May 08, 1973 issue 09 Loquitur

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e Vol. XIX, No. 9


u1tur May 8, 1973



AcademicReviewand Pr-eview by Connie Cesa re Over the past two years many changes have taken place at Cabrini. There have been additions: Special Education, - Communications, and Medical Technology. And there have been adjustments and rearrangements: the Religion de partment, and the reduction of the general education requirements. Many believe that these changes have added to the academic quality of Cabrini. They offer the student new areas to pursue and improved programs in already existing departments. What has contributed to the academic progress as we know it now , and what . can be expected in the future? Dr . Brown feels that the greatest academic accomplishment in the past year was the reduction of the general education requirements. Candidates for the B .A. and the

B.S. in Education degrees now need 50-53 general education credits, and those students working for a B.S. degree need 44-47. Fewer general education requirements mean more freedom to choose electives , and the more electives offered , the more time slots needed . This is where the new Monday- Wednesday-Friday schedule comes in. According to Dr . Brown , the M-W-F schedule allows for 20% more time slots in which to offer more electives . Also due to this scheduling, 24 more courses offered at Eastern can be taken advantage of by Ca brini students . Still another advantage to the M-W-F schedule is more time for more formal counseling between students and their faculty advisors. Dr. Brown says that students

COP Program:

A Success by Robert Colameco Careers Opportunities Program (COP) is a program sponsored by the federal government in an effort to aid both the students and interested adults in the major cities throughout the United States, to get a better education . Originating in 1970, on a fiveyear experimental basis, members of the "model cities" program who have successfully completed the required test, were enabled to attend Community College of Philadelphia. They attended classes there twice a week while working as instructional ;tides in -the ele-

similar environments better than by teachers from other income levels. It also serves to allow people interested in getting a higher education to attend college inexpensively. They otherwise would have been unable to get this education. ¡ The nationwide program has approximately three hw1dred participants in Philadelphia. After every fifteen credits are earned, every student is raised to the next "level" which is accompanied by a raise in pay and increased responsibility at the schools at which

should be able to meet with their advisors more than just at regist r ation times as is the general practice now. FIELD WORK Along with the new schedule will be something that will be new to some departments and not so new to others . This is more field experience for students in various majors . Dr . Brown feels that all of a student's hours need not be spent in the classroom. This will be accomplished by exposing students to some areas of their field before they graduate . Dr . Brown feels that it is unfortunate when an Education major, for example , prepares for four years to be a teacher and then finds out that she hat es teaching. In the future, Dr. Brown can see more cooperation among area schools. One possibility is to share teachers who are experts in a particular area to instruct the tea chers from all the area schools . Fo r example , if a teacher is exper t in testing and grading, then he can contribut e what he know s not only to the school in which he teaches but also to the cooperating schools in the area. There is also the possibility of teacher sharing among area schools. Dr. Brown says that there are a lot of difficulties involved but that the area schools are extremely open to the idea. Dr. Brown says that in the future she can see Cabrini becoming equally known in all its areas of study. Previously , Cabrini was known as a teacher's college since the majority of students majored in Education, but this will change as the other departmeqts grow. Dr. Brown says that such areas as Medical Technology and the

Chemistr y internship as well as the courses in Folktale and Folklore draw much attention to Cabrini. As these new areas broaden they can't help but contribute to the school as a whole . MASTER PLAN The Master Planning Committee deals with the school as a whole, but right now they happen to be discussing some academic changes. Most of the topics being discussed are in a formative stage. Nevertheless , these topics are of interest &ince they could become part of the academics here at Cabrini. Dr. Saul, co-chairman of the

Master Plan Committee , sa y s tha t they feel a need for some sort of regular counseling for the students. He said that counseling is a facet of the educational process and should be dealt with accordingly. Students and teachers should be available to each other in order to discuss problems and answer questions . The 10:00 time slot might be a time when this would take place. (See article by Carol Mele.) In relation to counseling, Dr. Saul also spoke of the possibility of having a broad-based, campuswide orientation seminar for

(Continued on page 3)

A Dillar A Dollar, A Ten O'Clock Scholar by Carol Mele

mentary and kindergarten schools within the city. After graduating from Community College of Philadelphia, a large majority of the students continued their education at Temple University. Approximately thirty students, however, chose to attend Cabrini instead of Temple for a variety of reasons, maiuly because they preferred the small size of Cabrini. The philosophy behind the program, according to the federal government, is that children from low-income areas would probably be taught by teachers who are from

they are working during the course of their education. In general the COP students with whom I spoke said that so far they were very pleased with the quality of education at Cabrini. They especially liked being able to take courses in Special Educatiop, since that is the field which some of them would like tQ pursue after graduation in 1975. Aside from the small class numbers, and the extreme interest of their teachers in trying to meet their goals, they especially like the way Mr. Kuhns and Mr. Litavec dress.

