Culture Week Opens With Folk-Rock Fest (--
Vol. XVII, No. 7
March 24, 1971
Cabrini will be ushering in the spring with Culture Week. It will start with the Open House and Folk-Rock Festival, which is to be sponsored by the students. The Festival will last from 12 noon till 8 p.m. The many people involved include Kathy-Jo Ra-
mos, Sue White, and Eileen Fiver. The major rock groups are Mankind, the hottest group in the Philadelphia area; Morgan, anJ Edgar Murray. Folk singers scheduled to appear are Mark, Betsy Fern, Mood and Rose, and Ron McGonigle. Admission is free.
CabriniWelcomes Pennsylvania BalletCompany The Pennsylvania Ballet Company will perform at Cabrini at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, April 2 as the highlight of the college's first Cultural Week. The program lists "Pas de Dix," as choreographed by George Balanchine who has excerpted the last-act dance from Pepita's late nineteenth century ballet spectacular, "Raymonda." The principal dancers in this ballet will be Alba Calzada and Jean Paul Comelin. "Ballade," choreographed by Jean Paul Comelin for the Pennsylvania Ballet Company wiU be danced by Barbara San• donato and Alexei Yudenich, principals, and Kathryn Biever, David Kloss, Michelle Lucci, Dane La Fontsee, Gretchen Warren and Gary Moore. The principals, internationally famous husband and wife, Alexei Yudenicb and Barbara Sandonato, triumphed last summer in the Fifth International Ballet Competition, held in Varna, Bulgaria. Yudenich earned the top male prize, a silver medal plus a c e r t i f i c a t e for "highest artistic achievement;" hi<; wife_ ta!lk-. thii:d...-among the ballerinas, winning a bronze medal. The second of Comelin's works for the company, "Ballade" was first presented in October, 1970 during the PennsylvaP.ia Ballet national tour. This ballet which received very favorable notices while on tour in Pittsburgh, Baltimore and
on recent southern tours in the U.S., is actually a suite of lyrical and romantic duets beginning and ending in the same mood after going through a cycle that includes a series of Pas de Trois, Pas de Quatre and Pas de HuiL It is an .abstract balle and does not attempt to "tell a story." Rather, as taken from the original meaning of "ballade" it suggests a strolling through music. Judith Reece and Ramon Rivera will dance "Trio." This ballet was choreographed by ballet master Ro'bert Rodham, who
David Susskind Featured David Susskind has been scheduled to tie together the thematic elements of Cultural Week, when he delivers the keynote address on "Freedom and the Arts" on March 30 at 8:00 p.m. Susskind will have a myriad of cultural endeavors to comment on because Cultural Week is presenting a program which includes .a folk-rock festival, painting and sculpture exhibits, , contemporary Black Arts, and the ballet. Producer Susskind has put his own creative energies into film and television directing. His TV credits include Sir Lawrence Olivier's television debut in "The Moon and Sixpence", and a subsequent appearance · in Graham Greene's "The Power and the Glory". These and other TV achievements have won him a host of awards, including 11 cmmys. His films include ''Edge of the 9ty," "A · Raisin in the Sun" and "Requium for a Heavyweight." · As president of Talent Associates, Ltd ..• Susskind has sponsored such talents as Paddy Chayefsky, Gore Vidal , J. P. Miller, and Pulitzer Prize winn 2r Ted Mosel. Cabrini's keynoter has been the moderator of "Open End," a discussion program, since its inception in 1958. The program
is also the company's resident choreographer and a principal dancer. The music for this number is Jacques Ibert's trio for violin, cello, and harp. This is sometimes poignant, wistful, buoyant, even (in the last movement) brassy - a study -of yom1g human temperaments in pure dance terms, based on classic.'.U modes but not restricted by them . There are patterns of dance design, mostly in diagonals. Frolicsome, purposely superficial, it contains a very poignant section using dance imagery of .a girl walking a
QuePasa? by Eileen Ryan Our own campus will be featuring fine cultural presentations during Cultural Week. On Sunday, March 28 from noon till 8 p .m. there will be a folkrock festival. The dynamic duo of Kathy Ramos and Sue White will be Cabrini's contribution to the festiival. If by chance you missed them at the Coffee House on March 7, just listen for a sweet voice with the clearness of a spring brook balanced by one steeped in earthy tones, and you'll find Kathy and Sue.
was the first of its genre and has touched on just about every major socially significant subject. His current program, "The David Susskind Show," continues the forthright and spontaneous format. The combination of creativity and experience which David Susskind is bringing to Cabrini on March 30 is expected to show the inter-relationship between the arts represented during Cultural Week and human freedom.
