Deal Board. It will set out a vision and strategy for the town, and what each party agrees to do to achieve this vision. See the 101 plac es being supported to develop Town Deals. list-of-100-places.pdf (publish Eaching.service.gov.uk)ofthe101towns selected to work towards a Town Deal also received ac celerated funding last year for invest ment in capital projects that would have an immediate impact and help places “build back better” in the wake of Covid-19. View a list of accelerated funding by place service.gov.uk)ated-funding-grants.pdftowns-fund-acceler(publishing.
The Government announced that the funding for Stocksbridge was ear marked in March 2021 after the town’s bid was submitted in January that year. The detailed case for each project now has to be reviewed and signed off be fore the money can be released and the projects can move to the next stage.
Over the last 12 months the Town Deal team has collaborated closely with local stakeholders, businesses and the wider community to refine the plans which ties for the town. It is hoped that the board will find out early in the autumn if the business cas es have been approved – releasing the funding and giving the green light for the next phase in the projects.
• Improvements to Oxley Park and a new Hydrotherapy Pool for Stocks bridge Community Leisure Centre • Adult education provision in the new Library and Community Hub
Investment in new paving and public realm in the town centre is also planned as well as proposals for a shop front grant scheme. New cycle and walking routes have been designed to link the town centre to the wider countryside - improving connectivity and access across Stocksbridge.
The development will house managed workspace as well as community fa cilities and a brand new and modern, ground floor library.
Other projects include:
If the funding is confirmed in the au tumn it is hoped that work could start on the first projects in spring 2023. To keep up to date with news about the Towns Fund visit the website at www. welcometostocksbridge.co.uk and fol low Stocksbridge Town Deal on face book and @TownDeal4Stocks on twit ter.
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 7Local News A local funeral plan for local people Guarantee the amount you will pay for our services at today’s prices. Dyson FUNERAL SERVICE Thinking of taking care of future funeral costs? Talk to someone you know and can trust... PENISTONE Barnsley Road. Bridgend, Penistone, S36 7AH Tel: 01226 762 481 DEEPCAR New Road, Deepcar, Stocksbridge, S36 2RS Tel: 0114 288 3169 Town Deal plans for sTocksbriDge reach fun ing milesTone
• New sporting facilities in the town in cluding a 3G pitch and multi-use sports pavilion
The Stocksbridge Towns Fund Board gave final approval to the ten projects when they met in July. The detailed documents outlining the strategic and economic cases for the investment have now been delivered to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Com Themunities.ambitious plans include a strategic transformation of Manchester Road in Stocksbridge with a new Library and Community Hub building at its heart.
Major plans to regenerate and invest in Stocksbridge took a step closer this week as the business cases for the £24.1 million Town Deal projects were sub mitted to the Government.

MondAy 5 Bradfield
Sheffield tree fayre, a fami ly-friendly event celebrating the wonder of trees and woodlands, will take over Sheffield Botani cal Gardens on Saturday 10 Sep tember. Running from 10am to 4pm, this free entry, one-day tree-fest will feature a variety of children’s out door forest school activities, in door crafts, wood craft stalls and guided tree walks. There is also a fantastic line-up of tree-themed talks, which feature speakers from the National Trust, Regath er Cooperative, local author of ‘The Politics of Street Trees’ book, Camilla Allen, and Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust. Visitors can explore a variety of wood or tree-themed stalls throughout the day, and food will be available from Wood-fired Allpizza.activities for the event will take place at the Thompson Road entrance side of the Sheffield Bo tanical Gardens S11 8RB. The event is hosted by Sheffield City Council Community For estry Team, in partnership with The Woodland Trust, National Heritage Lottery funded Educa tion and Engagement Project at Sheffield Botanical Gardens and the Sheffield Street Tree Partner ship. The event is also kindly sup ported by the Friends of Sheffield Botanical Gardens and Sheffield Botanical Gardens Trust. To book a free ticket in advance (booking is optional) eventbrite.comhttps://sheffieldtreefayre2022.visit:
7 Stocksbridge & District WI are meeting at Christchurch Com munity Hall Manchester Road Stocksbridge at 7.15 for 7.30 start. We are celebrating our 7th birthday with our annual meet ing and party. Further details on 07939941818 ThURSdAy 8 Chapeltown WI will be hold ing their meeting at 7.30pm in Chapeltown Methodist Church. The speaker will be Helen Slater speaking about Community Ac tion in Nepal. The competition is for a decorative scarf or shawl. New members or visitors will be made welcome.
The Toddler group, Chairobics and Knit and Natter will be joined by the Ecclesfield Village History Group, now 10am till noon on the last Wednesdays in the month except August and December.
A new addition is the CuppaC hatClub on Thursdays from 1pm till 3pm starting on 1st Septem ber. This is open to anyone who fancies a drink, a biscuit, a chat and possibly some traditional pastimes. Coming soon.....the re turn of Tai "Remember:Chi.when it's hot, it's cool to visit our library. When it's cold, you'll get a warm welcome when you come in to browse." says Victoria Bowden, Chair of Trustees , Friends of Ecclesfield Library.
On Saturday 3rd September there will be a morning of free musical entertainment “COFFEE AND CHORDS”, hosted by Welsh John and guests , at our regular open theatre morning. Admission is free , but the sale of refresh ments helps EPPiC Theatre funds. EPPiC Theatre, Well Lane , off High Street, Ecclesfield S35 9TB. Watch for details of our forthcoming drama “THE SECRET TENT”
Available to buy in Look Local Scentsations by Amie Contact Amie 07957 399 Scentsations708by Amie GLAZINGBARRIER
After a couple of years of stop/start/stop/start, the vol unteer-run ecclesfield library is now on track to re-instate a full programme of regular events.
