Vol. XX, No. 2
October 23, 1973
I'll Know It When I See It "Obscenity, What Is It?" was the title of a recent lecture given at Cabrini College. State and local legislators and courts, as well as ordinary citizens , are still looking for an answer . On June 21, 1973, the U.S . Supreme Court handed down five major decisions concerning obscenity . These rulings have given individual states the responsibility of defining obscenity and then taking steps to regulate its commerce. The decisions also assert that local jurors are to judge whether an alleged obscene material is indeed obscene according to sta te criteria . On October 1, in the Mansion dining room filled with curious listeners, Attorney Michael Seidman, Philadelphia Assistant District Attorney and Chief of the Obscenit y Divi sion , outlined legal steps leading up to the June 21 decision. The Court de cisions mentioned by Mr . Seidman em ph asiz ed t ha t "o bsce nity de mands subjective evaluation." For example , in the 1966 Memoirs vs. Massachusetts de c i s i o n , t h e Supreme Court held that in case s following, the prosecution must prove that the material in question is obscene ; that is, "utterly without redeeming social value. " According to Mr . Seid- .
man, it was almost impossible to prove the presence of obscenity when using this criteria. For example , Deep Throat was judged in one area of the country as having redeeming social value in that it "expanded the horizons of partners" through the sexually explicit scenes for which it is well known . The very nature of the ruling gave the pornography industry much legal leeway . Guidelines Set Up. In 1973, when t he Supreme Court again dis cussed obscenity , two basic contentions were involved . The first was that obscenity was "unworkable in the courts." This contention was rejected by an 8-1 majority. Only Justice Douglas voted to abolish obs cenity law s an d make way for a not her amen dment conc erning fr eed om of speech. It was stated in the second contention t hat the conce pt of an obscenity law was unconstitutional with respe ct t o co nsen ti ng ad ults. Th e vote was split 5-4 in favor of re st r ict ing obs cene m at erials. Reasons cited for the reaction of the Court included : (1) Belief that the First Amendment was designed to protect the exchange of ideas and a search for
by Lorraine Ostrowski truth, not to protect obscenity . (2) The ready availability of the material to children and nonconsenting adults. (3) The possible (though not scientifically proven) connection between the availability of obscene material and the increase in the number of sex crimes in recen t years . The Supreme Cour t proceeded to set up guidelines for defining ob scenity . At this poin t in hi s lect ure , Attorney Seidman empha si zed that these were indeed guidelines, not laws . This discounts any accusations of repression by the Courts , since the legislative power was put into the hands of the states . Mr . Seidman sta t ed t hat alleged ly obsc ene ma teri al mus t fail three tests rn ord er to be judged obscene.
s~ AP,
POW and
cording to the norms of an average person with cont emporar y " communi ty standards ." Att orney Seidman admi tte d t ha t a problem exists in defining community standards . F or example , in Albemarle Coun ty, Virginia, the local police force could not find Playboy or Penthouse legally obscene, but the county sheriff had the magazines seized and the owner of the stand at which they were being sold arrested. It has not yet been determined whether a "communi ty" defines a county , a city or a to wn. POW is the next test : Paten tly Offensive Way . This test requ ires that state legislators be very explicit in defining the types of sexual condu ct which will be con sidered obsce ne. The las test .
The first test is SW AP - Sex Whol e W ork Appeal o Prurien Interests. H ere '"sex" · defined "the ultimate sexual conduct," and it mus t be t he ma in subject of the material in ques t ion . Lo ca l judges and juries decide whether there exists an "appeal to prurient interests ." This is to be judged ac :
"What Is Obscenity? "
these . delines. i . - no necessary for indmdu o make a few decisions in terms o pornograp hy. Mr. Seidman has submi t ted a proposal for a bill to the Penns ylv an i a St at e Legislature . He is ma inl y co n- _
A New Connoisseur
by Beth