The black students on campus h'ave organized a committee and plan to present an evening for "Affairs of the Black Arts." The cabaret style evening will be held in the cafeteria on April 1 at 8 p.m. Entertainment will include Afro-American dances accompanied by a drummer as well as poetry readings, an art exhibit, an!) a performance by Void Enterprise's lay Troupe. "Affairs of the Black Arts" should provide an interesting and entertaining evening. Of course the other events of Cultural Week - Tom Paxton, David Susskind, and the Pennsylvania Ballet Company - will provide more than one enjoyable evening for you.
tightrope. The final performance will be "Vibrations," with principal dancers Michelle Lucci and Gary Moore. "Vibrations is a jazz ballet by the renowned Broadway-TV-Hollywood chorIts eographer Peter Gennaro. world premiere performance by the Pennsylvania Ballet Company in November enjoyed tremendous acclaim. The dancing is set to an originally commissioned score by Jonathan Tunick. Maurice Kaplow, musical director of the Pennsylvania Bal-
let, former violinist of the Philadelphia Orchestra, will conduct the symphony orchestra in this highly musical program. The Pennsylvania Ballet Company performance at Cabrini is part of its Pennsylvania Tour and is presented under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts with the support of the National Endownment, The April 2 event is the highpoint of Cultural Week and is preceeded by five days of cultural presentations. Tickets are available at $2, $3, and $5. March 28 is opening day with a 12 noon to 8 pm folkrock festival open free to the public. Exhibits of art and sculpture by professional members of the Wayne Art Center will be open from 2:00 to 4:00 pm in the mansion, library, and Sacred Heart Hall. On March 30, Producer David Susskind will deliver the keynote address on "Freedom and the Arts," theme of Cultural Week. Admission is 50 cents. Tom Paxton, accompanied by David Horowitz, and the Wellington Arrangement will perfoTm on March 31. Tickets are $2. "Affair of the Black Arts", a showcase of Black talent in song, dance, and art, will be held at 8:00 pm on Thursday, April 1. Admission is 50 cents. A package is available which gives admission to David Susskind, Tom Paxton, and a $3 seat for the ballet.
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March 24, 1971
StudentsExpress Opinions on life at Cabrini really get to know or become involved with, or interested in. Perhaps like many others, day-students find it hard to take the initiative, to go half way. Perhaps day-students by Mary Jane Sullivan come off as fairly self-sufficient and preoccupied with Many major colleges and unidents don't feel among themselves this bond of which I am about what's happening on campus. Perhaps even the resi- versities allow the presence of enough activities outside of the campus to really crre autonomous free schools on talking. Perhaps midwesterners cannot be compared with their campuses. The purpose is easterners! I am sure if I made this an open forum this to offer courses for anyone who list would go on ad infinitum because each of us probably desires to take a course not has her personal feeling about why there is a dichotomy usually offered in the formalized school. The teachers are between residents and day-students. Then again, perhaps people who are deeply 路 interestI am the only one who feels this separation. ed in a particular subject. It is Whatever the options to the problem I am posing, I would like to ask of each of you the question: Are you not necessary to be a college professor in order to teach. All making the most of your time here and of your encounters with one another? For it is through a mutual exchange that matters is a desire to add that we come to be more ourselves as we acknowledge and some new interests to your life accept and care for others. As Gabriel Marcel links the and meet some people. Some of the courses offered chain: "Person-engagement-community-reality." could range from modern dance, The Pythagoreans said the "friendship is an equality a course in Herman Hesse, Kurt made of harmony." Thoreau did them one better, claiming Vonnegut, Herbert Marcuse, to that "friends do not live in harmony merely . . . but in a course on the environmental melody. "And we contribute only ourselves to that melody effects of weapon techniques or ... not what we have or what we can do, but what we are: the value of modern music to no barter, no coins between friends. man. These are just some, but Perhaps these are our best years - before life's dis- the offerings can be extensive. parities in our accomplishments and our failures overtake It could be more than a posus. The heat and competition of the race is almost unimag- sibility to have a free school at inable; wer are able to do what friends must do: to rejoice Cabrini if we desire it. All is in another's good as if it were our own, to be generous needed is the interest. M.J.S. enough to find room for another's joy, another's good fortune, another's happiness. I take hope when I hear you sing of a "A Bridge Over Troubled Water." Of a friend who will comfort you when by Camille Leombrone darkness comes, will be there in your need, ease your In the founding days at Camind, will lay himself down for you. and too, so unlikely a ~rini, the school was uncertain film