e Vol. XIX, No. 5
February 13, 1973
Theology Department UpdatesRole by Terry Cavanaugh It finally looks as if there is going to be peace in the Theology Department. Much enthusiasm is evident as the president and the dean enter the final stages of their roles in the reorganization of the department. The signs of the times are a reduction in required credit hours, major changes in personnel, and a reevaluation of the department's role within the college community. In the fall, this paper printed an article reporting that two members of the Theology Department, Father Louis Giorgi and Father Vito Carbone, had not returned . The two objected to what they saw as an unfavorable shift in the philosophy of the college. The administration has had to consider several questions in planning for the future of the Theology Department. Has there in fact been a shift in the philosophy of the college? If so, is this shift favorable? Does it realistically reflect Cabrini's existence as a Catholic c liege in the '70's? Greater personal emphasis Sr. Mary Louise, president of the college, sees the changes in the Theology Department as necessary and valuable. She believes that as a Catholic college, Cabrini has a great responsibility to its students to make religion meaningful. She sees the need for a freshman course which will concern itself with students' personal needs, as opposed to the type of seminary theology which has been required. This personal level is the most important, she believes, and it must be dealt with before a student can begin to relate to Christianity . and to Catholicism. Sr. Mary Louise also believes that in a Catholic college, the Theology Department must cooperate more closely with the other departments. Religious concepts do not exist in a vacuum, and she feels it is a disservice to the students to isolate theology as a discipline. She is anxious that interdepartmental courses be established, courses which are taught by the Theology Department in conjunction with another department. Changes in staff Last semester brought a new face - - and a very different attitude - - to the Theology Department. Father Gershon Goldstein taught two courses, Old and New Testament. His unique background in the Jewish religion and Hebrew language added a new dimension to his courses and to the department. This semester brought two significant changes to the department. One is the presence of Ms. Suzanne Toton _Zurek in the previously all-male, all-clerical department. The second change is that the two courses Ms. Zurek is teaching are not strictly Catholic theology courses. "Religion and Women" and "Religion and Social Change'' are c:)Urses with an
orientation to the ecumenical movement. Plans for the fall semester provide for two full-time theology instructors. Father George Palathumpatt is presently the only full-time member of the department, and he will not be returning in September. Much interviewing has been done, and it is fairly definite that a laywoman with a Ph .D. in theology will be hired to teach full-time. However, the naming of a chairman will be delayed for a while , with emphasis on laying the groundwork in the department.
without feeling that he is being confronted with the Theology Department. Also, both Sr. Mona and Sr. Mary Louise are anxious to preserve Father Rudy's close personal rapport with the students. They see this as very valuable and do not wish to change it by absorbing the chaplain into the campus ministry. All in all, the trend of the religious and theological changes is for greater student involvement. There is realization that in the past, student needs have been passed over in this field. As a safeguard for the future, a committee is being established to reRequirements to be reduced view the Theology Department and Stud.ents have long sought a rerecoJl!mendations. This duction in required credits. Ac- make cording to Ms. Dorothy Brown, committee was supposed to have academic dean, a reduction is been organized in the fall, but Sr. forthcoming in theology as well as Mary Louise and Ms. Brown have in several other departments. The been busy with evaluation and budget projections. The committee reduction does not indicate less concern for the religious life of will consist of students, faculty, the student, however. Sr. Mary administration, and hopefully some Louise expressed the belief that ;_ persons from outside the college . less rigid program would stimuReorganization is so lengthy and late student involvement both in so difficult because , as Sr . Mary the departme11t as a whole and in Louise put it, it was necessary to the choice of courses to be of- "can everything and start from fered. The system of course prefscratch ." Sr. Mary Louise is conerence was used last semester. fident that Cabrini is finally headMore theology courses were of- ed in the right direction. fered than could be financially afforded, in order to let the students have a greater choice. Father Goldstein's "Biblical Studies" is not being offered this semester because too few students signed up for it. Another proposal for increasing student involvement is to offer some theology courses which can be taken for credit in another department, for example, a literary approach to the Bible, or the "Religion and Social Change" presently being taught. Campus Ministry In addition to the restructuring of the entire Theology Department, concern for student needs has initiated plans for a campus ministry. Still in the very early stages, the planning reflects a real desire to help the students without bullying them.