by Marybeth Senkewicz someone doesn't like Cabrini's version of Kentucky Southern Fried Chicken this year, who does he complain to? Take notice of a new face constantly hanging around the front of the cafeteria, because he's the man to finger. He's Joe Fleming , Cabrini's new Food Service Director. He can be seen at nearly every meal strolling around the cafeteria and conversing with people at the tables. "I want to be totally available to the students ," he says . "If there's a problem I want to know about it so I can fix it. I am here to please them." Joe wants to know what the students like and dislike - he encourages feedback . He has a bulletin board up so students can post their opinions, but so far he says that "people are coming to me personally more often than using the board ." He is glad they are doing this, because he wants everyone to be satisfied with the program. "I want good communication between students and management," he mentioned . "I can't stress enough that I want student satisfaction. I try to cater to the wants of the students ." In the beginning of the year, Joe will be working seven days a week
to make sure things are running smoothly . So far he has had only one day off. Assisting him is Michelle Perna , the Studen t Manager. "I can 't give Mi chelle enough credit," he remarked . "She's been just great, doing a fantastic job." At every meal, either Joe or Michelle is present. Joe likes to cook, likes to deal with people, and enjoys the management angle of running a food service. There is a lot of work to be done. Purchases are made once a week, but goods aren't Instead of hiring dishboys, he uses delivered till the day before they girls on work-study instead . To are needed, so there is constant him, there is no distinction betmovement. He buys only from ween a boy 's job and a girl's job. reputable government-approved "Why shouldn 't I use the student establishments and according to help available?" he asks. " I don ' t company (Saga) specifications . He have to get outside help when also said that anyone can go into the back and inspect the quality of there's all I need right here at the college." the food and the sanitation Joe grew up in a tradition of anvtime if they would like . There are some new things in food service . His father has been a effect this year, instituted by Joe. baker for 25 years, and has owned He has a bakery _ program with his own bakery since Joe was ten . While he was in high school, Joe Rosemont, fresh-baked cakes and also went to a technical school for pies arrive every day . This was baking for three years . After high done to increase the quality and school , he attended the Culinary variety of desserts . Also the radio Institute of America in New plays over the intercom during There he meals . He has I.' new chef, in fact a Haven, Connecticut. whole new crew working on meals. _ completed a two-year course and
(Continued on page 5 1
Introducing Cabrini's New Cafeteria Manager
cerned with going right to the t op in making arrests . "Arrest the owner of the theater . . . t he owner of the bookstore ," not the guy sweeping floors and the gir l selling tickets . He also finds it necessary to " pierce the corpora te veil " in t he pornograph y en terprise . Mo st bu si ne ss es distribu t ing pornograph y are run by co rp or a tion s which m ake sizeab le contri bu tions to politic a l parties during election time. Th us we find the pr oblem of politic a l philanthrop winding its way into influencing legisl a tion. pecial Defense Obsc enity E xperts a lso maintain a lucra tive 'b1siness due to the expans ion of pro aph; ind _·. A•idman,
gradua t ed i n 1969 with an Associa t e Degree in Special Studies. In add i tion to being a manager , he is a chef , waiter, baker , and bartender . Upon graduation, he worked for Lidden 's Food Service (a company which services Holiday Inn) for two years in the restaurant division. In 1971 he was employed by Saga, starting at Bryn Mawr College, where he worked for one semester, and then he went to Rosemont College, where he stayed three semesters. At Rosemont he was the Food Service Manager. His transfer to Cabrini brought with it a promotion to
(Continued on page 3)
Campa ign '72 Revi "ted - Its Aftermath Retardat ion: Mild, ere and Profound . Do you ha ve a favorite course or topic that ha s never been offer ed ? Here's your chance to not only take a course that ·ou'll enjoy, but to get credi t for i too! Cabrini College · consi deri ng offering cour ~ like the two mentioned abo ve during Christm as Intersession extending from J anuary 2-18. Thi s time i open for each departmen t to offer an enric hment program , project. or r egularl y concentra ted course for an y interested person. All of the departmen ts are welcomin g any sugges tions a dent m ay have. Should lnte ·on plans succeed , ea ch department may offer a maximum of thr ee credits per course or project. During this period a stud ent ma y gain up to three credi The r egul ar tuit ion of $50.00 per credit hour will remain in effect in addi tion to an y special fees pertaining to the individual program . Cabr ini i now in the process of making arrangements to ha ve hous ing ava il able, for those who ma y be interested, at ei t he r Cabr ini or Eastern and a hous ing fee will be charged.