as Midnight Cowboy speaks to you. In the midst of the of its identity; it could not dedegradation and ugliness, the moral and physical decadence cide whether it was a college of the cowboy and the cripple's worlds, this flower of or a convent. Although it disfriendship. In the end, the squalor of their world runs into played the outward appearances sunshine and bright shirts that even death does not seem of a college with its students, to diminish for us. The violence and spiritual poverty of a faculty, and books, the atmoworld that can only be redeemed if we care for one another. sphere was that of a convent Whatever definition of friendship you take to yourself, due to the strict regulations on and however it happens - it would seem that both the compulsory mass attendance, time and the climate of our lives these years are right for curfews, and concluct. The girls, it. A c6llege provides a sort of natural setting for friend- needing to release their pentship, a model ecology for it, if there is such a model. up frustrations, decided to fiota There can be a living-together experience here at Ca- their own social functions. Bebrini, the sharing of more than mere superficialities, the cause of the pioneering spirit at mix of the intellectual and the social, the possibilities for that time and the small number community. There can be (and perhaps are) good times, of students, the students felt a the talks, the good feeling of being together. But are we sense of unity and comraderie conscious of them? Are we really present to the here and for their fellow classmates. now of our experiences? The happenings I am talking about Each class, therefore, pooled are so simple that their beauty often goes unnoticed until their money together and held later years. Experiences that seem so natural, so .casual, an event particular to their that we often do not pause to celebrat 路e them. class. What does all this have to do with what you bargained However, what 14 years ago for when you applied to a liberal arts college? Granted, no was pragmatic and served a catalogue that I know of lists friendships as a prerequisite, purpose, has now become an ena requirement, a product or even a by-product of the grained tradition at Cabrini. college experience. But if the goals of a liberal education The events: Junior and Senior are to open the mind, to free the spirit, to emancipate us Weekend, Senior Fairwell, and from our slaveries and prejudices and partialities, to make holiday dances and class dues, us more humans, more truly human, then perhaps friend- $5.00 a semester, are now stanship is another kind of classroom. Its curriculum may leave dard class policies. something to be desired but its methods are great! The As with any established innovelty of the world of ideas, new and distinct persons, the stitution, strict control over the discussion of issues, the excitement before new views, the .masses is necessary in order for admirations for another's mind, the uninhibited sharing of the desired result to be producopinions and uninhibited questioning of them, the frankness ed. Not allowing a student to and freeness of exchange, this, I am certain, can be a fair order the school ring, tit attend share of our liberal education. the social functions or the gradSo too, friendship finds its fruition in Christianity. With- uation ceremonies are some of out it friendship is somehow limited and incomplete. The the devices used to force the self-knowledge, the regard for others, the selflessness, student into paying her dues. It the fidelity, the sharing of goods and self, the condition was only two years ago- that a of equality before and with other persons, the brotherhood, student was not permitted to graduate if the class dues were the sense of community - all the virtues of friendship are also virtues of the life unfolded to us in the Gospels. not paid, although dues are inFor friendship is finally a reflection and a sharing of dependent of the general tuiGod's way with men, a sharing of his love for others in tion. The class as an institution is our lives, an experience by which we can know, by caring for others, what it is and how it is to love and be loved perpetuated through the dogmatic attitudes of its officers. by God. The freshman class treasurer If as Buber says, "All real living is meeting," the fabric of our lives is largely mad 路e up of our relations with others. said, "It is the responsibility of each student to support her It is as if the warp of our lives, the length-wise, strong threads are our relationships through which weave the class by paying dues." Sue Tilcrosswide grains of events, of places and things. So let us ton, the junior class treasurer, use our gift, develop our talent, maybe even acquire a gen- added, "A student is either a ius for it. Ou,r world for ourselves and for those who share part of her school or not. it will be warmer, brighter for it. It will improve in some Whether she will attend an way the . sphere around us, the quality of human existence, event or not is her decision, but render it more human and hopeful; perhaps even more I think she should play a part in its execution." A student who beautiful. 路 What better gift could our lives give Life than to bring does not want to pay dues is (Continued on Page 3) always and ever more fully that caring dimension to others?
