Vol. XX, No. 1
October 2, 1973
HONESTYTHEBESTPOLICY? What can be done about the problem of cheating at Cabrini? That is the question that all segments of the campus community have been addressing themselves to follpwing the results of last spring's Council or College Affairs poll on cheating. Now that everyone is in agreement that a problem exists, the still greater problem remains of how to deal with it and who should decide what should be done. Result of Poll It is interesting to note that in a poll of 188 students, participants of the poll replied that they had noticed 474 instances of cheating on final exams, mid-terms, tests, quizzes, and papers. I asked several students what they thought about this and if they felt that it was a startlingly high number. Most agreed that it did indeed constitute a big problem. Two students commented, however, that perhaps these 474 instances were actually the same instances of cheating reported by many students. They agreed nevertheless that cheating still is a problem that needs to be dealt with at Cabrini. A couple of interesting points concerning the poll demonstrates a major misunderstanding on the part of the student body. The poll asked, "Would you support an honor system?" to which 125 students replied "yes." The poll then asked, "If you knew that someone was cheating, would you report it?" to which 125 students said "no." This points out the fact that the idea of an honor system is still unclear to many students. In an honor system, the student who realizes that someone is cheating and fails to report it is considered equally guilty. In talking to students I discovered that almost everyone agreed that they were not in favor of an honor system, mainly because they disliked the idea of turning in a fellow student. Another comment was that in an honor system, which would also leave room for unproctored exams, there would be no opportunity for the person being tested to ask questions during the course of the test. One discrepancy that I ,......__ disc overed between the faculty ;poll and the student poll was that the students felt, by a three-to-one margin, that the unavaila bility of blue books before and after testing perio ds would help control the situation. This may indicate that the students are aware of one aspect of cheating that the teachers are not. Tentative Propo sal Because no one seemed to know where to start in initiating a cheating policy, Dean Brown looked into the policies of other colleges for some guideli nes. The dean then presented to faculty and student leaders a mo dified version of a "Regulation on Academic H onesty" used at the Delaware County Community College. She emphas ized that this was only
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something to start from in order to develop Cabrini's own policy. Basically the policy deals with all types of cheating; plagiarism, "cribbing," and cheating on examinations or quizzes. It includes a definition of what cheating is at the beginning of
each semester by the instructor . Also, during tests, books would be placed on the floor or at the front of the room, and all exams would be proctored. If a student were to behave improperly, the teacher would issue a warning. If an infraction occurred, the student would be notified immediately and told what action would be taken. Penalties for cheating would be, briefly, failure of the test or paper
by Ma ry Lynn Carone for the first infraction, failure for the course for the second infraction, and possible dismissal from school for the third infraction. After the first offense, the Department Chairman would be
notified in writing of the incident and he in turn would notify the Academic Dean. After a second offense, the Department Chairman, the Academic Dean, and the Dean of Students would be informed and the Academic Dean would meet with the student and advise him of the seriousness of his situation. After a third offense, the student ~ould be called by the Academic Dean before the Student Conduct Committee, which would
Cabrini'sMaster Plan by Carol Mele While Cabrini freshmen adjust
to the first year of their college career, they may well look to the college at large for akin activity. Cabrini College is now underway with the first year of a five-year plan for its development. According to Dean Brown, the idea for the five-year plan was conceived about four years ago. At that time, academic circles in general were beginning to feel growing pains. Thus, with the period of transition upon them, Cabrini's Master Plan Committee undertook a re-examination of the college. The result was the drafting of a five-year development program with goals and projects. Already publicized is the five year projection with regard to the college's financial status and student enrollment. The goal, as outlined in a summary of the financial plan, is to increase the college's income by ten percent annually. This is to offset expenses which are foreseen to increase by seven percent annually. Thus, the annual deficit, which for 1973- 74 is recorded at 125,000 dollars is to diminish each year with the prospects of reaching a balanced budget by 1977- 78. During this past summer the
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Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart approved this part of the plan, which means that they have agreed to pick up the yearly deficit if the college meets the figures that the plan proposes. As a result, the college will now be obliged to pay off only the interest incurred, which will go to the Motherhouse, rather than having to pay off principal plus interest to a loan association. Related to the proposed annual ten percent increase in the college's income is a proposed annual ten percent increase in student enrollment. The expected equivalent of full time students for 1973-74 is set at 444 students, of which 235 is the figure for resident students. The goal is to increase the full-time-equivalent figure by approximately ten percent annually, with the residents remaining at a constant 235, the maximum capacity for the college's present facilities. The goal for 1977-78 is stated at the equivalent of 600 full-time students (two part-time being equivalent to one full-time student). According to Dr. Brown, the proposed income increase is not (Continued on page 6)