October 23, 1973
****** STUDENT VOICE****** A re Grades Important Two items of current discussion have brought the subject of grades to the foreground once again . First, the Special Education Department has announ ced that all it s courses will be given on a Pass-Fail basis. Secondly , the list of seniors eligible for nomination to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities has been sent out, including all those with a cumulative average of 2.7 or more. We are concerned about the meaning of these two announcements. Are marks becoming less important at Cabrini? Are we lowering our standards? Do we think that anyone who does not fail deserves honor? The Special Ed. Department changed its grading system after a recommendation by Harrisburg that they do so. Ms. Diane Kerr said it was also done to help relieve the pressure for grades among Special Ed. majors . We do not feel that Special Ed. majors have any more pressure than any other major; as a matter of fact, we believe they have less. It is widely acknowledged that the requirements for a B.S. in Education are less stringent than any ot her major. Here at Cabrini , junior s and seniors have been permitted to take one Pass-Fail course each semester , providing it is not a required course or a course in that student 's major . Now suddenly the entire system is reversed for Special Ed . Is this the beginning of a trend toward nongraded work? If so, is it actually to the benefit of the student? A freshman recently reported that her " progressive" high school did away . with grades and subsequently she had a very difficult time getting into college . Will Cabrini's Special Ed . majors be at a similar disadvantage when applying for graduate study? As things are now it has not been decided how cumulative averages will be figured. It may possibly be that a Special Ed. major taking four Special Ed. courses and one course in another department will have his cum figured on the basis of that one non-Special Ed. course. A pretty easy 4.0, we think. On the other hand, Special Ed. may withdraw from the dean's list problem altogether and issue a departmental award. We feel this is a step in the wrong direction. The time for departmental awards is at graduation . The purpose of a liberal arts education is to create a well-rounded individual , and this is what the dean's list honors. The second grade-related subject is the requirement for Who's Who. Apparently two years ago the senior class voted to reduce the requirement from 3.0 to 2.7. Perhaps it was a necessity for that class . However, this yea r's senior class has sixty-o ne stu den ts wit h 2.7 a nd above. That is roughly 70 per cent of the class. We do not feel that 70 per cent of a class should be eligible for a national honor award. The standard is too low . Two or three years ago the Student Academic Council attempted to lower Dean's List from 3.5 t o 3.25. The proposal was turned down because the administration did not want t o lower our standard of excellence. It is absurd to requir e a 3.5 for recognition at Cabrini , a nd permit a 2.7 to represent us nati onall y. The requirement for Who ' s Who should be at least 3.0, and preferably 3.25. There is some talk going around abou t marks not being important . This is simply not true. Although marks do not always accurately reflect how much a student learned , the y ar e important criteria for jobs and graduate schools. Cabrini should keep its standards high.
''A Lob-sided MS-Match'' by Agathon "You've come a long way baby" - but now you made it. The ultimate in women's liberation has been achieved. The nagging question posed ever since God ribbed Adam in the garden of thoracic surgery has been answered : Can a young and daring woman fighting for her sex and two million dollars defeat a fifty-five year old con man in a game of carnival tennis? We kn ow now that the answer is "yes." In fact, she can do this with greater ease than being elected president - or even getting a credit loan in her own name.
Less enlightened countries like India and Israel can have their Indira Ghandi's and Golda Meir's - We have our King! Long live the King! Even the oddsmakers underestimated the virility of our King . The 5-2 bets rigged against her were indicative of Jimmy the Greek's chauvinism . It was the only mistake he made since he backed the Persians at the plain of Marathon. Public support was evident for the King as a record breaking number of celebrities poured into the Astrodome for an event that had all the appeal of a hot dog concession at the Roman Colosseum. "AD CANES CALDAS!" Even the Christians had better odds against the lions. It may take eight light years for the American public to catch up to the real issues of women's rights, for what proved to be the greatest msmatch in American History was really a double's match ; with the final score reading: Billy Jean and Bobby - three million ; Women's liberation and the American public - zero.
After reading article after article in our school newspaper we have come to the conclusion that Loquitur says a lot about nothing that is, nothing which represents the student body. Maybe our idea of a school newspaper is wrong but we thought a school newspaper is supposed to inform the students as well as other members of the campus of what's going on and the reason why. How come nothing has been printed about our gym being rented out for all but six nights in October so that we cannot use it? Aren't we entitled to the use of the gym first, before off-campus "tenants"? How come day-hops have to pay for the use of a locker? How come car stickers have gone up from $3.00 to $5.00? (Remem-
her President Nixon trying to hold down the cost of living by keeping inflation at 5-7%) Who else would park in Cabrini's parking lot except students, faculty, and administrators? How come we are not allowed to park anywhere else but in the designated areas except when we rent out our facilities for the car auction? Does the fire marshal give us "special" permission then? How come residents are being forced to pay $3.00 for overnight guests after the first night when we pay for those rooms and we feel, except in certain cases, that our overnight guests should not be charged? Why if we and our parents select Cabrini why do we have to go over to Eastern to take certain courses to fulfill the requirements for certain majors? Why do Student Teachers
Campus ACADEMIC DEAN SPECIAL EDUCATION: A department of Education evaluation team was on Campus on October 10 and 11. Team members included: Dr . William Kautz Mr . Russell Demanczyk Dr . Robert Kerns Miss Cynthia McKeever EARLY CHILDHOOD ED. : Mrs . Nancy Rush and Dr. Brown attended a meeting in Harrisburg on October 4 to begin formalizing the program in Early Childhood Education. THE BULLETIN CO I G .
