u it
0 Vol. XVIII, No. 2 -
DR. JOSEPH ROMANO mano has taught courses in Logic, Epistomology, Ethics, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Man, and History of Philosophy. His seminars have included Theories of the Universe, American Philosophy, and his special field of Greek Philosophy. Dr. Romano has contributed articles to the Loquitur, and the 1963, 1964, and 1965 editions of A-Zimuth, a school magazine written by faculty members. In conjunction with the Philosophy Club, he has brought in guest lecturers with topics ranging from "Psychic Phenomona" to the "Philosophy of Peanuts." He has participated in symposiums, and last year he exhibited his fossil collection. Dr. Romano himself has given lectures at Raven Hill Academy, Gwynedd Mercy College, Syracuse University, Chestnut Hill College, Holy Family, and Rosemont" College. His book summaries and commentaries have appeared in the March 1967, June 1967, June 1968, December 1968, and June 1969 issues of the "Review of Metaphysics."
Seven Named
Graduate Returns To Who's Wh~ Catherine M. Sulock of Haddonfield, N.J., a 1971 graduate of Cabrini, has joined the staff of her alma mater as admissions counselor. Miss Sulock will be responsible for advising high school students about Cabrini programs and opportunities and will act as liaison to high school guidance counselors. She will also assist in coordinating / a number of open house events on campus. Miss Sulock received her BA. degree with a major in English and was named to Lambda Iota Tau, international honor fraternity for students of literature. Her counseling responsibilities will take her to numerous out- of-state college, days coordinated by high school and college admissions personnel.
Merry Christmas from the Loquitur
December 9, 1971
Sophia Loren Protested In Mother Cabrini Role
Philosophy Dept . Loses ItsHead Dr. Joseph Romano, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Philosophy Department, will be on sabbatical for the Spring, 1972 semester. This will be Dr. Romano's first leave of absence in his twelve years of teaching at Cabrini. Dr. Romano's was to have taken his sabbatical last year at St. Andrew's University in Scotland under the tutelage of Professor K.G. Dover. However, Dr. Romano gave up his sabbatical to become one of the guiding spirits and driving forces of Culture Wieek at Cabrini. This year he will remain at his home in King of Prussia where he plans to read and write on Aristotle's philosophy. , Dr. Romano was born thirtyseven years ago in Conshohocken, Pa. where he received his grade school and high school education. He received his B.A. in Philosophy from St . Charles In Seminary in Philadelphia. 1962, he received his M.A. from Villanova University. Dr. Romano did his Ph.D. work at ..!km Mawr College from 1963 to 1968. During the summer of 1970, Dr. Romano was one of the forty-two philosophy professors chosen from a field of three hundred applicants to attend the "Institute in Greek Philosophy and Science" held at Colorado College. Dr. Romano has taught at Cabrini since 1960 and is now Chairman of the Philosophy Department. He is also on the faculty of St. Joseph's College Evening division where he has lectured since 1961. While at Cabrini, Dr. Ro-
u r
Seven Cabrini seniors have been selected to appear in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Who's Who Among Students contains the names and biographical data of leading students from institutions of higher education throughout the country. Those appearing in Who's Who '71-72 are: Mary Jane Sullivan, editor of the Cryptic; Kathleen Daniels, President of Kappa Sigma Omega and editor of the yearbook staff; Norma Garbo, Presid~nt of Glee Club, Vice-President of Cryptic and Literary Club; Michele Waldron, Vice-President of the Student Government Association; Loretta Lawless, President of the Senior Class; Eleanor Falzone, Senior day-}top representativ~ on S.G.A.; and Christine Stephan, President of the PSEA of Cabrini. The faculty and fellow students of Cabrini College wish to extend our sincerest Congratulations to these girls, and wish them . the best of luck!
