Leeds Older People's Gorum Generations Together in Leeds

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Generations Together

in Leeds Intergenerational projects in the city

page 5 Community Engagement in LS12 page 6 Partnerships in Moortown page 7 The Cocktail Party page 8 Getting Together in Bramley page 9 Celebrating the London Olympics 1948 & 2012 page 11 Caring Together Silver Surfers page 12 What’s Good About Being a Mother page 13 Singing From The Same Sheet page 14 Looking Ahead page 15 Acknowledgements & Resources


page 3 Foreword page 4 What is an Intergenerational Approach & what are the Benefits?

“I liked listening to the older people and the stories they told about what life was like in the 1940s.” (high school student)

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Leeds has a strong history of intergenerational working, winning a European award in 2009 for its work. This report showcases a sample of inspirational intergenerational projects that are currently or have recently taken place.

An intergenerational approach brings young and old together with the purpose of developing understanding and respect between generations. The projects or activities are mutually beneficial; everyone comes together as equal partners.

& Galleries

True intergenerational practice is never accidental nor do the activities only benefit one generation e.g. young people helping an older person. Intergenerational practice brings about benefits for both generations involved, many of which can deliver on the cities priorities at a local level. Through ‘Generations Together in Leeds’ we aim to raise the profile of intergenerational practice, provide tips for those thinking of running a project for the first time, and demonstrate how this approach can meet city priorities.

“The group is very nice and it helps me with my grandma (who is 56!)” (Raynville Primary School student)

“The challenge is for all people, whether you are two days old, twenty or a hundred years old. We are all in this together, that is what community is isn’t it? Each and every person has a part to play, otherwise it can be unbalanced.” (Grandmother, Skippko Project) Page 3

An intergenerational approach*: brings people of different generations together to develop understanding, respect and trust; values the skills and experiences of people of all ages; strengthens communities by developing mutual cooperation; promotes good mental and physical health and reduces isolation and loneliness; supports a sense of belonging and citizenship and tackles the fear of crime; raises attainment and develops the aspirations of all generations. *see page 15 for reference

What are the benefits? Intergenerational practice supports Leeds: Age Friendly City, Child Friendly City and Dementia Friendly City approaches. This report showcases projects that have brought the following benefits: Reducing social isolation of older people, young adults, those living with dementia, and carers. Developing life skills e.g. IT, cooking, sewing Developing transferable skills for employment and study including communication and confidence. Improving communication skills of people who are living with dementia. They include projects that work with children and young people from primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities as well as young adults in their late teens and twenties.

“I’ve had a wonderful time sharing my photographs and memories with the young people, they were amazed that I wore long socks and pigtails until I was 16.� (Participant in Celebrating the London Olympics)

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What is an Intergenerational Approach

What is an intergenerational approach?

Armley Helping Hands coordinates a Community Engagement Health & Wellbeing Project, working in partnership with Leeds City College students. The aim of the project is to educate and support people living in Leeds 12, to live a healthier life style. Project aims: To educate and support people living in Leeds 12, to live a healthier life style. A key aim of the project is to break down barriers between generations by working in partnership and to increase the understanding of age�based issues faced by different community sectors, for example obesity and alcohol abuse. To encourage and motivate people of all ages around healthy lifestyles through developing skills and confidence and providing information. In Partnership with Leeds City College, students who are attending the Youth Inspired Project (a Partnership project with Leeds City Council to provide a pathway to Young people aged 19�25yrs olds who are Not in Employment, Education or Training and Target Support Sessions (Partnership Project with Job Centre plus). To break down barriers between generations by working in partnership.

Benefits: Active engagement in the community & community involvement. Increasing understanding of the health and wellbeing needs of local people and the issues and barriers they encounter in their daily lives. Combating social exclusion and promoting social contact. Promoting resources in the community, and promoting efficiency by raising awareness in the community. To encourage older people, adults with learning disabilities and young adults to participate in an 8 week exercise session.

