Apr. 20, 1970 issue 08 Loquitur

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Three Speakers To Help In Observing Earth Day


on the grass plot between the church and Sacred Heart Hall. i It will be something very meaningful. The cafeteria will stay open until one thirty to accomodate those who wish to re- ' ceive Communion. Dr. Carl A. Silver, associate CABRINI COLLEGE, RADNOR, professor of behavioral science Vol. XV, No. 7 at Drexel University, will be at Cabrini College in the afternoon. He received his Phd. from Ohio State in Physiological Psychology. He was formerly associated with Minneapolis HonSchools which are larger or oldLast year, when the class of eywell, Inc. and was manager of er than Cabrini have solved 1969 was looking for an effecthe Behavior Science LaboraThe reception and dinner for this problem through endowtive means to further the protory of the Franklin Institute the student teachers and their ments from private as well as gress of Cabrini . College, Mr. Research Laboratory. He will ;teachers will be cooperating puhlic benefactors. Peter Federico, Vice President discuss the effect df noise on held Wednesday, April 22 at Mr. Federico emphasized the for Development, stressed the human performance as well as 6:30 P .M. in the Sacred Heart vaiue of financial support beimportance of a development the psychological effects of Hall cafeteria. Principals, sugun from within the students program. noise and determination of noise pervisors, cooperating teachers, community. The public relations No college or university can levels. student teachers, and the eduvalue is as 'attractive as are the exist exclusively on funds accation department will attend. Dr. Edward Cahill, who financial advantages to the quired through students' tuition. Dr. Fred Petrone is going to teaches at the University of school. speak and the Cabrini College Pennsylvania, is coming. He is A pledge drive initiated by in the university's Human ReGlee Club, under the direction the students demonstrates a of Dr. Carl Suppa, is going to sources and City Planning demethod by which an individual sing _some spring songs for enpartment and is going to speak may take an active part in postertainment. Junior education at Cabrini on the "Effect of sitive improvements for her majors will be waitresses at Human Population on our Reschool. The idea of a pledge the affair. sourses. drive, handled through personal solicitation was adopted. So far it has been very successful. The class of 1970 has decided to keep on this tradition. They A movie and lecture on drug sured that there are people who hegan with a "Kick-off" dinner abuse were presented on April are interested in them. This last Wednesday, April 15, at 8 by the Cabrini chapter of confidence leads them to their 6:00 P.M. The goal set is $1500. PSEA. Teen Challenge, a drug recovery. Their project is to give Cabrini rehabilitation center in PhilaA thirty minute film entitled a monument to be placed at the delphia, sent the Rev. J. Cole Miracle on Broad Street was main gate -entrance with the who spoke to a small audience shown. This film portrayed the name of the college on it. It will about the operation and philosmiserable life of an addict, and look something like Villanova's ophy of the Center. how Teen Challenge can bring mcr.ument, fixed up with lights Lynda Fernandez relief and help. Teen Challenge was founded and flowers. Following the rnovie, a young by Rev. Bob Bartlett. He beA. student is requested to former alcoholic and a young lieves that it is only through pledge any amount she wishes, former addict spoke about their belief in God that addicts, alto be paid in the course of the past wretched lives and their coholics, and any other people next tBree years. It may be pail! recovery with the help of Teen with problems can be cured. in full at the first contactor at Challenge. After their testimThere troubled persons are asA Summer Institute in Mathany intervals specified by the onials, a question and answer ematics will be conducted at individual donor. At the end period followed. Cabrini this summer for teachers and prospective teachers of Alumnae Set Buffet elementary school mathematics. · On Wednesday, April 8, Dr. _ The Cabrini College Alumnae The courses offered will be Sara Taubin of the Lankenau Association will hold a buffet Theory of Arithmetic, GeomeHospital