According to Sr. Mona, dean of students, the tentative plans provide for a team of people, perhaps one member of the Theology Department and one Missionary Sister. The member of the Theology Department would not necessarily be a priest. The function of the ministry will be to initiate programs and discussions, and aid in the discovery and definition of values. Sr. Mona stresses that the ministry will be an independent unit. It will be one of three religiously oriented entities on campus, the other two being the chaplain and the Theology Department. Although the three will be connected in terms of similar interests, they will retain independence from each other. This independence is necessary if a student is to be able to approach the campus ministry
FirstStageIs Over by Alice Vail
Remember hearing, last semester , about an evaluation of Cabrini College? Well, the first stage is over . Between Dec. 8 and Dec. 22, a folder was compiled of general information about Cabrini . This information was sent to the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart's three Provincial Councils, their Evaluation Team, their General Council, and to the Board of Trustees of Cabrini College. On Dec. 27, Sr. Mona and Ms. Brown presented this information to the Evaluators, at a meeting in Carney, New Jersey. This group then made recommendations to the three Provincial Councils. One of the highlights of this folder was the philosophy and goals of Cabrini College, as redefined and stated by Dr. Saul, in the capacity of co-chairman of the Master Planning Committee. It is as follows: "How do we, Cabrini College, define ourselves as a Catholic institution of higher education? ''The premise with which we must work is that we are living in a secularized society. To counteract this by reaffirming the religious experience is the mission of the Catholic college, indeed of all religious institutions. But we are working within the framework not only of the de-Catholicized society (although that phenomenon is a cor-
ollary of a secularized society) but of a de- religiousized society. In which case we find ourselves in the peculiar position of recognizing that it may be both too late and too early to speak in terms of giving the student a specifically Catholic education , as if we can ignore this secularization which the students themselves are aware of, even if they do not articulate , it as such. Our twofold mission then is 1) to continue to improve the college as a quality higher educational institution which, not at all incidentally, is being operated by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and 2) to seek imaginative ways in which to rekindle the curiosity about religion in general which exists in all people at all times by exploring questions of religion in a variety of disciplines. As a church-related college, we do this with a view toward reaffirming our commitment of providing a religious macrocosm as a context in which the student can define himself in relation to Christianity and then specifically in relation to Catholicism. This self-definition will then be carried far beyond the college walls and manifest itself in a wide variety of tangible and just as many intangible ways. It is goals such as these which foster an intimate relation between the
apostolic and academic missions of the college." The folder itself, was divided into five sections. Section I The fiq;t section was supplied by ou_r president, Sr. Mary Louise. It briefly states the philosophy and goals of Cabrini College. This statement differs from Dr. Saul's in that Sr. Mary Louise takes a more traditional approach and views the role of a Catholic college as stated in the by-laws of the Board of trustees as " ... a well balanced cultural education based on the Catholic philosophy ... ". Sr. Mary Louise did state the major problem areas at Cabrini; "l. shortage of religious personnel 2. necessity for continuing financial support from M.S.C. 's 3. lack of endowment fund 4. burgeoning costs of plant maintenance 5. distance from public transportation limiting evening enrollments 6. uncertainty regarding willingness of religious order to continue substantial monetary support." And to answer the advertisement that asks "Why Cabrini?"
(Continued on page 4)
February 13, 1973
Page 2
Trees,Not Leaves by Charles Jeffers It's winter now, and the trees have fallen. I don't mean leaves, I mean trees -- the two in front of Woodcrest and the one down by the pool. The tree-lined drive that leads from the back of Grace Hall to Upper Gulf Road has low stumps and patches of sky where oak trees should grow. Most of the trees on campus are mature, man y are old, none are young. They are all beautiful. The Magnificent beauty of this campus cannot be argued. Beauty may be a part of the reason many of us decided to come here . It is much of the reason why I came - - and why I stay. But this beauty is dying everyday. I realize that old trees must be cut down when they become hazards. But new Ol)es must also be planted to take their place. This dying does not happen overnight. It happens slowly, a little at a time, everyday. It can easily be confused with living, and that is why it is sometimes hard to see. Here we must - - literally - - look past the forest to see the trees. I realize that this will take money, and we all know how scarce that is. But we must try to see past today . Without trees, would there really be a school here? Trees are a living, growing investment. The alternative to the above is almost impossible to comprehend -- five buildings on a nearly treeless ground. It's just too bad for us that trees can't grow back every spring as leaves do. It's winter now, and the leaves have fallen.
Academic Monotony by Robert Colameco An interesting situation has arisen at Cabrini which could reflect the concern (or the apathy) which the student body has of its faculty . Since the faculty is perhaps the largest single factor contributing to the student's academics, the student body should maintain a watchful eye over the qualifications and abilities of the faculty, and in doing so , should protest whenever discrepencies appear. If the students do not care, then they deserve everything they get, but if they do care they should not suppress or be afraid to show it. I am concerned about the situation in the Social Science Department . This department has added three new teachers this semester. They are probably all excellent teachers and highly qualified but , as I see it, the fact that every teacher in this department is a product of the University of Pennsylvania is inexcusable. No other department has such a lack of variety in the background of its members, and perhaps , with the exception of Philosophy, no other department should demand utmost diversity in its members . One would hope that this deplorable situation has come about because of the limited time which was involved to find three substitutes for the department chairman who has been plagued with bad health . However, if not the student body, certainly the Social Science majors, should see to it that this does not continue in the future.
Loquitur STAFF The Loquitur is published every three weeks by the students of Cabrini College . The views and opinions expressed in this newspaper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Loquitur staff or the administration . Editor-in-Chief
. ........
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Editor . .. ..........
Manager . .. .. ....
Art Editor ........ Circulation
... . . .. Maria
. . . .......... .. . . ......
. .....
Bob Colameco J oAnn Pinelli
. . . ... .. .. . .. . Kathy-Jo
. . : ......
by Maria Valente Recently , a frequent topic of conversation , or I should say complaint, has been the security guard situation on campus . Many students have encountered the problem of locating the guard in order to let them into the dorms after curfew hours . The pr oblem has grown to such an extent that several girls have had to leave campus (after waiting almost an hour for the guard) and travel to diners and tr ain stations in order call someone at the dorm . The result has been the hiring and firing of several pew guards within a matter of weeks . Whether or not the school or the security company is at fault is hard to say. The fact remains that the situ-
ation is fright ening. However, the securit y guards are not totally to blame . Some girls have not been signing out. Therefore , the guards , thinking that the gi r ls are safe and sound in their rooms , may be patroling other areas on campus which they would otherwise not vis it. Personally , I do not feel tha t this is a suffi ci ent excuse for their negle cting the dorm areas, but it just may be the reason for their "disappearance . " Therefore, both guards and students must begin to consider their obligations. It just may prevent a tragedy :
Letters to the Editor
... .. . . .. . .. .. ... .. . .. . ... . Chris Vogel .. .....
