Apr. 02, 1974 issue 07 Loquitur

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• Vol. XX, No. 7


April 2, 1974

Does Cabrini Need A New Security Blanket? the rising costs of security, and stated that these costs are minimal compared to what they could be. Security costs in some urban colleges have risen as much as 165%. The closer a school is to a city, the more it will have to pay for security . There is presently a bill in the Pennsylvania legislature providing for the reimbursement of private colleges and universities for security costs. The bill was introduced into the State Senate last October and finally passed this month after two amendments . I ts success seems crucial for many schools, particularly one of Cabrini 's size, to meet these rising security costs.

By Mary Lynn Carone It's becoming increasingly difficult to get into your own dorm lately. At least that's what some people say. But it's not because they feel security is too tight. Rather, a girl coming home after doors are locked often has to comb the campus looking for a security guard to let her in. Sometimes she · has to wake him up first. Meanwhile, who knows what dangers are lurking around her? Taking A New Look Certain incidents on and off campus have provoked a need to · take another look at Cabrini's security system. The recent theft of four calculators from the math department, the disappearance of $185.00 from the Magic Peddler Axler replied that it is not really sudden. Although recent events and money missing from the have brought the seriousness of the cafeteria, are good reasons in situation to a head, he says there themselves for examining the is a constant self-evaluation going present system. Coupled with the on. attack last month on a 21-year-old Each night, a tape is made of Rosemont girl, these events have any calls the sec urit y guard brought about a new awareness of receives. This tape is played back the shortcomings of Cabrini's in the morning and listened to by security and also attempts by people in the business office and students and administrators to do also by Mike Caranfa from the something about it. Security has maintenance department. A writbeen the topic of recent meetings of ten report is also made and Staff, SGA, and Council of College distributed to key members of the Affairs. Mr. Isadore Axler, Cabrini administration. They thus have a business manager , has also met record of the guard's activities with the head of Kuntz Detective during the previous night. During Agency, from which the school gets the study of these reports, Mr. its guards. Axler says, certain questions come When asked why the seeming ly to mind that must be answered. sudden interest in security, Mr.

Where Do Babies Come From? By Michelle


Where do babies come from? A simple question any co lleg e student would be able to answer. Yet what about other problems , like venereal disease, that is now at its peak of infection especially among teenagers and college students? What do students do when such a problem occurs, where do they go to for help? When I inquired as to where women students at Cabrini went or would go if they had a sexual problem many of their answers reflected a negativi sm toward any of the facilities offered to the student at Cabrini. The nurse was beneficial in aiding sore throats, colds and various similar ailments but in no way used as a source in as far as personal counselling or sexual problems . The next stop was the psychologist. I understand he has aided some students at Cabrini, however, his aid goes along with the definition of his field-psychology-which is "t he science ·that studies the mind and reasons for the ways people think and act ." The attitude some of the women held was that' if they had a

sexual problem involving their bodies it would be unlikely that they would refer to someone who deals with problems of the mind . Also t he fact that he is a male has hinder ed some women students from referring to him. Some of the students have found certain members of the faculty to be helpful in aiding them' with advice and assistance in counselli ng, yet some st uden ts would hesitate to confer with members of the faculty if they had a problem related to sex. What is being done? What is being done about t his problem? Sharon Schwarze along with some of the ot her women faculty have been very interested in eliminating such a problem. Ms . Schwarze proposes that a woman counsellor with experience in the area of sex education and knowledge about the area facilities avai lable to women, be brought in once or twice a week or once every two weeks. Bringing someone in from the outside would eliminate the fear some women on campus might experience if the counsellor were a faculty member or a school

(Continued on page 4)

The recent meetings are a result of these questions and also of the recently raised complaints and questions of students. Cabrini & Costs Cabrini presently employs two security guards. The budget allotted for security this year was $14,000.00. Mr. Axler pointed out

Cabrini Security vs. Other Schools One might be curious as to how security at Cabrini compares with other similar schools. At Immaculata, three guards are on duty at night, two from 7 p.m. until 3 a.m. and one fromll p.m. until six a.m. The guard on duty from eleven until si::: takes care of security inside ; the other two patrol the campus. Immaculata

