Oct. 31, 1972 issue 03 Loquitur

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October 31, 1972


Vol. XIX, No. 3


On October 23, Mrs . Dorothy Mc Kenna Brown b e c,a m e Academic Dean of Cabrini College. Mrs. Brown, a Ph.D . candidate at the University of Pennsylvania has been affiliated with the Biology Department of Cabrini since 1962, and chairman of that department since 1964. Her appointment was made by Sister Mary Louise, the new president of the college . The appointment of Mrs. Brown as Academic Dean is of major significance because she is the first l<lY person to be appointed to that position . Mrs . Brown received her Bachelors Degree in 1960 from College Miseracordia and her Masters Degree in 1962 from Villanova in Biology. In 1963 she wen t to t he University of Michigan for studies in Radiation Biology and in 1964 to the University of Louisiana with the Atomic Energy Commission for more research in Radiation Biology and Nuclear Engineering . In 1966 she began her Doctorate studies in Science Education and hopes to complete it this year. Her duties as Academic Dean will include everything relating to the academic affairs of the college . This includes curriculum development , innovation of new programs, faculty affairs as they are related to academic procedures, faculty salaries, and contracts . According to the structure of the school, under the academic dean comes the Admissions Office, Registrar's Office, Library, Financial Aid, and the Related Committees that pertain to each of these. Although her new posit1on will demand t ull time attention, Mrs. Brown said in a recent interview that she will continue to teach at least one class in

the years to come . She feels that this is necessary in order to keep in contact with the students and to be more fully aware of their problems and interests concerning academics at Cabrini. When asked if she foresees any academic changes, Mrs. Brown stated a great interest in the inter-disciplinary approach to Liberal Arts courses. This would mean teaching certain c_ourses from not just one department but from the standpoint of several departments. She would like to continue to encourage independent study programs and individualized majors. Although Mrs . Brown did not care to mention specifically whether or not she would like to see the gen er al educa tion requirements reducetl to a lower figure than the present 65, she did say that she would like to completely revamp the system so that the emphasis will be taken off the number of required credits by broadening some of the departments, namely the Theology department, and increasing the number of more relevant programs. Mrs. Brown feels that at the beginning of each student's Liberal Arts Program, he should be introduced to each of the areas of study within the college assuming that he is undecided upon a major. These ideas, however, are not strictly up to the Academic Dean, but are reviewed by the Academic Council, and therefore Mrs. Brown's views can only be presented to the Council and it will be their decision as to what changes will be made. In an attempt to brJaden the offering of Cabrini, Mrs. Brown (Continued on Page 6)





How do you go about raising enough money to keep a college in existence? This question may not have entered your minds recently but it is the chief occupation of the Development Office at Cabrini. The purpose of the Development office is to meet and anticipate the present and future financial needs of the college in order for the college to remain on a high standard in all areas . The Development Office is headed by Jacqueline Roddy and has only been in existence since 1969. Despite its young age the Development Office has come a long way. Miss Roddy was named Director of Development this year after serving for five years as Director of Public Relations . She is now working in both areas finding them considerably interrelated. A thorough knowledge of the community, and a familiarity with the industry and corporations in the area, is the advantageous experience that Miss Roddy has brought into the Devebpment office. One of the prime sources of support comes from the college's internal funds; these sources are the alumni association, the parents program, the board of trustees and the friends of the college. The continuing support of these internal sources plays an important role in Cabrini's increasing development. Another means is corporate support. Since 1970 Cabrini has been a member of the Foundation for Independent Colleges, Incorporate of Pennsylvania which solicits funds from corporations and then awards the money to the members of the Foundation on the basis of the school's enrollment and the

number of years that the school has been a member of the Foundation. The college first shared in the distribution of corporate gif ts during 1971-72. The development officers of the member colleges work together in visiting prospective contr-ibuting corporations and expressing their needs to them. Some corporations offer a matching gift program. This program consists of the industry matching the contribution of an employee to their alma mater . The Alumni Association executive board ·cooperates with the Development Office in annual fund raising drives. The money obtained from this drive is then distributed according to the following formula . One-third of the gifts goes to the alumni association's annual scholarship; one-third to the 1980 fund which will be a scholarship for the sons and daughters of Cabrini alumni to begin in 1980. One-sixth goes to a specific project that the alumni selects and the other one-sixth is for the unrestricted use of the college. Similarly, fifty percent of the funds raised by the Parents Program goes to the library and the other half is allocated for the college's general operating fund. The largest amount of aid comes from the corporations and foundations. For example, last year over $6,000 was received from the Foundation for Independent Colleges. Other contributors were Abbotts Dairies Household Finance, Philadeip .hia Electric, and Prudential Life ·insurance to name a few . Some of these grants are restricted, such as one from Sears Roebuck Company which is for (Continued on Page 5)

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October 31, 1972


Editorials andOpinions AreYourEyesSore? by Maria Valente

Whenever someone is confronted with a question about Cabrini College, or for that matter, whenever Cabrini College becomes a .topic of conversation, almost always there is some mention of its. beautiful campus. It's a shame, however, that the term "beautiful" can no longer be applied to some areas. Neglect on the part of the school, has grown to such an extent that certain sites now detract from the . campus and can definitely be labeled "eyesores." The first of these eyesores has fortunately been taken care of, but I feel it deserves mentioning since it was the biggest eyesore on campus for more than a year. I'm speaking, of course, of the greenhouse behind Grace Hall. Half of the building had been torn down, and the other half remained standing, amid the broken glass and pieces of wo.od. A picture of the hideous site appeared in one of last year's issues of The Loquitur, but at the time it was to no avail. The picture, along with a rather witty caption, failed to accomplish anything constructive. It only managed to arouse much discussion among the administrators to the effect that it made the school "look bad." Obviously, they failed to see . the intention of .the editors who, because of their concern for the school's appearance, had the picture printed in order to rectify the situation. If the administrators were so concerned about the school's "looking bad," then what was the dilapidated structure doing there in the first place? Fortunately, the area has just recent1y been cleared. Perhaps the picture was not printed in vain. Another ·unappealing site on campus is the little house along the driveway (near the bridge by the swimming pool). This also has been left to deteriorate. When the estate was first purchased by the college the ·house should have been torn down if it was not intended to serve a purpose. Instead, it has be~n left there to become a possible haven for "unwanted visitors," not to mention a fire hazard. Yet, it is not too late for it to be used for something constructive. Everyone seems to be crying out for a student union building, but because of financial reasons, this is impossible at the present time. So, rather than bear the financial burden of a new building, perhaps the little house can be renovated and used as a student union lounge. A student committee can possibly volunteer to do the painting and the like. It would even be an enjoyable project Finally, a place on campus which cannot be considered an eyesore yet, but which, nevertheless, is being neglected, is the interior of the Mansion. The woodwork on the walls, because of a lack of oil treatments, has become extremely dry and susceptible to cracking. The huge chandelier, whose original lustre must have been exquisite, is now unbelievably tarnished. And perhaps one of the most dish2artening things is the fact that the baby grand piano is now considered to be beyond repair, and is there simply for decorative purposes. I realize, of course, that repairs would only add to financial difficulties, but if a little more care had been taken before, these objects would never have gotten in their present conditions. I hope this article will serve as an · incentive to avoid neglect, thereby eliminating future "eyesores."