For the coming Fall Semester, Monday and Wednesday mornings are scheduled for an unfamiliar hour of no classes. No classes at all are scheduled to be held between ten and eleven o 'clock on either day . The idea for an open time slot was conceived by Academic Dean, Dr. Dorothy Brown, for a number of reasons. According to Dr. Brown, "a lot of students don't seem to have an identification with the college. This is not unique to Cabrini, but it doesn't have to happen. I'd rather see the student secure here- -to identify with the place without being a cheerleader." The Dean's idea is that the free time will be used to avail the students of a variety of collegiate activities aside from merely academic one. For example, the students may hold their class meetings during this hour, and they could expect the attendance of those stu~~ts who would otherwise claim to have

classes scheduled at that time. Also, class meetings and faculty meetings held during the same time slot would be compatible, since these two interests do not conflict. Dr. Brown hopes to have some sort of activity planned for each of the forty-eight• open hours per semester. One of her suggestions is that each department present at least one program per semester, which together would fill ten of the forty-eight hours. Dr. Brown also expects that some of this time will be used for student-faculty consultations. She feels that one of the advantages of a small college communit)- is that it allows for individual student - faculty relationships,. The assurance that both student and faculty have a simultaneous free hour would, proposedly, facilitate arranging such appointments. As Dr. Brown explained it, the

ten o'clock time slot does not preclude the possibility of clubs holding their functions after school hours . At least, however, the new schedule does allow for club activities during hours which are, supposedly, more convenient for a greater number of students. The ten o'clock time slot was an item on the agenda of the last. Master Plan Committee meeting held April 12. It was suggested at this meeting that attendance at various ten o'clock functions be compulsory. Dr. Brown, however, leans toward the position that "it's got _ to be good enough to be atfractive." During the April 12 meeting, a mock schedule concerning the new time slot was devised. The next step, according to the Dean, is to bring the item directly to the students. The next meeting of the Master Plan Committee will be an open meeting. It is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, at (of course) ten o'clock.


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May 8, 1973




by Terry Cavanaugh There are many things wrong with Cabrini College. There are also many things that are very nice about it. As the lengthy Middle States evaluation is undertaken, it might be worthwhile to set up a committee to look into the place of the student. What I am calling for is more frequent consideration of the fact that students go to school here, and that students live here. This may seem to be very obvious, but how often do the st~dents, especially the residents, feel that they are in the wrong place at the wrong time? For example, take the orphans' Christmas Party. This party is an annual event at Cabrini, sponsored by P.S.E.A. I have nothing against the orphans; I hope there will always be a Christmas Party for them. My objection to the last party stems from the fact that it was held in the Mansion during finals week. It is not exactly fair that students studying for finals or writing papers be subjected to the noise and confusion of a Christmas Party. But of course, the party couldn't be held anyplace else. The gym was probably rented out. To whom, you ask? Well, it could have been the 50 gymnasts who use the gym once a week. Or it might have been one of the Villanova fraternity basketball teams. Ten to one, it was not the Cabrini men's basketball team. I have nothing against gymnastics or Villanova fraternities playing basketball, but must Cabrini students be forced to move their parties or cancel their basketball games for the sake of a few extra dollars? The search for a few extra dollars has affected more than just extracurricular activities. In the summer of '71, when Council Hall was rented to Hilltop Preparatory School, the living conditions of about 20 girls were drastically altered. Rooms had to be found for these residents, and I was one of the lucky ones who got the kitchen in Grace Hall . Well, you say, the dorms are crowded, and the kitchen wasn't so bad, if you could ignore the bugs and the freezing temperatures . Yes, butthekitchen had been a study room, the only one left in Grace. There were many girls who had used that room, especially for late-night work (the cold kept you alert), and the only alternatives were the Smoker and the Blue Room - - too noisy and congested