It's Frightening-But By Lorraine


It's dark. Very dark. The library is closed and you're on your way back to the Mansion for a good night's sleep; you think. All is quiet as you pass Counsel Hall. And then it happens . Rough hands grab you from behind. Cold, sharp stee l stops you from letting go of the scream caught in your throat. Without warning, you become a victim of one of the fastest rising crimes in America . You've been raped. According to Reader's Digest , 46,430 forcible rapes were reported in America in 1972. Since 'authorities estimate that three to five times that number actually occur, the figure exceeds 200,000. Rape is an ugly crime. Twenty percent of rape victims are physically injured. The extent of mJuries ranges from severe lacerations to minor scratches and bruises . The emotional scars resulting from rape are longlasting and often aggravated by the ordeals of questioning involved in prosecuting an alleged rapist . A policeman or lawyer who believes that "nice girls don't get raped" and "bad girls shouldn't complain if they do" can be less than helpful when a woman has undergone the trauma of rape. What If It Happens to me? Women Organized Against Rape (W.O.A .R.), an organization which aids the rape victim, recommends that you call the police immediately if you are raped. In Philadelphia, for example, you will be taken to the nearest hospital at once if you have been

badly beaten. If you aren't badly ·hurt, the police will take you to the station to question you about the incident . A _description of the attacker is vital! Try to remember what he looked like, what he was wearing. Did he leave on foot or by car? What model was the car? Which way did he go? The police will convey this information in an All Points Bulletin over police radios. Don't report a rape if it wasn't a rape. This wastes police and

also gets its guards from Kuntz Dete ctive Agency. For special events, extra guards are hired . Immaculata's original estimate of security costs for the '73-'74 school year was $18,000.00. They will go over their budget, however , because of increased costs by the agency. Although it may seem that by comparison Imma culata has better security because it ha s more guards, it should be kept in mind that that school also has 450 residents, a much greater number than Cabrini. An.other area school, Harcum College, has a somewhat different system from Cabrini or lmmaculata . Instead of hiring guards from an agency, Har cum employs its own guard . They are screened by the college for their qualifi cations. Har cum's business manager , Mr. Beda , feels that this is a better y tern , because the guard are " part of the family." Har cum' guards have been there for many years, everyone know them, and he feel that thi makes for a better atmosphere. Mr. Axler , however, points out (Continued on page 2)

It Happens hospital time and is a crime against the man. It also casts a shadow on the testimony of women who really have been raped. From the police station, you will be taken to a hospital for a medical examination. In Philadelphia, where W .O.A.R. has headquarters, rape victims are taken to Philadelphia General Hospital, P.G.H. ; for medical attention. All the tests necessary for (Continued

on page 3)



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April 2, 1974




(Contin ued fro m pal(e J)

the advantages of the agency system . Cabrini used to hire its own guar ds. It is only within the past few years t h at the school has be~n getting its gu ards thro ugh the agency. The reason that Mr. Axler feels this is better is because a small school wit h little experience in what to look for in a security guard would have no real criteria for hiring one . Cabrini th us relies on the agency itself to screen its applicants and to send the school the type of person it needs . Another advantage of this system is that if a gu ard is sick, the agency will automatically send a replacement. H ad Cabrini hired its own people, the campus would have to go unprotected unless the school itself could hunt up a suitable replacement for the night. One very good advantage of Harcum's system is that its guards may also be used in other capacities. Harcum's security force is directly supervised by the Division of Buildings and Grounds and is sometimes used for maintenance purposes too. T h is year, Harcum spent almost $20,000 .00 on its three security guards. The guards are all full -time, with overlapping hours between 6 p.m. and 7 a .m. H arcum emp loys no guards on Saturday or Sunday bet ween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. because the school feels that there is enough a ctivity going on that there is no need for guards. A similar theory is held at Cabrini, although the number of people on campus on a "normal" weekend seems to be minimal. Both Harcum and Cabrini make good use of their local police forces. The Radnor police make Cabrini a regular part of the ir tour of duty; so do th e Lower Merion poli ce with Har cum . Both schools report tremendous cooperation by these police forces. They are more than willing to send additional men to he lp out during occasions when the schools feel that more security should be available . The schools keep the police informed of su ch activities, and the two forces send as many men as they deem necess ary. Coo pera tion Sin ce the trouble at Rosemont, area schools are not taking any real extra pre cautions other than locking doors a little early , clos ing the library early, etc. Mr. Axler , in his conversation with Mr. Kuntz, directed his comments more toward the actual problems at Cabrini and what could be done about them. He cited other recent events on campus that one might not actually realize fall under the realm of security, but which do in reality . When someone or a number of people run through the student lounge and carelessly kno ck things over or cause damage, that is a security problem. So is smoking in the gym and throwing cigarette butts on the floor, or a girl's date running into a light as he speeds down the driveway . Mr. Axler emphasized the point that the students themselves should be a little more aware of "little" things su ch as these that can take up a lot of a security guard's time. Should some sort of cooperative program be worked out in which the campus community could work out its inproblems, then s ide security security could concentrate more on protecting everyone from any problems out side. Many people feel that what Cabrini really needs is at least one more guard. Mr. Axler does not feel that th is is necessari ly true. The last th ing that people want, he says, is to be restricted, and the more guards that the schoo l has on campus, the less freedo m students

AcademicConvocation A True Experience B y Co n n ie Cesare It is a difficult 1 if not an impossible, thing to try to capture the mood and tone of'\a moment in words . Perhaps it must be experienced to be understood . The Academic Convocation of March 4t h was such a moment . Despite the inadeq uacy of words to describe it, the atmosphere of the Convocation was the enbodiment of all that Cabrini is, and hopefully always will be. Perhaps the atmosphere was structured by change. A pleasant move was from the gym to the Mansion . The lack of wide , open space seemed to draw everyone nearer together ; not only in the obvious physical structure, but more important ly, in spirit .