Can't Change? Why Try! by Rosemary Bolger

On November 13, the Sophomore Class will be voting for a new President, Vice President, Resident Representative, Day Hop Representative, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Chairman. This process will commence with self nomination on October 23, followed by campaigns during the week of October 30. In this past year our class as a whole hag accomplished very little. Our President is discouraged. Many sophomores fe<'l that we achieved nothing except a bake sale. I feel that i't has not been their fault that we have not accompliRhed anything. They are only our elected leaders; they are not the whole sophomore clasR. The reRt of us also have reRponRibilities. We are supposed to cooperate and show intereRt by coming to meetings. This college is part of our life, and we are the ones that make things happen here. "So many people feel they can't change things so they don't try," Maggy Struse haR observed. Anyone can go to .S.G.A. meetings but seemingly no one does. Some of th2 Officers feel that the StudentR are apathetic. Other·s feel that there is nothing to be apathetic about. One has said that there is a general attitude that this is a "Dead School." Maggy Struse has said, "I think the Sophomore ClasR has great potential; however until we have unification, we will get nothing accomplished." At the present time our class is concerned with the plans for Senior Farewell and have initiated a fund raising committee. We really want this Senior Farewell to be a succesR. We need ideas, interest, and cooperation from everyone or we cannot do a thing. We have to put something into our class before we can get anything out of it.



lettersto the Editor To the Editor: The Social Action Club has received much support in its effort to set up programs with area institutions that need volunteer assistance. I would like to thank those who have responded and ask that tho se people who would still bC: ,11terested to please get in • h with Kathy Daley or m _ :;elf . Thank you . Kathy Fusco

Villanova Charismatic Prayer Group. Fortunately, the response was great and we were most grateful to this group. Many such urgencies may occur i n the {uture of Cabrini. Why not prepare now. We could if we had our very own CABRINI COLLEGE BLOOD BANK. Do give it some thought. Maybe we can do something abou t it. Sister Catherine

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Dear Editor: Since I've been at Cabrini, I have always found reading The Loquitur good way of keeping up with the college news. Not only have I found it informative, but also most enjoyable. This year, however, I must say it is SUPER! Congratulations to the moderator and the entire staff for providing the college community with a paper we can be thoroughly proud of. Keep up the fine work. Mrs. Maryann Mirra

To the Editor: The Psychology Department of Cabrini College will be presenting an open meeting with some past graduates of Cabrini , who have majored in Psychology. They will discuss just how they have used Psychology and explain their jobs and whether or not Psychology has helped them and how. A date will be posted later . Information on this topic can be obtained from me in the Psychology Office. Mr. Tomasco


* * * To the Editor: Cabrini College Blood Bank for the Future. . .. sound farfetched, impossible? Not really. I'm certain that a good number of students would become regular donors. Why? Not too long ago, a very close friend of one of the students was very ill in the hospital and was in need of blood for survival. In her concern, the student rushed to school, circulating the dorms hoping to find a B positive donor. ·As a final resort, two or three of the students decided to barge in on the convent quarters. Though we were all concerned and willing, no one was of the type needed. This was the second case of blood urgency in two months. We came close to it again in the summer when one of our sisters was udergoing hip surgery. At the time, six donors were needed. Two sisters who could, gave readily, but where were we going to go for the other four donors? With hope, we appealea to the

• * • To the Editor: There seems to be some confusion regarding the payment of meals. The only people that are entitled to eat in the cafeteria without paying are residents and those identified by the business office . All others are required to pay for their meals. If you are a resident, your meals are not transferrable to a non-resident. This is so because when we bill the college for your meals, we know that you are going to be absent from some of them. This is called percentage of attendance. Therefore, when you give food away, you are not paying for it anyway. Your food service has to absorb this expense by using funds that would otherwise be used for extra "goodies." So the next time a "friend" asks you to get him or her a sandwich ... think about it. Finally, I would like to thank all the girls who helped with Parents Weekend. You were terrific. Dave Lange

My first reaction to a recent editorial in The Loquitur was to laugh when I came to the line about teachers' being dressed up. I really couldn't understand why this bothered the writer. I know that it doesn't bother me a bit to see the students dressed in "dungs" constantly. In fact, as a her . I can apprecia•e t he sa vi ngs on cl ot hes , t rus ti ng that they'll know when to wear what at the proper time. Coming from the "Ladies wear white gloves" generation like me, that's quite a concession . However , I have learned "It 's what you are , not what you wear" that counts most. Then as I read and re-read the article several times, I realized that here was someon~ who cared enough to state his opinions candidly, and I would be doing him a disservice to laugh about it. Also, I don't think anyone on campus realizes more than I just what people in "the outs ide world" think of Cabrini and its programs. Everyday, I get numerous calls telling me that they have been recommended to us by other colleges and universities. So, unlike Geraldine's famous line, "What you see is what you get", it doesn't necessarily follow here. "It's what you give is what you get" . All the rest is window dressing . Look below the surface and you'll find our true values. Mrs . Claudia Richards

To the Editor: "And a good time was had by all." I ~as very much pleased to see what an excellent job was done by all the girls who worked so hard to show us such a good time at Parents' Weekend . Mrs. Lackman

• • * To the Editor: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Therefore, please put your trays on carts availaple, or keep them on your table. Let's help each other. Mrs. Mulligan

