Look Local Issue 1236 Thursday 22 September 2022

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Jim ‘I may be gone a while’ Mor ton, who is attempting to visit ing every lighthouse on main land coastline Britain, is nearing the ‘finishing-line’ of his epic coastline walk.

You can follow Jim’s progress on facebook and instagram ‘i may be gone a while’ with Jim hop ing to raise £50,000 for Gurkha Welfare fundraising/richard-morton11https://www.justgiving.com/Trust.

’Jim’ due back home next week

FACEBOOK.COM/LOOKLOCALnews@looklocal.org.ukwww.looklocal.org.uk Tel: 0114 283 11 00 wHY VILLAGE’S BELLS HAVE STOPPED RINGING - PAGE 02 HISTORY - STOCKSBRIDGE RAIL Established 1998 THURS, SEp 22, 2022 he www.barnsley.ac.uk/he Its not too late to apply We offer a range of university-level courses in areas including: > Animal Management > Art > Business and Management > Computing > Construction > Creative Media > Criminology > Early Years > Esports > Health and Social Care > Leadership and Management > Public Services > Sport > Teacher Training SEP0222NTL

His journey began in April 2021, and he now has the finish line in sight as he heads his way

wet and miserable day, as Jim put it on his daily vlog, September 12, Jim reached the summit of Snowdon, 499 days after he had first ascended Sca fell Pike in England, and in be tween Ben Nevis in Scotland.

The 62-year-old began an ad venture of a lifetime in his quest to visit every lighthouse on mainland Great Britain, by foot. A dream he has held ever since his father back in 1967 bought a young ‘Jim’ a Road Map of Great Britain.

‘on-foot’ across the northern coastline of Wales. Jim expects to make his final few steps of his coastline walk on September 30, arriving back in Penistone at The2.30pm.last leg begins at Dunford Bridge in the morning, where Jim will be walking on the Trans Pennine Trail towards a finish ing point of The Cafe, in the station's good’s yard next to the bike repair shop near Tesco.

Coastal walker

He has completed the ‘three peaks’ challenge in under 500 days. That’s reaching the sum

mits of England, Scotland and OnWales.a

The Bells have been taken down over a period at the start of September 2022 The bells have been removed to the works of J Taylors of Loughborough, this firm is the same as the one who supplied the bells in 1892. The bells have been transported to Loughborough to the bell makers for over haul, cleaning, retuning and rehanging and may arrive back in church sometime

During this time following the death of her majesty Queen Elizabeth many may have wondered why they have not heard the church bells of Bolsterstone ringing.

by, Andy Barnes, Stocksbridge Photo Soci ety.

A reinstatement celebration is being

The church has been aware of the need for Recently, a benefactor has given a signifi cant donation to cover all the necessary repairs and reinstatement.

A special service led by the Archbishop of York was held on Saturday, October 1st to which it was estimated that 2000 people attended. At the service, the Bishop blessed the bells and also the new font, the wooden screen in front of the bell ringing chamber and the tower clock which was switched on using electricity for the first time.

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk2 Local News mg.co.uk Model shown MG4 EV Trophy Long Range in Volcano Orange, £32,190 on the road. *Range applies to All-New MG4 EV SE Long Range with the 64kWh battery from a single charge on the WLTP combined cycle: Combined Range 281 miles (450 km): City Range: 360 miles (579 km); Combined Driving Efficiency: 3.8 miles/kWh (16.0 kWh/I00km). ^7% APR representative available on Personal Contract Purchase on MG4 EV SE (51kWh, 1- Speed Automatic) model. £299.00 a month, payment rounded to the nearest pound with a £2,175.00 customer deposit, 49 month term. T&Cs apply. Subject to status. 18s and over. Guarantee may be required. MG Motor Financial Services, RH1 1SR. This quotation, available through MG Motor Financial Services. This is not a personal quotation and does not commit MG Motor Financial Services to enter into an agreement with you. Be sure you can afford the repayments before entering into a credit agreement. Santander Consumer (UK) PLC t/a MG Motor Financial Services is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of agreements regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and for general insurance mediation activity. Authority under firm reference number is 444327. At the end of the agreement there are 3 options: (i) Part exchange the vehicle. (ii) Pay the Optional Final Payment to own the vehicle or (iii) Return the vehicle. Further charges may be made subject to the condition or mileage of the vehicle. Based on 6,000 miles per annum; excess mileage charge of 14.9p per mile applies. All-New MG4 EV 100% Electric Hatchback £299^ per month 4 years’ PCP7 % APR representative Finance^ Book your test drive ericstead.co.ukat 0114 245 ericstead.co.uk4404 @ericsteadmotors@EricStead248 The S35Sheffield,Ecclesfield,Common,9WN The Bells of St. Mary’s

purchased by public sub scriptions which raised approximately £600 from around 900 individuals. The bells came to Deepcar station by train and were then carried by 9 horse and carts in procession led by Stocksbridge Brass Band, the Church Lads Brigade, Church Clergy and the Fire Brigade to Bolsterstone. The total weight of the bells is 51cwts 1qr 4 pounds, just over 2 tons in old money, bronze in this case.

The bells have been hanging in the church tower of St. Marys for 130 years since 1892 and have been in use for all this time. Regular minor maintenance has been given over this period for wear of ropes, guides etc. but a time has come when the constant stresses of ringing have resulted in some loss of tuning with shape changes, corrosion and movement of the mounting

The bells have been taken down and sent away to be serviced along with all their fit


BELL RINGERS: Saying goodbye to the Church Photobells.

Gareth Shawcroft, head of Barnsley Hub at Evri, said: “We’re pleased to have created so many great job opportuni ties for the local community, and I’m delighted that a large number are from the sur rounding areas with such a good range of applicants and

New Evri site provides major jobs boost

Cllrpanels.Robert Frost, cabinet spokesperson for regeneration and culture at Barnsley Met ropolitan Borough Council, said: “We are delighted to see the positive figures on recruit ment for the new Evri site here in Barnsley. Our commitment has been to create more and better jobs in the borough, and it’s great to see local people benefitting from new job op portunities in a range of roles.

“Askillsets.number of local contractors were used during the build, and we intend to continue those relationships. This is a huge investment for the busi ness as we respond to the everincreasing demand for online shopping and lead the way in creating responsible delivery experiences for everyone, ev erywhere.”

“It is also a key benefit from such a significant investment, like the Evri site, that we will attract new people and busi nesses to the area to enjoy all that Barnsley has to offer.

longing. We are committed to giving people these opportuni ties. I know many people will be excited about starting their new roles, and I wish all staff at Evri every success at the new Barnsley hub.”

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 3Local News Upholstery & Dining Centre Flooring, Bedroom & Garden Furniture Centre Sale £569 up 35%TimelesstoBrandsOff WasSofa£989 Sale £699 Sale £439 Sale £679 BUY TODAY Easter Pay 2023

The new Evri hub in Barns ley will be operational from this week, providing a major jobs boost in the local area, reports Yorkshire & Lincoln shire busines link magazine.

The brand-new development, accessed directly from the M1 via a new road which is now enabling traffic to by-pass the centre of Hoyland Common, represents a £60 million in Itvestment.willhave the capacity to pro cess up to 1.1 million parcels per day, providing up to 1,400 jobs. This includes seasonal or part-time warehouse or HGV driving roles available to sup port during busy periods for those looking for more flexible Theemployment.sitealso has a number of sustainability initiatives, in cluding a fleet of bio CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) ve hicles, planting of over 25,000

shrubs and trees, and solar

“Barnsley is investing so busi nesses, and jobs, stay in Barn sley. Having a job is more than just income. It’s about having a purpose and motivation, supporting good health and having a sense of pride and be

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk4 Local News • WINDOWS • CONSERVATORIES • FACIAS & SOFFITS • DOORS • COMPOSITE DOORS • DOUBLE GLAZING • GARAGE CONVERSIONS • GARAGE DOORS NEWLY REFURBISHED SHOWROOM 247 Manchester Road, Deepcar, She eld S36 2RA. For a prompt & professional service ring Ian on: We fit Firestone rubber flat roofing We are a small local family business and have been fitting top quality Windows, Doors & Conservatories since 1978. Why use big firms from out of town, when you can use: A local company with local people offering a localDIDservice.YOU KNOW? We also repair: Misted Up Double GlazingDoors & Windows Handles / Locks / Seals New Door Locks Fitted For the best quality products at the best possible prices, ring now for a free quote. HOME IMPROVEMENTS DEEPCAR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM NOW! Use your Conservatory all year round with a tiled roof system! Mon - Fri - 8 - 5pm Sat - 8 - 1pm - Sun - 10 - 12pm OPENING TIMES 0114 288 5898 07787 140 430 24hr Answering Service WE BEATWILLANYGENUINEQUOTE 40 Years of Quality Service DuringBefore Completed

Yes No Doesn’t matter

Please drop your survey reply in at the Stocksbridge Library, where there is a box for them.

