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THE PRINCESS ROYAL shows her sustainable
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by loopedsaxe3
The Queen watches Richard Quinn’s catwalk sho before presenting him with the first Queen Elizabeth Award for British Design in 2018. Her daughter An has followed (above) in her Fashion Week footstep just as the Duchess of Cornwall did last year (rig
presenting Bethany Williams with the awar
The Princess Royal was on sparkling form at London Fashion Week. Dressed to impress in an elegant emerald skirt suit, she showed off her timeless style as she brought the five-day event to a triumphant close last week by presenting the Queen Elizabeth II Award for British Design on behalf of her mother.
This year’s recipient was jewellery designer Rosh Mahtani, founder of Alighieri Jewellery, who beamed as she accepted her prize in the crypt of London’s oldest Catholic church, St Etheldreda’s.
“It feels surreal, but it’s such an honour to receive this award,” Rosh, who uses responsibly sourced materials to make jewellery inspired by the works of Italian poet Dante Alighieri, tells hello! . “I really enjoyed meeting Princess Anne – she is incredible. Anne is the epitome of cool style but also such intelligence. She is laserfocused, practical and savvy.”
A CUT ABOVE Anne, who is patron of the UK Fashion & Textile Association, has long been hailed one of our hardest-working royals.
But her first appearance at the capital’s biannual festival of fashion, as well as Erin Doherty’s stylish portrayal of the Princess’s younger self in Netflix drama The Crown , have led to a reappraisal of an enduring and unique style that has often gone under the radar.
‘Princess Anne is a style icon in every way’ Rosh Mahtani
f as hi o n m o m e nt s l as t w ee k a ft e r h e r a pp earance at London Fashion Week. And it was c l ear t h at t h e wor ld h as b een fo ll ow i ng Anne’s style without even knowing it, writes HELL O ! Fashion Month ly ’s Becky Donaldson . The g allery of throwback ima g es won the 69-year-old a new g eneration of fans, perfectly encapsu l at i ng t h e f as hi ons o f t h e d ay, f rom The royal family shared some of Anne’s best r ou g h to the sharpd resse d 1 980 s. Her effortlessly ele g ant style and love of v i v id s ki rt su i ts an d matc hi ng h ats h ave ma d e the Queen’s dau g hter somethin g of a muse on t h e wor ld’s catwa lk s t hi s season. A nne ’ s exaggerate d po i nte d mustar d co ll ars were emu l ate d i n E m ili a Wi c k stea d’s s h ow near l y 4 0 years l ater, w hil e M arc J aco b s the Swin g in g Sixties th r h a d mo d e l s i n paste l coats w i t h co-ordi nate d hats , and JW Anderson re-created Anne’s trademark navy double-breasted peacoats. N ew vers i ons o f t h e l oose s hi rts so l ove d b y An n e i n th e 19 70 s w e re a fea t u re o f Th e Ro w catwa lk , w i t h mo d e l s wear i ng t h em w i t h rolled-up sleeves –just like Anne, who tucked h ers i nto a tartan kil t w i t h h er l ong h a i r l oose while on a summer holiday at Balmoral. PHOTOS: GETTY IMAGES. LITCHFIELD
hion Week debut by sharing memorable looks – whether (from far left) dressing for the trip home to London from Wales’s investiture, or visiting a country fair. Other choices included time with her dad the Duke of Edinburgh in ), brimming with style to launch a tanker (below left) and joining a Riding for the Disabled event (below right)
p after a private audience with King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan. “I love that sense of uniform,” says Rosh. “Anne is so hardworking. As women, we want to get things done and be taken seriously.” H