Another contributing difference was the integration of faculty with students; rather than sitting apart from them as in other Convocations . This seems to be vital to Cabrini's community . We pride ourselves on the close relationship between faculty and st udents, and t h e convocation, the coming together of faculty and students to recognize the academic accomplishments of each other, was the feeling of community. It is th is feeling, this atmosphere, that adds to the community of Cabrini College. Without it Cabrini would not be what it is. If you were not present at the Convocation , you did indeed miss an experience.

Letter to the Editor Dea r Edi to r: For a long time I hav e been meaning to write to you about what I am going to say. I realize that the topic is an old one, but something I saw recently reminded me of my former anger. As I was walking past the dean's office I saw a sign on the bulletin board that said "Who's Who Deflated." Although the subject of the article was not really related to what I am going to say, I think the title was. I was very disappointed when I read the article in "Loquitur" about the seniors who were elected to "Who's Who." At most schools, this is considered a big honor. After reading your article, I was left with the impression that anyone who received the award either didn 't deserve it or the fact that all were eight dese rving students really students with decent grades shouldn't have made any difference .

" Who 's Who" should not be primarily academic, as Dr. Brown said, but certainly getting good grades is a large part of being "all-

around Seniors " or ail-around anybodies. Although I myself have not yet had the chan ce to be nominated for "Who 's Who ," I hope that when my time comes around I will not be forced to compete with a bunch of people who parti cipate in everything but are flunking out. This , however , is not even my main complaint . What I really was angered by was the whole tone of the article that mad e " Wh o's Who " sound like some thing all eight students should be ashamed of, because they stole the title from Reenie Cabreenie,who sounds like a poor sport to me. Reenie Cabre enie at least got her name in the article, which is more than I can say for Charles Jeffer s, who because his picture didn't appear was .riot even mentioned. My feeling is that "Loquitur" owes all eight students a big apology and also a pat on the ba ck. If you don 't feel that what they have done dese1ves praise, I'm sure a lot of others do . Concerned lJnder-class man

Comment A college girl was attacked last month. She was from Rosemont , right in Cabrini's own backyard . Does that bother you? It bothered us too. We started to think about rape and assault, how to avoid it and what to do if it happens. We thought about security at Cabrini and where to find a women's health center if you need on e. We took all your dinner-table talk and produced the major part of this issue of Loquitur . We hope we've helped someone.

EDIT OR S' N OTE: Should private homeowners have to hire their own guards to watch their homes ? Then why should a private college? If you support the above mentioned bill, that is presently in the Pennsylvania legislature, please write to your sta te assemblyman, if you are registered here at Cabrini. He is State Representative Herbert K. Zearfoss (167th district) 121 N. Wayne Avenue , Wayne, Pa . 19087.

FARMWORKERS' DAY Wednesday, April 17 10 A.M. in Gym There will be a:

Slide Show Spokeswoman for UFW • Sally Simmons Striking United Farm Worker Raul Rodriguez A film will be shown twice this day , called " Sal , si Puedes "


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will have . He would like to see better cooperation from the campus communit y and less stringent securit y. As it is, one of the major objecti ons that has recently been stated concerning the extension of parietals is that there would be no way of limiting who goes in and out of the dorms. Just beca use a person looks familiar does not necessarily make him desirable. It is possible that a familiar face of an ex-boyfriend may grant him access to t he room of a girl who has no desire to see him. Mr. Axler urges the st ude nts to be mor e careful about who is allowed to walk the halls of the dormitories. He also stressed the need for students or anyone who has a secu rity problem to come directly to him or another person in authority so that something can be done . Too often students talk among themselves about a problem and no one in authority even realizes that one exists . Mr. Axler also emphasized the importance of not dis cussing such a problem with anyone else, in case a person who may be involved should learn of interest in the situation and make it diffi cult to be discovered. What Is Bei ng Done? In response to complain ts that the guards are not always eas y to find, or that guards are sometimes in one place for too long , the business office is reinstating an old system that Cabrini security used to have - a watchman's clock . The clock, which is carried like a knapsac k, will be taken around campus by the guard. At each stop th at he makes on his rounds, he will stop at a "station" which has a key placed at it. The key is inserted and the time is printed out on the paper. The paper is not remova ble until the end of the