EDITORIAL I Have a Problem and Nobody Cares "You're my friend; I know you'll understand if I tell you this. I just don't give a damn. I know I should, but I don't. Why?" Statements like the above example repeatedly confront me in conversation with my friends. If someone is not imploring my help, I am seeking the consolation of another. What does one say in reply to these questions? Surely, I am among the least equipped to offer any sound advice; and also, I have only people of the same meager qualifications to turn to when I am in need of it myself. Where does one go for answers, or at least beginnings of answers? Recently, someone commented that there is a disease rampant on Cabrini's campus. It is an inescapable kind of disease, and no one is immune to its rank effects. This "disease" might be appropriately labeled "indifference". Even those who have never been susceptible to such an attitude may suddenly find themselves caught off-guard. Without any warning, all their ambition and zeal has been converted to apathy and despair. To the individuals who are the most unsuspecting it is the greatest jolt. It is a sick fe2ling with an unknown cause. Perhaps what is lacking is stimulation of some kind, perhaps not. Maybe what we all need is a deeper commitment to something, but we just cannot find an object toward which the commitment can be directed. We have all thrashed out many possible causes, only to come up with no definite answers or solutions. Until we do trace the origin of the disease, the best medicine is simply to put forth an effort - to bounce back when our ambitions have become misguided or misplaced. During this interim of effort, I suggest that a most fundamental and basic need is someone to confide in; not your roommate who may well suffer from the same disease, but rather an authority, someone who knows what he is dealing with. Sister Regina, we re .cognize the fact that you have authorized Sister Patricia to begin operations for securing a professional to counsel us with such problems, and we thank you for it. Sister Patricia, God speed !
It'sAbout That Drumbeat by SR. "MIKE"
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." In this quotation, Thor aau reminds us that the highest principle of life is to be true to oneself and in doing so to be true to others. It is sometimes necessary to review that truth, to set the metronome to that drumbeat, for sometimes we get so caught up in our own rhythm that we cannot hear that of the man next to us; and it might well be an excellent tune. Well, it's about that drumbeat that I would like to write. In thinking of modes of expression in conveying something of my experience here at Cabrini, I surveyed all the traditional topics - liberal education, Christian education, education for values - but none of them quickened the old typewriter. They seemzd somehow impersonal, "out there." Then my thoughts turned to my two-year experience at a midwestern, Catholic women's college. And I saw a kind of theme with variations running through it: and the theme was friendship. This experience of friendship brought us back year after year, it enlivened us, helped shape us; this was somehow central to our lives those years, a climate in which those years happened. Now this is not to pretend or suggest that friendship is unique to that college, for that would be both sentimental and untrue. Friendships go on happening ... and I believe, too, that friendship can be special to these years, to the college experience, and to a place like Cabrini. Yet, I feel as if I am still "on the outside looking in." This year and a change in life-styles have brought me to Cabrini as a student, but this time as a day-student. And I guess that I am trying to figure out just why it is that I do not feel totally a part of this community. I most definitely feel a part of the Academia. I hear demands for intellectual atmosphere on campus, for challenges, for academic stimulation; and I think that these are becoming a reality for many of us. But I firmly believe that there is another whole realm of our "coming to be" that seems to be overlooked. We are learning science, our languages and English, history and social science, philosophy, and even a smattering or our theology. But what about what it means to be human, to communicate with one another, to open up, to be honest, to love? Maybe I am just projecting my "hang-ups _." I know that it is a weakness that in an age of nitty-gritty I am plagued with n perhaps whimsical nostalgia; that in an age of tell-it-as-it-is I still prefer to sit around a table or a guitar - around a person wherever - in preference to a statistic; that in an age of happening that I console myself with the opium that, in the long run, we all share the same quest for meaning, for reality, for being. .. . Maybe there are a lot of reasons why I don't really feel a part of you. Perhaps day-students simply are destined to a role of temporary short-termers who aren't around long enough to
Dues AreOppressi v
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March 24, 1971
Dues AreOppressive (Continued
from Page 2)
seen as an apathetic ingrate, for these social functions are held "for their own good". Several fallacies are inherent in this type of thinking . First, it assumes that the students want these established functions. Traditions are fine if they serve the needs of the students. Instead of the small attendance at a social function, why doesn't the class vote on whether it wants a particular event or not. Due s have become a form of oppression because the student is forced to pay a total of forty dollars for events in which she hasn 't any voice. If class dues remain at a status quo, it should be made evident to those students who do not want to 1'fay dues that they are not mandatory . The only restriction placed upon the student would be that she could not attend any social function of the class . But this ceases to be a restriction if the student does not want to attend anyway. Two other 9ptions are open which are more positive. First, the class should vote on what social functions are to be held and the event should fit the desires of the class . Dues should be made optional, applicable only to those who wish to participate. The second option is doing away with class dues entirely . Instead of having dues collected by individual classes, the comparable sum would be included in the general tuition under the student activities fee. In this set-up, the S.G .A. would sponsor various social events which would include all students. Renee Spellman, S.G .A. president, suggested this alter....D ative to_ dues-.cBhe thinkS- that it would relieve the pressures of due-collecting, increase efficiency and make it possible for bigger social events on campus. This system would make the payment for social functions mandatory . The important thing to remember with this option or with the other, is that the students themselves must have a direct voice determining how their money is to be spent.
