May 1, 1965 issue 04 Loquitur

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Students Choose President Kozak Wins Highest Post

Joyce Kozak, new SGA head, and friends bedn in her presidential


Golden Jubilarian Honored

Joyce Kozak won the Student Government Association's top leadership position after a colorful campaign of stump speaking, torrents of posters, motorcades, and unique electioneering gimmicks by both contenders. The blond Jersey-ite whose platform stressed her previous SGA experience and a strengthening of student government, used the famous "JEK" initials as a clever eye-catcher. Runner-up, Mary McCollough's three story, streamer- signs were a campus first in attention-getting. Kathleen McKaig gained the vice-presidency and Terry Girard, who man3:ged the new president's campaign with Ronnie Lindhart, will serve as Student Activities Coordinator. All of the winning candidates bring to Student Council rich leadership backgrounds, and Joyce feel they will form a good team for close cooperation next year. Present Student Government President, Marie Mealing, praised the enthusiasm of all the candidates, but pointed out a loss of interest in the later nominating sessions. "The constitutional amendment committee is examining the cumbersome, drawn out system of nominating," reported Marie.

L O q u t. t u r

"Does Mother know about this?" The greatest worry that pressed upon students in the last days' prep aration for the Jubilee Celebration of Laetare Sunday was th at the guest of honor might not be surprised. The difficulty of keeping-"at least this"- a secret was a lesson all the Jubilee enthusiasts finally re alized. Although the very magnitude of April twenty-fifth's celebration made it inevitable that the pre sident be aware of the coming events, their actua l taking place _held an element of surprise for.everyone-including Mother Ur su~, Jubilarian. ~V_o_I._V_I~,_N_o_._4 ________ Each moment, every step, a corner turned, a smiling face in the crowd, another introduction - brough t added happiness to the beaming nun . Long months of inten se pr eparatio ns seemed sw eet w hen over a t hou san d guests ro se t o t he ir feet with thund erous a pp lau se, calling Mother to th e mic rop hone. Stu den t bod y pres L dent, Ma~ie Me,a lin g, ha d a sked the honored gue st t o say a few words at the concert after the pre sen \ation of gift s. Restl ess with exp ecta nc y, th e audi ence wait ed . F ather Ugo Gropp i, colleg e Ch aplain and ar ch-organizer of the celebra tion , :read A1'chbishop J ohn J. KroU' s c ongratulations to the Jubilarian who had slipped into the wings of the stage, "Cabrini Colle ge stands as a monument to you r imagination, your initiative, and your cooperation with God's graces, " . wrote His Excellency . Mother 's apPearan c e a t the rostrum stilled the audi torium .-A vibrant, clear voice, yet one rich with the emoti on of the day, thanked everyone for the cele¡bration. Paraphrasing Words worth Mother recalled the bliss of being called tb serve the Lord as a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart in 1915. "Decade rolled upon decade, graduations piled up high, world wars were fought and won, depressions came and went, and through it all I enjoyed my life as a mm and my work as a religious teacher ," she said, explaining this enjoyment as part of the hundredfold promised in the Gospel. Mother Ursula admitted that no life is without problems, yet claimed these were an infinitely small portion compared to the benefits and joys of her life. Climaxing her remarks , the nun, who was one of the last. to be received into the Institute by St . Cabrini, shared with the thousand guests the most poignant sentiment of the Jubilee, "So on this fiftieth anniversary of my entrance into the convent I am above all else profoundly and humbly grateful to Almighty God for all His help and many blessings of religious life."

C_a_b_ri_n_i_C_o_I_k~g~e~,_R_a_d_n_o_~~P_a_. ___________

65 ~--19


Car Presentation Mother then expressed her deep gratitude to her Institute for affording her an extraordinary opportunity for service. Amid glitterin:g gold garlands, guests, par,ents, fr iends, and alumnae extended persona] con_ gratulations to Mother Ursula at the Sacred Heart Hall reception following the concert. Most of those on the formal receiving line had assisted at the Mass of Thanksgiving at eleven o'clock that morning in St. Jose,pih's Chapel. His Excellency, the Most Reverend John J . Graham, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, celebrant, explained th _e wonderful

gift of a religious vocation in a stirring Jubilee sermon . At an earlier College Community Mass, celebrant, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward T. Hughes, Superintendent of Schools of the Archdiocese, commended Mother President for her years of service in the apostolate. . ... After Mass, Audrey McGinn, Senior Class President and student head of the Library Fund Campaign, presented Mother Ursula the keys to a shiny 1965 Ford, gift of the student body who smiled and cheered at the courtyard presentation. Father Groppi ,blessed the gold ribboned automobile. Mother

Ursula, behind the wheel, took Reverend Mother Edmund', Superior, for a "still run" and then welcomed a group of Seniors to try out the new Ford's interior. Mother Catherine; M..s.c., Dean of Women, welcomed the students to a breakfast in Grace Hall following the car presentation. Pat Raineri and the SGA Breakfast Committee reported that the serving went smoothly, if not historically. No one ever remembered the student body in academic gowns balancing coffee, donuts, and mortarboards in Grace Hall Stmoker, claimed Pat. All this while SGA Jubilee

commJttees were working or preparing for action. A gold ribbon imprinted with the word "Cabrini" was selected by Mother Gervase, M.S.C., Academic Dean and administration organizer for the celebration, to set off the celebrating students from the hundreds of visitors on campus that day. Student leaders distributed these and over one hundred and fifty gold sparkled, white carnation corsages to reception hostesses, guides, buffetbrunch hostesses, concert usher ettes, and a myriad of other SGA personnel who greeted and cared for the Jubilee guests. (Continued on Page 7)

Page 2


Staff DiscussesOutlook

Speaker Addresses Classes At Dean's List Convocation A guest speamer who has taught on all levels of the edu.oaitionai ladder challenged an Honors Convocation ,audience t o utilize their educational opportunities ,to a greater degree by reading more, and by relating itihe liberal arts education to social ch,anges. Dr. John Coulson, lecturer at Vi'llanoVla and La Salle College, stressed the individual student's in ihis response to education ,pointed remarks at the convocation which honored the 1964 Fall semester Dean's List students. Dr. Rose Green, Chairman of the English Department, presented the honor students to Mother Ursula, M.S.C., President; and Reverend Mother E d m o n d, M.S.C., Superior, for the award-

"Gone Conv -en,tioning" signs could have graced the library doors of the nation's Oatholic institutions April 20 to 23 as hundr ,eds of librarians :traveled to the Catholic Libra~y Association's 41st Annua ,l Convention. Repre senting scihool, parish, hospital, communi:ty, seminary, college and university levels, the delegates met with library specpiarticipated in workialists,

ing of gold keys for their scholastic achievements. Re:cipients were: Rosanne Pauciello , 3.9; Molly Gorman, 3.7; Mary Lou Suewer, 3.6~ Adeline Rovegno , 3..4; Audrey McGinn; Regina Luisi , 3.4; Carolyn Cashman, 3.4; in the senior Cl,ass . Noreen Redden, 3.7; Susan Quinn, 3.5; Alice Lesoravag e, 3.5; Mary Ann Haflin , 3.5; Ell en Gibney, 3.5; Dolores Treacy, 3.5; Theresa Girard, 3.4; Oheryl Reiss, 3.4; Juniors . Jean Baudouin, 3.4; Ave Marie G arch in s k Y, and Marie Schmidt, 3.4, Sophomores ; and Michele Rusinyak, 3.9; Siharon Sullivan, 3.7; Marilyn Maggio , 3.6; Carol Tavani, 3.5; Kathleen Reardon, 3.5; Pa.tricia Ra ineri, 3.4; Katharine Cusack, 3.4, and Nancy Kelly, 3.4 ; Freshmen .

WHY SELECTED ... All of the final contestants at Cabrini were attractive, poised, and well-dressed, but Dottie possessed a singularly easy manner and movement that immediately distinguished her. She dresses to flatter her tall graceful figure, and her

llER CAMPUS INTERESTS ... Dottie has been elected a class officer for the fourth consecutive year. She has been an active participant in the Cabrini College Library Fund Drive , Literary Club , Future Teacher's Club and Pennsylvania's Undergraduates . ' As well as working in the C ollege Book Stor e, she is devo tin g the second half of her senior year to · st ud ent te aching an d lately h as been spending her week-day evenings prepa r ing for her five teac h ing classes. P robably one of her m ost en t husiastic interests has .been her promotion of the Fr ench Club 's program s. Yet between her studies and inte~ests, Dottie always has time to relax and engage in an intelligent , stimulating conversation.

HER OFF-CAMPUS INTERESTS ... Dottie has been absorbed in French poetry, novels , paintings and fashions, veers toward elegant, simple French styles. and long s to own a Degas . She was a winner in a previous Spring Queen Contest of the University of Notre Dame and is the 1964 La Salle College Queen. Dottie plays the ba ss fiddle and pi ano , and is a ping pong champion and avid squash player . When sh e has time off from her part-time job, Dottie frequently travels to Wa shington to search out antique shops and to visit the Washingto~ Museum . To help finance her college tuition and wardrobe, Dottie spent last summer as hostess at a Cape Cod resort .