Health Education Desupper and dance on Saturday, try, and a Workshop in Mathepartment, held a discussion on April 18, at the college campus. Cabrini College will host the matics for the Elementary the "Preparation of Marriage" The affair will be highlighted annual meeting of the PennsylSchool Teacher. Each course at 3:00 P.M. in the lecture hall by reunions of the classes of vania Catholic Round Table of carries three credits which may of Cabrini College. A film on 1960 and 1965. Harry Beneke Science on Saturday, May 2. be applied toward permament "Family Planning" supplimented and his orchestra will provide Mrs. Dorothy McKenna certification. the talk. The film was about the music for the ·evening. Brown, chairman of Cabrini's The Institute aims to provide different methods of birth conCo-chairmen of the event are biology department is confera partial remedy to the inadetrol such as the pill, IUD Mrs. Carolyn Cashman Beliveau ence coordinator. The day-long quacies of in-service programs foams, the rhythm method, diaof Spring Garden Street, Ambconference will feature sessions and scattered course work in phragms, and prophylactics. The ler, and Mrs. Adelinge Rovengo in biology, chemistry, mathemathematics. Included in the lecture was sponsored by the Webb of Rock Road, Hawmatics, and science education. program is not only preparaBiology Club. thorne, N.J. Founded in 1953, the Round tion in "modern math" · and Table aims to promote the acteaching methodology, but also tive mutual cooperation of edan examination of such related ucational institutions and scienareas as current research in tists. Membership is comprised mathematics education, a surof persons active in the fields vey of curricula and textbooks, by Mrs. Carolyn Gough of the natural sciences and psycholbgy. and educational Plans are already being made forms, so whether your skill mathematics, primarily educaThis program may be of specand talent is with a paint brush, for a Student~Faculty-Admintors, graduate students, and ial interest to members of the istration Arts and Crafts Show modeling clay, potter's wheel, professional people in related class of 1970 as well as to stujeweler's tools, needle and fields. to be held in the library startdents who are elementary eduthread, loom, or even with a Most of Pennsylvania's colcation majors with a specializaing October 5, 1970. Although paste pot and stack of old magleges and universities, in addition in mathematics. this will be sponsored by the azines get busy during the sumIn addition to Mr. McGee, Calibrary, there will be a commer and have something ready brini's math department chairmittee composed of representabefore October 5tb so it will be man, the teaching staff will intives from the student body, part of the display. clude Gerald Satlow, Instructor the faculty and the administraWe still haven't worked out in mathematics; Andrew Litation that will be in charge of all of the details, but we would vec, Assistant Professor of edthe preparations, publicity and like to have an outside panel of ucation; and George Lowerre, coordination of what we hope 'experts' to judge the exhibits Lecturer at the University of will be a very successful enand award prizes in the various Pennsylvania's Graduate School deavor. This is planned as much categories. The date has been of Education. set to coincide with Parents' for fun as fur culture, surely, there must be a great deal of Weekend, so we want a exhibit The Institute will be conducttalent lying dormant on the that we can all be proud ofed daily from June 29 through campus and we want to bring any suggestions or recommenAugust 7. Interested students An apology is extended to the it all out in the open and show dations that will help to insure can obtain a descriptive broLoquitur staff for printing prochure by contacting Mr. McGee, off what Cabrini has to offe~. its success will be gratefully duction delays of this issue. Mr. Satlow, or Mr. Litavec. Arts and crafts can take many received. Earth Day is April 22, and it will be observed at Cabrini College. Dr. Joseph Solomon, Professor of Chemistry at the Philadelphia Coliege of Pharmacy and. Science, will lecture at ten o'clock. He received his Phd at the Carnegie Institute of Technology and was formerly an analytical chemist with U.S. Steel and Gulf. There will be a special mass at eleven fifteen held outside