Cultural Week Tickets NOW on SALE!
LETTERS Dear Editors My congratulations and ap -plause to you -and the staff of the Loquitur on the last issue (March 4) - it was dynamic and a delight to read . It accomplished its stated purpose and expressed a decided opinion. Whether or not an individual agrees whole heartedly with everything stated, it was nice to read a definite view on campus affairs. After four years of lukewarm editorials, non-descript copy and food complaints, I'm ecstatic! In fact, this is the first issue of the Loquitur in four years which I've read and really wanted to read every article. It was refreshing and well done work . You've given Loqui- · tur back its name . . . speaker. A Grateful Senior
* * * * *· Editor: It seems to me that if controversial issues are to appear in Loquitur, then IN THE SAME ISSUE an opportunity for reply should be afforded the individual about whom the article is written. That individual should be given a copy of the article to appear and appropriate time to formulate a response. All articles should be signed in every case . We must try to be fair to all concerned. A flurry of unsigned articles can only lead to ~1mons which irresponsible have little or no merit. Facts to support articles should be documented if possible. F. Petrone
Take HerHome With You Poor little hairy kids, Out on their own; They run to the festival To show that they were one. The "hairy kids" packed the field house, jammed the aisles, and hung from the balconies. March 5th marked the biggest turnout for a concert at Villanova in over a year. The occasion? Melanie. The concert was late in starting, but the wait was worth it. Each song was enthusiastically received. As the end neared, the audience slowly began moving onstage, fearful that each song would be the last. So raise the candles high, Cause if you don't we could Stay black against the night. Lighted matches and candles were solemnly raised against the darkness of the auditorium as the crowds pushed even closer. Cries of, "We love you, Melanie," rang out. Four encores later, the flower-crowned singer reluctantly left her fans.
***** Dear Dr. Petrone, Sr. Regina received a copy of the interview one week before it appeared in the Loquitur . She had the chance, therefore, to review and edit all her replies. The article, Do We Have a Leader, written by Camille Leombrone, was intended as constructive criticism and should be taken as such. The reason her name was not included with the article was due to an over-sight of the editor. ED .
Due to lack of space all articles submitted to Loquitur could not be used in this issue. They will appear in future issues. The editors thank all contributors of feature articles. The feature article, "Do We Have a Leader?", which appeared in the March 4 issue was written by Camille Leombrone.