/.~.j, · night. The guard's movements are thus recorded as he goes about his nightly business. The busines s office knows approxima tely how long each stop takes . If t here is a major discrepan cy, it will be obvious that the guard is not doing his job properly. The guard 's to u r of duty will not be standard. Th at is, t he stops he make s will be on a random ba s is kn own only to hi s superiors. Thi s will eliminate the possibility of anyone knowing his fixed schedule and attempting ome ty e of foul play while the guard i elsewhere on campus. Security vs. Conven ience Although it may be inconvenient for residents not to know where the guard is at all times , Mr. Axler pointed out t ha t security and convenien ce do not always go hand in hand . Th e less infor mation an yone has ab o u t t he guard ' s whereabou ts, the safe r everyone is. This sound s contrad icto ry, but it actually mak es sense . The watchm a n's cloc k will be reinstated very soo n, after Mr . Axler meets once more with Mr. Kuntz . At thi s meet ing , the two men will attemp t to st udy further exactly wha t t he school can do to help secure itself. For example , perhaps mone y should not have been left overnight in the campus store. Maybe the school is making things too simple for someone who wants to steal calcula tors by making access to them so convenient . The one thing t he school does not want to do is to restri ct freedom to use campu s fa cilities . Mr. Axler and Mr. Kuntz will therefore try to come up wit h some solutions that will be a compromise to the complaints that now exist of too little se curity and the complaints there might be of too much.

LOQUITUR Editor ial Board ....

. . .. .. .. . .. .... Joanne Barbano Terry Cavanaugh Conn ie Cesare

Pho tog rap hy ... . ... . . ....

. . . . . .. Ter ry Cavana ug h

Circulat io n Manager .. . . . .....

. . . .. . Julie Cicotello

Staff . . ... .. . ... ..... . . . . . . ...... Bonn ie Adleste in, Mary Lynn Carone , Lorraine Ostrowski , M ichel le Perna , Beth Schwe itzer , Mary Beth Senkew ic z. :

April 2, 1974


R (Continued from page 1) testimony in a trial are taken and the victim is given penicillin to prevent venereal disease and the "morning after pill" for the prevention of pregnancy. Don't wash before you are examined! Many women have washed away evidence that could have convicted alleged rapists. The next day, you will return to the police station to make a formal statement. You'll try to kientify your attacker through "mug shots" or a line-up, or a police artist may draw up a composite drawing from your description of the assailant. Police may ask you to take a liedetector test, but you may choose not to. Neither the results of a test nor the fact that you refused to take one is admissible in court. If a suspect is finally caught,

legal proceedings begin. First, a preliminary hearing is held 3 to 10 days after the incident, to check for a probable cause to believe that the accused might have committed the crime. Here you will be questioned by the defense attorney. Two to three weeks later, a grand jury will listen to the Assistant District Attorney, who will read your statement . The grand jury will usually hand down an indictment against the alleged assailant. Finally, after ten months to a year, you will retell your story, this time at the actual trial. The defense attorney will try to discredit your story, but remember, he is trying to defend his client. The Assistant D.A. will object to any totally irrelevant questions and you may also ask the judge about any question you think is irrelevant. While you are being questioned, be honest, relax and think before you answer. At this point, you might be wondering how you are ever going to get through this nightmare. Well, this is where W.O.A.R. enters the picture. Representatives from W.O.A.R. and independent organizations like it are there to

provide legal, medical and psychological help to the frightened and often withdrawn rape victim. The Philadelphia W.O.A.R. operates out of P.G.H. When a rape victim is brought in, a volunteer is sent to stay with and comfort the woman while she is at the hospital. At this time, the woman will receive W.O.A.R.'s Handbook, Medical and Legal Aspects of Rape, which describes in detail much of what will happen from then on. W.O.A.R. volunteers accompany victims to court and offer a referral system to those needing social and medical services. In short, W.O.A.R. is there "to help, to educate and to overcome."

Page 3

A p E acting crazy, fainting or saying that you have a contagious disease. Using these excuses just might save your life. Many things in your own handbag can be used as weapons if you are attacked. Use pens and pencils, a lit cigarett e or anything else appropriate for jabbing. Carry a plastic lemon to squirt juice or ammonia. Grind a high heel or shoe

into an attacker's foot. Only use a weapon to stop an attack so you can get away. Don't try to use a weapon if the attacker has a gun or a knife! Finally, Don't Hitchhike. Hitchhiking is asking for trouble, and if anything happens, you are put in a weaker position since you accepted a ride. Children are taught

not to accept candy or rides from strange men . That rule was made for a reason. Rape. Sometimes you know him. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes you can avoid it. Sometimes you can't. It's ugly. It's frightening. It happens.