make recommendations to the Academic Dean, who would decide what action to take based on this recommendation. This system does allow for an appeal by the student. It should be repeated that this system is not the college policy, rather, Dean Brown issued it in order to elicit suggestions and criticism from the college community. Student Response At class meetings, the class presidents were asked to get responses from their classmates . Some of the reactions were interesting. The majority of students agreed that no official record of incidents of cheating should be made, although a more informal file could be kept. A great number of other students also felt that the incident should remain a private one between the individual involved and his instructor . This would, however, eliminate anyone from knowing just how many infractions had been incurred by the same student. One question brought up by one group of students was, "How can we, the students, prove that we didn't cheat?" They felt that if a teacher
said, for example, that a paper was plagiarized, it was the teacher who would be believed, rather than the student. They stated that in the past they have been accused and failed for what they did not consider plagiarism. Perhaps in answer to such questions, the English Department has recently issued "A Definition of Plagiarism," which should clear up any questions or misconceptions a student may have. Students also criticized the lack of freedom in the classroom that the sample cheating policy allowed. They felt that it was too harsh . and that it did not allow them "to breathe." Teacber Respoase Faculty suggestions or criticisms receiwd thus far by Dean Brown ranged from support for an honor system to an acceptance of the modified system introduced by the dean. Most of the departments liked the proposed policy with a few minor alternations.. They seemed to agree with the students that the matter of cheating should not go on a st_udent's formal reco.._rd, but
Continued on page
A New Kindof C O P by Joanne Barbano C.O.P.! At a glance, these three letters may appear as the slang term for a policeman. But, at Cabrini College they hold a different connotation. C.O.P . are the initials for the Career Opportunities Program of which many of CahTini students are participants. An interview with Mrs. Elaine Spain, Training Coordinator of
a federally funded tri-pod under HEW, the Philadelphia School District and the Model Cities Program. Who is elipble? Those eligible for this program include paraprofessionals working as classroom aides within the school district and, also, persons from indigenous communities such as the Model Cities area.
the Career Opportunities Program, revealed the answers to the following questions. C.O.P. - What is it? The Career Opportunities Program is a work-study program aiding inner city reside1'ts in pursuing a career in education. It came about as a result of the Title I Program of the Educational Professions Development Act under the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. C.O.P. is
C.O.P. is made up of primarily Blacks although there are some Puerto Ricans and Whites. It consists of both females and males some of which are Vietnam Veterans and the ages vary from nineteen to sixty with the average age being thirty-five. Which Colleges are involved? As of now, there are only three colleges associated with C.O.P. (Continued on page 4)
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Octobe r 2, 1973
·•••ale WeicomedChanges
Returning to begin the fall semester at Cabrini, we have noticed many cha~ges. There are the physical changes obvious to everyone who was here last semester: the Psychology, Math, and Specia l Ed. Departments have relocated in W oodcrest; Dean Brown's new office is on faculty row; and Admissions has branched out to yet a third office . Several security measures have also been taken. An alarm has been placed on the side door of the library, and the mailboxes have been moved inside the book store to prevent money and packages from disappearing. Although we recognize that change is not always change for the better, we welcome most of these changes. We feel that they are indicative of an entirely new mood on campus - a mood that is not directly traceable to any single person or event at Cabrini, or even to a combination of persons and events at Cabrini alone. We see these changes as reflecting the trends on campuses across the country and throughout the society in which these campuses are inextricably located. Careers are playing a more important role in the planning of both departments and students. The Social Science Department has added Economics and Political Science. The English Department is creating a Communications major . Majors are now available in Special and Early Childhood Education. Feminists across the country have demanded courses about women; unwilling to be left behind, Cabrini has added Sociology of Women, Women and Religion, Women and History. Major reorganization has changed the Theology Department, with Dr. Margaret Reher acting as chairwoman. The enrollment of Career Opportunities Program students (COP) has swelled from 31 to 65. Interdepartmental and individualized majors are available to those who want them. Things are happening at Cabrini, and they are things that are hap pening across the country, perhaps around the world. We are excited by the idea tliat major societal and educational trends are being recognized and acted upon here at Cabrini. If the goal of our education is to make us efficient members and leaders in society, then there is indeed cause for congratulations, both to those who plan curricula and to those who have spent many hours recruiting . Foremost among these is Doctor Dorothy Brown, whose leadership as Academic Dean has been inspiring. The changes we have noted have all occurred recently, one right after the other . It is too early to say whether the quality of education at Cabrini has been affected for the better or the worse, but we think the prospects are good. Our evaluation by the Middle States Association is coming up next year; we look forward to this year's self-examination as a timely opportunity to evaluate our recent metamorphosis.
L o quitur The Loquitur is published every three weeks by the stu dents of Cabrini College. The views and opinions expressed in this newspaper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Loquitur staff or the administration.
Editorial Board . ........... . ...... Joanne Barbano, Terry Cavanaugh, Connie Cesare, Carol Mele Photography
Editors .. . Ray Crew, Bon nie Adlestein
Art Editor . . . . ... . . .. .......