Sr.Teachers Dine


April 20, 1970


PSEA Held Drug Lecture

Summer Session In Math Offered ·Here

Birth Control .


of the three year pledge period, those who were participants will renew their pledges and continue to do so according to their capabilities. No member of the fund drive committee will engage in requesting pledges from other students until she herself has given. No future pressure will be applied unless a student requests a reminder notice to be sent to her with an envelope in which to mail her payment. Every gift to Cabrini College is acknowledged by a letter suitable for the varification of the gift for tax purposes. The committee responsible for this drive is comprised of the following members of the senior class: Chairman Lynda Fernandez, Resident Chairman Ann Redden, Day Student Chairman Teri. Baldi, Resident Representatives Mary Cavanaugh, Gloria Dell'Isola, Regina De Paolis, Grace Csajko, and Carol Von Savage, and Day Student Representatives Christine Mc Nichol and Marie Donato. The pledge drive committee is hoping for 100 percent participatwn. Mr. Federico feels that this drive will strengthen the structure of the alumnae by making them proud of Cabrini and the part they have played in the betterment of the College.

Round Table of Science To Meet Here May 2

Library Plans Autumn Arts and Craft Show


tion to numerous high schools throughout the state, will be represented at the meeting. Dr. John W. Mauchly will deliver the keynote address at the May 2 Round Table. Dr. Mauchly is co-inventor of the first all-electronic computer, ENIAC; its successor, BINAC; and the first comme ·rcial computer, UNIVAC. Founder and chairman of the board of DYNATREND, INC., Dr. Mauchly is an internationally recognized authority on the development and application of scientific techniques to decision making, forecasting and management controls. Dr. Mauchly is one of the founders of the Association for Computing Machinery, and served as president and council member. He was also a founder of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and is a past president of that organization. He served on the Science Information Council of the National Science Foundation from 1959 to 1961. Among the honors he has received for his contributions to science and technology are the Potts Medal of the Franklin Inatitute and the Philadelphia Scott Award. The Award of Excellence was conferred on him by the Committee of 100,000 Pennsylvanians in 1968.


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April 20, 1970

To Control Pollution .

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Environmental pollution is not just a new issue tor a political soap box, but it is the reason why we must have an ecological battle for survival. The environmental teachins that are to be staged on 2000 high school campuses, 850 college campuses and numerous communities between April 16 and April 22 will hopeful] be a forceful catalyst in the fight against pollution. Concerned people are aware that they are Jiving in a world poisoned by man's neglect, misuse and his spiraling population. Man has overused insecticides and pesticides, turned riv~rs into sewers, lakes into cesspools; let his cities decay, while the surrounding air dense with carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide aggrevates such diseases as emphysema and ·lung cancer.

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Help Make theWorld ABetter Place ToLiveIn Pollution Starts at Home, If we are really serious about this pollution and "save-yourenvironment" thing, then we don't need to go any further than our own front doorstep to start eliminating some of the problems. With Spring in the air and the beauty of Spring all around us on this beautiful Cabrini College of ours ...... why doesn't everyone try to keep clean the campus area? For that matter why doesn't everyone make an effort to find a more likely disposal area for empty beer and cola cans and bottles than the lawn of Cabrini's grounds? Somewhere, someone, maybe a serious polluter like one of our industrial plants or munici-

palities has to be smiling at all of this. Some of us can imagine that it is going to be very hard to convince anyone much less a major polluter-of our sincere desire to end pollution if we cannot get down to the mundane tasks of cleaning up our own mess first. And don't stop with the dormitory area either. There are several other areas of "local" campus pollution that should be worked out immediately. For that matter why doesn't everyone make an effort to keep the smokers and lounges spick and span? The area of the dining room or cafeteria certainly needs attention. It's not only the floor that has to be




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Last Friday, Pennsylvania's U.S. Senator Hugh Scott endorsed the concept of "Earth Day" activities throughout · Pennsylvania and the nation on April 22. kept "shining" but there is lots of mess around by leaving trays and dishes on the floor and tables. If one is really sincere about this pollution problem let's start first where we can do something about it. If we are really sincere and serious about the job of cleaning up our environment, we can do our part in fighting pollution and only then we have the fullest right to demand that someone else do·es something about it, too. In this era of anti-pollution enthusiasm ... I would say every day should be a clean-up day which would demonstrate that we of Cabrini College are concerned about our environemtn. Pleas·e let us keep MOTHEREARTH beautiful ... A concerned earthman



Dear Cafeteria, Dear Cafeteria, "Food, food everywhere, but nothing's fit to eat" seems to be the tone for the past few months. The students are faced with cold meals, or servings that are getting smaller and smaller by the day, and service that, on occasion, leaves much to be desired. Meals, instead of being somenice if . the girls could come back to some decent beds next year. Janet Barbieri

Between April 16 and April 22 there will be numerous lectures, demonstrations, and discussions throughout the :Philadelphia area. Get yourself involved, join the demonstrators at Independence Mall on Tuesday, April 21, and the get-together at the Belmont Plateau in Fairmont Park on campus. We all have a part to play, we can not run away from pollution; the earth.-ean not be mortgaged while · we all move to some suburban planet. Mary Jane Sullivan