W.O.A.R.•• They Care By Lorraine


The building is modern. Its odd shape, and white co lumns How Can I Avoid It? distinguish it from the other Seventy percent of rape victims buildings at Philadelphia General are under 30. Young women must - Hospital. This is the Tri-Neb Building . A walk down the dim, modern , rounded corridor takes you to a spot of yellow carved into the wall. The little yellow room looks almost like any other office. Papers clutter tables and bookcases, a grey file cabi net is shoved into a corner and bulletin boards are full of notices. Phones are ,ri nging and a pot of coffee perks among a pile of papers. An ordinary office? Hardl y. This little room is the home-base of W.O.A.R. - Women Organized Against Rape. The 70 volunteers that go in and out of this room each week are deeply concerned with the frightened, confused and often misunderstood victims of rape . W.O.A .R. was begun in the Spring of 1972 by J ody Pinto. Ms . Pinto was appalled by the low conviction rate in rape cases in Philadelphia: 22 convictions for 860 reported rapes in 1972. A few of her friends had been attacked, and Ms. Pinto reacted. After many months of planning, W.O.A.R. was formed early in 1973. This group is an independent, non-profit organization. Money, always a problem, is obtained through the Philadelphia Fund, the Fels Fund, sale of literature and various membm' speaking engagements, as well as private donations. This reporter talked with Barbara Simon, a concerned, sincere young woman in her twenties. Her intense brown eyes convey a deep involvement in the cause she works learn how to protect themselves. for. In your home, every window and Ms. Simon explained that door should have a lock. Girls W.O.A.R.'s purpose is three-fold: living in dorms, lock your doors at 1) to provide supportive medical, night! If you live in an apartment, psychiatric and legal aid to rape use your first initial and last name victims; 2) to seek to reform the on the mailbox and in the phone legal process, state-wide as well as book. within the city of Philadelphia; 3) Don't open your door before you to reach the public, to educate and know who is on the other side. If to "raise consciousness" in the you are alone in your apartment at area. They wish to dispell the night and not expecting visitors, "misinterpretation of rape as a answer a knock with ''I'll get it sexual act rather than an act of Bill." violence ." Have your keys ready before you Volunteers must first, have a get to your door. Be wary of places commitment to the cause, and where men might hide. second, undergo a 14 hour training On the street, if you feel like period which includes instruction someone's watching you, turn on staffing of hotline phones, around and look. Avoid alleys and emergency procedure and the legal, unlit areas. If you are in danger, medical and psychological aspects scream "Fire!" People are more of rape . These trained volunteers apt to answer that call than a cry are backed up by professional of "Help!" Carry a whistle with psychologists and psychiatric you . It may save you when your social workers. voice fails. Ms. Simon noted that all volunIf you run, do it fast, keep teers are women. She explained yelling and head for the nearest W.O .A.R.'s philosophy: that only lighted house. Do anything you can a woman is able to fully unto get attention! Break a window if derstand the trauma, fear and emnecessary. barrassment suffered by a woman If you can't run, try to talk your who has been raped. Male volunassailant out of raping you. teers do speak to men's groups in W.O.A.R. suggests that you "try an effort to promote a more un-

derstanding attitude toward the rape victim. At present, all victims of rape are brough t to P .G.H. This procedure began in 1966, since doctors in private hospitals were charging a full day's fee when in court for testimony . Also, in some cases, doctors were turning women away. Now, a form with the doctor's statement is accepted in lieu of the doctor's presence in court. P.G .H . was designated as the "rape center" because it is the only hospital providing free care and that hospital is the most proficient in handling rape cases. Besides providing immediate aid and comfort in PGH's emergency room and providing medical and legal information, W.O .A.R. volunteers also accompany victims to court, condu ct discussion groups for women, parents and children, and operate a 24-hour hot-line . Since November, W.O.A.R. ha assisted 491 alleged rape Yictirns, their ages ranging from l month to 80 years. The group cooperates

with the Philadelphia Police, the medical community and maintains communication with the District Attorney's office. W.O.A.R. is also promoting the repeal of laws which discriminate against the rape victim . One example is Section 3106 of Pennsylvania's Penal Code, which requires that a judge in a rape case instruct the jury as to the emotional state of the victim (this ruling only applies to rape crimes). Yes, lots of important things are going on in that little yellow room. If you want to be a part of it , contact W.O.A.R. at 823-7997 or write to: Women Organized Against Rape, Box 17374, Philadelphia, Pa. 19105. General meeting are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Horizon House, 12th and Lombard, at 7:30 P.M. Perhap W.O.A.R.' wealth of human understanding i be:t des cribed by thi · little note hung amone: the note and posters on the , all : '"If anything frightens you, get in touch with u ." They care a lot.