. Marie Andrelczyk
Circula t ion Manager . . . ... ... . . . ... . Julie Cicatello Staff ......... . ... . ... . ..... .. . . . Bonnie Adl estein, Mary Lynn Carone , Lorraine Ost rowski, Michelle Perna, Beth Schweitzer, Mary Beth Senk ewicz, Louis Zaccagni, Ray Crew
"" (Continued from page I)
ADMINIST RATIVE CHANGES: Miss Jacqueline Roddy has been promoted to Vice President for Development and Public Relations . . . Sr. Bernadette Anello, M.S.C. has been appointed Director of Resident Life . . . Mr. 1 Isadore E. Axler has joined the Cabrini staff as Business Manager . .. HELP WANTED: Student volunteers are still needed for the various Cabrini College Self-Study Committees preparing for the forthcoming Middle States Evaluation. . . TRUSTEES : In an effort to increase communications between the governing body and the students and faculty, members of the Board of
perhaps kept in a file by the Academic Dean. The dean and the instructor involved would be the only ones to know of the incident, Trustees will be encouraged to and the Academic Dean would make informal visits to campus then initiate action if too many induring the year . . . fractions occurred. Two of the departments also questioned PUBLIC RELATIONS: whether a review board should be Sr. Mary Louise will host several luncheons for members of used for each student or only if requested by a student who felt the Delaware Valley academic and commercial communities in that he had been unjustly accused an effort to bring Cabrini to the or severely treated . Dr. Romano was the only one attention of the public . . . COMMUNICATION: who seemed totally against the Autumn rap sessions with the proposed policy . He feels that the President are scheduled for Oc- system emphasizes the negative tober - cider , crullers and con- aspects of the problem and versation. .. assumes that most students are NEW LOOK: "intrinsically evil." He is in favor The Mansion dining room has of a modified honor system which been refurbished . . . First would have a pledge stated on the.A scheduled use is Parents' Weekend front cover of the blue book that'W" Cocktail Party. the student would sign before taking a test. The system he favors would also include "reasonable proctoring, " as opposed to what the students felt would put undue strain ow.the test-taker. Many questions will still have to be resolved before a definite . policy can be instituted . Dean Brown hopes by mid-October to have the Student Academic Council and the Academic Council pool all of the above-mentioned information to formulate a policy that will be equally acceptable to . faculty , students , and administration. Any policy will need . the support of the entire community in order to be effective .. •
JoinTheNew Psychology Club Wednesday October3
All InvitedTo Attend
CheckSigns ForLocation
October 2, 1973
Page 3
A SummerFullol Wonders
Sue Howell did some exciting things this past summer. She learned to light a match, threae,;" a needle, and .cross an intersection. , N'ot so · exciting, you · say? Well, maybe not for you, but Sue can't seem to stop talking about it. Sue, blind from J:>irth, spent June and July at the Ne~ Jer~y Commission for the Blind · Rehabilitation Center, in Newark. . The time she spent .at the center ·served a dual purpose for Sue she received credit from the Social Science Department,.or field work in rehabilitation training, and she learned a number of skills important for her own use. When she arrived at the Center she was asked what she wanted to learn. Feeling that she was weak in mobility, in getting around by herself, Sue asked for and res:eived extensive training in the area. Anyone who has seen Sue winding her way through the cafeteria maze or running down the stairs from Sacred Heart in the rain may be inclined to think she's pretty darn mobile. But mobility and kitchen skills were what Sue felt she needed, so she spent much of the month of June learning to get around both in the kitchen and out in the street. Cooking and Traveling Her cooking lessons involved the skills of measuring dry things and liquids, chopping celery and eggs, and lighting a match and a gas oven. Sue mastered threading needles ·and •sewing on buttons, • and learned how to wield an iron. Sue's · mobility instructions began with the bus route she had to travel to and from t_he Center. She stayed with a ·family outside the city and had to get back and forth by herself. Laughing about her bus adventures, she said that when a bus pulled up, she would knock into someone with her cane, excuse herself, and then ask which bus it was. If no one was handy for caning, she had to run up to thi door of the bus and ask the driver. Another mobility skill involved Sue's returning home to Delaware each weekend by train - again by herself. She had to be familiar with Penn Station in Newark, which meant "memorizing" the station with the help of a braille map . "It was a riot,,, Sue :temarke<P. The only time she had trouble was once when two people were both trying to help her and her foot got stuck between the . d h la ., tram an t e P t.orm. On To Teaching At the end of June, Sue had a meeting with Richard Friend, the director of the Center. Mr. Friend
Cabrini's literary • 111zine
Is nowac:c:eptlng .anyliterary
Pleoseplace la theCryptkmailllox.