The following article appeared in The Sunday Bulletin, May 2, 1965, and is reprinted with the permission of The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. of - actress The selection Sophia Loren for the movie role of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini has been protested by the president and faculty of Cabrini College, Radnor Township. Miss Loren was referred to as "the worst possible choice to portray a holy woman" in a letter the college sent to Metro Goldwyn Mayer International, Inc., which is planning a film on Mother Cabrini, the only U.S. citizen to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church . The letter was sent to Robert H. O'Brien, president of ¡ MGM, by Mother Ursula, president of the college, and her faculty and administration. A nun for 50 years, Mother Ursula, as a high school student, knew Mother Cabrini , for whom the college is named. Mother Ursula said last night that she was aware of the acfion of a Rome court last week in holding Miss Loren and producer Carlo Ponti for trial on bigamy charges. "I know about the bigamy charges," Mother Ursula said, pointing out that they were mentioned in newspapers. Under the circumstances, the nun continued, she couldn't understand how Miss Loren could play the part of a saint. "She may be a very good actress, but she's not the type, doesn't have the physique," said Mother Ursula. "Mother Cabrini was a small, slender woman," she explained. "Miss Loren is bulky." Mother Ursula said she first learned that Miss Loren had been cast in the role of Mother Cabrini from newspaper clippings shown her by some of
SGA Elections The recent SGA elections resulted in the election of Lex Menendez as president, Ruth Ann Accordino as vice-president, Jo Mulloy as corresponding secretary, Chris Kasian as recording secretary and Peggy Dalton as treasurer. Katie McGill was re-elected to SAC. Lex's platform was based on the students. She was seeking the presidency in enthusiasm, but no idle promises were made . She ascertained that student knowledge and action are the necessary and only basis for a strong student government. Her final slogan was: Our Promise is Us; Our Platform is You! Lex, who is convalescing after a week at Wills Eye Hospital, was vice-president of her freshman class, treasurer of SGA in her sophomore year, a member of PSEA, and she is president of the Athletic Basketball Association. Ruth was member of Cast & Script, vicepr~sident of Kappa Sigma Omega, and is presently Social Committee Chairman and a member of the Psychology Club. Jo Mulloy was a member of dorm council in her freshman year, resident representative in '70'71, vice-president of her sophomore class and member of the Social Action Committee. Chris Kasian was an active member of the basketball team in her freshman year, and is presently a member of the History club, the Social Science club, and the Council of College Affairs. Peggy Dalton was a member of Cast & Script and the lorm council in her freshman year and also Kappa Sigma Omega. She is presently a member of PSEA and President of her class. Katie McGill was resident representative in her freshman year, president of her freshman class, student activity chairman in 1971, a member of the Academic Council and the Intercollegiate Council.
the college students. "All of those who have heard about it, the faculty and the students, are upset," Mother Ursula said. Mother Ursula said she telephoned O'Brien to protest the selection of Miss Loren for the role. She said she wanted to speak to O'Brien personally . "I was unable to talk with him," Mother Ursula said. She said she didn't know whether O'Brien was available at his office at the time. "Mr. O'Brien's secretary told me to write a letter," she continued. "And that's what I've done." Mother Ursula said no repre sentatives of MGM have talked with her or anyone at the college about the life of Mother Cabrini. The letter to O'Brien said : "We, the undersigned, administration and faculty of Cabrini College, wish to register our protest and displeasure at the selection of Sophia Loren to play the part of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini in your forthcoming film of M6tfier Cabri--ni's life. "We feel very strongly that Miss Loren is the worst possible choice to portray a holy woman." MGM's assistant publicity director, Emety Austin, said in New York last night that the protest "comes as news to us." He said that MGM has had an arrangement with Ponti to coproduce the film "for some tirne." "We made the -announcement on the production ten days or two weeks ago," Austin continued. "The production of the film is still sorn~ time off. "But at this point," said Austin, "Miss Loren is definitely part of the package." He added, "She's good at the box office."
male object found sleeping in Grace Hall lounge.
