e Vol. XIX, No. 6
March 6, 1973
Williams: face to face by Terry Cavanaugh
The dream of every English major is to meet the literary giants of his day . And what better fulfillment for that dream than to meet the greatest living American playwright? Tennessee Williams ' latest play, Out Cry, was recently at the Locust Theater . After the performance , about a dozen students and faculty members were invited to return to Dr. Frank Saul's apartment - to meet and talk with Tennessee Williams! My first impression was that he was too small to be Tennessee Williams. (Tennessee Williams is is such a big name!) Sitting about two ¡yards away from him, I found it hard to believe that here was the talent behind A Streetcar Named Desire, The Glass Menagerie, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. There should have been a drum roll, blazing lights . .. In contrast to the temperamental artist I had expected, Mr. Williams was friendly and seemed to be honestly interested in the comments and criticisms we had to offer. Several surprising things came to light in the course of the conversation, particularly concerning
the actual control a playwright has over a production. In the big money world of theater , the producer is anxious for a commercial success . The playwright is forced to either make concessions or to face the possibility of no production . Mr. Williams told us that there were five or six different versions of this play, from which the producer had his choice. Previously, the play had been done in Chicago, where a different version was performed . Williams preferred the Chicago version, but had to bow to his producer. In addition to some dissatisfaction with the script, Williams had a few other complaints. He said the costumes were' 'the worst I've ever had," the backdrops " should have been more abstract," and the actor and actress were not mature enough . Out Cry has been changing and developing for a long time. Its world premiere was in a London suburban theater in 1967. It was then entitled The Two Character Play. Changes are still being made: the night we spoke to Mr. Williams he had just written two new pages for the play. The script
EVALUATION Tennessee Williams at Dr. Saul's apartment.
Plansand proposals by Al ice Vail One big question in everyone's mind is "Will the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart continue financial support to Cabrini College?". Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, president of the college, answered this question at a faculty meeting on Februa r y 13th. Yes, there will be continued support, but with
$190,000, this year, to $0. in the next five years. The plan shows that, with an increase of 40 full time students each year, and with an expected increase of gifts to the college we can, by 1978, reduce our deficits from $125,000 to a balanced budget. This is, of course, contingent on a number of factors.
will not be "locked in," that is, permanent and final , until a week before it goes to New York. The Playwright and the Critics Asked if he expected good reviews when the play reached New York , Mr . Williams replied that he did not , that he had not received good reviews in thirteen years. He said that he writes to please himself , and is not too interested in what the critics have to say . However , he did admit that when the audience is there, he often wishes his writing pleased them, too . This was more in keeping with my preconception of what a great playwright's attitude would be : no concern for the critics and very little more for the public. Mr. Williams remarked that Out Cry
Evaluation Committee
the understanding that Cabrini College must do everything that it can to lessen the need for permanent financial aid. The "yes" is, by no means, a permanent yes. It is given on an annual basis, and Cabrini College must show signs of future financial independence. Knowing this, the Budget Committee drew up a Five-Year Projection Plan. If this plan is successful, the amou.nt of money needed from the MSC's will drop from
Sr. Mona stated that there are two major areas in which Cabrini can hope to increase its annual income. These areas are admission and development. Admissions Ms. Oristaglio, Director of Admissions, stated that the admission's picture is not very bright , because all private colleges are in competition with the State schools and the Community Colleges . Cabrini is not exempt from (Continued on page 4)
Lately , not much noise has been coming from the Council of College Affairs -- a disquieting symptom for an advisory organization. Now, well into the winter months, the CCA appears to be sustaining a case of quiescence. The ailment became most apparent at the Council's January meeting. Attendance did not even comprise a quorum, defined in the Council's contribution as ''one half of each class of membership" (students, faculty, and administration being the three classes). For four student members this single absence terminated their tenure. Hence, Council requested SGA to hold elections for new student members to the Council. The elections, held the week of February
had been written when he was coming out of a severe depression. It deals with fears, the fear of death; the play is a sort of purging for him . Mr. Williams said that he frequently sits in the audience during the play, although he can not sit through the whole thing. He leaves occasionally ("The first act drags, don't you think?"), and comes back for the parts he likes . He was remarkably candid about this , and I found myself thinking , "He ' s just like a real person !" And for the future . .. ln a more philosophical vein , Mr. Williams was asked wha~ he saw for the future of American theater. He replied that he did not see a future for American theater ,
that he intended to go to England , where theater was alive and flourishing. He has no plans for retirement: "I'll never stop writing." At one point Mr. Williams remarked that he does not consider himself an artist, but rather an entertainer. He does not like the term "artist." This sounded strange to me then , and I now realize why. It is out of character for an entertainer to be so little concerned with those he entertains . It seems that writing to please oneself falls more within the province of "artist." But whichever Mr . Williams prefers to think of himself as , much of his work is art, and he is undeniably entertaining.
