Mar. 12, 1974 issue 06 Loquitur

Page 1

Vol. XX, No. 6



Biology Chemistry Education English Fine Arts History Language Mathematics Philosophy Psychology Social Science Theology




20% J2% 18% 1J%

J5% J5%

27% 21% 26%


18% 22% 16% 12% J2% 52% 29%


J5% J2% J5% JO% 20% 27%


16% J6% 2J%



13% 11% 6% 6% 5% 10%

5% 1% 1%

1% J%



105 209 249 109



1% 8% 4%

9% 1%

1.36 172 181






Biology Chemistry Education English

Fine Arts History Language Mathematics Philosophy Psychology Religion Social Science

11% 24% 43% 17%

53% 18%


29% 22%

27% 1J% 44%


JS% 54%


42% 19%





J5% JJ% 41%

25% 26%

40% 42"

40% 31% 25% 40%

.36% J4% 37%


10% 8% 2%


14% J% 3%


J% 7%

29% 31%


40% 13%



11% 37%

4% J6%




5% 7% 7% 4%

5% 3% 2% .3% J% 2% .3% 2%

141 115 324 193 55 193


15.3 147 153 151





C- Below Average? By Joanne Tables, percentages, departments - Grade Distributions so what do they prove? What these tables prove is for you to conclude; the following is what they show: -the standard bell curve norm of grading is practically nonexistent. CONCLUSION: C is not an average grade but rather below average -the percentage of A's given by the Education Department has increased by 25% since 1972 while the total percentage of A's and B's has increased by 17% ALSO: while the .percentage of A's has increased during the same time span, the percentage of B's has decreased by 8% -the percentage of A's and B's given by the Religion Department has decreased by 36% since 1972 BUT: there has been a change in name as well as department members which appears to have resulted in a different grading standard -the percentage of A's and B's given by the Language Department has increased by 13% since 1972


POSSIBLE REASON: the increase in the percentage of A's and B's is said to be attributed to a more strict attendance policy adopted by the Language Department -the percentage of A's and B's given by the Math Department has increased by 18% since 1972 POSSIBLE REASON : an experiment with the contract system in one of the sections of Math 111, Math for Elem Sch, has resulted in a high number of A's The above points are only a few of the highlights in the comparison of the Grade Distributions of 1972 and 1973. These observations are based on the information that was available to this reporter. They are in no way final judgments on any specific departments. To give a true picture of the grade distribution, many other variables must be taken into consideration. For instance, since 1972 there has been a reduction in the General Education requirements; Religion has dropped from 12 credits to 6 credits which accounts for the decrease in the number of students; also,

Philosophy and English have reduced the requirements by 3 credits which accounts for the drop in st udents ; the Language requirement is still 6 credits but these can be attained on the Introductory level. Another point which should be noted is that included in the percentage of grades for the Education Department are those grades for Special Education which include the following; A's 9%, B's - 9%, C's - 44%, D's 21 % , and F's - 17% . Total number of grades given out was 23. It should also be noted here that these percentages DO NOT include those Special Education courses which are marked on a Pass /Fail basis. Out of the 36 grades given in those courses the percentage of P's and F's are as follows: P 's 100% , F's - 0% . Another variable which should be considered in evaluating the Distribution of Grades is the Enrollment for both years. For 1972 the enrollment is as follows: Full Time - 385; Part Time - 27, Unclassified 1; Full Time Equivalency411; Total Number (Continued on page 2)

March 12, 1974

WhereHaveAll The DollarsGone? By Lorraine Money! No matter how much you have it never seems to be enough, right? Well friend, take your own problem of making ends meet and magnify it a few thousand times. What have you got? It's a hungry, miserly, nameless beast lurking at the door of your local college. It inhales harq earned cash and reluctantly doles out books and pencils in return. At present, both public and private colleges and universities are involved in the chaos this beast creates. According to a report from the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities, public college tuitions are among the highest in the nation. As for private schools, you Cabrini students will watch your own tuition rise $250 this coming year. Tuition hikes like these renew fears that private schools haven't long to last. Most authors of articles this reporter has read agree that the collapse of private institutions would cause added financial burdens on the state and limited educational variety for the student. Currently, the estimated cost per student per year in a public college is $2400 in public funds. This figure does not include the $700 $900 tuition charge at many state