WhereAreThey WhenWe NeedThem?
... . . Mary Beth Senkewicz -Kerry Quinn
Staff . . .. 路. .... . .. Terry Cavanaugh , Anne Christopherson , Carol Mele, Connie Cesare, Laurie Whitman, Dennis Abram, Joanne Barbano, Alice Vail
To the Editor: There have been many complaints about the library in recent issues of The Loquitur. However, all these complaints s e em to c e nt e r around the stealing problem . There is another problem which hasn't been given much attention. I'm referring to the lack of essential courserelated books, such as The Uprooted, and other recent popular publications. Bobbie Bachi To the Editor: In the past
seen a tremendous change in The Loquitur. It has grown from a mediocre newspaper to a more progressive publication . One main reason for this change is that The Loquitur is now being published .more often ~nd on a r 路egular 路oasis . This 路 is ' important not only for something to look forward to, but becaust> the newspaper is a means of communication on campus . Another reason is that there is more freedom of expression in the newspaper. The Loquitur is becoming open , allowing for freedom of expression and controversial issues. This is extremelyim-
portant for The Loquitur is not just words from one person , but from a variety of different people with different ideas. This is essential to a good newspaper and especially to Cabrini. Cabrini needs this freedom of expression , and The Loquitur is a good means of this transmission . DiAnne Gove
To the Editor: I would like to compliment the cafeteria service on the more nourishing breakfasts (Bacon, Sausage, et.) which are now being served during the weekdays . Name Withheld
February 13, 1973
Page 3
The Amazing World of Parapsychology by Carol Mele "You were maybe?"
psychologist proceed?' 'How are statistics actually applied?' 'Are there adequate controls in the procedure?' 'Why has parapsychology been rejected as fit subject matter?'
The class, having just begun their spring semester, chuckled in response to the professor's opening statement. But perhaps even more amusing would have been what each student actually was expecting, for all of them were assembled for the first lecture of a course entitled "Introduction of Parapsychology."
Approaching the subject from another perspective, Dr. Romano, professor of philosophy, will focus upon the historical and philosophical aspects of parapsychology. Along these lines, students will study the origin and development of parapsychology to its present status, and will consider the philosophical implications of claims made by the parapsychologist. What Dr. Romano expects of the course is that the students be able to develope a "healthy respect" for the subject. In other words, engaging in an investigation of psychic phenomena themselves will enable the students to realize "how involved it (parapsychology) is," how "it is not to be taken lightly'' but rather, "is a serious and studiously applied mental discipline."
The course, currently underway here at Cabrini, is a new addition to the college's academic curriculum. "Introduction to Parapsychology" has attracted some twenty-four students to its once a week two-and-a-half hour session which includes lab work as well. as class lectures. The manner in which the course is being conducted is itself somewhat innovative in that each class is taught by a three member faculty team, rather than a single professor. Together, Mrs. Gladys Achey, Dr. Joseph Romano, and Mr. Anthony Tomasco pack the weekly session with information concerning parapsychology, each of them providing the subject with a dimension characteristic of their respective professional fields.
Dr. Romano and Ms. Achey
assessment of various psychic phenomena under controlled conditions. The precise nature and scope Mrs. Gladys Achey, who has of the subject matter of parademonstrated her psychic abilities at the Rhine Institute of Duke psychology will perhaps be most University, will provide a unique evident to those who will have dimension to the course, drawing completed the course by the end Mr. Tomasco, assistant profesfrom her own experiences and of this term . Briefly, however, sor of psychology, intends to ap-:. talent in the area of psychic phen- Dr. Romano defines parapsyproach the topic of psychic omena. Her main task then, will chology as "the study of cogniphenomena primarily along the be to give first hand descriptions tional acts that go beyond defined lines of scientific analysis. Ac- of actual psychic experiences, to areas of human knowledge." Such cordingly, students will be instrucoffer the findings of her own study "cognitional acts" have been ted to "critically analyze and sysin parapsychology, and to introclassified by J.B. Rhine (a founder tematically understand procedures duce the students to the possibility of the Parapsychology Laboratory used in parapsychology.'' A samp- of their own psychic ability (for of Duke University) under two ling of pertinent questions to be example, mental telepathy) by way headings, subjective experiences answered are: 'What systematic of laboratory experiments. For ways are there of studying psychic the most part, the lab procedures phenomena?' 'How does the parawill consist of demonstration and
and physical effects . Subjective experiences, commonly known as extrasensory perception or ESP, includes "clairvoyance, the ESP of an object or objective event," "telepathy, the awareness of the thought or mental state of another person" and " precognition, the foreknowledge of future occurrences." According to Rhine, "psi (psychic) phenomena in which the results are physical effects come under the heading of psychokinesis, or PK . In occurrences of this type the individual produces an effect upon some object in his environment without the use of his own motor system."
