Department Of Public Instruction Interviews Cabrini
Vol. XIV, No. 4
A New Direction In Placement By SR. PATRICIA
Plans are under way for enlargement of post-graduate placement activities here at Cabrini College during the spring semester. In addition to the traditional Career Day (set now for March), there will be several small seminartype meetings planned with representatives from companies with unique or diversified career programs. An example of such was the "Federal Career Seminar" held on January 20 when four representatives of various branches of federal employment met with interested students. At that meeting, Miss Joan Barbell from the Army Engineer Corps brought out the point that a new college graduate will rarely land a job with which he or she is really satisfied on the first try. Miss Barbell emphasized over and over the dangers of "jumping at the firs t position offered" or "becoming frozen in one position for fear of changing jobs." The seminar on "Library Career s" this Wednesday (de, cribed elsewhere in this paper) is another example of a placement activity directed to students who are majoring in any or all of the fields of study -offeredhere at Cabrini. I am presently investigating the National Directory of College Graduates, which, if Cabrini girls indicate their willingness to participate, could add meaningful dimensions to their search for a career position in cities and towns far away l n.,m Radnor. With this plan, prospective graduates could file a detailed resume (forms for which would be provided by . the company) which would then be indexed and cross-indexed by their field of study, occupational interests, and locational preferences. AU resumes would then be collated in a national catalogue and distributed to a minimum of 25,000 employers who are desirous o( hiring graduates. With such a program, for example, a 1970 Cabrini graduate with a degree in psychology, who is interested in social-welfare work or in special education in either New York City or Rochester would have her name and resume automatically sent to every employer in that category and in those cities. Further information will be made available by the end of this month . In addition , copies of the 1970 Federal Careers Directory for
Thoughts For the Day "Leaving the old, both worlds at once they view, that stand upon the thre shold of the new ." -Edmund Waller "Nothing dream ."
January 30, 1970
unless first a
¡¡Time and again man stands before the abyss of eternal solitude ." -Nico
the states of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia will shortly be available in my office, A bulletin board display on career possibilities for women in New York City will be featured this week. However, I feel the most important concept to be stressed in placement activity is that investigating career possibilities is NOT just a senior class activity-the time to begin such investigations is freshmen year If and every year thereafter. each student took advantage of the opportunities presented to consider seriously the direction of her future, there would be no need for pre-gra ,duation panic. There is nothing to be gained from postponing job ccnsid-erations and there may be a great deal to be lost.
Celam Atten~ : CICOP Conference The Latin American Bishops' Council's (CELAM) top-level decision-makers have confirmed. that they will attend the Seventh Annual National Catholic Cooperation Inter - American Program (CICOP) conference. The letter of confirmation received from CELAM headquarters in Bogota, Colombia praised CICOP as "an important channel of Latin American communication" and a "most highly regarded inter-American forum ." The CICOP conference will discuss the theme "New Dimensions in Hemispheric Realities" at its 1970 sessions to be held from February 5th through 8th at the Marriott Motor Hotel in Washington, D.C. The CELAM officials attending the 1970 CICOP conference will be CELAM's President Archbishop A velar Brandao Vilela of Brazil; First Vice-President, Archbishop Marcos McGrath of Panama; Second Vice-President, Auxiliary Bishop Luis Eduardo Henriquez of Venezuela and General Secretary, Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Pironio of Argentina. CELAM has taken an active interest in CICOP since the inter-American cooperation program was initiated in 1964. CELAM represents some 650 bishops in 22 Latin American countries including those French English and Portuguese cultural heritage. CELAM is now considered a model for Third World Churches seeking to increase episcopal collegiality by promoting an efficient organizational structure of national Church policy-making bodies.
Sr. lmmaculata In New York
Peter Ndiege Lectures AtCabrini Peter Ndiege, brother of the former Minister of Economic Planning and Development of Kenya, Tom Mboya, lectured at Cabrini College, Radnor, on Tuesday, Jan. 27, at 8:00 PM. He spoke on the political status of Kenya with reference to the overall political situation . in Africa. His brother, Tom Mboya, was assassinated during the summer of 1969 while holding the Kenyan Cabinet post. Mboya, a member of the Kenya National Assembly, was also General Secretary of the Kenya African National Union, the country's ruling party. Peter Ndiege is an instructor in minority. history at the Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC), 1225 N. Broad Street, Phila.
