IDOP 2016
The International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) is held each year on the 1st October. The event is celebrated in Leeds with a week of community events and this report gives details of a selection. Many of the events were awarded grants by the IDOP Planning Committee on behalf of Public Health, Adult Social Care, Leeds Equality Team.
Contents Page 3
Page 4
IDOP 2016 Community Events Figures
Page 4
Horsforth Live at Home Celebrating Childhood Games
Page 5
Leeds Chinese Community Association Fun Day For The Elderly
Page 6
Leeds Grand Theatre & City Varieties Music Hall The Fashionable Lounge
Page 8
Age UK Leeds Notes From a Small Room
Page 10
Association of Blind Asians Movie Night
Page 11
Hawthorn Mill Sheltered Housing Art Event
Page 12
Bramley Elderly Action Scarecrow Festival
Page 13
Sage Project (Mesmac & Age UK Leeds) Creative Writing Workshop
Page 14
Skippko Arts Project City Snaps
Page 16
Rothwell & District Live at Home Well Being Day Event
Page 18
Resilient not Reliant/Royal Voluntary Service Resilient not Reliant: A Celebration of Ageing
Introduction The International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) is held each year on the 1st October. This is the eighteenth year in which Leeds Older People’s Forum (LOPF) has celebrated this event and the theme for IDOP 2016 was Mental Wellbeing with a focus on arts and culture
Community Events To celebrate IDOP in Leeds a week of community events took place. These events were awarded grants by the IDOP Planning Committee and this evaluation report gives details of these community events. A total of £3560 was awarded and 18 organisations received funding. The IDOP Steering Committee is made up of representatives from the statutory and voluntary sector and is supported by Leeds City Council.
Spreading the IDOP 2016 Message via Social Media IDOP Leeds Community Events were promoted and highlighted via several forms of social media such as Twitter and Facebook. We had our own IDOP hashtag (#IDOPLDS) which was used to highlight all the tweets posted by organisations hosting IDOP community events this also helped us to promote Leeds as a ‘City for all Ages’ and to demonstrate the wonderful contribution that older people make to Leeds. All the events featured in this report were awarded IDOP Community Grants apart from those on pages 16 & 18 which received support from local Councillors and Area Committees.
Facts & Figures Number of funded community events that took place during October Amount of money awarded to community events
18 £3560
Number of older people who attended the funded community events
Number of Younger people who attended the funded community events
Celebrating Childhood Games Horsforth Live at Home Scheme The playground games element of the day was very successful. People who attended really enjoyed playing the games we had purchased. One lady who regularly comes into the scheme and is relatively quiet was enjoying the whip and top so much her husband had to hold her up! The ladies also enjoyed the cat’s cradle and knitting doll. Some had remembered how to do the knitting doll, others needed prompting. This was not necessarily because they had memory loss. We will continue to make use of the playground games, particularly at our dementia café where they will generate conversation and trigger memories. One of the ladies who has memory loss and is a regular at our dementia activities attended the day and was able to do the Jacob’s ladder, so explaining to others how to do this really seemed to give her a sense of purpose. The knitting doll can also be used to help people with dementia who like to keep their hands busy.
Sally Metcalfe
Fun Day For the Elderly Leeds Chinese Community Association The Fun Day for Elderly 2016 was held on Saturday, 1st October 2016 at the Leeds Chinese Community Centre. We had four different activities during the day: Chinese dumpling making and tasting session Chinese calligraphy session Chinese Tai Chi session Memory games session As a group we made Chinese dumplings, which brought back happy memories to some and was a new skill learned for others. We enjoyed eating together too. The calligraphy (Chinese writing) brought back memories for some and was a new experience for others. Using a brush and ink for the task was a good way of exercising stiff old fingers. The Tai Chi was very good (and gentle) exercise for older bodies and also good for breathing and staying calm. The memory games run by an experienced session worker were very good fun and also got people involved so they did not feel so alone and glad they had come to the centre that day instead of staying at home. Good for well-being.
Judy Pease
The memory games were very good fun and got so alo ne el fe ot n id d ey th peo ple inv olved so
and glad they had com e to the centre that d ay in stead of staying at home
The Fashionable Lounge Leeds Grand Theatre & City Varieties Music Hall Once a month, a small group of us, mainly retired aged from 50 to over 90 meet in the cosy circle bar of a Victorian Music Hall; Leeds’ very own City Varieties. Our group is called the Fashionable Lounge. We are seated under the watchful eyes of music hall stars of past and present whose photographs line the walls. I don’t feel as though we are judged by them but approved of and welcomed…perhaps even a silent applause occasionally! Memories are shared, heart-warming, moving, revelatory & funny. Everyone has their own story to tell. No one is ever left out. A feeling of cosy camaraderie has grown. Sometimes we play games & we have even been known to do a bit of play acting which is fitting for the venue. The group is run by the wonderful staff of the City Varieties. We are kept fuelled with hot drinks, biscuits and cake. Transport is arranged for those who wish to use it. Long may it continue!