Faculty Meetings

Dottie Watkinson , representing Cabrini in the National Glamour Contest, strikes a pose in spring attire.


College President, Mother Ursula, M.S.C.; Mother Gervase , Academic Dean; Mother Catherine , Dean of Women; Mother Amedea, Registrar; Mother Ala_ quoque, Assistant Librarian; were among the Cabrini educators attending the sixty-second Annual Convention of The National Catholic Educational As-

sociation , during the Easter vacation in New York City. Of special interest to the college delegates was the section meeting, "Prospects for Catholic Higher Education in the Light of Changing Educational Patterns." Dr. Paul Mundy, Chairman of Chicago's Loyola University's Sociology Department, cited the changing patterns in society and the Church .. The president of Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the Very Reverend William F. Keller, analyzed the extent and manner in which Catholic Higher education can meet these changes .

As sole repres ·entative of the Catholic women's liberal arts in sti'tu1ions, Cabrini Col'lege presented the unique role of Christian hig,her education at the recen>t Public Hearings of the State Council on Higher Education. Moth er Ursui!a, M.s ,.c ., President; Mother Gervase, Academic Dean; and Mother Catherine, Dean of Women , joined with high - ranking school board offi!cials, sup erintenderuts of schools , and college presidents at the Bellevue Stratford meetings to discuss the needs and funclion of higher education in the Commonwealth of Pennsylv ania. Addressing the group for Cabrini, the Reverend Martin Nolan, Associate Professor of Theology, cited the principal role Christian education plays on the college level. The Honorable James H. J. (C ontinued , on Page 9)

S.G.A. Meeting Held, Apathy Discouraged "Organizations which do not functi on effective ly w ill be forma lly dissolved," an nounced the Ex ecutive Council of the Student Government Association recently. The group is presently conducting an evalua tion of the struc ture and operation of the club s and organizations under SAC (Student Activities Coordinator). Number of members , frequency of meetings, adequacy and efficiency of records kep t, and role on campus will be some of the criter ia used in determining pow effectively a club func,tions, reported Marie Mealing, SGA President . An ex ampl e of the apathy of student organizations is the faiL ure of a single campu s organization to utilize the public relations commi ttee set up by SAC at the beginning of the year despite the knowledge of such a service, pointed out Student Activities Coordinator , Carol

Convening Scholars Report Dr. John J. Mulligan, lecturer in German, represented Cabrini :at the Modern Language Association Convention in New York City. Comm,enting on ,the various papers presented in the Germanic and the Comparative Literature Sections , Dr . Mulligan, who served as secretary for the latter session, noted the possible slgnificance Dr. Lienhard Bergel's report might have on a campus like Cabrini's. The Queen's College professor 's paper proposed an approach to comparative literature th r o u g h France and Germany.

shops , held discussions and viewed demonstrations and · exhibits in the field. Miss Jane Vink, Cabrini College librarian., ~rved on rthre Membership ,and Information section of the Local Al'll"angements Committee for i he conclave whose theme was "Liberty Through Understanding " . Cabrini students who ushered were : Tina Fiorillo, Sharon Sullivan, Thomasetti , Patricia Ruthann Barrett, Nancy Crowley , Cassie Bradley, Rosalie Grosso, Patricia Flr,etzello and Maura Curran. Assisting delegates at the Information desk in Philadelphia's Sheraton convention site, were Mary Beth Thomer and Nancy Battaglia. Miss Genevieve Blatt, Pennsylvania's Seoretary of Internal Afflairs and first woman to be elected to any state wide office, keynoted the CLA program. The Rev . Albert J . Nevens, M.M ., di~ector of t he Catholic Press Association one of the distiniguished speakers addressing the national grolljp. Ruth Sawyer Duran d, noted author of children's books received the CLA 's Regina Medal Award for ia lif et ime of distint o chilgui shed con tribution dren 's literature . Mother Alaqoque , M.S.C ., Assistant Librarian; Mot her Amedea, M.S .C., Registrar ; Mother Catherine, M.S.C., Dean of WoKipping men; Mrs. Josephine and Mrs . Carol Royal of the libra ·ry .staff represented the college at the viarious sessions., Sophomore M.aura student assistant at the convention, won a yea r 's su bscription to the ma,gazine of her choice, THE UNIT 'ED NATIONS CHRONICLE , in one of the closing session 's prize d['awings .

Public Hearing Held

Candidate S'e:1ected forGlamour Contest Faculty Members , Participate inJudging clothes compliment her everyday gracious per sonalit y , original ta ste, and creative intelligence. Her large expre ssive ey es, her unusuall y natural fresh complexion , her becoming hair sty le , and scintilla ting smile are blended and highlighted by her me ticulous and alw ays suitable attire.

May . 1965

Cashman.. Accor ding to the Secretary, the trial Dorm Council is int erested in and welcomes residents' suggestions and comments. "SGA ha s n ot neglected the problem s of intercollegiate relations," stated Adeline Rovegno, secretar y. The college continues to acti vely support the Intercollegiate Coun cil of Greater Philade lphia , an organization which aims to create better cooperati on an d communication among the col .~ges and universit ies in th is area . Cabrini serves as Secretary School for the group which m.eets at member schools the first Sunday of each m onth to exchange ideas on commK>n problems. Studen t leader s confronted the problem of student apathy at its April meet ing at Ha ·rcum College under the au spices of the Intercollegiate Council which is chaired by St. Joseph's College. All resident members of the

Student Council compose the newa.y croa)ted Dorm CouncH , announced the Student Government Association recently. The tentative conclave under the chairmanship of the Vice President of the Student Council, Kay Fogerty , meets weekly to clarify ctormitory policy. Resident students whose class schedule permits may now sign out to leave campus after 1 o'clock from Tuesday through Thur sday afternoons reported Adeline Rovegno , S.G..A. secretar y. Means are being investigated to finance an additional phone or an extension phone for one of the dorms t o improve the telephone situation.

"' * *

Dr. Rose B. Green, Chairman of the English Department , participated in the Greater Philof adelphia Council Teacners English, Inc., meeting in Philadelphia . Included in the scholar_ ly sessions was a pre sentation of Charles C. Fries' definition of linguistic science.

Sharon Suewer Nancy O'Neil, Darlene Batti, Gay Mend.res, Sheila Sweeny, Dottie Watkinson, Lenore Nyiri and Monica MacAdoo, contestants in the Glamour Contest, take a final promenade before the students while a.waiting the judges decision.

Page 3


May 1965

Cryptic Staff Announces Winners of Lit. Contest

Seniors to Reminisce With Co-op Teachers


Public school superintendents, supervisoJ"s, co-operating teachers, and education department personnel enjoyed the hospitality of the administration Wednesday evening , May 5, at a dinner in ithe.Lr honor in Sacred Heart Hall. Joining ithe thirty-five student teachers from Cabrini's senior c.lass at this annual affair, the guests were thanked for their and kindly assistcooperation ance of :the first semester. Dr . Fred Petrone, Education Cihiairman, pointed Department out that the formation of reaUy ex.perienced teachers would not be possible without the aid given by rthe cooperating school personnel. Mr . John J. Vaul, Assistant Superintendent of Ohester Public Schools, addressed the

Once Upon A Doll's House By Coughlin

& Daly

Well, like the table from the Blue Room , we also returned . Spring has definitely arrived on campus - the bi r ds are chirping (right, Burt?) and evening strolls are in vogue . Eileen McCormick seems to be having telephone troubles. . Wonder how she expained it to Doctor Feighan .. . can Betsy attribute her let ter writing punctuality to Spring fever? Rumor has it that Ann Housman sported quite· an Easter bonnet at the Carlton Beach ... speaking of Bermuda, Nina's birthday celebration must have been something to remember, .but who.was he? August will be a time of great deci sion for Mary Jane Ramaazzio - if she doesn't start a pizza shop on the isle of Capri. If it's any consolation, Leno r e, maybe you just had the wrong Southampton . Reminder to Gay _ a sophomore can be romantic, but a junior has to be practical! Is it true Michele's in the market for m-shaped Danish pastry ? Maribeth 's new motto is a stitch in time saves a sleeve . . . Sue Buzzallino had some trouble with the Pyrenees over Easter .. . seems that playing hard-to-get backfired for Cathy Adams . . .. if you want your dream car, take a vacation - right, Socki? Except for Marcia, general opinion on campus seems to be that Penn knows how to hold a weekend. Pa t Coughlin is in the running for Alpha Sig's Betty Crocker award ... Carol Jones wants Skimmer held bi-weekly . . .. aren't you thankful that there aren't any fire hydrants in the parking lot, Carol C.? Janice Sheer has found a new hat, a new -saying, and a new sign . . .. barbecue s are in season, be careful, Ginger .. . Promises, pledges , pacts . .. Yes, Elena, be careful as you return to your Cassel, I mean, Castle .... it was 4023 after all! We hear Kathy Haughey has jumped the high iron fence iby Eagle Road .. . who accompanied Ann Mar ie when she sang? Question for Roseanne: how does Bill f rug on cru tches ? Mary hasn't been sleeping too well lately, seems she'd lik e bars on th e win d-0ws . .. how was t he campaign in Ne w York, K athy? Mary? J ean Re illy made quite an impression on Pe ters sist er . .. . Speaking of tri cks, Georgia, b'ow's Paul? By th e w ay, if anyon e's inter ested in De ar John phone calls, Pat Raini eri has th e ex pe rie nce ... Award, 'Best Loved by the Adminis tration • wa s .giv en to Roe P. from the Jun ior Class .... Anyone want the words for " Sherri" _ see Ga il. We 'll see you all next year - even if we're all .working for M G M .