Ostrowski schools. At Cabrini, it costs approximately $3300 to educate you for one year. Multiply this figure by the enrollment m Pennsylvania's private colleges, subtract Federal Funds and student paid tuition, and you'll come up with a financial nightmare that the state can't afford to handle. How do private schools manage to survive from one year to the next? Tuition makes up a part of the deficit and, in the words of Dr . Brown, we "stand on the comer with a tin cup" for the rest . The missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and other outside sources help keep Cabrini going . Survival also hinges on management. The actual cost per credit at Cabrini has gone from 110 to 9 in the pa t three years . Scheduling improvements, u e of courses at Eastern and the hiring of part-time faculty to replace full time has saved some money . All of this is keeping chool like Cabrini abo, ¡e water now , but how. long can this last? Committees throughout the country (Committee for Economic Development; Carnegie Commission, etc.), are looking for a way ¡ to keep that hungry, miserly nameless beast from devouring the private school. One system of financial aid (Continued on page 2)

Page 2


March 12, 1974


The ProcessOf I mpeachme ·nt., By Terry Cavanaugh

I1t1pead1ment !fas been talked about a lot recently by just about everyone. The man in the street, the retired couple, the college student and every type of politician - they've all had a few words to say about impeachment , and more specifically, about Richard M. Nixon . Frank Goodman recently gave his thoughts on the subject of impeachment. Mr. Goodman spoke to about 30 people on Thursday night, February 21. He is a professor of constitutional law at the University of Pennsylvania, and was introduced by Ms . Sharon Schwarze as "an expert in this area."

Mr. Goodman cleared up any misconceptions still lingering about what impeachment was. An impeachment is an indictment to go to trial. It follows an investigation. It is not "kicking the President out of office," as many people think. The Constitution provides that a majority vote in the House of Representatives will carry a motion to impeach. After the House has voted for impeachment, the trial is begun in the Senate . A two-thirds vote in the Senate is required to remove the President from office. Mr. Goodman spoke about the historical background of impeachment. He said that the present confusion over what exa ctly is an impeachable offense arises from the actual wording of the Constitution . The document provides for impeachment for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanours." Historically, "high crimes and misdemeanours" is a Briti s h phrase that covered all manner of political offenses. When the U.S . Constitution was written, there was considerable debate over whether the phrase should read simply "treason and bribery ," "treason, bribery, or corruption, " or "treason, bribery, or maladministration." The authors retreated to the familiar "high crimes and misdemeanours," without specifying whether they intended the broad (English) meaning, or a new, narrow one. Mr . Goodman contends that the Founding Fathers intended the broad political misbehavior that the words had al ways meant in England . He said it is unworkable to limit impeachable offenses to ordinary criminal acts , because there are some things only a President can do, for example, withholding money appropriated by Congress.

Mr. Goodman's

opinion coincides with a special report given to the House Judiciary Committee recently. Others take the narrow interpretation of "high crimes and misdemeanours." Among these are Mr. Nixon, as he stated in his recent press conference. The House Judiciary Committee is chaired by Peter Rodino, a Democrat from the 19th district in New Jersey. According to the December 2nd New York Times, 25 of the 38 committee members believe that the President could be impeached for conduct that constitutes a serious breach of public trust.

The public attitude is very important. Mr. Goodman said that since the impeachment trial is not a criminal trial, fairness to the country should be a prime consideration. This presupposition is different from that of criminal trials where fairness to the criminal is important , and where the standard of proof is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Regarding criminal trials, it is widely accepted that it is better for a guilty man to go free than for an innocent man to be punished. Mr. Goodman believes that it may be preferable for an innocent official to lose his post than for a guilty man to remain President. He said that the country should not be made to "limp along" under the leadership of a man who cannot be proven guilty. The standard of proof for an impeachment, Mr. Goodman said, should be "more likely guilty than not." On the other hand, Congress may decline to impeach even if there has been an impeachable offense. They may decide that impeachment would tear the country apart, at a time when the people prefer to look the other way and ignore a President's offenses . On December 13, The New York Times reported that a Gallup poll taken between November 30 and December 3 showed Nix..!,m's approval to have risen to 31% from a low of 27% . Last week a federal grand jury indicted seven top Nixon aides, including John Mitchell, John Ehrlichman, and H. R. Haldeman . It would not be surprising if these indictments cause approval of Nixon to drop again. Certainly the Lawmakers are concerned about the mood of the electorate. About a month ago, there was an election in Michigan to fill the seat vacated by Vice President Gerald Ford . His was a conservative district which had elected only Republicans to Congress since 1910. A liberal Democrat won the seat. He had made the election a referendum on Nixon ' s resignation. When something like that happens , Congress knows the people are saying something . However, there is not the massive call for impeachment that some might expect to hear. Polls show discontent with Mr. Nixon, but the discontent stops short of impeachment. On December 19, The New York Times ran an opinion by Paul Levental, special counsel for a U.S. Senate subcommittee . Mr . Levental said that Mr. Nixon's chief offense is that he is "so representative of the flaws of his country ." He describes our chief executive as the "president of the world 's largest corporation" and again as "the most successful American in the game Americans play best - or wish they could."