Our Intergeneration Project on 6 October 2016 For our project we invited 11 students from Kippax Ash Tree Primary School to come in and spend an afternoon with us with the aim to encourage young people to spend more time with the older generation. Laura from the Learning Team at City Varieties went into school to brief the students on what to expect during the session and to teach them interviewing techniques the week before.
When the pupils arrived, we played a few fun, get to know you games so we all felt comfortable with each other. The pupils and the members of the Fashionable Lounge then got paired up and the pupils interviewed us about our lives. The questions were mainly about what childhood was like when we were young. The pupils then presented back their findings by way of pictures, factsheets and acting out scenes. Laura then took the pupils outside and they chose one story from Jack, one of the Fashionable Lounge members. Jack had fought in the war & the children found this very interesting & asked him lots of questions about it. They then came in and presented his story through still images. We as members of Fashionable Lounge had to guess which story they had chosen & we all guessed correctly!!! We all had a fantastic afternoon and when Laura asked for words to describe the afternoon the pupils and members of
Fashionable Lounge came up with many including ‘really fun’, ‘educational’, ‘excellent’ ‘interesting’ and ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’!
pupils going away with more of an understanding of what childhood was like for us.
By Ben Anson & Laura Cope
A good time was had by all & the objectives of the session were met with the
Everyone has their own story to tell grown s a h ie er d a r a m ca A feeling of cosy
No o ne is ever le ft ou t
Notes from a Small Room Age UK Leeds The Age UK Leeds event was the launch of a book containing an anthology of some of the writing produced by members of their creative writing group ‘The Scribblers’ over the period 2014-2016. The group describe themselves as an eclectic group of older people and this description was clearly demonstrated by some of the material and by the members who gave readings from the book Anne Spice was the first person to give a reading with a passionate and amusing plea for independence for Yorkshire and the benefits that this would bring including free Tetley’s Bitter, Yorkshire tea and other regional delicacies. Anne was clearly going to be a tough act to follow but Sally Brooks, Fred Wareing and
Sue Gregg were all up to the job reading their own work from the anthology. Sally and Sue had both written poetry whilst Fred had written an amusing and brief reworking of the Frog Prince Fairy Tale. Anne then returned to read us a tall story about meeting Mr Spock from Star Trek. If you would like a copy of Notes from a Small Room please contact Sarah Prescott at Age UK Leeds on (0113) 389 3007 or email: Sarah.Prescott@ageukleeds.org.uk. There is a suggested donation of £1 per copy.
Sean Tunnicliffe
ble away We come along to the sessio ns and scrib
Doing what we love with fun and laughter The group meets every two weeks to invent plays, poems and stories under the guidance of Debs Christie - an Age UK Leeds volunteer. We, the members, realise that as older folks it’s no good waiting for a thunderbolt on high to inspire us to write the perfect novel. No, we come along to the sessions and scribble away doing what we love – with fun and laughter. None of us is likely to be the next JK Rowling, or Kay Mellor, but we're an enthusiastic bunch of folks so come along and share our absorbing and interesting activity. All you need is a pen and some paper and a determination to have a good time. You will be most welcome.
Anne Spice, proud to be a ‘Scribbler’
Movie Night Association of Blind Asians This year the International Day of Older People started on 1st October with the theme ‘Mental wellbeing with a focus on arts and culture’. In Leeds we are celebrating with a range of activities. ABA members were happy to celebrate the International Day of Older People by organising a Movie Night for Older Bengali community along with their family members on 22nd October evening. A movie named ‘Bela Seshe’ which means ‘End of the day’ was chosen. The movie ‘Bela Seshe’ is an untold tale of love, a story of common aged couple with an uncommon twist. It’s a story of relationships that explores the intricacies of the married life, of life-long companionship, of promises and expectations and love. A part of the movie was based on the biggest festival of Bengali culture ‘Durga Puja’.
Participants really enjoyed the movie as well as food, refreshments and drinks. They were happy to share their ideas and reconnect with their family members. Movies have a positive impact on mental wellbeing. Offering opportunities to get together with other people helps to reduce isolation and improves wellbeing. ABA members aimed to reconnect the older people with the community and peers through movies. Overall it was a great success for ABA members to watch the participants enjoying the movie, having a good time with their family and friends and sharing their ideas with everyone and giving us a positive response. ABA wants to thank Leeds Older People’s Forum for funding. ABA will look forward in organising this type of events and meeting up community demands in the future.