Sister Immaculata is now in Columbia Hospital in New York City. She will probably be there for at least six weeks, or until her leg heals properly. She would greatly appreciate it if some of the girls from Cabrini would write to her and cheer her up a bit. The address is as follows: Sr . Immaculata MSC Columbia Hospital 227 East 19th Street New York, New York, 10003
SGA NEWS From now on all SGA meetings will be held on Mondays, 6:00 PM. The SGA Newsletter will come out every other week instead of weekly as is presently done. It will be published on alternate weeks from the newspaper. In this way any important information which is not able to be put in Loquitur will still be published for the be'.1efit of the students.
On Wednesday, January 21, the Department of Public Instruction came to Cabrini to interview the members of the various departments and make recommendations about the curriculum. Two of the departments interviewed were the Math and English departments, where the DPI's main concern was the education of secondary school teachers. On meeting with the Math department, the following topics were discussed. DPI asked if the teachers of our Math department would be able to look in on the student teachers as they teach at their various schools. Mr. McGee answered that the faculty will be able to look in on the students, and that in addition to this, in the near future, these student teachers will give at least one lecture to a freshman class here at Cabrini. Mr. Satlow also added that the Math department . is considering a math course that will be given to Seniors b~fore they begin student teaching, serving as a "refresher course " to fill in the 2-3 year gap since their last encounter with math. The only problem that would then face the department is that of finding new staff members to teach the possible 60-70 additional students.
_ Since, at the present time, there are so few secondary education majors in the English department, teacher education is incidental. The DPI recommended courses in Linguistics, which are required by secondary schools. They emphasized that the student should be familiar with every area she would be asked to deal with while teaching . They approved of the courses that are now being offered, especially those dealing with writing (of which the department plans to offer more) , and of the program the department has which affords its students the opportunity to view dramatic productions in the area. The DPI plans to eventually do away with the degree in English, per se, in colleges, and to offer, instead, a degree in Communication Arts , where the student will be able to major in English, Speech, Drama, or Journalism.
Rocket ellerSpeaks Out OnThe Church InLatin America Governor Nelson Rockefeller has submitted hi report on the quality of life in Latin America praising the Church in those countries as "agents for change" with one breath and criticizing them as "vulnerable to subversion" with another. A spokesman for the Latin American hierarchy rejected the implied conclusion that the Church should stay in its place ( the sanctuary) and leave socioeconomic development to the military. Agnelo Cardinal Rossi of Brazil (the largest Catholic country in the world), Chairman of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference, explained that Governor Rockefeller greatly underestimated the Church's achievements in promoting human advancement. "Rockefeller is minimizing the competence of the Church," Cardinal Rossi said. "The report bypasses the tremendous influence of the Church throughout Latin America by assigning it merely a cooperative role with the government poograms. The document fails to recognize the constructive work of the Church in the field of human progress. Timely advice by the Latin America Division of the U.S. Catholic Conference could have produced a more timely and accurate view of the Church in Latin America." The Division for Latin America is totally committed to stimulating spiritual and material development in Latin .America by assisting projects whose productivity has been thoroughly investigated and proven. The Division for Latin America agrees with Cardinal Rossi that Church work in these vital areas must not be limited to cooperation with government programs . The Latin American Church has taken the initiative and launch-
ed many programs seeking to restore human dignity and selfSufficiency in accordance with the Gospel's call to actively promote social justice. The Division for Latin America assists such projects seeking to promote integral human development. This essential work depends directly on your willingness to generously contribute to the U.S . Catholic National Annual Collection for Latin America to be held in your parish on January 25th unless rescheduled to conform with local circumstances. With your help the Latin American Church's active role in promoting religious and socio-economic advancement
The '70s, A Good Decade For Latin America "There are strong indications that the decade of the 70s will be a time of dramatically increased Latin American awareness among formally apathetic segments of the U.S. Catholic population." That prediction was made by a spokesman for the Division for Latin America of the U.S. following a report that over 100 dioceses have volunteered to hold the U.S. Catholic National Annual ..Collection for Latin America. "This high degree of voluntary participation by the U.S. bishops reflects a ground swell of interest in Latin America on the part of Catholics in dioceses throughout the United States," said Kenneth Boxler, Administrative Director of the Division for Latin America. "The intensity of the Latin American Church's struggle to implement the Gospel message of social justice despite persistent and even violent opposition ( Continued on Page 3)