Quiet 12th, provided the CCA with four new members: Sharon D' Agostino, Ro Miller, Beth Schweitzer , and Rose Worthington. Even given these recent elections, however, the CCA is nevertheless without adequate membership. Since December, when one of the Council's faculty representatives resigned, this class of membership has been minus the power of one vote. Thus, an official meeting cannot be held until this discrepancy is resolved. Presently, the Council's chairman, Carter Craigie, is in the process of arranging elections for a faculty representative to the Council. The purpose of the Council of College Affairs is to "facilitate communication and to actively seek
academic and social improvement among the students, faculty and administration of Cabrini College." And although "of its nature it has no authority to make executive, legislative or judicial decisions," "the Council of College Affairs shall be empowered to advise the President of the college ... " Thus, in view of its selfdefined functions, Council has the potential for being the most influential group on campus to determine the status of collegiate life here at Cabrini. In the past, Council has, in fact, realized this potential. Its proposals have been the origin of innovations such as the present
(Continued on page 5)
March 6, 1973 ..
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Re: Decreasein studentaid The following excerpts of a Memorandum from the College Entrance Examination Board are included in The Loquitur to help clarify President Nixon's proposed cuts in the Financial Aid Programs. Several points should be stressed: 1. This Memorandum is merely an interpretation of Mr. Nixon's proposed budget. The interpretation is not definitive. 2. Mr. Nixon's proposed budget is merely a proposal. It must be discussed and acted upon by Congress. 3. For this reason your letters to Congress are very important. 4. Mr. Nixon proposes to cut out the Educational Opportunity Grants, National Direct Student Loans, and to reduce the Work-Study Program. The average amount of financial aid from federal funds received by a Cabrini student who applied for financial aid in 1972-1973 was approximately $1,100. Much of this could be eliminated if Mr. Nixon's proposal goes through. 5. The Educational Amendments of 1972 would provide about $400 per year (according to the CEEB Memorandum) to every student whether he needs financial aid or not. Thus those who need financial aid would receive less while those who don't need aid would receive more. MEMORANDUM FROM: The Washington Office of College Entrance Examination Board SUBJECT: STATUS OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS The President's budget The President has repeatedly emphasized since the election his determination to hold spending down, avoid a tax increase, and reduce the scale of government operations. His Budget for fiscal year 1974 (along with supplemental requests for fiscal 1973) is tailored to these objectives. Major cutbacks in domestic spending are proposed, particularly in health, housing, manpower and education. In education, the Budget calls for the termination or phase-out of numerous long-standing programs where the Administration has concluded . that there is little or no evidence of a need for continued Federal activity. Major restructur". . . it is feared that some students would not be able to close the remaining need gap after Basic grants are provided."
ing is proposed for other programs. Wherever possible, increasing reliance is placed on private insurance and financing mechanisms. Student assistan~e In only a few selected areas has the Administration determined that a nationwide concern justifies substantial Federal investment. One of these is student assistance. In fact, this may be the brightest spot in the new Federal budget for education. The 'Federal commitment to student aid would jump several hundred million dollars over curent levels. The following summary presents by program the amounts proposed in the Budget compared to funding in the present academic year. Office of Appropriations Proposed for Proposed for Education 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 Student Aid Academic Year Academic Year Academic Year Program• Basic Educational Opportunity $. 959 M $622. M Grants (BEOG) Supplementary Educational Opportunity $210 M Grants (SEOG) College $. 250 M $250. M $270 M Work-Study Direct Student Loans Federal capital con$ 23.6 M $286 M tributions $766 M
$8956 M
$1 ,209 M
The aggregate amounts for 1973-74 and 197475 far exceed any previous Federal commitment, and the heavy proportion of grant aid in the total package is equally unptecedented and remarkable. "The goal of equal educational opportunity," the Budget states, "has the greatest funding priority in higher education." At the same time, the decision to fund some
student aid programs and not others must be carefully noted: - -The lion's share of budget resources would be invested in Basic Opportunity Grants, the new program established by the 1972 Act which would entitle every eligible undergraduate student to a minimum amount of Federal grant assistance ($1,400 minus the expected family contribution or half the actual cost of attendance, whichever is less). - -College Work-Study receives a sustained priority in the budget. --The Budget, however, sets aside two other important campus-based programs, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants and Direct Loans (formerly titled National Defense Stude)lt Loans). The only sources of Federal financing to build on the floor established by Basic Grants would be subsidized Federally Insured Loans and WorkStudy. The Administration's requested student aid budget poses certain problems: Legality. The Education Amendments of 1972 explicitly require that the Supplemental EOG and Direct Loan programs, -as well as Work-Study, be maintained at specified minimum levels ($130 million for SEOG, $237 million for Work-Study, and $286 million for Direct Loans) . To propose Basic Grants funding without maintenance of the three existing Federal programs is contrary to the law. Congress intended that the Basic Grants Program provide a foundation to be supplemented by the other aid programs. Distributional Effects. Beyond the matter of legality, there is the concern that concentration of funds in Basic Grants to the exclusion of additional Federal sources will result in the distribution of low average amounts of assistance to a greatly expanded eligible population. The Budget estimates that roughly 1.5 million students would qualify for Basic Grants, and with a $622 million appropriation the average grant would work out to approximately $400, compared with about $550-600 in the EOG program. Unless supplemental Federal aid programs are available, it is feared that some students would not be able to close the remaining need gap after Basic Grants are provided. (Emphasis added) Since the Basic Grant cannot exceed one-half of costs, every student receiving a Basic Grant, wherever he attends college, will require additional resources to meet his budget. Timing. The Office of Education is proceeding to develop regulations for operating the Basic Grants Program in the coming academic year. Time is a problem, however. It is not entirely clear that the delivery system for BEOG can be operative and the necessary appropriations approved in sufficient time to administer the program effectively in 1973-74. Nor is it clear that appropriations for SEOG and CWS will be known in sufficient time colleges to make even tentative commitments to students in the spring.