SYFR's Walk and Talk 999 group is the latest which has been set up after a firefighter from London Fire Brigade, Dean Corney, set up a weekly men’s mental health walking group for firefighters, which helps them to talk about whatever may be troubling them.

Would you use the Community Shop?

Men's mental health group Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge

Would you use the Community Café?

Do you think it would be good to have a community shop like this?

Yes No Maybe

A Community Shop brings into the community food that the supermarkets are not going to distribute from their ware houses to their shops. It is run mainly by volunteers. is is not out of date food. It is food they have over-stocked and are not able to sell. It will include, bread products, butter and cheese and dairy products, tins and jars and dry goods, cereals, rice, pasta, fruit and vegetables.

Do you think it would be better if you did not have to get a referral?

Yes No Maybe

Would it be better for you if you could use it on a Saturday morning?

Firefighters from across the country joined SYFR's weekly mental health walking group, Walk and Talk 999, in walking the Yorkshire Three Peaks.

for the Community Shop. It can’t be agreed until all the right agreements and fund ing are in place. ere would be a modern new ‘shop en trance’. Half of the hall could be a ‘shop’, with the food racked on shop shelves, for people to choose. e other half could be a ‘community café’, perhaps with seats outside, where peo ple can get a co ee and cake, with friends or while you wait for school. ere may be other organizations and advice will also happen around the shop and café. e Food Bank ser vice for people in urgent need will move there too.

Would you prefer to choose for yourself what you take away?

Would you like to volunteer to help the shop when we get it open?

The Walk Leaders, Jim Bright, Matt Winslow and Nick Abbott, led the trek on Saturday 10 September in support of World Suicide Pre vention Day and to raise money for The Fire fighters Charity and Calm Suicide Awareness

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 5Local News open?a

members of the UK fire services community, empowering individuals to achieve mental, physical and social wellbeing throughout their lives.“We couldn’t do this without the support of individuals, businesses and groups like Walk and Talk 999 taking on challenges and fund raising for us. If you would like to support The Fire Fighters Charity please visit our website for more information.”


A New Community Shop?

e Community Shop can then pass on this “rescued” food to the whole community.

Anyone in the area will be able to use the Community Shop. Because the supermarkets do not allow the Food Bank to ‘re-price’ the food they pass on, there will be a ‘Member ship Scheme’. Anyone can be a member for £5 a year. en they can use the shop every week. Once you are a member you can come to the shop ev ery week and choose whatever you want from the food in the shop that week. You can ll a carrier bag for perhaps £3 with a mixture of the items in the shop. e Food Bank has not yet worked out all the details and prices.

Alex Bowers, Community Fundraiser for The Fire Fighters Charity said: “The Fire Fighters Charity offers specialist, lifelong support for

e Church will have to make a lot of changes to t the Food Bank in, and the Church, with the Food Bank, have to raise a lot of money from grants to make the shop happen. It will be next year before it can open, but the funders will want to know that the community agrees that this would be a good thing. So please give the Food Bank your views on the form here.

Please circle one option on each question

Mornings Afternoons

e Food Bank is asking the Church if they can use the hall

Walk Leader and Group Manager Nick Ab bott said: ""We're incredibly proud of this little community we have built together. We sup port each other on the good and the bad days and offer a place for men to offload, laugh, cry, joke and rant. We'll need to be there for each other as we tackle this epic walking chal Kirstylenge!"

If you would please give us a way of contacting you.

Thank you for sharing your ideas

Thorley, Health and Wellbeing Man ager at SYFR said: "We know that across the country, men are struggling with their mental health. Statistics show us that males are 3 times more likely to die from suicide than females and that is why we wholeheartedly support the Walk and Talk 999 initiative. It not only helps raise awareness of men’s mental health and boost the wellbeing of our staff but the walks also provide a safe space where people can be supported without judgement, whilst promot ing physical activity and taking advantage of fresh air and a change of scenery.”

Each session starts with a simple check-in circle where people share how they’re feeling on a scale of one to ten. They also share some thing positive that’s going on in their lives. Everything people say at the session is strictly confidential – and the group are asked not to interrupt or challenge when someone’s speak

Walk and Talk 999 model has been en dorsed by the likes of TV's Dr Rangan Chat terjee and Dr Alex George and has been high lighted as a case study by the mental health charity Mind.

A aboutaskingthebuttianintoworkingCommunityisTHEplanningeseChurch. A rice,andcheesebreadnottheynotmainlyhousestotheintoCommunitysupermarketsdistributeoutable

The walks are held every Tuesday at 10am at Graves Park, Sheffield and are open to all male Fire and Rescue and emergency services col leagues (both current and retired).

Thank you for your help.

There is no need to book, just turn up at the meeting point at the Pavilion car park.

Yes No Don’t mind

Yes No Maybe

supported by firefighters from the London Fire Brigade and Norwich.

Yes No Don’t mind

Please circle the times you think the shop should be open

If you clip the survey form out of the paper, please ll it in and drop it into the box for these forms at Stocksbridge Library. ank you for reading and re sponding.

THE Stocksbridge Food Bank is planning to move to a new Community Shop. ey are working on plans to move it into the Stocksbridge Chris tian Centre on Cedar Road. ese plans are not agreed yet, but are being discussed with the Church. e Food Bank is asking readers for their views about the new shop.


A Final Question…

A team of charity cyclists from South Yorkshire retail property company, Dransfield Properties, have raised an amazing £37,000 after complet ing the final leg of a 14-year Tour of Europe.

by friends, family and supporters for the last few miles of the ride – crossing the finish line at Tow er Bridge during a torrential downpour on the afternoon of Friday, September 9th.

Their fundraising endeavours have helped sup port medical research and purchase vital health care equipment for Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, Action Against Cancer and Bloodwise, as well as lots of local initiatives through the Dransfield Founda Onetion.

Mark Dransfield DL said: “It’s a huge achievement and a really emotional moment to have reached the end of our 14-year fundraising challenge.

“We would like to thank everyone who has sup ported our team this year and over the last 14 years – that support really is what keeps us going and is very much appreciated by all of us.”

After setting off from Letchworth on the final day of the final ride they were joined at Luton

So far, the team have raised £37,000 with this year’s ride bringing their overall total over the last two decades to £583,000. The money raised this year will be used by the Dransfield Foundation to support children with life-limiting illnesses and their families. Donations will also be made to Action Against Cancer and St Luke’s Hospice

It was a particularly tough route incorporating total climbs of more than 1,600m in just one day and challenging weather conditions throughout the week, but the riders completed their journey in an emotional final push taking them back to

of the ride coincides with cel ebrations for Dransfield Properties’ 30th year in business. The award-winning company owns and manages successful retail, leisure and mixed-use centres across the UK.

The 21-strong team completed the five-day chal lenge last week (Friday 9th September) after cov ering 335 miles from The Tyne to The Thames, cy cling from Newcastle to London’s Tower Bridge.

Epic 14 endcomescharityyearcyletoan

of the team’s biggest achievements was pro viding a new hydrotherapy pool and block at the Ryegate Centre in Sheffield transforming this fa cility for the local community with the riders also taking part in volunteer sessions to help complete the Thework.completion

Since the first charity ride in 2007 from London to Paris, the team have covered more than 5,000 miles across 14 countries covering punishing routes through Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Portofino, Rome, Dubrovnik, Trieste, Munich, Berlin, Co penhagen, Oslo, Stavanger, Aberdeen, Newcastle

“What started out as a one-off quickly became a very personal commitment for myself and the rest of the team to complete the journey and in doing so, help as many disadvantaged children as possible with our fundraising efforts.


Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk6 Local News Tel: 0114 266 1802 186 188 Crookes, Sheffield S10 1TG www.jaflong.co.uk 10% DISCOUNT ON COLLECTION ORDERS OVER £20 OPENING TIMES Sun Thurs 5.30pm 11.00pm Fri & Sat 5 30pm 12 30am FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £20 INSIDE 4 MILE RADIUS £2 FOR OVER 4 MILES £3 FOR OVER 5 MILES RESTAURANT & TAKEAWAY 5 STAR FOOD HYGEINE RATING HAHAB AND ALL THE STAFF AT JAFLONG WELCOME ALL OLD AND NEW CUSTOMERS OPEN EV EN ING THURSDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2022, 4.30 to 7.00 pm We look forward to welcoming Y5 and Y6 pupils and their families to our open evening. There will be opportunities to tour the school, meet staff and students, and to find out about the learning and care at Stocksbridge High. Mr Ireland, the headteacher, will share the values and ethos of our school, present information on our success and lay out our vision for the future. There is no need to book a place and we hope that many families can attend from within and beyond our catchment. In the meantime, our website has a lot of information about the school, www.stocksbridgehigh.co.uk Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


The annual ride was founded in 2007 by brothers Mark and Paul Dransfield. Mark is the founder and owner of Sheffield-based Dransfield Prop erties Ltd and the independent chain of depart ment stores, Sandersons Boutique. Paul owns PA Contracts which is based in Hull. They took on their first ride as a one-off and decided to just keep going – adding to the miles and the fund

There is still time to support the cyclists and en sure the total reaches the group’s goal of £600,000 by donating here fundraising/dransfield-foundationhttps://www.justgiving.com/

The owner is grateful for all the support and custom over the years and is looking forward to the next chapter.


the business to relocate, this time to a much larger location on Coleford Road in Darnall, where they are currently based. These premises are 50

furniture. This also saw the business change names to Fur niture Clearance Warehouse. Although all these years later, customers still refer to them as

a closing down sale starting Monday 19th September. This is by no means a business that is going bust, merely an owner who wants to dust of his passport and get to know his family in the daylight hours. The sale will continue into the new year until all stock has gone. During this time all customers will receive their furniture and all orders will be

Clearance Warehouse

Clearance Ware house also known as SWAG, first started out in 2000, in a tiny store on Attercliffe Road, across the road from the Banners building, selling a range of items from TVs to

started out in 2000, in a tiny store on Attercliffe Road, across the road from the Banners building, selling a range of items from TVs to exercise equipment, toys to pots and pans. The shop was an immediate success and within a couple of years gave to bigger premises in the old Co-Op building on The Moor behind Redgates. The business traded here happily and successfully for several years until the council decided the building was required for other

Sale starts Monday 19th September at 10am - all stock reduced.

Clearance Warehouse

The sale will continue into the new year until all stock has gone. During this time all customers will receive their furniture and all orders will be

times bigger than the original store and focusses solely on selling furniture. This also saw the business change names to Furniture Clearance Warehouse. Although all these years later, customers still refer to them as SWAG.


After 23 years of trading Furniture Clearance Warehouse is closing its doors. The owner, David Perkins has successfully run the business for over two decades, but is now ready for a Furniturechange.

exercise equipment, toys to pots and pans. The shop was an immediate success and within a couple of years gave David the confidence to move to bigger premises in the old Co-Op building on The Moor behind Redgates. The busi ness traded here happily and successfully for several years until the council decided the building was required for other purposes.

TheSWAG.business predominantly sells living room, dining room and bedroom furniture. Selling end of line, over stocks and exdisplay from the big multiple furniture stores. There is some thing to suit every budget.

The sale will continue into the new year until all stock has gone. During this time all customers will receive their furniture and all orders will be fulfilled.


His application for planning permission was sup ported by 134 dog walkers but members of the committee decided it was in the wrong place and would create too much impact on a high-quality landscape in the green belt.

Rocketing gas and electricity prices are meaning that more and more people are looking for ways to cut their consump tion.

renewable sources of energy including so lar electricity, wind turbines and switching to heat pumps. Both householders will be present to explain their actions and results including costs and any problems they en countered along the way,

To provide help to people facing- up to rising bills. Penistone and Stocksbridge Energy Information Group (part of Upper Don Renewable Energy [1]) are organising another “Home Visits” day on Saturday 1st October covering the Penistone area. Two visits are planned to households that have already made great strides towards im proving energy efficiency and switching to

the business to relocate, this time to a much larger location on Coleford Road in Darnall, where they are currently based. These premises are 50

The owner, David has decided after working long hours and weekends for the last 23 years to start a new chapter. With no one to take over the reins of the business, it will begin

Furniture Clearance Warehouse Due to Close Its Doors

The business predominantly sells living room, dining room and bedroom furniture. Selling end of line, over stocks and exdisplay from the big multiple furniture stores. There is something to suit every budget.

a closing down sale starting Monday 19th September. This is by no means a business that is going bust, merely an owner who wants to dust of his passport and get to know his family in the daylight hours.

The owner is grateful for all the support and custom over the years and is looking forward to the next chapter.

times bigger than the original store and focusses solely on selling furniture. This also saw the business change names to Furniture Clearance Warehouse. Although all these years later, customers still refer to them as SWAG.

In 2006 the company moved again to the old Doors and Floors Galore warehouse on Attercliffe Road and traded for around a year before the premises were flooded in the 2007 floods. This prompted the business to relocate, this time to a much larger location on Coleford Road in Darnall, where they are currently based. These premises are 50 times bigger than the original store and focusses solely on selling

Sale starts Monday 19th September at 10am - all stock reduced.

Places on the visits are strictly limited so early booking is advisable by phoning 07707 762995 or emailing penistoneand stocksbridgeeig@gmail.com . The event starts in Penistone at 10am on Saturday 17th September and should end around

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 7Local News

3pm. Lunch will be provided in return for a Commentingdonation.

Barry Tylee said “Home vis its have proved to be very useful in helping attendees to see the wood from the trees when making important decisions on how they should approach retro-fitting their house to make it more efficient and less costly to run. Extreme weather events here and around the world serve only to remind us that climate change is already happen ing and the need for everyone to take ac tion to reduce carbon emissions”.

A dog exercise park opened in Sheffield’s Rivelin Valley has been refused permission to continue operating because it sits in a green belt area.

Sheffield City Council planning committee meet ing (September 13) heard from Mick Hill, whose application for use of his land opposite Holme Head Wheel Dam on Rivelin Valley Road was unanimously rejected by councillors.

Energy Solutions from the Horse’s Mouth

The owner, David has decided after working long hours and weekends for the last 23 years to start a new chapter. With no one to take over the reins of the business, it will begin

Inpurposes.2006the company moved again to the old Doors and Floors Galore warehouse on Attercliffe Road and traded for around a year before the

After 23 years of trading Fur niture Clearance Warehouse is closing its doors. The owner, David Perkins has successfully run the business for over two decades, but is now ready for a Furniturechange.

The owner, David has decided after working long hours and weekends for the last 23 years to start a new chapter. With no one to take over the reins of the business, it will begin a closing down sale starting Monday 19th September. This is by no means a business that is going bust, merely an owner who wants to dust of his pass port and get to know his family in the daylight hours.

The owner is grateful for all the support and custom over the years and is looking for ward to the next chapter.

The business predominantly sells living room, dining room and bedroom furniture. Selling end of line, over stocks and exdisplay from the big multiple furniture stores. There is something to suit every budget.

After 23 years of trading Furniture Clearance Warehouse is closing its doors. The owner, David Perkins has successfully run the business for over two decades, but is now ready for a Furniturechange.

Furniture Clearance Warehouse Due to Close Its Doors



started out in 2000, in a tiny store on Attercliffe Road, across the road from the Banners building, selling a range of items from TVs to exercise equipment, toys to pots and pans. The shop was an immediate success and within a couple of years gave to bigger premises in the old Co-Op building on The Moor behind Redgates. The business traded here happily and successfully for several years until the council decided the building was required for other Inpurposes.2006the company moved again to the old Doors and Floors Galore warehouse on Attercliffe Road and traded for around a year before the

Sale starts Monday 19th September at 10am - all stock reduced.

24 MacMillan Greatest Coffee Morning 10.3012 NOON ZION CHURCH HALL Langsett Road South Oughtibridge Raffle Bring and Buy stall




1 Chapeltown WI will host a Macmillan coffee morning from 10.00am until 12.00 noon in Chapeltown Meth odist Church. Come and enjoy coffee and cake plus tombola and raffle.

Opera, Film and TV, music by Henry Man cini and a tribute to Judy Garland played on the Compton cinema organ.

A sensitive balance of bold composition is a feature in the work.

sale in Sheffield.

24th & 25th Septem ber 2022,Kelham Is land Museum, Shef field www.onlyclay.

              

25 Chapeltown Silver Prize Band concert in Chapel town Park from 2pm to 4pm. Free entry – please bring your own seating. You can bring your car into the park from Station Road entrance (5mph & hazards) if you find it difficult to walk up the hill. Refreshments available. All welcome.

She uses porcelain to illustrate an intimate world in which small acts of everyday sub

24 Wharncliffe Side WI will be holding a Coffee Morn ing from 10.00 - 12.00 in The Chapel in aid of Mac millan Cancer Support. Coffee, biscuits, stalls and raffle.

The images are drawn into the raw clay with needles, before layers of colour and tone are built up over many firings in a kiln, creating unique and detailed objects.