January 30, 1970
Page 2
New Format For LOQUITOR
The Editor of Loquitur would like to introduce to you some of the new columns that will be in the newspaper. Letters to the Editor may be submitted by anyone, concerning any problems whatsoever. All responses will appear in the following issue of the paper. The column of original literature is a)so to be written by the students, faculty or administration. Any poem or story may be entered, the only stipulation is that it be written by the individual. Those students who wish to type papers for other students or to sew hems, etc. may place a personal ad in Loquitur to inform others of this. The price charged is fifteen cents per typed line. Dear Crabby depends upon questions written in be distressed students for her column. Any type of query is permissable, and will be answered in the next issue. The Column of Opinions welcomes any sort of question, complaint or problem wished to be aired . A response or comment will be given by the Editor of Opinions. Anyone wishing to contribute to these columns may place their article in the Loquitur mailbox, which is located next to Dr. Romano's in the faculty mailboxes. The next issue of the newspaper will be out on February 11. Those who want to have something placed in this issue must have it typed, double space, and thirty spaces across, and in the Loquitur box, no later than Wednesday, February
4. This includes Club Presidents. We would appreciate it if you would tell us when your future meetings are to be held, so that we can print these dates in the Calendar of Events. Please cooperate. Remember, this is your school newspaper, and its what YOU make of it. Thank you, The Editors
· Mr.Jerald Satlow: Faculty Advisor OfLOQUITOR Mr. Jerald Satlow, the faculty advisor for the student newspaper, was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 28, 1941. He attended Antioch College, the University de Besancon (1962-1963), Weselayan University, and the University of Pennsylvania Gradu-
STUDENT OPINIONS Social Science Dept. In Question Dear Editor, What is to become of the Social Science major? Would someone like to tell us? It's a little late to transfer to another major, let alone another college. What is going to happen when our mentor, organizer, and only full time teacher is suddenly removed silently, only one year from the graduation of his first class of majors. We in the Social Science Department felt very fortunate to participate in the creation of a new department. We were able to request course preferences every semester and we were introduced to every aspect of the social sciences, with emphasis being placed· on sociology and poli tical science because they were our major- interests. Can you blame us for being the least bit indignant at Mr. DiComo's removal or apprehensive about our own academic futures? All that we would really want to know is where are we going? Linda Crumlish, Social Science '71 Janet Czarnecki, Social Science '71
Response ·
Thank you for your concern in this matter. The staff of this paper is also deeply interested in the outcome of this situation. Sister Barbara, the academic
dean, was approached by a spokesman from the Loquitor to obtain any information concerning either Mr. DiComo's dismissal or the department's future. Realizing that the administration does not approve of "through-the-grapevine" tactics, we followed this direct route. The response given was a cordial refusal to disclose any facts at that time. It's obvious that the administration has a perfectly logical, impersonal and formal explanation for their decision. I am confident that the academic future of the Social .Science Department has been considered and a statement will be issued to the department's majors. Colette Casey '71
Dear Editor, We regret to inform the freshman who occupy the last row of tables in the cafeteria that unfortunately the school will not be able to supply the usual maid and butler service for those "children" who leave their "baby food" and dishes on the tables after meals. In other words, get your garbage out of there! Maureen Ryan '71
Modification In Course Curriculum Even though there are many excellent courses offered here at Cabrini, the majority of students are not free to take them for one of two reasons. The first
is that most of the students are so bogged dow1,2 with required subjects that there is little r.oom left for electives. In most departments there are even specified electives which must be taken to back up the major . The second reason is that many courses require prerequisites in that particular subject before the course can be taKen. I realize that this is necessary especially if the course offered is a math or science, but I feel that it is totally unfair to require a prerequisite in some courses in sociology and psychology. Two such courses are Marriage and Family and the Psychology of Love. Both of these are extremely meaningful and can prove to be very beneficial in our lives . I am not saying here that all required courses and prerequisites should be abolished, only modified, so that we will not waste so much time taking courses we don't need and furthermore, don't want! I can't see why students should be forced to take subjects that do not compliment their major. If there is room for an elective , we should be &ble to take it without a prerequisite, depending on the subject. To me a Liberal Arts CoHege is one in which I am able to register for what courses I want in order to expand my knowledge in as many ways as possible. Cabrini offers a way to do this, but how many of us can take advantage of it?! I can only hope that