Page 2
December 9, 1971
EDITORIALS Signs Of Decadence by LEW DiFELICE Ash trays spill cigarette butts onto the grime- streaked floor, mingling with discard ed candy wrappers. Tables are strewn wit h empt y soda cans and dirty glasses. At twilight, trash is the only occupant of the room. Only few transient people pass through the room oblivious to the litter. Sound like a subway station or the lobby of a cheap hotel? Wrong, it is the student lobby in Sacred Heart Hall . The lounge was established to provide some comfort to the footweary day hops. It should be remembered that the lounge was a result of hard work on the part of a student committee last year. This year some students are working equally as hard turning it into a trash dump. Maybe this year we should demonstrate for maid service! I realize that an untidy student lounge will not be the immediate cause for the "Decline and Fall" of Cabrini but this writer believes that the condition of the student lounge mirrors a specific attitude of Cabrini. It is an attitude of non-caring and non-involvement in school affairs. Cabrini is as far removed from Consciousness III that it is in the negative numbers. Beyond a desultory attendance
(or non-attendance) at classes, all but a few s!udents are blissfully unaware and unearing about most school functions or issues except meals and date s. Attendance at S.G.A. and C.C.A. meetings number into the two's or three's. The school play will most probably be cancelled due to lack of interest, etc., etc., ad nauseum. At times, the student body is the worst impediment to making Cabrini a progressive school. Oh heresy you cry! How can a conservative administration be prodded by a lifeless and uncaring student body? Only a dynamic student body, truly interested in the welfare of the school can bring about progressive change. (Interested in the welfare of Cabrini does not mean preserving the status quo.) If Cabrini is to ever advance beyond its present state, the students will have t~ get off their dead asses, and press for constructive change. Remember, without students, Cabrini would be nothing more than real estate and a few buildings. With the present student body, Cabrini is only real estate and a few buildings. If we don't change Cabrini will never amount to anything but real estate and a few buildings.
There's Still Hope ••.
Walden Today
The recent academic forum with Sister Mary Louise I was thinking about writing should serve as an indicator to students that there are those an article on how Walden Pond in the administration who are genuinely interested in stu- has changed from its orginal dent participation in matters concerning themselves and st ate but somehow the words their school. The number of students present was not large, would not come together in that due perhaps to bad timing , a communication gap, "student form. So , I chose another methapathy," or any of the other standard excuses used for stu- od ...... M.J.S. dent non-participatitm. But the point is that those present were enthusiastic about the ideas that emerged. Questions Taking a quiet walk beside the were asked and suggestions were made. Communication pond happened ! The suggestion of planning and holding sym- I am present in my thoughts . posiums was particularly well received by both Sister Mary I seek a solitary mood Louise and students. The idea is being followed up, demonapart from the world . strating that people are interested. This is meaningful as I desire to be lost. providing a goal to work toward, increasing student-facultyadministration cooperation and communication .. If success- I can imagine how Thoreau fully achieved, the results will possibly convince the doubtthought ers , the non-participants, that all the talk is not just ~ lot as he walked through the brush , of 'hot air.' Maybe then with definite activities and concrete but my eyes tell me that results of ideas and talk, full student participation may be Walden has changedachieved, and it may be found that the solution to our communication and "apathy" problems is cooperative activity. An individual will not seek this
Sex vs. Grapes The war has dragged on for' almost twenty-five years . The women have been oppressed and neglected by their husbands who are constantly away fighting . One woman proposes a novel and radical idea to end the war and free women from their oppression-complete abstinence from sex! Thus , 2,400 years ago, did Aristophanes' Lysistrata propose to end the Peloponessian War. This past weekend , Haverford and Bryn Maw r Colleges presented a modernized version of Lysistrata. The women of Athens and Sparta have had no say in the affairs of state and have no political power to end the war. Lysistrata 's (Valerie Norsius) solution is a sexual boycott. Her compatriots are the irreverent, inebriated Kleonike (Adrienne George), the beautiful but dumb Myrrhine, and the busty, bucolic Lampito (Susan Mary) . Lysistrata, after overcoming her friends' initiql reluctance, l.~ads them in the capturing of Acropolis. There they will wait until their men make peace. A chorus of old men attempt to re-establish the honor of Greece but are soundly de-