Parapsychologists also make a distinction between spontaneous cases of psi occurrences and controlled lab accounts. The former refers to numerous anecdotes of events popularly called 'psychic' that have existed for years. Although, according to Rhine, "para .psychology owes its beginnings to spontaneous happenings," "the field of parapsychology proper is one of research with emphasis principally upon experimental studies." "It has been the work of parapsychology to bring these apparently nonphysical occurrences together for careful scientific study." In view of the fact that only a small minority of colleges and universities in the United States offer any sort of curriculum pertaining to parapsychology, Cabrini is apparently "getting in on the ground floor" of - - of exactly what still remains to be seen - - for although enthusiasts believe parapsychology to be "the science of the future," the majority of professional psychologists today would hardly credit the subject with the status of 'science.' The attention that most scientists give to parapsycholog y is in the form of resolute skepticism . A thorough course evaluation of "Introduction to Parapsychology" would, of course, be premature at this point. Its success or failure is contingent upon its future de\ ·elo pment. Thus, even if its outcome be already known by some talented few somewhere -- most of us 11,illjust havetowait and see .
A Return to India
Father Rudy Then•
• •
by Marie
Father Rudy Now by
Cabrini's chaplin, Father Rudy realized that he "did not come to Rooymans, lives in the little old teach, but to learn." Father Rudy soon came down gatehouse on King of Prussia Road. with malaria that is common in He calls it his "dream house," India. At first he resented being and it takes just one visit to realize sick. But he soon realized he had why he does. to be ill because the people with It is a house full of personal whom he worked were also sick. warmth. The walls are covered His primary purpose was not to with pictures he has drawn and baptize, but to help people. When painted. Books are all around. The the people realized Father Rudy house is decorated in a warm, was also sick they accepted him colorful style that shows the kind of person Father Rudy is. as one of them. Father Rudy was born in the . The first six years in India southern part of Holland. After were spent among the people who attending a seminary in Heeswyk, live close to nature. He says, Holland, for six years he went to "In my first six years, living in . a hut, I never felt lonesome. I India as a missionary. was part of nature and God." Sickness ... and acceptance Because of the malaria sickness Fresh out of the seminary he he was put in charge of a high went to India with the "idea that school in Jabalpur, India. Father you have all the answers . '' Soon he Rudy was principal for the next fifteen years. Two thirds of the students were Hindu and Moslem. Father feels he was very close to his students and taught them more than just book knowledge. Another part of his philosophy is "not to try to change, but to draw out the best in a person." He feels it is important that you live the life that is given to you.
Building a community In 1961 Father Rudy was asked to start the first Indian Norbertine Monastery, a community of young men to be trained as priests. Father Rudy feels his most important contribution was starting an agriculture project for the villages. It was also a way for the (Continued
on page 4)
Connie Cesare The moment he set foot off the airplane onto Indian soil, five years disappeared from Fr. Rudy's life. He felt as if he had never left his "home'', India. Father Rudy left India five years ago after devoting 30 years of his life living, learning, and sharing among the Indian people. At that time he established a monastery and an agricultral project which encouraged the people to help themselves. But these are only material contributions given by Father . The most important gift, that of himself, influenced the peo'.. pie then and will continue to influence them through their memories of him. Missionary Approach The traditional idea of a missionary as one who converts and baptizes the so-called heathens of a distant land does not apply to Father Rudy's role in India. He stressed the importance of the individual within his own culture. He believes that people need each other and this factor shapes their lives. In order to help the total man he must appeal to him socially and culturally. This was his approach to being a missionary. In the past, the attitude of missionaries to convert as many of the Hindus as they could resulted in a hostility towards foreign missionaries. What ·the representatives of the Church failed to realize was that Hinduism is not just a religion. It is a culture, a way of life to the Indian people. It is
impossible and unnatural to try to force a western culture on them. Because of this, new foreign missionaries are not permitted to come to India now. Father Rudy said that he did not personally experience any hostility towards him. The Indian people do not resent the individuals representing the Church but rather the Church as an institution. The Church has changed in its missionary role however, according to Father. It seemed to him, during his visit, that the Christian Indians were stressing Indian aspects of their culture rather than only Western aspects. They are beginning to retain their identity as Indian people. The identity' of their culture is shown now even in the liturgy. At first glance. Father found himself disappointed .that the · liturgy had changed so little since he had left. But the Indian people think of God as more mysterious and removed than Western people do. Because of this, they prefer to have less active participation in the liturgy. Their liturgy reflects this, and their culture remains intact. Approach to Life The need for an individual expression of the culture within the liturgy is just a reflection of the Indian approach to life which differs from ours. The most striking point to Father was that although the people live in absolute poverty, they have an "inner tran-
quility" that does not exist in an affluent society. This tranquility is a mutual sharing between individuals on a personal level and it shines out from underneath the material poverty. Their society has none of the dehumanizing factors that are found in our society. Spiritual wealth is abundant in India. When Father Rudy went to the village where he had been so many years ago the people came to see him once again. Father defines "see" as "to experience and share with him" rather than just look at him. He had so many beautiful encounters with these people that it is impossible to relate them all. But when they came they gave something of themselves to him and they did not walk away empty handed. For Father Rudy, the trip to India was not just a visit, it was a homecoming and an experience.