The candlelight dinner renewed old memories for the practice teachers who returned to their last semester classes a few weeks ago after being part of their assigned school for eight weeks. A number of the future teachers have already been assured teaching positions in the very schools in which they carried on their laboratory teaching, and will therefore be working on the staff with some of the evening's guests. Most of New York school personnel expressed their regret t hat they could n ot travel do wn to the dinner , but were per son al ly thanked for t he ir contribu tio n towar d t each er formation. Eight New Yorke r s we re given th e oppo r t uni ty to prac tice t each in the sys te m where the y wo uld secure positions although attending college in Pennsylvania .

Short story, "How It was between You and Me," and the poem, "Wanderings," won first prizes in the prose and poetry sections of the Creative Writing Contest and will b'e featured in the 1965 Cryptic. Susan Quinn, short story author, and poetess, Sister Sheila Marie, SS.C .M., received their ten dollar cash awards from Dr. Rose B. Green , Chairman of the English Department which spon_ sored the contes t along with the literary magazine edi tors.. Depar tmen t members , erjitor Alice Le sora v age and co-edi tor , Carol Maley selected th e hon ored man u scr ipts from fourt een pr ose and six ty po etry en tri es. Sist er Sheila Maria , a senior English major Wlho feels vserse is her best and freest medium of expression, describes her first contribution to Cryptic as "just an exp erience I wanted to put in to w or ds." A second poem of Sister's will be published along wit h ''Wander ing s." Jun ior Eng lish ma j or , Susan Quinn' s poe try has appeared in

Doctor MulliganPublishesGermanText InternationalReviewersComplementary JE'I1ZT LESEN WIR - UM BESSER ZU HOREN, UM BESSER ZU SIPRECHEN UM BESSER ZiU SICHREiiBEN provides a unique balance of al'l the im.portant elemen ts of an iilitermediate college level texrt points out iaut.hor, Dr. John J. Mulligan of the Cabrini Language Department and Associate Ftrofessor of German at Villanova University , in his preface . 'I1his first German tex t of its level to combine a literary reader, a review griammai" and audio-lin~al materials into a balanced whole has attracted favorable comments from linguists throughout rthe nation according to Scott For:esman, its publisher. "But, I'm the greatest critic of it," remarked Dr. Mulligan, a Boston College cum laude graduate who holds a master's degree from Rutgers University and a Ph.D. in German language and literature from Boston University. One Mnguistic scho~r commenting considered ·~this reiader the besrt conltribution rto the teaching of modern language in ,audio-lingual ~oach." the Most frequenrtly praised by the reviewers was the selection of mooern contemporary writers in the text. Dr. Mulligan, a Marine Colonel re;Servist, estaWslh~ the language triain,ing pro~am of the United S'tates Marine COII'Tl)sat Quantico, Virginia in 1962. Present courses at the COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE and THE AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE COLLEGE are utilizing master

lesson plans r el ating to "Interna_ rtional Area Studies " dev ,elop ed under ·the ·Language scholar's supervision last summer. "NOIW LET'S READ . . . IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO HEAR BETTER, IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK BETTER, IN ORDER TO BE ABLE ·. TO WRITE BETTIDR," bhe itranslated title of the new book, reflects the classroom experience of its authoc who has taught at Boston College and Rutgers, Long Beach State College in California. A contributor t o ,the German Qu.a,rterly, and a member of the Modern Language Association, Dr. Mulligan has also plllblished a series of German Baittern Drills for language laboratory use. InformJation concerning an elementary German grammar

a1re ady in prep a.ration iand a !forthcoming at e German reader is still '' classified ." The latter work which incorporates a unique approach "has not been done yet", con(ided the German teacher who is Co-Director of the Villanova Language Laboratory and faculty . moderator of the Cabrini Germ;i.n Club. Although the author gi~s his publisher complete credit for the s~iking, modern , black and whi'te line etching cover design, his symbolic description fits the book's :theme well. All of the lines in the design tend to meet in one area , upp er right of cen t er; a reverse image of the design aP1Pe ars on the back cover and a grey tone is given :the same des tgn within the text. "The book focuses on fluency. The focal point at which all :th,· lines converige might symbolize fluency, and! rthe variations of it cover, inside and back represent speaking, reading and writing - the means of fluency," explained Dr . Mulligan .

~~,,~~,,,,,,,,,,~,,~ Support Our

Philosophy Dr. John J. Mulligan has been lauded for his new college level German text.


previous issues of the literary magazine; however, her prize winning story was her first prose entry. Although this possible Peace Corps or ~ra~uate drama student doesn't take her writing seriously, Susan finds pleasure and challenge in creating Shakespearean sonnets. The winning author attributes the motivation of most of her work to her Creative Writing cour se. "Last year I wrote a one-act pla y, and would like to try dramatic writing again some time when I am more learned in drama ," she says . Cryptic , supporled by the college .administ r ati on and offered to st udents free of char ge as a med ium of crea tive expres sion, encourages creative writing and the discovery of hidden campus talent . According to editors, Alice and Carol , the contest successfully coun t er-acted traditional student apathy toward literary publications . Cabrini students may look forward to an "expanded magazine" before exams in May.

Blood Transfusion Technique Perfected; Corrects . R-HDisease inUnborn Inf ant By Regina Rusinyak Dr. Lfley of Colu,mbia University, New York City, ftrst successfully tranfused a human fetus in 1963. Other physicians are now administering tranfusions with an equal degree of master_y. This technique is used after the thirty-third week for the unborn baby suffering from erythroblastosis fetalis, the commonly known Rh blood disease. The mother's blood is Rh negative while there are Rh factors present in the baby with Rh positive blood. If any of these factors diffuse through to the mqther's circulatory system, the mother's system produces microscopic anti-bodies that attack the baby's red blood cells. Rarely does this child, whose •body is swollen with fluids, live to birth. If it does, there is the possibility of giving the .baby several comple transfusions to remove the anti-bodies. Instead of inducing labor or performing a Caesarian section in order to remove the fetus from its anti-body laden environment before it dies, Dr. Liley has given the baby a transfusion before it is born. By use of eadio-opaque dye visible in x-rays, red cells of type _Onegativ~. which will not be attacked by anti-bodies. are injected mto the circulatory system of the unborn child. The doctor's skill is crucial as he inserts the long hollow transfusion needle into the baby's peritoneal cavity through the mother's abdomen, as care must be taken not to injure a vital orgap. Once in place, the needle receives a thin hollow tube through wh~ch are slowly fed three to five ounces of the negative red •blood cells. Sufficient .blood must be used to nourish the baby and supply the placenta, the vital source of nutrition to which the new life is linked. Thus far Dr. Liley and his associates have succ~sfully admin_ istered over thirty such transfusions. The technique may be repeated if necessary, completely transfusing the circulatory system of the child. After birth, the baby manufactures its own Rh positive blood. As spectas:ular as this operation may seem, doctors now believe that a bone marrow transplant which will strengthen the blood manufacturing activity during the fetal stage will be common in the near future. (SCIENCE DIGEST, Marc,h, 1965, pp. 72-75 gives a detailed account of this new technique.)