6 Bradfield Walkers are Welcome - Local History Morning Round Walk with Malcolm Nunn, meet at Rural Lane Car Park at 10.30am, return around 1pm. FREE but do nations welcome. 2337463 or www.bradfield-walkers.org.uk or email office.co.ukbradfield.history@mypost
29 Hoylandswaine Church S36 7JQ. Teddy Bear Parachute Jump 10.00 - 12.00. £2.00 per bear. Re freshments. All welcome WedneSdAy 31 Don Valley Probus will meet on Wednesday August 31st at 10.00AM in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, with a presentation by Sarah Tomkinson, “All things Chocolate”. Our meetings are always relaxed and take place on alternate Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming our regular members, visitors and new members. For more information, please call Ste phen Clarke on 07593 792967.
gets eventful
3 LANGSETT Bradfield Walkers are Welcome is inviting participants to a FREE short session as an in troduction on how to find your way in the countryside, where to find new walks and how to keep safe. These sessions are aimed at walkers who want to start to explore the area away from fa miliar territory and well known hotspots. We will be looking at where you can walk in the Peak District and beyond and where you might find interesting walks to try. Booking is essential using the eventbrite link on the Web page mentaltions.highlightwithtroughs.10am3CharitableParishtions.attractionsCastlewillGreengalaIn3bradfield-walkers.org.uktion,areorg.uk/maps-and-apps/https://bradfield-walkers.Placeslimited.Ifyouhaveaquespleaseemailenquiries@“PartyinthePark”,HighGreenBloomareholdingtheirannualinMortomleyPark,Highfrom11amto3pm.TherebefreeridesandaBouncyforchildrenplusotherfromlocalorganisaSupportedbyEcclesfieldCouncilandtheJ.G.GravesTrust.Worrallvillagetidyup.MeetbytheKirkEdgeRoadAllwelcome-childrenaparent.PlusachancetoyoulocalheritagelocaOrganisedbytheEnvironGroup. Historical Societyand Tin Lids’ by Andrew Rawson, 7.30, Low Bradfield Village Hall, The Sands, S6 6LA. 2337463
9 Stocksbridge Art Society Exhibi tion Opens (running from 9th to 15th Sept) at Christ Church. Drop into Christ Church most days and see some wonderful work by local artists. Free Event. 9 7.00pm Home Grown and UDAC launch event. Ceilidh 7pm to 10.30pm with bar. Chris McShane and Ensemble, at the Venue. Free Event. LIMITED NUMBER OF TICK ETS call 07792 142 545 SATURdAy
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk8 What’s EvEnt
8 Stocksbridge & District History Society Meeting – Christ Church Hall 7PM. ‘ The Frank Thackary Collection of Local Postcards’ . A view of Deepcar and Stocksbridge in the last centaury. All are very welcome.
9 Sheffield Lakelands Exhibition (and more) at Stocksbridge Li brary by Pennine Artists, a group of respected professional and semi-professional artists who have exhibited widely, individu ally and together, selling artwork for over 20 years. This exhibition will be in the Library until the 24th of September. Contact Jackie on 07562 113692 Free Event.
10 Art Round ‘ere paints, draws and sketches outdoors in our and ladies fragrances by designers at affordable prices. 1982Est.
or email ments,membersHall,calhowabouttheprojectkinsonspeakerchaeologyers5tory@mypostoffice.co.ukbradfield.hisWadsleyandLoxleyCommon-Illustratedtalk-RecentArontheCommon.OurisarchaeologistChrisAtwholedthearchaeologyonthecommonduringlast3years.He’llbetalkingthediscoveriesmadeandtheywerecarriedoutbyloenthusiasts.WadsleyChurch7.30pmAdmission£3.50,£3.00Includesrefreshwww.walc.epizy.com
10 St Leonards Church Wortley are hosting a presentation in words and pictures by Andrew Beevers and Dawn Johnson of “St Leonards graveyard stories and local histories”. This will be in the church on Saturday 10th Septem ber at 7.30 pm. Tickets £9 includ ing pie and pea supper, entry by ticket only. Tickets available from Joan Clark on 0114 2887435 or at Wortley Post Office.
Don Valley Probus will meet on Wednesday September 14th at 10.00AM in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, with a presentation by Steven Gaye “Penistone – Sheffield Rail way”. Our meetings are always re laxed and take place on alternate Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming our regular members, visitors and new members. For more information, please call Ste phen Clarke on 07593 792967.
8 Stocksbridge and Upper Don 50+ Group Will meet 2pm-3 :30pm in Stocksbridge Library Topic: The Local Co-op New mem bers welcome FRidAy 9 Lesley Gillott presents “Relax with Poetry” at Stocksbridge Li brary from 10.30am to 11.30am. Free Event
Tree hugging

FRidAy 16 Art Exhibition, children’s art work “My Town” throughout the valley in the shop windows in cluding – The CO-OP, The Bridge, The Business Hair Salon, Eyre and Co Accountants, Samuel’s Kitchen and Stocksbridge Library and oth ers. Free Event.
11 “Scene from Alice In Wonder land” Afternoon performance St Ann’s Hall (with Afternoon Tea) 2.30pm Tickets £5 from 07792 142 545.
website siteValleytwoNottosomebookWithcon-arts.co.uk/https://steel-valley-beaalmost5000fansonFaceValleyBoyhaskindlysentusofhisamazingphotographsdisplayonourvirtualgallery.onlythishehasalsodonatedprintsforauctionbySteelBeaconArtsseeourwebformoredetails.FreeEvent.