feated. The Athens police force is also trounced . The men can no longer stand the pain . The ambassadors of Sparta and Athens, hobbled by inflamed phalluses (represented by elongated red balloons, finally conclude a treaty of l)t!ace. All the characters were more than adequate for their parts. Outstanding were Valerie Norsius, who played Lysistrata with alternating seriousness and tongue in cheek. The chorus of men and women were particularly convincing in their inflections and mannerisms . The productio;i itself captured the bawdy and outrageous aspects of Aristophanes' play. Aristophanes meant to shock people, and the Haverford-Bryn Mawr production would draw X-ratings from a movie censor . The highlights of their play is the scene between Myrrhine and her husband . The pathetic Kienesios, bloated with desire ,· be·gs his wife for satisfaction. Myrrhine, teasing him unmercifully, brings him repeatedly to the brink of satisfaction, but each time she draws back, until Kienesios, half out of his mind with desire, swears to make peace . However, the act on that was
place. The bulldozers have been contracted, the pond dredged, a dock constructed . Ah, yes, what is to be said .. for the sparrows have fled. The community has come in station wagons with picnic lunches , and beach umbrellas . the absolute highspot of the night was when the balloon of an actor burst as he was walking offstage . The real success of Lysistrata is its timelessness . It tells about war and inequality in the Fifth Century , B.C. in Greece . Yet, it mirrors the social conditions of contemporary America. Senseless wars, misguided national priorities, and inequality between the sexes have not di$appeared in th~ 2,400 years since the writing of Lysistrata. Sensible measures failed in Greece so Aristophanes came up with a hypothetical solution . America has not progressed much since the time of Aristophanes . Dissenters have tried various types of strikes to right America's wrong, but to little avail . Now is the time to strike at the very heart of American society . Boycott sex, not grapes. Sound absurd? Maybe. But, who knows until it is tried? L.D .
Male Call Greetings from sunny Viet Nam, We would like to request your help in solving one of our m~st pressing morale problems! One of the most depre ssi ng thmgs a G.I. can experience is r et urning from "Mail Call" empty-handed. A few of us came up with an idea th at might possjbly solve that problem. Obviously, a G.I. would rather receive a letter from a real live, honest -to-goodnes s, redblooded, round-eyed American FE MALE than anyone else. N_ow,our problem boils down to th is, how do we get enough ~rls from back home to write to us? Especially, enough girls to go around the ~.. to 1/.!million guys presently st ationed in Viet Nam. We put our heads together and came up with the idea of a contest. We planned on two major categories, Letter and Photo, with both subdivided into smalle r grOUI;Js.After pooling our r esources, we fou nd that we could aftord Star Sapphire ring s (real) , for the two major winn ers and ten sets of silk slack sets for the ru nne r-ups . The main idea is to try to get as many girls as possible to writ e and let the guys here know they haven't been forgot ten . The rules are simple, each entr ant mu st be fema le, oYer 17, and send a snap-shot of her self if at all possible. Contest deadline is 15 Dec. 71. The cat egorie s are as follows: LETTER CONTEST 1. GENERAL-Judged on the basis of being int eresting, informative, and friendly. Don't sweat the gramma r, it's the idea that counts . 2. HUMOROUS-An open category judged on the amount of chuckles it produces. 3. CATCH-ALL-Any letter that doesn't fit the other categories . 4. MIND BLOWERS-Any t hing goes and t he sky is t he limit. Psych us out, gross us out, or generally blow our minds-if you can! ! PHOTO CONTEST 1. BEAUTY-This is hard to judge, especiall y since beauty and sex appeal tend to overlap, but we will j udge strictly on "Good Looks" alone . We will cre at e a separat e category for sex appeal. 2. SEX APPEAL-Since we promised this categor y, here it is. The winner will simply be the sexiest picture we receive. 3. HUMOROUS-CANDID-The funniest photo wins . 4. MIND BLOWERS-The "Fartherest Out" flick takes the prize. (This has to be a photo of the entrant herself and if you blow our minds, you will hold the record.) Also, a secondary contest for the most novel Child's toy sent to us will win an ivory bracelet (real), and all toys will be donated to "Save the Children" hospital in Qui Whon, Viet Nam. These kids appreciate them and they can definitely use them as they have so little themselves. All entries should be sent care of: T. C. Parker HHT, 7-17th AIR CAV APO 96226 San Francisco, California Sincerely, Tom Parker P.S. We thank you for your help and support and sincerely hope that everyone gets in the act soon.