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MATH DEPT. .. .Sunday, Nov . 4, the Math department will hold a cocktail party for all Math alumni. ... plans are being arranged to ha ve a speaker come and discuss the to pi c " A career as an Actuarian " . . .A new staff member has been added to the Math Dept. Mrs. Michelle Doman. Mrs . Doman is a Cabrini graduate and is teaching Math 205 and Calculus II.
CHEMISTRY DEPT . . . .There is a brochure on Employment Opportunities in the Chemistry Profession which is available to any interested student on request. The brochure describes various types of work for chemistry majors, indicates area employers, and briefly details acc ompl ishmen ts of Cabrini ' s Chemistry major graduates. ... Chemistry Seminar Scientific methods in criminology dealing with the use of various inst rumen ts, examination of evidence, criminal investigation procedures, and studies of the scientific aspects of recent major crimes . The course is open to both majors and non-majors, meets each Thursday afternoon and welcomes student visitors to any of the talks . . . .The Chemistry Dept. is organizing a course in Technical Writing in cooperation with the English Dept. The course will be open to majors from any major field and will emphasize writing assignments involving technical language from their field, scientific abstracting, lab reports, preparation of technical research and titles and bibliographies. LANGUAGE DEPT. .. .A Spanish Mass is offered by Father Isidro every Sunday at 12:30 in St . Rita's Church located
have to pay full tuition for total supervision PLUS $75.00 for a Practice Teaching fee? Finally, we all have to pay an activities fee but what does this entitle us to? Isn't Student tuition and general fees money just as good as anyone else's?? We realize the answers to these questions must seem obvious to some but to others the answers are not clear . We feel that these things are newswor thy and informative to all. These are the types of articles which we would like to see more of in our school newspaper. Don't get me wrong the newspaper is very informative in dealing with non-controversial subjects but how much longer must we be KEPT I THE DARK???
on Villanova's Campu s behind Corr Hall. ... On November 28 , t he Language Dept . will present Carlos Baladron, a composer guitarist, who will sing and interpret his own musical compositions in French , Italian , Spanish and English. Mr . Baladron , currentl y a st udent at Villanova, has given reci t als there and at vari ou s co lleges in Virginia , Penns ylvania and Massachusetts . It is the Wednesday after Thanksgiving so mark it on your calendar. . . .French students are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Le Treteare de Par· a fam o a c gr oup , whi ch will present Molier4 "L 'Avare" at West Chester State College on November 7. The opportunity to see a presentation of the " comedies par excellen ce" of Fr an ce given by t hi s gr oup comes t o t hi s area only once a year . " L' Avare ", one of the funniest of Moliere's comedies, needs no translation . The acting alone is well worth the $3.50 purchase pr ice and one needn't be a studen t of " le francais" to enjoy it. Moliere transcends the language barrier .
• • •
.Dr . Jawo r ski, lect urer in Ita li a n at Cabr ini and Rosemont is offering a For eign F ilm Series at Ro semon t this year . Dr . Jaworski invites you to enjoy t hem all. REGISTRAR 'S OFFI CE ... Not to fri ght en you, but merel y t o ad vise you . .. Oct. 25 is the mid-sem este r point. All D's and F 's will be repo r te d to the Regi strar and in tur n to t he Dean. There is still tim e to bu ckle up and star t anew . . . .Did you know that ov. 1 is the last day for dropping courses? After this date an y wit hdra ws will become an automatic F on official records!!! ADM! IO , ;s SOARING Cabrini is People .. . and I would like to thank all of the people who helped with the two October Tour Days sponsored by the Admissions Office. This was our first function on campus since I wrote to all students in the Spring. (Did you empty your mailbox in May?) The response was overwhelming . Forty students volunteered to condu ct tours and to talk to visiting high
Page 3
23, 1973
Expwring A TheatreLaborawry
The Little Theatre Off Broadway by Joanne Barbano English Department understood As one walks into the building their efforts to obtain credit and he is forced to pass through the that the department was presently lobby where coffee is being served in the process of organizing a Walking further, he enters the theatre production course to be oftheatre and finds his seat. He gets fered within their comsettled and anticipates the rise of munications program. The the curtain. Finally, the lights question of when a course of this dim, the chattering ceases and all type would materialize still eyes turn and focus in on the stage remained. Credit could not be - the play has begun! Hopefully, this is an accurate description of given until a director was chosen and the English Department had what will take place on November set forth its aims in offering a 30 when the Theatre Laboratory will give its first performance of theatre course for credit. So, at the close of the school year last the year. May plans remained uncertain WHAT IS A THEATRE and questions remained unanLABORATORY? swered. To many people the definition With the opening of a new of the term Theatre Laboratory may still be somewhat foggy. First school year the group took up their cause again. Finally, a of all, Theatre Laboratory is a decision had been made . A twocourse at Cabrini which was just initiated this semester. The semester course would be offered dealing with the various aspects of course, which is being offered under the English Department, is the theatre and Mr . Perna was being taught by