LocalLookwithassociationIn beautiful local countryside. You get art tuition alongside a bit of local history and environmental education. There is no fee but you will need to bring basic kit, pencils and paper. We can have up to a 15 minute off road walk to countryside sites so dress appro priately. Meet at 10am at Bolster stone Church Hall. Contact Jackie on 07562 113 692 Free Event
MondAy 12 VALLEY Beacon Arts
10 Fox Valley Event – somethings brewing down at Fox Valley Piazza around 2.30pm. Free Event.
SATURdAy 17 Friends of St Nicholas’ Church, High Bradfield - Heritage Open Day, 2-4pm, Church open, re freshments, guided tours of the church, Treasure hunts, Tours of the graveyard by Malcolm Nunn at 9am and 2pm 17 at 7pm Stocksbridge Christian Centre an evening of fun, Bingo, Beetle,and Baked Potatoes £7 per person. Ring 0114 2884377 to book. 17 Art Round Ere meet Zorro Lounge at 10am – another chance to join Jackie and friends. Sketching in the piazza bring a pencil and paper. This welcoming group would love to meet you. Free Event.
Be the • National Ear Care Diploma. • DBS checked. • Fully insured. • Immediate Appointments Day / Evening / Weekends. Call 07983 537203 e: jaynefox16@gmail.com Syringing£30fromEar MOT - SERVICE - REPAIRS 0114 283 1615 8am - 5pm Mon - Fri Diagnostics & Air-con refills Auto - electrical work Suppliers of Flo-gas and gas bottles suitable for BBQ’s DCSS (garages) LTD Manchester Rd, DEEPCAR S36 2QY 118 Halifax Road, Wadsley Bridge 0114 233 7676 • Carpets • Vinyls • Laminates • LVT (Design Flooring) • Artificial Grass • Safety Flooring • Full House Deals • Landlord Deals • Domestic \ Commercial Flooring • 48 Hour Fitting Service FREE DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES WE BRING THE STORE TO YOUR DOOR10%OFFTHISBAN K HOLIDAY WEEKEND WITH THIS ADVERT. *UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30TH
On listings
WedneSdAy 14 Bradfield Walkers are Wel come - Local History Morning Round Walk in the Loxley Val ley with Malcolm Nunn, meet at Loxley Village Green (junction of Loxley Road and Rodney Hill) at 10.30am, return around 1pm. FREE but donations welcome. 2337463 or www.bradfieldwalkers.org.uk or email onwithArts14history@mypostoffice.co.ukbradfield.LaunchofSteelValleyBeaconFolkClubattheRugbyClubChrisMcShane&Shaw£10thedoor.
17 Greave House Farm Open-Day, New Hall Lane, Stocksbridge S36 4GH 10am to 4pm Greave House Farm is a Care Farm developed by two families, growing local produce, and supporting a small number of adults with learn ing difficulties. There will be lo cal crafts, green woodworking demonstrations, refreshments, entertainment, and farm tours. Contact Barbara on 07724505911 for more details. Free Event. SUndAy MondAy 19 Photography Display Opens at Christ Church. Jim Barter Paint ing By Numbers. Art and Artificial Intelligence and Rebecca Aitken “Memories of Steel Valley Beacon Arts and more” Free Event. 19 Art Display by Jason Peacock at Christ Church Opens. 19 Art Works session at Christ Church with Julie Bryan local artist. £2 charge to cover art sup plies. Julie will guide you through making and designing a beautiful card to take home. There will also be a display of artwork created by members of the Meeting Place. Starts at 1.30pm. TUeSdAy 20 Open session Stocksbridge Art Society at Christ Church starts 9.45 am. Another chance to drop into the Art Society and see them at work. Free Event. 20 Suzy Senior Join children’s au thor, Suzy Senior, in a fun-filled story event for families.
TUeSdAy 13 Open Session Stocksbridge Art Society at Christ Church, starts at 9.45 am (drop in, see the artists working and while you are there have a look at their wonderful display set up around Church.) Free Event.
10 Sheffield Walking Festival starts. Contact Stocksbridge Walkers are Welcome.
SUndAy 11 Wadsley and Loxley Common ers - ‘Muck In’ Day (practical work on the common), 10am-noon, meet at Long Lane Car Park or Rural Lane Car Park www.walc. epizy.com. Tools supplied, bring gloves, families very welcome.
10 Worrall Festival, Worrall Me morial Hall 1pm – 10pm Free Event.
issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 9
ThURSdAy 15 Open practice with No ID, come along if you are in Y5 to Y13 create your own arrangements of Pop Songs with a peer band. 6pm to 7pm. No charge. At St Ann’s Hall, Haywood Lane, S36 2QQ Deepcar. Free Event.

We know that planning for the future is a very personal matter. Not everyone is able or wants to travel to an appointment in town to sort out their affairs. We can visit you at a convenient time in the privacy and comfort of your own home to discuss your unique
Kenneth Joseph DA K IN Died in the Northern General Hospital on the 2nd of August with his Son Martyn and Daughter Wendy by his side. We would welcome anyone wishing to pay their respects to join us at the City Rd Chapel on the 26th of August at 11.15am. He’s sadly missed.
lettering SHEFFIELD MEMORIALS Unit 1 Meadowhall Industrial
Beverley M organ
“TRULY THE END OF AN ERA!” Cremation at Grenoside on Wednesday 31st August at 2pm, followed by a celebration of Barbara’s life at Bracken Moor. Donations to British Lung Foundation will be gratefully accepted on the day.
visit T.W.BIRKS & SON LTD. Your caring local funeral director Tel: 0114 288 55 55 FUNERAL DIRECTORS K. DYSON M.B.I.E. TEL: (0114) 288 3169 TEL: (01226) 762 481
MYERS Rodney, passed away peacefully on 16th August 2022 aged 83 years. Much loved Husband to Sue, Dad to Wayne, Lee, Scott and Stepfather to Vicky and Ian. A loving Granddad to all of their 10 children and a Brother to Anne. Funeral service to be held at Grenoside Crematorium, South Chapel on Tuesday 30th August at 11.30.am. Family owers only by request, donations for The Yorkshire Air Ambulance may be given on the day or sent to Eric Eyre Funeral Service, High Green, She eld, S35 3HR
www.she eldmemorials.co.uk For
WADS W ORTH (Née Boswell) Andrea Aged 72 years, died suddenly on 26th July at home in Stocksbridge. Loving Mother of Adam, dear Motherin-Law to Sandie, much loved Granny of Scarlett and very dear Sister of Virginia, Steph and Julian. Requiem mass at St Ann’s RC Church, Deepcar on Wednesday 7th September at 2pm followed by committal at Grenoside Crematorium, South Chapel. Family owers only please, donations if wished, made payable to ‘Weston Park Cancer Charity’ may be sent to: Adam Heath, John Heath & Sons, 14 Earsham Street. Or made online at www.JohnHeath.co.uk.