Loquitur STAFF BOX Editors-in-Chief Business
........................Maria Valente,
Cavanaugh Drzymalski
Copy Editor
.............................................................. Kathy Jo Ramos
........................................ Juliana
Chan, Trevina
Staff ............Adel Stalcup, Lew DiFelice, Mary Jane Sullivan, Sue White, Norma Garbo, Margaret Riccio, Rosemary French, Carol Orlando, Robin Kennedy Typists ............Fran Baliotti, Linda Schimmenti,
Andrea Hustak
Page 3
December 9, 1971
Music Review by Sue White
by Rick Mitz College yearbooks they're issued every not the run of the sorority sisters and quarter-, half- and beauty queens with ions. 路
yearly nearly die of dreariness when June. It's refreshing to see one that's paper mill-one without pictures of their brothers crammed onto a divan, full-backs in their varsity drag, and shining teeth and pimpleless complex-
But last June, along came "Gumbo," a product of Louisiana State University and one of yearbooks. the first X-rated "Gumbo" got itself into producing an honest representation of campus life. Maybe she was too honest. Included in . the book was a photograph of a red, white and 'blue marijuana cigarette; a series of satires on such sanctions as motherhood, and four photos of nudes taken in art classes, which changed the book's rating from R to X. "Gumbo" was a partial success. Students loved the book and, for the first time in the college's history, "Gumbo" went into a second printing. The State Legislature, however, wasn't so pleased. A resolution of disapproval was passed. Said one legislator, who once attacked the teaching of Shakespeare in the school system, "I've never seen more nasty pictures. A student cannot show it to his little brothers and sisters." And the LSU student-body Cryptic is our college literary magazine. We have un~ limited possibilities to produce an excellent edition. If you write poetry, prose, or if your ar.tistic talents include photography or drawing, please feel free .to submit your work. You may deposit them in the Cryptic Box above the student mailboxes or give them to Mary Jane Sullivan. The deadline for all work is the last week in February. -===========-===~-t
president retorted, "Anyone who thinks that book has pornographic value hasn't seen very very much good pornography." "Gumbo" follows an inevit~ble student press pattern. Four years ago, campus papers ran what .were labeled "obscene" words, back when the watchword , "telling it like it is," was telling it as it was. Now it seems that yearbooks have gotten in the picture by getting in the pictures of nude 'bodies, student smoking habits and other aspects of life on campus. Maybe one provocative picture is worth a thousand four-letter words.
If you appreciate good blues, packaged and delivered, give a listen to Bonnie Raitt on Warner Bros. She's managed to re-do a little blues history recording live in the country with friends, coming up with a fresh, spontaneous feeling. Bonnie Raitt, recently at the Main Point, spoke about the album, explaining that taping live, as they did in a garage, eliminated the pressures of a recording studio where much of this spontaneity is stifled. Thi~ freedom enabled the musicians to come up with a really enjoyable album, nicely balanced with two well arranged originals, smooth down home blues and some "just nice to . listen to" selections. One of the pleasures is Bonnie's acoustical work which includes good slide guitar playing. The album is a compository of sound musicianship, creating a feeling that comes from people who enjoy what they're playing. If it is not possible to see Bonnie live, pick up the album. It's been a long time since a contemporary female blues singer and player has made such an excellent contribution to the musical profession.