Scott Endorses Earth Day


Do you want to know why girls at Woodcrest are missing their 8:30 classes. It's those sagging beds. It requires a mountain expedition to g·et out of bed in the morning. Woodcrest dorm residents are dragging around with aching bones and cloudy minds . Get up on the wrong side of the bed ... Ha ... See if you can get up at all! The dorm would be a perfect setting for Goldilocks and the Three Bears ... This bed is too hard; this bed is too soft; this bed is broken ... It would be

Most of us are aware of the dangers concerning pollution. The problem is how do we become involved in preventing further pollution. The extent of work against pollution must be done on the individual, local, national, and international levels since the problem is global. Bills against pollution have been proposed by Senators Muskie, Nelson, and Packwood that would have immediate and long range effects for all of us. Labor unions are backing the planned activities during Earth Week. Local citizen groups throughout the country are forming to protest industrial pollution. A Chicago group is organizing citizens to buy out the stockholders of a major pollutant in the metropolitan area-I'm sure the corporate executives like a little adversity. Legal steps can also be taken against pollutants. Ralph Nader has proved that law can work for the people as well as big business, so why not hit the "polluticians."

thing to look forward to, to talk with our friends, is instead becoming a chore. It's just something that we have to go to and that takes up our time. It also happens that the food that w-e do receive is of a seemingly poor grade. The beef, at times, looks like a poor version of "laddie boy" and tastes like old crow. It's about time that we s4lrted receiving some of the food that our parents are paying for. Sincerely, I. M. Hungry

"This constructive action of our youth, calling to the attention of everyone in the nation the plight in which we find our environment, is most commendable. I am most hopeful that the educational activities which have been planned on campuses throughout Pennsylvania will remain as their organizers plan -orderly and creative expressions of our young generation's interest in the future of their plan. Scott, the Senate Minority Leader, today mailed from his office in Washington to each college newspaper editor in Pennsylvania and to the leaders of "Earth Day" activities throughout the Commonwealth copies of the Administration's environmental package. Scott is the prime sponsor of the legislation in the Senate. Included were copies of each of the seven Senate bills now before Congress and brief analyses of the President's environmental programs. Senator Scott, in the cover letter to college editors, requested their assistanc·e to obtain from the students on the various campuses their reactions and comments on the

legislative package. "As chief sponsor of this legislation, along with many other s·enators, I am vitally interested in your observations on the enclosed legislation. Although I intend to testify in general support of bills, there are U:ndoubtably many areas which deserve the attention of all of us to assure that the American people receive the best possible environmental package from Congress. Therefore, I ask each college newspaper to do the best possible job it can in disseminating this information and in asking for response back from the students prior to committee hearings on this package," Scott said. "I firmly believe that students must meet the problems of the environment as much by reason's step as emotion's leap," he added. "I am confident that the leaders of 'Earth day' in Pennsylvania will give the Presid·ent's package their utmost scrutiny in the next few weeks. I expect them to study this legislation and comment upon it as a vital part of their activities this week and this year."

LOQUITUR STAFF BOX LOQUITUR Editors-in-chief ........................Cathy Murphy, Stephanie Perez Art ............................................. .................Elizabeth Pierce Sports .............................................. ... ..........Sue White Circulation Manager ................... .........................Trevina Chiu Photography ... .................................... ................Kathy Jo Ramos Typists .............................. .........Kathy Costigan , Cathy Sulock Reporters ................ ...................Mary Cavenaugh. Linda Denish Jane Sefranek, Marie Vaccarelli Faculty Advisor ................................... ..............Mr. Jerry Satlow


April ·20, 1970


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Melanie:CloseToIt All By Eileen


'I ,,isil my dreams In the mournin' of night And wake lo half wishes And the fall of the flight I won 't hide my hopes In my down pillow They'// become my river And up them l'/J flow

These words were written by one of today's most sensitive and fast-rising young singers, Melanie. To date, she has recorded three albums ; composed the score to the English movie, "All the Right Noises," and was named "Number One Most Promising Female Vocalist" by the 1969 Record World Poll. Her first album, "Born To Be," on Buddah Records , was certified as a gold record in Europe . Now you got A' n,ew friend I know So I'm packing my things And I'm going to go Pleau don't make a scene Don't cry You can't stop me if you try I /oi;e being free It's the best way lo be Is she as pretty as me, huh? Is she as pretty as me?