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October 31, 1972

EVALUA llON-BIG DEAL! by Alice Vail What makes Cabrini different from Penn State? Well, for one thing, You go here. There are a lot of You's that make Cabrini a pretty special place. Hopefully, in the early weeks of November, a Master Plan will ·be completed with regard to the upcoming evaluation of Cabrini College as well as all other institutions owned or run by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Big Deal, right? Wrong! Dead wrong! It's a chance for Cabrini I (this includes you) to sit back and look at itself . Again, big deal! Well, it is a big deal because the evaluation will be a much needed opportunity for Cabrini to assess what it is now doing. This could be the time for dead wood to be discarded, for gripes to become specific proposals and dreams to become realities. It could become a time of action instead of frustration and apathy. The evaluation of Cabrini College will be handled differently than the evaluations of the other institutions. How differently? Instead of the pommittee usually assigned to conduct these evaluations, ours will be done by students, faculty, administration and alumni. That the Order is allowing us to handle our own evaluation says something about the openmindedness o! this community of sisters. What most students do not realize is that, aside from the initial financial investment made by the Order, somewhere in the area of $200,000 is given to the college annually . That's a lot more than cigarette money. Specifically, that amounts to $500 per student, per year. But, here's the problem. The Order is not receiving as many donations as it did .in the good old days . Therefore, they are evaluating each institution to see

how the money can best be spent. One of the ·goals of this evaluation is to see where improvement is needed and then to affect it to the point where Cabrini College is not so totally dependent (financially) on the Order. Another goal is to find new and imaginative ways in which the Order may assist Cabrini and Cabrini assist the Order. The evaluation will, hopefully, open up new channels of communication as well as new opportunities to the students. It may well be that some, or all , of the potentials that are suddenly being seen, will become realities. The potentials, here on campus, and these in conjunction with the Order, are overwhelming. For example, the Cabrini sisters are primarily interested in social work with the poor. They run a child-care center and a drug rehabilitation center in New York. Imagine the value of working in these centers perhaps for credit in a social science. It •would give students the <::hance to apply what they've been learning and to help people who really need help. The Order also has schools and social work centers in Europe and developing countries all over the world. The possibility of an exchange program will be investigated. Although the basic questions that will be asked still have to be formulated, · the present indications are that the evaluation will be thorough. Hopefully , no stone will be left unturned. Students and. alumni will be asked about course offerings and the relevance and adequacies of their major department . With the results will come many possibilities. New departments and improvements of the old departments are two possibil~ties that will probably become realities. Many questions will be asked

about student orga .nizations and activities. Here, again, students will be instrumental in affecting change. The purpose of student activities is a relevant question, but, even more relevant is how you can help to fulfill the purpose. The budget will also be studied. How can we better use the funds we are given? The results of this evaluation will be reviewed by three Provincials and their councils. Two of the three Provincials are members of the Board of Trustees of Cabrini College. They are Sr. Innocent Migliori, in New York, for the Eastern Division and Sr. Erma Lunghe in Chicago, for the Midwest Division . The third Provincial is Sr. Christine Perazzoli, in New Orleans, for the Western Division. Decisions about the value of Cabrini College will be handled by the three mentioned, and the final decision rests with our former president, and new superior of the Order, Sr. Regina Casey. Basically what the Missionary Sisters want to know is how Cabrini can make a special educational contribution different from, say , a state university . This would include a special interest in developing Christian social and human values. Are these values important at Cabrini? How can they be strengthened and perpetuated? Also , how can Cabrini become more financially independent? Decreased dependence on the Order would allow the Order t o put more money into some of their- other institutions. The evaluation will, hopefully, open new avenues for Cabrini. Hopefully , all quest ions will be answered honestly. Now is the time and this is the chance for all students to examine and improve the quality of our school for ourselves and for those who will follow.

Day Hop Lounge

It's Our Responsibility by Joanne Barbano On Monday, October 9, a meeting was held to discuss the decorating of the day-hop lounge. Posters announc ing this meeting had been placed in various obvious locations at least one week in ad v ance . Alt hough the day-hops cons tit ute almost one-half of the studen t body , only fifteen comm u tin g st udents took the tim e to a tt end this mee ting. So wh ere were the other one hundred and thir ty-six? I realize th a t some st uden t s were in cl ass a t th a t time and ot h ers h ad l eg itim a te excuses but I d oubt v ery much that they m ade u p th e entir e absentee list. It is quit e sad th at som e peo ple j us t d on't ca.--e enough to put for th th at sm all b it of effort necessary to improve our "living conditions". After all, the day-hop lounge is "ours " and if we don 't keep it looking presentable t hen no one else w ill either . I have often heard students complaining about the condition of the lounge . The two most common complaints are its sloppiness and its dullness. First

of all, it is up to each indi v idual to be respons ibl e enough to dispose of his-her own trash and not to lea ve j unk around for someone else to clean up. Secondly, we are attempting t o r id the lounge of its drea r ine ss bu t this task can only be ac complished if everyone works to gether . It is no t th e responsibi li ty of only a fe w individuals to decorate the da y -hop loun ge ; this room is "ours" a nd ev e ry one 's he lp is n eeded . Th e ironic thing about this situation is tha t t he on es who a re alw ay s com p laining neve r see m to be aro und when th e tim e com es to do somethin g about it, bu t th ese pe rsons ar e th e ones who always benefit from th eir fri end s' work. So , ple as e, next time you see a pos t er w it h da y -h op written on it, take the time to read it and make it a po int to be present a t the meeting. A ls o, it is ou r respons ibili ty as da y -ho ps to main t ain t he neatness of the lounge ; so please throw away your own trash and remind your friends to do the same. Please , don't be apathetic -;- get involved and give a damn !!

Philosophy Department: Wine, learning,andSong by Carol Mele "A loaf of bread, a jug

of wine . . ." With a distinctly epicurean flare. the Philosophy department threw an open house. Students and faculty who came to the gathering feasted on assorted breads and cheeses and sipped a tangy .·punch to the song and strumming of Sue White and Kathy-Jo Ramos. The scene is not unlike many Philosophy Club functions which usu-

ally provide an opportunity for learning as well as for socializing. Eight days following open house the Philosophy department held the first of its annual lecture series. To an audience of about fifteen attendants, Dr. David • Marshall presented his topic, "Plato's Notion of Beauty." After a brief introduction, Dr. Marshall began his talk by explaining the method whereby

it is possible to arrive at Plato's philosophy of beauty. According to Dr. Marshall, the Platonic notion of beauty is not contained in a single treatise devoted to this, topic, but rather, must be gathered from references scattered throughout Plato's writinY,s. Citing these references, Dr. Marshall showed how Plato included beauty in his theory of Forms. He explained that for Plato, an object of art has aesthetic value in so far as it participates in the Form, Beauty, which is second only to the Good in Plato's hierarchy of the Forms. Dr. Marshall went on to apply Plato's notion of beauty to a philosophy of art, arriving at an aesthetically rigid Plato who would esteem art for the sake of virtue above art merely for art's sake. With this point made, objections were . raised against Marshall's attributing Plato with a p uritannical notion of art, and soon a debate was underway which continued even as the session was adjourned for refreshments. The next Philosophy Club lecture will · be held on Tuesday, November fourteenth at eight o'clock in the evening in the library conference room. Mar0