Univer~ity Experiment Beginning in the fall of 1971, the State University of New York will offer 'students the opportunity to earn college degrees without ~ttending traditional structured classroom sessions at a specific campus of the State University. The college-without-walls, known as the Empire State College, is modeled after Britains' Open University. Under the new arrangement, students will be able to enter programs at anytlffie' throughout"the-ryear by "contracting" for courses ranging in duration from one month to several years. New York State Chancellor Dr. Ernest L. Boyer explained that two college centers were established in Albany and Rochester by October 1st. He noted that the eventual aim is to locate centers throughout the State within commuting distance of every student. Dr. Boyer indicated that in __ h__ e::.....::.initial phase of operation,
major concentrations and coui:s.e will be offered in the areas of anthropology, economics, English, fine arts, geography, mathematics, philosophy, and sociology. Students will be encouraged to pursue interdisciplinary and problem-oriented studies. Students also will have the opportunity to integrate into their academic programs, accomplishments and experiences not ordinarily part of campus study. These may include on-the-job experiences in business or industry, organized and supervised volunteer activskills gained ities, language through special programs or travel, and apprenticeship positions . Empire State College students will work closely with faculty mentors attached to the learning centers nearest their homes, as well as with tutors who will provide guidance in course work. Each student's programs will be worked out in cooperation with his mentor and reviewed by other faculty members. Although students may spend some time on one or several university campuses in weekend seminars, most academic work will be carried on at home or in other non-campus situations. Administration, Faculty, Students of Cabrini College: The missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart wish to thank the s'acred Heart wish to thank each of you sim:erely for your prayers and kind expression of your sympathy for the loss of our Beloved Mother General. She will intercede many graces for each of you. Assistant General Gratefully, Mother Josephine
An Exploration of The Protest Movement Kappa Sigma Omega will be sponsoring "The Damned " January 17-19, in the Day Hop Lounge. ' In 1968, when Luchino Visconti was in New York to direct "The Marriage of Figaro" at the Metropolitan Opera House he observed, "I have the impression that the ferment amoni young people in the United States is more sincer~ than perhaps it is elsewhere . Here the concrete protest against the war in Viet Nam is one I can understand. I feei that protest can be both beneficial and necessary under certain condition." I Since that time, Visconti has written and directed "The Damned," a Warner Bros. drama, which states unequivocably Visconti's views on the value of protest.
McGovern Wants Answers
Senator George McGo ver n called for a Federal Grand J ury investigation of the k illing of four students at Ken t State Uni versity by Ohi o Na tional Guardsmen . In remarks p repared for de li very on th e campus at UVLA, "The Damned " stars Dir k BoSenator McGo vern said, "It took garde, Ingr id Thulin , Helmu t th e Federa l governm e nt oniy a Berger , Char lotte Rampling , ma tt er of h ou rs to form a Fe d and Umberto Ursi n i. eral Grand Jury to inves tiga te "I am making 'The Damned' the New York Times for its refer the geneFations ho d.o.caoot......-Jease the entagen 路 rs ..,路-~---' know what Nazism was like,'' but somehow over a year a:ter the director said. In pointing four young Americans were the finger of responsibility at killed protesting the invasion of German industrialists who Cambodia we can 't get an inhelped create the madness of vestigation by a similar jury ." the Second World War by backPartial text of Senator Mcing Hitler with vital arms, VisGovern's remarks follows : conti points out, "The young "Over a year ago four young people must understand that it Americans who had gathered to is the absence of protest that constitutes the blackest evil in protest what they considered an my drama. In this film, the lead- .immoral act by their government were shot down by Naers of a vital steel empire tional Guardsmen allegedly proand personal choose profits tecting the peace. power rather than obstruct 'that "Since then many questions gentleman from Berlin'." have been raised and none have been answered. Even the simple 50,000th Book question of who exactly gave the order to put live ammuni"America's Changing Envition in M-1 rifles has not been ronment," edited by Roger Revanswered. elle and Hans H. Landsberg, became the 50,000th book to be "Every request since then for accessioned by the Holy Spirit investigation by an impartial library at Cabrini