Perhaps the first thing that strikes you about this little girl with the big voice is her honesty. With a voice ranging in quality from child-like innocence to throbbing, plaintive adulthood, she sings of the sentiments most people have shared, but don't care to admit. Onstage, Melanie seems fraile and unsure-- of herself--a she tries to hide behind her guitar and her long hair (she doesn't know what to do when the audience applauds)-but she knows how to communicate . Wherever she appears (Woodstock, Temple, and Town Hall, to name a few), she receives

thunderous applause, and, least, a standing ovation.


I've been to New York Uptown and down And if you been there Then you 've been around

Becoming a success isn't something that happens overnight, and Melanie was no exexception. She started singing professionally at about the age of fifteen , in Greenwich Village, but soon returned to New Jersey where her parents had moved. She did summer repertory , studied drama for two years, and sang in a bar, once a week, for about a year. When she wasn't singing, she could be found in New York scanning the trade papers for an opening. She never answered any because they usually asked for a "young, pretty girl," and . she instantly disqualified herself. She claims she never was a success at school because she preferred to stay at home where it was "nicer." But, even then, a star was being born. When she was only fifteen years old , she wrote the haunting lyrics of "Momma Momma": Sometimes I feel My /if e has come And then it's gone

The purposes of this scholarship are: first, to encourage qualified young women to pursue and to develop interests in politics and government. Second, to honor the memory of the late Florence Dornblaser, first treasurer of the Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women, Inc., who left a bequest to the Federation. The proceeds were placed in a Scholarship Fund which bears her name. Additional funds have been added by the Clubs and individual members of the Federation. Any deserving women student in the junior class of an accredited college or uni_versity may apply. The awards are for use during her senior year. She must be majoring in government, political science, economics or history or preparing to teach one of these subjects. She must have good scholastic standing; must be reasonably active in student activities; must be a resident of Pennsylvania; must establish the need for financial help; and must possess a Democratic family background

One day, Melanie saw an advertisement for a girl to play the part of Barbara Allen in the play, Dark of the Moon. She set off to audition, wandered into the wrong room, and sang for two music publishers. Not only did she get the part of Barbara Allen, but she got a publishing contract as . well. Things didn't work out, however, and for a while, Melanie was broke and lonely. She later signed with Buddah Records, and her- prospects began looking better. Now Melanie has the world at her feet. But I still haven't for gotten I used to do it iust for fun

Melanie wants only to be "accepted for being · what I am." She seems embarrassed when she admit _s that she is a "big star" in Holland, but fails to acknowledge the fact that she is big in the United States. One need only look at the reception she received at Woodstock to see this is true. If Melanie has a message, it can be summarized in one song. "To sum my whole life and my whole idea in one sentence, it would be the line from 'Close (Continued on Page 4)

College Day Sponsored By SGA· For April 19 College Day for high school students and their parents will be held this year at Cabrini on Sunday, April 19, from 2 to 5 P.M. Faculty members from all departments will be on hand to discuss the programs of study available at the college. Tours of the campus and its buildings will be conducted by the members of Kappa Sigma Omega, the student service society. Other undergraduates will discuss student life and activities. Each club is going to have a display depicting the club with the department it represents. At the

I.F.C. Plans Spectacular atVillanova Villanova Inter f r a t e r n i ty Council will present a charity Spectacular and Show with a seri ·es of old television films such as FLASH GORDON (Ming the Merciless, Dr. Zarkov, King Vultan, Dale Arden); ANDY'S GANG (Froggie the Gremlin, Midnight the Cat, Squeaky the Mouse); and HOWdy DOODY (Clarabelle , Mr. Bluster, Flubadub and friends). App earing in person will be none other than Buffalo Bob

Scholarships Still Available To Junior History Majors Three awards will be made: one in the amount of $250, one in the amount of $150 and one in the amount of $100.

I live in this world But I'm only Looking on

or be an active participant in the affairs of the Democrat Party. Applications must be postmarked on or before April 26, 1970.* The awards will be presented at Bedford Springs, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, May 26th, at the annual Convention of the Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women, Inc. *For applications Patricia .