Philosopsy Club Open House

tha Montgomery is scheduled to speak on "Piaget's . Influence on Contempory Ethics ." The lecture series was originally launched four years ago by Dr. Joseph Romano, chairman of the Philosophy department. Since this time Dr. Romano has initiated a number of other significant changes in the department. For example, in 1968 the general education requirement in Philosophy 'Yas reduced from twelve credits to nine . Electives were added to the curriculum with seminars as upper division courses. The following year the course offerings were revised so that they since have characterized a historical approa9h to Philosophy rather than the former systematic approach. Two years ago a major in Philosophy was first made official, and last year, for the first time, the option of a double major was open to students. Recently having received approval from the academic dean's office, is the introduction of a new course offering for the coming spring term. The Philosophy department in conjunction with the Psychology department will offer an interdepartmental course, "Introduction to

Parapsychology ." The course, which will be open to Juniors and Seniors , would fulfill three credits in either Philosophy or Psychology . As proposed , the course is to be conducted by a three member staff inc;luding Dr. Romano (Philosophy ), Mr. Anthony Tomasco (Psychology), and Mrs . Gladys Achey who has demonstrated her psychic abilities at the Rhine Institute of Duke University . Mrs. Achey has already on two occasions lectured on the topic of parapsychology here at Cabrini. Another opportunity now open to students of Philosophy is the Lawrence R. Sedler Memorial Scholarship, founded last year by Mrs . Lawrence Sedler and Dr. Romano. The fivehundred dollar scholarship is awarded each Spring; Maddalena Kocur (class of '73) was the first recipient. Juniors who are either majoring or double majoring in Philosophy are eligible for the award and may apply in the Philosophy office. The scholarship fund is financed either by individual contributions or by proceeds obtained from fund raising drives organized by the Philosophy Club. Last year's used book sale rais(Continued on Page 6)


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October 31, 1972

Peace Rally

Hayden's Proposals The emotional appeal of LiOn Thieu was followed and sharply contrasted by Tom Hayden's forthright presentation of facts and statistics and practical proposals for solutions. The points of Hayden's talk were the following. 1. There is a basic descrepancy existing between what Richard Nixon says and what he does. "By this November, the President of the United States will have dropped four million tons of bombs on . Indochina in his first term in office, during the time of the winding down of the war. 100,000 tons a month. This is unimaginable, literally, because nothing like this has ever happened before in.human history . To give you an example, the four million tons of bombs that the president will have ordered to be dropped -on Indochina by November is twice ... twice . . . the total tons of bombs that our country dropped everywhere in the world during World War II, from Europe to the Pacific, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Four million tons of bombs in four years." "Over 20,000 Americans killed, more than 150,000

1; "No" to a coalition with "communists." 2) "No" to civil liberties for them. 3) "No" to territory for them, including the territory in the northern part of Vietnam. 4) "No" neutrality for Vietnam for Vietnam in the future. Mr. Thieu has stated that he has enemies everywhere. In light of the policy of the "four no's" this means people everywhere must be destroyed. When one considers this, along with the lack of popular support, it is easier to understand why , as an American military advisor was quoted in the New York Times as saying, B52's are used in Quang Tri province every time that two or three people are seen together . 3. This corruption is not the fault of the average person in our country, but rather the fault of an indiscriminate, illegal, and immoral policy which the government has tried to keep from us. The Pentagon papers show that the government knew it was acting illegally and immorally in carrying on a war against a popular , broad-based , nationalist movement . Our government has been denying

states whose electoral power is significant. Hayden stressed that gatherings such as the one at Villanova should be the starting point, that from there people should {!o out into the communities, distributing the pamphlet "Six Million Victims," the actual record according to the Pentagon and the subcommittee on refugees. In addition to this work of educating, the Peace Campaign urged that money be collected for Medical Air to Indochina. Money is needed by this organization to buy supplies to save the lives of people whom the United States government is attacking . The third recommendation that Hayden made was community action against the press. He cited the neglect by American papers to print the Seven Point Peace Proposal made by the other side as just one instance of editorial irresponsibility. This proposal, which was made more than a year ago , offered solutions to the problem of getting POW's back , the problem of future relations with Vietnam, and the problem of reprisals and bloodbaths in Vietnam.



by Terry Cavanaugh

The Indochina Peace Campaign came to Villanova Friday, September 29, to present their case against American involvement in South Vietnam. Representing the Peace Campaign were Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, of Chicago 7 fame, Holly Near, a folk-singer, and Li-On Thieu, a Vietnamese girl. The purpose of the Peace Campaign, according to Tom Hayden, is to make it "known . that while Richard Nixon claims to be winding down the war, he has, in fact, escalated it to its greatest height. , Hayden sees this as a 'situation which threatens us as a country, which threatens us individually, which threatens our ability to function as human beings ." The multiplicity of its appeal was the most surprising and enjoyable aspect of the program. Holly Near, a girl with an incredibly lovely voice, set the mood for the evening with songs such as "Courage To Keep On Singing Freedom Songs," and "No More Genocide in My Name." Following Ms. Near was Li.)n Thieu, a Vietnamese girl who spoke emotionally about her country and her people. Referring to President Thieu, she said, "To live under him is to live under a police state, literally ." Ms. Thieu elaborated on this point, describing the more than 300,000 people in jails: "These people are not just what they call communists. They are women, they are children, they are Buddhist monks, they are Catholic monks. they are Buddhist students, they are Catholic students . They are. people of oth ·er sects. other beliefs . These are the people who are incarcerated in the prisons because they don't w ant the United States ravaging the land of Vietnam." She described "de-

mocracy" in Vietnam as President Thieu arresting the entire student body of Hue, abolishing local elections, and establishing police checkpoints where people can be thrown into jail for violating the curfew hours. In addition to these things, Ms. Thieu described the ban on the press: "Before, it was much more casual. But now, they've standardized them. Every newspaper is required to deposit $50,000 to make sure in advance that they'll be able to pay the fines for the news they print which they find detrimental to the security of Mr. Thieu." • Ms. Thieu stressed culture as one of her country's greatest strengths, and stated that President Thieu is trying to destroy this culture in a number of ways. One of the tools employed is a mass influx of pornography into the country. The goal of the influx is to distract the people from thoughts of resistance. The culture-destruction is also found in the schools: the universities teach what is known as the three sciences . The first is a computer science. The second is a twisted version of Freudian psychology, emphasizing sexual motivation and supplemented by the influx of pornography. The third science is a version of existentialism, through which the students are taught to be hedonistic, to think only of themselves and the present, rather than the past and the future of their country. Ms. Thieu concluded her talk with a reiteration of the basic premiss of the Peace Campaign . "Economic and military aid to South Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia has increased : that is winding down the war in Vietnam. And you will have four more years of war if you let the powers that be, remain in this country because we cannot live under the powers they put on us."