Mr. Levental says that Mr. Nixon's excesses - the income-tax shading, the ruthless competition, the intense sense of privacy , and the strict sense of order - these are easily understood in the context of a corporation executive. They are "American" characteristics. He concludes that "the Nixon scandal gives us an op-

portunity to see ourselves and to say 'enough'." According to Mr. Goodman, this impeachment is the most divisive issue the Republicans have ever faced. He said if a Republican 'representative votes for impea chment, he will lose up to 30% of his electorate - the old diehard Republicans . If he votes against it, he will lose some votes, but he won't gain the enmity of the electorate .

Mr. Goodman also sees the issue as a problem for Democrats . They have to look to the future in deciding whether or not to vote impeachment by themselves - thus making it a partisan issue . Mr. Goodman said that many of the President' s so-called "offenses " simply were not impea chable offenses . These include his inc ome tax evasion , the bombing of Cambodia, the nondisclosure of bombing activities, the milk deal" and the ITI incident. He went on to say that if bread goes up to a dollar a loaf and gas line s get 15 minutes longer , the mood of the people may shift dramati cally. If the President is impeached, Mr. Goodman said , it will ha ve t o be on a charge of obst ru ct ion of justi ce, related to the Watergate cover-up . He finds it difficult to imagine an innocent explanation for the 18-minute tape gap. Mr. Goodman said that if the 18min u te gap does not move Congress to impeach , nothing else will. Nothing else revealed so far, that is. Mr. Goodman expects that there will be future disclosures , although he said they probably won't be incriminating , as there is a very good chance the evidence will have been doctored.

Even if the Rodino Committee decided to recommend impeachment , and did so by March or April, Mr. Goodman sees little chance that the President could be removed from office before the end of his term. The House would want to call witnesses and debate the motion and only if they passed it , would the Senate begin a trial probably a lengthy one.

Mr. Goodman summed up his thoughts by saying that resignation is not likely, nor is it likely that the necessary twothirds of the Senate will vote for removal from office. He startled his audience by saying that, in his opinion, more likely than either of the above was the possibility that Mr . Nixon will "crack under the strain. " Mr . Goodman graduated from Harvard Law School. He recently served as director of research of the Administrative Conference of the United States, which was authorized by the Supreme Court to investigate and . propose methods of judicial reform in the interest of better administration of the judicial system. The talk, which took place in the Library Conference Room, was sponsored by the Philosophy Department.

Impressions Of The General StudentBodyMeeting By Mary Beth Senkewicz There was a mimeographed sign posted on the door. "General Student Body Meeting, Friday, 10 a.m., Gym." Friday. What day is today? Wednesday, I think . I make a mental check next to the Friday 10 a.m. slot in my mind. I wonder what it's about? On February 22nd I flutter into the gym about three minutes after ten, my arms loaded down with books, birthday presents and cards received in the mail that morning. I drop my packages and look up , hopefully . I am crushed . There are less than fifty people in the gym. Joe Silvestrini opened the meeting by dis cussing the rules con cerning smoking in Sacred Heart Hall . It is permitted only in the lobby . "The fire marshal' saw all the cigarette butts on the floor in the classrooms and said the school could be fined." Joe wanted everyone to be aware of the situation and adhere to the stricter rules. The topic then turned to t he concert of the night before . SG A had sponsored Sams vn , The Jack Chance Band, and Fores t Green in the gym . The largest estimate of

the crowd 1 heard was fifty. I thought that was being generous . "Well, we just lost six hundred and fifty dollars on that thing last night . We poll the students, they want a concert, we give a concert . I know there are some outside factors, but I can't see this ." Joe Feighan ventured to remark that perhaps we should have realized we can't depend on the turnout of Carbini students at all and therefore have to rel y solely on publicity to draw people. " I'm not blaming anyone," Silvestrini said . "All I'm saying is that now we have to build up t he Speakers Fund before we c an have anything ." Things were quie t for a second. "Okay, thanks for coming ," Joe said . People stirred . " l s t hat all?" I heard some one say. " What are they doing ab out administrative bullshit?" I hea rd omeone else . "I don 't know , bu t I wis h they' d do something!" sa id even so meone else. I wa s honestly a litt le surprised. I'd never hea rd anyone from Cabrin i say it out loud before . "Right on !" I thought to myself .