Smith from the Howdy Doody Show. Bob will lead the world's• largest peanut gallery in songs, play the piano and answer questions about everyone 's favorite chtldl'mod . hero, How y Dooc!y. IFC says this ptomises to be the best "good-time" show of the year, as childhood memories will flow Sunday night at the Villanova Field House , complete with balloons, lollypops and a lot of fun.

<;;uests Spea.k The biology seminar class, which meets at 2:45 on Thurs- , days, is having two guest speakers. Carol Tavani, a 1968 graduate of Cabrini, will precent her thesis for her masters degree at Villanova University on April 23. Miss Julie Morris, a horticulturist from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society will speak on the 30 of April about "How to Make Plants Grow Better." Anyone who would like to hear one or both of these lectures is welcome. They will be held in the seminar room on the third floor of Sacred Heart Hall during seminar class.

Burton IsAtGannon David H. Burton, Ph. D. professor of American History at Cabrini College, lectured at Gannon College in Erie, Pa. on April 17. Gannon College is a private , catholic, co-educational, city college, It's enrollment is about fifteen hundred. Dr. Burton spoke at the annual Richard F . Beyer Memorial lecture. Richard F. Beyer was the chairman of Gannon College's history department and the lecture is held in memory of him. Dr. Burton's topic w a s "Theodore Roosevelt and Anglo-American Understanding." Besides teaching at Cabrini, Dr. Burton also teaches at St. Joseph's College in Philadelphia.

Dr. David H. Burton

end of the tours there will be refreshments in the Mansion. High school students from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland and Connecticut are expected to attend. College Day is sponsored annually by the Student Government Association. The chairm n o 1sy ear s event 1s argaret Grilli. The committee members are Theresa Costello, Jane Menendez, and Mary Josephine Mulloy.

History Lecture Set "Time and History" will be the subject of a lecture to be given by Miss Caroline Robbins at Cabrini College on Wednesday, April 29 at 3 :00 PM. The public is invited to attend the lecture, which will be held in the ' library conference room. Miss Robbins is the Marjorie Walter Goodhart Professor of history at Bryn Mawr College, where she has taught since 1929. A Guggenheim Fellow in 1953-54, Miss Robbins has also been a fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton University and the Huntingdon Library ~

CRYPTIC IsComing The . Cryptic will be making its appearance on campus . in two weeks. This year's issue is quite a bit different-Cabrini has never looked this way before. Communions-the themeis an open invitation to view the new world of the seventies in a spirit of unity and sharing . You can pick up your free copy the Cryptic in the foyer of Sacred Heart Hall-the last week of April.

Philosophy Club Notes Last Wednesday night Cabrini was honored to have Dr. Busch, professor of Philosophy at Villanova University, sp·eak on Jean-Paul Sarte, Philosopher of Freedom. Held in the Mansion lounge, the lecture was a relaxed, informative talk on the complexities and apparent discrepancies displayed in the philosophy and writings of this famous Frenchman-specifically, his Existentialism and his Marxism. In his lecture, Dr. Busch highlighted that, although his works were unable to be read by either Christian (because of his atheism) or Communists (be cause of his inaccurate Marxism), 'Sartre was nevertheless

offered the Nobel Prize for Literature. This he subsequently refused, stating that he would not allow himself to be pinneddown and classified-or in his own words, "objectified"-by his reading public as either a writer or prize-winner. To do so, Sartre thought, would have meant the loss of his possibilities as a human, his personal identity, his freedom. There followed a brief intermission with refreshments, after which Dr. Busch invited questions from the audience. The Philosophy Club then held elections to select officers for the 1970-71 school year. Chosen as president was Susan Soule; vice-president, Stephanie Gooder ham, '71; and secretarytreasurer, Yvonne Mangan, '71.

April 20, 1970


Pa~e 4

Sophs Sponsor Senior Farewell The sophomore class will sponsor Cabrini's traditional "Senior Farewell" for their bigsisters on Friday evening, April 24. This year's event is being held at the Covered Wagon Inn on Lancaster Pike in Devon. Dinner for the seniors and their dates will be at 7 P.M. Following the dinner will be a dance at 9 P.M. open to everyone. Tickets are $7.00 per couple and may be obtained from Mickey Dalton, Michele Waldron or Joyce Vassallo and will be sold everyday at lunch time in the back of the cafeteria.