Page 4


May 1965


Classes Assist In Library Finances; Contest Spurs Enthusiastic Returns It took only a moment ,to hand the sealed envelope containing the Hbrary ·fund purse to the smiling Jubilarian. Few of the onlookers at Slunday's concert reailized the story of the sm:all brown bank book receipted !oir $6,000 within that envelope. Early in .the Fall t erm the Reverend Ugo Groppi, Chaplain, began a series of meetings with students, faculty :members and adlminist ,rators discussing ,the aiP:propriate manner of honoring Reverend Mother Ursula, M.S.C., col1ege president, for fifty yea ,rs of service in religious life . Out of the suggestions, polls, in,sptrations and rejec.tions, developed the idea to work toward a gift closest to Mother's inner'IlllOst desire. Ev.e.ryone knows of the president's deep concern for the complete accreditation of Carini by the Middle S'tates Associa:tion and of the impor.taruce of a new library building to this end. Crashing oaks and persistent bulldozers opposite Sacred Hea ,rt Hall proved .the chief ad:ministrato.r's determination to make .that edifice more than "developmental plans" . Thus the decision was reached; a burse for the library fund would be the primary material gift presented on Laetare Sunday. cihairUnder ,the honorary manship of Reverend Mother Edmunda, M.S.C., Superior, and the direction of Father Groppi, the student head of 1lhe Library Fund Drive Campai ,gn, Audrey McGinn, supervised the mammourth task of raising :llunds

through a souvenir journal. Initial enthusiasm leve1ed off dose to Christmas vacation according to student members of the executive commi t tee, Joyce Kozak, Marie Schmidt and Mary Sica. New life was injected into the no-longer secret drive in January following mass student meetings, publicity promotions, and contest competition . A giant "Brickometer" recording class leyels greeted students outside the SGA office. Molly Gorman .and Barbara Boudouin joined Audrey in ,contacting Seniors, undaunted by the fact that ,they wer .e still student teaching. Mary Jane Smith and Eileen Currie backed Joyce's efforts to rai •se the Junior class marker above the early high returns of the Seniors. Gail Falcone and Tina Savarese served! .the Siopihomore B ,a r b a r a commH'1:ee while Schneider and Marilyn Maggio worked for the first year group. Besides phone ,calls, personal

visits, written lett ·ers, and investiga'1:ion of all possible benefactors, a :prize drawing was devised for each student who returned her promised twenty-five dolla:r ad quota . Gail Serafin, quota conltest grand priz ,e winner, gained a Winter Carival Weekend, compliments of Henryville Lodge in the Poconos, with skiing at Oaimelback, Mary Ann Wysocki, Audrey McGinn and Mary Jane Smith .each won complimentary dinners for two at the Old Lamp Post Inn , Chetwynd Restaurant and Martini's. Mkhele Rusinyak received · the fifteen dollar Lord and Taylor gift certifica.te donated by Mir. 1and Mrs. Anthony 'D'Esposito. Barbara Schneider and Dona Ulisse, Freshmen, arranged the quota contest details and prizes. The Junior class' fast-weekend canvassing before the deadline, led by Joyce, Terry Glr,ard and Ronnie Lindhart, helped bring the coveted holiday prize to ,that class. Seniors and Juniors topped the 100% quota mark with 105% and 112% re ·~eotiveliY. The Fu'eshmen placed third with 88% of tiheir quota; the S ophomores totaled 77%. "People were ['e,ally generous, especially the 'local establishments in Wayne," the winning class' leader Joyce Kozak. The final publication of the journa'1 indicated that the families of Cabrini situdents 1also supported ,the drive wholeheartedly,


after many, many years •


We clear our way ••.•

May 1965

Mix a Uffle cement and . . . .

The library staff plans and watches where there was once a biit tree.

each step as they await the day when the building will stand

Page 6

May 1965


Biology.ClubValley Forge Honors Pres. Sells Digest w·th M . I t• 1~; I USIC3 OnVOCa 100

A group of Juniors and their the Junior Week formal.

es,corts leave the Blue Room for

Senior Class History Junior Reminisces; Compiled by Juniors Try to remember that first Formal Hi-lites Wk September when your par-

It seems like only yesterday that the class of 1966 assembled in the foyer of Cabrini Hall.. Each girl in cap and gown wore a smile for, in one hour, she would be sporting her college ring . That was the first Sunday of this semester, and the Juniors were embarking on their first college week. The tears of Sunday were replaced the next night by gales of laughter as the class produced a Variety Show featuring Eppie Lo and the Sea-Surfers. The next day were classes, maybe, followed by Freshman-Junior party in the college cafeteria. Wednesday night found the class assembly at the Inn of the Four Falls, their minds already wandering to the upcoming weekend. Most of Thursday night was spent in jittery anticipation and in con. firming last minute dates. Now the time spent at the barn and Radnor Valle y Countr y Club are but fond memories stored in the hearts of those who shared the weekend with the class of ninteen-hundred and sixty-six.

ents left you inside the big gates and you were left standing there - alone .. Two and a half minutes later you were shuffled off to Sacred Heart Hall for your first big meeting with Mother Ursula . Then she explained the rules, and the rules , and the rules . You just about came to realize that everyone about you was also a Freshman when the other classes came back to confuse everything . The Sophomores eyed you with glee and planned initiation. Their plans turned into reality. Days later, slightly tired and ·greatly aged, you were accepted into the school. Mother Ursula placed a cap on your head and ,pronounced you a student. at least in name. January finals came and you found out what it really meant to be a st uden t. You were so busy trying to get to know everybody's name and in general, adjust to college life that you failed to notice the months slipping by. June finals hit you all at once and you participated in your first college graduation. Try to remember the second September when the "new adult Sophomores" returned to Cabrini to engage in the serious endeavor , choosing a major .. English majors got Dr. Green, Histor y majors, Mother Barbara , and so on . That wasn't the most important job , however. Forget about courses when you had to

A.A.PICNIC May 17 Faculty-Student Softball Championshnp Game

practice keeping a straight face for initiation. Well, you had your fun and then got to see what you looked like on Retaliation Night. The Seniors got a bright idea for their yeal'book and you ran around collecting "Pennies for Perc ·y." Christmas came too quickly, but with it came festivities like Yule Log, Christmas Dinner and the orphans party. Some went to Don Guinella's with Christmas candy, a show, and lots of spirit . The Sophomores on Social Committee really wen t all ou t to rais e attendanc e at mi xe rs and you r en thus iasm w as high _ in the beginning. The first time you produced an organized social event was Soph_ omore year with Senior Farewell. Your big sisters were leaving .. Their graduation marked the end of your Sophomore year . Try to rememlber the third September you entered Cabl'ini's gates. This time you had to try to look and act sophisticated - you were big sisters: Freshmen were looking up to you. The advice you gave, the stories you told and the ex(Continued on Last ?age)

Noted Poet Lectures lit of 1930's Topic

The main foyer bears the color of Mother Ursula's Jubilee.


1 19~5hey;:~~~a~~: ;: 0 ~~:~ 1 will .be the printing of the club's magazine, Primordia. This year's edition will be two volumes of science articles in the various fields of biology, including articles about current news in the biological fields. Editor-in-chief Paulette Shields, '65, is enthusiastic about the magazine's publication . "It should be very good, something of interest for everyone," commented Paulette. Primordia will be on sale in the cafeteria on May 18. Profits from the Biology Club's Easter and Christmas flower sales financed the publication . Later the same week the Biology Club plans a club dinner for its twenty members. Following tradition, the dinner , held on campus, will celebrate the publL · cation of Primordia.

Cri tical views both illusionary and disillusionary on the background and the decade of the thirties were discussed by novelist-critic-poet , James T. Farrell on April 26. Mr. Farrell opened his discussion with a few minutes of silence in memory of John F,. Kennedy. Mr . Farrell read two of his poems and his own epitaph , He is a man who has a purpose to his art, a dedication to humimity, and a longing to touch the human mind and preserve dignity. He described the 1890's as the be. ginning of realism, post World War II as an era of disillusion with a social stress. Post World War II was entrenched in blood and mud and was a period of instability and fear. Mr. Farrell stressed a positive attitude toward life . "It doesn't matter if you're a success or failure as a writer , God doesn't hand out awards for literary ac_ colades ," he claimed.. He sees himself as close to the people who lived in the era of the misery of working people and "their" simple peasant honesty.

Colonel Keith Felthon and Major Woodside chat with Mother Ursula and Mother Gervase after the Valley Forge Concert. General Milton Baker, Superintendent of the Valley Forge Military Academ y, presented Mother Ursula with a unique Jubilee gift , a concert by the Valley Forge Military Band and Chorus on Monday, April 5, 1965. The fifty-four piece ·band, under the direction of Colonel Keith Felton, offered a variety of selections including "Ave Ma"Halleuli,a ria" and Handel's Chorus" and lighter melodies from the "Sound of Music" and ''He ll o Dolly." A seventy -five member chor -

us, directed and accompanied by Major Woodside, presented a group of songs predominantly religious in tone, including "Michael Row the Boat Ashore" and "The Battle Hymn Of the Republic." Marie Mealing, President of the Student Government Association , expressed to General Baker the wish that the close and spirit which has co-operative existed between Valley Forge and Cabrini will be strengthend ev en more in the futur e.