Community Engagement in

Armley Helping Hands & Leeds City College

Points to consider: Being able to create an environment in which people can discuss their health and social care issues and be encouraged to take action to improve personal wellbeing. To encourage older people and young people to share their views regarding their health, health services and health promotion interventions within their local community. Page 5

Partnerships in Moortown

MAECare Neighbourhood Network for Older People, Allerton C of E Primary School and Allerton High School

Well‐established partnerships between MAECare and local schools have led to a variety of intergenerational activities over several years. 14 older volunteers visit the Primary School weekly to listen to children reading. Sessions delivered by older people about wartime Britain, the 1950’s, and memories of the Coronation. Teaching knitting. Social events between young and old at the High School. Joint cookery sessions involving older people and High School pupils.

Points to consider: DBS checks (here funded by the schools). Transport. Staff time and commitment from partner organisations is essential.

“Boosted my confidence. I feel more Confident and that I am wanted. The school want me there to help. I don’t feel like I am on the scrapheap” (MAECare Volunteer aged 66)

“I like meeting the older people and making new friends” (Primary School student)

Benefits: Older people (some of whom otherwise don’t meet children) feeling welcomed and valued in the schools and gaining a sense of achievement in sharing skills. The children may have no other experiences of interacting with older people: here they see positive role models and learn new perspectives. Page 6

Young volunteers from Barclays Bank staff fundraised and worked with the Care Home staff to turn the residents’ lounge into a cocktail and tea party with decorations, bunting, music and pop‐up cocktail bar.

The Cocktail Party

Barclays Bank volunteers residents of Simon Marks Court Care Home and Leeds Older People’s Forum

The volunteers served cocktails, tea and food and socialised with residents, most of whom have dementia. Relatives and neighbouring residents joined in ‐ something that hadn’t happened in years. The party was very popular.

Points to consider: The idea for the cocktail party was borrowed from Magic Me’s Cocktails in Care Homes programme. Don’t worry about replicating ideas but be sure to ask permission and credit them. See http://www.magicme.co.uk for further details.

Local business volunteering and Corporate Social Responsibility programmes can offer good opportunities to develop intergenerational projects. Be clear how volunteers and the business will benefit. Volunteers from the 20+ age group bring something special to intergenerational projects, with the opportunity to overcome many prejudices and strengthen communities in new ways.

“We’ve had a marvellous time…it was lovely to speak to young people who have interesting jobs but are good enough to give up their time…” (Resident at Simon Marks Court) Benefits:

This event involved residents and families who don’t usually participate in activities, and created a relaxed event for residents, families, neighbours and volunteers to enjoy. Some residents with dementia showed increased communication skills during the event. Volunteers were attracted to the project as it was fun but meaningful and different to other volunteering opportunities.

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Running since 2009, this group meets regularly at Raynville Primary School for one hour a week throughout the school year. Half an hour of circle time in a group (older people and children) discussing issues such as holidays, birthdays and things you might want to share with the group. Followed by activities such as board games, craft activities, quizzes, word games, beetle drive. Occasional end‐of‐term party session.

Benefits: The project reduces the isolation of older people with dementia, and enables local children to meet older people living in their community. Teachers report that the children love coming to the group and the groups work well. The children have sent cards thanking the participants.

“We talk with the children and they talk to us. We find out things about them and they find out little things about us. I think it is a fine idea trying to get the old and young together.’’ (Bramley Elderly Action member)

Points to consider: Preparation: this project prepares the children carefully. Children have training in advance from teacher so they are not surprised by repetition, anger etc and children are selected. The group includes children who know someone with memory problems. Older people: all still living at home, with mild to moderate dementia. Carers are welcome to attend. BEA withdraws people if their involvement is no longer appropriate. Staffing: 1 BEA staff , 2 BEA volunteers, 1 Teaching Assistant. 2 Carers also attend. Page 8

Getting Together in Bramley

Raynville Primary School and Bramley Elderly Action (BEA) Neighbourhood Network members with dementia

Celebrating the London Olympics 1948 & 2012

Pupils at 5 Leeds High Schools and members of Leeds Neighbourhood Networks for Older People, with Leeds City Council Sport and Active Lifestyle Service Older people who remembered the 1948 Olympics were brought together with High School pupils to look at life as a young person now, and in 1948, the last time the Olympics came to London. Intergenerational workshops were held in two locations in the city.

The discussions looked at aspects of being a young person then and now, through connecting themes such as family life, fashion, food, leisure activities, music, the news, relationships, social networking and technology.