Debbani Ghosh
Offering opportunities to get together elps h le p eo p er h t o h it w to reduce social
isolation and improves wellbeing
Art Event Hawthorn Mill Sheltered Housing No one wanted to be the next budding artist when they arrived but once the equipment was brought out the imagination flowed and the results were amazing. The artwork was wonderful and is now displayed on the communal corridors for everyone to see. I had to be quick taking the photos of the fruit artefacts as they were being eaten as they were made. I was amazed by what the group could make out of fruit. Everyone who attended enjoyed the day and went home with a smile on their face and are still talking about it. We shall certainly be using the art products again with another group to design a new logo.
Sandra Clibbens
Everyone who attended enjoyed the day r face ei h t n o e il sm a h it and went home w
and are still talking a bout it
Bramley Scarecrow Festival Bramley Elderly Action The Bramley Challenge was a great success, enjoyed by the participants and valued by those who took part and those who observed. Throughout the afternoon people visited to see the work submitted to the ‘Challenge’ and many remarked at the quality and ingenuity of the items people had made to enter into the event The event captured the interest of local groups and residents who were keen to make scarecrows. It also captured the attention of local residents who noticed the scarecrows and took part in the trail. BEA took 4 groups on our minibus to see the Scarecrow Trail, enabling older people with limited mobility, the chance to engage with the project and empowering them, as we asked 8 older people to judge the winning entries. The project brought young and older people together from very young children to some of BEA’s oldest members making scarecrows and joining in with the trail. We worked in partnership with residents group Bramley Grows to engage with community organisations and local residents.
Creative Writing Workshop Sage Project - Mesmac/Age UK Leeds To celebrate IDOP Sage organised a writing workshop led by local writer Matthew Bellwood. I didn’t know what to expect when I turned up for the writing workshop, I was a little nervous; but within minutes I settled down and relaxed and very soon I was given an opportunity to speak. And then some very interesting situations posed for us to write about i.e. odour- inspired reminiscences. I especially enjoyed the fantastical alternate universe idea, a different world situation for us to consider. Most of all I enjoyed the opportunity to hear myself talk, without any inhibition or inappropriate guilt. The surroundings were conducive to harmonious thought; the venue was easy to get to, the perfect number of people showed up and were an excellent and mentally productive spread of ages, a shared sense of humour and the literary aspect was tremendously fruitful. I look forward to our next workshop.
After each of us came up with 2 or 3 words to sum up the day, Matthew put them together into this blank verse poem: Expressing, Connecting, Cogitating, Ruminating, Flowing surprisingly fast. Illuminating story, Warm rich words, Painting blue sky, Laughing marmite. Rich Insight, Using Brain. Ending Or beginning again ‌
Roger Bates
Most of all I enjoyed the opportunity itio n ib h in y n a t ou h it w # k to hear myself tal or inappro priate guilt
City Snaps Skippko Arts Project One of the briefs of Skippko is to deliver Arts Projects locally and so to celebrate the International Day of Older People Skippko facilitated a photography session in the centre of Leeds called 'City Snaps.' The sun was shining, a variety of cameras were at the ready and after guidance from our mentors we each spent an hour photographing Leeds. Our brief was wide; we could photograph people, traffic, shops, architecture, whatever we wanted. I spent my hour walking the distance between the Art Gallery and City Square and took a grand total of 85 shots. Back at Skippko base I spoke to others over tea and cakes (nice) and realised that some of the group were way out of their comfort zone and learnt new skills with the camera during the afternoon. Others, who had met before on previous photography projects, were more confident. Each of us then then had to choose just six photos to represent the city. I chose churches, reflections as well as men at work and rest were in my final selection and I'm looking forward to seeing what the other 18 came up with. Thank you Skippko for an enjoyable and thought provoking afternoon. For more of our photos, including our final selection, please visit: anglesofviewskippko.wordpress.com
Mary Johnson-Green
Well Being Day Event Rothwell & District Live at Home Scheme Meeting new people doesn’t come easy to me. It can be hard when you live on your own. One of my neighbours suggested I join the exercises at Rothwell Live at Home. I was hesitant, I must say, but decided to give it a try. I tried two different ones. Each time I was made to feel very welcome and enjoyed going. But then I was taken poorly and stopped going. I always read my newsletter and have been determined to get involved again. They kept asking me to go back, but with one thing and another. Well you know how it goes. I saw the Health and Well-being day advertised in the newsletter.
I found the h
Blackburn Hall is only round the corner from me so I made a note on my calendar in big letters. So I went off out of curiosity. Well I met some of the ladies from when I was with them. They asked me how I was getting on and what I’d been up to. You know, as if I’d never been away. It was so lovely. I looked at the stalls and got lots of help. They had all sorts of leaflets and advice. I watched a couple of shows where people were doing exercises and I even joined in a sing song. It was a lovely relaxed day and I enjoyed talking to people. The help and advice was marvellous and I put down my name to come back to do exercises again.