......................Lewis DiFelice, Eileen Pratico
Business Manager ................................................Diane Polizotto Circulation
Callis, Deborah
Staff ..................................Justine
Dryzmalski , Norma Garbo, Eileen Ryan, Maureen Ryan, Adele Stalcup, Mary Jane Sullivan, Rita DiRenzo, Sue Zorski, Anne Fellock, Wanda Loften
Once I went on a diet; A carbohydrate diet ain't nice Oause you can't eat animal crackers So - I'm gonna stay a fatty For all of my life! (But some people think That fatties are nice). Melanie's sense of humor and ability to laugh at herself enable her to write songs that can be enjoyed ·by everyone. Onstage and off, she is a very real, beautiful person, unaffected by all the glamor that comes with being a star. It is impossible not to be drawn by her magnetic charm. Thank yo~ life, For having been. Melanie finds happiness in living and being, and delights in every simple pleasure . She is a quicksilver person, full of life, and a joy to be with . But she is also a very sensitive person: It must be hard Lookin' up at the sun, When you know in your heart
You might never be warm . In one short year, Melanie has become one of the hottest singing sensations around . Her concerts are sellouts, and she has a gold record, a movie score, and five albums to her credit . Last year she releas~d three singles "Lay DownCandles in the Rain," "Peace Will Come (According to Plan)," and "Ruby Tuesday ." If you happen to own them, be sure to listen to the flip sidesyou won't be disappointed . . Her latest album, The Good Book, is her best ever. Her songs are more poignant and, perhaps, a little bit wistful. Well you know that I'm not a gambler, But I'm being gambled on; They put in a nickel, And I sing a little song, "Nickel Song," one of the tunes in The Good Book, was recently recorded by the New Seekers. Two other songs written by Melanie, "Beautiful People " and "What Have They Done to My Song, Ma," were also popularized by the Seekers. I'm not sure what they did to her songs, but they weren't nearly as good as the originals . Give the poet a poem, And the singer a song; And then tell us you love us, So we don't feel alone. You might run into her signing "red-hot Melanie autographs" after a concert . And if you do, be sure to tell her you love her - so she doesn 't feel alone.
Town ship
27, 1"71
Project Concern: Walk for Man kind by Lew DiFelice The war in Viet Na111, the plight of the Third-World people , poverty in America; all are topics for discussion among the radical left and liberals of America. The trouble is that most people never get beyond discussing them. On March 27, concerned people will have an opportunity to get out of their armchairs and do something constructive. Project Concern is sponsoring a "Walk for Mankind" which will begin and end at Lower Merion High School, but only after have walked tho se involveq twenty miles. The object of the walk is simple : to raise money.
The goal is accomplished by obtaining a sponsor or sponsors to pledge a certain amount of money for each mile walked. So if a a person has a sponsor who pledges $1 a mile, and you walk the full distance, you have earned $20 for Project Concern. Project Concern was started in 1961 Dr . James Turpin of San Diego as a Non-denominational, non-profit, non-political organization; Dr. Turpin's sole goal was to aid the sick and needy in underprivileged countries . Nine years later, Project Concern has a staff of 147 volunteer doctors, nurses and technicians and treats an average of 200,000 children and adults
per year . It has established four out patient clinics in Hong Kong, a 42 bed hospital in Tuyen-Duc province, Vietnam, and a medical-dental clinic and child-care center in Tijuana, Mexico. Project Concern has also established an out-patient clinic and mobile medical teams in Tennessee. Although these medical teams cannot possibly help everyone in these countries, they are the first contact with twentieth century medicine for many people . Project Concern operates entirely on voluntary contributions. "Walk for Mankind" helps to continue the work of Project Concern; sitting in an armchair does not.
.Page 4
Cabrini Sees Stars by Sue Zorski
Two of Cabrini's most talented students exhibited their musical abilities at the Coffee House on March 7. Our guitarists, lyrists, and vocalists are Kathy Jo Ramos and her roommate, Sue White . The "dynamic duo" made their public deput one year ago at the Coffee House while they were residing as "lowly freshmen". Many of the girls at Grace Hall last year had the priviledge of auditing their two classmates long before second semester, '70. Kathy and Sue had written music before college, but they both feel that they have been more fulfilled since the collaboration of their talents. Although their styles differ somewhat, (Kathy concentrating mainly on folk and Sue, a jazz-blues girl) they are able to agree on music, lyrics, and even life. They write about things close to them; 1ove, understanding, God, relationships, and their own philosophies on life. Happy is the tone of their music - a true expression of their own personalties. Kathy informed me "we have written about almost everyone close to us". They both agree that their friends are their best audience and enjoy "communicating their music" at Cabrini where the college supplies a multitude of fans. Sue is more pessimistic about the joint sound than Kathy. Sue related, "I'm not quite satisfied with our work yet." Kathy quickly retorted, "we have a potential that will be developed as we mature." Their music to them and those close to them is a message, an expression. God is very important -to the