24 A special coffee morn ing. On Saturday 24 th Sep tember, John Snook , a the atre patron, will be hosting a monologue /poetry / reading event at the EPPiC Theatre, Well Lane, off High Street, Ecclesfield S35 9TP Anyone is welcome to come along and read a favourite piece (lasting about one to three minutes) or simply come and enjoy tea or cof fee and biscuits, and listen ! Entry is FREE, but the sale of refreshments helps EP PiC theatre funds. Theatre is open from 10 am, but the readings will start at about 11am Come and join us !!

30 Macmillan coffee morn ing at Greenhead Church, Chapeltown 10-11:30am

playfully interpreted proverbs and poems.

Entranceco.uk is £6 for one day and £10 for the two days, park ing and booking de tails on the website

Step back in time to the nineteen twenties and experience the nostalgia of a classic si lent film with traditional cinema organ ac companiment.

2 Indoor car boot sale, Stocksbridge Leidure Centre Open To Buyers 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. Stalls £12.00 per table. To book a stall please telephone 0114 2883792.

On Sunday October 16th at the Penistone Paramount cinema at 2-30pm, the 1922 clas sic vampire film Nosferatu will be screened with Donald MacKenzie, the resident organ ist at the prestigious Odeon Cinema, Leices ter Square, London, providing the musical

3 The next meeting of the Wharncliffe Side WI will be on Monday 3rd October at 7.15pm in the Community 1982Est.

Previous to this on Saturday, October 8th at 2-30pm, world-renowned theatre organist Si mon Gledhill returns to his Yorkshire roots to present a variety of popular music which includes selections from the Phantom of the

30 Explore the World’s Knowledge for free - Be inspired by eBooks, learn how to connect online with family & friends and view historic films & photos of Stocksbridge - Free tea, coffee and biscuits - Drop in between 10am and 12pm on Friday 30 September at Stocksbridge Library - Open to all ages.



Advanced tickets for both events are avail able at the Paramount Box Office, by phone on 01226 767532 or online at; www.penis toneparamount.co.uk

conarts1@gmail.com or on 07792142545

23 STEEL VALLEY BEACON Grand Finale tickets £5. An extravaganza of local tal ent, sketches, music and songs including Graham Shepherd, The Domino Effect, Steel Valley Bea con Arts and headlining Indie Band ‘Kath Auto’ AT CHRIST CHURCH Tickets FREE from steelvalleybea

21 Join Bolsterstone Ar chaeology and Heritage Group at 7.30pm, when David Clarke will be giv ing a talk on Celtic Stone Heads. We meet in the hall at Christ Church on Manchester Road in Stocks bridge, and the talk is also available on Zoom (mem bers only) - please available.forbahgevent@axelafa.comcontactthelink.RefreshmentsAllwelcome.

ries, sheltering birds in their hair on extra gusty days, and the Gin, Tea and Coffee Angels, who fly in just when needed.

22mer.Photography Exhibition at Christ Church several lo cal photographers includ ing Jim Barter and Rebecca Aitken. Free Event.

What’s EvEnt


accompaniment on the Compton cinema or Thegan.

30 Macmillan Coffee morn ing will take place at Christ Church, Stocksbridge 10.30 am -12 Refreshments and cake stall.

29 Stocksbridge Art Society. Evening Demo and Annual General Meeting – all wel come. Reflections in Wa tercolour by Steve Coates. Christ Church Community Hall, Stocksbridge, S36 1DY. 7 to 9 pm. Members free.

£3 for non-members.


24 Car Boot at The Venue. Doors open at 8am. Free entry.


The resurgence in the interest in pot tery, driven by TV programmes about the crafts industry has led to an increase in people wishing to view and buy work by potters who are working today. Now residents in the Shef field area can see the work of makers and speak to them about their work, at the ‘Only Clay’ show in September 2022.

StepClay’‘OnlyShowback in time to 1920’s

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk8


Taking part is Wen dy Kershaw is an in ternational ceramic maker and is due to take part in ‘Only Clay’ this Septem ber. She uses clay to tell stories, making illustrated porce

24 Bradfield Village HallCharity Ball, tickets from www.bradflix.co.uk, pro ceeds to Alzheimers Soci ety and Ibbotson Memorial Field Trust

28 Don Valley Probus will meet on Wednesday Sep tember 28th at 10.00AM in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocks bridge, with a presentation by Sarah Louise Picker ing, “Inspired by Nature”. Our meetings are always relaxed and take place on alternate Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming our regular members, visitors and new members. For more infor mation, please call Stephen Clarke on 07593 792967.

Paramount is one of only a handful of UK cinema’s that is able to present such an event. A show not to be missed.


22 Beacon Youth perfor mance Tickets £5 from 07792 142 545 This is a unique event for Beacon Youth to perform a series of sketches and some de vised pieces they have been working on over the sum






24 Halloween craft Club at the Inman Pavilion, Moor land Drive 336 1EG 10.00 - 11.45 am Lots of spooky things to make! only £2.

13 Chapeltown WI will meet at 7.30pm in Chapeltown Methodist Church when they will hold their AGM. This will be followed by a fish and chip supper. The competition is for a hand made picture of Autumn leaves.


Autism Hope Sheffield, a parent/carer support group, for children of all ages with Autism Spectrum disorder. Every 2nd and 4th Monday at 1pm. Community Campus, Pack Horse Lane, High Green. For more information look on Autism Hope Sheffield web site or Facebook page Millhouse Green Male Voice Choir meet every week at 7.30 p.m. at Millhouse Green Institute, A629 Manchester Road, Millhouse Green. The Choir is now practising for their next concerts in April and June. If any male singer would be interested in join ing the Choir, then contact 07901851992 for further in formation.



Councillors Julie Grocutt & Janet Ridler Surgery 1st Saturday of each Month Stocksbridge Library 1011am. Call in for help advice or a chat. Also contact us on lor.sheffield.gov.ukatLewisquireLibrary.11.30am(exceptSaturdaysurgeriesCouncillorgov.ukridler@councillor.sheffield.lor.sheffield.gov.ukjulie.grocutt@counciljanet.LewisChinchen’swillbeonthe2ndofeachmonthJuly)from10.30-atStocksbridgeDropbyifyoureassistanceorsupport.canalsobecontactedlewis.chinchen@counciloron


Joined by Ayanna Witter-Johnson and Royal Concert Orchestra & Lo ren

The world’s most beloved tenor, Andrea Bocelli, has announced he will be joined by composer Ayanna Witter-Johnson and Royal Con cert Orchestra followed by Platinum-selling star Loren Allred. Bocelli will be visiting Sheffield on 25 September 2022. Tickets are selling fast for his Utilita Arena Sheffield show via www.UtilitaArenaSheffield.

gifted from birth, Andrea Bocelli is one of the most cel ebrated singers in modern history, performing at major international events including the Olympic Games and the World Cup, as well as his own sell-out arena shows around the world. He has a Golden Globe, seven Classical BRITs and seven World Music Awards under his belt, plus a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. His 2018 album release, Si, reached No.1 in both the US and UK charts.

• National Ear Care Diploma. • DBS checked. • Fully insured. • Immediate Appointments Day / Evening / Weekends. Call 07983 537203 e: jaynefox16@gmail.com Syringing£30fromEar Mens and ladies fragrances Contact Amie 07957 399 Scentsations708by Amie MOT - SERVICE - REPAIRS 0114 283 1615 8am - 5pm Mon - Fri Diagnostics & Air-con refills Auto - electrical work Suppliers of Flo-gas and gas bottles suitable for BBQ’s DCSS (garages) LTD Manchester Rd, DEEPCAR S36 2QY

On listings


Men’s Activity and Games Session Stocksbridge Com munity Leisure Centre Mon day afternoons 1-30pm to 3-30pm Cost £1 (includes free refreshments) Activi ties will include a range from Badminton, Table Tennis, Indoor Curling, Dominoes, Card and Board Games, Quiz Contact Andy Walker 07723 506423 for further information.



Thorncliffe Bowling Club’s Over 50s meet every Tues day at 1:45pm at the green off Mortomley Close, High

27 Talk by Will Tomson at Christchurch Stocksbridge. “Gardening with Wildlife”

Everyone is welcome at the Tea and Chat group - 1:003:00pm every Wednesday afternoon at St Leonards Church Wortley. Pop in for a drink and a chat. Contact Joan for more details: 0114 2887435

lunch. Also monthly work days on 2nd Saturday. For more info contact Barbara: 07724505911 or greavehouse@yahoo.co.ukemail

Stocksbridge Community Care Group’s Friday Drop In Service for elderly residents is once again being held weekly at The Venue, be tween 10am and 3pm. For a small charge visitors can enjoy a hot drink, company, games, talks and a light lunch. For further informa tion contact Dave Owen on 0114 2864426.

Centre. It will be the Annual Meeting followed by by a chat and meet amongst the members. For details please contact Valerie Hales 0114 4187256.