this situation will be remedied in the near future, possibly as a topic for discussion at the Faculty and Student Academic meetings. Stephanie Perez '71
ate School. While continuing his education, he participated in a cooperative program, where one , for six months and ~ ,o~e"'s'="___,,....._.--, to school for the remaining six . Mr . Satlow's position have ranged from a recreation aide at a state mental hospital to research assistant in psychological research. His major in College was Mathematics with an interest in education. While teaching at Cabrini, Mr . Satlow & Mr . McGee intend to revitalize the Math department and destroy the image that "Math is not for girls ." In his own opm1on, Mr . (Continued on Page 3)
NICE TO BE ABLE TO TELL TIME AGAIN! LOQU ITU R STAFF BOX LOQUITUR Editors-in-chief ............ ... ....C a th Y M urp h y, s tephanie P erez Art Editor .............. .................... .....................Liz Pierce Editor of Opinions .. ................. ...Colette Casey News Editor ..Suzanne Horn .. ...Cathy Sulock Typing Editor .............. .. . . ......... .... ....Sue White Sports Editor .. .. ..... ............ ... ......... ........... ...........Diane Gove Business Editor ... Dear Crabby ........ .................. .....................Herself ...............Kathy Jo Ramo s Photography Editor Circulation Editor .........:.Trevina Chiu .. ·· . ... ...... ......Linda Crumlish, Eileen Fiver, Typists Maureen Ryan, Cathy Costigan .......Annemarie Fellock , L2nay Kowalczyk, Reporters Janet Czarnecki, Eileen Fiver, Maureen Ryan , Joanne Todarello ................. .. ..Mr. Jerry Satlow Faculty Advisor ...
January 30, 1970
Page 3
Words • • • • As I sit here by myself; lonely , afraid, and ready to cry, I see your face; I see your smile, and finally, I become lost in your eyes . But then, I do cry; for you see, you are only in my mind. -Maureen Ryan
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O God! What am I doing here? Why has my life changed so adversely? It was only yesterday when I was wrapped in joy, And today-today, I am in the depths of sorrow. Since you've gone, I feel as though I am caught Between life and death . My body lives , but my spirit is dead. Oh God! Why am I alone? -Stephanie Perez '71 The following poem was written by Jean Wilson who attended Cabrini College for two years. It appeared in the 1969 version of Pegasus, which is published by the National Poetry Press.
• •
PEACE It rains much here The sky opens up and the de-
Introduction Do you have a problem? Would you like someone to solve it? Would you like someone to share in your miseries? Well, I don't know the answers, But I am a flamenco dancer , Who will dance for .you If my answers don't succeed My name is Crabby! (with apologies to Phil Ochs)
-o-ear Cra-blry DEAR CRABBY Where is the "in" place to be ev ery weekend at Cabrini? -FUN-LOVER
DEAR FUN-LOVER, On the Paoli local , going home. -CRABBY DEAR CRABBY , I am always mistaken for my moth er . No matter where we are -on ski slopes, swimming , everywhere-people confu se us. My boyfriend can't tell u s apar t. Even our hands don 't giv e us away. What can I do? -ELECTRA DEAR ELECTRA, Kill your mother . -CRABBY DEAR CRABBY , Where can I go, at Cabrini , if I am in need of medical aid? -CONCERNED DEAR CONCERNED , Transfer to Bryn Mawr . I h ear they have complete hospital facilities . -CRABBY DEAR CRABBY, I believe that the darkest hour is before dawn. Things are bound to get better . There will be a general feeling of Christia nity and pettiness will be non-e xistent. Freedom of expr ess ion and opinion will not be crushed by police tactics . Every body laughs at me ; please help me . -CASSANDRA DEAR CASSANDRA , Who do you think you're kidding? - CRABBY DEAR CRABBY , My hair is very oily and I have dandruff . I have eruptions all over my face I wear out 5-day deodorant pads in five minutes . Yesterday someone left a small bottle in my
room with a note signed, "The Green Phantom ." When I enter a room , everybody leaves. Do you realize that desks are made for right-handed people? I'm left-hande d . I don't know where to turn . You are my last hope . Should I try to improve myself or-end it all. -DESPERATE DEAR DESPERATE , Yes. -CRABBY 0
Freshmen Decide Class Proiect On January 22, a Freshmen class meeting was held to discuss suggestions for a moneyraising project for the spring semester . At present , there are $138 in the treasury from dues. Deadline for payment of dues was set for March 25. It was decided that the class' social committee -w ill arrange for a basketball game between Cabrini freshmen and a freshmen team from another college. Popcorn will be sold at the game and la:ter in the dorms . No date has been scheduled as yet.