What will happen to Cabrini? On January 29, President Nixon submitted his budget to Congress. He proposed to cut off all funds for Educational Opoortunity Grants (EOG) National Direct Student Loans (NDSL), and reduce College Federal Work Study Programs (FWS) by $20 million. As a result of this action, only bank loans and scholarships will be available for those students who need assistance in financing their education. This action, taken by the President, may prevent many students either from beginning their education or, as in our case, from continuing it. In both cases, it will hinder many students from becoming future doctors, nurses, teachers and professional people. This seems quite ironic on the part of the President since we are constantly being told, even in advertisments, to try to better ourselves by staying in school and getting 1 good education. The question then is how can this feat be accomplished if these funds are cut off? A good education is expensive - - it cos ts money but where are we supposed to get this money? There are only a limited amount of scholarships offered and, in
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addition to their interest rates, bank also limited. It seems a shame that with such a promising potential will be absolutely nothing about furthering his because of monetary reasons.
loans are a person able to do education
How will this cut in funds affect the students at Cabrini? Well , as of January 1973 there were approximately 140 students with either an EOG or a NDSL. 84 students receive funds from the Work Study Program. This makes up a large percentage of Cabrini's enrollment. If and when this cut takes place many of these students will have to withdraw from Cabrini either to continue their education at a state school or to drop out completely from school. Does this seem fair? I, personally, do not think so and hope many of you agree with me. An education is something to be cherishec! and up to now we have been fotunate enough to be given the chance to learn and make something of ourselves . Besides ourselves, we have to take into consideration what this cut back will do to our school. To begin with, Cabrini is a small college anyway but just imagine how much smaller it may be next year if the President's proposal is enacted. We just can't stand by and watch Cabrini dwindle away because of this cut back. We must do something -- not 'just a· few individuals but everyone! What we need to see is ACTION!! To have anything done we need everyone's help. We don't need talk; we need to see EVERYONE writing a letter to his or her Congressmen and Senators, expressing their feelings against the President's proposal. Even if this does not concern you personally, think of your fellow students and your school. Remember, a total effort is needed to see any results! Loquitur suggests that you include the following points in your letter: 1. that you are writing to oppose the President's proposed elimination of the Educational Opportunity Grants, the National Defense Student Loans, and the reduction in The Work-Study Program. 2. that you are a student and that you would be unable to complete your education at Cabrini or would be caused severe hardship. Send your letters to your two Senators and your one Representative at these addresses:
U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 SENATE New York: James L. Buckley, Jacob K. Javits New Jersey: Harrison Williams, Jr., Clifford P . Case Pennsylvania: Richard S. Schweiker, Hugh Scott A list of the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York Congressmen will be posted . Cabrini College is in the 5th Congressional District; its congressman is Mr. John Ware. Senator Richard Schweiker and Rep. Daniel Flood are key· people to write to since they serve on Subcommittees which will make recommendations on student financial aid. Help in determining your congressional district may be obtained from the League of Women Voters, MI 9-5565.
Page 3
March 6, 1973
Student teacher; counselor9 nurse9 seamstress9 and comforter by Joanne
Student teaching opens up a new avenue of learning for anyone involved in it. But it takes a person with dedication to be successful. Dr. Fred Petrone, chairman of the Education department, stated "A lot of maturity is needed in teaching ... a maturity that comes also with age. Do not take student teaching unless you are mature enough." He continued by saying ''. . .personally, student teaching is very threatening for some students because of this maturity factor." The personality and attitude of the student are also important factors. Dr. Petrone said, "Some students want to tell their co-operating . teachers, who
have been teaching for many years, what to do. With this attitude, there is not much chance of success. The student teacher must also have a sense of responsibility; not just for their students but also for the preparation of their lessons." The student teacher must know his or her subject matter very well. If he or she is not prepared the children will sense this and take advantage of the situation. The next problem that the student teacher must confront is that of handling the children. Dr. Petrone commented on this by saying, "The student teacher that is willing to dig-in makes the difference. A student teacher must have some anxiety and must apply himself to the task. Student teaching is
not something you can do part time - - it is a full time job and you must be prepared!" Student teaching is not a cut class system. "The student teacher has to be there. He or she has a professional bbligation; he or she has to be professional in every aspect. Student teaching is very demanding!" Change of Atmosphere Dr. Petrone brought up a point about the class room atmosphere which is overlooked by many. He said, '' A lot of Cabrini College students are afraid to work in a non-Catholic atmosphere. The experience of student teaching is broadening and frightening and is even more so in a public school after having many years of Catholic school training." "Student teaching on · both the elementary and secondary levels is much 'freer' in public schools . The student and the class room situation are very open and the student teacher is constantly being challenged. When a classroom is open the students at Cabrini find it hard to realize that all children do not have the same background. There is a need for a variety of educational methods for teaching kids ; there is no set way for teaching." Student Teaching is Rewarding When asked how successful the student teachers are Dr. Petrone replied, "Most of the girls do a good job; the ones that do bad, do really bad and end up selling cookies on the mainline. Student teaching limits ones activities; it takes a great deal of personal time and must put forth an effort.'' Student teaching is rewarding! The kids often cry or have a party when their teacher leaves which shows just how appreciative they are. The students are evaluated by their co-operating teacher and a member of Education department on their professional attitude, their approach, their effort, their prep-
"I'm learning just as much as the kids."