Young people brought along to the workshops photos and items which were important to them in 2012, the older people brought photos and memorabilia from the 1940’s. Old and young enjoyed the experience and getting to know one another, and the workshops were fun to facilitate. The participants were recorded and their objects photographed to create digi‐ stories to be displayed in Leeds Museum and on the West Yorkshire Archive Service website.

Points to consider:

The Olympics was chosen as a © Yorkshire Film Archive national event which provided a focus for young and old to talk about the experience of being a young person in a different period of history. Participants’ contributions, discussions and personal objects were recorded and archived. It was not possible to make every workshop intergenerational, but two successful intergenerational workshops took place.

Benefits: Shared memories and stories, the older people really came alive and seemed young again as they were talking. Young people heard a different perspective about life as a young person in the 1940s and compared with how their life is now.

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Silver Surfer sessions at Caring Together in Woodhouse & Little London

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Thanks to well established links with Local schools and Universities in the area, we have been able to develop and run very successful computer training for our members, that is now in its second year. Twice a year 10 members (60+ years) at a time, complete 10 weeks Computer Basics Training supported by volunteers from Caring Together, City of Leeds High School & CALM (Community Action Leeds Metropolitan University) Sessions are held in the computer suite at Derek Fatchett Learning Centre/City of Leeds High School, Woodhouse LS6 Sessions are paced accordingly, in varying formats, with volunteers given the option to deliver some of the sessions themselves


Caring Together in Woodhouse and Little London ‘Silver Surfers’ Project

To date, 50 of our members have successfully completed the training.

In the last 2 years both the IT Drop in and computer classes have been supported by well over 80 volunteers, aged between 15 to 81 years.

Benefits: Increased confidence and feeling part of the community. Different generations learning & sharing new experiences together. Students gain transferable skills for future employment/study. Greater autonomy, sense of achievement & FUN!

Silver Surfers

Running alongside the training we also have an IT Drop‐in. This enables members to continue their learning, in a supportive environment. Volunteers in this group are mainly from University of Leeds, but not all. The mobile phone and broadband company 02 have also helped.

“I have enjoyed working with the older generation, they are eager to learn & enthusiastic, it’s been fun” (volunteer) “I have learnt more in these sessions than I did at school” Points to consider:

(Caring Together member)

Time & Commitment from staff and partners. Transport/Appropriate Venue. DBS Checks (as required). Lots of appropriate volunteers. Provide them with support, training and guidance. Page 11

The sessions explored themes of positive motherhood, sharing experiences, emotions and commonalities between the two generations. Each group also got the opportunity to ask each other questions

Benefits: Sharing ideas, stories and experiences, teamwork. having a laugh, getting to know new people. Finding my creative side, transferable skills. develop a deeper understanding of our communities.

“Questions and discussions about the differences between past and present parenting brought much laughter and some unbelievable comments!� (Linda Harrison, Grandmother)

Points to consider: Organise a separate session each for young people and older people before bringing them together. This is an opportunity for each group to explore stereotypes, establish ground rules and think of questions to ask each other at the first full group session. Ensure there are benefits for both generations. Asking participants to keep a personal or joint diary is a good tool for recording the benefits of intergenerational projects and gives participants an opportunity to reflect. Page 12


Skippko ran a series of eight sessions bringing together young mums and grandmothers (many of whom were kinship carers) using art as a vehicle to discuss motherhood. Getaway Girls and the Grandparents Association each participated in their own individual sessions in preparation for the 6 joint sessions.

What s Good About Being A Mum

Skippko, Getaway Girls and the Grandparents Association

OPAL is a neighbourhood network scheme that supports the over 60’s living in Cookridge, Ireland Wood, Tinshill, Holt Park, Adel and Bramhope. Older people from OPAL and children from Cookridge Primary sing together twice a week after school on Thursday and on Tuesday during the school lunch break. They sing old and modern songs and have sung together at events such as the Christmas Fair.

Benefits: Encourage the school to take the lead. It is important that they have ownership of the project. Good communication is important to the success of working with a school and bringing different generations together. Encourage the school to do little icebreaking events. E.g. tea and biscuits together so the pupils and older people can chat and get to know each other.

Points to consider: Children meet older people; this is something that they wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to do. Many don’t have their grandparents living nearby.