By Terry Cavanaugh :.) designed the Center building himself, and has been there for eighteen years. He, too, is totally blind. Sue had been strictly ·evalua'ted during June, and Dick Friend asked her to stay on in July. Whereas in June Sue had been solely a client, or student, she would take on teaching responsibilities in• July in addition to continuing her own work. Although the emphasis at the Center is on mobility, there are other areas of work available. Besides the Survival Skills in the
braille timer, and cook on top of the stove. She reports that she prefers broiling to frying because · of the spattering grease. _ In the mobility ar.ea, Sue spent time memorizing streets in' the area, and working on crossing intersections. Intersections are very frightening to the blind because it is so difficult to determine by sound car direction. It is, of course, impossible for a blind person to know whether or not a car is going to turn onto the street he is crossing. At one point, Sue's mobility instructors took her out, lied to her
. A Cottage•1n the Woods by Lorraine Ostrowski Have Cabrini students been had? Last year, renovation was begun on the pump house located next to the driveway, near the swimming pool. Has the administration rented away another part of Cabrini? According to Sr. Mona and the house's new occupant, the answer is no. Thelma B. Steiger, a psychologist, is presently conducting her work at the cottage, which is owned by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. A privat.e benefactor donated funds for the express purpose of renovating this dwelling for Miss Steiger 's use. Cabrini College does not own that building. Miss Steiger, or "Tammy", as she prefers. began her career with a Basic Degree in Nursing Education. She then advanced to her specialty - Psjchiatric Nursing and eventually became Director of Psychiatric Nursing Education at Haverford State Hospital. Tammy obtained her Master's Degree from Villanova University and is a Ph.D. Candidate at Bryn Mawr College. Tammy serves as a counselor to Sisters of all religious orders in the area. Her job is to provide a
willing ear and sound advice to indi vi duals with personal , psychological or emotional problems. All counseling is strictly confidential; the secluded location of the cottage ideally lends itself to the preservation of privacy. Besides counseling, she also teaches religion courses to novices of the Cabrini order and serves any lay person who may need her help. Tammy has christened her hideaway "EDllWlus", the town in which two ~ Jesus' disciples recognized Him for the first time after His Resurrection. They recognized Him when He bleseed and broke bread, and their hearts were lifted. Tammy sees her "Emmaus" as a place where the troubled can find God and peace of heart and mind. Tammy calls the atmosphere at Cabrini "warm and homey", and she seems eager to meet more of the students. Unfortunately, her work keeps her very busy, but she hopes to make anangement.s for letting students know when she is free, that they might visit her beautifully decorated home and meet her and her dog, Schnitzel.
FairytalesDo ComeTrue Kitchen and Arts and Crafts that Sue took, a client could work in Communications or Shop. Communications consists mainly of braille and typing, although things as basic as telephoning were ineluded fcg- whoever needed them. · Sue stressed the individual nature of the program, which is geared totally to each person's needs and skills. Sue's strength is communication skills, so in July she worked with several clients on improving their communication skills. Two of the young men she worked witp were newly blind. Sue sees the newly blind as particularly disadvantaged because their sense of touch is so undeveloped and their braille progress so difficult. Jerry Callari, a 21 year old whom Sue taught braille, lost his sight two years ago because his diabetes was not properly treated. A sighted person for nineteen years, Jerry's naturally undeveloped sense of touch is further hindered by his diabetes. "Our work was very enjoyable for me, but trying for Jerry," Sue said. "There's a lot of anguish involved for the newly blind." More Work And A Career During July, Sue did not neglect her own work. She learned how to operate an electric mixer, set a
as to her street location, and set her off. The purpose of this was to see whether Sue would panic when she realized she was lost. Admitting that she was terrified, Sue said she just stood still for about twenty minutes, thinking back over every crossing she had made, until she figured her location. At the end of July, Sue's teaching was evaluated by the staff. To her delight, she was told that she is definitely suited for . rehabilitation work. The report cited her good rapport with her students, and her ability to break things down to their simplest parts, in order to explain them. Sue is really excited by the prospects of a career in rehabilitation . She feels that the blind are best qualified to work with blind persons. "We know what it is like to actually go through the pain and the frustration of learning and failingand trying over and over again." She is anxious to learn to knit and crochet so that she can teach these crafts to other blind people. After working with newly blind and with blind who are mentally limited, Sue says she is aware of her own good fortune in being as independent as she is. 'I felt so small this summer. I've taken so much for granted."