Basketball Memories Digging into the Cabrini scorebooks for basketball trivia, the following data was found on the seniors. The present graduating class contributed a total of 994 points to the varsity and JV records. However, with only one senior, Jane Sefranek, playing for four years (and some 400 points), wher-e did the rest of the points come from? Well, how many of these old basketball stars can you upperclassmen identify? Naturally, you'll remember Joan Radano. She racked up over 350 points even before sitting out her senior year. And there was Barb Bradfield, a starting guard since her freshman days. Then don't forget the former JV steadies, Pam Maher and Joan Ackroyd. Who else played at leas ·t one full season for Cabrini? Names you probably now wouldn't even connect with basketball. Seniox;s like Grace Csajko, Shirley DeNico, Janet Barbieri, Jane Leary, and Eileen O'Shea. Four ex-members of the class of '70 also built that senior point" total, but does even Mrs. Goodwin remember such "stars" as Jo Mautone, Eileen Jantzen, Sharon McDonald and, right, Carol Morey? Wow, that's fourteen "b-ball" players from a single class! This year's team finished with fourteen players from the total four classes. School spirit, ta:ient, exercise -whatever your reason for playing, why not Jorn next year's varsity or JV squad? Like fourteen others, you'll be able, long after you've left college, to tell your grandchildren, "I remember when I scored my first two points for Cabrini."

Best Wishesto the SeniorClass The following

130 E. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, Pa. MU 8-107Z


ber themselves.

Remember Freshman Year No milk today the cow has gone away? Rape drills Barefoot Committee

P M C T K E Irving's Funeral Monday Mass I went to Cabrini on Monday, but it was closed. Living Beads Anco Just wear a smile and a Jantzen Curfews-5:30 and 11:30. Dial-a-Date Have a cookie! Lady Godiva The Nun's Laundry F Troop 19 Consecutive Meals Out the Window, Cavanaugh 7-9 Night Lab Friday Dress 1, 2, 3 O'Clock, 4 O'Clock Rock Shea Stadium The Pit Date Duty Prowlers Walk Throughs Disco Jay Phone Duty Shena Eunice Shuffle off to Buffalo Light out-10:45 St. Patty's Day Weekend Walks to Wayne Circus Goes on the Road I'm a Little Teapot Late Lights There is a Happy land Up and Over The Rooster Ouija Board Devon Raid 10 to 8 Sophomore Year Well here we are again Car wash Gross Grace for Vice Carnival Face is the Place The Circus Americana and Taft I'm looking over a pile of Blubber I Cannot come to the Banquet Sign up for the Smoker Holiday Inn The Nation's Innkeeper St. Patty's Day Weekend Get involved with Marie Banana Nose Pleasant Moments (P+M) Retaliation Log Cabin Log Cabin B.M.O.C. Winner* Mary Cavanaugh Greg Loughran's House Sun Bathing in Courtyard Ralph Brown Helmet Brigade Feast Day Shows Disco in The Smoker 2 Years in the Life Anybody want us to do our play?

Brooks Stationery Quality School Supplies Imported Greeting Cards Domestic Greeting Cards Artist's Materials Office Needs Paper Party Goods

is a tribute

the Senior Class as they remem-

Red Rover in the Courtyard An Army of youth Down with Dunlap LKD Date raffle ·counsel Cuties Jenny Where did Hugo Go? Baby your a rich fat Jew. Kissing booth Sign Stealing Boys must have jackets and ties Why do you tip your hat to a priest Snap dresses Everybody wore hats Chester, Pa, Cares Loving you has made me Bananas It 's just a photograph of someone that I knew Keep the Beads Rolling Package Deals My boyfriends back . because of Mother Mac Jewish New Year Prison Eyes No more eatsa little Pizza 1st of the Hall Parties Good Morning, Good Morning 838, 19 Slave Auction Everybody to Breakfast Mu Lambda Chi Lynda and Mary-The scarlet A Junior Year It's your bag, march Orientation Dirty 38 Machine smoker Carrying a coat and wearing only a scarf Grist Mill Give me a nun wh<:>se a stout hearted nun Leper City A Junior in every dorm The White House Cinderella "One does not say no to the prince." Just like Avis-always number 2 Benjamin Herd Parties Kelly's for Counsel "Beef and Ale"


