FACEBOOK.COM/LOOKLOCALnews@looklocal.org.ukwww.looklocal.org.uk Tel: 0114 283 11 00 The Curious ConneCTion - page 05 Established 1998 THURS, SEp 01, 2022 FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION CALL 0114 240 0158 OR VISIT directkitchens.co.uk Design House, ��� Church Street, Ecclesfield, Sheffield, S�� �WG MASSI VE NO W ON Join OutstandinganCollege www.barnsley.ac.uk/enrol 01226 216 123 info@barnsley.ac.ukNOWEnrol JUL2222LL Apply Now to study with us in September www.barnsley.ac.uk/he OpenDay Monday 22 August 10.00am to 2.00pm Book your place www.barnsley.ac.uk/at:he-open-days Students and staff at Stocksbridge High School are celebrating the best GCSE results in the school’s history. Since examinations were last taken in 2019, the proportion of students achieving good GCSE grades has increased by more than 10 percentage points. There are many individual successes with several students achieving across-theboard grades 9 and 8. This milestone of bestever outcomes follows on from the school being rated Good by Ofsted in Headteacher,May. Andy Ire land “Oursaid:students should be very proud of their incredible achievement. Despite the disruption and challenges caused by the pandemic, these young people have dem onstrated huge degrees of resilience, determi nation and effort which have all paid off with great outcomes. My very best wishes go to them in their next steps in life. I would also like to thank all the staff at the school for their amazing hard work and dedication in supporting all of our stu dents through the pan demic to achieving these brilliant Pictured:results”Head Teacher, Mr Ireland with students Amelia Fox, Emmy Jep son, Isobelle McGrail, Jack Adams, Masie Walker, Julia Parker RESULTSRECORD

Pound’s Park, named after Sheffield’s first Chief Fire Officer Superinten dent John Charles Pound, will be lo cated on the former fire station site between Rockingham Street, Wel lington Street, and Carver Street. Seen as a key piece of the Coun cil’s Heart of the City programme, Pound’s Park is being funded by the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority through the Government’s Getting Building Fund. It will pro vide an expansive, safe and accessible space that adds distinctive character and an element of escapism to the city’s busy urban environment. By prioritising active play and relax ation, all within a visually attractive green setting, the park aims to bring The Outdoor City ethos right into the heart of the city centre. The park is expected to be completed towards the end of 2022.
South Yorkshire based contractor, Henry Boot Construction, are con structing Pound’s Park and were therefore tasked with the unique installation of the boulder, which involved the construction of a large reinforced concrete foundation al lowing the boulder to be constructed Tonyin-situ.Shaw, Managing Director at Henry Boot Construction, said: “We were excited to have the chance to be involved in such an interesting installation. It’s not every day that the team gets to work with a giant boul der. Pound’s Park will be a brilliant new public space for Sheffield and, as a local business, it’s a privilege to be involved in the project.”
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk2 Local News test drive ericstead.co.ukat 0114 245 ericstead.co.uk4404 @ericsteadmotors@EricSteadS35Sheffield,Ecclesfield,9WN mg.co.uk Model shown MG4 EV Trophy Long Range in Volcano Orange, £32,190 on the road. *Range applies to All-New MG4 EV SE Long Range with the 64kWh battery from a single charge on the WLTP combined cycle: Combined Range 281 miles (450 km): City Range: 360 miles (579 km); Combined Driving Efficiency: 3.8 miles/kWh (16.0 kWh/I00km). All-New MG4 EV 100% HatchbackElectric Pre-Order Your’s Today at Eric Stead MG A purpose-built climbing boul der was installed today at Pound’s Park – the new city centre public space under construction as part impressive three-metres tall and eight-metres wide. Construction of the boulder involved creating a hand carved polystyrene core, The boulder is designed to include multiple natural-looking hand and foot holds and be suitable for all abilities, to encourage any wouldHuge climbing boulder installed at Pound’s Park
Councillor Mazher Iqbal, Co-Chair Transport, Regeneration and Cli mate Policy Committee, Sheffield City Council, said: “I’m delighted to see the climb ing boulder successfully installed in Pound’s Park. Heart of the City is taking the creation of new public spaces to a whole new level. We are looking to build on our reputation as The Outdoor City, promote physical and mental wellbeing, and celebrate what makes us special as a place. The climbing boulder certainly does this – celebrating Sheffield’s climbing prestige and close connection to the stunning Peak District countryside.”

"I know how understand ably concerned our com munities will be about this matter," Supt Waring said. "I'd like to give my full assurance to the public that reports of this nature against one of our officers are treated incredibly seri ously by the force. "Any officers who are found not to reflect the values and high standards of our organisation will be dealt with as swiftly and robustly as possible."
In order to best understand the scale of the problem, Councillor Fox has called for an urgent meeting with the city’s schools and Academies, and for the council to consider what extra steps they can be taking to support families.
Iain, who is the organisation’s chair, has been training at Stocksbridge Leisure Centre and Ponds Forge International Sports Centre – as well as completing some open water sessions at Manvers Lake in Rotherham. He said: “During the pandemic a lot of people in the pulmonary hypertension community have gone the extra mile for each other, and inspired by them, I want to do the same. “I’ll be swimming one mile (1600 me tres) around the same lake that the 2012 Olympic triathletes competed in. This will be very different from the warm indoor pools of Sheffield that I am used to!
A Stocksbridge nurse is taking on a gruelling open water swim in support of a Chapeltownbased rare disease charity.
“In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, it is more important than ever that fami lies are supported as best they can. The council has a role to play here, and we will work closely with those schools un der local authority control but also the many academies that now operate in the “Itcity.is simply not acceptable that you can pay £12 for a blazer at the supermar ket, and yet over £30 for a compulsory branded blazer via the school supplier.
Iain is collecting sponsorship for the PHA UK via an online fundraising page.
Labour Councillor Terry Fox: “Councillors have been inundated with public concerns about the cost of school “Whilstuniforms.we do not hold a central re cord of the costs, we know that a fully branded uniform, including PE wear, as required at some schools will cost par ents and guardians around £250 a year per “Yetchild.you could get the same items, for half that that price at local shops. This mark-up for specific logos from spe cific suppliers, as demanded by some schools, cannot be right.
Council Leader Terry Fox has ex pressed his outrage at the ‘spiralling costs of school uniforms in the city’.
Police officer due in court on Sheffield rape charge
“Of course I understand the importance of school branding on uniforms. But is this necessary on so many items? And must it always be through the schools designated clothing supplier?
“By ‘going the extra mile’ I hope to celebrate the kindness of others and maybe even inspire some people along the way. And I’ll be thinking of people with pulmonary hypertension with ev ery stroke of this swim.”
A police officer charged with two counts of rape is to appear in court. Former police constable Rowan Horrocks, 26, is due to appear at Leeds Magis trates' Court on Tuesday accused of raping a woman in South Yorkshire. South Yorkshire Police said the charges relate to a report that a woman was raped in South Yorkshire on 28 No vember 2021. Mr Horrocks was based in the response team and was not on duty at the time of the alleged offences. He has been suspended from duties and internal misconduct proceedings are under way alongside the criminal justice process.
Supt Delphine Waring, head of the force's Professional Standards Department, said the case is being taken "incredibly seriously".
As part of the council’s response this is sue is to be looked at in greater detail next week by the cross-party Cost-ofliving committee (Chaired by Cllr Fox) Labour councillors have also called for government to enact a maximum pric ing for each uniformed item.
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 3Local News
Iain Armstrong, a nurse consultant at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital’s Pul monary Vascular Disease Unit, will tackle the ‘Swim Serpentine’ challenge in London’s Hyde Park on 17 Septem Heber. aims to complete one mile of the Serpentine Lake in support of the Pul monary Hypertension Association (PHA UK), a charity he co-founded 22 years ago.