quote beaten TOP QUALIT Y MEMORIALS 2' 6" in black or grey granite £655.00 plus
She eld S9 1BX Tel. 0114 327 31
Peacefully at St Luke’s Hospice surrounded by her family, Beverley aged 63 years. Devoted Wife of George, loving and proud Mum of Helen, Graham and Caroline. Treasured Grandma of Dexter. Adored Sister, Sister-in-Law and Auntie. Family and friends are invited to her funeral service at Grenoside Crematorium. North Chapel on Monday 5th September at 2pm. Family owers only please donations in lieu of owers if desired would be welcome for St Luke’s Hospice for which a box will be available at the service. All enquires T.W. Birks and Son 100 Manchester Road Deepcar Tel: 2885555.
Funeral Services All
brochure, quote
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk10 Family Notices 43 9174 2172 5 529 7657 826 19© 2022 Syndicated Puzzles132596748 579438126 846712953 465871239 791253864 283964571 657389412 914627385 328145697 board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number Foruniquely.many strategies, hints and tips, visit www.sudokuwiki.org If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store.The solutions will be published here in the nextMediumissue. Previous solution - Easy Birthdays It’s not too late to make a Will... Jane 07850 709 66607377 005 0114177288 1104 Contact us today for friendly and professional advice: Jane came to see my parents to help them protect the family home. She really made us all feel at ease, especially my parents. We had no idea what we could do to protect Mum and Dad. Having set up trusts and Lasting Power of Attorney’s, Mum and Dad can get on with their lives without worrying, knowing everything is now in place. Thank you Jane! Mrs Boyle and family, Ecclesfield
Karis Cooper
Taken from us on 15th August 2022. The most loving Wife to Philip and devoted Mum to Gary, Lynda, Debbie, Stephen and Craig. Adored by her beautiful Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren and by the rest of her amazing Family and Friends. She will always be remembered with love and a ection.
Hello, I’m Jane Bowland, your local Estate Planning Consultant of 13 years experience. I am an expert in helping people arrange their Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Pre-paid Funeral Plans. Along with my colleague Haworth Ward-Drummond we specialise in helping all kinds of people gain peace of mind by providing professional advice, but with a personal touch.
We offer a FREE consultation without obligation for anybody who would like to know more about any of the following: Making a basic Will Setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney Protecting your home for future generations Pre-paid Funeral Plans new memorials with 30 year guarantee. Specialists in renovation work and ground anchor supports. Biggest showroom, best designs. Any VAT, including all Estate Road, 71 free or home
A visit and consultation is completely free and you are under no obligation to do anything. If you decide to make any arrangements you can be safe in the knowledge that all our professional services and work are fully insured and we are members of the Society of Will Writers, so all our clients are assured of the highest standards of conduct at all times. All our clients (and their families) that we have helped in the past have been very happy with our services and tell us they have gained great peace of mind knowing that they have sorted everything out.
Happy 18th Birthday on the 27th August We are so proud of you! Love from Meg and Nick, Alfie,Paris, Nan and Grandad.
12.02.1959 - 16.08.2022
Barbara SYKES

Thefound.rising cost of living is pushing thousands of families into poverty and more support from government must be an urgent priority.
Smith hopes that this is the beginning of bigger things to come as the progressive Oughtibridge club look to further the ca reer ambitions of the Ladies section aswell as their thriving junior section. On her debut Hayley told Look Local "I’m pleased with the progress we have made as a club and that the selectors have shown enough faith in me to pick me for this game’ adding ‘hopefully it will be the first of Hayley,many’.34originally from Hinckley, con tributed to an Oughtibridge win as they overcame Shelley CC in the blistering sun shine with 2 balls to spare, chasing down a formidable total of 223. Hayley’s fiance, Ol lie Black made 95 in the run chase, to help steer the side to victory in the Barnsley & District Cricket League, Division 3 West section.
Poor bus service
Fuel poverty
You can also give information anonymously to independent charity Crimestoppers via their website — www.crimestoppers-uk.org — or by calling their UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111.
Policing prioirities
Research by the University of York, 70.6% of households in Yorkshire are expected to be in fuel poverty in January next year. The region will be among the hardest hit, although the UK average of 65.8% is still grim reading as an estimated 45 million people across the UK will struggle to pay energy bills this winter, the research
It’s worrying for all, but I’ve no doubt that it’s placing extra burden on the shoulders of terminally ill people. They are at heightened risk of experiencing fuel poverty, as their symptoms will often make them feel colder and they will spend increasing amounts of time at home with the heating on as their condition deteriorates. Marie Curie’s research has shown that the average energy bill of a terminally ill person increases significantly in the aftermath of a diagnosis - sometimes by up to 75 per cent. In addition to the significant financial strain, the World Health Organisation estimates that 30 per cent of excess winter deaths are attributable to cold, damp housing. Fuel poverty not only hurts families financially, but can cost lives too.
Dear Editor, May I thank the kind person who handed in my lost purse to the driver of the No.1 bus on Thursday afternoon. I am very grateful to have it back. I will make a donation to the local food bank by way of appreciation so that your thoughtfulness will help someone in our community.