Entry £4 includes refresh ments, Students and chil dren free. For more info see www.creativecultivation




11 -15 The Secret Tent Thursday 11th - Saturday 15th Oct Curtain at 7:30pm Tickets £9 | Concessions £8 (Tue & Wed only) EPPiC The atre, Well Lane, High Street, Ecclesfield, Sheffield, S35 9TP Players240ryplayers.co.uk.tickets@ecclesfieldprioTel:(0114)2624EcclesfieldPrioryProductions

Green, S35 3HS. Cost £2.50 with bowls provided. It’s gentle exercise with a com petitive edge. Come and have a go. Start on April 5th, going through to the end of September.

issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd september 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 9


Open House Community Café Everyone is welcome at Open House, our new com munity café - 1:30-3:30pm every Thursday at Holy Trin ity Thurgoland Church. Pop in for coffee, cakes and a chat. Contact Hannah for more details:



Great Grandfather of Thomas, Isabella, Edward, Ava and Jack.

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk10 Family Notices Sudoku 46 5931 97 35369 16463© 2022 Syndicated Puzzles389417256solutionThesecanblackasetbeinblackoptionnotpartto SUDOKU board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number Foruniquely.many strategies, hints and tips, visit www.sudokuwiki.org If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store.The solutions will be published here in the next issue. No. 613 Str8ts 96423 31 23 5177 189576© 2022 Syndicated Puzzles3742 4625 53 59279731 35369 16463© 2022 Syndicated Puzzles912374685 756892413 834156972 541289367 278635149 693741528 467523891 125968734 389417256 STR8TS No. 613 Medium 326745 4379812 176823 296871354 789456 849512637 763548 6524389 983276 519 27 How to beat Str8ts –Like Sudoku, no single number can repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ are formed. Previous solution - Tough SUDOKU board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number Foruniquely.many strategies, hints and tips, visit www.sudokuwiki.org If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store.The solutions will be published here in the next issue.www.str8ts.com No. 613 Medium Previous solution - Easy Deaths Family Notices Family Notice? Contact us on: enquiries@looklocal.org.uk or call in at: 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, S36 2DU It’s not too late to make a Will... Jane 07850 709 666 Haworth 07377 005 0114177288 1104 Contact us today for friendly and professional advice: Jane came to see my parents to help them protect the family home. She really made us all feel at ease, especially my parents. We had no idea what we could do to protect Mum and Dad. Having set up trusts and Lasting Power of Attorney’s, Mum and Dad can get on with their lives without worrying, knowing everything is now in place. Thank you Jane! Mrs Boyle and family, Ecclesfield

Passed away on 1st September 2022.

Peacefully at The Northern General Hospital on 12th September Joan Margaret Crawshaw sadly passed away.

Unit 1 Meadowhall Industrial Estate Amos Road, She eld S9 1BX Tel. 0114 327 31 71

We offer a FREE consultation without obligation for anybody who would like to know more about any of the following:

• Making a basic Will

2' 6" in black or grey granite £655.00 plus VAT, including all lettering


Passed away 11th September 2022.


A visit and consultation is completely free and you are under no obligation to do anything. If you decide to make any arrangements you can be safe in the knowledge that all our professional services and work are fully insured and we are members of the Society of Will Writers, so all our clients are assured of the highest standards of conduct at all times.

All new memorials with 30 year guarantee. Specialists in renovation work and ground anchor supports. Biggest showroom, best designs. Any quote beaten

All our clients (and their families) that we have helped in the past have been very happy with our services and tell us they have gained great peace of mind knowing that they have sorted everything out.

Dearly loved Son of Elsie and Ernest. Loving Brother to Janice, Dale, Joanne and Donna.

Devoted Husband to Jilly and loving Father to Becca and Molly, Father-in-Law to Rhys and James and much loving Grandad to Evan, Isabella and Eira.




Funeral service to be held at St. Mary’s Church, Bolsterstone on 28th September at 11am, followed by burial at Stocksbridge Cemetery. Friends and family are welcome to attend the Wake held at The Castle Inn, Bolsterstone afterwards.

A True gentleman, loved by all, whoever met him.

Hello, I’m Jane Bowland, your local Estate Planning Consultant of 13 years experience. I am an expert in helping people arrange their Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Pre-paid Funeral Plans.

The funeral service will take place at Grenoside Crematorium’s South Chapel on Friday 30th September 2022 at 12.30pm.

TEL: (0114) 288 3169

Family owers only please, donations in lieu are for the bene t of The British Heart Foundation. Any enquiries to TW Birks & Son, 100 Manchester Road, S36 2RE, Tel 0114 288 5555.

We know that planning for the future is a very personal matter. Not everyone is able or wants to travel to an appointment in town to sort out their affairs. We can visit you at a convenient time in the privacy and comfort of your own home to discuss your unique circumstances.

Donations to Alzheimer’s UK or John Heath Funeral Directors 206 High Greave S5 9GQ.

• Setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney

Along with my colleague Haworth Ward-Drummond we specialise in helping all kinds of people gain peace of mind by providing professional advice, but with a personal touch.

• Protecting your home for future generations

Passed away peacefully at home, aged 78 years.

Your caring local funeral director Tel: 0114 288 55 55

Family owers only. Donations to RSPB or Cancer Research UK c/o Dyson Funeral Directors, New Road, Deepcar, Stocksbridge S36 2RS.

HIBLE Wallace

Father to Ian and Mark. Grandfather of Stuart, Lee, Matthew, James and Sophie.

Joan was a long time worker and supporter of St Luke’s Hospice Shop.

Donations in lieu of owers would be welcome for St Luke’s Hospice, a plate will be available at the service or c/o T.W. Birks and Son, 100 Manchester Rd S36 2RE.

For free brochure, quote or home visit

Lorraine COOPER


Funeral Services

Love from all the family.

TEL: (01226) 762 481

The dearly loved Wife of the late Brian. Much loved Mum of David and Michael and their partners Diane and Maralyn. Adored Grandma to Amelia.

Beloved Wife to Ron, Mum to Stephanie & David, Amanda, Lyndsay & Matt and Natalie, Momma and Great Momma. Friend to many.

Family and friends are invited to her funeral service at Grenoside North Chapel on Thursday 29th September at 11.00.

Devoted Husband of Linda, much adored Dad of Julie and Andrew, loving Father-in-Law of Dennis and Claire and much loved Grandad of Aimee.

www.she eldmemorials.co.uk

• Pre-paid Funeral Plans

Passed away peacefully on 27th August (aged 93).


My name is Florence and I am writing to you today about the withdrawal of the Supertram ‘Link’ Bus between Middlewood and Stocksbridge. (Link in inverted commas as the timetables of the SL1/a and the tram haven’t actually linked up for years)

Rather than putting out misleading articles, perhaps Labour Councillors should be doing what the people of Sheffield asked for; a committee system where all councillors are involved in the decisionmaking process in an open and transparent way.

I have today found out that stage coach are considering removing the SL tram link bus services. I am asking kindly you make your readers aware to sign the protest and together we can hopefully make a isolating-entire-communities?redirect=falsecutting-vital-rural-transport-services-and-https://www.change.org/p/stop-stagecoach-difference.

City Council pay freeze

He also states “Labour are proposing that the council should suspend any high-wage appointments whilst we stabilise the council finances” at the Finance Sub-Committee meeting held on the 6th September. Strange that it wasn’t on the agenda, and only Labour Councillors were aware of the proposal until it was brought up at the end of the meeting. Bearing in mind that Council Officers prepare savings initiatives, not Councillors, the proposal was quite rightly voted down, and written details requested.

A Councillor’s Support

Buses are for the people

Alan took my many phone calls and listened, giving me guidance and advice even after working hours which should have been his own personal time. He has attended meetings on my behalf and became a voice for me when I do not think I have always been taken seriously, when others have doubted my word and failed to understand.

Cllr Janet Ridler and Cllr Julie Grocutt

Goodbye Supertram link

Yours sincerely,

With reference to Labour Councillor and CoChair of the Finance Sub Committee, Brian Lodge’s article on the state of the council’s finances, he says “The council is hung…… making it even harder for Labour to take the strong action needed to get on top of the finances”. So, what happened last year when Labour were in coalition with the Green Party under the Cabinet system? Was strong action taken when £20M had to be taken out of reserves to deal with the budget overspend? Clearly not. And why another £15M taken out of reserves just to set a balanced budget for this year? Yet just three months into the year, there is a further deficit of £20M being covered again by reserves which are rapidly running out.

A Grateful Chapeltown Resident

Unacceptable Stagecoach bus proposals show they’re still in a cartel with the great white elephant that is Super(fluous)tram.