by Beth Schweitzer Do you believe in Fairytales? which was already underway . In Once upon a time there was a January, 1969, the Board took out college which had a $300,000 debt a 20 year $500,000 loan with First on one of its dorms. And, then it Pennsylvania Bank. This loan is disappeared. still held by the bank and Cabrini The college is Cabrini College College has been paying off prinand the $300,000 debt was on ciple and interest on a regular basis. W oodcrest Hall, and this is no fairytale. "In December, 1969, additional "An interview with Sr. Mary revenues were neded to complete Louise Sullivan, M.S.C., College the construction of W oodcrest. So, President, yielded the following a five year demand not.e was information on the $300,000 bank negotiated to the First Pennnote assumed by the Missionary sylvania Bank for the amount of Sisters of the Sacred Heart during $300,000. the summer. In 1973, Sister Mary Louise was "In January of 1967, Mother Urselected President of Cabrini sula, President, asked the Board College. 0 As Cabrini's President, for permission to build a much Sister found herself in the fourth needed dormitory for one hundred year of a five year demand note. students. Money being the peren"Fortunately, the Missionary nfal problem, the BMrd did not Sisters of the Sacred Heart were give its first authorization until sympathetic to the College's plight July, 1967, at which time it agreed and on July 6, 1973, the $300,000 to a 50 year loan in the amount of • was paid in full. The Order has $588,000 through the Department recorded this transaction as a of Housing and Urban Developloan to Cabr _ini College and inment. Since, HUD negotiations ter est payiaents are still were a slow process, Counsel Hall required." was built to serve as a temporary dorm for 20 students. As Cabrini College stands now, In March of 1968, "with the it is still trying to pay off the .prospects of another year of over$500,000 loan but the pressure crowded dorms, construction on from the bank has been lifted on the new, large dormitory was the $300,000 principle since the begun. HUD then withdrew saying Missionary Sisters have paid off the demand note. that they could not fund a project
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Spare TimeSpentWell by Joanne Barbano What do the teachers at Cabrini do in their spare ti~e? Some of Cabrini's- teachers spend their free time. teaching in other schools or just relaxing, while others use their spare ·time getting involved in outsid~ projects. One of those who is getting involved in outside work is Mrs. C. Jean LeDonne of the Education Department. The project that Mrs. LeDonne is involved in is The InService Council of the · Intermediate Unit of DeJaware County. Mrs. LeDonne was named Chairwoman of the Program Committee which sets up In-Service Workshops in the Schools of Delaware County. But, what exactly is an InService Workshop? An In-Semce Workshop can be compared to a classroom situation. Like a regular class there is a teacher and students. The difference is that the students, who are teachers themselves, are trained how to teach and present a particular subject matter to their own class. Where and why did the InService Workshops begin? The idea for the workshops originated at the In-Service Council. It was a result of a survey taken. to discover what specific needs must be met to better one's teaching abilities. "This survey also revealed that colleges are not meeting the needs of the teachers." What takes place before an InService Workshop is set up? First, either a school district or a group of teachers interested in having a workshop writes out a proposal and submits it to the Program Committee. The Committee then reviews the proposal. If it is worthwhile and it receives enough of a
Join Forces
What can yo • do'?
Fmdyours. ( ) That "Smoke Pretty" ad makes me furious. Whoever made that up knows where the money is-fewer women than men are quitting. But they won't get rich over my dead body. ( ) I want to be a teacher. How can I discourage kids from smoking when I smoke? ( ) I know my father's been trying to quit. How can he with me still puffing away? ( ) I want to wake up feeling fresh and clean again. I've had it with nicotine hang-over in the mornings. ( ) The thing that appeals to me most is: If you quit for good, in most cases it can be as if you never smoked. ( ) Somewhere in the back of my head I've been nursing the illusion that smoking is really only dangerous for men. I've just seen the latest statistics. The death rate for women who smoke is more than 20% higher than for women who don't. We've come· a long way baby, but I'm not going any further. Now all you need is help and encouragement. Send a postcard today to: Women and Smoking, Rockville, Md. 20852. And we11 send some free booklets to help and encourage you. U.S. Department of Health. Education. and Welfa...,. This space contributed as a public service.
C.0. P.