JANE FONDA wounded, and the casualty rate among Asians has increased by 25 per cent during t}J.e Nixon administration over those that occured during the Johnson administration. So that, according to the Pentagon and according to the Kennedy subcommittee on refugees, in four years Nixon will be responsible for having created six million victims of the Indochina war. Six million people on all sides, including Americans, Vietnamese, Cambodians , and Laotians, six million people will have been killed , wounded, displaced from their traditional homes, or made prisoners, in a war that's winding down ." 2. The regime which the United States is supporting has no popular support in Vietnam ; the regime we are supporting has a policy known as the "four no's ."

another country's self-determination. "There never have been two Vietnam~ except in the American imagination." In a practical attempt to reverse this •situation, the · Peace Campaign intends to continue exposing the fact that the war is escalating, not winding down. Although they remain independant of the McGovern campaign, they welcome his presence in the campaign and feel that his position on Indochina is enough to deserve their support. Hayden acknowledged that no politician is to be entirely trusted, but McGovern's plank on Indochina, and his candidacy itself, reflect the spirit of resistance both here and in Vietnam. 4. Recognizing the need to continue educating and resisting, the Peace Campaign is largely concerned with those

In concluding his talk, Hayden said that the choice is between a policy of democracy and peace for the United States and a policy that leads to geno~ cide in other countries and authoritarianism here. Referring to the recent best seller Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee the story of the treatment of Indians at the time of the settlement of the United States Hayden asked, "Do we want ~ best seller 75 years from now to be titled Bury My Heart at My Lai? Does any of us doubt that 75 years from now there will be books talking about our war crimes in Indochina, and saying that Ho Chi Minh was a great leader of a complex and rich civilization, and that we shouldn't have been there? Does anybody think that 100 years (Continued on Page 5)


October 31, 1972 on Hanoi radio to other Americans to tell them what they're doing to another culture will be considered treason? Most people will think that that is what Jane Fonda should have done, that that was the least' an American could have done during a genocidal war . We have to recognize that becoming involved in a war that could only become a war against self-determination there, will rob us of self-determinat ion here . So the only way to be patriotic , to do what is good for America, is to res ist this war now , in action, so that the historians will Wr\te a history that a future generation can be pi;:oud of."

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Peace Campaign (Continued

from Page 4)

from now Americans will look back and think that it was wise or patriotic to drop four million tons of bombs in four years on Indochina? Does anybody think that 100 years from now people who took a stand against the war in Indochina will be considered traitors? Does anybody doubt that -100 years from now what is considered extreme or in bad taste today will be considered . the least that we could have done? Does anybody doubt that, for instance, broaqgasting

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Fonda Gets Standing Ovation Jane Fonda came to the podium after Tom Hayden , and was given a standing ovation before she spoke a single word . As soon as the applause died down, she plunged into her talk . "About three years ago , I wasn 't even sure where Vietnam was ." This opening statement led to a number of remarks on the numbne ss t his country had felt following the McCarthy era . Ms . Fonda blamed lack of information as the cause of the helplessness felt by so many Americans. "Apathy comes from not seeing any way out. It comes from confusion. It comes from lack of information, lack of truth. " Ms. Fonda went on to describe the most surprising thing she had en countered in Vietnam : The Committee of Solidar it y with the American People. Th is comm itt ee, compri se d of leader s of the Vietname se p·eople , has undertaken a monumental ta sk , that of educating the pe a sants , telling them about Americans , about American history, ab out the peace movement , e xplaining to them why the y cannot hate us . Ms . Fonda said that when she asked why they are doing this , in the face of national extermination , she was told , " If the American peo ple ever remain faceless for us, if our people are not clear about who their enemy is, they will have nothing to resist with . They will have no strength. Our greatest strength is that we ha ve always known .who our enemy is, and we know that the American people are not our enemy . There is a difference between the American people and the American government ."

out that this is a Christian concept. It was here that the connection to which she had been referring became clear : if the Vietnamese can tell the peasants the truth , and keep the identity of the enemy unclouded, then surely the Americans can do the same . "I think that we must set oursel v es free . The forces that are ruling this country now are tampering with our minds and we have to free our minds ." The president ial election , Ms. Fonda said, offers an excellent oppor "tunity for organization, for freeing minds, and for reassuming the ability to think for oneself. "Democracy is not blind obedien ce to one administration who is lying to us ." The people must r eassume the power which righ t fully belongs to them in a democracy . The only way to ha ve that po w er , Ms . Fonda said , is by be ing informed . "Ot h er w ise , we are vic t im s of any candidate .'' "Twenty year s from now , will it be enough, when our children ask us , what did you do while the Indochinese people we re being slaughtered. to say 'I put an X in front of McGovern 's name '? Of course not. We mu st take this time in which people are in turmoil , and they are asking questions, to go out, broaden our base and strengthen our spines. Else , we have no right to talk about democracy. Else we are only talking about stru~ture and not content ."

Ms . Fonda explained that a oasic belief of the Vietnamese people is that people are not evil, but that circumstances make them evil. The Vietnamese believe that with truth and knowledge, people can .be redeemed. Ms. Fonda pointed

Lo q u i t u .r STAFF Th e Loquitur is published eve ry thr ee weeks by the students of Cabrini Coll ege. The views and opinions express ed in thi s newspap er are thos e of the author and do, no.t '.'eces~arily reflect those of The Loquitur staff or the admuu stration . Editor-in-Chief ......................................................Maria Valente As sociate Editor ....................................................Bob Colameco Busine ss Manager ...................................... ............J oAnn Pi_ne\li Copy Editor ...................................................... Margaret Ricc10 Photography Editor ..................................................Chris Vogel Art Editor ............................................ ..............Kathy-Jo Ramos Circulation Manager ..............................Mary Beth Senkewicz Staff ..........Terry Cavanaugh , ~nne .Christopher~on , Carol Mele, Connie Cesare, Laune Whitman, Denni s Abram , Joann Barbano , Rosemary Bolger , Melody Waters , Alice Vail Typists --Fran Baliotti. Linda Schim .menti , Kathy Fusco , Donna Lauria , Sue Mager, and Michelle Perna

t\ ua9 <\o '=>M\) 1-2..I 00


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Financial StabilityHockey and Volleyball Off to a Good Start