Mr. Daniele · chosen to teach the course due to his experience in theatre work. It Perna. When asked to define a Theatre Laboratory, Mr. Perna was decided that two credits would be given at the end of the stated that "it is like a lab for the second semester. purposed of experimentation within the various aspects of the WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF theatre." He continued by saying THEATRE LABORATORY? that "in this case, it is the very Within the coming year three beginning, an experiment; a place plays will be produced as a result where we can get together to learn of this course . Two of these will be the basics; that is, the basic ideas one - act plays, a drama and a behind all of the fields which comedy, and the other will be a make up a theatre." full length play. "The Happy JourWHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF ney to Trenton and Camden" by THIS COURSE? Thornton Wilder has been selecTneatre Laborafory was ted as the first one - act play. designed on a beginner's level to When questioned about the familiarize the student with the aims of Theatre Labora t ory, Mr . methods and techniques of the Perna replied that he was theatre and also to give him an "striving toward the treatment of overall view of theatre producthis workshop as a professional tion. Mr. Perna commented that theatre ." He concluded by saying "the experience the student will that "by working together with the gain from participating in the students he hopes to accomplish Theatre Laboratory will be useful the building up of this theatre in many other field!! other than the group in a similar fashion to the theatre." When asked how a building up of any other group student will benefit from taking which is involved in a theatre." this course, Mr . Perna, clothed in his usual wild attire, paused and replied, "Theatre Laboratory will expose the student to the various (Continued from page 1) forms of theatre as well as to what really is involved in play producDirector, which means he now has tion and how the finished product 100% responsibility. is obtained. The student will learn In the beginning of October, Joe what goes on behind the scenes and his family moved into a house and who is involved in doing on campus (FORMERLY THE what." NOVITIATE) that he is renting. Previously, he had to travel 80 HOW AND WHY DID miles a day back and forth from THEATRE LABORATORY work. Living on campus will give COME INTO EXISTENCE? him an opportunity to spend more In talking with Toni Fazzi, time with his family, and have him current President of Cast & Script, much closer to his job. and Bonnie Adlestein, many Joe has been married four years. misconceptions about the origin of In fact, for his wedding he baked this course were made clear. To his own three-tier cake. He and his trace the evolution of Theatre wife Mary have two children; Joey Laboratory it is necessary to go is nearly three and Michelle is back to last semester when a new one. Next semester, Mary Fleming Cast & Script Society was being will be the coordinator of the formed. It seems that last January babysitting service, which is in its the club had applied to the first full year of operation . Its English Department to receive headquarters will be moved from credit for their activities . As its present location (the Jablonski things stood then, the club had no section of Grace Hall)down to the moderator and seemed to display Flemings' house. There will be a a lack of organization. Toni Fazzi playroom and a crib room, and along with a group of interested plenty of outdoor space. students "fomulated ideas and Joe is only 24 years old. He feels molded plans for the upcoming his youth is one · of his greatest semester." While waiting for a assests for this job . "It's not as if reply to their request about credit, I'm against the students," he said . Dr. Frank Saul, Chairman of the "It's more that I'm one of them. English Depatment, guided the It's not too long ago that I was a group to organization but still student myself, and I feel I can they had no moderator . It was exsatisfy them." plained to the students that t.he
Denise Genello, assisted by Mr. Daniele Perna demonstrates "Emotion in Dance" during the co-ed dance · class.
MalesJoin Dance Class
And Then There Were· Four by Louis Zaccagni What started out as a mistake on a roster turned out to be a turning point in Dan Perna 's dancing class . Dan Langan, a freshman , was given dance instead of gym, but instead of dropping it he "stu ck it out. " Less than t wo weeks later t he roll incre ased one more. Lou Za cc agni was t he addition , but the miracle did not end there . Shortl y thereafter the count upped by two more - Ed Fo nash and Mike Pizzut o. Thi s may not seem like earthshattering news, but to the girls in the dance class it was a welcome
change . The new classma t es gave the girls a chance to work with males and t o develop the ir dan ci ng and lifting techniques. Alt h ough th e futur e of dance cl ass sho ul d look bright , ther e are some unn ecessary problems. The obvious one is the lack of male enrollmen t . Thi s depri ves many girls the chance to work with a boy partn er. But all in all, con sid erin g the total amount of boys at Cab rini, four is a tremendous number. The benefi ts of a dan ce cl ass are numerous , espe ci all y i n t he
developme nt of the body. Dan ci ng helps bring a bou a unity of mi nd and body . It also psychologically helps the boys adapt to a femal e oriented school. _fo important though, is that anyone inta-ested in pursuing drama or balle as a career, will find a dance class very helpful. Fun? Sure it ' fun. The class i conducted in a lighthearted manner but it does entail desir e and cooper ation. So think about it, it's a new exper ience and a great deal of fun , all for the cost of a litt le effort.