response, a workshop is set up by the Council. The workshop will .run for a certain period of time depending on the number of credits given. by Connie Cesare Who teaches the teachers? The teachers . or leaders are T.C.L.C. - What is it and what P!Ofessionals who, most important can it do for ·you? T.C.L.C. or of.· all, have experience. The Colleg~ Library leaders_.do not n.ecessarily have to Tristate be college professors. The only Co(?per!lte is an organization of requirement they must meet is twenty-five academic libraries in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New that t~y must know exactly what they are doing and must be the Jersey. Some of . the member · most ~ited to meet the various' coll~es are Beaver, Eastern, needs of the students. Before a Chestnut Hill, Lasalle and Mpore College of Art. Some of the goals . leader is selected, she or he must submit a proposal stating the of T.C.L.C. are the following: manlier in which the needs of the To share . resources through students will be met. Finally, the cooperative borrowing among . best suited is selected. .Who · is · eligible for these -~ member libraries. . To_ improve present resources workshops? Those eligible usually and sei:vices by applying for include only those teachers from private ' '.and·government funds · Delaware County. · However, · .as an organization. professors teaching in colleges To "increase research potential around this area may be accep¥ into this program. This program is • through a mutually supporting acquisitim:JS program." not for student teachers but for graduates who are already o""utin the field teaching. · What does it do? What institutions lend their serT.c_.L.C. oper_:atesa library vices to this program? As of now, which· is based at Widener only non-Catholic schools such as College. The library lends films to Temple University, Penn State the members of T.C.L.C. and Ridley High School have held T.C.L.C. offers Borrowing workshops. "However, Cabrini privileges for students of member College is fortunate to be the only libraries. Catholic Liberal Arts College T.C.L.C. helps the library "staff represented in the In-Service keep abreast of new trends by Council." cooperating with each other. What are the objectives of this In addition, T.C.L.C. parprogram? Those who have ticipates in preparing a duplicate initiated the In-Service periodicals list. This list is sent to Workshops hope that after parmost of the colleges in the state. In ticipating in these workshops, the this way a library may be able to teachers will be better equipped to obtain a missing periodical. put into practice what they know Also, most members offer a and, more importantly, will be special collection in their library. able to see the final results. Cabrini has the Italian Collection which consists of literature in all fields of Italian study with an emphasis on the 20th Century.
Yes,there are a lot of good reasons for worn.en to quit stnoking.
October 2, 1973
In the event that you should need a book which is not in Cabrini's library, you may obtain a letter from the Librarian which, when presented to a T.C.L.C. member library, entitles you to a borrower's card. If you should need a book which is in another library that is not a member of T.C.L.C., it can still be obtained through the Interlibrary Loan Service. Of course the only set back to either of these services is that you must know where the particular book you want is located. But this obstacle can be overcome. One way is that you can call a library yourself and ask for the book you need. If they have it you can either go there yourself or get it through the Interlibrary Loan. The other way is by taking advantage of Union Catalogue. Union Catalogue is located at the University of Pennsylvania and contains card catalogues recording the contents of their member libraries. Cabrini is not a member of Union Catalogue since the membership fee is considerable and because Union Catalogue prefers larger colleges and universities for their members. However, if you are really ambitious you can go there and take advantage of their service in order to find where your book is located. Union Catalogue is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 5:00.
(Continued from page 1) These colleges are Philadelphia Community College, Temple University and Cabrini College. At the entry level, a student will first go to Philadelphia Community College. Upon completing two years there, she or he, then, has the option of either "spinning-off'' or transferring to Temple or Cabrini. Up to date, thirty students have earned a B.S. Degree from Temple University and all but one are teaching in the Philadelphia School District. How long does it ta~e'? It takes a student involved in C.O.P. four years and fivl! summers to earn a degree. The reason "for"this is that the student attendso classes only two days a week and works 9utside in a school the other three days. Wlaat are its aims? The purpose of The Career Opportunities Program is that through funded schooling its participants will earn a degree and afterwards, hopefully, will become certified and will be appointed ~achers in the Philadelphia School District. Althogh a job is · inferred it is not guaranteed. C.O.P. and Cabrini Many of y9u may be wondering how Cabrini became affiliated with C.O.P. For two years, the directors of C.O.P. met with fifc teen colleges from various areas hoping to build a college consortium. Cabrini was chosen because it is proposing programs for certification to the Department of · Public Educ~tion· in Special Education and · in Early Childhood. So, utwo years ago Cabrini College and C.O.P. began making plans. Finally, these plans were put into practice during the Spring Semester of 1973 when thirty_ one students attended Cabrini College. b<s of this semester there are sixty-five students from C.O.P.. which are now Cabrini students. Before being accepted to Cabrini each student must have attained a 2.0 average from Pltj.ladelphia Community College. Dr. Dorothy Brown, Academic Dean, said that "by being involved in this program the college has the opportunity to work with minority students and also to initiate an Early-Childhood program because of the number of interested · students." Mrs. Spain concluded the interview by commenting on tbe students reaction to Cabrini. Sire said that, "in general, all are very, very pleased with the reception they have received and with the academic output." O