Dominican Republic ,Coup . by Claire Burrows Since President Johnson's speech last Sunday, various news commentators have tried giving the public the impression that there is much criticism by foreign countries and by American citizens concerning the stand taken by our President. However, through learning the names of these countries and individuals who are so quick, or should I say so "anxious" to downgrade the U.S., the importance of our giving full support to our leader's present foreign policy must be recognized. The obvious reason for this is that the critics turn out to be none other than countries such as Russia , Cuba , Red China, Cambodia and France. The word "countries," fortunately, is not to be taken literally, for certainly the opinions of enslaved peoples are not reflected by the statements of their communist and pro-communist leaders. In regard to France, even an ex-premier of this land, Pierre Pflimin attacked the pres. ent ruler of France this month for the policies DeGaulle has been incorporating into his government which, as the former premier stated "tend to weaken the solidarity of the free world.'" Our eyebrows should not be raised by the fact that persons within our own country have denounced President Johnson for his present sound foreign policy in the Dominican Republican and Viet Nam. Considering the large number of communists in the United States who have been successful in attaining positions in which they are able to influence public opinion, this sort of thing is not surprising although it is rather tragic. Americans must realize that if the communist aggressors are not greatly deterred in their pre sent attempts, scores of explosions similar to those in the Dominican Republic and Viet Nam will be popping up in free lands. Ponder the words of President Johnson, "We will not buy peace ,at the price of losing freedom, anywhere at any time."

Children ofFacuity Exempt From Tuition Cabrini College joined seven local colleges in a reciil)rncal agr ,eement whioh wi1'1 provide remission of ,tui:Uon for sons and daugihters of the lay faculty of s~hools anthe cooperating nounced Rev. Mother Ursula, M.S.C. , President. Star.ting this fall, children of faculty members of LaSalle , Chestnut Hill, Gwynedd Mercy, Holy F·amily, Immaculata, Rosemont, and Cabrini College may a,p lply for tuition-free admission to one of the coopernting schools. The plan, an extension of the fringe benefits of staff membership at the named · institutions , does not violate the soverignty of the separate scho ols. The individual college's policy on such tuition ,g.rants t o its own personnel! applies in the contract. All applicants must meet the regu1'ar admission requi.rements and be subject to the rules.



May 196S

Page 7

Congratulations FromTheStudentBody

AnOpen Letter ofThanks Dear Mother Ursula,

In expressing our congratulations to you on the occasion of your Golden Jubilee as a spiritual daughter of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, it seems most fitting to think how you exemplify the brave and generou's spirit of your foundress. Just as she was led by her love of Christ to pioneer in a new missionary venture, so you confidently undertook the founding of Cabrini College, for which we shall always be grateful to you. And for the generosity in helping us to build upon your foundation, we thank you. The encouragement you .provided us in the pursuit of excellence we shall always remember, always try to continue both here at Cabrini and later in our own lives. Because you gave so freely of yourself in religious life, God enabled you to give as freely to us. In appreciation of your dedicated love we want to express our best wishes on the attainment of your Fiftieth Anniversary as a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. With Mother Cabrini you can say to Christ, "You know that my heart has always been yours," and with her we want you to know, Dear Mother Ursula, that our hearts will always be yours.

Symbol of Love By Ann Marie Parisi There you are Dressed in white Singing songs of love Love that is different to the world. You enter a different path of life, Not walking in gay ideals of the world But a higher level of love You give up the things of materiality You enter and a door closes Light is shut-out But a brighter array enters Things of value approach You stay for a period of time Preparation is taking place Love and learning acquires a new value And you're about to depart Now, a door opens You walk a path Not dressed in white But clothed in black.

Our Senio·rs Bid Farewell A .gate looms before us - the gate which will close on: our academic life here at Cabrini. At first it signified an exciting adven_ ture; today, it is a panorama of memories. We remember y.ou, Mother Ursula, when, as freshmen we became "your .girls". You charged us to 'live up to the ideals of a Cabrini College Woman. S1ophomore year, for ,the frrst time, we realized the significance of the words spoken for your feast day. Junior year we rejoiced with you when the news of accreditation aririved. This year, presents it.he most significant of our book o·f ~mories. Our last memory of you will be graduation. As the gate clloses, ,let us only say: "Let all who enter love and cherish it as muoh as we."

IOquTtur LOQUI'I\UR is published six times a year by the staff




of the


Sisters of the Sacred Heart. ADDRESS LOQUITUR, Cabrini College Radnor, Pennsylvani ,a

Phone MU 8-3270

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF .... , .................... , .. , · ....... Lucretia Fulmer .. ....... . . . .............. Lydia Audino CO-EDITOR , ........... , . , · ....... CONTRIBUTORS Anna Marie Audino, Claire Burrows, Mary Ann Hallin, Patricia Coughlin, Nina Baliotti, Elena Daly, Rosemarie Gubitosa, Jackie Antonio, Marilyn Maggio, Pat Murphy, Noreen Redden, Pat Rosalia, Jean Reilly, Maura Curran, Molly Gorman TYPISTS ....... . ................ · ..... Nancy Larkin, Joyce Engler, Ann Marie Parisi, Rita Fulginiti MODERATOR .. · · .. , ........... .. .. , ..... . . . ...... Mother Gregory, M.S.C.


(Continued from Page 1) A buffet-brunch in Sacred Heart Hall followed the eleven o'clock Mass. Mary McCullough with more than a dozen committee members assisted Mr. Nick Denaro and staff for the affair. SimJUltc:neously, a private reception in the state dining room and foyers of the mansion gave noted educators from neighboring institutions, benefactors, and faculty families the opportunity to greet the Jubilarian. Unknown to the campus guests, within the convent cloister Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Mother Ursula's sisters in Christ, congratulated the guest of honor. One of the first r;ifts for which Mother thanked the assembly in her Jubilee address was the three hour concert. The Cabrini College Glee Club and Maestro Carl Suppa, Director of the Club and of The Philadelphia Opera, Theatre, had dedicated the Spring Concert fo the President. Framed by a special gold curtain, the vocal group opened the program with "A Hymn to Music," an adaptation of Chopin's "Etude in E Flat Major" by Ringwald . A packed house delighted to the club's selections from "Mary Poppins " , and was engrossed in "The Voice of Freedom ," an adapta tion of Rubenstein's "Kamenoi-Ostrow" by Pierre Caillet. The applause for Bizet's "Agnus Dei" outdid the audience "s reception of all the numbers. Mr. Giovanni Consiglio, dramatic tenor and former student at the famous Conservatory of San Pietro a Ma.iella in Naples, sang arias from Verdi's "Forza del Destino" and from "L' Africana." Carol Toscano, coloratura soprano who has sung with the San Francisco Opera Company, brou,gh,t Donezzetti's "Don Pasquale" and "Lucia di Lammermoor" to the audience through selected arias.. Following her rendition of "Caro Nome" from "Rigoletto" and an aria from the "Barbiere de Sh;iglia," a:pplause brought the young artist back for an encore. The program showed versatility.. The Madrigalists, a se-

lected vocal group from the Glee Club presented a folk song medley to the accompaniment of Tom Picardo , gui tarist . Sister Arousiag Sajonian, C.I.C ., studen t at Cabrini College , present_ ed a piano solo, Asturas-Leyenda, "Preludio" by I. A1beniz. While Dr.. Suppa directe .d the glee club, Loretto M. Koch accompanied the group on the concert grand piano; Dr. Suppa played for the guest artists, Miss

Toscano and Mr. Consiglio. Twenty-four hours after the Jubilee Celebration a delighted shriek pierced Sacred Heart Hall Cafeteria as the guest of honor of the day before lengthened the Easter vacation time. In a brief thank you speech, Mother Ursula announced to the lunching faculty and students that her reciprocal gift to them would be the Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week.


Glee Club Offers Mother AMusical Gift

Page 8

May 196,


Scholar Clarifies'Hamlet' In Reply to Soph's Query Internationally reknown Shakespearean scholar G. B. Harrison recently replied to a Cabrini sophomore's query about a problem in Hamlet which Mr. Annunziato's Shakespeare class were discussing.

SUE SC~NLON. pictured with ~rs. Helen Goodwin, coach, the only Semor on the team, was reigning captain for the 1965 basketball season. Sue has played forward for her four years of college, and is known to teamm,i.tes and basketball rooters as the lt;ast-tiring and fastest-moving mem,ber of the team. One of the h1!l'h scorers of the t~am for four years, Sue will certainly be missed next season. Good Lucik in the future, Sue. JEAN REILLY, Junior, the of original head-band ~mber the team, is famous for her book shot. Jean plays forward and has head-lined the Varsity for three years. We are still looking forward to seeing her again next year, for she has succeded in adding a certain zest to the spirit of our Blue and White.

RO BIMBO, Junior, and officer In the Athletic Association, has played the position of forward quite successfully for the past three years. Ro, known for her one-handed pop-shot from the outside, Is an accurate shooter with a Playhigh-scoring record. maker of the team, this darkhaired basketball enthusiast doesn't waste steps on the court. The future teachers on the Varsity, Ro, Betty, and Jean, will be student teaching next spring - right in the middle of the basketball season. How this will affect scheduling and practice, neither they nor Mrs, Goodwin are quite sure.

