1 minute read
HMCS Winnipeg Bridge Watchkeeper
WhaT are biGGeST reSPonSibiliTieS and challenGeS of a bridGe WaTchkeePer?
Naval operations are complex, and the Officer of the Watch (OOW) sits at the center of that complexity. The OOW is critically involved in everything onboard, from driving the ship, launching the CH-148 Cyclone helicopter, putting a RHIB or one of the Zodiacs in the water to ‘streaming the tail’ of the ship’s Towed Array Sonar and acoustic countermeasure system or prepping for a weapons serial. We are uniquely positioned to make the ship’s program run smoothly or take it off the rails if our performance is not up to scratch. There is little margin of error, and the learning curve is quite steep.
WhaT iS one inTereSTinG ThinG abouT your Job ThaT feW PeoPle realize?