for work. (There was one other empty room last year, a walk-through, big enough for a study room, but it was kept locked because the cleaning ladies kept a few supplies there). Neither are there any study rooms in Woodcrest. The construction of the building increases the ;lmount of noise there, and I have observed that little serious work goes on unless it is between 1 and 7 a .m. But despite these less than ideal conditions, offices are being put on the first floor of Woodcrest, and ;i. Day ·Care Center in the Jablonski wing of Grace Hall. Both of these reduce the students' chance of finding a study room. Why not go to the library, you wonder? As one of the library assistants, I can report with confidence that (1) the library is very noisy, (2) it is not open late enough, and (3) since its temperature cannot be regulated, it is very stuffy and sleep-inducing. Another problem with the library is that the publication office is in it. The unrealistic hours of the library mean that the newspaper staff has to pack up layouts and move at 5:00 on Friday, and that the yearbook staff does its work in the hall on the 3rd floor of Woodcrest. Many of the problems I have cited would be solved by a Student Union Building. However, there are no funds for such a building, and we are not the only college with no money and with no Student Union Building . What we can do is to be more sensitive to how students will be affected by new schemes for improving the college, whether the proposals are financially or socially valuable . A good case in point is the Kirk F . White Car Auction. Last year, the only good thing about it was the champagne . The bad aspects- were that it was during reading days, it was very noisy, visitors could not drive onto campus , and, on top of everything, the library was closed. One would have been hard pressed to recognize Cabrini as an academic community going into final exams. This year, the majority of these things have been amended. Somebody was thinking about the residents, and it is about time . It is the example of the Car Auction that prompts The Loquitor to continue criticizing, because occasionally there's somebody listening.

Letters to the Editor To the Students and Faculty: There seem to be some mis understandings and misgivings concerning the schedule which has been adopted for the fall semester . I would appreciate it if you would read this letter carefully in an attempt to understand the thinking that went into the development of the new schedule. In an attempt to broaden and enrich degree programs, in response to the requests of the student academic council , and after considerable discussion, the Aca demic Council ~ade significant reductions in the General Education requirements. The reduced number of requirements obviously permit the individual student more electives but this becomes "fancy rather than fact " if the courses are not available to the student . By rearranging the schedule we were able to create a twenty percent increase in the number of time slots available for a sched ulin g at Cab r ini. In addition , by mat ching the M-W-F sequence at Eastern we were further able to offer twenty-f i ve additional elective courses at Eastern. It should

be noted that we did not have finite office hours to further fato use the eight o'clock and five cilitate our stated policy of eno'clock time slots which Eastern couraging student-faculty exhas. changes of a rewarding nature. In addition Cabrini will have an (See catalogue page 14) open hour at ten A.M. on Monday Finally, the reorganization of and Wednesday which, I hope, will the schedule permits a much more significantly enrich our prograins efficient and effective utilization and activities . Many students com- of our present facilities. Followplain that there is nothing to do ing our existing schedule it is or that activities are scheduled difficult to find a chair to sit in the late afternoon or evening in during the prime hours of ten making it difficultforday-students to two Monday , Wednesday, Tuesor students with part-time jobs to day and Thursday, and yet utiliparticipate. These free hours will zation drops to about twenty perpermit us to work co-operatively cent during the remainder of the on a more formalized program by day. club meetings , theatrical producThe new schedule is not a magtions , student advisement sessions, convocations (yes , there ical solution to all our problems , but it is , hopefully, significant will be more ) and presentations step toward alleviating some of of general interest to the entire them. At this point I would ask student body . Each department chairman was you to list logically the pro'asked to review the schedul e be- blem areas as you see them and fore it was completed and ever y proposed solutions which will be effort was made to schedule in- kept on file in the registrar's s tructor s in concentrat ed block s office for ready reference during of time to pe r mit study and re - the preparation of the Fall '75 lated activities on their pa rt. In s chedule. Dr. Dorothy Brown addit ion, each instructor is being Academic Dean a sked to schedule and post de-

:.~,,~ '.,I St.ode.¢5



"The bottom of the Totem Pole" •(or The (/"?&*!o/) end of the stick!)