Yours Peter Morton Hunshelf Park Stocksbridge Sheffield
The bus service in Stocksbridge is increasingly dire. Please can you spend some time to create an immediate improvement. I am thinking especially of the service into Sheffield which I’ve never known to be as unreliable as it is now. Here is a text message I received today from my sister in law who moved into the area with my brother and their young adult son, during the pandemic: “this bus service is a disgrace. he was supposed to catch the 12:00 to middlewood we waited nearly 40 minutes no buses either way, he had to get an uber in the end. we feel like we are stranded here it’s awful.”
Woman makes history as village's 'first lady'
Dennis Smith, pictured awarding Hayley her club cap, said "This is a special day for our club & Hay ley is a credit to her coaches, and the La dies team, but more importantly to herself for her progress having only started playing softball cricket in the last Year".
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 11Local News YourLetters Tel: 0114 266 1802 186 188 Crookes, Sheffield S10 1TG www.jaflong.co.uk 10% DISCOUNT ON COLLECTION ORDERS OVER £20 OPENING TIMES Sun Thurs 5 30pm 11 00pm Fri & Sat 5 30pm 12 30am FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £20 INSIDE 4 MILE RADIUS £2 FOR OVER 4 MILES £3 FOR OVER 5 MILES FULLY LICENSED EST 1998 RESTAURANT & TAKEAWAY 5 STAR FOOD HYGEINE RATING HAHAB AND ALL THE STAFF AT JAFLONG WELCOME ALL OLD AND NEW CUSTOMERS
Dear TravellingEditoralong the Strines Road on Saturday I lost count of the numbers of police and police vehicles. There did seem to be a lot of off- roading.... and I saw men with guns! But then l realised this was just a sporting afternoon not long after the “ glorious” twelfth . Does anyone know why there were so many police around? Surely, given the dire figures for non investigation into burglaries and nearly total lack of convictions for rape cases, they can’t have all been there just to make rich, armed men with dogs feel safe?
A 34 year old woman from Oughtibridge, made history at the weekend as she played 'village cricket' with men.
Tommy Tyree, 26, of Milnrow View, Sheffield, has been charged with theft of a motor vehicle, driving whilst disqualified and driving with no insurance in connection with the incident. He was remanded in custody and is due to reap pear in court on 24 August. We are still looking to identify and speak to this man (pictured) as we believe he could as sist our enquiries. Do you know him? Any information can be reported via live chat, our online portal, or by calling 101. The inves tigation number is 14/139096/22. Our online portal can be accessed here: police.uk/contact-us/report-something/www.southyorks.
APPEAL: Man sought after recovery truck stolen in Sheffield
The first ever Lady to represent Oughti bridge WMC CC team opened the bowling with a 'tidy' spell of 5-0-38-0 in the scorch ing Clubheat.Secretary
Found purse
POlice in Sheffield are looking to identify this man after a recovery truck was stolen in High Green on Tuesday 2nd August. The truck had been parked on Worrall Road when it was reportedly taken by two men at around 12.10am. It has since been recovered.
As we approach the winter, the UK Government must take urgent action to provide terminally ill people and other vulnerable people urgent, targeted support with the rising cost of energy bills. Without this support, we fear that many thousands of people living with terminal illness will be forced into poverty this winter, and many families may lose a terminally ill loved one before their time.
Marie Curie has launched a petition which has reached 91,000 signatures calling on the UK Government to grant working age people early access to their State Pension if they have a terminal illness, because nobody should die in poverty. The charity is also calling for greater support with energy costs to be made available to all terminally ill people, regardless of their age, and for more support with the costs of childcare for terminally ill parents with young children. To sign Marie Curie’s petition calling for government action visit: www.mariecurie.org.uk/poverty
Shirley Shutt, High Green.

Gareth Barker, Chief Op erating Officer at Shef field Forgemasters, said: “It doesn’t seem like 12 months has passed since the compa ny was acquired by the MoD, but we have made substan tial progress in getting our recapitalisation programme underway in this time.
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk12 Local News
" We have crossed some key milestones, including safe shipment of the new forging press from Japan, which was a vast logistical challenge, submission of plans for the Forge building to Sheffield City Council and the ap pointment of Vinci Building to undertake a large body of work in advance of our new forging line being con “Westructed.have started demoli tion works, services diver sions and the construction of a new site access road to service the forging line construction and have sub mitted plans for a new foot bridge across Brightside Lane to make it safer for staff and site visitors to cross between the two parts of our “Twosite. large Vertical Turning Lathes have already been purchased from Germany and work is underway on foundations to install these within our South Machine Shop to reduce bottlenecks in machining processes for large technical components.
Mr Barker added: “This is an unparalleled project within the UK and will create one of the most technically ad vanced engineering facilities of its kind anywhere in the world. It will secure produc tion of key defence supply and the efficiencies gained will provide increased ben efits to our commercial cus tomers.”
“Additionally, we have en gaged in a number of tender processes for new cranes and furnaces for the 13,000 tonne Forging line along side 17 new machining cen tres and a support package through life for those ma chines, which will serve de fence “Fromproduction.thispoint, the next 12 months are likely to see a dramatic increase in activity as the project gains physical momentum.
EnginEEring specialist, Sheffield Forgemasters, has embarked on a programme to invest up to £400m over 10 years across its 64-acre site, writes greg Wright, for the Yorkshire Post. The company, which pro vides crucial components for the UK defence programme, is marking the first anniver sary of its acquisition by the Ministry of Defence. The recapitalisation proj ect, to replace defence criti cal assets, has seen a new 13,000 tonne forging press shipped from Japan, the ap pointment of Vinci Building on the early stages of a con struction contract expected to be worth more than £70 million and planning sub missions for a new 144,000 sq ft forge building.
“We are now working on a full site analysis to establish exactly how we most effec tively use the space that we have on site and to bring all of our facilities up to the best modern standards to create a truly vibrant and welcom ing Sheffieldworkplace.”Forgemasters’ new Forging line is estimated to reach completion within four years, with work to install state-of-the-art ma chining centres running in tandem with the project.