(Continued from Page 1) library use only. Oth er res t r icted gifts have come' through t he by Laurie Whit man skill - the University of PennLawrence R. Sedler Memor ial sylvani a proved to be a worthy Ca brini College's exuberant Fund , which depends on these opponent. P atty Givens, Coringifts to grant a scholars hip to a eleven have joined forces with da Zink and Maggie Guice comPh ilosophy major. Sim il arly, Ea stern College's junior \·arsity. pose the Forward line with the Christian R. and Mary F . A t present, the Cabrini-Eastern Anne Fitzpatrick, Joan Galletti Lindback Founda t ion gift is r eand Carolyn Consahi substicombination has clashed sticks st r icte d fo ~ a n und ergra duat e with Immaculata. ·west Ches er, tuting. schol arship . The Pa rents Pr o- Rosemont and the University of Cabrini is off to an exciting gr am in pa rticular has been season and the enthusiasm and Pennsylvania. The losses and espe cia lly enc our aging in in - tri u m p hs are two for two, but spirit of the girls is a major volving parents and alumni in with Cabr in i's tale n t and en - fac to r in t he ir su cce ss. l).elping the sch ool. Mi ss Rodd y Cabrini College's reputation thusiasm, tke season is sure to rec en tly anno unced that Dr. end on a positive note. for its volleyball team has once Ri ch ard R. Gov e , father of Th e University of P ennsyl - again provecf itself sensational. Diane Gov e '73, will chair the . vania game on Thursday Ainta Drumth e Ro Dougherty, 1972-73 Pa r en ts Progr am. twelth pr oved to be· a disap - mond, Muff Lucey and K aren Tw ent y other fa th er s will serv e pointment. P erhaps this was due F innegan play ed a most dyn a on th e commi tt ee wit h him. It mic game. to a lack of practice. This past sh ou ld b e no ted t ha t Cabri ni r e - week the Cabrini -E astern com T he score for the first game ceiv es no sta t e or f ede ral aid bi nat ion h ad thre e games, this was a r ousi ng 15-11 ; the second, wha tsoe ver and mus t r ely sol eanother win, was 15- 11! Th e opcu tti n g dr as tic ally in to much ly on private sources . The Mis- need ed teamwork . p onent s, Ou r Lady of Angels sion ary Sisters of t he Sacred College, Aston , P a., showed a The defen se pro v ed to be Heart have contribu t ed to the de cide d inab ility to r et urn the strong. De bby Topham , the development of Cabrini since p owe r ful ser ves fro m Ca brini's goalie , on ly a llow ed two goals its founding, but it is neces sary side of t he n et . to the opposi tion. She w as ba ckfor the school to try to become The gam e was fast -m oving ed up by Mu ff Luc ey, Nelli e more independent in establish - Crawford , and Mary Shee tz. The and fun and Cabrini is sure to ing a stable financial sta t us , forwa r d line was n't a ble to per - contin ue on th e jo urne y to su c' since the order has other rece ss! form w ith it s ty pica l spe ed and spon sibilities besides the college that must be attended to. It is essential that continuing communication be maintained WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR A LIVING between the community and the college's various fund-raising IF YOU MAJOR IN ENGLISH? programs so that Cabrini's COME AND HEAR FORMER needs are known and contribu tors are made aware of the CABRINI ENGLISH MAJORS good effects of · their gifts . The Alumni now publish the Alumni TALK ABOUT THEIR JOBS Bulletin which .keeps all graduAND HOW THEY GOT THEM at es of Cabrini informed . In addition to this the quarterly news letter , Comment, is sent to the parents, the board of trustees, SUE DARLING, '69, T.V. Producer friends of the college , as well as the alumni. MARIE COURTNEY, '69, Business writer In all , Cabrini has come a long way in a short fifteen SUE SULLIVAN, '71, Writer at TV Guide ye ars. Miss Roddy described Cabrini's development as being CAROL ANN LUKAS, ' 70, High School teacher in an exciting and challenging pha se·: "The goal of maintaining the private college as an imENGLISH OFFICE portant part of higher education in America is a story which Monday, November 13 mu st be told. " As Cabrini's role unfold s, and finqncial resources Refreshments 2:30 P .M. are found to su'pport the college 's goals, Cabrini will eventually be ready and able to stand on its own.

Page 6


Academic Dean (Continued from Page 1) would like to expand our affiliations with not only other schools, but with industry as well. She hopes that in tJ:ie future, students will be able to work in cooperation with other schools, industries, and social work groups, to name a few, in order to give the students a better awareness of their special interest, to increase their . chances of entering graduate school or getting a better job . Although Mrs. Brown does not think that the Academic . atmo- · sphere at Cabrini is what it should be, she believes that it has most definltely improved over the past ten years that she has been here. To overcome this lack of sufficient academic atmosphere is going to be one of Mrs. Brown's primary and perhaps most difficult problems. She does, however, feel that the quality of education at Cabrini can "compete" with other colleges and universities. To expect any tremendous and sudden academic ch~nge to occur at Cabrini may be a bit out of line, but ce'rtainly Mrs. Brown's appointment as Academic Dean can be viewed as a giant step in the right direction for the college. With Sister Mary Louise now president, and formerly Academic Dean, she will be more able to understand the problems of that position and more able to assist Mrs. Brown with the problems which may arise within the years to come.

October 31, 1972

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Philosophy Department



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from Page 3)

ed a considerable amount of money; this year's money raising project is now being planned. Individual contributions can be donated anytime at the Philosophy office. Cabrini alumni who gradu~ ated with degrees in Philosophy are presently availing themselves of graduate opportunities . Janet Hinkel (class of '70) has a teaching assistanceship in Philosophy at Villanova University. Cabrini's first male graduate, Edward Walsh (class of '71), is now taking graduate studies in Philosophy also at Villanova. Mary Jane Sullivan (class of '72) is now at Duquesne University with a graduate research assistanceship in Philosophy. Besides free tuition, Mary Jane receives a two-thousand dollar annual stipend for living expenses. Soon to be published by Salem Press are three articles written by Dr. Romano, the first concerning Aristotle's Logic, the second on Aristotle's Science , and the third on Porphyry's Commentaries on Aristotle's Logic. The articles are to appear in the first of a three volume series entitled Great Events in History. The volumes consist of articles written by several authors concerning major achievements in the evolu-

tion of human

knowledge .