Sister Janet Hoover with Pam Cosgrove
A different life for religious by Joanne
What is a deaconess? On Wednesday, February 14, we all had a chance to meet one and find out. Sister Janet Hoover came to Cabrini to tell us about the Deaconess Community of the Lutheran Church, of which she is a member. Sister Janet was not dressed in a habit as we might have expected a Sister to be, but wore only a crucifix pin to distinguish her. She began by explaining to us that the Lutheran Deaconess Community is a non-cloistered organization of individuals devoted to Christian service. The community, as a whole, is both self-supporting and self-governing. There are 180 Lutheran Deaconesses in the United States, their ages ranging from 19 to 95 years. Rather than being channeled into a specific, joint program, each Sister of the Deaconate is treated as an indi vi dual with individual rights. She devotes herself to the social service of her choice. Most of the Sisters have full time jobs. Some are nurses. Others are social workers concerned with adoptions, youth counseling, and community organization. Others engage in helping those with special problems, such as, retarded children or poverty stricken families. A
deaconess may serve anywhere from a wealthy suburban congregation to Spanish Harlem working, face to face, with the people that need her . Although most of the Sisters live together in the Deaconess Houses, a Lutheran Sister does not take the vow of chastity and, therefore, is permitted to marry. She is also permitted to preach in her church. The emphasis in the Deaconess organization is not on the community itself or on the individual1, that make it up, but on the work that is done and on the good that they do. Sister Janet's lecture was not only informative but impressive as well. I believe our own church, with the deaconess' success as an example, could take an objective reappraising look at our women's place in the Catholic Church society. The Lutheran deaconesses have proved that a non-cloistered selfgoverned organization of women, not necessarily permanent or single, can achieve an immeasurable amount of good, for the people, through their church. Why must a woman in the Catholic Church be subjected to a stereotyped pre-patterned way of life in order to dedicate herself to the service of others in Christ's name or otherwise have her organization go unrecognized by her church?
aration and their manners of discipline. Asked about my future changes concerning student teaching, Dr. Petrone said that hopefully in the future "The Juniors and Seniors will have three days a week in the classroom and two days a week in the field for experience for three semesters preceding student teaching.'' Student Teachers: Their Own View I talked to a few girls student teaching in elementary schools, each having their own view and experiences. Dolly Cannon, who is student teaching at Gulph Road School in Upper Merion in the third grade, is gaining experience in an open space situation. This means that the third and the fourth grades have been renovated and -there is only one big room with different subjects being taught simultaneously. There is team teaching there with the •kids switching classes. This is the first time that students are teaching in an open space school. Dolly is teaching Language Arts, Social Studies and Science for one month each. When asked about any problems concerning discipline, Dolly replied, "You just have to establish yourself and put your foot -down." She concluded by saying "It's worthwhile because it has built up my own confidence in myself." Maryann Davia is student teaching at the Larkin School in Chester. Maryann said that she did not feel qualified until she had been teaching and had gotten some
Rozie Lubrano Crotty
experience . I asked Maryann if she had come up against any problems; the only problem she found was "putting herself on the level of the student." Rosalind Lubrano Crotty is also student teaching on the elementary level. Rozie is teaching first and second grade at the Charles Russell School. At Charles Russell there is a closed classroom situation with learning stations within the room and the children changing rooms. Rozie teaches a little bit of everything but concentrates primarily on reading in the first grade. Rozie said that at first she found it hard to throw herself into the responsibility of teaching but adjusted quite fast. She said that her co-operating teacher helped her a lot which made it easier. Rozie stated that she felt "a crucial point is with whom you are placed." When asked about any interesting experiences, she replied, "The kids faces are the funniest. The way they react to things can be seen in their expressions." Rozie said that the only disadvantage she found was that "all the other teachers have been there for awhile and they have a habit of talking about the kids." She said that in the beginning the team leader had told her about one class that she would confront which was made up of all delinquents. She went on to say that when she met this class she put on a false · face and then found out for herself that the students were not really what the teacher had said and found herself "melting on the spot." Rozie said, "I have to be counselor, nurse, doctor, seamstress and comforter besides being a teacher". I asked Rozie about her relationship with the teachers at Charles Russell and she told me, "You can't be too friendly; you have to maintain a professional relationship. This does work; you show
them a little respect and they , in turn, will do the same for you and the kids sense this." She also said that "my co-operating teacher is a good example; she's dedicated and really into her kids.'' Rozie finished by saying, "I'm learning just as much as the kids.'' Patty Solecki is a student teacher on the secondary level at Springfield Senior High School. Patty teaches Chemistry to two sections of twelfth grade. Patty said, "At first, I was nervous but apprehensive. The cooperating teacher had such control over the classes that he made it easier for me. Also, there are not many discipline problems because he is so good." I asked Patty if she found the changeover from classroom study to field study difficult. She said, "I liked the change; I liked seeing what I would be doing after graduation . " She also said, "You realize what you have learned and not learned in the past four years." When asked if she found any problems with fitting in with the faculty at Springfield she said, ". . .at Springfield, they make you feel like part of the faculty and you forget you are still a student." Patty said at times she finds it frustrating especially when the kids say "they understand something but don't believe it ~nd you have to make them believe." Patty stated that the change from nine weeks to twelve weeks is an advantage. She feels, "I have so much more to learn and to get to know everything a little bit better and now, I have more time to do so." I asked Patty if the -kids pose any problems. She answered by saying one class calls her "the fearless student teacher." She said that the kids are good to student teachers; they realize you don't k_now everything. As Dr. Petrone said, "Student teaching is fun if you like hard work!"