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Sheffield forgemaSterS to inveSt up to £400m over next 10 yearS acroSS 64-acre Site

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The Owlerton outfit may have only won five of the 15 races at Mon more Green, but they often claimed the minor placings to keep them selves in touch with the Ahosts.second Super Heat of the season was almost forced when Tobiasz Musielak passed home man Luke Becker in the final programmed race, but the American found a way back through to force the Tigers to set tle for a solitary league point. Team boss Simon Stead said: “Obviously I’m frustrated that we couldn’t get over the line with more but overall the positives certainly outweigh the negatives.
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk14 Local Directory For Sale Vango air awning 360 £450, 07759647765.• Mountain ridge SuMMit.• 21 gears, Full Suspension £155 ono tel: 7415942912. HYundi aMiCa,• genuine 30,000 miles, new Clutch £800. tel 2846524. 2 Large window FraMeS,• unused 8ft x 4’ 6”. 3 openers, perfect for cheap extension. £75 each or £120 for both. tel:2846524. 2 Mountain BikeS, 1 LadieS, 1 gentS, 1 Bike• raCk + 2 Spare wHeeLS good Condition. tel: 07833966001 or 0114 2830073 SHeFFieLd wedneSdaY perSonaLiSed• regiStration Siw 1867 (year SwFC established). £500 or sensible offer, fees already paid 07929187227. 2 x LigHt wood dining CHairS• - £20 each or £30 for pair 0114 2311052. uSed graYCo Car Seat• with instructions £20 0114 B2311052LueMantiS BaCk LaSH Bike,• 18 gears, very good condition - £50 - 0114 2311052. duCker antique pine dreSSing taBLe• with drawers and separate mirror – very good condition - £50 ono 07973918880. For Free a row oF Mature raSpBerrY CaneS• i want to dispose of. The row is about 15 feet long and must be removed by the new owner. There is no charge for the raspberries, they are Free. My plot is 1a on the wortley road site at deepcar. please ring to make a visit. david Lawson 0114 4534105. wanted powakaddY goLF troLLeY,• any condition. parts, wheels, chargers etc. 0114 2464546. CHopper puSH Bike and Honda• 50,70,70cc. Cash paid. please phone 07518938321 before 12 noon with details.MotorCYCLe,• British, Japanese, german. any condition pre 1982. decent price paid tel: 0114 2456562. Found Found Sunday July 24th aM near the Chinese takeaway• opposite the Fire Station, Stocksbridge, a ‘Men’S unuSuaL BraCeLet’ phone for more information 07435566351 Private Adverts BH SKIP HIRE ALL SKIP SIZES AVAILABLE Same day service Reliable delivery and collection Covering all LookLocal areas Competitive prices 07721 045 850 0114 288 6338 PROBLEMS WITH CONDENSATION BETWEEN YOUR DOUBLE GLAZED UNITS? DI D YOU KNOW? A 0114 288 58 98 07787 140 deepcarhomeimprovements.com430 No Call-out charge | Emergency Service Available OSS D EE P CA R Established 1978 Windows Job Adverts W. MAW SKIP HIRE FOR RELIABLE SAME DAY SERVICE • MINI SKIPS • 3 TON SKIP • 4 TON SKIP • 6 TON SKIP • 8 TON SKIP All prices subject to V.A.T. Credit Cards accepted Skips available up to 40 yard wheel barrow access available OPEN ALL DAY 6 DAYS A WEEK 01709 560 056 20yd & 40yd Roll On / Roll Off Skips. For Green & Wood Waste Ring For Details Skips & Removals Looking to recruit? Email us at: enquiries@looklocal.org.uk Or call: 0114 283 1100 MEDICALDEEPCARCENTRE We are a small friendly practice looking to recruit a part time Receptionist. Applicants should ideally have previous experience in customer service, have a good telephone and keyboard skills. The successful applicant must have a exible approach and to be able to cover holidays and sickness. Interested candidates should send their CV with a covering letter to: Sue Lambert, Practice Manager Deepcar Medical Centre, 271 Manchester Road, Deepcar, She eld S36 2RA. Email: suelambert@nhs.net Requires a R ECEP T I ON IS T PAR T TIME - 20 HOU RS PER W EE K
Ladies victorious at Crowden
Tigers suffer narrow defeat
“Especially being with out Adam (Ellis - in jured) I thought it was a really strong team performance against a Wolverhampton team who notoriously don’t give too much away around their home “Fortrack. me I saw plenty to be encouraged by so we’ll take the point as a plus and try and use that as something to build on for what will be a really tough test against Belle Vue on Thursday.”
Tobiasz Musielak picked up two impressive heat wins on his way to 11 points - a total matched by captain Kyle How arth who enjoyed a su per strong night’s work, including a dominant win in Heat 15. Jack Holder enjoyed a steady night, despite feeling under the weath er, while Lewi Kerr was in the thick of the action on his Reservesdebut.Justin Sedg men and Connor Mountain outscored their Wolves counter parts 9-5 - a key factor in the Tigers heading back to South Yorkshire with something to show for their efforts. The famous War of the Roses clashes resume this Thursday (August 25, 7.30) at Owlerton as Sheffield host highflying rivals Belle AdamConnorJustinerHowarthaszSHEFFIELDKemp4+1,lasMastersNick46:WOLVERHAMPTONVue.LukeBecker13+1,Morris9+1,Sam8,RyanDoug7,SteveWorrallLeonFlint4,Drew1.44:TobiMusielak11+1,Kyle11,JackHold7+1,LewisKerr6+2,Sedgmen5+2,Mountain4+1,EllisR/R.
Penistone ladies claimed first ladies team at the Crowden Horseshoe fell race. In good running conditions
SHEFFIELD added another useful point to their Premiership tally despite narrowly losing 46-44 at Wolver hampton on Monday. The Tru Plant Tigers restored the 13 point gap between them selves and King’s Lynn who sit outside the play-off zone with a battling performance in the Black Country.