Nurse takes to the water for charity

Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk4 Local News We fit Firestone rubber flat roofing US E YOU R C ON S E RV ATO R Y ALL YEA R R OUN D WIT H A TILE D R OO F S Y S TE M! 40 Years of Quality Service B E F O R E C O MP LETE D HOME IMPROVEMENTS DEEPCAR A 24HR A NSWER SERVICE TEL 01142 885 898 MOB 07787 140 430 OUT OF AvailableHOURSbyappointment OPENING TIMES MON–FRI 8.00am–5.00pm SAT 8.00am–1.00pm SUN 9.00am–11.45am 247SHOWROOMManchester Road Deepcar S36 2RA VISIT OUR www.deepcar.infoWEBSITEDEEPCARHOMEIMPROVEMENTS WE ARE PROUD TO BE A CERTIFIED Mr & Mrs Finkill chose an ultraframe lite roof, bringing more light and warmth to their Itconservatory.opensupfrom the living room and kitchen and leads out into the garden. The new conservatory oozes style and functionality. Mr Finkill, Deepcar Is your conservatory: We have the solution for new or existing conservatories! Ring for a FREE quote - 0114 288 5898 D U R ABLE & A FF O RD ABLE

Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 5Local News C C I N T E R I O R S Don’t just take our word for it - our customers rate us 5 � see reviewsour 72‑80 Sheffield Road, Barnsley (acrossfromtheoutpost) Tel: 245130 Open: Monday to www.ccinteriors.org.uk9.30am‑5pmSaturday DONCASTER ROADRd.HillHarborough Wynsors Shoes Find us Facebookon*ReviewsfromFacebook HUGE SELECTION OF SUITES HIGH CHAIRS AND RISERS FROM £199 LARGE SELECTION OF BEDS AND MATTRESSES FROM £159 CORNER FROM £699 Warwick BedsetFabric Ma�ressSeasons O�oman Beds now in stock FREE ASSEMBLY �FREE FurnitureBedroomASSEMBLY �OAPs FREE suite disposal �BED ArrangedDISPOSAL �FREE DELIVERY �Great after sales care 5� SERVICE � welcomeEXCHANGEPART �FREE PARKINGEASYAtRear VISIT OUR SHOWROOM The curious connection between Arctic Monkeys and Bring Me the Horizon
Although he initially showed no interest in Arctic Monkeys, he now considers them one of his favourite bands. In conversation with Metal Hammer, Sykes named Favourite Worst Nightmare as one of his all-time favourites. “I wasn’t a big fan at the start,” he explained. “I went to school with them, and then I saw them on our local news, saying that they’d sold out Brixton Academy! I was a bit jealous, actually, (laughs)! I’m not really an indie fan, but they’re one of my favourite bands now.” They both took different routes to get where they are today as two of the world’s biggest rock bands, but spookily, both Bring Me The Horizon, and Arctic Monkeys began their journey to Reading & Leeds at Stocksbridge High.
nacle of British music. Even more astonish ingly, Bring Me The Horizon frontman Oli Sykes was in the same school year – at Stock bridge High School – as all four members of the Arctic Monkeys. “I saw him at a festival two years ago, which was weird,” Sykes told Australian radio station Triple J. “He recogn ised me and was really excited. I couldn’t even believe he remembered who I were at all so was quite stoked on that.”
He added: “I went to school and college with him, and at that point, Arctic Monkeys were just kicking off. At that point, I (was) full on death-metal so I wasn’t interested whatsoev er…he came up to me to give him one of their demos, and I threw it in the bin.”
By Joe Taysom, Faroutmagazine.co.uk Arctic Monkeys and Bring Me The Horizon are two of the chosen head liners for the 2022 edition of Read ing & Leeds Festival, and the two bands share an unlikely history that traces back to their teenage years. Both groups have been on different paths to their destination as headline acts, with Arctic Monkeys racing out of the traps as teenag ers and becoming the biggest band in Brit ain overnight. Their 2005 performance at the aforementioned festival was a moment in which the Sheffield natives realised they had really ‘made it’, and the following year, they returned with a billing behind the headline act. This year will be their third time topping the line-up Reading & Leeds, following slots in 2009 and 2014. Meanwhile, Bring Me The Horizon’s road to festival success has been long and winding. They made their main stage debut in 2008 as the first band to perform at the festival in the morning, and very few were attendance. In contrast, everybody who attended Read ing & Leeds in 2005 desperately attempted to clammer inside a tiny tent to witness Arctic Monkeys’ debut. When Arctic’s first headlined the bash in 2009, Bring Me The Horizon were on the same stage that their fellow Yorkshiremen de buted four years earlier. Some 13 years later, they are finally at the top of the bill, and their name is sitting side by side with Alex Turner’s It’smob.remarkable that both bands born out of Sheffield have managed to climb to the pin

The shortlist has been announced for the 2022 Nursing times Awards and South Yorkshire nurses from three healthcare providers within our region have been shortlisted across four categories.
Hidden hall in High Green ready for hire
After the long months of Covid restrictions and a complete change in management, the doors are fully open again at St Mary’s Parish Hall, High Green. t hough tucked away from Packhorse Lane and not easily visi ble, this hall boasts mod ern and accessible facili ties and its own large car park.
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk6 Local News St Mary’s, High Green Parish Hall Packhorse Lane, S35 3HY A new year with new beginnings After a change in management and now that Covid restrictions are (hopefully) behind us all, we are taking bookings to hire out our hall; mornings, afternoons, all day, early or later evenings up to 9pm. Suitable for regular clubs, societies or other groups; children’s activities or parties; and many more functions appropriate for a parish hall. Welcome to new hirers and welcome back to all our pre-Covid users. Now Available for Hire Regular weekly £10 per hour One-off/occasional meetings from £10 A light, airy, spacious hall with kitchen and counter included, large car park, ramp to main door and accessible facilities. For all booking enquiries and times available for hire, please telephone 07502223020 or 07931781883 Appointments within a week Convenient Free Parking & Public Transport All types of Contact Lenses Large Kids Range PREMIER EYECARE OPTOMETRISTS & CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS PrescriptionRegisteringNewPatientsServiceavailable Over 60s Free Eye test Home Visits for Elderly Disabled& Brand new premises 18 King Barnsley,Hoyland,Street,S749JU • 01226 742 158 • 3 Learoyd Way, Hillsborough Barrack, Sheffield S6 2LR (upper level parade outside Morrisons) • 0114 285 2696 • Appointments available within 1 week! Celebrating our 17th year of service
Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust for Parent+ eClinics
Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive of NHS South Yorkshire, said: “The Nursing Times Awards bring together the nursing community and recognise those who make nursing innova tive and patient focused. It really is an hon our to have three of our region’s providers shortlisted for their incredible contributions to our healthcare system. The nominated cat egories cover key areas in which we are able to showcase how our integrated approach is helping to deliver better care across South Yorkshire. On behalf of NHS South York shire and all those communities we represent I want to congratulate nursing colleagues for this Southachievement.”Yorkshirehas been included in the fol lowing categories:
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for Same day emergency care – easing the pres sure
The hall was built in 1986 to a design with a spacious floor space and plenty of light from many windows and a central lantern let ting in light from the top of the pyramid-shaped ceiling. Both the big floor space and plentiful light are a real boon for dancers and Afterartists.aperiod of closure during Covid, the new hall manager, Sarah, with her Mum as helper, say they now have vacancies on a range of days. “We’re happy to help any who are seeking a good venue for their activities”. Already there are dance practices, art and craft groups, tod dler mornings and more. But there’s room for lots Checkmore. it out. It’s been called the ‘hidden hall’ of High Green. Let’s hope lots more people get to see it and enjoy hobbies, meetings, exercise and re laxation time tucked qui etly away beyond its own car park. And St Mary’s has another facility available for a suit able business venture. The premises of the former High Green Catholic Men’s Club are ready for a new lease-holder. “The origi nal Victorian school-room was expanded to form the club buildings some time ago and it is this complex that is ready for re-pur posing” said a spokesper son of the parish.
emergency and Critical Care Category
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Founda tion Trust for Enhanced Care Unit The awards include 25 categories covering a wide range of nursing specialities from men tal health to clinical research. For over 32 years the awards have shined a light on the brightest talent in the profession. The category winners will be announced dur ing the awards ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane in London on Wednesday 26 October 2022.
Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust for Research hub technology and Data in Nursing Category
Theatre and Surgical Nursing Category
Clinical research Nursing Category

new clay fayre council launches Street Tree archive
“So enough is enough, we have decided to take matters into our own hands and undertake a search for potential investors or op erators. We promised to explore all options to keep DSA open and that is what we are doing.”
In July, current owners Peel Group began a review into the air port, claiming it was no longer commercially viable.
Sheffield City Council has today published documents as part of the Street Tree Archive which will allow the public to access records and cor respondence relating to the council’s management of street trees between 2013 and 2018. The council’s archiving service has gathered documentation from across the council and a range of stakehold ers including Amey, South Yorkshire Police, the Police and Crime Com missioner, Forestry Commission, and the Local Government Ombuds man, to create a comprehensive and accessible collection, both online and offline, for anyone with an interest in the historic street tree debate to view all in one place. Due to the volume and scope of the documents, the archive team will re lease the documents in batches so as not to delay the publishing of those that are ready to view. The first batch of records are now available to view, with the rest of the documents to be published on a regular basis over the coming months as work preparing the records continues.
“Since then, our fears over their motives have seemingly been confirmed time and again. Peel have given us no clarity over their intentions while expecting us to come up with ideas for ways forward. A few weeks is far too short to develop meaning ful plans and Peel are wasting valuable time.
“enough iS enough”
South Yorkshire’s Mayor Oliver Coppard said: “Since Peel an nounced the review into DSA our biggest fear has been that they are running down the clock while undermining confidence in the airport.
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 7Local News
SY Mayor says ‘enough is enough’ as he opens search for in vestors in Doncaster Sheffield Airport.
Since then, there has been no clarity from Peel as to their in tentions for the site; the MCA and local leaders are therefore exploring all market options.
“Earlier this week, Peel Group announced a short extension to the initial review period. The MCA and local leaders have asked for that period to be extended to the end of the year."
The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority has an nounced it is working to find investors or airport operators to help secure the future of Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA).
he was organising the first Only Clay ceramics fair, in 2021 the overwhelming response was “Are you mad!” He freely admitted organising an event where people were to congregate during a pan demic would have its problems. However, always up for a challenge he set about finding the perfect venue and after taking one look at the upper gal lery at Kelham Island museum he knew he had found the ideal space and in Sheffield Museums he found a willing partner for the unique chal lenge ahead. He was amazed, but not surprised at the response from his fellow potters who all decided to support the event and take the gamble with him. Steve’s endeavours came to the atten tion of TV production company Daisybeck Stu dios who were looking for interesting people and events for their upcoming Channel 5 series Our Great Yorkshire life and with Steve, his fellow pot ters and Only Clay they found an ideal subject. Only clay 2021 showcased over 50 of the UK’s fin est ceramic artists and with Covid rules in place, amazing support from Kelham Island museum staff and a generous turnout from the public the fair was a complete success. You can catch up with the program Our Great Yorkshire life Series 2 Episode 4 Not resting on his laurels the day after Only clay 2021 ended he set about building on the success by adding a music element to Only clay 2022 so this year Only Clay will be partnering with Yellow Arch Studios , just around the corner from Kel ham Island museum, as the venue for the Only Clay after show party on Saturday night, 24th September. Open to the public and potters alike, there’s be live music and plenty of opportunity to chat about their shared love of ceramics over a lo cal Sheffield beer.

3 On Saturday 3rd September there will be a morning of free musical entertainment “COFFEE AND CHORDS”, hosted by Welsh John and guests , at our regular open theatre morning. Admission is free , but the sale of refresh ments helps EPPiC Theatre funds. EPPiC Theatre, Well Lane , off High Street, Ecclesfield S35 9TB. Watch for details of our forthcoming drama “THE SECRET TENT”
“The images are quiet and understated but are still impactful with the figures having real presence. Many people find the im ages beautiful but also a little unsettling.
8 Stocksbridge & District History Society Meeting – Christ Church Hall 7PM. ‘ The Frank Thackary Collection of Local Postcards’ . A view of Deepcar and Stocksbridge in the last centaury. All are very 8welcome.Stocksbridge and Upper Don 50+ Group Will meet 2pm-3 :30pm in Stocksbridge Library Topic: The Local Co-op New mem bers welcome FRidAy 9 Sheffield Lakelands Exhibition (and more) at Stocksbridge Li brary by Pennine Artists, a group of respected professional and semi-professional artists who have exhibited widely, individu ally and together, selling artwork for over 20 years. This exhibition will be in the Library until the 24th of September. Contact Jackie on 07562 113692 Free Event.
Powerful work.” Karen Sherwood, Direc Annator Donovan is a mixed media ceramic sculptor who, in a twist to the usual de pictions of Greek Mythology, humanizes the more monstrous creatures; drawing empathy for the mythical beings who are little more than playthings of the Gods.
In her own words “Take the Minotaur for example, he’s not the most cheerful, but then would you be if you were stuck in a maze and your only visitor wants to kill you?”
Opening evening: Friday 2 September 7:30-9:30pm – hospitality provided.
Dates: 3 September – 8 October 2022
“With humour, skill and wit, Anna has produced hand built mixed media ceram ic sculptures with character and person ality beyond their usual representations. Bad hair days for Gorgon sisters, merry go round Centaurs and a powerful Mi notaur which looks particularly sensitive and a little depressed! Although there is certainly humour in the pieces the use of wire, nails, old jewellery and other found objects alongside the wonderfully formed ceramic bodies retains a certain dark or edgy undertone to the work. It is this play which makes the pieces so memorable, distinctive and full of character.” KS All work is for sale.
9 Stocksbridge Art Society Exhibi tion Opens (running from 9th to 15th Sept) at Christ Church. Drop into Christ Church most days and see some wonderful work by local artists. Free Event. 9 7.00pm Home Grown and UDAC launch event. Ceilidh 7pm to 10.30pm with bar. Chris McShane and Ensemble, at the Venue. Free Event. LIMITED NUMBER OF TICK ETS call 07792 142 545 SATURdAy 10 St Leonards Church Wortley are hosting a presentation in words and pictures by Andrew Beevers and Dawn Johnson of “St Leonards graveyard stories and local histories”. This will be in the church on Saturday 10th Septem ber at 7.30 pm. Tickets £9 includ ing pie and pea supper, entry by ticket only. Tickets available from Joan Clark on 0114 2887435 or at Wortley Post Office. 10 chapeltown forum village show in Newton hall, Chapeltown. Bring exhibits in 9.30-11.00.am Judging 11.00-12.30pm Open
“My work is informed by that slippery thing called hindsight. By its very nature a shifting mutable kind of knowledge that reflects the other theme of the painting, childhood.” Tracey Keeping Tracey Keeping uses old family photo graphs as the inspiration behind her in triguing and some would say haunting paintings. Titles give hints as to the nature of the story behind the image but the view er is left to create their own narrative. Alongside her own history Tracey melds Eastern European influences with Ed wardian and Victorian Children's stories.
7 Stocksbridge & District WI are meeting at Christchurch Com munity Hall Manchester Road Stocksbridge at 7.15 for 7.30 start. We are celebrating our 7th birthday with our annual meet ing and party. Further details on 07939941818 ThURSdAy 8 Chapeltown WI will be hold ing their meeting at 7.30pm in Chapeltown Methodist Church. The speaker will be Helen Slater speaking about Community Ac tion in Nepal. The competition is for a decorative scarf or shawl. New members or visitors will be made welcome.