TRISH BOGAN, Sophomore, is the team's forward who is known for her all famous drives. Trish has driven past some of the best guards in the college league. This shar .p-eyed, lay-up shooter has shown such . potential in her two years on the team, that there is every hope that bigger and better th~ngs will come from Trish in the next two years.

BARBARA SCHNEll)ER, a newcomer to the Blue and White Varsity is its tallest member. A Freshm;an, who has not had basketball experience, plays guard, and is working closely with Mrs. Goodwin on ball skills. Although a novice, Barbara has seen action on the cour.t because of the height she adds to rebounding. She has shown great enthusiasm and determination, assuring us that she will not be a bench-warmer in the future.

PAT STILLMAN, Sophomore, has developed a strong back-guard position. But she is not limited to this position; diversity is one of her athletic qualities. An acco~lished atht'ete, this tall blonde plays both forward and guard successfully. She has also coached a winning high school team. Bad news for the varsity! Pat will no longer be a member of Cabrini's team; she is leaving Cabrini to teach. We wish Pat the best of luck in her future pursuit, but we have to be honest and say that her loss will be felt on the team.

BETTY McGOVERN, Junior, a varsity member since her arrival at Cabrini, plays guard usually in the back guard position with Pat. Betty, a steady player, is known for looking her "unco-ordinated coordination." Betty holds the title on the team as being the only member that is engaged; however, the other players hope to join the title holders.

CLA Gathers Monsignor John G. Clancy, noted biographer of the Holy Father, told the guests of the Catholic Author Luncheon that most Catholics would simply talk about the amazing changes within the church today. Very few, claimed the author of Apostle for Our Time: Pope Paul VI, would put these changes into practice. Father Clancy's stimulating and challenging address climaxed the eighteenth annual presentation by the Pennsylvania Unit of the Catholic Library Association at the Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia last February. Attending from Ca,brini were Mother Alacoque, M.S.C., Assistant Librarian; Mother Gregory, M.S.C., and Ruth Ann Thomaset_ :ti, sophomo ,re. They also ,participated in the morning's university and college section at which Donald A. Giannella, editor of ''Religion and the Public Order" explained the trend toward government assistance of private Speakin~ on the education. "Changing Perspectifes on Separation of Church," the Villanova University law scholar said that higher costs in education as well as rising taxes are being felt by private education. "It becomes more and more unthinkable that government would not come to the aid of private education," claimed Mr. Giannella.

Several weeks ago when the Shakespeare class discussed the death scene in Hamlet, sophomore Maura Curran asked whether Hamlet thought before the duel he was forgiven by Laertes .for accidentally murdering Polonius, (V. 2. 236-64). After the class discussed the question without coming to any definite conclusion, Mr. Annunziata suggested that Maura write directly to the author of the Shakespeare class text Professor G . B. Harrison at th~ Univer .. sity of Michigan, for a clarifying explanation. Maura did and received a courteously prompt letter with an enlightening ex-

planation. In his reply the scholar, who is described in Twentieth Century Authors as "one of the most eminent of contemporary Shakespearean critics," wrote: "Hamlet has no thought either here or at any time that perhaps Laertes might be feeling revengeful toward himself-which is perhaps rather innocent of Hamlet, but then the death of Polonius was really an accident.. ... " Professor Harrison explained that "Hamlet is here apologizing for his behaviour at the graveside of Ophel,ia when he lost his temper with Laertes .. . ." The author cautioned against expecting ''too much rigid consistency from Shakes ¡peare" and added that "so long as the scene which is being played goes over convincingly, he is not always careful to see that a later scene is always consistent." Commenting on Hamlet's inconsistency, Dr. Harrison said "Hamlet when thinking about the crime of his uncle may be and often is a regular Elizabethan venger . At other times he is just a nice Christian . And again at other times a puzzled agnostic. And again quite sadistically ruthless, as when he takes such satisfaction in the thought that Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are going to have such a nasty shock when they land in England." In closing his letter Professor Harrison remarked: "there is always a difficulty in Hamlet whatever view you take; and there are about a dozen quite different possible interpretations, all of which can be argued about 70 per cent convincingly-and 30 per cent of the evidence is against them. That is what makes Shakespeare so interesting!" Associate professor Annunziata was deiighted to have his class see the response and interest of scholars to sincere quests for

Cheerleaders Enthusiastic "Come on blue! Come on white!" rang out as the auditorium thundered with hopes of victory as Cabrini's cheerleaders ,ralUed behind the team. Under the leadership of ca1P,tain K•athy White, Lydia Audino, Marsha Howe, Annette Hughes, Betty Lucas, Alice MiteheH, and Rosanne V,ertucci, the group provided the push behind :the girls basketball team. The girJs who traveled to all the games encouraging the team when the student body was unable to attend, executed such cheers as the intricate "Slha,rp" and the new "Viictory" with precision and pep. Now that the season is over and the white sweaters and navy skirts are !P:acked away you can still hear the echo of their voices fo ,anticipation of next year's victori~s.




T Trish Bogan jumps high in a futile attempt to gain possession of Holy Family's basketball. We Jost the beartbreaker by one point.

Page 9


May 1965

Dr. Suppa Directs Singers At Phila. Mus,icGathering Cabrini College singers participated in the op,ening day's prog ,ram of the 1965 National Catholic Music Education Convention in Philadelphia's Bellevue-Stratford Hotel. "Presenting Opera With College Students ," by Dr. Carl Suppa, Director of the Philadelphia Qper,a Theater and Cabrini College Glee Club Director, lead sesthe college depaiitmental sions. As one of the demonstrations in the eighteenth national conclav ,e of the organiza ,tion, the girls presented sc,enes firom Eugene Onegin, Falstaff, Merry Wives of Windsor, and The Diologues of the Carmelites under Maestro Slupipa's direction. Featuring "Music for Worship and Culture" as its theme, the convention brought together distinguished authorities in various field of music for workshops, clinics, discussions, lectures and demonstrations.

ParentsClubProgram Features Noted Acts Celebrated entertainers high~ lighted the Cabrini College Parents' Association's "Spring Festiva'l of Sitars," Sunday, Apiril 25, in a three-hour spectacular benefit show. Master of Ceremonies , Ronnie Sterling, introduced comediaan Cozy Morley who dre w a n enthusiastic response from the audience. The De John Sist ers , well known singing duo , and the comedy singing .team , the Day Brothers, who just finished an appearance .ilt the Steel Pier, delighted the crowd. The singing comedian, Mickey Shaughnessey, kl!lown from film:land , the "Toni ,ght" show and other television appeaiiances; Loretta Lee, famous tap artist; and the miusic of the internationally known Caruso Brothers headed the list of talent in the 1piroduction. Mr. John J. Vaul, President of the Association which sponsored the gala event, thanked the top professional talent "for donating their ,time in an effort to supply bricks and mortar for the new library." He also ex.pressed ihis gratitude to the parents, students and friends who sup~,o,rted the specta ,cular.

Club Proj\ects Varied As Semester Ends French prints sold in the French Clµb's c!lothesline sale drew enthusiastic app ,roval from "cultured Cabrini-ians." According to Jackie Antonio (one of the pirint pushers) , the project was financially successful, too. Jackie credited Pat O'Rourke, club president, with the brains,torm foHowing Pat's own delightful purchases at the Washington Museum. Fr. Groppi , the group's moderato ,r, secured the Italian, color film of Michaelangelo for last week's showing.

* * *

Another successful sales' report Qa,me from Gerry Reed, Bio Club President , and Paulette Shields, editor of PRIMORDIA. Proceeds from t-he lovely Easter plants' sale help finance that scientific mlagazine.

* * *

Connie Connelly, President, announced a Literary Club membershi:P drive to fill in the . ranks


Dr. Carl Suppa

Press Ass'n Rates Loquitur 1stClass

A First Class Honor Rating was awarded the Cabrini College LOQUITUR for the second consecutive sem -ester by Associated Collegiate Press' All Am,erican Newspaper Critical Servi.ce. Critic~} Service judges who are prof.essional newspaper men and women with ex-tensive backgrounds in p,ublic,ations work, compared Loquitur with o,ther publications of Co'lleges with a comparable enrollment and frequency of 1P1Ublication. Helpfully criticizing t he first semester's issues, ,the ACIP Service asked for more artides on the "academic side of campus life . . . interpretive articles on education." Out of a possible 200 points for "excellent" rating in the way in which cov erage is balanced, the paper received only 130 points (fa1'ling between 120-good and 160-v ,ery good). The judge noted an over ·eTI11Pihasison "personality stories". The paper's style was rated "exceUe -nt" wi'th the penciled

Corps Enlists , Aides College juniors who wish to use the summer be:fbre their senior year to prepare for postgraduation Peace Corps service now may borrow up to '$600 to help :P1ay their senior year school expenses. Loan repa.ym.ent may be deferred until after Peace Corps service has been completed. The loan program, announced Apri'l 14 by Peace Corps Director Sargent Shriver , is :the !Product of an agreement between United Student Aid Fund , Inc . (USA Fund ) and t he Peace Corps Volunt eers Fund , a n onp rofit founda tion est abli sh ed b y the Pe a ce Corps National Adviso ry Counc il. Privately funded, the loans are guaranteed by _USA Fund, a non-profit corporation providing loan guarantees to students on 700 campuses, with participation of more than 6,000 banks throughout the United States. The loans are expected t o enable more third-year college students to enroll in the Peac e Corps Adv ,anced Tr aining Program, a two-phase plan -that provides intensive Peace COI'\PS training during the summer months between the junior and senior year, and just after graduation . Many students who have had to work during summer months now may participate in the Peace Corps Advanced Program. WHAT TRAINEES DO Trainees in the Advanced Tr ,aining Program begin their Peace Corps training in June . They receiv ·e travel allowances to cover transportation to and f,rom the training center, and a living allowance while training. Selection for the Advanced Training Program is the sa:me as that used for all Peace Corps applicants, based on an evaluat ion of the candidate's background as revealed in the Peace Cor:p's Questionnaire, Placement Test results , and character references. Evaluation continues during the summer training program, following college graduation, soon to be vacated by gradua ,ting Seniors .