Robin 1,PenistoneResultsCloughparkrunGeorgeParr19-19; 2, Tom Fryers 19-19; 10, Richard Williams 21-25; 11, James Fryers 21-26; 22, Chloe Worth 23-31; 33, Lee Hopkins 24-49; 36, Daniel Cooper 25-00; 41, Oliver Found 25-53; 53, Paul Fryers 27-07; 56, Rory O'Sullivan 2717; 87, Myfanwy Cross 31-59; 97, Martyn Cart wright 33-31; 101, Denise Pozorski 34-05; 118, Mi chael Jan Pozorski 39-25. Barnsley parkrun 19, Michael Walsh 23-25; 77, Daniel Batty 29-19; 85, Steve Dommett 3048; 86, Stuart Smith 3049; 97, Luke McGuinness 32-46; 108, John Spen cer 35-49; 114, Dianne Mcguinness 37-24; 116, Susan Higham 38-07.
Lesley Parker, Becky Timms and Sarah Wright made up the three counters for the team. Lesley also claimed first place in the ladies over45 category. Matthew Cold well continued to build up his marathon train ing by competing in the Leeds Running Festival half marathon at Round hay park. He completed the hilly course in 1-4529. At the York 5k race James Mumford put in an excellent performance to clock 16-45 which was his first sub 17 minute 5k. This gave James first male over40 on the night and also a new club re cord. Penistone runners claimed a one two at the Penistone parkrun with George Parr placing first in 19-19 followed closely by Tom Fryers who also finished in the same time. Monty Hallam was sec ond in a time of 8-35 at the junior parkrun held at Stokes Bay.

Finney Finds Form
The Ladies Mid-Week 9-hole competition was won by Hilja O'Sullivan with 19 points. Bev Sykes and Liana O'Sullivan both finished with 15 points, but Bev took second place on Thecountback.GentsMid-Week Pro's Prize was won by Brad Lawton with 34 points. Chris Naylor was second with 33 points. Lewis Perry, Nick Broomhead and Nigel Eggenton all finished with 31 points, but finished in that order on countback.
stocksbridge rugby Fixtures
Meanwhile the Club’s in door team, the Pool Team have won the league & knockout cup double in their most successful sea son ever. Rob Wollum won the singles match, & he also partnered Ken Pawson to victory in the doubles sec tion. Congratulations to all Theinvolved.recent Stocksbridge Rugby Club ‘funday’ turned out to be a great success. Over £750 was raised by the local com munity for the club’s junior section. The Club are in debted to local business’s: D&D nail shop, Mastuff, Boots PLC, Regetta, Craw shaws, Bridge Bakery, Flower Bowl, The Castle Inn, Brook Bakery, Barns ley Cinema, Paul, the club’s official butcher, Valley Pro fessional dog grooming & Vinny the ice-cream man. Planning for next Year’s event is already underway, so keep your eyes peeled as this I something you definitely will not want to miss.
Globe Holidays spon sored Stocksbridge Rugby have had their fixtures confirmed for the forth coming season & their tilt at the Yorkshire Divi sion 4 promotion places. They start the season with 5 home fixtures on the bounce, beginning with the Sponsors Day Cup on 20th August, this will in volve Hallamshire RUFC, Sheffield Oaks, Wortley & Stocksbridge Rugby. The following week sees an inter squad fixture versus Hemsworth Rugby, with proceeds being donated to the ‘Jenks memorial fund’ in memory of club stalwart, the late Mark Jenkins. The regular sea son gets underway on 3rd September when Halifax are the visitors to Coal Pit Lane, followed by Hornsea in a re-arranged fixture & Mosborough the week af ter. There is plenty of rug by to look forward to, & plenty to be excited about as the squad prepare for the new season.
Stocksbridge Golf Club League Team player, Peter Finney, found some great form to win the two-day Wilson Cup over the weekend. Peter was the clubhouse leader after the first round with a net 63, that included an eagle 3 on the 8th and two other birdies. He followed that up on Sunday with a net 64. A round with an eagle 2 on the first and three birdies on the bounce on holes 8-10. That consistent Cup. With plenty of prizes available, the over all winner in the Medal, was Club Captain John Moss, with a fantastic net 59. John is pictured receiving his trophy and Green Jack et from Steven. The scoring was excellent and Mick Bellamy took second place with a net 61, the same score as Bob Mason, but with a better back 9. Trevor Newton was 4th with a net 62. Stuart Marsh, won the Stableford first prize with 40 points, the same score as Martin Bradwell and Frank Milne, but beating them both on countback. Doug Needham was 4th with 38 points.