February 13, 1973 ,
Page 4
Along with every new semester comes some new faces, both in the faculty and student bodies. This semester is no exception with the addition of seven new faculty members. Three of the new teachers, Bob Teske, Neil Grobman, and Amaradasa Virasinha are new members of the Social Science department due to the ill health of the department chairman, Carter Craigie. Two additional teachers have been added to the History department because of the recent death of Dr. Jane Benjamin, the former chairwoman of that department. Another reason for the addition of Bruce Ritz and Minna Weinstein is to relieve Ms. Gavigan of her teaching assignments while she acts as department chairwoman and works on her dissertation. The Philosophy_ department also has a new member in Bill Letzkus who is relieving Dr. Romano of some of his classes while he assumes some administrational duties. Of all the new faculty members, perhaps the most unusual for Cabrini is the addition of the first lay person in the Theology Department, Suzanne Toton Zurek. Social Science Department Neil Grobman of the Social Science Department is from Lower Merion and is teaching a course in Folksong and Ballads. He received a Bachelors degree in English from Johns Hopkins University and a Masters in Education
by Robert Colameco
Bob Teske from Stanford University in California. Mr. Grobman taught high school for two years and then returned to graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania for a Masters Degree in Folklore. Hopefully he will receive his doctorate degree from Penn in that field. Mr. Grobman plans to invite guest speakers and singers for his course, one of which will be Saul Broudy who taught Folklore at Cabrini last spring. Amaradasa Virasinha is also a new member of the Social Science Department, but unlike Mr. Grob-
.' 1
(Continued from page I) she answered, "to complete educational continuum of Jd.S.C. 's pre-school, elementary, secondary, post-secondary; to forward apostolic goals of a Missionary Institute; to provide an atmosphere of moderately liberal Catholicism and to witness to the ability of the laity to collaborate effectively in assuming responsibility for Catholic higher education." Section II The second section is the work of Ms. Brown and concentrates on the academic areas of the college. It must be admitted that very few liberal arts colleges offer courses in Medical Technology, Communications, Early Childhood and Special Education as well as an Individualized Major . . For that matter, very few Catholic liberal arts colleges have a lay person in the position of Academic Dean. Academically, Cabrini College does appear to be somewhat unique. Ms. Brown also pointed out that there have been and are being made, affiliations with other area colleges and hospitals, giving Cabrini students a wider educational opportunity. A brief rundown of the scholarships and financial aid available to students was also given. One interesting fact is that this year, 61% of the student body is receiving some kind of financial aid. Section III The third section is the work of Sr. Mona and the Student Handbook. This section briefly summarizes the life, activities and needs ofthe resident and commuter students. Sr. Mona stated that one of the major needs of the residents is the need for a community spirit and unity. To fill this need Sr. Mona suggested that sister-students act as assistant residents which would facilitate involvement in the struggle for maturity. In the past few years many programs have come about, especially the Counseling services of the school psychologist and the baby-sitting
~ .,... --::--.~
~ ;. ,:_
Bruce Ritz
service. making.
More projects are in the
Section IV In Section IV Ms. Roddy gives a factual account of the accomplishments of the Development Office. The purpose of the Development Office is to inaugurate "inA. Revenues 1. Audit Statement
Educational and general: Student tuition and fees Contributed services Federal government grant Gifts Other sources Total educational and general
man, he is not from Lower Merion. Mr. Virasinha is from Ceylon, and is teaching Archaeology and Cultural Geography. After majoring in Ceylonese and Ceylonese Literature at the University of Ceylon Mr. Virasinha taught high school and also at the University. While teaching at the University Mr. Virasinha worked extensively on a critical journal of Ceylonese literature. Mr. Virasinha devoted most of his time to the . publications of this journal because States Mr. Virasinha is working on his dissertation at Penn. The third new member of the Social Science Department is Bob Teske, a graduate of Harvard. He received his Bachelors degree in Folklore and Mythology and his Masters in Folklore from the University of Pennsylvania . Philosophy Department Helping Dr. Romano in the Philosophy Department is Bill Letzkus. Mr. Letzkus has his Bachelors degree in Philosophy from the UniSue Zurek versity of San Diego and his Masof the need of such a journal of ters from Villanova. He is presentthis type. It was also during this time that he became interested in Folklore and eventually became a research associate in Folklore at the University. In search of more instruction in Folklore, Mr. Virasinha came to the United States. He attended the University of Indiana for two semesters before coming to the University of Pennsylvania. He stayed at Penn until 1970 at which time he returned to Ceylon for fieldwork in Folklore. Since returning to the United Bill Letzkus vided among the Educational and Ms. Roddy is also to thank for the vast amount of press coverage General Revenue, and the Auxthat has been given to Cabrini iliary Enterprises revenue. -The College. physical assets of the College for Section V the fiscal year 1972, is above $4 This final section, compiled by million. The total indebtedness Mr. Hughes, is a financial stateof the college, as of June 30, ment. Current Funds Revenues and 1972 was slightly over $2 million. This section also included many Expenditures are as follows: plans for increasing revenues and decreasing expenditures. Increasing enrollment, and rental rev1972 1971 enues for use of the college fa565,627 cilities are some of the major $ 642,316 revenue. To 63,622 plans to increase 88,359 help decrease expenditures, Mr. 10,340 3,920 22,786 Hughes has had our sewage dis 31,316 12,808 posal connected with the Township , 42,637 814,968 668,763 which from Jan. 1973 on, should decrease spendings in this area 28,075 18,280 considerably. Mr. Hughes has also 312,805 secured a non-profit, bulk mailing 298,392 1,141,435 999,848 permit for the school which can save us $3-5000 annually. He has come up with several other plans 1972 1971 which should help the school in 381,462 360,658 this area.