Dr. Romano's most recent publication is an article which appeared in the Summer, 1972 issue of The New Scholasticism. "Formal and Scientific Logic" by Joseph J. Romario is a rebuttal of F.F. Centore's "There are Two Logics - A Reply", which appeared last year in another · issue of The New Scholasticism. As the title suggests Centore's article is a response 'to "How Many Logics Are There?", a critique written by Dr . Romano concerning Henry Veatch's book, Two Logics. In the critique Dr . Romano wrote, "I have raised objections to Veatch's claim that 'traditional' logic is a science that serves the humanities in its · search for truths." The paragraph continues, specifically, I q u e s ,t ion e d the value of calling such a method 'scientific' when applied to matters of morality, metaphysics, and theology. Rather than answer my specific objections, Centore chooses to broaden the terms 'scientific ' and 'formal' so that the force of my objections is mitigated. " The article goes on to develop and substaniate this last statement. Centore's reply to this article was not another article , but rather a brief note t o Dr. Romano which read, "Thanks for your rebuttal. I learned something."

if the boolelet un 't ·1 00% aa de•cribed.


VOTE FOR PEACE This is a political a11nouncement paid for by the McGovern supporters on the campus of Cabri"i College, and does not necessarily reflect the political views of LOQUITUR staff members.


October 31, 1-972


Page 7

You Wanted to Know About

FINANCIAL AID by Jerry Satlow The amount a student earns Most schools attempt to meet depends upon the rate of pay the financial needs of their stuand the number of hours 路workdents in 3 basic ways : grant, ed. In 1972-73 the rate of pay loan, job . Usually, the aid offiwill be varied . These positions cer tries to create an aid packrequiring greater skills will reage which consists of a combiceive somewhat higher hourly nati~n of these. For example, a rates . The base rate is $1.60 per student with financial need of hour with a maximum rate of $1500 might receive a $700 $1.70 per hour . grant, $400 loan, and $400 job . Under the CWSP preference Some institutions insist that any is given to those students with student who receives a gr.ant greatest financial need . This must also take 路 a loan. year , most jobs are reserved for Cabrini participates in a fedstudents who are eligible to erally supported College-Workparticipate in this program .' This Study Programs (CWSP). Unis done both to maximize the der this program, the federal amount of financial assistance government provides a sum of the college can provide to its money , one-fourth of which is ., students and to reduce the actmatched by the college, i.e ., of ual costs incurred by the colthe total fund, 80% is provided lege . Although priority is given by the federal government' , 20% to those students with financial by the college. These monies are need, a limited number of stuused to pay 路 the salaries of students may find campus employdents who are employed partment because of special skills time by the college under this or the particular needs of a deprogram . partment . Students are eligible for the As of Sept . 29, 1972 more CWSP if .they meet a路 variety than 50 students have been asof requirements, all of which signed positions under the are established by the governCWSP. Our expectat ions are ment. Some of the more signifithat more than 65 students will cant ones are: Students must ultimatly be employed . Their be full-time; they must have average earnings, we expect, financial need; they may not will exceed $300 for the a'cawork in excess of 15 hours per demic year, and the gross sa1arweek on the average ; they may ies will exceed $30,000. As you do any type of work on campus ; may note, this represents a douthey may work full-time during bling of the number of students summer and vacation periods; from last year and approxithey must be paid at least the mate ly three t imes the gross current minimum federal wage ; salar ies . These students will they may work off-campus but wor in 22 separate areas and only for non-profit organizain 5 off-campus agencies . tions and the work must be "in All student applicants for fi1 the public interest.' During the period July, 1971- nancial aid, including employment must submit a financial July, 1972, a total of 39 Cabrini aid application. They must also students participated in the submit a Parents' Confidential CWSP . They earned gross salStatement . Both of the above aries equal to $10,339.67 or an average of $265.12 per student . forms may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office . This Several students earned over must be done for each year that $700. These students worked in 16 separate departments on the student wishes aid and-or employment . Students who campus and for 3 off-campus wish to discuss the possibility of agencies . off-campus, vacation, or sumStudents in the CWSP turn in mer employment , should artime sheets and are paid in cash range t~ speak with Mr. Satlow monthly. Their earnings are not in the Financial Aid Office . It credited on their accounts in the goes , without saying, that the business office . They are not financial aid office is happy to obliged to repay any of this listen to suggestions or critimoney nor must they account cisms which will enable it to for how it is used . (Exceptionoperate more efficiently or efsummer earnings are expected fectively . to be available for use during Next time : Loans. the academic year).

Music _ Review



Your Horoscope For The ~eek of Oct. 29 SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): A special recognition or reward is yours . However , you don't deserve it. Feel guilty.

AIRES (March 24-April 19): A true friend will be found in one you disliked previously. TAURUS (April 20-May 21) : Night dreams may be answers to the week's problems.

~AGITTARIUS (November 22December 21): Save your money for something you 'll soon want badly.

GEMINI (May 21-Jun~ 20) : Autumn Leaves . Try 'Em You'll Like 'Em . CANCER (June Next time you phone booth and ing, pick it up . surprised .

21-July 22) : walk by a hear it ringYou may be

LEO (July 23-August 22) : Don 't give up and quit even though you're struggling. Think of the end result . VffiGO (August 23-September 22) : Look at the Moon and stars . It only hurts for a little while. LIBRA (September 23-October 22) : Loquatiousness is one of your extrem.es . Perhaps toning this down will keep you out of verbal tr:_Quble. Stick to your art' or - writing.

CAPRICORN (December 22January 19): Don't attach too much importance in belonging to the "group ". Individualism is sometimes stiffled in that way . AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) : The basis for your voting either Nixon or McGovern is shakey . It would be to your advantage to study the issues and the candidates ' stands on them. PISCES (February 19-March 20): A challenge is await ing you. Even though your emotions are lead ing you to say "no", personal grow th and un derstanding will be the r eward if you accep t.


would like to invite anyone who is interested in Biology to be a member


It seems periodically, word comes from England that another "heavy" band is going to take the U.S. and the rest o{ the world by storm . So from the ashes of the Black Sabbath raids there ar ises SLADE!