Having visited the Older Persons’ Day for the Live at Home, held at Blackburn Hall, I found the help, information and services available very good from safety and security in the home by the police, fire brigade and Care & Repair, to health issues such as dementia, diabetes, healthy eyesight, etc. A demonstration on stage of gentle exercise normally held at Midland House was given. There were details available regarding activities at the library and Oulton Institute as well as trips to help elderly meet each other by FDM-For Disability Mobility. Finally the volunteers from the local school serving coffee and Tea did a great Job. Thanks must go to the caterers for suppling such lovely sandwiches and cakes
da ed x la e r ly e v lo a s a It w
help# information and services availa ble very good
At the bus stop I noticed people going in to Blackburn Hall. I read the poster advertising a Health and Well-Being Day, including free refreshment. I was greeted at the door and given some leaflets and a form for my comments for entry into a prize draw. I made my way round the stalls, which had lots of information and friendly people to give advice. I heard an announcement about a demonstration about musical movement and a sing-a-long with Live at Home members taking part. I joined in with the singing and really enjoyed it. When it was time for refreshments now I couldn’t find an empty table, it was so busy.
Two ladies beckoned me to sit with them. They said they were members of the Live at Home and told me about how much fun they had at the activities they go to and suggested I became a member. Whilst chatting to them, I realized how relaxed I felt. I was really enjoying myself. I have been amongst lots of people today who didn’t feel like strangers and I want to be one of them. My next stop was the MHA stall to get more details about their activities and social groups. I told them my story and I filled in a form and now I have a whole load of new friends and things to do to look forward to.
Mrs. Baughan
and I enjoyed talking to peo ple
This ev ent was kindly s by The upported Outer S out Area Co mmitte h e Wellbe ing Fun d
Resilient not Reliant: A Celebration of Ageing Resilient not Reliant and Royal Voluntary Service Aims The Aims of the event were threefold: 1. To involve and engage professional services linked to older people 2. To tackle social isolation, particularly on a weekend when services for older people run less often 3. To celebrate ageing and engage older people in activities that demonstrate an active, social, healthy lifestyle in an alcohol free environment Format: The event was split into two parts: Part one consisted of information stalls from Resilient not Reliant and partner organisations together with six taster sessions linked to creativity and healthier and active lifestyle choices Part two focused on a tea dance led by experienced DJ and dance facilitator DJ Dapper Dan and his dance partner Alyson Local support and attendance Three local Councillors supported the event with ÂŁ100 Mice funding. Cllr. Rafique, Cllr. Taylor and Cllr. Dowson attended and opened the tea dance with the cutting and sharing of a specifically commissioned Celebration Cake. Two staff from Resilient not Reliant, three staff from Royal Voluntary Service and four volunteers supported the event Over 80 people attended from a range of postcodes across the area and feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive
Sian Johnson
This event was kindly supported by Cllr. Jane Dowson, Cllr. Eileen Taylor. and Cllr. Mohammed Rafique who each donated ÂŁ100 MICE Money. The Councillors are pictured above with Sian Johnson (who is on the left).
IDOP 2016 Steering Committee ● Alexandra Boyle
Age UK Leeds
● Carole Clark
Leeds City Council Public Health
● Gabrielle Hamilton
Leeds Museums & Galleries
● Debra Kerr
Leeds City Council
● Richard Porter
Leeds City Council Public Health
● Lynn Towler
Leeds Libraries & Information Service
● Sean Tunnicliffe
Leeds Older People’s Forum
● Geoff Turnbull
Leeds City Council Equalities Team
Credits We would like to thank the following organisations for allowing us the use of their photos: ● Association of Blind Asians ● Bramley Elderly Action ● Connect Housing Hawthorn Mill Sheltered Housing ● Horsforth Live at Home Scheme ● Leeds Chinese Community Association ● Leeds Grand Theatre & City Varieties Music Hall (Fashionable Lounge) ● Mesmac/Age UK Leeds (Sage Project) ● Resilient not Reliant/Royal Voluntary Service ● Rothwell & District Live at Home Scheme ● Skippko Arts Project ● Touchstone Photos from Age UK and Skippko by Sean Tunnicliffe Cover photo by Sean Tunnicliffe. We would also like to thank all the community correspondents and staff members who wrote about their event for this report.
For further information contact Leeds Older People’s Forum Suite C24, Joseph’s Well Hanover Walk Leeds LS3 1AB Tel:(0113) 244 1697 | Email: sean.tunnicliffe@forumcentral.org.uk Web: www.opforum.org.uk | Twitter: @leedsopf | Facebook: www.facebook.com/lopforum/ Registered Charity Number: 1067630
© Leeds Older People’s Forum 2016