College, RadFederal Grand Jury has been nor. Librarian Mrs. Carolyn refused. Attorney General Go.ugh announced the catalogMitchell says it is unnecessary. ing of the Houghton Mifflin "But the questions remain publication (1970) and noted and they are serious questions. that the library has catalogue<;! "The present President of an average of 3500 books a year Kent State, a former advisor to since its founding in 1957. President Nixon, has promised "The 50,000 indicates the numto help bring the case before a ber that is assigned to a book Federal Grand Jury if the main the order of its acquisition," jority of students at Kent State Mrs . Gough indicated, "so it are in favor of one and today does not necessarily mean that they told him in no uncertain a given time the library owns terms that is what they want . the number that it originally More than 10,000 of Kent State's acquired." 16,000 students signed a petition The chief reason for the difand presented it today asking ference in number is that in for such a Federal Grand Jury. order for a library to maintain "They want to know, as I its academic standards, it is not want to know, what is being hidonly necessary to continually den-if anything . They want to add useful and worthwhile know, as I want to know, who books to its collection, but it is is being protected-if anyone. also necessary to weed out and "All of these are valid queseliminate books that are obsotions that demand valid answers lete, duplicates no longer in deand the only way we'll get mand, and books in physical them is for Mr. Mitchell to condition beyond repair. order a Federal Grand Jury."
December 9, 1971
Bryn Mawr Sponsors Study Abroad
Un-Team Captures Trophy On Sat1,1rday, November 6; a volleyball competition was held at Eastern Baptist College. This was Caprini's first competition and first victory. Eleven teams $tered and were divided into two divisions. The first division consisted of Lincoln University, Harcum, Rosemont, Eastern Baptist, and Tr2nton State. The second division consisted of Our Lady of Angels, Immaculata, Villanova, Chey- · ney State, Bryn Mawr, and Cabrini. The semi-finalists in The glee clubs of Cabrini College and La Salle College will the two divisions were Trenton present a joint Christmas con·State and Cabrini. Three games cert on Sunday , December 12 in were played to decide the victhe Mansion .at Cabrini College, tor. Cabrini won the first game Radnor. The 3:00 P.M. perform15-10, Trenton won the seeond 15-9, and by a close margin of ance is open to the public. The combined choruses will 16-14 Cabrini won the third sing "Silent Night" and the game and the trophy. "Hallelujah Chorus" from HanThis was a great triumph for del's "Messiah." Individual glee our girls. It was their first comclub numbers will include: petition, their first victory and "Prince of Peace," "Hosanna,'' it was done without the true the Virgin," "Hymn to - organization of a team. Con"Wreathe the Holly, Twine the gratulations and keep up the Bay," "What Child is This?" good work. and "Carol of the Bells." Cabrini College's glee club is directed by Dr. Carl M. Suppa. Its president is Carol Flagiello of Yeadon. Mr. Gail Poch directs the La Salle College glee club. December Its president is Joe D'Anunzro. 7-4:30 Council of College Affairs
Bryn Mawr College is again sponsoring two summer programs abroad for men and women college students - one in Spain and the other in -southern France. Both are directed by Bryn Mawr professors, with faculties drawn from universities and colleges in this country and Europe. The programs, offering intensive work is significant aspects of the culture of each country, begin in mid-June and will continue for six weeks. The ·Institut d'Etudes Francaises in Avignon is now in its eleventh year; the program is designed primarily for those who expect to engage in professional careers- requiring a knowledge of France and French living. The Spanish program, the Centro de Estudios Hispanicos in Madrid, is now in its seventh year; it integrates academic study and immediate experience through a unique combination of course work, study excursions, tutorials, independent work and family living. Students live and take their meals with families living in Madrid or Avignon. The residential plan was developed in order to provide the best basis for fluency in the language and for acquiring a deeper knowledge of the life and customs of the country. Classroom work is supplemented with lectures given by scholars in art, literature, history and the social scienees. At the end of the six weeks there is a period of free travel when students may arrange practical projects in their own .fields, particularly in art and archaeology. A limited number of scholarships are available for both programs. For information regarding admission, write to the Director of the Centro or the Director of the Institut, at Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010.