Brooks Stationery Quality School Supplies Imported Greeting Cards Domestic Greeting Cards Artist's ,Materials Office Needs Paper Party Goods 130 E. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, Pa. MU 8-10'7Z
luge begins-hear it? It's a comforting sound . Customs forbid smiles, among other things. This cascade starts and ends in rain. A seed; a sea ; a hope . The sound continues and patterns diminish. A gentle trip, a whirlwind tour Large 'and small, drop by drop, It falls, trickles across each of us and rests, forever quiet. Rain speaks our unspeakable desires, And continues on its way. This next poem, written by Eileen Fiver, also appeared in the 1969 issue of Pegasus. Crystal teardrops melt away to reveal rainbow-colored dreamsCotton-candy mountains in the sky, Floating by , Pastel-painted palaces , princes , ponies daffodils, Daisies , golden in the sun . Cloudy teardrops gently fall On your now hazy-co lored dreams. Mountains , as you know, are
Personal Notes "Anybody who's anybody wants to live on the second floor of Woodcrest . But who wants to be just anybody?" . J. (B. La V .) W. - Please pick up your property in the men's room! A. 0. - What can everybody else in the world do but you? J.M.-Your Roman Catholic sweatshirt is back from the cleaners. Who in W oodcrest would like to swing off a chandelier? M. P. - The fleet is in. . - Your bou , :ow-to-Win-Friends-an Influenee -people, has arrived. M. (Opal) C. - Your complete set of Golden Books is here. B. L. W. - Your Brownie Handbook has arrived. T. (ca-ca) C.-Leave it to Beaver. DID YOU KNOW THAT: -Both Mr. Bowers and Mr. Ready were in the opera Aida! Mr. Ready was the chief archer and a spear carrier, and Mr. Bowers was, of all things, a slave driver! For on the scene shot s, contact Hugh Hefner, Chicago, Illinois. - Sue Soule had a baby boy ! -Joan Urello and a friend of hers are touring Europe this summer by car. - The freshmen class has a new face, Chris Hill, a transfer student from Barry College in Florida. CONGRATULATIONS TO: - Mary Ryan, Pat Moore, Chris Stephan, Joyce Wolf, and Stephanie Gooderham on being pinned. .Kathy Fox, ·Mary McLaughlin, Eileen O'Shea, Mary Connelly, Dottie Kurz, Pam Maher, Maria Lucia, and Peggy Glah on their engagements. - Pat Spiracus, who will be married February 7. - Steph, for a great job, from Maureen and Eileen. -Jeanne Wade, whose personal property has been publicly displayed most often! - Kippy Beck, who still doesn't know who Ario Guthrie's father is!
Travel News Ea ster College Week 1970 in Bermuda 8 day s 7 nights $279 .50 per person Saturday, March 28 to April 4, 1970 .
Tour Program Includes - Round trip via Eastern Airlines . - Rooms with private bath at Elbow Beach Surf Club . - Transfers between airport and hotel. - Breakfast and dinner at Elbow Beach Surf Club. - Baggage Handling . - All taxes and gratuities . - All meals enroute . - Program of daily activities .
Reservations are limited and will be on a first-come, firstHURRY served basi,s Write or Phone : Marion C. Dougherty McGettigan 's Travel Bureau 1620 Walnut Stree t Phila. Pa. PE 5-0515 Advertising rates are here by set at $1.25 per column inch with di scounts for larger ade and for clubs and organizations directly related with Cabrini College . Classified ads shall be taken at the rate of $1.00 per 5 or fewer lines with discounts on such ads frqm Cabrini students.
sometimes Washed to sea; Dreams come true only in children's fairy tales. You realize how wrong you once were . Time erases memory Of your golden sun-drop dreams . Stormy winds ha ve swiftly scattered All your hopes; And the tears that came in torrents have shattered youOnly emptiness remains.