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in the ward for about one-half hour after we arrive and then each of the volunteers takes charge of one child . In taking charge of one child, the volunteer tries to establish a relationship with him in which the child will remember him each week and, hopefully, remember things which the volunteer has taught him, such as saying please, thank you and skills such as the alphabet arid counting numbers . .
(Continued from page I) thi s s queeze . We are not the only school whose applications have decreased in the past few years , but our enrollment has increased. The reason for this paradox is that last year we were able to convert 53% of the applicants into enrollments . Ms. Oristaglio gives credit for this high conversion to several factors. She praised Kappa Sigma for presenting an honest picture of the school while conducting its tours . She also praised the heads of departments who are given the names of prospective students, and who write to them, inviting them to club functions and , in general , take a personal interest in them. This type of involvement is Significant in increasing enrollments. Ms . Oristaglio feels that more members of the Cabrini College Community must be involved on all levels if we hope to increase our enrollments. Therefore, plans are underway to have the Alumni Association and the Parents' Organization work together , in their respective areas, to talk to applicants, and to have social gatherings where interested high school students may meet with graduates and friends of the college . Ms. Oristaglio has also appealed to present students to represent Cabrini at their various high schools and to encourage students to come here . The goal of 600 full time students, by the year 1978, does not seem unrealistic, according to the Budget Committee and Ms. Oristaglio. One key factor for increasing enrollments was brought out by Dr. Romano. Recently, Dr. Romano has been visiting the area Com munity Colleges (Bucks County , Montgomery County, Delaware County and Philadelphia County) in hopes of encouraging their students to transfer to Cabrini to complete their college training. He is trying to work out a program that would match up with the existing programs in the Community Colleges . This would be extremely valuable to any student wishing to finish college in four years. A set program would eliminate all the guess work and worry a transfer student goes through. They would know that their completed credits would be accepted and what they would have to take. The four Community Colleges are "delighted at the personal interest we're taking," Dr. Romano stated . Delaware County Community College has said that we may expect ten to twelve transfer students a year . This is definitely a boost to the enrollment. Development Ms. Roddy hopes to see the Parents' Organization and the Alumni Association become more active and involved in the future. These two organizations are only four years old, and their usefulness to the college has much unrealized potential. Ms. Roddy stated that foundations that donate money to colleges look at the "strength of the internal support." Both of these organizations are not only essential if we want to increase enrollments, but they can and may be strong sources of financial support to the college. Gifts to the college by foundations are also hoped to increase. Foundations and corporations give to those schools that graduate a number of students who may enter their business. They hope that, by their support of a college, some of the graduates will enter their field . With the development of new majors and programs at Cabrini,
March 6, 1973
Marie Andrelczyk and Patsy Dinen
Soturdo4 Morning in 0 ..3 by Patsy Dinen I go to the large cement dayroom where fifty kids are locked up for what they strangely call play. The toys are not around not given to my invalids because possessions might get broken or in the say. We can't go out. There are no snowsuits, sometimes no shoes So what I do for them is what I bring for them to use. From "December 12" by Anne Sexton
The scene depicted in this excerpt is a vivid description of ward D-3 at Pennhurst State School and Mental Hospit a l. Since the begin ning of the Fall semester students from Cabrini , Rosemont and Villanova have been spending their Saturday mornings as volunteer workers here . The ward in which the volunteers spend their time is just one small part of the fift y building complex . It is located on six hundred acres in Chester Counwe have increased the possibility of corporate donatons. All of these proposals and improvements are projected to help Cabrini College become less and less financially dependent on the MSC's . One other thing is worth mentioning . Any increase in tuition would be based on an increase in the cost of living. There will be no increase in tuition , room, and board in 1973-74. Realistic? Yes, the Five-Year Projection Plan is realistic, according to Mr. Robert Penn, financial advisor for the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. He thought that we would do better that we expected. Dr. Dorothy Brown thought that all of the goals we've set for Cabrini College can be met if there is a concerted effort. There are several reasons for believing that this is an entirely possible and workable program. Sr. Claudia Zeller, former academic Dean of St. Francis College, in Illinois, who has recently completed a term as a member of the National Catholic Educational Association's Department of Higher Education, was impressed with Cabrini's amount of autonomy. Because the motherhouse of the order is not on campus, the college has a great deal more freedom in making internal decisions. Some of Cabrini's neighboring colleges are having troubles with this . Villanova University lost its newspaper because of their President's disapproval
