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Welcome to the health wellness expo marpac
organizations and businesses plotted a course for fun and Wellness Expo on March 2.


Naden Athletic Centre after a three-year absence due surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The excitestretching down to Ontario Drive in hopes of being one food vouchers and a chance to win large door prizes. civilian employees attended this year’s event. It featured non-profits and businesses representing health and wellness, activities, hobbies, crafts, Base clubs and more. door prizes offered up by vendors including tools, speakers, masmakers, and more! Free food samples were also made available to available at the booths, too.
Kattia’s Kitchen satiated patron appetites and quenched their thirst free coffee and tea to all attending.

Royal Roads University were the title sponsors of this year’s event. Defence community with a prize draw for a free trip to any of its Expo is complete, the Lookout and PSP Special Events teams are Industrial Tradeshow scheduled for Aug. 1.