Letter Dear Students, At the meeting of the Council of College Affairs, on February 27, I explained to representatives of the campus community some decisions taken by our Board of Trustees at the pecial eeti ng of February 25. Th e st ud ents prese nt suggested that this " open letter " would be the best vehicle for disseminating the news on campus. A similar letter will be forwarded to parents shortly. I am sure that you are all quite well aware of rising costs , e.g. fuel, utilities, supplies , etc. Although there has been admirable student cooperation · in energy conservation, there are many areas where administrators, faculty and students are powerless to control inflation. In view then of a mounting budget deficit the Trustees of the college, after close cooperation with the budget committee, voted the following for 1974-75: General Fees no increase Tuition - from $1500 to $1750 (comparable increases will affect part-time and evening students) Room and Board from $1300 to $1350 The Department of Health, Education and Welfare has been

informed of thes e incr eas es in the hope t ha t a ddi tio nal finan cial aid for st uden ts will be forth coming . Even with increases the college will be operating with a sizeable deficit again this ·ear . ub tantial up port will be deriv Missi onary S ist ers of the Sa cred Heart and the renewed effort s of myself, Miss Roddy, Vi ce President for Development and Public relations, and the college Trustees to raise additional funds . Sincerely, Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, M.S.C. President

Grades (Continued

from page 1)

of People - 413. For 1973 the enrollment is the following : Full Time - 374 ; Part Time 63; Unclassified 3; Full Time Equivalency 417 ; and Total Number of People - 440. By taking into consideration all of these points one may obtain a clearer picture of the existing grading system at Cabrini College and a closer look at the academic program .

LOQUITUR Editorial

Board . .........

Photography ...........


. .......

. ......

. Joanne Barbano Terry Cavanaugh Connie Cesare . . Terry Cavanaugh

Manager .. . .. . ..........

Julie Cicotello

Staff ...... . ..................... Bonnie Adlestein, Mary Lynn Carone, Lorraine Ostrowski, Michelle Perna, Beth Schweitzer, Mary Beth Senkewicz

March 12, 1974


Page 3

The Other Side Of The Pumps By Michelle Lines get longer. Tempers flare . In some cases the mild mannered businessman regresses back to his caveman tendencies ... all for a meager portion of the "magic gas", that may, if he is lucky, last long enough to get him back to the office. "Am I an even day or an odd ... what do I do if I am an out of state driver ... what do you mean


you can't give me gas?!" There are trials and tribulations to being an American in a country that is not in a "recession." Again the common man loses ground in his battle of survival, especially now with his four wheels pulled out from under him because of an empty gas tank. Things look bad from the driver's side but what about the other side of the pump? We pull up


...... ~~,



after waiting in line anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour and a half, our body circulation impaired except for the foot on the gas pedal and the two fingers used to turn the key. But did you ever stop to look at the frenzied little man running from one gas tank to the next with his hand perpetually glued to the gas nozzle? You may be waiting in those long, depressing lines but he is the one servicing your car and the twenty-five or more cars behind you~ If you like, you may pick up a "wait-in-line-for-gas hobbie," for instance, reading, letter writing, knitting, or you may go from car to car meeting new and interesting people . You can also turn off the world with your stereo tape cassette player, if you are lucky enough to own one, or just bop to the latest "bubble gum" tunes. At any rate, being on the inside looking out seems to have more advantages then being the fellow on the outside looking in. He could probably win an academy award if he were photographing all the dramatic faces, gnashing of teeth, animalistic grunts, glarring stares and obscene dialogue to which he is exposed everytime he attempts to open up his gas pumps. You may be lucky enough to return to work after you have received your "every-other -da y ration" of gas. The average gas station owner is lucky if he can stay open two or three days out of his usual five day work week. Those garage owners who depend on just the pumping of gas and no mechanical services may even find themselves unable to open for as long as we have been waiting in those long lines. What is the fate of this man who has a family and expenses just like the next man? If the price of gas goes up, who is the first to hear about it? Your local gas station at-

FREEPORTSANJUAN JAMAICA $214* $189* $194* To the most for your money,we literally combedthe world for ideas and places.We'veextended ourselvesin many ways- like reservingan entire new hotel in Jamaica-to come up with pricesyou'll find extremely reasonable.Never fear-no cornerswere cut on the good time you'll have.