Free to Fly by Maria


Within all of us, there are two great forces - - realism and idealism. We find ourselves thinking , " I am limited by nature," and yet , we also say, "I want to fly. " We constantly see this dualism in our daily lives and in much of our literature. Perhaps the literary character who best exemplifies this struggle between forces is Jonathan Livingston Seagull (if you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it). The most important thing to Jonathan was to fly - - but not merely like the other gulls, whose only purpose in flying was to obtain their food. No, Jonathan wanted to achieve in flight what the other gulls had not . Despite failures, he practiced again and again until he was able to fly through heavy fogs . But still, this was not enough for him. His goal was to "find perfection and reflect it." He knew it would take a great deal of self-discipline , but he was willing to try and to learn all that he possibly could from his instructor. He finally achieved his goal - - he saw the beauty within himself and in the other gulls and was thus transformed into freedom and beauty. This metaphor should be a source of inspiration to all of us, particularly to those of us who are graduating and entering the "big world . " Now is a good time for us to take a deep look within ourselves and try to find perfection . God is in all of us, but sometimes our imperfections and limitations hide the Beauty and prevent us from enjoying it. Like Jonathan, we must endeavor to break through the clouds and fog. Jonathan Seagull found it extremely difficult to convince the other gulls that they too were free, and that they could prove it to themselves by practicing. Indeed, despite problems and failures, we too can remove obstacles through the practice of faith and self-discipline. Remember, we are free, and we can fly! Good luck to the Class of '73.

Loquitur The Loquitur is published every three weeks by the students of Cabrini College. The views and opinions expressed in this newspaper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Loquitur staff or the administration.


.. . . . .. . ................

Photography . ...... Art Editor . .....

. ........

.. .. Maria Valente

. . ... .. .. ... .. .. Chris Vogel

. . .. ... . . .... _.. ....

. . ... Kathy-Jo Ramos

Circulation Managers .. . .. . .... ... Mary Beth Senkewicz , Kerry Quinn Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Cavanqugh , Carol Mele , Connie Cesare , Laurie Whitman , Joanne Barbano , Alice Vail , Bob Colameco

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May 8, 1973

Hidden Treasure

A PleasantSurprise ForCommunity -Colleges

by Michele

by Joanne Barbano Recently, a new program was initiated here called Cabrini Col: lege Advanced Acceptance Program. This program is designed especially for transfer students from the following area community colleges: Delaware County, Montgomery County, Bucks County and Philadelphia. This Advanced Acceptance Program is based on recommendations contained in a Middle States Report "regarding the admission of transfer students by senior colleges." Dr. Joseph Romano, head of the Philosophy Department, has been appointed as a liaison, or go-between, in this program. Dr. Romano said that as a liaison officer he "goes to each of these schools and, after talking with each of the department heads, works out a specific program in order that these students can transfer without any loss of credit .." Dr. Romano also explains the financial aid program. In dealing with financial aid, Cabrini College will award scholarships to transfer students from Delaware County Community College, Montgomery County Community College, Bucks County Community College, and Philadelphia Community College., Each scholarship will be in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500) and will be awarded to Community College students who

Review and Preview (Continued from page I) freshmen. This would give the ineoming freshmen the opportunity to meet together and have all their questions answered. Speaking of Freshmen seminars, another idea of the committee is to have an interdepartll}!!ptal freshman seminar. This would place the student in a seminar situation along with interdepartmental teams who would initiate them to their individual departments. In time, a method such as this could be used to fulfill general education requirements. Another concern of the committee is to integrate classroom academics _with outside cultural activities. Their feeling is that what goes on in the classroom and an outside lecture, for example, should not be looked at as isolated events but rather complementary additions to one another. This is one of the possibilities which might be fulfilled during the 10:00 time slot which will be implemented next semester. The goal is one of total involvement, of a unity between the academic and the cultural. Dr. Saul feels that "the growth of individuals is in proportion to their academic involvement." Certainly, it can be seen that the opportunity for involvement is increasing. ]t will be up to the individual student to take advantage of the opportunities. RELIGION DEPARTMENT

What's happening in the individual departments? Well, the Religion Department's plans are to broaden and deepen its objectives. The department's objective is "to deepen the student's understanding of the religious dimension of man in both its past and present historical manifestation .. . " The purpose of the department is not to "sell" Christianity but rather to explore the meaning of Christianity andits