Student aid Auxiliary enterprises Total revenues B. EXPENDITURES 1. Audit Statement Educational and general: Instructional Library Student services Operation and maintenance of plant General administration Staff benefits General institutional expenses Total educational and general Student aid Auxiliary enterprises Total expenditures
45,494 97,730 141,750 76,306 44,051 159,032 945,825
46,812 96,504 141,394 78,074 37,702 140,460 901,604
81,392 326,691
75,063 336,536
In short this is the information that went to the Evaluation Team of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart upon which the recommendations were made. Along with this information went a 5-Year Projection Plan. The aim of this Plan is a balanced cash budget for Cabrini. This is both admirable and plausible.
Transfers to: Current restricted funds Loan funds Unexpended plant funds
2,806 4,330 9,537
1,500 2,053
Total transfers
$ 229,146
Between Feb. 2nd and Feb. 8th, the Administration of Cabrini College will be informed of the results of the evaluation, the recommendations and decisions that resulted. The faculty will be given this information at the faculty meeting, Feb. 13th, and shortly thereafter, the students, parents and friends of the College will be told in an Open Forum and through the Comment.
Of the above mentioned incoming revenue, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart are given credit for a large sum of money, contributed annually, that is di-
Sr. Mary Louise stated that the Evaluators were very impressed with this information, and the outlook is definitely one of optimism.
Total expenditures and transfers Excess of expenditures and transfers over revenues ternal and external programs of voluntary financial support.'' Over the past three years, close to $91,859 has been contributed to the college from these sources.
ly enrolled in the Doctorate program at Bryn Mawr. Mr. Letzkus has taught at Rosemont College, Philadelphia Community College, St. Joseph's College and Our Lady of the Angels. When asked how he felt about the students of Cabrini in relation to other college students he said that the students at Cabrini seem to be rather intellectually curious with regard to philosophical questions. History Department Minna Weinstein is one of the two new teachers in the History department. She is teaching "Reformation" on Fridays at Cabrini. She also teaches at LaSalle College. Ms. Weinstein has received all of her degrees including a Ph. D. from the University of Maryland and has previously taught at Temple University. Along with Ms. Weinstein is Bruce Ritz. Mr. Ritz is agraduate of the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating he studied at the Free University of West Berlin for a year before returning to Penn for his Masters degree. He hopes to have his Ph. D. by May of this year. Mr. Ritz is teaching three courses at Cabrini this semester. Theology Department Ms. Zurek is the new addition to the Theology Department. She has an Associates degree from St. Joseph's College and a B.A . in Social Ethics from Temple . ShE also holds a Masters degree from Temple in Social Ethics and Religion and Art. Ms. Zurek intends to pursue a Doctorate degree in Religion and the Problems of Society. Before coming to Cabrini Ms. Zurek taught art in the summer programs in Philadelphia while also being involved in the peace movement in Philadelphia. Ms. Zurek also teaches at LaSalle in addition to her two courses at Cabrini.
Father Rudy Then (Continued from page 3) monastery to raise money . The monastery started growing rice and wheat, and raising cattle, chicken and pigs. An irrigation project was started using water from a river. While the monastery was being constructed, Father Rudy was asked by the Cardinal to start an apostulate in the city of Bombay, about six hundred miles away. In the slums of Bombay Father Rudy saw poverty and misery. What was needed were a community center and a school. The Cardinal told Father Rudy that perhaps he would have the help of two or three men at a later date. In 1965 three priests were sent. In the same year construction began on a school, a community center, and a prayer hall. Now the school has 2500 students. Six priests and twelve seminarians are assigned to the area. Father Rudy feels the "beautiful thing is that the monastary and the Bombay project are paid for - - there is no debt. All is run by the Indian Norbertines themselves.'' After 30 years in India Father realized, 1'It was time for me to leave, because of my health, and I realized that the Indians had to do it themselves. I asked to come to America and keep on working with and for the work I started in India." After living in Wisconsin at St. Norbert's College for a year as a counselor he came to Cabrini. This is Father Rudy's fourth year at Cabrini, his first graduating class.