Sunshine,tennis, and casinos-what better way to spend a week's vacation. Calypso's the beat you'll dance to, freedom'sthe song you'll sing.A commercial flight bringsyou to the blue skiesand good times. Cometo Freeport.Wespeak your language.(8 days, 7 nights)

For information Contact Dean of Students

Shoppingin an old Spanishtown, lyingon a goldenbeach, or visitinga tropical rain forest- this is San Juan by day. As the sun sets, get readyfor a gourmet feast and a choice of casinosand floor shows.A Pan Am 747 waits for you. It's time for your vacation. (8 days, 7 nights)

The islandof endless summer,beacheswith cool seas,hot music and easy living.Fly via Air Jamaicato the incomparableGolden HeadBeachHotel, overlookingboth the blue Caribbeanand the tropical beauty of Jacks River.A warm packageof value. (8 days, 7 nights)

or Larry Sugden C144 687-2100, Ext. 52

• Price based on minimum accommodation : excludes tips, taxes.

tendant. He is even in jeopardy of losing his steady customers because he abides by the law and refuses to give gas to a customer if it is not his day . Many city gas station owners have even asked for police protection . When t hey must close their pumps, there are remaining cars of angry people who were unable to get gas. The attendent has a real and justified fear of being beaten up. The innocent gas station owner is becoming the scape goat for

some of us who are frustrated from going from station to station seeing "NO GAS" signs decoratin~ windows and black topped islands . Next time you pull up to the pumps, think about the man holding the gas nozzle. He may have gained a two cent raise from the gas he pumps, but he can't be ·sure of his monthly allocation. Like most of us, he has nothing to do with not having gas enough to please the many people lined up waiting for it .

Med Tech

HardWorkWell WorthIt by Beth Schweitzer The first Medical Technology majors will be graduating from Cabrini College next year. Ginny Brigandi, Ro Miller and Pat Pinnelli will not be attending classes at Cabrini after this semester. They are medical technology majors , and unlike the other majors at Cabrini , they will continue and complete their senior year of education doing an internship at a hospital lab affiliated with Cabrini. Cabrini first offered a degree in Medical Technology in the Spring of 1972. At this time three students enrolled in the course. Each had

will be interning at West Jersey H ospital, Voorhees Township, N.J. and Pat will intern at Bryn Mawr Ho pital, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Their enior year of internship will cover the study of each area of the ho pital lab. Some of these area being. chemi try, bacteriology, virology and blood bank. A certain amount of time will be devoted to each individual lab. After the 1,welve months of study, it is possible for the student to specialize in one specific area after a peri cd of intense basic training.

an interest in the sciences and wanted to do laboratory work. Both Ro and Pat have had previous experience working in a hospital and this helped in making the final decision of majoring in Med Tech. Ro spent her past summer working as a lab technician at Walson Army Hospital in Fort Dix, N.J. This gave her first-hand experience in the hospital lab . Before a person can be a certified medical technologist, he or she must have three years of a college education with 16 semester hours each in chemistry and biology, and clinical education and experience in a hospital educational program in medical technology. One must also take an examination and be certified by the Board of Registry of Medical Technologists of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists. Each has been accepted to the hospital of her choice for the next year's internship . Ginny and Ro

Ginny, Ro and Pat \1,111 n"• only benefit from the expenence of 'he year of study, but will receive a monthly salary of approximately $130.00. After the three become certified medical technologists they will be qualified to do more than just operate laboratory equipment. They are the laboratory workers who test, teach, supervise and serve as research assistants. With a B.S. degree in Med Tech they have the opportunity to work in hospital administration with an excellent salary compared to someone without the degree. Ginny, Ro and Pat unanimously agreed that Cabrini College has an excellent Medical Technology department with a respectable reputation among the hospitals. Medical Technology is a new field for a career with a rewarding future. As Ro said, "Be willing to do a lot of hard work and study. It's difficult, but in the end it's worth it."