have earned an Associates Degree and who wish to transfer to Cabrini in order to complete their studies in the Bachelor of Arts or Sciences Programs. These awards are based on good academic records as well as 路 financial need. For each individual school Dr. Romano made up a specific Transfer Guide. This type of guide for these transfer students is, as Dr. Romano said "a first." The format of a Cabrini College Advanced Acceptance Program Transfer Guide is the following: the first part of the booklet entails a general introduction stating the purpose of the program, and information concerning Academic Evaluation, General Education Requirements and Financial Aid; and the back half of the booklet contains Major Programs which Dr. Romano said, "S_uggests what courses they should take the first two years at a Community College in order to fulfill the necessary requirements in a specific field . " When路 asked how the response from these Community Colleges has been, Dr. Romano stated that "there has been a wonderful response from Delaware County Community College. Montgomery County Community College has responded also, and we are still hoping to hear from the others relevance or lack of relevance in today's society . Ms. Zurek would like to create an atmosphere of openness in order to examine fully the things that we believe in and try to make some sense out of them. She says that each of us is searching for some kind of sense and order in life and perhaps some of the department's courses will contribute to this search. The courses will at least broaden the student's awareness of other peoples' thoughts on life through the various readings within the courses. Besides examining and questioning contemporary movements, some courses will also examine Biblical scholarship to see what's being done in that area and to weigh those findings against our individual beliefs. The department will also try to offer courses with other departments. Ms. Zurek says that all disciplines deal with some form of religion in various ways and the Religion Department cannotignore them .. Religion does not exist in a vacuum. Ms. Zurek also hopes to have a number of speakers and lectures in addition to the classes. Finally, the Religion Department will have a new chairwoman in September. She is Dr. Margaret Reher from Fordham University who comes highly recommended from her past teaching experiences.

Dr. Joseph Romano

(Philadelphia and B~cks County Community Colleges).'' I asked Dr. Romano if this program will help to improve our enrollment and he answered by saying '' it already has added to our enrollment- -mostly in the Junior Year." I also asked Dr. Romano if the drop in the general education requirements has any influence on transfer students. He said, "It (the general education requirements) did not pose a big problem . " but he thought it would help. Dr. Romano went on to say that he is getting a lot of inquiries about Communications and

a few for Fine Arts. He said, "We need a Theatre to have events; the gym is not adequate!" I asked Dr. Romano what the response was to an almost completely lay faculty and he replied "this fact 'pleasantly surprised' the teachers and counselors from these schools . They thought we fit into the stereotype of a typical convent school." Hopefully, with the continuing efforts and hard work of Dr. Romano, transfer students from Community Colleges will choose Cabrini College to complete their studies .

the team stresses adifferentview. All three members work together in each class rather than conducting separate sessions as the other two courses. The team teaching should add new diversity and dimension to the classes.

from the Third World , Women in Literature , and Man in the Renaissance. Each of these courses will be different and some will even rely on cooperation between other departments in order to add richness and depth to the course. Perhaps the greatest expansion within the English department will be in the area of Communications. The concentration in Communications was initiated last year but will take on a more rounded program with specific course objectives in the future . Communication courses will now be specifically listed and described in the catalogue. Writing and speech courses will be listed under Communications as well as many new courses. Some of these are, History of Mass Communications, Creative Writing, and History of Theater and Film. One course of particular interest will be Communications 400 - Special Studies in Communications which will be a "directed o'ut independent research dealing with a topic, approved by the department, for senior communication students." Dr. Saul also said that there is a possibility that other field work type courses, similar to the existing Broadcast Laboratory, will be offered in the future. These courses would be helpful in giving a student some awareness of the nature of the communications media as an area for professional careers and would operate as adjuncts to in-class experience. So what direction is ' Cabrini taking? Obviously one of great expansion. And the pace set by the changes of the past and future are breathtaking. It takes a lot of careful thought and planning to improvise such expansions in the academics of a school. But those that have taken place, or at least have been initiated, seem to be carefully thought out and consequently quite successful. If Cabrini continues to move at this rate, who knows where we'll go. But I think you'll agree, it will definitely be路 up.


Ms. Kerr of the Special Education department hopes for a more concentrated and more structured program for the future. She says that students will be trained to teach moderate, severely, and profoundly retarded children. This will require that students have a wide range of skills in order to deal with the equally large range of mentally retarded children. For this reason the program will also be competency-based. Students "What goes on in the classroom and an outside lecture ... should not be isolated events but complementary."

will be expected to develop certain skills and these skills will be used and practiced in the increased amount of field work that will be required by the department. SOCIAL SCIENCES