Sister Augustine -

ConcernIn An ImpersonalWorld By Bonnie


Science and technology has sent the 20th century into one of the fastest moving eras of all times. Despite its secluded existence, Cabrini College has been caught up in this onrush. Unfortunately, with this influx of knowledge, many of the little things of life go undetected. One such person , who does these little things, is now being recognized . Sister Augustine is just such a person. Her concern for others sets her apart from everyone else. She is interested in the college and its people but most of all wants to be a part of the whole. The "devil in her eyes" leads


way for her talented, artistic ways. She not only ha s a sleight of hand with a pen or a paint brush but also she has mastered the craft of upholstery and the like . Sister "Auggie" goes to great lengths to bring a little happines s into the lives of people she knows. A faculty member has brought Sister's consideration to Loquitur's attention. Also, members of Cast and Script have mentioned her thoughtful manner. We wish now to take this time to thank not only Sister Augustine, but all the other people who give a human touch to this impersonal world.


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April 2, 1974

CafeteriaCostAbsorbed By Beth Schweitzer College cafeterias throughout the country have been hit by the inflation bomb and Cabrini is feeling it too . The fact is the rising food prices are only one of the financial increases affecting the cafeteria. Other increases are occuring in

maintenance, labor and other expenses. "Food cost alone has gone up 17 per cent since last year," said Joe Fleming, Cafeteria manager of Cabrini College. Cabrini's food service is Saga Food Cooperation. When Cabrini signed its yearly contract with Saga it was agreed t hat if

necessary, in case of inflation, Saga could raise their originally agreed prices. Inflation has set in, but Saga has found ways to absorb the cost so as not to affect the service. One of the steps taken was to raise a la carte prices. Joe stated that it was possible to keep most of the other meals at the standard prices. Saga Food Corperation buys their products from outside food distributors. Since Saga is one of the largest college food corporations, it receives reduced rates for buying the products in bulk. These discounts help to offset cost. The outside distributors used by Saga have cut down on their different services so that they can offset their own inflation hikes. These distributors have cut down on delivery dates, labor and other services. Instead of deliveries five days a week, deliveries are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Milk is delivered every other day, not every day. Cabrini will be receiving the same amount of food, but one delivery will bring food for two days.




When asked if the quality of food has decreased because of rising prices, Joe replied no; that all the products used at Cabrini are the same as Saga has always purchased . All meet is USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) choice beef. I n order to meet Saga specifications, all meat must be government inspected by a government grader and a Saga representative . The meat is only purchased by Saga from the C.D . Moyer, Co. Every piece of meat that comes to Joe is Stamped USDA choice.

Women'sHealthServices (Continued from page I) nurse. A specific area on campus could be designated for such a service allowing the women and men students to go and talk about their problems m an informal and relaxed atmosphere. This type of system would provide the students with legitimate information about sei<:ual problems they might be uniformed about and more importantly it would be able to advise and refer the student to an area facility or clinic designed in dealing with their specific problem. Since funds at Cabrini are limited and problems of establishing a clinic are foreseeable because of the school's religious affiliations, could this be a possible solution to the problem?

Next semester a course entitled "Christian Sexual Ethics" will be offered at Cabrini by the Religion Department. Dr. Reher, head of the department , sees the course as a response to students concerned with human sexuality. Although the Christian point of view will be ~tresse d, it will not be the only one discussed in the course. It will deal with factual information about human sexuality, the problems and the students' reaction to them. Some of the possible topics covered will be: Biological Aspects, Values in Marriage, Birth Control, Abor-

tion, Premarital Sex, Children, the area that may be of interest to Homosexuality , Genetic Control the student are: and Venereal Disease. An interdisciplinary approach will be These two are especially geared in initiated for the course. Some of dealing with students. the faculty involved in teaching the course will be Dr . Reher and * 1. Bryn Mawr Hospital; Susan Zurek of the Relgion Student Birth Control and Department, Sharon Schwarze Gyn; Mondays 5 to 7 p.m. (Philosophy Department ), Nancy Phone 527-0600 Rush (Education), and Dean Brown (Biology Department). One of the positive ways in eliminating some of tb-' problems involved in *2. Women's Medical Center, 1700 human sexuality is through DeKalb Pike, King of Prussia, education, therefore this course Pa; Mondays thru Saturdays; will hopefully educate the student 9 a .m. to 5 p.m . Full Service and thus eliminate some unClinic; Phone 265-1880 necessary problems. This course v•ill be opened to all students. Where does the blame fa ll ?

Where does the blame fall for the lack of such a service? The reactions to this question ran in two directions. Some blamed the administration because of its failure to see the importance of such a service. Another reaction was that some of the blame must also fall with the student because of the la ck of student demand for such a service.

3. Family Planning Center, Norristown, Pa. Tuesdays and Saturdays, Physicals and Contraceptives, Wednesdays Pregnancy Tests; Phone 2757116

4. Reproduction Health and Counsel ing Center, Chester Crozier Hospital.

Area facilit ies of interes t.