CAOS Musical Theatre Society is a musical theatre group based in the north of Sheffield and are currently looking for new mem bers to join the society, both on and off stage, for their next pro duction of Me & My Girl which they will perform at Rotherham Civic Theatre in April 2023. CAOS MTS (formally known as Chapeltown Amateur Operatic Society) have been entertaining audiences across South Yorkshire since 1924 and over the years have performed at many venues across the region. There is no audition to become a member, just a willingness to get involved and have fun. Member ship is for people who are 16+ at the time the show is performed in April 2023. As well as look ing for new on stage performers, CAOS is looking for people to get involved backstage such as stage crew, props, wardrobe, as well as front of house, so if anyone wants to join the society as a non-per forming member, there is lots of opportunity to be involved. They host lots of social activities throughout the year, which are fun for all. If you are interested in finding out more, please call CAOS secretary Julia Hughes on 0114 2848381 or just pop along to the welcome meeting on Wednesday 7th Sep tember at 7.45pm, at CAOS’s re hearsal venue - The School Room, behind High Green Methodist Church, 15 Wortley Road, High Green, Sheffield, S35 4LQ, where you will hear about all things Me & My Girl as well as meet the rest of the CAOSmembers.lookforward to welcom ing lots of new members for what is set to be a fantastic show in April 2023
TUeSdAy 6 Bradfield Walkers are Welcome - Local History Morning Round Walk with Malcolm Nunn, meet at Rural Lane Car Park at 10.30am, return around 1pm. FREE but do nations welcome. 2337463 or www.bradfield-walkers.org.uk or email office.co.ukbradfield.history@mypost
8 Don Valley Probus will meet on Wednesday September 14th at 10.00AM in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, with a presentation by Steven Gaye “Penistone – Sheffield Rail way”. Our meetings are always re laxed and take place on alternate Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming our regular members, visitors and new members. For more information, please call Ste phen Clarke on 07593 792967.
3 LANGSETT Bradfield Walkers are Welcome is inviting participants to a FREE short session as an in troduction on how to find your way in the countryside, where to find new walks and how to keep safe. These sessions are aimed at walkers who want to start to explore the area away from fa miliar territory and well known hotspots. We will be looking at where you can walk in the Peak District and beyond and where you might find interesting walks to try. Booking is essential using the eventbrite link on the Web page org.uk/maps-and-apps/https://bradfield-walkers.Places are limited. If you have a ques tion, please email mentaltions.highlightwithtroughs.10am3CharitableParishtions.attractionsCastlewillGreengalaIn3bradfield-walkers.org.ukenquiries@“PartyinthePark”,HighGreenBloomareholdingtheirannualinMortomleyPark,Highfrom11amto3pm.TherebefreeridesandaBouncyforchildrenplusotherfromlocalorganisaSupportedbyEcclesfieldCouncilandtheJ.G.GravesTrust.Worrallvillagetidyup.MeetbytheKirkEdgeRoadAllwelcome-childrenaparent.PlusachancetoyoulocalheritagelocaOrganisedbytheEnvironGroup. MondAy 5 Bradfield Historical Society‘Teapots and Tin Lids’ by Andrew Rawson, 7.30, Low Bradfield Village Hall, The Sands, S6 6LA. 2337463 or email ments,membersHall,calhowabouttheprojectkinsonspeakerchaeologyers5allforaboutTheisTownswomen’s5tory@mypostoffice.co.ukbradfield.hisStocksbridgeandDeepcarGuildThemeetingat2.30pminChristChurchHallspeakerisIanLucraft,talkingthefoodbankAdmissionvisitors£3Teaandcoffeefree,arewelcomeWadsleyandLoxleyCommon-Illustratedtalk-RecentArontheCommon.OurisarchaeologistChrisAtwholedthearchaeologyonthecommonduringlast3years.He’llbetalkingthediscoveriesmadeandtheywerecarriedoutbyloenthusiasts.WadsleyChurch7.30pmAdmission£3.50,£3.00Includesrefreshwww.walc.epizy.com
Theatre group looking for new members
A local Art Gallery will be showcas ing works from two artists this coming month. Both exhibitions, will be on show at Cu pola Art Gallery in Hillsborough and draw inspiration by looking back in time.
Her images, often featuring children, are faded and features are hinted at rather than made clear.
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk8 What’s EvEnt
31 Don Valley Probus will meet on Wednesday August 31st at 10.00AM in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, with a presentation by Sarah Tomkinson, “All things Chocolate”. Our meetings are always relaxed and take place on alternate Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming our regular members, visitors and new members. For more information, please call Ste phen Clarke on 07593 792967.

11 2pm to 4pm Chapeltown silver prize band will be playing at the bandstand in Chapeltown Park. Free event. Refreshments avail able. If you don’t fancy climbing the hill you can bring your car into the park from Station Road 5mph with hazards. 11 “Scene from Alice In Wonder land” Afternoon performance St Ann’s Hall (with Afternoon Tea) 2.30pm Tickets £5 from 07792 142 545. MondAy 12 VALLEY BOY EXHIBITION GOES LIVE ON Steel Valley Beacon Arts website hisBoy5000beacon-arts.co.uk/.https://steel-valley-WithalmostfansonFacebookValleyhaskindlysentussomeofamazingphotographstodis play on our virtual gallery. Not only this he has also donated two prints for auction by Steel Valley Beacon Arts see our website for more details. Free Event. TUeSdAy 13 Friends of Loxley Cemetery Open Day. Visit a privately owned non-conformist cemetery with up to 10,000 graves which is in the process of regeneration follow ing decades of neglect. 2pm. Pre booking for flood and war grave tours, mike.ford53@hotmail.com. Off Loxley Road, S6 6RL. 13 Open Session Stocksbridge Art Society at Christ Church, starts at 9.45 am (drop in, see the artists working and while you are there have a look at their wonderful display set up around Church.) Free Event. WedneSdAy 14 Bradfield Walkers are Wel come - Local History Morning Round Walk in the Loxley Val ley with Malcolm Nunn, meet at Loxley Village Green (junction of Loxley Road and Rodney Hill) at 10.30am, return around 1pm. FREE but donations welcome. 2337463 or www.bradfieldwalkers.org.uk or email history@mypostoffice.co.ukbradfield. ThURSdAy 15 Open practice with No ID, come along if you are in Y5 to Y13 create your own arrangements of Pop Songs with a peer band. 6pm to 7pm. No charge. At St Ann’s Hall, Haywood Lane, S36 2QQ Deepcar. Free Event. FRidAy 16 Art Exhibition, children’s art work “My Town” throughout the valley in the shop windows in cluding – The CO-OP, The Bridge, The Business Hair Salon, Eyre and Co Accountants, Samuel’s Kitchen and Stocksbridge Library and oth ers. Free Event.
On listings
Mens and ladies fragrances inspired by designers at affordable prices. Available to buy in Look Local Scentsations by Amie Contact Amie 07957 399 Scentsations708by Amie BARRIER GLAZING 1982Est. MOT - SERVICE - REPAIRS 0114 283 1615 8am - 5pm Mon - Fri Diagnostics & Air-con refills Auto - electrical work Suppliers of Flo-gas and gas bottles suitable for BBQ’s DCSS (garages) LTD Manchester Rd, DEEPCAR S36 2QY Call us on: 0114 244 4475 £470
The response from the first run was phenomenal, advertising in Look Local really works Martin Cartwright Job Advertising in Works! Handyman Services Don’t just take our word for it: to public 10.00-4.30pm Children rides in chapeltown centre10.00104.00pmArt
SATURdAy 17 Friends of St Nicholas’ Church, High Bradfield - Heritage Open Day, 2-4pm, Church open, re freshments, guided tours of the church, Treasure hunts, Tours of the graveyard by Malcolm Nunn at 9am and 2pm 17 at 7pm Stocksbridge Christian Centre an evening of fun, Bingo, Beetle,and Baked Potatoes £7 per person. Ring 0114 2884377 to book. 17 Friends of Loxley Cemetery Open Day. Visit a privately owned non-conformist cemetery with up to 10,000 graves which is in the process of regeneration follow ing decades of neglect. 2pm. Pre booking for flood and war grave tours, mike.ford53@hotmail.com. Off Loxley Road, S6 6RL. 17 Art Round Ere meet Zorro Lounge at 10am – another chance to join Jackie and friends. Sketching in the piazza bring a pencil and paper. This welcoming group would love to meet you. Free Event. 17 Greave House Farm Open-Day, New Hall Lane, Stocksbridge S36 4GH 10am to 4pm Greave House Farm is a Care Farm developed by two families, growing local produce, and supporting a small number of adults with learn ing difficulties. There will be lo cal crafts, green woodworking demonstrations, refreshments, entertainment, and farm tours.