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 15Local Sport ERNEST THORPE Halifax Road, Thurgoland Tel: 0114 2882152 Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm (last test) Now open 08:30am - 12:30pm from Saturday 6th August Sunday: Closed YOUR LOCAL MOT ONLY STATION Unbiased vehicle testing for over 40 years. Need we say more? MOT’s £35 No booking required OLF CLUB HIP DEALS Stocksbridge Golf Club T RY G OLF FOR £110 Anyone wanting to try golf can join the House plus Golf membership scheme for just £110. The £110 fee entitles the new member to house membership of Stocksbridge Golf Club with £20 bar credit and a maximum of 6 rounds of golf ( 6 x 18 holes or 12 x 9 holes) Anyone joining Stocksbridge Golf Club on the above o er will not pay any more membership fees until March 2024. NEW ME M BER O FFER: G E N T S : £680 (£8.72/week) L ADIE S : £600 (£7.70/week) FOR FULL M E M BER S HIP SECRETARY/ TREASURER, JOHN BUXTON: 0114 2882003 PROFESSIONAL ROGER BROAD: 0114 2882779 STOCKSBRIDGE GOLF CLUB, 30 ROYD LANE, DEEPCAR, SHEFFIELD S36 2RZ. STOCKSBRIDGEGOLF@HOTMAIL.CO.UK - STOCKSBRIDGEGOLFCLUB.CO.UK 07769 798 368 Quality bodywork repairs to any make of car from small dents to full re-spray. DW Car BodyshopCare sponsorsNow ParkStocksbridgeofSteelsFC DW Car Care, Unit 1, The Old Bakery, Hole House Lane, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 1BS

"First of all we have to say a massive thank you to all the fans who travelled, as always, the support we had was absolutely first class, it’s a credit to the club and it’s what our club is all about. We were the underdogs, they’re a top side in the league above us, they’re very fit and they have quality Theplayers.buzz around Penistone Church Football Club is phenomenal, all the volunteers that are doing every thing for us that win was for them, especially Dave Hampshire, as secretary he puts everything in there, to see his face at the end of it smiling and applaud ing the lads it’s just something that dreams are made of and hopefully in the draw on Monday we can get a decent home tie and get three or four hundred through the gate. I’m so proud of the lads, I’m so proud of being in volved with Penistone Church Football Club. I’m ab solutely delighted for everybody involved.
Church also worked the ball down the left with Reece High looking dangerous on a couple of occasions. Goal 38 minutes. Church were bypassed in midfield following some excellent one touch football. Mohammad Qasim re ceived the ball on today right edge of the Church box, his touch opened space and his crisp shot beat Am bler high to the right. Brighouse 1-1 PCFC The game then flowed from end to end for the rest of the half. Half time Brighouse 1-1 PCFC Church adjusted to the breeze and looked very effec tive in the early exchanges of the second half. Brighouse drew a good save from Ambler in the Church goal. Reece High was replaced by Leon Hurles-Brook after 68 Immediatelyminutes. after the substitution Brighouse missed a golden chance from a corner. The near post header went a foot wide past the left hand post. Goal 72 minutes. Church played head tennis around the box and Leon Hurles-Brook on the right of the box ballooned the ball towards the goal. Wayne Hughes used his height to put the keeper under pressure and the ball ended up in the net.
We’ve now got ten days before we play our next league game against Frickley and we can just have a bit of relax."
Brighouse 1-2 PCFC Elliot Firth was replaced by Eddie Newsome with 10 minutes to go. Church then had the upper hand for 5 minutes. Brig house responded but they seemed to lack the spirit of the Church players who scrapped for everything. Church defended high up the pitch and held out for the result.
Issue 1232 Call 0114 283 1100 25th August 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk16 Local Sport Look Local (Publishing) Ltd. Copyright © Look Local 2022. An independent publication registered as a newspaper at the Post Office. 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 2DU LG 32LQ630B6LA 32” HD Ready Smart LED TV with Freeview Play LG OLED48C16LA 48” 4K Smart OLED TV Samsung QE50Q60BA 50” QLED 4K Smart TV Samsung UE50AU7100 50” UHD 4K HDR Smart TV 1 WarrantyYear 5 WarrantyYear PromiseMatchPrice 1 WarrantyYear PromiseMatchPrice £279.00 NORMALLY £299.00 Freeview HD and Freesat HD webOS Smart Platform with Net ix, Disney+ and more Works with Hey Google, Apple AirPlay and Alexa Go beyond HDTV with Quantum HDR that delivers an expanded range of color and contrast. Just speak up—your favorite Voice Assistant is built in and ready to help. Haier HW90-B14979S I-Pro Series 7 9KG 1400RPM Graphite Washing Machine Beko WTK94151W 9KG 1400RPM Freestanding White MachineWashing Hoover HCF5172WK FreezerFridgeFrost175x55cmFree £375.00 WA S £499.00LOOK LOCAL DISCOUNT NOWONLY£399.00 WA S £579.00NOWONLY £189.00 WA S £299.00NOWONLY £825.00 WA S £1299.00NOWONLY £699.00 WA S £899.00NOWONLY 1 WarrantyYear 1 WarrantyYear 5 WarrantyYear 1 WarrantyYear Hoover H-Wash 300 H3W582DBBE 8KG MachineBlack1500RPMWashing £299.00ONLY 5 WarrantyYear £399.00 NORMALLY £499.00LOOK LOCAL DISCOUNT Saturday 20th August The Emirates FA Cup Preliminary Round Brighouse Town 1-2 Penistone Church Scorers for Church – Jordan Co duri 28, Wayne Hughes 72 Scorer for Brighouse – Moham mad Qasim 38 Attendance – 225 A report by Martin Webb Brighouse Town have struggled in this season's league start. Church had 3 wins from 4 league games. So, Church were only just the underdogs at kick off in this local Churchderby. chose to kick into the no ticeable breeze that blew from one goal to the other. They got off to a shaky start and Brighouse seemed to be first to every 50/50 challenge and had 2 efforts in the first 5 minutes. Church rallied and Nathan Keightley had their first opening after 10 minutes and they settled into the game. Brighouse had the better of the first half chances with several open ings and a one-on-one against Harry Ambler in the Church goal. However, Church looked good on the occasional break. Goal 28 minutes. A sign of Church coming into the game with some excellent work down the right. The ball into the box was partly cleared and Jordan Coduri slammed the ball into the right of the goal from 20 yards. Brighouse 0-1 PCFC
Church stuns hosts in FA CUP
Result - Brighouse 1-2 PCFC Church rode their luck at times in this match, but had the greater belief and cohesion to come out winners. A fourth successive win and a top team performance from Penistone sees them into the next round.
Manager Steve Lenthall
Wednesday 24th August 2022 League Cup AFC Penistone Church v Swinton Athletic Re serves (h) Kick off 7- 45 pm Tuesday 30th August 2022 Toolstation NCEL Premier Division Frickley Athletic v Penistone Church Kick off 7-45 pm