Student WorkingOn Degree
A Unique Student Teacher
by Bonnie Adleslein Not all the teachers on campus are on the faculty. A freshman, Jeannette Zoto, is a dancing instru ctress. She received her degree last semester at the Academy of Music . She is now working on her Masters Degree in Ballet with classes every day while she teaches. Her classes consist of small children and the intermediate levels . " I never realized how much variety was demanded when teaching such small children . Their attention span is so limited that you have to do something different every few minutes." Jeannette started dancing when she was four years old . "I wanted to be a ballerina all my life. I had to quit after eight years because I was neglecting school, but after five years of waiting I really wanted to go back so much ." "Dancing is complete expression, coordination, gracefulness, absolute beauty, relaxation, dramatic . . . I love it." She explained that even if you are in a group of dancers, you are completely different. "Every step is your own, in a way, because you have your own style . When I dance to music I become a part of it and at the end I am mentally as well as physically exhausted. To me, dan -
cing is like my eating , never ending . Seriously though, it 's like life with its ups and downs and where you have to give your all to get anything out of it." Jeannette is majoring in Special Education . She hopes to work with and help retarded and emotionally disturbed children . "Dancing is very important to me , but I also want some type of background. I want to go •
professional or at least open my own school. In professional work you have to be very careful ; a lot of those places are no good and tricky . I don't plan on staying in the business for any great length of time. I mean , it 's impossible for a dancer to be as good as she wa; . when she started . I want to help people and especially children . I want to work towards something for myself always ."
LOQUITUR Editorial
Board .. . ....
: ... . Joanne Barbano , Terry Cavanaugh Connie Cesare
Editors . .. Ray Crew, Bonnil3 Adlestein
Art Editor ........ Circulation
. .. · ....
. ..........
Manager . ........
: . .. Marie Andrelczyk . ......
Julie Cicatello
Staff , . .. ................. .. .... . Bonnie Adlestein , Mary Lynn Carone, Lorraine Ostrowski , Michelle Perna, Beth Schweitzer, Mary Beth Senkewicz, Louis Zaccagni , Ray Crew, Carol Mele
October 23, 1973
An Experiencewith Grotowski
''I See You, I React To You" by Michelle Perna To try to explain the experience in terms of plot alone would take away from the impact of the performance. I say this because the meanings and substance of the work is maintained through body movement, facial expression, dance, vocal outburst, pantomime, and physical exuberance. Grotowski believes " that the actor must unveil himself, that he must release that which is most personal and always do it authentically". For Grotowski the audience also plays just as important a part as the actors. Perhaps the best way to comprehend the audience's part is to use Grotowski's words: What part does the audience play? Why worry about what the audience's part ought to be? And what does it really mean "the audience"? We are doing something, and there are others, who want to meet us; this is not the audience, they are concrete human beings; some are opening
He stood, inside an old church, a deep penetrating stare fixed on his face. As each individual passed he seemed to read their body movements, thoughts, and very soul. Yet, uneasiness did not become a part of the atmosphere. Only the rythmic sound of breathing and the low,buzzing hum of whispers could be heard in the old stone church . He made his way to the far corner of the room. Ascending from his feet was a narrow staircase. We were lead in groups of five up the staircase to a dark hollowed opening . Five obscure figures lay motionless on the wooden floor. Making a double ring around the figures we sat in silence . .. Jerzy Grotowski had made his presence known by acknowledging the viewers that were about to experience his Apocalypsis Cum Figuris. The text of "Apocalypsis" is a culmination of citations from the Bible, the works of Dostoyevsky, T.S. Eliot, and Simone Weil.
their doors, others come to the meeting, there is something that will happen between us. This is more important than having an idea about the "audience" and its role . Grotowski is the founder and the director of the Polish Laboratory Theatre. He visited Philadelphia recently to share with students from various schools and universities such a "meeting". Something did happen between us . For some of us the beginning of the performance ended any alienation that might have been present. Expressions such as pain, sympathy, disgust, anger , and hysteria were projected on the faces of the observers as spontaneously as film being shown from a film projector . For some, the experience was total, for others it was complete alienation. For all it was as Jerzy Grotowski probably anticipated it to be, an experience.