Round ‘ere paints, draws and sketches outdoors in our beautiful local countryside. You get art tuition alongside a bit of local history and environmental education. There is no fee but you will need to bring basic kit, pencils and paper. We can have up to a 15 minute off road walk to countryside sites so dress appro priately. Meet at 10am at Bolster stone Church Hall. Contact Jackie on 07562 113 692 Free Event 10 Fox Valley Event – something is brewing down at Fox Valley Pi azza around 2.30pm. Free Event. SUndAy 11 Wadsley and Loxley Common ers - ‘Muck In’ Day (practical work on the common), 10am-noon, meet at Long Lane Car Park or Rural Lane Car Park www.walc. epizy.com. Tools supplied, bring gloves, families very welcome.
issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st september 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 9
SUndAy 18 Friends of St Nicholas’ Church, Hight Bradfield - Heritage Open Day, 12noon-4pm, Church open, refreshments, guided tours of the church, Treasure hunts, Tours of the graveyard by Malcolm Nunn at 9am and 2pm MondAy 19 Photography Display Opens at Christ Church. Jim Barter Paint ing By Numbers. Art and Artificial Intelligence and Rebecca Aitken “Memories of Steel Valley Beacon Arts and more” Free Event. 19 Art Works session at Christ Church with Julie Bryan local artist. £2 charge to cover art sup plies. Julie will guide you through making and designing a beautiful card to take home. There will also be a display of artwork created by members of the Meeting Place. Starts at 1.30pm TUeSdAy 20 Friends of Wortley Hall Gardens next meeting will be on Tuesday 20th September and will be a walk around the grounds, meet at 6.30pm outside the reception, followed by a social and welcome meeting at 7.30pm in the hall. New members welcome, admis sion is £2.50, free for friends of Wortley Hall Gardens. If you are interested contact Barry on 0114 202830056Open session Stocksbridge Art Society at Christ Church starts 9.45 am. Another chance to drop into the Art Society and see them at work. Free Event.

Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk10 Family Notices FUNERAL DIRECTORS K. DYSON M.B.I.E. TEL: (0114) 288 3169 TEL: (01226) 762 481 ALBINSONMichael(Mick) 3.3.54 - 26.8.22 Husband, Dad, Step Dad, Grandad and Great Grandad. Sadly missed, always remembered. Louise (Wife), Samantha J, Emma and Paige. John FORD Aged 88. Much loved Husband of Pat. Passed away peacefully at home with his family by his side. The funeral service will take place on Wednesday 14th September at Grenoside Crematorium, North Chapel, 12.00. Family owers only but donations in lieu would be appreciated for Cancer Research UK Je HOLMES 25.7.43 – 4.9.18 Our loss leaves a sadness that no words can start to heal. But our hearts are full of memories that time cannot steal And everytime we think of you Our hearts still ll with pride Though we’ll always miss you We know you’re by our side Love always Joan, Carolyn, Richard, Renae, Aaron, Leah & Noah xxx

For details of this process see www.ccpastoral.org. If you require further clarification about the draft scheme or process you can contact the case officer, Emma Cosgrif on 0113 353 0269 or by e-mail: emma.cosgrif@churchofengland.org
D.Long (Chief Strategist & Advisor to SORT)S35
Our pharmacy opens at 9am by local staff, but today 25th August 2022 staff at this pharmacy could not give any prescriptions or tablets out until the pharmacist arrived?? This happens pretty regular but I waited 9.10am to 9.50 am until the pharmacist finally turned up for work. By this time a number of people got fed up and didn’t wait, some also had to go to work. When will the pharmacist arrive on time When our pharmacy was across the road and run by local staff we were well looked after and could get our tablets on time when it opened at 9am, but not any more now its moved across the road. Do you call this progress for our local sick and elderly.
It is unlikely that we will discover why, that until December 2018, SCC refused to release any information about progress on the development of a city-wide tree strategy, having held a two-month public consultation survey on a draft strategy - which ended on 16/12/2016. We might not even discover why that, until 27/1/2021 or later, SCC chose not to share the 2017 report by Treeconomics – the firm that SCC had hired “to assess the value of Sheffield’s trees and measure the effects and benefits that Sheffield’s trees Whatprovide”.oftheinvestigation report from Law firm Bevan Brittan? On 28/5/2021 it was reported that SCC had commissioned the firm to investigate whether or not SCC had acted deceitfully and unlawfully in its attempts to avoid providing information requested under the Freedom of Information Act, by wrongly marking e-mails ‘not subject to FoI’. By August 2021 the investigation had cost £15,000.
Both pupils and teachers have been through an extraordinary time over the last two years, which makes these results even more special. It was a delight to see the photographs of the pupils celebrating their success.
At the root of the problem seems to me to be greedy capitalism? How can we satisfy our shareholders whilst at the same time telling our customers to consume more? Socialism? Sharing for the good of Simpleall? caring for our neighbour? Why should we when they don’t contribute to the GDP? I exaggerate, but our Right wing capitalism in my opinion is encouraging a certain attitude. One totally fixated on the economy at the expense of almost everything else even our very existence as humans on the planet. There is a fundamental clash which not many are willing to become aware of I feel. The striking union members have it absolutely right. How can bonuses and dividends be justified when the service given is poor ( water companies) and the costs are astronomical (electric companies).
HOW was it possible for so many wrongs to occur?
Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011
Dear Editor, Last week (23/8/2022), Sheffield City Council (SCC) published documents as part of the Street Tree Archive which, to quote SCC, will: “allow the public to access records and correspondence relating to the council’s management of street trees between 2013 and 2018.” Conveniently, for the unscrupulous Labour Councillors and Officers that were most directly responsible, that does not include 2018 or subsequent years. So, there may be little/no information on which people were responsible for the decision not to honour the SCC policy commitment made in February 2016, to “being open and transparent with the Sheffield public ensuring all relevant information is available in the public domain”.
Mrs J Ward Well Done & Congratulations to High School
Maybe its time to give our local staff who open up at 9am a Pharmacy Certificate so we can collect our tablets on time before winter arrives. Give our Pharmacy back here.
The only answer I have is that those who cause the problems and who hold the power and money don’t see themselves as the problem. As in the past the poor are scapegoats for the rich, who are doing everything in their power to hold onto their wealth. Its time to wake up folks, the stress is becoming unbearable and the planet is dying. What does it profit us if we gain the whole world (wealth etc) and loose our souls (our peace, joy and love)?
On 26/3/2018, the Forestry Commission (FC) requested that SCC provide it with “any documentary evidence held to support the proposition of SCC that the felled trees had been assessed as causing the highway to fall into a state of disrepair and therefore that the exceptions to the felling licence regulations were being appropriately applied”. That day, The Star reported that felling had been paused. SCC failed to respond to the FC and so the FC began an Investigation, on 19/4/2018, with a request: that SCC & Amey “suspend all tree felling of street trees in Sheffield that SCC was responsible for until further notice”. Felling had been paused for months during 2016, while the High Court case of R (Dillner) v Sheffield CC and Amey Hallam Highways Ltd was being heard. It was paused again in January 2018. The Star (22/1/2018) reported that Louise Haigh - MP for Heeley & Shadow Policing Minister at the time - had called on Amey to halt felling and that she had described the situation as “completely unsustainable”.
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 11Your Letters Your GotLetterssomethingtosay? Email us at looklocal.org.uknews@ Publication subject to space and content. Publishing does not mean we agree with the content.
J S Hinchey Climate change? Who says?