Two new courses will open the next semester for the Social Science Department. These are Introduction to Political Science and Principles of Economics. Mr. Craigie says that if these courses are successful they will provide a basis for further courses in PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT The Philosophy department will these areas. Field work in Social Work may offer two courses next semester that will be team taught. One such also be done this coming semes course will be Introduction to Phil- ter. However, it must be arranged osophy. According to Dr. Romano, by the individual student under this course will be divided into the supervision of a professional three parts; ethics, political phil- organization. At present , the soosophy, and epistomology, to be cial-wor:k progr3:m is not fulltaught by himself, Mrs. Schwarze, fledged but Mr. Craigie hopes for and Mr. Letzkus, respectively. The an expanded program in the near other team-taught course is Phil- future. ENGLISH & COMMUNICATIONS osophy of Education. Next year the English departParapsychology is also a teamtaught course but it works dif- ment will offer a new sequence of ferently than the other two . Since courses under the heading of SpeParapsychology can be looked at cial Topics in Humanities. Some in different ways, each member of of the proposed topics are Voices


Did you know that one of the most universally acknowledged collections of paintings and sculpture of its kind is located within the reach of all of you? It is located in Merion, across from Saint Joseph's College, waiting to be experienced. This composite of beauty and individuality is presented in the Barnes Foundation. An amazing montage of theories and an evolution of respective methods employed by individual artists can be traced through the collection of more than one thousand paintings. These paintings include works by Renoir, Cezanne, Manet, Seurat, Picasso and many more familiar painters. However, for those of you who like variety there are also examples of Chinese and Persian art, a well- rounded collection of primitive African Negro Sculpture, antique furniture and early handwrought iron. There is even an extensive collection of rare trees, shrubs and flowers for those of you who are into nature. Why a need for such a museum? Possibly because man has always felt a need to express himself. This feeling of self expression has lead great men such as Renoir , Picasso, Van Gogh and countless others to produce materpieces that


~ ~ City Line Ave.





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.. i ..,..



Latch's Lane


'V ~





come alive on canvas. In viewing such masterpieces the onlooker not only sees the finished product as the painter intended it to be seen but also views a part of the man's life, the painter himself. While walking through the Barnes F:oundation I not only became acquainted with many painters I knew little about but I also became reacquainted with the old masters I thought I knew previous to my visit. The Barnes Foundation holds a culmination of man's search for himself throughout the ages - - a search many of us aspire. It is a place to view art, individual artists, . and man himself--a place well worth visiting. The gallery is located in Merion and will be an excursion worth undertaking. It is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 4:30 and on Sundays from 1:30 to 4:30. Call for reservations or get there early.



Recycle cans, bottles andpaper.




Page 4

May 8, 1973


SGAEffortsProduce Affects by Laurie Whitman The Student Government of 1973 at Cabrini College has been one of the most active. Many of the students of Cabrini aren't aware of the projects put into effect this year . And there are also many ideas that the president, Joanne Mirra has introduced. This year, SGA was completely cleaned up, the files were revamped, and the SGA office has been opened up as a job service available to students in the area over the summer months. Introduced this semester was the idea of having each student's cumulative average on the report card . This is to let the students know where they stand ~t the end of the marking period. Some of the other innovations bear in mind the social life of the student. Parietals and curfews have been extended for freshmen and sophomores, and the junior curfew has been dropped with parental permission.

The first SGA sponsored activity was Greaser Day. It served the purpose of raising money for the Speakers Fund . The Speaker Fund was re-established and guidelines have been set up to decide on speakers . The Social CoIJ\mittee is now made up of the Social Chairman from each class, and the Senior Chairman is the President . They hope to sponsor trips on Saturday to Philadelphia and surrounding points of interest. Some of the general accomplishments are; the updating of the student handbook (money for the calendar and handbook is going to be divided between the administration and SGA) and the lowering fines and the lightening of penalties for campus infractions. Some of the many new ideas which are now in the planning stage are as follows : There will be signs on the roads in the area to direct people to Cabrini; reasons favoring the plus system on the report There are now male and female cards will be presented to the assistants for the Student ActiviAcademic Council; the Speaker ties Chairman, in order that both · Fund will finance a well-known male and female students may respeaker and a concert; SGA will ceive equal attention . be setting - up a bulletin board in

the lobby of Sacred Heart Hall; ·the mailboxes will be renovated for security purposes; the circulation desk in the library will be moved closer to the door in order to prevent the stealing of books, and an ala~m will be put on the side door; there will be a cooperating program with the SGA of Eastern College to sponsor joint activities; and there will be the possibility of having male dormitory facilities on the first floor of Woodcrest. This year, the platform of President, Joanne Mirra and VicePresident , Jo,ce McCreesh was to state , specifically, the power of SGA. Joanne Mirra has this comment to make: " With males, female residents and day-hops working together, SGA was able to accomplish one of its main objec tives -- the recognition of SGA as Cabrini ' s Student Government Association involved in school policies and functions. We feel that not only SGA's views were expressed and followed through, but with student cooperation , we were able to obtain the student body's opinions fo; changing and updating the school's objectives and ideas ."