Campus Comments school students about Cabrini life . The student to student experience is more effective than many other approaches . The Tour Days were a great success, and all because enough students organized to assist in this recruiting effort. We could not have done it without you. Thanks, again. COLLEGE DAY On Fall Open House will be held on Thursday, November 1. A full day of activities is planned for interested high school students, and includes attending a class in session, an information panel (admission, financial aid, activities, student life), tours of the campus, lunch with the people, and visiting faculty members and student majors in the department offices. We feature individual attention at Cabrini. We would like to begin by giving individual attention to the visiting prospective students.
Mr. Thomas McGrath -
Lecturer in English
People Are
Please volunteer for a College Day concerning The Army-McCarthy Committee . Sign up in the Ad- Hear ings will be shown on Ocmissions Office, or on our posters. tober 24 in the Library Conference If you can not give us a part of Room . Following will be an open your day on November 1, be your- discussion of the relationships betself . . . be friendly and en- ween those hearings and thusiastic . Watergate . The time will be anAND OTHER THOUGHTS nounced. You can help to spread the word about Cabrini in many ways . Visit SOCIAL SCIENCE your high school. The y like to find On Octo ber 24, three speakers out what their alumni are doing . will discuss "The Social Science Tell them you are doing it at Major and the Job Market." The Cabrini (they may not know) . Ask discussion will be held at 7 p.m . in us if any students from your high the Library Conference Room .
Dr . Mar garet Mary Rehe r Assistant Professor of Religion Department Chairman
school have requested admission
information. You could write a short note to them to tell them that they already have a friend on campus. Perhaps you have an idea of your own. Stop by the Admissions office and tell me about it. HISTORY CLUB The movie, "Point
of Order,"
PHILOSOPHY Milton Nahm , Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bryn Mawr College will speak on "Tragedy and Creativity ," October 23 in the Library Conference Room . The lecture will begin at 8 p.m . and refreshments will be served .
Talking Mrs. Nancy Rush Early Childhood Department
The NationalPoetry Press
ANNOUNCES The closing date for the submission of manuscripts by College Students is
NOVEMBER 5 ANY STUDENT attending either junior or senior college is eligible to submit his verse. There is no limitation as to form or theme. Shorter works are preferred by the Board of Judges, because of space limitations. Each poem must be TYPED or PRINTED on a separate sheet, and must bear the NAME and HOME ADDRESS of the student, and the COLLEGE ADDRESS as well. MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to the OFFICE OF THE PRESS
Los Angeles, Calif. 90034
/ Mrs. Michele Doman -
Lecturer in Math
October 23, 1973
by MaryLynn Carone
October 2j'73 TWO WOMEN-Directed bv Vittorio De Sica. With Sophia Loren, Jean-Paul ,Belmondo, Raf Vallone. (f¡ormal attire optional)
October 23/'73
Col le9e
A unique program ha s recently been instituted at Cabrini College, evolving from a concept developed by Dr . Joseph Romano and Mrs . Estelle Oristaglio . This program is called "Rostrum", a speaker's bureau sponsored by and composed of Cabrini's own faculty. The purpose of this bureau is to share with the surrounding community the many talents and special interests of Cabrini's faculty . Dr . Romano feels that others, besides the Cabrini community, should be shown exactly what Cabrini has an original and diversified faculty. The idea for " Rostrum" sprang up during informal talks last summer, and a letter explaining the program was sent out to each member of the faculty. Interested instructors were asked to submit two or three different topics having different appeals, some to be aimed at strictly academic Ettore Colla audiences and some to be aimed at more mixed ones. Dr. Romano is very excited with the "marvelous" response of the faculty. He feels that there are (Continued from page I) some "fascinating" topics being offered and that in general the obscenity laws," this reporter concooperation has been tremendous. ducted an informal survey of Talks that a group could hear several students , teachers and in clude themes in Psychology and Sisters. Education, Fine Art s, Histor y and The first question was, "What is the Social Sciences, Folkl ore and your definition of obscenity?" The Literature , Communications and number of different responses the M.edia, Mathematics and almost correspo nded to the numScience, Phil osop h y, Paraber of people interviewed. Many psychology; even Financial Aid. answers contained words which The situations that they would be needed defining themselves, such offered in range from professional as "offensive," "gross," "dirty ," talks to informal discussions. etc . A few people thought that Catalogues of lecturers and there was no definition for obtheir specific topics were mailed scenity. Regardless of social out the week of October 12th to position in the college community, area high schools, colleges, and responses were highly subjective. community groups. Contained in The second question, a bit less these catalogues is an application abstract, was "What would you to be mailed in by interested think of a law banning obscenity organizations. The usual fee is $25.00 per lecture , but any organization lacking a budget to cover a guest lecturer will nevertheless be sent a speaker and Cabrini itself will cover the costs.