• •
to runwith you until i cry with joy and then carry me further smile with your eyes in wonder at the tears i'm crying know that they're for you know that i am what you make me. Sue White, '73
• • within our shell we touch no one watching their empty hands reach desperately towardsuntilthey break in . and i become frantic their hands running over my face my salvation exists when you reach intoward me ,md bring me to youwe are alone once more . Sue White '73
The '70s, Good Decade (Continued from Page 1) is one factor which has geneaware rated this heightened ~....There_are_ othe faclor u n~ eluding the Rockefeller trip and subsequent report. But we are also confident that it also reflects an acceptance of the interrelatedness of man as a resident of a global village rather than isolated neighborhoods or parishes .
Sat/ow, Faculty Advisor (continued from page 2) Satlow feels that the Math department has progressed greatly in these past months, and will still continue to progress . Cabrini is fortunate to have such a teacher .
Radnor After Dark
Calendar OfEvents
Cabrini "Pampers" Penn Despite the fact that we were snowed in, we decided to stamp out Penn State on the basketball court. Goody was crossing her fingers, hoping the snow would not affect he r star s. In plowed the team, even L ou, hair and all, and after waiting an extra hour for the opp osition, the game began . Penn had time to recruit only five players , but the opposition they showed throughout the gam e, without substitutions, was good. One of the qest plays was worked out by one of our player s, Lex, when she non-chalantly bent over and passed the ball throu gh her legs because she was surrounded.
even without substitutions, came back strong in the second half, scoring seven more points. Cabrini, however, took the lead a e ain anc..ladded twenty more. "Chief" Sefranek, on Cabrini's side, scored 17 points altogether, making two of them by sinking a great shot from the outside. Lex scored 10 points . Mary Lou, affectionately called the "Bomber," scored five. Laurie Hentschel, of number 22 fame, made a beautiful foul shot. Good ol' Cabrini came through with the final score 35 - 32. Congrats! At half time, the score was 15 to 14, Cabrini leading . Penn,
1970Basket BallSchedule Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar.
January, 30 1970
Page 4
3 5 10 12 16 18
24 26 3 5
Phila. Col. Bible Muhlenberg Immaculata Rosemont Holy Family Swarthmore Gwynedd-Mercy Eastern Baptist Manor Jr. College Bryn Mawr
Away Home Home Away Home Away Away Away Home Away
7:00 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:15
V&JV Varsity V&JV V&JV Varsity V&JV V&JV V&JV Varsity V&JV
Cabrini "Vamps" Villanova The Villanova - Cabrini game has to be the most exciting game of the season. The girls did a great job; Villanova played an excellent game. The acti on was fast and closely comp-2titive throughout all four quart~rs . The turnout proved to be rather good. Cabrini started out on the right foot from the beginning, taking the lead al1hough Villanova's team was well-organized . Perhaps, Cabrini's secret weapon may be the fact that no team has ev er been able to predict what our basketball player s will do next (not to mention Goody's confusion) . Yet the girls did it again, winning the third game they played.
"Chief" Sefranek came through with 16 great points , Four of which were foul shots. Lex scored 16 points, also, despite th2 fact that all Villanova's players looked down on her during the whole game. "Bomber" Lou came through with 6 (confidence, Lou, yea). Laurie Hentschel made four points a basket and two beautiful foul shots. Helen Sefranek boosted t1'e score with 5, and Rey zonked out 4. Rey, Lex, Helen, and Laurie all made some outstanding recoveries, and Rey and Laurie were right under that b~sket for the rebounds. Not only did the with a score of 51 J.V. played their phant game with a
- 42, but the
23 - 11 score.
Term Papers
February 4 Cast and Script meeting, 4 :30, on stage February 11 Philosophy Club will present George Brown, who will speak on "The Values Generated by Cities," 3 :30, Library Conference Room (tenta_tive) February 18 Cast and Script will sponsor trip to see To Be Young·, Gifted, and Black, in Philadelphia February 19 Student-Faculty Volleyball Game, 3:15 March 11 Student-Faculty Basketball Game
Cabrini To Meet Foes The Cabrini basketball teams will have their hands full next week as they prepare to take on their two arch rivals within three days. Tuesday, February 10, should find Immaculata College in a 7 :00 battle on the Cabrini home court, while on Thursday, our Radnor girls travel to take on Rosemont. Both Cabrini's varsity and JV teams will be trying to establish their superiority over two important Main Line foes, a superiority Cabrini has yet to prove on the basketball court. For eight straight years Cabrini has been unable to topple the Rosemont varsity. Seven times in seven varsity games Cabrini has similarlyfallen to Immaculata. Not since 1966 have Mrs . Goodwin's girls lost to anyone
as badly as their 61-17 fiasco with Immaculata . The Rosemont games , on the other hand, have been more closely contested, but somehow Rosemonsters have always come out on top . Last year showed that Cabrini is indeed ready to overcome both of its Catholic neighbors. Only four points separated Cabrini from the Macs, and Rosemont barely squeezed out a three-point win. The losing chains are bound to be broken any year now, and the Cabrini players wouldn't mind breaking both in the same week. Next Tuesday and Thursday should see some very exciting basketball games being played .