ty. The residents are admitted from Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties . There are approximatel y 1,970 residents from ages one to seventy . Pennhurst employs 1,430 people who provide treatment, care and recreation for the residents . However, as is typical of man y state institutions , Pennhurst is no exception in being understaffed. Their activities are limited and they are not able to provide an adequate amount of recreational activity for the residents. This is where volunteers are necessar y ... As the van approaches the orange brick building in which D-3 is located, a feeling of excitement coupled with anticipation mounts . Every Saturda y morning br ings new ex periences for each of us. A few of the volunteers race up the stairs leading to the ward. Once inside the ward, cheering , yelling and clamoring echoes can be heard from the children , with hugs and kisses . .. they may have been waiting for us . We play with all the children of one edition. Immaculata College still hds a strict dress code (although last year the girls were allowed to wear pants to class, they must still wear a skirt to the dining hall) , and their seniors were just given a 3 o'clock weekend curfew . So, you can see that Cabrini can be a little more pro gressive than its neighbors. Another reason for thinking that the proposals are plausible, is that Sr . Mary Louise would like to expand the Board of Trustees to include more young members . The Alumni Assoc. has requested that they have a permanent seat on the Board to represent the graduates. Iri the next year the total number of Board members is expected to increase from thirteen at present , to twenty-two or twenty-three . This will mean more involvement in all aspects of the college. More involvement can bring about more improvements. On March 18 and 19th, Sr. Regina Casey, the former president of Cabrini and the present head of the order, will be on campus along with the European and Latin American Assistants General. The Five-Year Projection Plan will be presented to them at a Board of Trustees meeting, on March 19th. There are many events planned for these two days, among which are the annual Spring Concert and a Benefit Concert for the earthquake victims of Managua. There will be more on this in the next issue of Loquitur.
When the weather is nice we take the children outside to play on the playground where there are swings , seesaws, a sliding board, basketball courts and a huge field on which the children and the volunteers are able to play games such as football. During the winter months, when it is too cold to go outside, we take the children downstairs to two small therapy rooms. Inside one of the rooms there is a trampoline and tumbling mats and other playful objects which the children and the volunteers are kept occupied with. Durin_g the past week we have found out that many of the children in our ward are being transferred to another ward. This is great for th<>children because it will give che children who are better , a chance to grow and learn more . The volunteers , however , do
not know what to do because we have become attached to many of the children in D-3 . Our only solution is to split up the volunteers and have half of them go up to D-3 and the other half to the other ward. More volunteers are needed to adopt another ward successfully because we are disappointed when we have fo leave some children inside on a beautiful day because we are short of volJnteers. This year, however, theav 3cageamount of volunteers each Saturday is twenty to twenty-five persons whereas last year the average was five to ten people. So, a definite improvement has been made. We find it very hard to express what this experience at Pennhurst has done for us . One gains the awareness of the needs of his fellowman . This is something that each of us must find out for himself. Often , students say they would like to get involved in doing something to help other people on weekends when they have free time. Well, here is your chance. These children are very special and we cannot let them slip away; we must help them adapt to our society . . . ''So what I do for them is what I bring for them to use " , all the happiness and love I can share with them.
FWS lands at the airport When the y aren ' t needed a t cus toms , Isabel and Eloi s e aid doTwo students from Cabrini Col- mestic travelers with transportalege are working on weekends at tion information for the city . They the Philadelphia International Air- give directions for getting around port as Airport Hostesses. Isabel the airport and direc t them tc tran port atio n facilities a t the aira nd Eloise F ernan dez hav e t hi job in conjunction with the Federal port. The Airport Hostesses have to Work-Study Program which was set up by the government to aid be on call at the Airport at all times and help people when it is students who indicate financial need. at all possible. So many different The main concern of the Air- times language skills are a must. The y convey as much information port Hostesses is to help international travelers from Germany , to the travelers as they are able . Eloise had this comment to make Ital y , Spain , and France. Naturall y , on working at the Airport: " There to qualify for this type of work , one must be bilingual. Eloise and is great satisfaction and a great Isabel speak Italian , French , Span- sense of accomplishment as a reish and German . At this time, sult of helping someone. The atmosphere at the Airport is great! there are eight such hostesses emThe people who work here are nice ployed by the Airport. and friendly. The air lines are alThe main duty of the hostesse:-. ways ready to answer any quesis to be in customs when the tions or give out information that International flights arrive. Work- might be useful to the travelers." ing hours are designed according Eloise and Isabel came to the to the schedule of arriving flights. United States from Cuba. They Isabel and Eloise greet the In- first Ii ved in the Philadelphia area ternational travelers and help them and then moved to the Main Line. with any problems they might have. Isabel is a freshman, majoring They also make sure they reach in Communications. Eloise is a their destination safely for their first semester Junior, majoring stay in Philadelphia. in Languages.
by Laurie Whitman
Loquitur is published every three weeks by the students of Cabrini College. The views and opinions expressed in this newspaper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Loquitur staff or the administration. The Loquitur
Editor-in-Chief Photography
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.... Maria
. . . . .... ... . .. . .............
