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39 Genesis of

Billie Eilish



Hefty Heffner


THIS former obese woman now has men falling at her feet since becoming a bodybuilding champion.

IN 2010, ARC Fitness director of operations Rachael Heffner, 28, was in her first year of university when she asked a boy out who turned her down due to her weight, which peaked at 137kg and had her at a size 32. “It upset me, but I understood as more time passed by,” Rachel says. “You can’t help who you aren’t attracted to or who you are. Attraction isn’t something that can be forced.” What she felt she did give her control, though, ironically, was comfort eating. In fact, she felt that was the only way she had control.

“Emotional eating, binge eating were the only things I felt I could control when I was younger, especially after losing my mother to cancer,” Rachel admits. “I hated my life and myself, for the most part. I knew I was a good person, but I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. I looked at myself in my reflection and realised just how much I hated my life and I couldn’t go on living that way.” With her health quickly deteriorating, Rachel felt scared that she may not live to see 25, and so after a lot of determination she got rid of all the junk food in her house and started working out four times a week, and continuing down this path over her years at university, lost nearly 55kg by the time she graduated. “With determination and a light under my butt due to the rejection and then my father pushing me to work for what I wanted to accomplish, I went out and bought a new pair of shoes,” she recalls. “When I went back to school for winter break, I got rid of all my junk food and began working out (mostly cardio) four times a week –giving myself the weekend to enjoy with my friends. From there, I fell in love with the results. I continued all the way through college, losing about 54.5kg. I started by making smarter food choices, walking to class rather than using the shuttle; cutting portion sizes, making time to go to the gym and do my workout, regardless of how exhausted I was. I would have never accomplished the things I have without losing the weight and gaining confidence in myself. Not just physically, but mentally as well; knowing I can do anything I want, anything I set my mind to.” In 2014 she began dabbling with weightlifting and after meeting her coach, Adam Cayce, she lost a further 12.5kg. In 2017, she decided to undergo a 360-degree body lift, which is the removal of excess skin all the way round her body, and is now at a healthy weight of 63.5kg and a size six to eight. Rachael has also completely changed her diet. Before her fitness journey, she would eat pop tarts and cereal for breakfast, anything from her school like fried chicken wraps and Starbucks for lunch, and soup, sandwich, bread and crackers for her dinner. She now eats oatmeal with protein powder or egg whites for breakfast, chicken with three different vegetables and rice for lunch and another meal of protein powder or egg whites with avocado or almond butter for dinner. “I am very proud of who I am and how hard I’ve worked. I believe I am a good person with a great family and a great community of friends behind me. I’m extremely lucky,” she says. Rachael has since competed in a few state bodybuilding championships which she has won or came in second place. “I’ve only competed in three bodybuilding competitions so far; Indiana State Show, Hoosier Flex, and Nationals in Miami. In the Indiana State show I placed first in my open and novice classes for both women’s physique and figure. I obtained the overall ti le of Ms Indiana in Women’s Physique at that show as well as Best New Competitor. At the Hoosier Flex, I placed first at both open and novice Figure classes as well as the overall. I placed first at the open Women’s Physique as well. In Miami, I placed second in my class, obtaining my pro card in Women’s Physique. I am now an IFBB Pro in Women’s Physique.” I WOULD have never accomplished the things I have without losing the weight and gaining confidence in myself. Not just physically, but mentally as well; knowing I can do anything I want, anything I set my mind to.

Rachel used to think she had control of her life through comfort eating

Unsurprisingly, Rachel now receives countless compliments from men who think her body is ‘crazy’ and are especially impressed by her muscles. Despite the attention, though, she insists she is not ready for dating and is happy being single for now. “Obviously, I get more attention because of my physical appearance. Men normally compliment me on my physique, saying that it is crazy,” she says. “They say things about my muscles and how awesome it is that I have done so well with bodybuilding. I really don’t let it affect me. I appreciate the compliments – but I just am not interested in dating right now. I love being ‘alone’ because it allows me to work on myself and making myself the best I can be for when I do find that right someone. I am much more regimented now with my diet as well as my lifting/cardio. I make sure that I get the nutrition that I need to maintain the physique that I am striving for. The hardest thing is the mindset: you have to want it more than anything you’ve ever wanted, and you have to be willing to put yourself first, which is hard for people.” Rachel adds, “People are astounded and inspired, at least, I believe. I hope they are inspired to do whatever they have their mind set on. Take it one step at a time; focus on one thing – the gym, the food, etc. and slowly work toward adding in more elements. Doing it cold turkey and all at once is a way to fall off fast. Progress – not perfection.”

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