Page 5
February 13, 1973
A New Aspectin Education The teaching field encompasses a broad spectrum of instructional bodies but perhaps the one that recieves the least recognition is Special Education. This type of education is "special" in that the teacher must recognize the fact that results will not be apparent instantly and must look for unusual results. As a result of many student requests, Cabrini College has been fortunate in adding this "prestigious" department to its expanding Education's Program. This year there are eight Seniors and thirteen Juniors enrolled in this program. The main purpose of the Special Education program at Cabrini is to prepare the students in the instruction of the mentally retarded. In addition to the course requirements for Elementary Education, the courses required for Special Education include the following : Psychology of Exceptional Children, Curriculum Methods and Materials for Special Education- Field Work, Psychology of Mentally Retarded, Advanced Curriculum Techniques - Field Work, Professional Relations and Student Teaching. These courses try to acquaint the students with methods used in dealing with the individual child and also how to diagnose the individual's problem. Seniors, majoring in Special Education are required to spend one half of the semester student teaching in a regular school and the other half of the semester student teaching in a "special" school. There are three different programs involved in the student teaching at a "special" school. The first program deals with "trainable" children who are mentally below their age level but who are capable of taking care of themselves and learning to read a little bit . This area of student teaching has come about quite recently and is not com-
Dean'sList The following students have been named to the Dean's List for the Fall semester, 1972 . Seniors Wilhelmina FreyMaddalena Kocur Elizabeth Lai Christine Kasian Yolanda Price Juanita Cornish Jo Mulloy Maria Valente Joan Mitchell Jessica Sheetz Juliana Chan Trevina Chiu Maryann Davia Kathleen McGill Eileen Pratico Eileen DelViscio
we're NEW&weij like to meet YOU! COMEOVER AND GET YOUR
by Joanne Barbano monly found. The second concerns working with "educable" children who have learned to read and write. The third, which is also new, is the supervising of a work-study program. Children involved in this, work part of the day and attend school part of the day. The student teacher helps in supervising the children during school time. Both she and her cooperating teacner speak with the student's employer. Upon graduation, the student becomes certified in both Elementary Education and Special Education. Juniors, presently majoring in Special Education, work with trainable children one day a week at a Delaware County Unit located near Crozier Hospital. The students lend their services by helping the children with their lunches, coats, etc . A student chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) has been established at Cabrini with Beverly Dooley as President. CEC meets on Tuesday and sponsors speeches, films and field trips to schools and institutions that concern all types of "exceptional" children. A few of the Special Education majors are already working with "special" people. Jane Connelly, a Junior, is giving her services by teaching retarded adults how to swim. She does this work in West Chester. Paula Onorato, also a Junior, worked with "special" children during Christmas vacation. Marlyne La Corte, another Junior, contributed her time during Christmas vacation working with "llxceptional" children at the Don Guanella School in Broomall. Presently, a new program is being initiated whereby a student who lives in the area, who qualifies for financial aid, and who is truly interested in Special Education Ka_thleen Keogh Deborah Warner Mary Cook Carol Larkin Juniors Mary Anne Kielt Donna Letts Carol Mele Joanne Mirra Bernadette Velotta Kathleen Fusco Deborah Martenz ·Colleen Stramback Mary Lynn Carone Theresa Cavanaugh Anna Tulli Mary Lou Costa Beverly Dooley Adrienne Smith Christine Vogel Bette Rose Limoggio Diane Amadio Kathleen Fay Patricia Kelly Sophomores Frances Baliotti Linda Schimmenti Sharon D' Agnostino Sr. Eileen Tsoku Janet D' Alessandro Elizabeth Ahern Joanne DeLucas Freshmen Mary Clare Moran Kathleen Morris Lorraine Ostrowski Mary Ellen Crawford Valerie Payton Maryanne Casavecchia Rosemary Dougherty Jo Kirsinger Julia Settembrino Angela DiMedio
may be able to obtain a summer job dealing with "special" children, through the financial aid program. If a student meets these qualifications and is genuinely interested, he or she should contact Ms. Dianne Kerr for more information. A student may decide to major in Special Education for various reasons ranging from having someone close to him or her who is "special" to a desire to help these children and giving of him or herself. Students recommend this program highly because they are ·not only learning in the class room but more importantly getting experience in direct contact with "special" children. · Also, the courses that they take are quite helpful in that they are learning the practical aspect of teaching and dealing with "exceptional" children. The most favored courses · are the curriculum courses because the students are taught the different situations that Marlyne may arise and how to deal with them . They are shown the books that are the most helpful to both the teacher and the student. Most importantly they learn about the tests they can administer to the by Laurie children to detect what problems Dear Marlynne, they are having and in what specifHow are you Fine. I miss you ic area. Students in Special Eduso much. Thanks for the candy. cation feel that they are getting Can I have a pictur of you . And an overall background of knowledge I got a pictur of me for you . I in teaching and helping these childon't no if it is a nice pictur . I dren. am doing fine in school. How It is hopeful that with the broadis school to you . Denny said hi ening of the Special Education Deand so the baby to . I no you are a partment, more courses will be nice girl because I like the a.vy offered that will deal specifically you talk to me. with emotional problems . Also, Well Good-Bye for now and take they would like that those stu- cair . dents, who show an interest in God Bless You! this field , will be able to begin Love working with these "special" chilJose Santiago dren sooner than Junior year to find This is a letter that was writout if they could be satisfied in this ten to Marlyne Lacorte by Jose profession. Santiago, a student at the Don Guanella School , Springfield Pennsylvania. Ms. Lacorte , a junior majoring in Special Education at Cabrini College, did volunteer work there over her Christmas vacation . The Don Guan"ella School is a private facility for the education of 200 retarded boys . The school is run by the Servants of Charity and the Daughters of Saint Mary of Providence. Marlyne was an aide to a teacher working with 15 to 17 year olds going into Vocational Tech. School. The school has twelve classrooms, an arts and crafts room, library, speech testing area, and typing room along with four wellequiped playrooms and four dormitories. There is an infirmary on the premises and a chapel. There are two academic programs that are currently in operation. The first program is
Crypticis your
literarymagazine. Pleasesubmit any poems
playsor art works to the CRYPTIC BOX
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designed for the educable . Thi s progr a m is designed to make the boys strive to develop their abiliti es completely and to help them to become productive people in society rather than be a burden . Subjects such as reading, spelling , arithmetic, current even _ts, and science are taught. Also, for the older boys , there is a semi-vocational program which the community helps to run . The other program is for the trainable. The idea is to teach them to become self - reliant and as independent as possible . This program is to help these boys prepare for work in a workshop. The religious communities that staff the Don Guanella School are specifically trained in the field of mental retardation. On the staff there are lay teachers, two speech therapists, counselors, psychologists- , a nurse, and physician . Ms . Lacorte had this comment to make on her experience at Don Guanella School: " Working at Don Guanella added a lot more to my teaching experience than the 10 week observation program because I was with the children everyday and I was able to help them more than just dropping in every Friday . You get to see the whole routine on a day to day basis and the kids get to really know you. "The kids at Don Guanella are great to work with and so are the teachers . They were all into helping these kids as much as they could . "
Philosophy Department Lecture CAROL GOLAB, Ph.D. Speaks On
locatednear the mail boxes
'The Myth of the Melting Pot' A discussion of the concept of the United States as a melting pot of various ethnic and national groups.