TheTypical College Boy We, the coeds of Cabrini College, in viewiing the typical college man, express our feelings on six points. The typical college man is : 1. A tweed - He dresses suitably for all occasions: leather elbow patches on his jackets, a touch of olive drab, dirty bucks and a "Princeton cut." 2. Cosmopolitan in talk - as he is well versed on subjects such as girls, dolls ; femmes, blondes, brunettes and ·redheads. 3. l\fan about town He knows every "respectable establishment" from the New York state line to Pittsburgh, Pa. 4. An intellectual - He takes pains, pouring time and effort into his work, from wp.ich he reaps much satisfaction; i.e ., up to Friday afternoon. Then comes the WEAK-end and the books are left behind · in the dust of hasty escape. 5. He is thoughtful - Morning, noon and night he thinks of himself . 6. He ponders heavy problems - such as where to find the ice
to keep the coke cold on a warm day , or how he can squeeze.his home-work into his busy social schedule. Ah , yes, these are truly the fharacteristics of a typical college man . However, an overabundance of any one of these characteristics makes the individual the memorable man found 'round the campus. Close your eyes now , girls, and we'll take you to the typical boy's college. One of the most unforgettable characters you'll meet will be the Bohemian. You're likely to bump into him in any nook or cranny or restaurant six feet below or one foot above street level. No matter where he is, you'll notice him with his bearded face and all over shaggy appearance. He's the artistic type . Anything goes from bongo drums to the symbolic plays of Ibsen.
~al\\t.1, ·&~tr i Carryout Countl1 Chicken
BERWYN, PA. PHONE: 647-3046
Things might have looked very bleak to Mrs. Helen Goodwin, Cabrini's basketball coach . as she surveyed her group of players. Last March, Cabrini had schedul ed a record fifteen varsity games for the 1970 season. Suddenly it was 1970 , and only two of last year's eight varsity regulars were back to play. The odds of bettering last year's 6-6 record might have appeared slim. But then the test arrived scrimmages with Our Lady of Angels College and Penn State . Now, these two teams aren't powerhouses of any sort, but playing them would give some indication of the kind of team Mrs. Goodwin had managed to shape up. And they did shape up. Jane Sefranek and Kathy Sulock were joined by the cream of last year 's successful JV team . Given the opportunity, Laura He ntschel , Helen Sefranek and Rey Spellman proved to be excellent varsity material. Even more power was added from the ranks of the freshman class. Jane Menendez and MaryLou Husbands jumped right into major roles. Two scrimmages were played and won, and Mrs. Goodwin found that she did have a team, and not a bad team at that. Cabrini still has to meet power teams like Rosemont, Gwynedd, EBC, and Bryn Mawr ; but win or lose, the experience of playing together can only make Mrs. Goodwin' s varsity better \vith every gam e. The next individual you are likely to come across is the tall. masculine fellow who goes under the. name of Joe Hero . He is generally quite conceited , but he is the B.M.O.C. (Big Man on Campus) and the crowned victor we girls alwa ys fall hard for. Of course , a college isn't a college without . the intellectuals, and that's· who you are likely to run into next, provided he has escaped from his secluded paradise long enough for you to get a glimpse of him. For the intellectual girl he's O.K., but just remember , gals reference book s aren't taken out. Next we have the irresistible type - at len st he thinks he is irresi stible. He is consideded a lot of fun with the fellows, but he is not a very good ingredient for mixed company.
Editor's Note This article appeared in the very first issue of Loquitur, October 23, 1959, Vol. 1, No. 1. It just goes to show that boys haven't changed all that much i.n ten years!
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