Page 5
DIVORCE, ITALIAN STYLE-Directed by Pietro Germi . With Marcello Mastroianni, Dan iela Rocca, LGopoldo Trieste.
November 13j'73 ROCCO AND HIS BROTHERS-Directed by Luchino Visco:iti. With Alain Delon, Renato Sa lvatori, Annie Girardot.
December 4/'73 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW Directed by Pasolini. With Enrique lrazoque, Margheri ta Ca ruso, Mario Socrate.
January 22/'74 THE EASY LIFE-Directed by Dino Risi. W ith Vittorio Gassman, Jean-Lo uis Trintignant , Ca therine Spaak.
February 12/'74 RED DESERT-Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni. With Monica Vitti , Carlo Chione tti, Xenia Valderi.
March 12/'74 '81fi-Directed by Federico Fellini. With Marcello Mastroianni, C laudia Cardinale, Sandra Milo.
April 2/'74 ACCA HONE-D irected by Pier Pao lo Pasolin i. With Franco Citti , Silvana Cors ini, Adriana Asti . 8:00 P.M.-
(in movies, books, etc.) entirely?" Approximately 90% of those interviewed denounced the proposed hypothetical law. The response in almost every case was, "It should be left up to the individual." About half of those who gave this response added that such a law would be impossible to enforce. It was compared to the Prohibition Laws of the 1920s. Even the four people who showed support for such a law commented on enforcement difficulties. All of this bring u ba ck to Attorney Seidman's comments on the subjective nature of obscenity. Although his lecture was entitled, "Obscenity, What Is It?" a definite answer was never arrived at . Perhaps the futility of this search for definitions can best be described by a Latin statement which translates, "In matters of taste there is no dispute."
Laurence Auditorium Free Parking
SPORT SHORTS by Marybeth Senke"\\icz . . . There is one Cabrini girl, ophomore Judy Mitchell. on Eastern' hocke y team thi year. . . . For anyone interested in basketball, practice tarts ovemher 1st at 3:45 p.m - in the gym. If you can't make it that day , come the next. The team play three preseason and 15 regular seasons games. There is both a var ity and a j.v. The first game is against Villanova, on their court, January 24th. ... Gym classes are now co-ed. . . . Dr. Girard seems to be enjoying speedball.
.. _ Dan ce classes are also co-ed thi year. . .. There are ten den taking horseback riding thi semester. ... If the gym is available, look out fo the student-faculty voile ball game ometime in ovember, before Thanksgiving. . . . wimming i available, free, at Villanova. For more information, talk to Mrs. Goodwin.
. .. There is touch football every Sunday afterno on on the hockey field. For more information about it , talk to Larry Sugden.
A Renewalof
Soilisforplants, Notfortiretracks.
Yes,there are a lot of "TheBattleof theSexes" good reasons for woinen to quit sinoking. Dr.Romano vs.
Thursday,October25- 3:30 SO~Donation for the
Lawrence SedlerMemorial Fund GIVE A HOOT. DON'T POLLUTE @psc;:
Fmdyours. ( ) That "Smoke Pretty" ad makes me furious. Whoever made that up knows where the money is-fewer women than men are quitting. But they won't get rich over my dead body. ( ) I want to be a teacher . How can I discourage kids from smoking when I smoke? ( ) I know my father's been trying to quit. How can he with me still puffing away? ( ) I want to wake up feeling fresh and clean again. I've had it with nicotine hang-over in the mornings . ( ) The thing that appeals to me most is: If you quit for good, in most cases it can be as if you never smoked. ( ) Somewhere in the back of my head I've been nursing the illusion that smoking is really only dangerou s for men. I've just seen the latest statistics. The death rate for women who smoke is more than 20% higher than for women who don't. We've come a long way baby, but I'm not going any further. Now all you need is help and encouragement. Send a postcard today to: Women and Smoking, Rockville, Md. 20852 . And we'll send some free booklets to help and encourage you. U.S . Department of Hea lth . Education. and Welfare . This space contributed as a public service.
Page 6
Equal Bights Amendment Bracelet
Showyour support for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by buying and weari ng the ERAbracelet. Madeof nickel silver--with the letters E.R.A. pierced into it--the bracelet can be worn by both men and women. It will also make a nice Christmas gift.
Proceeds from the sale of the bracelets will go toward getting the Amendmentratified.
COST: $3.00 prepaid, i ncluding postage
ORDER FROM: League of WomenVoters 11313 Frederick Avenue Beltsville, Md. 20705 Maryland residents,
add 4 percent sales tax
October 23, 1973