Singing From The Same Sheet

OPAL and Cookridge Primary Choir Group

Older people enjoy the Choir and spending time with the children. Some of them don’t have grandchildren at all or they are now grown up so it keeps them in touch with the younger generation. It makes them feel part of the community. Singing lifts the spirits and makes you feel happier! Get permission from the school to use to any photos taken in your publications. Page 13

These projects have funding in place; partnerships established and are just getting started. As they were in the early stages we didn’t include them main section of the report but they are previewed here. Ones to watch out for!

Summer Holiday Activities for Grandparents and Grandchildren Age UK Leeds (AUKL) are about to work with Playbods, two Leeds based arts and dance practitioners. Playbods have previously worked with families, and through that realised that grandparents were a neglected aspect of play initiatives. After meeting Playbods at the Generations Together Kickstart Training, they decided to work with AUKL. Grandparents are becoming ever more important as carers for children during holiday times, but may feel disconnected from their grandchildren through current technology and games, or even just feel a bit embarrassed about playing. AUKL & Playbods are working in partnership to provide a series of city centre‐based intergenerational creative workshops at AUKL’s Bradbury Building during the summer holidays.

Intergenerational Theatre Group Leeds Grand Theatre and Caring Together in Little London and Woodhouse are working together on a project that will use the inspirational setting of City Varieties Music Hall to ignite memories that can then be shared with the younger people. The project will involve a local school. Older people will teach the pupils traditional playground games and songs and the younger people will reciprocate with games and songs that are played now. City Varieties is an integral part of Leeds cultural heritage and we are keen to engage young people with the venue and instil a sense of pride in the theatre and in Leeds. By visiting the theatre with the older people and hearing true stories and memories, the music hall will come alive for the young people. There are multiple curriculum links for the school pupils as well as anticipated improvements in group work, motivation and confidence. It is hoped the older people will benefit from the regular social contact with young people and feel like they have something to offer.

Street Buddies Richmond Hill Elderly Action (RHEA) are currently promoting their new Street Buddy scheme that will see areas of the community working together for the benefit of local older people. Through close working and training, members of the community will be encouraged to make contact with vulnerable older people in their street, establishing a relationship where an older resident would feel that their privacy isn’t being imposed upon but would know that somebody local is available if needed. The other focus of the scheme is to bridge any generational gap by recruiting street buddies of all ages, particularly younger people who spend a fair bit of time at home. Street buddies then report back to RHEA with regular updates and address any concerns which the RHEA team then action in partnership with the older person and street buddy.

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Upcoming intergerational projects

At the time of writing this report we become aware of new projects in the pipeline

Age UK Leeds Aire Valley Homes Armley Helping Hands Bramley Elderly Action Burmantofts Senior Action Caring Together in Woodhouse & Little London Halton Moor & Osmondthorpe Project for Elders Horsforth Live at Home Scheme Leeds City Council Sport and Active Lifestyles Service Leeds City Museum Leeds Grand Theatre Leeds Museum & Galleries MAECare Marks in Time (Marks & Spencer Older People’s Action in the Locality (OPAL) Playbods Skippko


Leeds Older People’s Forum would like to thank the following organisations for their contribution to the Generations Together workstream


Find further case studies on the LOPF blog, which is on our website at: www.opforum.org.uk. The national Centre for Intergenerational Practice , a web portal with tools, guides and case studies: www.centreforip.org.uk/resources/toolkits‐and‐guides. An Intergenerational Approach *MacCallum, J., Palmer, D., Wright, P., Cumming Potvin, W., Northcote, J., Brooker, M., and Tero, C. (2006) Community building through intergenerational exchange programmes: Report to the National Youth Affairs Research Scheme (NYARS), Australian Government Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Page 15

©Leeds Older People’s Forum July 2013 Design: Editing:

Sean Tunnicliffe Rachel Cooper, Bronwen Holden, Sean Tunnicliffe & Hillary Wadsworth

“There were many areas of difference with how young people lived day by day in 1948 when compared to 2012, but both generations recognised the things that are the same. The importance of family and friends, of belonging and having fun things to do.” (Allyson Bertram, Older Peoples' Sport Officer, Sport and Active Lifestyles Service, Leeds City Council)

Leeds Older People’s Forum Suite 17D, Joseph’s Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds LS3 1AB Tel: (0113) 244 1697 email: info@opforum.org.uk

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