Some of the health centers and clinics that I have investigated in

Volunteers At Haverford StateHospital B y Mary Beth Senkewicz Six women from Mr. Tomasco's Abnorma l Psychology class have been going to Haverford State Hospital once a week as volunteers. T hey are involved in three programs: Behavior Modification, Drug Rehabilitation, and Research. Denise Reilly , Patti McGrath a nd Laura Whitman are involved in Behavior Modification therapy. Accord ing to a sheet handed out by the program director , psychologist Dr. Martin Gutride , " Behavior modification or conditioning t herapy is a method of therapy to remove unwanted behavior patterns through the manipulation of the individual 's environment." This is done through reinforcement of positive behavior . The volunteers go to various daily activities wit h t he patients , reinforce the desirable behaviors , and help deal with t he inappropriate behavior. T here are 28 women in the ward, ranging in age from 19-70. They are mentally retarded , mentally ill and emotionally disturbed. Positive behavior is reinforced. For instance , if there is a woman who doesn 't talk, and goes to an activity and says a few things, she is reinforced with play money for her positive behavior. This play money that patients receive can be used to buy little extras for themselves. If they earn enough money, they can go to dinner in a special "restaurant" (actually another room in the hospital). TV , free on weekends ha to be earned during the week along with cosmetics, and single rooms. There is also a store in the hospital where shoes, pocketbooks, jewelry and the like can be bought . The patients are given the basics, and these frivolous items are extras they can earn. The therapy is individualized and the system of rewards is different for every person depending on what type of behavior is being modified. Ms. McGrath explained that some people must have primary reinforcements, like candy

or somet h ing else edib le, and must be reinforced on the spot for positive behavior. Ot hers get seco ndary reinforcements with play mo ney since they are able to understand the concept behind it. The volunteers are basically on their own. T hey have a choice of working on a one-to-one basis with an indivi dual or work ing with a grou p. In eit her case, t hey take the patients to activities, t he Rec H all, or tutor them. The volunteers are not allowed to have business deals with the patients. They cannot bring them alcohol, drugs , or guns. They cannot bring them presents, or cigarettes. Also they are not permitted to do things for them, such as making a phone call, or picking something up at the store on the way to the hospital. Joanne DeLucas and Jean Hill are involved in the drug program under the supervision of Dr. Philip Braun. There are 21 people, mostly male, between the ages of 18-28 in the group. These residents are at Haverford for drug abuse. They are not mentally disturbed, so these volunteeers do not work with behavior modification . For the most part, they go to social activities and group therapy with the residents and socialize with them. Candy Schuster is involved in research. The study concerns drug addiction and the psychological functioning of drug addicts as mea ured b ps ¡chological tests. They are eeking to determine whether a standard battery of tests administered to about 100 drug addicts over the last several years has yielded any information about a common psychological pattern for the typical addict. Candy goes through the files and evaluates them. The purpose is to try to pin down valid correlations between the tests. The work is very tedious. At best, it will take 1-1/2 hours to score one person's file. It is going to be, at the least, a one year project.

Theater Lab Presents

TEAandSYMPHONY the complete play by Robert Anderson and

April 24-2 7, 8: 15 P.M.


April 24 & 26, 10:00 A.M. April 25 & 27, 7:30 P.M.

5. Women's Suburban Daylesford, Pa.


April 2, 1974

Page 5


Second Sight At Cabrini By Mary Beth Senkewicz On Thursday, March 21st, an acting company called Second Sight Theater Lab appeared at Cabrini College, courtesy of Dan Perna . Second Sight specializes in improvisational comedy, with some set routines thrown in. The performance started out with pantomines , then gave way to short skits. In all, the acting, singing, and body movements were exaggerated, usually in funny satires of whatever the subject happened to be. The whole performance moved quickly, laugh after laugh. There were one or two times when the skits began to drag, but the company sensed it and picked up the tempo right away with the next skit .

Christopher said that they have made great progress so far. The audience response has been good . They've just been doing showcases , colleges, church basements and the like . " The trick is feeling ," Christopher said. "If a skit is dying , you have to make a choice, either do something quick or end it."

Christopher Applegate . They have been together about two months. When asked what kind of ideas they like to get from the audience, Geoff answered, "The weirder the better." The improvisations are a total group input, with the actors working from each other , taking ideas and working them into a plot .