* * *

Faculty and student softbaH pro's will have more warm-up time according to a rumor date change for the "Annual Athletic Association Picnic and Diamond Affair." Eileen McCormick and Mrs. Goodwin, coach, think the early May date wHl be changed to the end of exam week . WATCH FOR POSTERS!

comment of the judge reading, "Well done!" Similarly the editorials gained an "excellent" score of 200 with the same encouraging judge's margin comment. WhHe the most ex ,tensive criticism and greatest loss of points was for news story writin ,g and coverage, the greatest asset of the Loquitur seemed to be its physical properties according to the jud ,ges . All five areas judged in :this realm received excellent scores. After this section, itemizing Front Page, Nam eplate-Running Head-Masthead, Editorial Pag ,e Mak.ell!P, Slports DJsplay and Inside News Pages, the judge penciled, "Outstanding Makeup -!". ACP warned the staff to be "definite and specific" in headline writing and "-to use strong

action words which are effectively specific and descriptive ." In the photography seotion of the rating The LOQUITUR drew 110 points (between 90-"good" and 120-"very good") for the technical quality of !l)dCture reproduction. The C.itical Service judged the other two areas of (Picture Content this section and Captions) "excellent". According to Fred L. Kildow, Director of ACP, "FIRST CLASS honor rating is comparable ito "Excellent", and First Class .publications may be justly proud of their achievement." ACP rates pub'lications ias All Afflerican, First Class, Second Class, Third Class and Fourth Class. The desire of all college publication is to enter that limited ,circle "reserved for top piublications," and be All American.

Psych Major Makes Good; Elected S.G.A. Vice-Pres. Kathy McKaig was elected Vice-President of the Student Government Association on April 8. A blonde .iunior from Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania. she graduated from Holy Child Academy. She was Day-Hop Representative and S.G.A. Corresponding Secretary prior to her election. Kathy is a Psychology major who hopes to work in the education of retarded children upon graduation. At present, we are not really sure if Kathy is a resident or day student we often see her, and the rest of her car pool, roaming the dormitory halls at ten o'clock at night.

FTA S'ponsors ,Panel; Discuss Experiences After an intens-ive six weeks of practice teaching, seasoned ve terans of the chalkboard hemisphere recounted their experien ces to a liv ely and in teres ted aud ience in "A Pane l On Stud ent Teaching " sp on sored by the F u ture Teachers' Club . Geraldine Mendre s, president of the grouP, introduced Rosemarie Gubitosa who explained her contact with team teaching , Ba rb ara Boudouin who recounted a Ne w York er 's stu den t teachi ng ex perie nce , and Patric ia Rosa lia who discussed "Di scipline in High School. " Maryann Maco pre sented the elementary scho ol approach to discipline; and the diversi~y in student teaching was pointed out by Carolyn Cashman. Audrey McGinn brought out the relation ship between student teacher and cooperating teacher, and Constance Connelly spoke on motivating the culturally deprived . Queries in the active question and final selection is not made until the end of the second stage FoHowing the eight-week summer program, Advanced Training participants return to their regular college, where they may continue langua ,ge study 0n an individual basis . No specific course requi -rements are made. After graduation , participants r eturn to a tiiaining center for eight weeks rruore of intensive instruction. '!'hose who successfully complete the final training program then will begin trieir work abroad as regular Peace Cor,ps Volunteers . The members of the Peace Corps National Advisory Council who were instrumental in originating the Peace Corps Volunteers Fund are Ralph Lazaru.s, President, F-ederated Department Petrie, Stores, Inc .; Donald Chairman, Executive Committe e of Avis, Inc .; the Rev. John J. Considine, director, Latin American Bureau , National Catholic Welfare Conference ; and former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Arthur Flemming, now President, University of Oregon.

and answer pe r.iod follo wing the pa ne l ra nged fr om tho se concerning getti ng a j ob to that of h andling psy chological problems. Dr. Fred Petrone, Chairman of the Education Department, clarified a few aspects of the teaching program for the Juniors and underclassmen in the audience who plan to teach. Both Dr ,. Petrone and the officers of the Future Teachers' Club agreed that the panel's portrayal of the mistakes and achievements of the practice teachers was of great benefit to the audience . "We hope they were not discouraged by the work involved in student teaching, " commented Geraldine , ''but rather encouraged by the enthusiasm and love of teaching shown by the panel members."

Annua.lStudent Show Provides Jest, Song The Second Annual St. Pa.trick's Day Minstrel Slhow was held on Mareh 17. Under the direction of Dr. Feighan and Miss Harron , the program ,revolved around the theme of the Irish Revolution. The show featured solos by Noreen Redden, Bonnie Lucas, Mary Ann Haflin, Nancy Battaglia, Mary Mccollough, SheHa Donovan, Pat Mali,a, Edie McFadden, Sheila Sweeny, Regina Rusinyak, and leprechauns Peg Whitehead and Ro Gaffney. Choreography was handled by Pat Malloy, Helen O'Connell, and Lynn Hoppe . Mother Gregory and Jean Reilly assisted with sets and staging. Moments of seriousness were broken by the leprechauns and the return of Gallagher and Shean. The affair was open to



Molly Merits , Honor Bryn Mawr College awarded a $1300 tuition scholarship iand Villanova University granted a graduate assistantship in history to Cabrini College Senior Molly Gorman. The assistantship which pays tuition and fees ,at Villanova brings an $1,800 stipend to the scholar during the year of maste ,r's study. Whatever the choice of schools, Molly plans to concentrate on modern Europ tean history with a minor in American history . The Dean's List student who was selected for Who's Who In American Qolleges ·and Universities this year, has her eyes on a doctorate and a teaching position in higher education.

Public Hearing (Continued From Page 2) Tate, Mayor of Philadel:,pihia , as well as representatives of interincluding ested organizations Clttirens C.lommit!tee on Public Edu.cation, Americans for Democratic Action, Commission on Human Relations, and chapters of the American Association of University Professors, presented their positions on upper level education. Otiher institutions of highe ·r learning participating included St . Jose ph's College, Kutztown State CoUege, University of Pennsylvania, LaS ,alle College, Villanova University, Drexel Institute of Technology, and Lincoln University . the ptublic and the snowstorm that night did not daun ,t the audience's enthusiasm.