Councillor Mike Levery Liberal Democrat Member for West Ecclesfield Vice-Chair, Finance Sub-Committee

Petition to save Supertram link IHihope this finds you well

He has my vote!

Things got even more stupid during planned engineering works where rather than continue the tram link buses passengers to Hillsborough or the city wouldpassengerseitherhave to change buses at Middlewood if they were lucky or worse still walk half a mile or so to catch another bus to Hillsborough to catch either another bus or the tram to town if Supertram /PTE had decided not to provide a replacement bus at all. During one of these planned engineering works I did persuade Matt to run the tram link bus into town which provided a real service for customers but when I asked why this was not being repeated I was told that the PTE and Supertram were only wishing to tender out the missing tram part and not consider or countenance the obvious extension of the tram link buses. Even when Stagecoach won the tender to replace the trams they had to run them separately.

I have had to keep chasing authorities sending copious emails, making endless phone calls, attend meetings and diarise everything for months to keep track and at times considered giving up when I was struggling with the constant contradiction.

Although issues still need to be resolved I felt I needed to publicly acknowledge how truly grateful I am for Alan’s much needed support. I do not know how I would have coped without it.

Why is Stagecoach is cancelling this vital bus service? Because government policy allows them to do so – the same government policy that has already seen public services cut to the bone and has resulted in a fractured and dysfunctional local transport system run by operators who prioritise profit over people.

I am not sure if any residents would use the tram link service on a Sunday or late in the evening out of choice these days knowing the the only link is the ticket valid on both.

Sad to see it go. It was a brilliant concept and such a shame that it was so badly implemented especially when you consider that both the bus and the tram were part of the same organisation. Unfortunately the Supertram part have never had any understanding of customer service and have shown little willingness to make the concept work. Typically our MP only now is putting her head above the parapet when it is too late.

As an example of a different bus service that I have used recently; I visited San Sebastian, Spain in the summer and camped around 10 miles from the city (similar distance from Stocksbridge to Sheffield) with the campsite on a long winding road that gradually rises (funnily enough, just like Manchester road between Stocksbridge and Sheffield). The buses where every 20mins, punctual, to the most direct route available (like the SL1/a) and it cost 1.80€ per person each way.

However, with the help and assistance I received from Alan Woodcock Liberal Democrat Councillor for Chapeltown this has given me a much needed life line to hang on to.

It really feels like Stagecoach and the Local Council in general are intent on cutting off Stocksbridge/ Deepcar from the rest of the world unless you are lucky enough to own a car. A bus link to Sheffield is vital to the community as otherwise it is an arduous walk and there is (still) no provision for cyclists, even with the increased take up of cycling during the pandemic and the record sales of electric bikes. I was led to believe that a new cycle route was in development between Stocksbridge and Hillsborough several years ago but it seems nothing has materialised. Can I please have an update on this.

I am concerned about the impacts of its withdrawal on myself, my family, as well as the local community as a whole, and I am struggling to find any definite information about what exactly is happening (The Stagecoach website and app are atrocious). Can you please let me know exactly when the SL1/a is going to be withdrawn and what other options are going to be implemented in its place. I have read in this weeks Look Local that they are planning on running the 57 half hourly (instead of hourly) but there is no mention of an evening service and the 57 stops running at around 8pm.

Much less than we us residents of Stocksbridge/ Deepcar have been paying for a service that has consistently underperformed over the last several years, and more recently just not turned up at all.

There is also the little mentioned bonus of the trams getting priority over traffic. This is invaluable during rush hours as the tram generally sails through as drivers are left waiting at the lights. There will be a massive increase in commuting time if the only option is the 57 Bus as there is no provision like that for busses. Not to mention that route goes round the houses to get into Hillsborough.

A bad situation changed my world and left me feeling trapped and unsafe in my own home. I was a wreck and in a very dark place.

This summer I can only describe as one of the worst of my life which has affected me mentally, emotionally and physiologically.

The fundamental problem is that neither the bus or the trams would communicate to ensure that wherever possible a late running tram or bus would connect and not leave arriving passengers WATCHING their bus or tram leaving. I know that a few years ago the then MD of the bus company Matt Davies tried his hardest to improve things but hit his head up a brick wall with the tram counterparts. Of course there would always have to be a limit on how long a connection could be held for no one disputes that. At one stage the bus people sent one of their guys,Jay, to try and improve communication and restore the link in Tramlink but he was reduced to looking down the road to see if the tram was visible and asking his driver to wait whereas even though the bus could be seen pulling into the P&R the tram would delight in closing the doors and heading off leaving passengers to wait for the next one sometimes even as they were disembarking off the bus.

Crazy bus changes

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 11Your Letters Your GotLetterssomethingtosay? Email us at looklocal.org.uknews@ Publication subject to space and content. Publishing does not mean we agree with the content. Need a Public Notice? Email us at: enquiries@looklocal.org.uk Or call: 0114 283 1100

With all the new housing developments happening in the area (Deepcar, Hollins Busk, Oughtibridge) it seems short sighted to cut this service as it would connect all of these new residents to Hillsborough, Sheffield and beyond. And these aren’t small developments. There will be thousands of new customers for Stagecoach when they are completed. I also feel its short sighted of the council to let this happen. The amount of cars that will be using Manchester Road if there is no bus service will be incredible. You can already sit for 20mins during the morning rush hour between the Middlewood Ambulance Station and the junction onto Penistone road. This will only get worse with more people using the road in cars.

Save our bus services

With two senior vacancies in the council, one of which is in a department showing significant overspend, getting the right leadership in place at the earliest opportunity is needed to turn things round. And the likely savings generated by his proposal are only around 3% of the £20M in year deficit. Hardly getting on top of the finances!

The withdrawal of the SL1 and SL1a Supertram Bus Link service is the latest blow to our already crippled local public transport service and is happening as a direct result of Tory policy and years of neglect by the Tory government.

We are to have JUST TWO BUSES AN HOUR TO TOWN, and although cutting out the totally unsuitable narrow, parking-blocked route up the hill through Oughtibridge to Worrall, still will go down Dykes Hall Road, the road that is perhaps the most unsuitable route for buses in Sheffield. Or what is so currently. Get this: to rejoin the current ‘mountain goat’ round-the-houses insane route, the bus will go up Langsett Avenue! This is about 1 in 3, the steepest road in the district! Does Stagecoach actually try a new route before adopting it, or just have a glance at the Sheffield A-Z? Many of their buses won’t cope with that gradient. This madness is of course so that the tram is still fed. “Get on the tram”, Stagecoach is saying, “otherwise we’ll punish you with a pointless dogleg round Wadsley and Wisewood”. But they likewise punish you anyway, with a pointless dogleg on the tram (up to the Uniperversity and down West Street).

Stagecoach: you couldn’t make it up, but they always do. Roll on the train.

Florence M, Deepcar P.S. Buses are for the people and don’t necessarily have to be run for profit. Please remember this.

As your local city councillors, we will continue to work with South Yorkshire Mayor Oliver Coppard to put pressure on the government to speed up the process allowing us to franchise our local bus services, taking them under local control. Franchising is the only way to deliver the journeys that local people want, by putting people before profit and giving our mayoral authority decisionmaking powers over bus routes, timetables and fares and allowing them to coordinate buses with the rest of the network like trams and rail.

If Miriam Cates really wants to save our local bus service, we urge her to call upon the government to speed up the franchising process as this is the only way that we can deliver the public transport service which local people want and deserve, and the only solution that will work to fix our broken buses.


Our MP and the Mayor should be fighting for a properly coordinated service which might then become viable- indeed they should have been doing so since assuming office.

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A single line from Sheffield to Deepcar to Stocksbridge is still open, such that the business of heavy haulage can take place.

Other diversifications followed but with the disadvantage of ever-increasing prob lems with the weight of products. All raw materials inward and finished products outward had to be transported by horse and cart, which by the late 1860s was a serious problem.

‘Drive-off’ thefts at petrol stations have dou bled over the last two years amid soaring pric es, an investigation has revealed.


not connected with the Stocks bridge Railway Co., a line was constructed to run from Wharncliffe Wood sidings to Ewden valley and included an overhead railway bridge at More Hall. This under taking was in connection with the build ing of the Ewden valley reservoir which commenced in 1913/14; it was then in terrupted by World War 1 and eventually completed in 1929.

We are currently looking for a GP Receptionist to join our friendly practice team. Applicants should ideally have previous experience in customer service, have good telephone and keyboard skills, enjoy a varied job role, and be flexible in covering for colleagues during absence. Full training will be provided.

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20-25 hours per week

South Yorkshire Police recorded a 101 per cent increase in petrol and diesel thefts be tween June 2020 and June 2022.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the works railway system was extended with a single line to assist with the construc tion of the Underbank and Langsett res


It became evident that a rail link between the works and the main railway line at Deepcar station was essential. An in tended route was surveyed in 1872 and the necessary enabling Act of Parliament was passed on 30th June 1874.