Joanne Mirra and Mary Lynn Carone

Tothe Studentsof CabriniCollege: In the name of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, I offer my deep gratitude for the generous donation of $900.00 for our earthquake damaged missions of Nicaragua . In a special way , I wish to commend the initiative and leadership demonstrated by Sue White and Kathy-Jo .Ramos. This disaster caused tremendous suffering to the many thousands of persons with whom we work. Your generous gift will help our Sisters alleviate the suffering of these poor people . May the Lord bless each one of you! Sincerely in Christ, Sister Regina Casey, MSC.

Everything YouAlwaysWanted ToKnowAboutFinancialAid by Jerry Satlow The Scholarship Committee met and formally approved the following statement of its composition and functions: "The Scholarship Committee shall consist of three permanent members, namely, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director of Admissions, and the Director of Financial Aid, and a fourth member who shall be selected by the President from among the full time faculty. This fourth member shall serve a three-year term." The President delegates authority to the Scholarship Committee to (a) establish guidelines, in accord with policies set by the Board of Trustees, for the awarding of ·. Cabrini scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid, which 1 shall be implemented by the financial aid officer; (b) review current and past aid policies and recommend changes to the President; (c) assist the financial aid director with exceptional cases; (d) act as a board of review (appeal). Scholarship Policy Reviewed The Scholarship Committee, with the approval of the President, authorized the financial aid director to award scholarships and grants as follows:

other sources of aid and financial conditions . All awards are reviewed annually and may be adjusted as a function of academic performance as well. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 will be required to be eligible for a scholarship or for the renewal of a scholarship. The minimum cum for a grant is 2.0. These policies have become effective for all incoming students as of September, 1973 and for currently enrolled students as of January, 1974 . These policies apply to institutionally funded a wards only. It is the intention of these policies to make it possible to reward those students who perform well academically as well as those whose performance is satisfactory and who have financial need . Comments regarding financial aid policies submitted in writing will be brought to the attention of the Scholarship Committee at its next meeting. Please feel free to submit such comments to Mr . Satlow, Dean Brown, Mrs. Oristaglio, or Dr. Romano. -

Congress votes student aid funds On Thursday, April 12, the House of Representatives in an unexpected move passed an appropriPresidential Scholarships, to be ations measure for student aid . The student aid appropriations awarded annually, based primariwere added to a bill which proly on superior academic performvided for money to pay veterans' ance; benefits and money to pay for Cabrini College Scholarships, to regional air line subsidies. The be awarded annually, based on administration had indicated that above average academic performit was running out of money to pay ance and financial need; the veterans' benefits because of Cabrini Grant, awarded annually the higher rates which Congress based primarily on large financial had approved lastyear. Therefore, need in conjunction with satisit was urgent that this bill be factory academic performance. passed. Congressman Daniel In all cases, an application for Flood, who is chairman of the financial aid; including a Parents' House Appropriations SubcomConfidential Statement is required. mittee, moved to amend the meaThe above awards will vary from sure to include student aid in$300 to $1200. They consist of dicating that there was an urgent tuition reduc~ions and are subject need for student aid funds, too . to adjustment, depending upon Both Houses voted April 18 and

the act will be sent to the President for signature . The Congressional action, then , in effect appropriates funds for the three college-based programs (EOG, NDSL, CWS) at current levels, provides funds for the BOG program, and remains within the ceiling established by the President for student aid appropriations. Summer Employment Summer Employment is available on campus . PCS required. Some dorm space will be available at $3/ day. See Sr. Mona for details on dorms. See your "friendly" Financial Aid Officer for summer employment. The Last Word To all persons with whom I have worked or assisted: Thank you for your cooperation and patience with me. With our combined efforts, we were able to increase total financial assistance to students by more than half in 72/ 73 as compared with 71/ 72. A larger number of students were aided and the average amount of aid was greater. Awards for73/74 will be made approximately June 1. Check your mail. Feel free to call or write if I can be of help .

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