Page 4

March 12, 1974



SightandSound TheatreLab Improvisational Comedy Review directed by

Christopher Appletree

Thursday, March 21 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. Cabrini Auditorium The Theatre Lab class proudly announces that production is underway for two plays which are to be presented this semester. The plays are Robert Anderson's, "Tea and Sympathy" and Neil Simon's, "Plaza Suite." The performances will take place on April 24, 25, 26 and 27 in the Grace Hall smoker .

By Cosmos The women 's basketball record now stands at 6-5, after a 4-2 start . Only one of last five games was close, a 43-36 loss to La Salle. La Salle's quick passing and good rebounding enabled them to slide past Cabrini. It was at this game in Cabrini's gym that the referee s first exhibited thei r aversion to our guys rooting for the team out loud . It seems that any reference to a call pos sibl y beingbad te rribl y up sets and insults the referee s, a nd they deem it within their power to not have to listen to anything they don't agree with by threatening to kick people out of the gym . The other games were all lopsided, Cabrini losing to St . Joe 's 44-30 and to Swarthmore 64-4 7, while beating PCB 53-33 and Rosemont 52-31. Betty Mulhern has been Cabrini's leading scorer in four of those five games, with 15,11,21 and 18-point games . Mary Beth Senkewicz was high in the other game with 17 points. (High scorer, that is.) The Rosemont game was interesting because of the reffing. One of the refs was making consistently bad calls (in my opinion), especially again st Mary Beth. Mary Beth jokingly confided to me later, "I don't think she likes me for some reason . Maybe it 's the headband!" But she wasn 't joking when later on in the game the same ref gave her a technical foul and threw her out of the game for "unsportsmanlike conduct ." Funny, nobody (including Cabrini 's coach , Mrs . Goodwin) saw any such conduct on Mary Beth's part . "What did you do, curse at her under your breath or something?" people asked M .B. as she walked off the court. "No. I didn't do anything . I don 't understand ." The girls last two games are in the gym this week, Tuesday at 7 p.m. and Thursday at 7:30 p .m. Men's Basketball The men have improved their record to 7-2. In their last four games, they are 3-1, the defeat coming at the hands of Guffin II, the same team that handed them their only defeat. They lost that game 47-32, with Tommy Nerney scoring 14 points for Cabrini. The other three games were fair ly easy victories for the guys. In one 66-34 rout, Tommy scored 26

points and Rudy Pizzuto added 13. In a 55-38 victory, Tommy again scored 26 and his brother John had 14. 1n the 45-38 victory, Rudy had 14, John and Tommy both had twelve . John Nerney has been lost to the team for the rest of the season . He hurt his leg in a pickup game in the gym, and it was to be operated on immediately . Hopefully, he will at leas t be ba ck t o watch the playoffs from the bench and cheer . GP TP AVE Betty Mulhern 11 164 14.9 Mary Beth Senkewicz 11 147 13.4 Joyce McCreesh 11 85 7.7 Mary Anne Brophyll 67 6.1 Debi Brown 11 34 3.1 Patty Givens 6 12 2.0 Tomm y Nerney Rudy Pizzuto John Nerney Larry Sugden Joe Donnelly Joe Ri ckards Pete Flamini

9 9 8 9 8 9 6

130 74 64 50 43 19 12

14.4 8.2 8.0 5.6 5.4 2.1 2.0

Dollars (Continued from page I)

which would put the private college in more equal competition with the less expensive public college is called the voucher system . Students wishing to attend institutions of higher learning would receive a set amount of money from the state to be used at the institution of their choice. Public money now used exclusively in state schools would be spread out over the board. As a result, public school tuitions would rise, but those public funds normally given to the school would be given directly to the student instead . If this system worked , not only would private institutions be given a chance, but the student would tak e advantage of the variety of educational opportunities that were formerly out of reach due to finances. The voucher system is just a suggestion . It has its opponents. However, the hungry, miserly, nameless beast gets hungrier every year. If it gobbles up the private college, who knows what it will go after next?

Performance times are follows: "Tea and Sympathy" 8:00 April 24 8:30 April 25 8:00 April 26 8:30 April 27 "Plaza Suite" 10:00 April 24 8:00 April 25 10:00 April 26 8:00 April 27

as p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m . a.m . p .m .

All of the actors are young and enthu ~iastic on top of being deter-

mined to show their audience how much they have accomplished in the Theatre Lab.


OPINIONS Are Welcome d PLEASE CONTRIBU TE You are cordially invited to see what a lot of time, love and hard work have produced .

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