Page 10


i- From the Other Side of the Desk I I Student Teachers' ~Fun'I

JuniorClass Prophecies ProjectGraduatesTo '75 Well here we are again, facing the close of another year, but for sixty-four girls it is the close of a four year chapter of their lives. These girls of whom we speak are the Seniors, but this is not the end for them, but rather the beginning. Starting next year the Seniors will begin their chosen careers. The seniors that plan to continue their pursuit of knowledge by attending Graduate School are: Molly Gorman who has received an assistantship at Bryn Mawr College, Carol Nash who also received al\ assistantship but at Villanova in the field of Guidance and Counseling, Ann Santangelo at the University of Washington, Nancy Larkin 'Oho will take part in the Urban Teacher Preparation Program at Syracuse University,Paulette Shields at the University of Pennsylvania, Kathy White at Lehigh University and Aurelia Amendola at Villanova on an assistantship. The greatest part of the Senior class will be on the other side of the desk teaching in. various elementary schools in the neighboring states. Cookie Caruso plans to teach first grade in North Babylon, Long Island. Others teaching first grade are Gerry Mendres in Ocean Township, New Jersey and Pat Daly. The next grade up will be taught by Roseann Throenle in Toms River, New Jersey, Barbara Baudouin in East Rockway, Long Island and Rosemary Gasparro in Norris town. Rahway School System, New Jersey will be the employer of Michele Brennan as a third grade teacher. The Intermediate grades have been chosen by Maryann Maco and Maryann Wysocki in the Allentown School District. Other Elementary teachers will be Dottie Watkinson, Dee Faiss, Carol Gagliardi, Pat Vaul, Ellen Holden, Carolyn Marshall , Regina Luisi and Eileen McCormick. . ·. . . . . . . . . . ..... Other Seniors are planning teaching as a career, but will be joining it with a more permanent career, namely marriage. The first on the agenda will be Gail Serafin-who is planning to be married on June 19, 1965, to Mr. Arthur R. James. Following right behind her will be her roommate Phyllis Ciaccio on June 26, 1965, to Mr. Edward Pupkiewicz. Another June bride will be Rosemarie Gubitosa but in June of 1966 to Lt. Phillip Miller. December 26, 1965 is the big day for Senior Joan DuBois and it's October 9, 1965 for Mary Lou Suewer. Next on the "65" calel).dar is Kathy Spiziri to Mr. Robert DeCarlo on April 16th. The Secondary Education products in the English Department are Kay Fogarty and Pat Rosalia, who will be teach'ing Junior High and Senior High English next year. Teaching history in our secondary schools will be Audrey McGinn, Nancy O'Neill and Loretta Gallagher. The Math Department has produced two math teachers, namely: Claire Burrows and Mary Domako. The remaining Seniors will endeavor to use their majors in other fields. Joan Bartivic plans to go into chemical research. Research also holds interest for Elena Mancini, but in the field of Biology. Also of interest to Elena is Mr. Carmen DiMaggio whom she plans to wed on Sept. 25, 1965. Research is not limited to science majors though, for both Randy Kerr and Joyce Engler will delve into Historical Research. Two of our senior Psychology majors Nancy Baker and Sue Scanlon pick Social work for the future. Marriage and programming · will be · undertaken by Lydia Audino and · Bonnie Clark. Bells will ring in August, '65 for Lydia and and Mr. Donald N. Tomassello and Bonnie and Dr,. Gerald A. Melchiode June 11, 1966. Edith McFadden wishes to go into the literary aspect of chemistry by working for a chemical publications publishing house. Carol Cashman plans to put her English major to use in an advertising agency; Adeline Rovegno has chosen the field of public relations. Three Psychology majors will be doing three entirely

Try to Remember •.. (Continued from Page 6) ample you showed were all looked up to. You didn't have to keep a straight face during initiation or retaliation. Courses went on - and on. Even surprise tests didn't dull the enthusiasm of Junior Weekend complete with barn dance, formal and Ring Ceremony. No one could say "hello" without having a blue stone ring thrust in front of her face. Then, it was time to say goodbye to another class with the Junior-Senior Dinner . Awards were given, songs sung and impersonations portrayed . With that graduation, you were Seniors, no longer Juniors. Try to remember the last Septemeber of your Cabrini career, SGA elections had been held and you were the leading figures on campus. A

yearbook staff was appointed and it signified the beginning of the end. Clubs and activities went into full swing with Seniors as the leading officers . For the last time you got to sample Nick's Christmas dinner. You got the babies for the or_ phan's party. You were the first in line at meals. Semester break seemed all too short for most of you were preparing for Student Teaching. We didn't see too many of you around_ some were in New York; others left at 6: 30 A.M, to make first class. One good thing - you didn't have mid-terms; . only double work trying to catch up. Of course , the next big thing was last week - Senior, Week. Sunday you were welcomed by the Alumnae. The Freshmien gave you some idea of how you appeared to us - your fellow students. Tuesday was the Junior - Senior Dinner.

May 1965

Although student teaching is a thing of the past for the class of '65, the memory lingers on. Who could forget Phyllis Ciaccio's musical encounter with "Dundee Dundee" . ,. ." Mary Ann Maco's fluto,phone practices ... Randy Kerr's closet lunches . . . Audrey McGinn's paper clip . , . Gerry Mendres's recess tragedy . . . Chester! . . . Carol Cashman's faculty basketball game .. .. Norristown cheerleading courtesy of Ann Genello ... The temporary laryngitis of Joan Du Bols .. . Randy's Mr. C. . . . lesson plans , .. Addie Rovegno's enthusiasm ... Rosemarie Gubitosa's measles . .. . Nick's lunches . . , Pat Daly's hectic schedule ... Randy's ankle nylons . .. Kay Fogarty's "AntL nations" . ... Michele Brennan's planning ahead . . . Dotties discipline . : . Dee's monotone . .. . the return of the New York con_ tingent ... Gail Serafin's bridge club . ... Randy!!!

Math Majors atV.U. Three senior mathematics majors, Lydia Audino, Bonnie Clarke, and Mary Domako, are attending a dass in Fortran Programming at the College of En_ gineering, Villanova University. The course-is taught by members of either the Junior or Senior Engineering class at Villanova . All the computer equipment located in Mendel Hall was placed at the girls' disposal for the duration of the course .. There is no credit invo lved with this course. Our seniors are merely taking the course in order to broaden their knowledge of computer programming. Mrs. Murphy, head of Cabrini's mathematics department was instrumental in having the girls admitted to the class.

FreshmenImpersonateSrs. At Inception o.f Big Week MARIE MEALING - Marie was our class president our first three years at Cabrini. Senior year we relinquished her to the Student Government and shared her with the rest of the school. She has served both class and school in a :ma.nner of which she can be proud. For your dedication and service, we thank you, Marie, and wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors. different things next year. Poseanne Pauciello will be a·ant Officer for the City of Philadelphia and' at the time attend gr ,aduate school. Anna Marie Audino plans to work in a psyohiatric hospital and Eileen Cas.per in, the Juvenile Aid Progrnm for the Gover:ment. Barbara Monaghan's love of flying has led her into a career for a stewardess 1fo:r T.W.A. Connie Connelly will put her time spent heading the Lltera ·ry s •o.ciety to a practical end as the writer of children's books. A ma:nagemlent trainee program is the choice of history major Diane Sobieski. Our Soci,al Chairman .and an English major Betsy Smith will pursue a :future in fashion writing. Carolyn Reiss, a chem major, will continue this interest in a comdrug or pharmaceutical pany. Our "junior year abroad'' senior, Mary Lou Foster, p1a:ns to ,return to Spain after her graduation.



May - the month before June! It is the month for Seniors. It is the last time girls who have been closely associated for four years reflect upon the past and plan for the future . What better way to end college days than by Senior Week, May 3-8? On Monday, the freshmen paid tribu te with Senior Impressions a night where intima te secret s were reveal ed. Tuesday night is a change of pace with the Junior - Senior banquet. Advice and treasures were willed "voluntarily" and humorously. On Wednesday night cooperating teachers joined Seniors for the Student Teacher Dinner . Snifters from Sophs The Sophomore class dance will be remembered by the favors of brandy snifters trimmed with silver . Our little sisters invited · us to a dance at the Andorra Springs Golf and Tennis Club. Prior to the dance, Phyllis Ciaccio had the Senior class gather, to make sure of attendance at the dance. Pickles or Mustard? Saitundlay was [Picnic time in the park-time - Valley Forge's, of course.. Culminating the day as well as the week, DeFrancesco's barn welcomed the Senior class for a night of gaity and dancing to the music of the Vanguards. The week was over; the month will fly; before you know it, it's June - the month after May.

The Freshman Class gave their impression of the Senior Class of 1965 on Monday evening, May 3. The Grace Hall smoker was filled to capacity for the performance of the series of skits entitled "People to People". The stories included everything from dorm scenes to dinnertime SGA meetings. Freshman class President, Mary Sica, began her narration with a group of Seniors rowing to the Jamaican Islands. Next the cameras switched to Cabrini College cafeteria where Rosemarie Gubitosa (Nora Dillon) was engaged in her customary dinner-line chats . Skit Shows In the next scene the Madrigalists satisfactorily gave their rendition of a popular song until Diane Sobieski (Maryann Talian) lost her contact len ses. A rousing SGA meeting concerned a case against Kathy Adams (Gayle Nazarett) was then presented under the auspices of Marie Mealing (Pat Rainieri) and Addie Rovegno (Mary Beth De Bello). The final two scenes portrayed life on the dorm telephones and a physical fitness meeting which was highlighted by a "lively" dance by Pat Daly (Josie Ruth) .. As a fitting conclusion to an enjoyable evening, the Sophomore Class presented their graduating "big sisters" with beautiful favors as a rememberance of their special night.

Then, you personally thanked your cooperating teachers and principals for aiding you in Student Teaching. The Weekend, we leave to your memories, Senior F,11.rewell, picntc at Valley Forge and the Barn dance. Next month, finals over, you will gather in the Administration Building courtyard to begin your last participation in a student function. A Baccalaureate Mass, a ceremony on the lawn ,and you will no longer be students-you will become alumnae of Cabrini College. "Try to remember and if you remember, then follow."

Somber Seniors as Smiling Sophomores

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