9-12-Main Point: Shawn Phillips plus Leo Kottke 10-Christmas
Dance 9 PM
12-Glee Club Joint Christmas Concert with La Salle. 3 PM Mansion 13-5:30 Student-Faculty Dinner. 7 PM Yule Log Ceremony . Mansion. 15-Reading Day. Main Point: Wiright. Orphans' Gary Christmas Party. I
16-Reading Day. Main Point : Odetta along with Lamb (16-19) 17-22-Exams January 17-First day of classes . "The Damned" 7 PM . 18-4 PM General faculty meeting. "The Damned" 7 PM 19-7:30 Social Science Club Movie : Year of the Commune 31-End
of the Drop-Add Period
1.4..-y di~ bleQki,- '?rodes'
BURGLARS, PROWLERS, BOYFRIENDS, BEW ARE!! There are 31 girls at Cabrini who have decided to take protection into their own hands. They've enrolled in a Karate class to be conducted every Tuesday and Thursday nights in the gym. The course is given by Richard Sands, who has a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Karate. At the first lesson Mr. Sands taught the girls how to fall asleep in five minutes by relaxing themselves completely. There are some teachers around that can do it faster though. Karate is defined as "the act of punching and kicking," which could prove to be very interesting in the next few months. Just think: If your roommate gets on your nerves just throw her across the room, or if the party you're at died ten minutes ago, you can really liven things up by throwing a couple of people around. It can be helpful, too , at the "Beef, " if the bouncer won 't let you in because your proof says 6'1" and you are only 5'2" . Just flip him over your shoulder and he won't bother you. There's even a rumor going around that if we don't get more security soon, Karate may be a required course next semester.
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Riverside Theatre Makes It; College Grads Devote Time Riverside Theatre, located at 2601 Lombard Street, has been in operation - less than two months. But in these two months it has assembled a cast of twenty local actors and a staff of .fifteen. It has extensively renovated its theatre, the former stage of the Pocket Playhouse, rebuilt the seats to allow excellent sight from all areas of the theatre, and installed a new lighting system. Now in 1the midst of this new theatre a realistic mid-Victorian home is coming to life for the upcoming production of The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife. To complete this mammoth amount of preparation within two months requires far more manpowe'r and money than the average little theatre can muster. The Riverside Theatre, however, is fortunate on both scores. "Because of the current unemployment situation," said director Ernest Schreiber, "we have attracted many bright, young college graduates-particularly in the humanitieswho have imagination and enthusiasm but no place to use them in the marketplace. In the old Horatio Alger tradition, they are determined to build a professional-quality theatre from the bottom up. Most of our peo-
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ple work five or six days a week here, using the others to bring in minimal subsistence for themselves." Financial backing for the theatre has come from Diversified Community Services, a nonprofit social service agency, whose University House contains the theatre. "We do not have sufficient funds to pay our staff or actors, of course," said Schreiber, "but we have solid support for our .first production." Perhaps because of the tenuous financial coridition, of the
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staff and actors, Riverside Theatre is pledged to present its productions at prices inflationstruck Philadelphians can afford. "A price of four or five dollars per ticket can easily discourage even a mildly moneyconscious working man or student from taking a night out at the theatre," commented Business Manager Frank Dolence. "So we've tried to keep our prices at half that rate." Riverside has planned further productions for
two this
season, one Greek and one Restoration comedy. It will continue its Punch and Judy puppet show, which is currently billed with The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife, on a regular basis for children. Beginning in January it will begin a series of play readings of Philadelphia area playwrights, similar to that of Hazel Wentworth's Washington Theatre Club. For additional information on any aspect of Riverside Theatre, please call Ernest Schreiber or Christie Phillip, Public Relations Director.