Slade actually shouldn 't be classified with Black Sabbath or any one like that because there is one basic difference , Slade is better . Sure, both bands play at an ear-shattering level but Slade just has that something extra that sets them apar t . Side one of "Slade Ali ve !" starts off with a Ten Years A fter tune , "Hear Me Call ing ". Frankly , the Slade cover cu ts Alvin Lee and the boys so bad it's unbelievable . The other outstanding track on the side is John Sebas t ian's , "Darling Be Home Soon " which Slade -treats with its charac ter istic craziness . Bu t somehow they manage to . make th e song come alive. Th e real gem of the albu m is fo u nd on side two , though. Slade , in the manner of Rod Stew art, takes a song supp osedly own ed by ano th er band and com pletely transf orms it so th at in the en~ th e original be com es the lesser of th e two versions musi cally. This is th e cas e with "Born To Be Wild". Slad e tur ns it int o utt er musical m ayhem and gives it new lif e. Ste ppe nwolf's version rocked, but S lade's roll -


Biology Club_=----



ed right ov er you. "S'la e ve!" is a nlliant conglomerate of scream ing , sweaty roc k fused wi th a littl e bit of the "old ultra violence " we all seem to enjoy now and t he n, right?


Field Trips Monthly Lectures Panel Discussions


animals& flowers are dyingto tellus... "Gwea hoot, don'tpollute!'

Please contact the Biology Department or Elizabeth Lai (Box 94)

Cast and Script Society I

Join Woodsy Owl's light against po lluti<H1.' foda):



DORIS DANA Speaks on

are sponsoring an evening at the theatre, to see the


National Touring Company

Chilean poetess and first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature

of the rock opera


Wednesday, November 1, 1972 ,


Masion Dining Room, 2:30 P.M.

at the Valley Forge Music Fair

Open to the Cabrini Community and the general public

Wednesday, November 8th

No admission charge

at 8:00 P.M.

Sponsored by t}'le English Department and the Literary Club of the English Department

Tickets are $5.00 and are on sale m the Education Office

ATTENTION! The radio code number for Cal:lrini College is 523. On days of inclement weather , all local radio and T.V. station s will announce school closings by their numbers. The institutions will not be named . There is no possibility of falsifying thi s information , since only the dean and the president have the private station number. Therefore , veri fication by the College is not necessary .

October 31, 1972


Page 8

Christian · Optimism by Rev. George V. Palathumpatt Probably we have all come across extreme examples of optimists and pessimists in our contact with men. It may even happen that we are more or less unconscious attitudes of mind, ·by which we j11dge things, events and persons as good• or bad - not necessarily morally good or bad, but simply as acceptable or not acceptable. An extreme optimist views everything as good and fails to see evil anywhere, while an extreme optimist views everything as good and fails to see evil anywhere, while an extreme pessimist sees only the dark side of things. Both these types of people have a false view of ~eality. Reality is a blend of good and evil, of light and shade. But this blend escapes both the extreme optimist and the extreme pessimist, both sin against reality, but the optimist is a happy sinner, while the pessimist sins and is miserable in his sin. Though we may not be extreme optimists or pessimists, to a · grP.ater or lesser degree, we all can be classified as optimists or pessimists. A perfect balance between these two mental attitudes is difficult to achieve in one's life though it is highly desirable and not

altogether impossible. In the face of this difficulty of achieving a perfect balance between these two attitudes, on which side should a Christian be? Should he be an optimist or a pessimist? I think the Christian has all reason to be an optimist, and no reason at all to be pessimist. Pessimism, in fact, is the worst sin a Christian can commit against everything he is asked to believe in. The gospel of Christ itself is the good news. The Christian believes in a God whose nature is goodness and whose definition, love. The Christian believes that this world is created by God out of love, and that the unconquerable love of God continues to operate in all the events in this world. He knows that sometimes the work of this love is hindered by the failures of man, but he knows that finally God's love will triumph. He recognizes the sin of man, past, present and future, but he realizes that Christ has redeemed man, and that this redemption is being completed through the ages. He knows that "where sin has abounded, the grace of God has super-abounded". · He is not a

man who is blind to the reality of sin but he is a man who trusts in God's merciful love which forgives all sin. The Christian is a man who realizes his responsibility to bring about the triumph of God's love in this world. However, it is doubtful whether Christians have always been cons1:ious of this responsibility, and have kept up an unfailing optimism in the face of the conflicts and failures of this world. I feel that our preconciliar (Vatican II) spirituality has, to a great extent, been very remarkably pessimistic, and this pessimistic attitude has done great harm to the cause of Christ and souls in this world. Our pre-conciliar spirituality suffered from exces;,ive insistence on the atonement aspect to the neglect of the reconciliation aspect. O1].e of the sad effects of this neglect of the reconciliation aspect of our redemption is pessinusm -toward this world. When you consider redemption as qnly reparation for sin, it is easy to fall into gloomy thoughts with a mask of religiosity about them. The thought process, I think, is as follows:

• • •

Man offends God by sin. Sin is the breaking of God's commandment (rath~r than breaking up of the loving relationship with God). Man breaks God's commandment to enjoy some forbidden pleasure. So pleasure is the motive for breaking God's law and for committing sin. So far so good(?) But from . here we make an illogical leap, and conclude that pleasure is sinful. We identify pleasure with sinfulness. We begin to think of pleasure as evil. Then we identify pleasure with anything that gives joy, amusements, mirth, merriment, celebrations, eating and drinking, love and sex, even singing and dancing. To avoid all these things becomes virtuous in our sight. From this mentality, we get people who consider that to be religious-minded means to flee from all joy, pleasure, amusements, mirth and merriment. That such a temptation has taken possession of some Christians from time to time is clear from the history of the Church. Manicheism and Jansenism fostered such attitudes, but also many "good Christians" unconsciously developed a similar mentality within the Church,

which has condemned Manicheism and Jansenism as unchristian. I think we must seriously examine ourselves in our day and see if we are not also affected by such a mentality. Such a pessimistic attitude, besides being unchristian, is entirely unacceptable to modern man, especially the youth. Man today has explored the riches of nature to an unparalleled degree, and has learn from his own experience the truth that God has made the world for the use of man. To tell him to withdraw from the pleasures of this world, because they are sinful is useless, inept , and wrong. What we have to do is teach him to make use of this world, its riches, and the possibilities of joy and pleasures in it according to God's law , and with respect and concern for his neighbor. This applies to all joys, especially t'o the joys of human love and sex . Optimism is the face of failure, conflicts , sinfulness, disorder , wars , unemployment, injustice , crime, hunger and the like , is not easy. It requires genuine Christian faith, strong hope and real love. A pessimist, in fact, lacks all these virtues.

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What more could you want?

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