Barbara Bradfield, Cabrini rep. at La Salle Contest The Linen Closet "I'm working on it" - Tex Wi\RNING-Two cuts Non-Carbo Grape Popcorn Parties Fire in the Library Christmas in October Congratulations Mayor M.B.'s Feast Day Chapel A & Chapel B Won Christmas Tree Bud Vases Penney Associates It was a very morsonic year. El. Eds. Observe Carnival Win a Fish Car Wash Stole Mr. Litavec's Car Ring Ceremony "I do" Penny's the one Ministrel Show "The Constant Wife" The Veranda

Calendar Of Events April April April April A·pril April April April April

18-Alumnae Association Supper and Dance 19- College Day 20-Student Government Meeting 22-EARTH DAY 22-Reception and Dinner for Student Teachers and Cooperating Teachers 24-Senior Farewell 25- Cast and Script trip to Stratford, Connecticut 25-J uni or Senior Class Party 27-Student Government Association Meeting

Parties at Goody's "We're Big Shots, We're Big Shots" Anna Pavlova Switchboard Surfer's Birthday Party The Bean-Bead Experiment B-Ball Games Three for a quarter The dead pigeon Joan & Jane at Woodcrest Pauline Cocktail Parties Excuse me girls, but there's a man in your room. Goodnight, Irene. Senior Year New dorm, some new furniture The Ghetto John's Bar Car Wash No 1-"You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." Ted Johnson "Ted, Ted, roses are red.'' Moratorium Happy Bird Day, Mr. Kuhns Parent's Weekend, Party in No. 139, Holiday Inn Mrs. Arkins & Bar Mercuri's Restaurant Arsenic and Old Lace The dead bodies S.P. All right peoples, I'm waiting. Excuse me, Mary, Mr. Kuhns is on the phone. Dedication of Woodcrest "If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear a flower in your hair." The brides-Margie, Maureen, Dotsie, Rene, and Pat. Grist Mill never more Medical Ethics Friday's at Merc's Sign me out for a Personal Sign me out for an overnight

Melanie (Continued

from page 3)

To It All': If I had my dream I would fill a hall

And tell all the people Tear down the wall.''

Listening to Melanie is an experience that will be long remembered. I'm gonna spend my whole /if e singing the song This is the only place where I belong And no one is gonna love me like you Where I'm going, so why don't you Take me home . . .

2's and 4's Harrisburg Hallway Parties Sky Pilot 9819 The refrigerator A 9 Once upon a time, there was a tavern. Chuck Senior Weekend Oh, me leg Ghetto Gab Arivederci Nosa Kitchen Mike I feel secure Attache Rat tail comb Corner table • under the Bird Chamber maids at Teadway Colonial Inn Eileen O'Shea-La Salle Rep. Drive in derelicts Where's your head at, baby? We've got elegance Student Teaching Judy Andrewlevich, Dr. Petrone is on the phone. I hate those kids "We're 21, single & Schoolteachers, and that's the bottom of the barrel." Torture them, persecute them, put them on the rack. Mike the cop Danny Thomas Senior Thesis Unlimited cuts-no dress code SGA NEWSLETTER Who wears short sheets? The swingles The ducks Sitting for hours in the cafeteria. Valley Forge Motor Court The Manor Does anybody have a can opener Advertising rates are here by set at $1.25 per column inch with discounts for larger ade and .for clubs and organizations directly related with Cabrini College. Classified ads shall be taken at the rate of $1.00 per 5 or fewer lines with discounts on such ads frqm Cabrini students.

The Mano r

Why don't you take her home with you?

~fttlt,t. ·&~tr i


Countw Chic ken Qottfl it\ good.!

10 % Off On All Dinnersabove $ 1.25 to All Cabrini Studentswho Show I.D.

Plea.se Phone Or ders Ahead-MU


Open W eekdays and Sundays - 11 :30 AM to 9:00 PM CORN ER N. WAY NE and W EST AVES. WAYN E

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