2 minute read
Steel Valley Project promotes first local guided walk
Local countryside management charity the Steel Valley Project has successfully launched a series of short guided walks aimed at reconnecting people with nature and their community after the restrictions of recent years.
The first event was run in conjunction with the Upper Don Trail Trust and was ably led by their chairman Simon Ogden. It was fantastic to see a large group of 27 people being brought together by the event; learning about the history of Deepcar and the future plans for the Upper Don Trail as well as forming new connections in the local community.
Richard Saunders, Environmental Project Officer at the Steel Valley Project who designed the project and will lead some of the remaining walks said “It is great to be able to offer a series of short guided walks aimed at people who perhaps otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to get out and about. I’m really looking forward to meeting more people on the walks that are to come around Pot House Wood and Glen Howe Park.”
The next walk is planned for Tuesday 4th October at 2pm, meeting at the entrance to Pot House Woods on Alpine Road. For full details please visit the Steel Valley Project Facebook events page or call on 0114 283 0880.
The series of 7 walks have been kindly funded by the Aviva Community Fund with the walks being specifically designed to be short and easy so that anyone should be able to turn up and enjoy a gentle afternoon wander with a friendly group and knowledgeable guide.