Thank you I wish to convey my sincere thanks to all who came to my aid following the “INCIDENT* at Fox Valley on Saturday 7th July/ A special; thankyou to the lady who attended my needs. Also to David and the management staff at Home Bargains for their kindness and Thankconsideration.youall
Having considered the proposals you may make representations either in support or against the draft scheme by e-mail to closedchurches.reps@ churchofengland.org or by writing to Representations, Closed Churches Division, Church Commissioners, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ.
The Church Commissioners have prepared a draft pastoral (church buildings disposal) scheme providing for the closed church building of Stocksbridge St Matthias to be appropriated to use for worship, services and other religious, community and charitable activities in accordance with the rites and customs of the Church of England, or any other Christian body designated by the Bishop for the time being of Sheffield, and for purposes ancillary thereto.
On the 19/7/2019, in an e-mail to the SCC Assistant Director Of Legal Services People (Steve Eccleston) the SCC Head of Highway Maintenance (Philip Beecroft) wrote: “For me I would say: We are pleased that the Forestry Commission has confirmed that the felling was authorised by the duties imposed on the Council by the Highways Act 1980’ and as a result their investigation is closed.” Beecroft’s comment suggested that, at that time, cultural attitudes at SCC had not changed. To quote the FC ‘Sheffield Tree Felling Investigation Report’, dated 18/7/2019: “a statutory ‘power’ to do something is insufficient to engage section 9(4)(b). There must be an imperative to do something, not just the option to do it.”
On 14/3/2018, The Star reported that Ms Haigh had “called for an immediate stop to tree-felling works in the city”. On 20/4/2018, The Star reported that the policing of felling operations had cost South Yorkshire Police £47,000 in overtime in less than a month.
The Church Commissioners are a registered charity (number 1140097)
Closed Church of Stocksbridge St Matthias (Diocese of Sheffield)
Please note that any communications received after 3rd October 2022 can not be treated as a representation.
WE HAVE TO CHANGE OUR WAYS! In the middle of the most severe drought for 50 years Im struggling to cope with my feelings as I watch the neighbour Jet wash his very large patio down for almost six hours (over two days). Even if we still don’t believe in climate change, we must admit that we are burying our heads in the sand during times like these? It appears that, as when there is a slight chance of there being a food shortage we all run down to the shops panic buying thus causing a shortage!! We have a sniff of a hose pipe ban and we all rush out to wash our cars and water the gardens if we are lucky enough to have them before it is enforced. (Selfish?)
A copy of the draft Scheme may be inspected on the notice board outside the church. You may also access the draft Scheme on the Commissioners’ website from the link to draft schemes online at www.churchofengland.org/ consultation or obtain or inspect a copy during normal office hours at the Church Commissioners’ office by applying to Emma Cosgrif.
We were delighted to learn last week that the GCSE results were the best in the schools history. The school is growing from strength to strength with teachers, pupils and parents all playing an important role in ensuring the students in our area are well equipped, confident and capable as they start the next phase of their lives.
Clearly, the SCC archive needs to extend in to the 2021 period.
The results come after the recent Ofsted inspection which rated Stocksbridge High School as a good School. It is good to see that in these difficult times our young people are succeeding and our local High School is delivering a good education to our children.
Deepcar Pharmacy late
Street Tree Archive
Large print and/or audio copies are available on request.
Councillors Julie Grocutt & Janet Ridler Stocksbridge & Upper Don Ward.

Clubman of year - Morgan Cowell Goal of season - Joe Long
Last seasons presentation night so the following players win the yearly awardsMgrs players of year - Dave Millen Player player of year - Josh Savage
The club also have a new sponsor this season with local businessman Ash Burbeary backing the team with his company Greener Living - they have provided the club with a new kit and tracksuits tops for the upcoming sea RBLson.
Barnsley College has officially launched The Chamber and Brook Academy. Bringing together Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Com merce and Brook Corporate Develop ments Ltd, the academy aims to pro vide students with hands-on business skills while developing new opportu nities for businesses. The academy is nestled within the Busi ness classrooms at the College’s Old Mill Lane campus, the Chamber and Brook Academy has been designed to provide students with a dedicated space where they can learn about business, finance and funding and explore different areas of business. In addition, it will provide students with a range of opportunities to develop their skills, including the chance to work on real projects from local businesses and widen their knowl edge of real-world business situations.
College launches new academy with local businesses
Brook has seen the benefits of partner ship working, being an active member of Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce for over 10 years.
Daniel, also known as Dan, brings with him over 12 years industry experience which he has gained both in the volume and prestige sector. In his free time, you’ll find Dan spending time with his family and friends, or watching football, F1, speedway and all things sport related.
New recruit joins dealershipbasedSheffieldMG
After lifting the Division Two title last season, Chapeltown RBL begin their Division One campaign on Sunday hosting Southey at St Georg es Park. Manager Adam Todd has kept the majority of the squad together, add ing two new signings Alex Mosley and Connor Tonge.
have had a good pre season hav ing played 10 games, winning 8, draw ing 1 and losing 1 RBL
Top goal scorer - Mitch Savage
Brook Corporate Developments Ltd. is a business improvement consultancy, based at The Business Village, Barnsley. It offers support for businesses to help staff growth and business development.
Simon Stead of Eric Stead MG said: “Dan is a great asset to our team. If you’re on the lookout for a new MG or used car, then pop by our showroom and let Dan find the perfect car for you.” To find out more about Eric Stead MG, its new and used car offering or its aftersales services visit: www.ericstead. co.uk or call the team on 0114 245 4404.
Dom Brook, Director at Brook Corpo rate Developments Ltd., said: “We have been a member of The Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce for several years, and we have collaborated on various projects. When the opportu nity arose to work with Barnsley Col lege to set up an academy we jumped at Barnsley College has a dedicated Busi ness Development team which aims to help businesses identify and develop the best people, at the right level, with the right experience for their organi sation. The College has a range of ap prenticeships and professional training solutions that can be tailored to your exact requirements and will support your organisation to be productive and Toprofitable.findout more about the great oppor tunities available within our Business Development Team, visit www.barns ley.ac.uk/employers, email employer@ barnsley.ac.uk or call 01226 216 166.
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk12 Local News
Daniel Neve has recently joined the Eric Stead MG team as Senior Sales Executive. Daniel will be dealing with all aspects of the customer journey from initial customer introductions, building and maintaining customer rela tionships to vehicle handovers, valuations and advising on finance and related products.

Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 13Local Directory Plans Draw Professionally All Types Of Building Work Planning & Building Regulation Approvals Obtained FREE, Competitive Quotes ARCHITECTURAL KNOWHOW Richard: 07951 663 564 Darren: 07938 623 132 Aerials & ArchitecturalTVBlinds HandymanLocksmiths LOCAL LOCKSMITH Est. 1978 Covering All Areas | No Call Out Charge All types of locks supplied and fitted, including Chubb, Yale and Everest door locks. UPVC Door Lock Specialist. Ring Us On: 0114 288 58 98 | Or Mob: 07787 140 430 Visit our website: www.deepcarhomeimprovements.com ADEEPCAR Established 1978 Call Wayne: 07983 386 705 JOINERY Fencing, Worktops, Doors & Skirtings etc PLUMBING Leaks & DrippingBlockages,Taps,NewTaps ALSO External & Internal Handrails & Grab rails Repair / Replace Door Locks. Glass Replace for Foggy Windows Handyman All types of domestic work. No job too small. 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It was a welcome return to com petitive action after a gruelling pre-season, & sets the tone & standards required for a success ful league campaign. The hosts overcame Wortley by 3 tries to nil in the first game, Liam Dyson with a brace on his welcome return to Stocksbridge colours & Dan Burt crossing the whitewash, despite a yellow card for stand in skipper slammin’ Sam Whittaker. To retain the trophy Stocksbridge needed to defeat Sheffield Oaks, which they did in some style, running in 5 tries by Callum ‘whippet’ Green, Andy ‘clock tower’ Beal, James Neil, veteran Ricky Christopherson & the re turning Pat O’Leary to earn a 27pts to nil victory.