It comes as motorists face spiralling prices at the pumps, with critics slamming the Govern ment over its lack of action on the cost of liv ing crisis.

The Stocksbridge Railway Co. passenger train in the bay platform at Deepcar. One of the earli est locomotives was the ‘Wharncliffe’. Photo c1900

£9.50ph, 5 weeks annual leave, plus 8 days statutory holidays (pro rota basis), Uniform allowance & NHS Pension Scheme. Please send your CV to either Andrea Brook, Senior Receptionist or Michelle Payling. Practice Manger at the address above or syicb-sheffield.ecclesfieldgp@nhs.netemail

Hours will include 8.00 am starts and 6.30pm nishes.

The Stocksbridge Railway Co. opened on 14th April 1877 and additionally ran a passenger service from the low yard (i.e. at the west end of the Fox Valley shop ping centre) to a bay platform at Deepcar station. The passenger service was with drawn in 1931 as regular bus services to Sheffield and Penistone were then avail Stocksbridgeable.

In 1842 Samuel Fox came to Stocks bridge and initially started up in the business of wire drawing. In 1847 he then embarked on another venture, that being the manufacture of umbrella frames. By 1854, he saw another busi ness opportunity by making cold rolled strips for ladies’ fashionable crinoline frames.

Railway Co. generally oper ated with just one locomotive but this was supplemented with other locos from the

works fleet. It is on record that in 1954 the total tonnage handled was 90,912.

There are lots of railway maps and plans in the Valley Museum in Stocksbridge Town Hall on Manchester Road, which is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 12.30 and 1 to 3.30 pm – do come in and have a look at them and share any stories you have. There are many other fascinating things on display in the Mu seum, and the volunteers from Stocks bridge and District History Society will be happy to show you around and answer your questions.

Over 4 days Monday – Friday


There were two further series win ners from Penistone with Sarah Halstead claiming the women’s over50 category and Barbara Haigh the women’s over70 category. Da mian Kilpin was second in the men’s over40 category as was Ray Brown in the men’s over70 category.

Vale of York Half Marathon

Dawn Broom took a massive 82 seconds off the ladies' over55 club record for 5 miles at the Bassing ham Bash race in Lincolnshire. Her time of 35-18 also gave her first place in the ladies' over50 category at the race.

5, George Parr 28-18; 8, Damian Kilpin 29-09; 18, Majka Kunicka 30-56; 25, Oliver Pike 32-18; 30, Jon Hallam 32-54; 35, Daniel Limb 33-13; 39, Will Hoyland 33-42; 85, Jemma Williams 39-52; 94, Stuart Woodhead 40-56; 105, Karen Wil son 42-27; 132, Julie Darigala 4754; 133, Helen Wright 47-54; 135, Carl Matthewman 49-07; 136, Lisa Hinchliffe 49-08; 138, Sarah Plum mer 49-12; 139, Myfanwy Cross 4917; 141, Barbara Hague 49-33; 145, Sarah Halstead 49-50; 154, Steve Dommett 52-14; 155, Stu Smith 5214; 170, Peter Cross 01-02-41.

George Parr with Trunce series trophy and his Grandfather, Dave Cartwright a former national run ning champion himself

42; 90, Myfanwy Cross 30-04; 123, Martyn Cartwright 36-13.

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk14 Local Sport

enstall in 39-57 and Martin Ball claimed third place in the men’s over50 category in 42-01.

Ben Malcolm claimed first place in the men’s over40 category at the Chatsworth 10k in a time of 39-48. Second place in the same category went to clubmate Andrew Hep

was first at the Hillsborough junior parkrun.

Junior trunce

2, Tadek Kunicki-Holda 13-23; 3, Graihagh Turner 13-56; 10, Oli ver France 17-08; 13, Finn Pepper 19-12; 17, Hugh Mackie 40-59; 18, John Halstead 41-30.


self was a little bit tighter than we’d have liked and there are

finished really strong which was good to see.

“Iting.was job done in the end and we now look forward to our final regular meeting next week which we know will be another tough test.”

Adam Ellis recovered from last place in his opening ride, to drop just one point from his final three.

Lewis Kerr produced a steady enough display against his former side while Rising Star Connor Mountain battled

hard to score in each of his four Fellowoutings.reserve Justin Sedg men claimed Heat Two on his way to five points while captain Kyle Howarth picked up three third places on his return from a week on the Tigerssidelines.host Belle Vue next Thursday (September 22, 7.30) - and know a win over their rivals would see them snatch top spot ahead of the SHEFFIELDcut-off.

3, George Parr 19-21; 6, Richard Williams 19-47; 7, Oliver Pike 1952; 24, Darren Mansell 22-40; 32, Rebecca Timms 23-12; 42, Suzanne McGill 23-42; 43, Rhianna Banford 23-47; 60, Matthew Coldwell 26-15; 70, Lee Hopkins 26-41; 74, Helen Turner 27-01; 88, Eleanor Law 29-

Sarah Plummer was third in the women’s over50 category. In the ninth and final race of the series, George was fifth and Tadek second in the junior race followed by club mate Graihagh Turner who was the first junior female back.

“Heats 13 and 15, 15 in par ticular, was one of the best I’ve ever seen here and it was a great way to end the meet

Barnsley parkrun

11, Lee Nash 37-01; 15, James Fry ers 38-17; 77, Raymond Brown 6253.

Penistone runner George Parr was crowned overall series winner in the male category of the nineedracelast wascategory,week.thewinner.

James Mumford broke the 35minute barrier at the Bradford 10k finishing in a time of 34-59. That time gave James 16th out of a field of over 1,000 and third place in the men’s over40 category.

55, Stuart Smith 26-17; 75, Daniel Batty 28-48; 102, Susan Hall 31-27.

point for the visitors, but two stunning moves by Jack Holder and Tobiasz Musie lak on the final lap saw them blast by the King’s Lynn star to bring one of the loud

Vale of York 10K

obviously areas where we can “Creditimprove.where it’s due though, King’s Lynn pushed us hard for the majority of the meet ing but we regrouped and

50: Jack Holder 14+1, Tobiasz Musielak 9+3, Adam Ellis 8, Lewis Kerr 6+2, Justin Sedgmen 5, Con nor Mountain 5, Kyle How arth KING’S3+1.LYNN

senior trunce

40: Josh Pick ering 13+1, Richard Lawson 9, Richie Worrall 6+2, Ni colai Klindt 5, Thomas Jor gensen 5, Leon Flint 2, Jack Smith 0.

Jack Holder was again in scintillating form as he se cured a paid maximum while Tobiasz Musielak was again paid for double figures in the No.1 race jacket.

SHEFFIELD are just one win away from securing the top spot in the Premiership table ahead of the end-of-season

“The meeting it

est cheers of the season at SaidOwlerton.Stead:

The fixture was close throughout with Sheffield holding a two-point advan tage after Heat Five with the hosts throwing in three early 4-2s around the Stars’ 5-1 in the Fivethird.shared races followed before Sheffield took control of the meeting with three straight advantages.

Itplay-offs.comes after they main tained their 100 per cent league record at Owlerton with a 50-40 victory over King’s Lynn.

George crowned Trunce champ

James Mumford (Bradford 10k)

On the Parkrun scene, Malcolm Rose set a male over65 course re cord at the Torbay Velopark event, his time of 19-31 gave him 11th place out of 227 runners. There were second places at Parkruns for Tom Fryers (Brighouse), John Lawcock (Nant y Pandy) and Chloe Worth (Penistone). Flynn Rogers

And Simon Stead’s men rounded off in style with one of the races of the season in Heat Richie15.Worrall looked set to claim a consolation league

56, Tom Fryers 81-47; 183, Oliver Pike 93-22; 245, David Napier 9925; 281, Matthew Coldwell 1-42-41; 284, Michael Walsh 1-43-06; 382, Keith Gordon 1-51-52; 525, Sarah Halstead 2-06-22; 558, Valentina Wright 2-10-41.

Great north Run 1373, Gareth Irvine 92-22; 12426, Lucy Clough 2-03-21; 27376, Caryl Skene 2-34-07.

PenistoneResults parkrun

A dancing carry of the ball from defence by Cameron Simpson found Nathan Keightley running through

They could have scored with an opening after 67 minutes following a lovely flowing move but the shot from the edge of the box was straight at the Minuteskeeper.later Keightley was through, his powerful low shot was well saved by the keeper.

Legion then scored 2 in two minutes when Carter pounced on a spill from the goal keeper and Mitch Savage then finished off a flowing move to make it 4-1 just before the Mitchbreak.Savage scored his second, curling into the top corner from the edge of the box with the outside of his boot, and then crossed for Dave Millen to head into the roof of the net on his return from injury.