girls. They both agree that He exists and shares an intimate relationship with them. He influences their lives, hence, their music. An appropriate label for the girls' musical expression is a "personal experience". It's hard to understand why two persons, so totally involved in their music, .find entertaining uncomfortable. Sue, in particular, expressed a feeling of physical tension before and partially through their performance. She feels that she'll "never get used to it." Both of the artists have their favorite musicians: Kathy, a fan of Joni Mitchell and Sue -. the late Janis Joplin. Although they perform music written by 9thers, the injection of their own style makes even a familiar song ' their's and unique. In fact the girls formulate an excellent song in tribute to the late Janis. They write and sing their own feelings about her. Again, it is their own personal feelings about Janis. "Now that they have you buried six feet under, they'll sell you. They call it sµicide but we both know wh'O killed you." Sue & Rame '71 Kathy and Sue detest the fact that America is capitalizing on Janis's best and last music. It is against the girls' theory on life to "live and let live". As musicians, they cannot take; they can only give ~
Biology Department Crafts ofFreedom Shop Announces Plans The Division of Biological Health and Sciences is planning its Second Annual Biology Symposium. All members of the biological community are invited to attend and will be welcome to present papers representing some experience in research. Two of Cabrini's senior biology majors plan to present the ' results of their senior research. Sister Marie Virginie and Suzanne Horn will address those attending the dinner at the William Lake Hotel in Rosendale, New York. The Biology Department announces some upcoming events for the spring. On Wednesday, March 24, Mr. Alan Beck presented a talk entitled "The Ecology of Feral Dogs". This event was scheduled for 3 :30 in the lecture hall. Beck obtained a M.A. in zoology at California State College, and is presently working towards hi~ doctorate at Johns Hopkins University. Plans are under way for a field trip to the Cape May Field Station, sponsored by the Biology Club. The purpose of this function is to observe research facilities at Cape May, and also to study the ecology of a seashore community. A bus will depart from Cabrini at 8 a.m., and will be greeted in Cape May by a guide who will conduct the tour. Interested individuals are urged to contact the Biology Department for further information.
Tucked in a small room on the first floor of an old house behind the Radnor Memorial Library, in the middle of Wayne, is a unique shop. This tiny room in the Church House of Central Baptist is the location of the Crafts of Freedom Shop, originally ybegun in 1967 as a one-day venture to sell pecan products and handcrafts produced by poor persons in the South. Today, the walls, tables and shelves are literally crammed with handcrafted products from all over the world and the Shop has expanded to an October through May, Tuesday through Saturday venture. That first day in 1967 brought in $400. in sales. This season, according to Carol Copeland, who serves as manager, sales have exceeded $8600. ·in the first five months of operation.
~on 't Forget
Schweiker and Krol Set for Graduation U.S. Senator Richard S. Schweiker has accepted Sister Regina Casey's invitation to be the main speaker at the 1971 commencement Exercises to be held at Cabrini College on Mayy 16. Mr. Harry McNichol, chairman of the Commissioners of Delaware County; and Mr. James F. Merriman, chairman of the Radnor Township Republican Committee, were both instrumental in procuring Senator Schweiker for the occasion. Senator Schweiker, who is a native of Norristown, began serving in the Eighty-Seventh Kongress ' in 1960. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1968. He is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Labor and Public Welfare Committee. John Cardinal Krol, Archbishop of Philadelphia, has also accepted Sister Regina's invitation to attend the 1971 Graduation. This will be the first time that Cardinal Krol will have attended a graduation at Cabrini College. The last time he was pres ·ent on campus was at the dedication of Holy Spirit Library in March, 1966. Sister Mary Louise, Academic Deat1, was also announced Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the Class of 1971. Sister Marie Virginie Anderson will be the class Valedictorian with a cum of 3.79. Suzanne Horn and Marge Grilli, both with cums of 3.49 will be Salutatorians. the Sacred Heart, and not the college's official seal. There are