Penistone runners per lady). Bank Holiday Mon day saw a number of Peni stone runners compete in the Denby Dash which is a tough 5.5 mile trail race start and finishing in Up per Denby. Julia Johnson was third lady overall and also claimed first place in the ladies over50 category. Lesley Parker was next lady in and also first lady in the over40 category. Keith Gordon claimed first in the men’s over70 category and Simon Pike had a strong run to be first back for Pe nistone and also managed to claim a top ten finish with 8th place. The final Silkstone Shuffle of the summer series took place on Thursday. First back man back for Penistone was Tom Fryers in 4th place in a time of 30-59. First lady back for Penis
MeMorial Match raises funds for charity
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk14 Local Directory
The Glynn Bones player of the day was youngster Jacob Crosby, who will be one to look out for this season, whilst debutant John Saddington, O’Leary & the ever reliable Pete Newton also showed up well. Whittaker standing in for absent skipper that man Frith said ‘it was a good first hit out for the boys, with plenty of positives to take forward. The error count was low, & these are the standards we will aim for, in the forthcom ing league season’.
Parts, wheels, chargers
A club squad featuring past & present players had a tough assignment against an expe rienced & predominantly 1st XV from visitors Hemsworth RuFc, as the Globe Travel sponsored Stocksbridge Rugby held a memorial game for the late club legend Mark Jenkins. The game was largely incidental to the event as the visitors had the best of territory & possession racking up 3 tries during the 1st Evergreenhalf. outside half Ricky Christopherson was joined by debutant son James, & veteran Cy Kippax managed a full 80minutes on the field. The club are grateful to all who donated as the MIND Charity benefitted from the fund raising efforts, the 2nd stanza didn’t get any better for the tiring home side as Hemsworth continued to dominate & run in further tries, their cause wasn’t helped with yellow cards & sin-binnings for the ‘big rig’ Liam Roebuck (back chat) & Greg Colbridge (high Fulltackle).back
The organisers of the Peni stone 10k race held earlier in the year have donated £5 from every race en try to a local foodbank in Stocksbridge. The chair man of Penistone footpath runners, Steve Dickinson, presented a £705 cheque to Ian Lucraft of the Stock bridge foodbank. Robin Clough
JuniorResultsTrunce 2, Graihagh Turner 13-42; 4, Oliver France 15-03; 7, Flynn Rogers 16-11; 10, Finn Pepper 17-06. Senior Trunce 2, George Parr 26-54; 10, Tom Fryers 30-02; 18, Lee Nash 31-25; 33, Jon Hallam 32-53; 47, Mar tyn Goodwin 35-19; 70, Stan Halstead 38-06; 72, Steve Dickinson 38-11; 81, Mark Graham 39-32; 89, Stuart Woodhead 40-07; 116, Karen Wilson 43-36; 136, Stu Smith 46-05; 137, Sarah Halstead 46-25; 143, Barbara Hague 47-43; 147, Sarah Plummer 48-46; 156, Myfanwy Cross 5120; 160, Tracey Woodward 51-45; 179, Peter Cross 0100-22. Penistone parkrun 1, Kai Sunman 16-27; 9, Ruby Sykes 19-14; 12, Daniel Limb 20-04; 16, Oliver Pike 20-39; 38, Jon athan Bentley 21-59; 43, Michael Walsh 22-17; 55, Julia Johnson 23-28; 56, Chloe Worth 23-50; 59, Mark Graham 24-08; 76, Matthew Coldwell 25-01; 95, Lucy Clough 26-32; 143, Eleanor Law 30-51; 147, Myfanwy Cross 3133; 158, Denise Pozorski 32-53; 160, Sarah Clough 33-05; 190, Michael Jan Pozorski 39-31. barnsley parkrun 1, James Fryers 18-10; 3, Tom Fryers 19-42; 10, Pat rick Needham 21-29; 17, Paul Fryers 23-40; 31, Stu art Smith 26-38; 49, Dan iel Batty 28-57; 54, David Needham 29-49; 62, Susan Hall 31-13; 86, John Spen cer 37-28.
leAF KiTChen TABle,• light Oak colour £20. STuRDY PeT CAge,• Cary Cage suitable small dog or cat £10 Tel: 0114 4535747 or 07741489697 VAngO AiR Awning 360 £450, 07759647765.• MOunTAin RiD ge SuMMiT• 21 gears, Full Suspension £155 ono Tel: 7415942912. hYunDi AMiCA,• genuine 30,000 miles, new Clutch £800. Tel 2846524. 2 lARge winDOw FRAMeS,• unused 8ft x 4’ 6”. 3 Openers, perfect for cheap extension. £75 each or £120 for both. Tel:2846524. 2 MOunTAin BiKeS, 1 lADieS, 1 genTS, 1 BiKe• RACK + 2 SPARe wheelS good Condition. Tel: 07833966001 or 0114 2830073 2 x lighT wOOD Dining ChAiRS• - £20 each or £30 for pair 0114 2311052. uSeD gRAYCO ChilD CAR SeAT• with instruction booklet £20 0114 2311052. Blue MAnTiS BACK lASh BiKe,• 18 gears, very good condition - £40 - 0114 2311052. DuCKeR AnTique Pine DReSSing TABle• with drawers and separate mirror – very good condition - £50 ono 07973918880. For Free A ROw OF MATuRe RASPBeRRY CAneS• i want to dispose of. The row is about 15 feet long and must be removed by the new owner. There is no charge for the raspberries, they are FRee. My plot is 1a on the wortley Road site at Deepcar. Please ring to make a visit. David lawson 0114 4534105. wanted POwAKADDY gOlF TROlleY,• any condition. etc. 0114 2464546. ChOPPeR PuSh AnD• 50,70,70cc. Please phone 07518938321
Cash paid.
All roads lead to Coal Pit Lane this weekend for the open ing league fixture of the season against West Yorkshire rivals Halifax Rugby, kick off is 3pm & all are welcome.
tone was Sarah Halstead who was also first over50 lady in a time of 44-16.
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Other prize winners in cluded Bill Phillips who was first man over70 and Barabara Haigh who was first in the ladies over70 category. James Fryers claimed first place at the Barnsley parkrun in 1810. James’s brother Tom completed in the same parkrun and achieved the milestone of 250 parkruns. At the Hillsborough junior parkrun Flynn Rogers was first place in 9-29.
trunce success
ocal race donates to foodbank
John Saddington earned the Fox Catering Player of the Day for some heroic de fending under intense pressure, & young Jacob Crosby making his way in senior rugby has been named as the Bradfield Brewery Man of Steel for August. The previous weekend saw Stocksbridge ease past local ri vals Wortley RUFC & Sheffield Oaks RUFC to take the spoils in the annual local Sponsors Cup.

The Dragons Section were busy earlier in the week, firstly with an away leg at Beauchief GC on 23 August.
That’s because the meeting was aban doned after ten races due to ‘an insuf ficient number of tyres to complete the Themeeting’.result did stand however with the Tru Plant Tigers winning 32-28 and moving another step closer to confirm ing their play-off place. Said Stead: “The three league points we’ve registered are the only positives to take from that.
“When tyres aren’t holding up for four laps on a regular basis there is a serious “We’reissue. not just talking small punctures to inner tubes here either, we’re talk ing full blow outs to an extent that I’ve never witnessed before.
“A solution has to be found, this can never happen again - but for now I’m just thankful all the riders involved in that meeting live to fight another day.”
Six of the ten completed races were 3-3s, with back-to-back 5-1s in Heats Four and Five proving the difference for the Tigers. ton this Thursday (September 1, 7.30) with Wolverhampton the visitors.
PETERBOROUGH 28: Benjamin Basso 10+1, Scott Nicholls 6+1, Chris Harris 6, Hans Andersen 3+1, Richard Lawson 2, Jack Smith 1, Ulrich Oster gaard SHEFFIELDR/R. 32: Tobiasz Musielak 8, Nicolai Klindt 7, Jack Holder 5+1, Connor Mountain 5+1, Lewis Kerr 5, Kyle Howarth 1+1, Justin Sedgmen 1+1.