To The Rescue · by Marybeth
There is something different about one of the new students at Cabrini College this year. She lives• in tbe dorm, goes to and eat.&in the cafeteria like most .... students. ·But, the thing that sets her apart, and, in fact, the reason she is at Cabrini, is that she is a resident nurse. Valerie Danielik had heard, from a friend who attends Cabrini, that the school was anxious to have a nurse live on campus this year. Sr. Mary Louise was looking for a girl who had gone to a two year nursing school and was inin continuing her terested education for a B.S. Degree. Valerie wrote an informative letter to Sr. Mary Louise. telling of her nursing education and the experience she had had since she graduated, and requesting to be considered for the position. Sr. Mary Louise answered in a few days, stating that Valerie had been accepted. In eIChange for tuition and room and lM6rd, Valerie has certain duties to perform. S1ieis on duty from 6 p.m. till 9: 15 p.m. on Tuesdays.and Wednesdays, and on call on alternate weekends. In addition, she administers shots to girls who are on medication. Hopefully, another nurse will come to Cabrini so that someone will be on duty or on call all of the time. Valerie is from Huntington, Long Island, and went to the State University .of New York at Farmingdale. There she completed a two year nursing course and graduated with an Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in her R.N. degree. After graduation, she workea for a few months at the Suffolk State School, whose patjents are mentally retarded. She was the supervisor of twentynine hyperactive males. She then worked at the Northport Veteran's Hospital, where her experiences included cardiac and general medicine, neuro and orthopedic surgery, and working in the cardiovascular surgery ward At Northport, she had extensive experience with reading X-rays. Valerie is a junior now at Cabrini, majoring in biology. She appreciates Cabrini's small size WOODSY OWL HOOTS: since the University of New York at Farmingdale is a very large school, where most teachers haven't the time to get interested in tlteir students. One reason Valerie considered • she wanted to Cabrini is ~ause experience different ways of thinking and different lifestyles from those she has known. Coming to Cabrini is an opportunity to do just that. Valerie is considering medical school after college, but she is undecided. She is also interested in marine biology "With the present ecology movement," she said, "marine biology is a field that is continuously opening wider and wider." So·for now she will go to school and think about her future. Having a registered nurse on eampus is a good thing so that GIVE AHOITT. DON'T POLLUTE competent help will be available for those infrequent but always possible emergencies.
Soilisforplants, Notfortiretracks.
Page 5
The Dating Game.. . How To Meet a Dentist?
I disagree vehemently with W .C. Fields. There are lots of things to do in Philadelphia . Some are obvious, others are, well, different. Before I discuss one of these places, permit me to wander a bit.
Going out can have its problems. If we go out with somebody we like - no problem . Any place is a fun place. But going alone, or with friends, and trying to meet somebody is another story. The ideal meeting place has certain qualifications. It should 1) cost nothing, or very little; 2) be close by; 3) be fun; 4) have sufficient numbers of the opposite sex · to make the visit interesting (also
by Charles Jeffers to load the odds in your favor). Personal hygiene is part of the dating game, too, especially dental hygiene. I really notice a good set of teeth. Let's face it, not too many of us take care of our teeth the way they should be taken care of. It's like my father always said, "Take good care of your teeth and they'll take good care of you ." This article is supposed to be about something to do in or around Philadelphia. Let me now tie a few loose ends together. Why not visit a dental college? It is as close to the ideal place to
meet somebody as any place. The cost (there is a slight fee) is very nominal. It is close. There are two dental colleges right in Philadelphia. Is it fun? That is up to you. It could be. And there are definitely sufficient members of the opposite sex. Everybody in the place (except you) is a guy. And they are all going to be doctors. So, if you would like to go someplace different, and possibly meet some guys, try a dental school. There's one at Penn, 40th and Spruce, 594-8961, and one at Temple, North Broad, BA 9-8500. Just flash all your cavities at the almost-dentist of your choice, and you'll be busy for hours.
Art Filtration by Michelle
1. Albee's A Delicate Balance with Katharine
Ionesco's Rhinoceros with Zero Mostel O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh with Lee Marvin Osborne's Luther with Stacy Keach . Pinter's The Homecoming with Cyril Cusack. Anderson's Lost in the Stars with Raymond St. Jacques. Chelrnov's Three Sisters with Alan Bates. Gray's Rutley with Alan Bates; directed by Harold Pinter. Each picture will be shown only four times: two evening and two matinee performances on a Monday and a Tuesday each month. $30 for an evening subscription $24 for a matinee subscription $20 for a matinee subscription for a group of 20 At the GATEWAY Shopping Center Theater For further info, come to Eng. Office 2; 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
The English Department is sponsoring a theater trip to New York THAT CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON Winner of Pulitzer Prize, Tony Award & N.Y. Critic's Award November 11 Alternate Date December 2 Tickets - $3.00 See Mary Lynn Carone or sign up in the English Office.
Philadelphia Grand Opera Company Friday, October 12 LA TRAVIATA Friday, November 9 RIGOLETTO Friday, November 30 THE MERRY WIDOW Tickets start at $3.50.
Further information may be obtained from Mrs. Verdile.