Art Editor
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. ................... ....
. .........
. ... . Jerry Kathy-Jo
Valente Zurek Ramos
Mary Beth Senkewicz Kerry Quinn
Staff .. ..............
. .....
. ... . ......
. Terry
Carol Mele, Connie Cesare, Laurie Whitman, Dennis Abram, Joanne Barbano, Alice Vail Bob Colameco
March 6, 1973
(Continued from page 1) pass/fail option (proposed in 1968), the present ' unlimited cuts' system, and the abolition of a dress code (November, 1969), culture week (Spring, 1970), coeducation, and a personal counseling service (February, 1971), and the recently implemented day-care service (October, 1971). A number of other proposals have continued to be brought before the CCA since these dates of proposals. Yet, the implementation or resolution of these new items has not been forthcoming. The present Council members regard as their greatest achievement, since the beginning of this academic year, their involvement in the sel~ction of the college's incumbant president. Of what did this involvement consist? On September 25th, three members of the CCA, Mrs. Oristaglio, Carter Craigie, and Marlyne Lacorte, met with members of the Board of Trustees to discuss what Council could do concerning the upcoming election. Following this meeting, Council members conducted a poll of the student body to determine its consensus concerning a college president. The results of this poll were read by Fr. Maloney, chairman of the Board of Trustees, at that Board meeting which held the presidential election. Exactly how much weight the student opinion carried is pure speculation. Of significance, however, is the fact that the Board vote and the student vote did correlate, insofar as the majority of students, according to Marlyne, had voted for Sister Mary Louise. To Marlyne, the mere fact that Coun-
cil members met with members of the Board of Trustees is worthy of merit. What else has the Council of College Affairs done since September that is meritworthy, or perhaps just noteworthy? On the agenda for the November meeting was the item 'o ptional finals.' According to Council members , the possibility of this item's implementation is still being investigated. The dilemma of illegal 'borrowing' from the library was the main topic of discussion at the Council's December meeting. Three suggestions recorded in the minutes of this meeting are already in effect. They are an outdoor book depository, an alarm on the library's south exit, and a student assistant on the second floor to guard against stolen periodicals. To repeat, however , a number of items that have been brought before the CCA since last year (some since 1969) have still not been resolved and still await further advisory action on the part of Council members. A few of these items are a campus security alarm system, expanding the book store's resources, a student union building, seminar rooms, renaming the college, and renaming Holy Spirit Library to "Lawrence Sedler Memorial Library." Non-members of the CCA may request a Council member to introduce a topic for discussion, and acting as petitioners, they may be permitted by the chairman to discuss an item before the Council while it is in session. Council meetings are open to anyone on campus who obtains prior consent of the chairman.
by Robert Colameco sons why a student may turn away from Cabrini. For the past twenty months the These problems, although highly maintenance department of Cabrini important are not unsolvable. has been run by Delta ManageRumor has it that Hilltop school ment. Delta is a company whose has asked Cabrini if they (Hilljob is to provide supervision and top) could expand Counsel Hall other various functions related to in turn for a long term contract maintaining the grounds of colfor the use of that building. leges and other institutions. DelAlthough we will all agree that ta was first given a trial fourthe purpose of Hilltop is of great month contract with Cabrini after importance, it is my opinion that Mr . Ray Love was relieved of the transformation of the use of his duties as head of maintenance Counsel Hall to either a student by Mr. Hughes almost two years union building or male dormitory ago. After the four month trial is of far greater importance. I period was over, a one year confeel that the administration should tract between Cabrini and Delta sit back and review its prioriwas signed which was renewed ties. for another year around eight
months ago. This contract, however, according to Mr. Hughes, is being terminated by Delta because they feel that they can no longer be of adequate service to Cabrini when it came up for reconsideration in a few months anyway. No real reasons were given as to why the contract was not going to be renewed by Cabrini other than the fact that the college would save up to approximately $9,000 a year according to Mr . Hughes. This, alone, is a good enough reason for a contract to be terminated , but why did it take two years to realize? Delta isn't losing $9,000 a year; why did they stop the contract? Surely it isn't only
by Robert Colameco It is certainly no secret that one of the foremost problems facing Cabrini is one of finances. It is also no secret that the hopeful solution to this problem lies in an expected increase in the enrollment over the next few years. It is not totally an unrealistic expectation because Cabrini has a lot to offer a student. But there are also a few areas which must be viewed as first-rate deterrents. Out-dated dormitory rules, refusal to allow off-campus living, and lack of a . student Union building and male dorm facilities can be viewed as some of the major rea-
Page 5
Shhhhhhh ...