The 12 Stocksbridge players narrowly lost the fixture by 249-245 points. But overall, the Dragons won the match against Beauchief, having won the home leg convinc ingly by a 15-point margin earlier in the summer. The match ended 491-480 points in Stocksbridge's favour. The next day, the Dragons competed for the Lewis Fran cis Trophy. The format was a Texas Scramble, with teams of 3 entering. Sandy Mur phy, Pete Hodkin and John Methley, with a handicap al lowance of 9 shots, were the overall winners with a net 54. Ian Batty, Stuart Roebuck and Bill Boucher, with a 12shot allowance, were second, also with a net 54, but los ing out on countback. Stuart Marsh, Dave Jones and Bob Haythorne, with a 10-shot allowance, were third with a net 55. On the same day that the Dragons played at Beauchief, the Stocksbridge Bandits played their August Sta bleford Competition. Roy Moffett (19) won a tightly contested competition with 38 points. Richard Sheppard (11) also scored 38 points, but lost out to Roy on countback. Three players finished on 37 points, but Stuart Marsh had another successful round in the week, taking third place on countback. Pete West head (9) and Jon Bryan (25) finished fourth and fifth re Lastly,spectively.the Gents competed for the mid-week Pro's Prize on 25 August. Ben Stringer (3) won with 38 points in a round that included three birdies. Harrison McHale (6) was second with the same score, but lost out to Ben on countback. Nigel Eggenton (8) was third with 36 points.
SHEFFIELD picked up three league points from their Bank Holiday trip to Peterborough - but boss Simon Stead admits he left the stadium feel ing deflated.
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 15Local Sport ERNEST THORPE Halifax Road, Thurgoland Tel: 0114 2882152 Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm (last test) Now open 08:30am - 12:30pm from Saturday 6th August Sunday: Closed YOUR LOCAL MOT ONLY STATION Unbiased vehicle testing for over 40 years. Need we say more? MOT’s £35 No booking required Local Sport OLF CLUB HIP DEALS Stocksbridge Golf Club T RY G OLF FOR £110 Anyone wanting to try golf can join the House plus Golf membership scheme for just £110. The £110 fee entitles the new member to house membership of Stocksbridge Golf Club with £20 bar credit and a maximum of 6 rounds of golf ( 6 x 18 holes or 12 x 9 holes) Anyone joining Stocksbridge Golf Club on the above o er will not pay any more membership fees until March 2024. NEW ME M BER O FFER: G E N T S : £680 (£8.72/week) L ADIE S : £600 (£7.70/week) FOR FULL M E M BER S HIP SECRETARY/ TREASURER, JOHN BUXTON: 0114 2882003 PROFESSIONAL ROGER BROAD: 0114 2882779 STOCKSBRIDGE GOLF CLUB, 30 ROYD LANE, DEEPCAR, SHEFFIELD S36 2RZ. STOCKSBRIDGEGOLF@HOTMAIL.CO.UK - STOCKSBRIDGEGOLFCLUB.CO.UK
Bev Sykes won the Ladies Veterans Brassie at Stocks bridge Golf Club on 21 August. Playing off 24, Bev won the Stableford format with 37 points. Alison Sedgwick (34) was sec ond with 36 points. Hilja O'Sullivan (20) came in third with 34 points. The Gents played for the Alf Peace Trophy on 27 August, a pairs better-ball Stableford competition. Stuart Marsh and Nick Broomhead won the Trophy with an impressive 48 points. Craig Brailsford and Phil Beaumont were a close second with 47 points. John Buxton and Eric Wilkinson also scored 47 points, but lost out on countback.
Tigers left felling deflated despite win
“However, that’s certainly not the man ner in which I want to win any Speed way meeting and I feel very disap “Morepointed.than anyone else, I feel for the supporters; there was a reasonably healthy Bank Holiday crowd and for them it was desperately disappointing we couldn’t complete the full 15 Heats. “But at the end of the day rider safety is paramount and regardless of the num ber of tyres, it wasn’t safe to continue anyway.

Stocksbridge Park Steels had an eventful week with three games played, ending with mixed results. First they overcame a stubborn Prestwich in extra-time of the FA cup, then fell to a late defeat at home on Saturday to the league leaders and then scored late on Bank holi day Monday to secure a point away at Sheffield FC. Steels suffered their first loss of the season after a last minute winner from Stockton Town, on Saturday. The Steels took the lead when El liot Murray headed in. Stockton got a quick equaliser as Mikey Roberts scored from close range. Stockton then won the game in the last min ute from a Roberts header. Late drama went the way of Steeels on Monday with Jordan Lemon equalising to earn a point against Sheffield FC. Sheffield FC took the lead in the sec ond half through a volley from Marc Newsham. The Steels equalised in the last few moments with an im pressive strike from Jordan Lemon.
Issue 1233 Call 0114 283 1100 1st September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk16 Local Sport Look Local (Publishing) Ltd. Copyright © Look Local 2022. An independent publication registered as a newspaper at the Post Office. 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 2DU ORDER ONLINE - WWW.DEEPCARTYRES.CO.UK MOBILE TYRE FITTING AT YOUR HOME OR WORK PLACE, PLEASE VISIT WWW.MOBILETYRESSHEFFIELD.CO.UK TYRES TYRES TBRAKESRACKING 288 2569 0114SERVICINGBRAKESBATTERIESTYRESTRACKINGCALLNOW Interim Service Full SuppliedServiceandfitted FREE local collection and delivery service available, please call FIXED BRAKESERVICINGPRICEPADS From only £99 Inc VAT From only £149 Inc VAT From only £69 Inc VAT ManchesterRdStocksbridgeTo WE ARE StationHERERdToA616 ToWortleySheffieldRdOPEN 6 DAYS MON–FRI 8:30am–5:30pm SATURDAY 8:30am–2:30pm ODISC10%OUNTNPRESENTATIONOFVALIDNHSID *Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer OFFERS GALORE!!!NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! TYRE & AUTO CENTREEEP C AR
The Oldest Club got off to the bet ter start but they did struggle to cre ate clear cut opportunities in a first half that lacked much action. Sev eral Sheffield corners early on in the game came to nothing and Nathan Modest also had an effort but that one would be comfortably saved by Harrison Davison-Hale.
It was a game that seriously lacked in much goalmouth action with very little to test either goalkeeper. But just before the end of the first half, Stocksbridge came very close to get ting the lead. The ball fell well to Lemon who smashed it goalwards but Jordan Pierrepont palmed it onto the bar to ensure the game stayed scoreless at the Likebreak.inthe first half, Sheffield started off brightly and had a great chance to take the lead. Stephen Brogan whipped in the free kick and both Modest and former Steel Steven Mc Donnell went in for the ball. They ended up defending each other from scoring the goal, meaning Stocks bridge did get a bit of a let off.
Unfortunately, Sheffield were able to get their goal with one of their sub stitutes changing the game. After a sustained piece of pressure, a mis kicked cross actually ended up work ing better for Sheffield than what was intended. Substitute Newsham was able to hook his foot around the ball and divert it into the top corner to give the Oldest club the lead.
Steels looked to change the game, with Ian Richards deciding to go for it with Lewis Macaskill coming on for Elliot Murray. And the choice to bring Macaskill on would work again for the Steels as he was the one who switched the ball to find Lemon in space. He took a few touches be fore a lofted shot which despite get ting a hand onto it, Pierrepont could not stop going in. Steels are back in FA Cup action again this weekend at HOME: FA CUP 1st Qualifying round vs Ather ton Collieries, 3pm KO at Bracken Moor. LATE DRAMA : Steels grabbed a late equaliser. Photo by Ian Revitt. Front page photo by Myra Little vs Stockton
STEELS IN LATE Sheffield FC 1-1 Stocksbridge PS