This semester Cabrini will be exposing its students to two separate artistic media. The first is an exhibit of mobiles by Comly B. Richie . The second is a six-part film series entitled Pioneers of Modern Painting. Comly B. Richie is a Chester County artist who began his work about twelve years ago. His interest in art led him to experiment with his talents until he found his greatest potential in creating mobiles. Before discovering this talent he delved into various other art forms such as oil painting, basket weaving and wire work. His designs stem from pure imagination, making each mobile a unique creation. The materials used for his suspended sculptures are wire, Japanese fish net floats and wood. He utilizes power equipment to produce his finished creations . Mr. Richie is involved in what he explains as three kinds of mobiles. One is a hanging sculpture with moving parts, known simply as a mobile. Another is the stabile; a ground base sculpture which only suggests movement but has no moving parts. The last is called the stamobile having a ground base with moving parts. "I show my mobiles for my own enjoyment and for others." Perhaps this simple statement gives the personal touch and free moving spirit which accompanies Mr. Richie's work. "I like to think of them as not representing anything, they just are, you can call each one as you like ." Each person viewing Mr. Richie's work can view it in his own capacities and interpret it as he feels. The man and his work seem to be one in spirit. As Mr. Richie explained, he feels very close to his work and sees each creation as a part of him. The next medium Cabrini will be offering its students will be
found in a series of films. The series will cover the life and works of six leading nineteenth and century artists: twentieth Edouard Manet, Paul Cezanne, Claude Monet, Georges Seurat, Henri Rousseau and Edward Munch. These artists can be viewed as pioneers of modern painting . The series has already begun, the first being on September 6, and continuing through to October lL A grant from the National Endowment for Humanitites has made the distribution of such a film series possible. Following the Thursday weekly series at Cabrini will be Friday showings at Radnor Library and a Monday showing at Eastern College. This will give the students a chance to view the films at two other times if missed at Cabrini. The six-part series was written and narrated by Kenneth Clark.
we're NEW&weij like to meet YOU! COME OVER AND GET 'tOU"RE .••• ••
"", .... ,. fl rat PUrChH,.) ONE LOUELLA CT., WAYNE
October 2, 1973
Page 6
LRC by Bonnie Adlestein Looking for graduate cred:!.! Cabrini has been invited to join the Lehigh Valley Regional Consortium. This program would entail Lehigh Valley's giving graduate credit for courses taken at Cabrini that have been approved by Lehigh Valley. Cabrini should be able to have this program underway by January and offer these courses in the evening school. The consortium is a group of institutes offering higher education programs in teacher preparation . The common objective of this program is to improve the educators throughout the region . At present there are six members in the Lehigh Regional Consortium (LRC): Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales, Center Valley, Pa .; Beaver College, Glenside, Pa .; Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.; Marywood College, Scranton, Pa. ; Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pa .; Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre, Pa . There are two major stems to the LRC program. The first will offer a degree in elementary and secondary education at the Master's level. The second will present an assortment of various personal improvement work and in-service education projects . An M .A., M.S., and M.Ed. may be earned from this program. The requirements are identical to the curriculum specifications for regular admission . This would average 30 hours of study. When interviewed, Dr . Brown implied that the reasons for this addition to the curriculum is for ÂŁhe improvement of Cabrini College.
Five Year Plan (Continued from page 1) absolutely contingent upon the proposed increase in enrollment . She stated that should the enrollment expectation become unfulfilled, sources of income other than tuition, for example, gifts to the college , would cover the difference . The official enrollment figures for the present academic year are not yet available. However, an available figure for 1972-73 is stated to be 450 FTE, which surpasses the 1973-74 expectation. Dean Brown attributes this boost in student population primarily to the C.O.P. program, the evening division, and summer sessions . Aside from finances and student enrollment, the five-year plan covers additional facets of collegiate life. What may college affiliates look forward to in 197374? In the area of academic affairs, plans include a "possible experiment with a four-one-four program," and an "increased variety of course offerings (with) consideration of the needs of male students." Also to begin is the "evaluation preparative to the Middle States Visit in 1975." In the area of student affairs, plans for 1973 include "updating of Mansion dormitory, greater coordination of student activities, (and) inter-collegiate cooperation in student affairs ." "Full alumnae involvement in college activities" is also a goal for this year. According to a summary of the five-year plan , 1974 offers the prospect of air-conditioning in the library . Slated for 1976 is the possible construct ion of a student union center.
The Graduate Record Examinations will be offered on: OCTOBER 27, 1973 DECEMBER 8, 1973 JANUARY 19, 1974 *Only the Aptitude
*FEBRUARY 23, 1974 APRIL 27, 197 4 JUNE 15, 1974
Test wiJJ be offered on this date, and only at domestic test centers.
The GRE may -also be taken on dates other than the above at special administration centers in Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Honolulu, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D. C. Write to Educational Testing Service at one of the addresses below for further information.
Registration forms should reach Educational Testing Service at least four weeks before the test date if you request a domestic test center and six weeks if you request a foreign test center. For a registration form and detailed information about registration dates, test centers, fees, and score reporting, obtain the 1973-7 4 GRE INFORMATION BULLETIN (domestic edition for test centers in the 50 United States and Puerto Rico, foreign edition for all others) from:
GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATIONS Educational Testing Service Box 955, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 960 Grove Street, Evanston, Illinois 60201 Box 1502, Berkeley, California 94701