The Crafts df Freedom Shop buys items from individual craftsmen, cooperatives refugee sales exchanges and other selfhelp projects and then returns all proceeds from their sales to the craftsmen. It was originally conceived by four local women, Gail Hinland of Strafford, Helen Broholm of Wayne, and Julie Johns and Virginia Rich of Devon. In this small enture they hoped to help free persons from the oppression of their poverty. From this purpose came the name of the shop. Today there are more than fifteen women and men who give their time voluntarily in staffing, buying, record keeping, and corresponding. Unlike a commerical enterprise, the majority of items sold have been bought outright. Their capital has come through loans from savings accounts of children of the workers, and other small personal loans. Thus the venture is trully a group effort, and the insuing record keeping incredible! Wooden and woven could be two words to describe many of the products in the Shop. Wooden games, cutting boards, candlestickes, and the like from Berea College in Kentucky, where students from Appalachia earn thei. tuition working in the craft shops. Wooden puppets, birdhouses, bellows, and animals have come from several
Coming Soon! Campus Briefs On Wednesday, March 4, the Social Science Department presented a guest speaker, Sev Peterson who is involved with "Project Concern". This association is a nonpartisin group who works with the poor in need of medical assistance. On March 27, a "Walk for Mankind" will begin at Lower Merion H.S. The walk is approximately 20 miles, and the proceeds will benefit the works of Project Concern. For further informl:!tion contact Eleen Ryan or Mr. Craigie. I
On Thursday, March 5, the U.N. talk was cancelled due to inclement weather. I
Sunday, March 7, the Sophmores and Freshmen presented a Coffee House. The audience was entertained by Hank Sable from Villanova, nova, Jerry Reynolds from San Francisco (a friend of Mr. Sedler), Hugh O'Doherty from St. Joe's, and our own Norma Garbo, Rey Spellman, Kathy Jo Ramos, and Sue White. I
On Tuesday, March 9, Cabrini held the AnnualStudent Faculty Game. Although the faculty scored 1 pomt per basket, Handy Andy, Billy Bud, and the Gang whipped the students 27-17.
craft associations in Appalachia and the South, where local residents have been encouraged to produce and market the traditional crafts of their region. Woven yard goods have come from Viet Nam, where the son of a Main Line resident working among the natives there. Woven jackets, vests, and ponchos have come from Guatamala, where a local priest has encouraged the Maya Indian peasants to set up a weaving cooperative as a John XXIII community. Woven " wall hangings and shoulder bags have come from New Mexico, where a group is working to create viable industries ini the rural areas. Woven tapestries have come from Ecuador where refugee programs have set up cottage industries. Woven baskets have come from the Cherokee Indiains of North Carolina whe Indiains of North Carolina where the women use root dyes in the same manner as their ancestors did before them.
No article wriitten can do justice toward describing the Shop and its products. For there are also dried-apple dolls from Ftentucky, painited tiin boxes from Mexico, pottery wind chimes from Indiana, handscreened greetiing cards from Mississippi, brassware from Korea, motherof-pearl jewelry from Jordan, turquoise and silver jewelry from New Mexico, and on and on. The causes of peace and freedom are closely related and there's a section of peace jewelry and Another Mother for Peace bumper stickers and other itiems in the shop. A po:t:, -ular pendant for women and men has been the peace cross, crafted and sold to help the work of the Episcopal Peace Fellowshiip in the Haight Ashbury section of San Francisco. Visit the shop any day except Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and see for yourself what these women are doing to help others. It's hard to imagine that you won't find something special for your home or a gift for a friend. Remember - That's the Church House of Central Baptist Church ini Wayne, opposiite the Wayne Post Office.
Views from Mr. Hughes by William Hughes
Cabrini spends thousands of dollars each school year, to repair damages to grounds and "buildings, to replace stolen property and to provide security protection 24 hours each day. These costs are excessively high largely because of student carelessness and disregard, and the misbehavior of visiting guests. We realize that youth must and will "have its fling", but, when "fling" reaches the point of sheer vandalism and arrogant disregard for the rules of proper conduct, then it becomes costly and inexcusable. When there are no speci~ fie rules in existence, there is a simple way to formulate your own rules of conduct. Respect the rights of other people as you would have your rights re-
spected . Treat the grounds and buildings of Cabrini with the same care as you would your own home. If you visited a friend, would you do so at 3:00 a.m.? Would you drive your car over your friends lawn? When you left, would you take with you your friend's lamp, or a rug, or a piece of statuary? The answers of course are quite obvious. I
Cabrini is, in a sense, your home away from home. Visiting guests are a necessary part of your school life. Your guests, all of them, are most welcome. However, they must realize that as guests they must follow rules of proper, reasonable con' duct. Every dollar we spend as a result of misconduct, denies all of us some benefits for which we or our parents have paid.
Biology Club toSponsor Field Trip