Goal 87 minutes.

Both teams opened the sec ond halt at top speed. Win terton again had the ball in the net but the referee disal lowed the goal for a foul in the Churchgoalmouth.wereimmediately up the other end and they hit the left post. They then had a great break down the left and had the ball in the net. The linesman flagged for offside.

on the keeper. Keightley fin ished by beating the keeper with his first touch and walk ing the ball into the net.

Nick Broomhead won the an nual Turner Hobson Memo rial Trophy at Stocksbridge Golf Club. The competition is held annually to remem ber two long-standing fig ures at the Golf Club, player Barry Hobson and past Head Greenkeeper Jamie Hobson. Nick, playing off 15, won the Stableford format with an im pressive 42 points. It was the same score as Jim Stothard (25), but he won the trophy on countback. Frazer Old field (21) and Mick Tingle (16), both finished with 40 points, but Frazer took third on Thecountback.Ladiesand

Church started briskly with Nathan Keightley looking dangerous on the break

Murphy (24) were third with a net 72. Margaret Pearson and Ian Batty (25) and Sue Clegg and Les Wright (26) also had net 72's but lost out on

Morgan Cowell saw his penalty well saved but Joe Moorhouse reacted quickest to score the rebound, and shortly after Mitch Savage crossed again, this time for Moorhouse to add his second with a strong header at the back Colleypost.pulled one back towards the end before substitute Adam Todd found Josh Savage whose driving run ended with him finding the bottom corner to complete the scoring at 9-2.

RBL levelled two minutes later when Jay Carter found captain Josh Savage on the edge of the area who fired home left-foot Oned.

Toolstation NCEL Premier Division

Winterton Rangers 0 PCFC 1

18 Septem ber the Ladies and Gents competed in the Autumn Mixed Foursomes. Bev Sykes and Frank Milnes (24) won with a net 64. Margaret and Alf Pearson (29) were sec ond with a net 66 and Alison Sedgwick and Jon Bryan (32) were third with a net 70. Hilja O'Sullivan and Nick Broom head (18) also finished with a net 70 but lost out on count


Chapeltown RBL 9-2 Colley

Broomhead Wins Memorial Trophy

Theyes. then worked the ball down the right and a near post cross was cleared for a Thecorner.keeper saved a looping ball under heavy pressure at the far post.

Forthcoming fixtures: Saturday 24th September

Winterton Rangers 0-1 Pe nistone Church

A tremendous battling away win for the Church saw them turn the match their way with a smash and grab breakaway goal. The 40 or so travelling fans stayed to cheer the team from the pitch.

Photo by Ciara Fitzmaurice - Josh Savage

Manager Stephen Lenthall

Church then had 2 more chances that they did not fin ish and managed the last 2 minutes and the additional time.

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 15Local Sport


A bit of a downer at the end of the game was when a so called Winterton fan threw a pint of beer over our eighteen year old keeper Harry Am bler, he’s reacted because he doesn’t know if it was a glass or a plastic pot, he’s thrown the ball at him and he’s ended up getting a red card which is a little bit harsh. If someone is throwing something from the crowd you have to pro tect yourself and this was his instinctive reaction as he had the ball in his hand. So hope fully we can officially appeal against that decision.”

Half-time Winterton Rang ers 0 PCFC 0


Winterton exploited the space but did not make the most of their chances.

and my assistant John Whitehead decided to

Gents Past Cap tains Day was hosted by the current Club Captain, John Moss, on 16 September. Frank Milnes (23) won the competition with 37 points. Trevor Mosely (10) was sec ond with 35 points and Alf Pearson (27) third with 34 points.

Full-time Winterton Rang ers 0 PCFC 1

The Dragons September Medal leader board was dom inated by Division 2 players. Mick Bellamy (20) won with a net 60. Doug Needham (20) finished second with a net 63 and John Moss (20) was third with a net 64. The Division 1 leading score came from John Sykes (17) with a net 64. Second was Bob mason (18) with a net 65 and third was Noel Weaver (16) with a net

Winterton had an eighthminute chance ruled out for offside. However, Church looked dangerous going forward and they created 3 half-chances in the first 10

A change of system saw Church overcome the disap pointment of a home defeat to local rivals Hallam in mid week to secure an impressive win ‘on the road’ at the week end.

looked a little dis jointed at times in midfield,



Winterton were lying second in the NCEL Premier League table on 15 points from 7 games at the start of the match. Church were look ing to turn their recent good performances into points.

Church won 3 corners in quick succession and drew a point-blank save, some panicked defending but they could not convert the chanc


27 minutes a Mitch Savage corner was met by Paddy Carrig to head home and put Legion in front.

“A superb win today, one-nil away at Winterton, we al ways knew it was going to be a hard game. They’re second in the table for a reason so we knew that they were a good side and we needed to be at our Myselfbest.

change the formation for the first half, we’ve gone to threefive-two and we’ve tried to get our wing-backs involved

A report by Martin Webb

With 15 minutes to go, it was still 0-0 and both teams re ally opened up. The match flowed from end to end.

Vase Second Round Qualifying Main Road v Penistone Church Kick off 3-00 pm

Gents have competed in two mixed foursome competitions over the last week. The first saw the Dragons and Ladies play on 15 September. Hilja O'Sullivan and Bill Boucher with a handicap allowance of 23 shots, won with a net 65. Bev Sykes and Alf Pearson (26), were second with a net 66. Sam Wood and Sandy


have been two Pro's Prize Stablefords over the last week. Chris Naylor (5) won the Stableford on 15 Septem ber with 40 points. The Sta bleford on 18 September was won by Pete Finney (5), also with 40 points.

Chapeltown RBL made it two wins from two this season beating Colley 9-2. Legion started well and twice came close to tak ing the lead before Colley scored a wellworked goal to go ahead.

Match report by Adam Allcroft.

The first half was not the sort of football you’d show to someone you were trying to get into non-league football. Neither side was able to create many chances as they cancelled each other out with strong defences. Marine were close to breaking through when Djavan Pedro got space in the box. Instead of shooting, he chose to try and find Lucas Weir, but Langton was there to block the pass and clear the ball away.

At the other end, Stocksbridge looked to set pieces to try and cause problems for Marine. A Tomas Poole corner almost did that. The corner would eventually fall to Luke Rawson who needed to turn be fore finishing. He was able to turn, but an important block stopped him from scor ing two goals in two. Marine would have been aggrieved had it gone in though as captain Josh Wardle was down injured at the time of the shot.

Issue 1236 Call 0114 283 1100 22nd September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk16 Local Sport Look Local (Publishing) Ltd. Copyright © Look Local 2022. An independent publication registered as a newspaper at the Post Office. 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 2DU ORDER ONLINE - WWW.DEEPCARTYRES.CO.UK MOBILE TYRE FITTING AT YOUR HOME OR WORK PLACE, PLEASE VISIT WWW.MOBILETYRESSHEFFIELD.CO.UK TYRES TYRES TBRAKESRACKING 288 2569 0114SERVICINGBRAKESBATTERIESTYRESTRACKINGCALLNOW Interim Service Full SuppliedServiceandfitted FREE local collection and delivery service available, please call FIXED BRAKESERVICINGPRICEPADS From only £99 Inc VAT From only £149 Inc VAT From only £69 Inc VAT ManchesterRdStocksbridgeTo WE ARE StationHERERdToA616 ToWortleySheffieldRdOPEN 6 DAYS MON–FRI 8:30am–5:30pm SATURDAY 8:30am–2:30pm ODISC10%OUNTNPRESENTATIONOFVALIDNHSID *Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer OFFERS GALORE!!!NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! TYRE & AUTO CENTREEEP C AR SteelS dramaticgrabcup upSet

The controversial moment was a point when Stocksbridge may well be irritated they didn’t get the goal. After the ball was initially cleared by Marine, Jordan Lemon latched onto the ball and launched a fan tastic cross-field ball looking for Poole. He found him as well, and Poole raced into the box and volleyed the bouncing ball into the back of the net. The lines man had his flag up to disallow the goal though, cutting any celebrations off. Ian Richards wasn’t happy with the decision though and he’d have to carry his annoy ance into half-time.

Stocksbridge PS 2-1 Marine FC FA Cup 2nd Qualifying round ...continued on page 14

Steels took the lead through a header from Ross Goodwin. They were only ahead for a few minutes though as Jack Dunn equalised through a smart finish. In the last minute though, Mitch Langton hit a sweet volley to put Stocksbridge into the next round of the FA Cup.

Photo by Myra Little

Mitch Langton was the hero as he scored the last-minute winner which sealed a 2-1 win for Stocksbridge Park Steels against Marine in the FA Cup.

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