The improvisations were really good. The performers would take subjects from the audience (a TV show, movie, etc .), huddle together in a circle, and synthesize a plot within thirty seconds. It was amazing to see how quickly they could put a skit together, and how well it came out. Scott Jones, Brenda Sally , Wynne Klein, Buggsie Miller , Joe Byrne, and Geoff Ryan are the actors under the direction of

10th Annual Irish Minstrel Show

Not Pete But Pat by Fr. Gallagher and Fr. Shehan

FLASH! IRELAND : NOT PETE BUT PAT It was written in ancient scrolls that it was St . Patrick who founded the Catholic Church NOT St. Peter. Officials in Rome declared that the Pope was moving his headquarters to Ireland. How can this be? Imagine the Italian Pope having a home in Ireland , living on Irish potatoes and drinking "pizza-flavored whiskey. " This may sound crazy but this wa s t he theme of the 1974 Irish Minstrel Show. The first act of the play centered around the moving of the Church from Italy to Ireland. It was noted that the ancient scrolls had been misinterpreted. You see, it wasn't Petris but Patris! While the Irish folk anxiously awaited the arrival of His Holiness a few of the local lads and lassies entertained all with the Irish Jig. This dance was excellently performed by Diane DeLuca, Ginny Brigandi, Ro Miller, MaryAnne Suarez, Sharon Shipley and Teri Alberici. At last the Pope arrived with his three Italian Cardinals. The Italian Pope was played by our own Father Rudy and if you were not there to see him you truly missed something . His "natural " acting abilities mixed with hi s amusing sense of humor made the show a complete success. Hi s assisting Cardinals clad in their official dress aroused the townsfolk with their unreasonable list of rules and regulations. Tom Saboe, Lori Mantey and Toni Fazzi portrayed these roles which were highlighted by Toni's newly acquired Italian accent. An added attraction to the first act was the unique talent displayed in the song "Gallagher and Shehan " performed by two unknown priests. With the second act the scene changed to a bar owned by Harrigan, Janet D'Alessandro . In this act we discover t hat "Italy is going broke" and "Ireland is going

dry ." The Leprachaun s, Maureen Smith, Cathy Crowley and Laura Heim , reveal ed th at th ey ha d chang ed t he an cien t scroll s. Bu t their - problems are s·olved when they arrive at the perfect solution . It so happened tha t t he P ope ha d bought a n Iri s h Sweep sta k es Ticket from the Leps. The y decided to make amends by fixin g th e Pope 's ti cket and , in return , the Chur ch survi ved its cri sis. Ital y could have its Pope ba ck and the Irish could have their whiskey. Throughout the show the cast sang a variety of Irish tunes in addition to the many solos which were performed. Some of those who sung an Irish song were Nellie Crawford, Joe Feighan, Kathy Fusco , Rosemary Scanlan and Diane Cona . Once again this year parodies were done on those old Irish songs which included verses on various teachers and burning issues of the day. A few questions raised included "will the boys take over all the dorms next year?" and "will parietals be changed."

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LITTLEFOXES By Lillian Hellman

AT THE WALNUT 9th(;).WALNUT APRIL 11thru APRIL 28 Tickets 11 Box Office, Agencies, Ticketron or C111Ki66791or629 0700 for information

The entire show was topped off by a chorus-line dance done to " Little Bit of Green ." The cast all joined in but no one came close to the high-kicking of our one and only honorary Irishman, Father Rudy. The many thanks of all the cast . were displayed when Dr. Joseph Feighan and Miss Josephine Rondini , the faculty advisors , and Father Rudy were presented with a small token of appreciation for all of their hard work and time. Their involvement in the play was not only appreciated by the Cabrini Community but even more so by the children at St. Mary 's where the show is also performed each year. If the theme "NOT Pete but Pat" sounded a bit absurd the theme for the 1975 show will be even more absurd as a new cast tries to think up a new theme for the ELEVENTH time.

Producer- Sidney S. Bloom Artistic Di~ctor-William Ross ArtisticConsultant,-John Randolph

Spring Theater Party sponsored by

ENGLISH DEPT. Tuesday Eve., April 23

Tickets $4.50 Reservations needed by April 5 contact Eng. Dept. or Mary Lynn Carone for reservations or further information

Page 6



April 2, 1974


Career Forum

Marathon Weekend

sponsored by

April 19, 20, 21

Cabrini College

Softball Volleyball

Alumni Thursday,April 18 open to all


Juniors and Seniors

ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE MASTER PLANNING COMMITTEE The Master Planning Committee is now accepting self-nominations from the student body for two positions currently open on the committee. The concerns of the Master Planning Committee are comprehensive: in its work it considers all aspects of the operation of the college particularly as they apply to the long-range development of the college. Membership will be effective as of spring 1974 and will continue through the 19741975 academic year with subsequent reappointment subject to review. The nominations are not restricted to any class and applications from current seniors who will be eligible for alumni membership are encouraged.

Procedure for Self-nomination: Students are asked to submit to Sr. Mary Louise by April 18, 1974 a statement of their interest in membership on the committee including: 1. the major activities he or she is involved in and in what capacity. 2. what he or she would like to see the Master Planning Committee accomplish. 3. what contributions he or she expects to be able to make to the work of the committee. Selection of student members from among the self-nominations will be made by Sr. Mary Louise.

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