TUESDAY,FEBRUARY13 Library Conference Room, 8:00 P.M. Open to the Cabrini Community and the General Public No Admission Charge Sponsored
By the Philosophy
February 13, 1973
''Outcry'' by Charles Jeffers Tennessee Williams has made another entry in his private diary he leaves open to the world. This latest is titled Out Cry and it premiered in Philadelphia on January 22. In this latest play Mr. Williams seems to be writing more to please himself and less to please his audience. (This last is not a value judgement but a statement). Everything written about this play should really go double for it, because it is a play within a play . To confuse the viewer a bit, each character keeps the same name in both plays . To confuse confusion, the characters are constantly jumping into and out of "character." All this is technically interesting but not always satisfying to the viewer. Out Cry is a "two character" play in two acts. The first act is too long and a bit boring. Since Philadelphia is a pre-Broadway trial for this play, those two faults can be remedied. Things pick up in the second act and the
play pulls together to become both enjoyable and entertaining. As for the production of the play, the stage setting by Jo Mielziner cannot be faulted. Back lighted projections on translucent screens change with the mood of the play. Mood, by the way, was never quite developed by the actors. As Felice, Michael York doesn't live up to the promise of his credits. He co-starred in the movie "Cabaret" and appeared in Zeffirelli ' s movies Taming of the Shrew and Romeo and Juliet. CaraDuff MacCormick plays Clare and doesn't do much with a difficult part. Two-character plays most often require excellent actors to overcome the lack of physical action (The Typist, Zoo Story). Although it has mixed virtues, this is a play thal should be experienced, but not in its present form. To view this play, casually or critically, does it no justice. To extract the most from the play, by Tennessee Williams, it should be read and not seen.
Music Review by Dennis Abram
This album consists of a collection of Hendrix tunes that were left off of his earlier albums. Ordinarily, an album like this would be ignored as a last gasp attempt by a record company to cash in on a former artist's success. We have already seen a proliferation of albums such as "Jimi Hendrix and the Isley Brothers" or "Roots of Hendrix" which have been issued by fly-by-night record companies hoping to make some money off the Hendrix name. "War Heroes" deserves notice because it is possibly the last LP which will be issued by Warner Bros. from their old Hendrix tapes.
S.G.A.News ... Juniors are now allowed to stay out on weekends -- curfews have been abolished, with parental approval. ... Speaker's fund will be started in June '73. ... Poll will be taken concerning the extension of library hours. ... Petition will be taken concerning lowering the Pennsylvania drinking age to 18. . . . Calendar holders will be sold by SGA in the back of the cafeteria for 10¢ per holder . . . . When students receive their marks in the mail, the cumulative average will be reported. There has been a suggestion that pluses be add!-ld to the grades. ... It was suggested that signs directing visitors to Cabrini be placed in the area, to avoid their getting lost.
Two of the album's ten songs, "Izabella" and "Beginning, ,, - appeared on the "Woodstock II" album. Overall, the material seems to be throw-away stuff, but it still contains flashes of Hendrix electrical brilliance. "Stepping Stone" is the highlight of the record and is very similar in musical content to the "Cry of Love" LP.
DanceTroopVisits Cabrini The Germantown Dance Theatre will present a varied dance program on Tuesday, February 20, 1973 at Cabrini. The two-year-old dance group, under the direction of Jean Williams, was admitted to National Association of Regional Ballet, last year. Jean Williams, who is
also the choreographer for all the ballets, is responsible for the troupe's beginning. Recently, the dancers have performed at LaSalle College, the Walnut Street Theatre, the Free Library of Philadelphia and the Calvary Episcopal Church . The production is sponsored by the Education, Math and Philosophy
Departments. The Cast and Script Club and the theatre dance classes at Cabrini are also sponsors. The Production Manager is Mr. Danielle Perna and the Assistant Production Manager is Joanne DeLucas, a sophomore at Cabrini . The public is invited to attend , free of charge.
"War Heroes" probably would never have come out if Jimi were still alive . But he isn't, so this album is the last reminder from the greatest rock guitarist ever, and that's a fact!
Watch ForTalent Variety Show •••
Coming Soon
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