~¡ ,,
Noise pollutes, too.
Mike Caranfa
Schedule of Events for March 18 & 19 On March 18 & 19, Sr . Regina, Mother General of the Missionary Sisters, three assistants general from North America, Latin America, and Europe, and the Board of Trustees, will visit Cabrini. Sunday, March 18 1:00 p.m. Concelebrated Mass 3:00 p.m. Spring Concert 4:30 p.m. Reception in Mansion Monday, March 19 10 p.m. Special Meeting of Board 12 p.m. Luncheon for New Board Members Late afternoon Academic Convocation Evening Rock Concert for Managua .
To sophomore students interested in special education: Please send a copy of your transcript and a letter requesting admission interview. Briefly state your interest in special education as well as any work experience you may have had in this field. Letters should be submitted on or before March 9, 1973 to Ms. Dianne Kerr, Sp. Ed.
because they felt that they could no longer be of adequate service to the school. Mr. Hughes, a longtime defendent of Delta, supplied no answers to these questions . When Delta was hired the physical campus was in very poor condition. It was for this reason that Delta was hired, that is, to make the campus attractive. The fact that this has not yet been satisfactorily done could possibly be one more reason why they are being dropped. Perhaps the real reasons behind the termination of the contract with Delta are as follows: -failure to accurately project budget estimates. -failure to offer satisfactory explanations as to where Cabrini's money was going and why. -apparent insufficient service for amount of money paid -failure on both parts to accurately define the jobs and goals of Delta. -controversy as to whether or not Cabrini can afford to have a white-collar maintenance head. It wasn't any secret to Delta that Cabrini felt that their services could have been provided for much less than what they were charging the college. At any rate, as of February 28, Delta will no longer be managing maintenance. The new head of the department is Mike Carnafa, a nephew of Sister Barbara, the former Academic Dean. Mike is 28 years old and is a gradaate of Milwaukee Institute of Technology, with a degree in Structural Engineering. Mike has worked with the Sacred Heart Priests for quite a few .vears, both in the United States dnd South Africa. His knowledge of electricity and plumbing, plus an excellent understanding of general building maintenance, provide him with a good background to supervise and aid the maintenance crew.
March 6, 1973
Page 6
Reports of the damage caused by the EARTHQUAKE of December 23, 1972 to ·our MISSIONS IN MANAGUA: DESTROYED
3 Elementary Schools, with the capacity of 1,000 children 2 High Schools, " 1,800 students 2 Chapels, " 1,600 people 1 Clinic; caring for some 6,272 patients yearly 2 Sisters' Homes, housing 19 sisters. 1 Noviciate, housing the mistress and 5 novices. The material loss is estimated to $4,000,000 (four million dollars). We, THE MISSIONARY SISTERS OFTHESACREDHEART OF JESUS, kindly plead financial help to our dear sisters, throughout the world: TO THE STUDENTS OF OUR PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS OF Philadelphia. Pa., Scranton, Pa., ~rooklyn, N. Y. TO OUR DOCTORS, NURSES, AND ADMINISTRATORS EMPLOYEES AND PATIENTS OF: COLUMBUS HOSPITAL, New York, THE THREE CCC, Chicago, SAINT CABRINI HOSPITAL OF Montreal, Canada; Seattle, Washington; Malvern, Australia, JBEIL HOSPITAL, Jbeil, Libano, TO THE STUDENTS OF "CABRINI HIGH SCHOOL" of New York and New Orleans, TO THE STUDENTS OF "CABRINI COLLEGE", Radnor, Pennsylvania
"We, gratefully, wish to acknowledge the receipt of: $ 1,000 (one thousand dollars) donated by THE MEDICAL CENTER of N. Y. 10,000 (ten thousand dollars) donated by ' Rev. M. Gen. REGINA CASEY 10,000 (ten thousand dollars) donated by COLUMBUS HOSPITAL, NEW YORK
We trust that the spirit of generosity, shown by the peoples of the OLD AND NEW WORLD TOWARD THE VICTIMS OF NICARAGUA, may inspire all of you to heed to OUR S.O.S. MESSAGE
-All lJOJIsmoke,s who plan to quit
A typical building in Managua, Nicaragua.
Proudly Presents.
BenefitConcertto Aidthe Victimsof Earthquakes •
Managua, Nicaragua guests
• •
HIGH TREASON WHITE and RAMOS FOREST GREEN "QUINN" BRUCE ROSNER ••• and others Tickets are on Sale in all Dorms • • • Admission $1.50
Can.,ou throwaw119that pack right now?
for this concert. All you'llget outof
It's not easy, is it? years, after 146,000 more cigarettes, you think it's going to be easier? Don't kid yourself. Quit now. You'll never get a chance like this again. In
U .S. Department of Health, Education, and. Welfare:
This space contributed as a public service.
it is a little satisfactionanda lot of goodmusic