Apr. 30, 1974 issue 08 Loquitur

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Vol. XX, No. 8


Cabrini Yesterday By Lo rrain e Os trows k i A few rooms on the first floor of the Mansion have been converted into offices. What we know as the Office of Graduate Studies was the telephone room . Across the hall, Cabrini's telephone operator works in the former ladies' powder room. So that's what those huge mirrors are for! Beyond this area, The VicePresident for Business and Finance and other Business Office Personnel labor in the now par titioned library. The library originally was made up of two sections : the present Business Office and a raised area, now Mr. Axler 's office. A large living room with a fireplace was located in the area of the Development Offices and the Conference Room. Beyond that was, and still is a porch facing the tennis coo.rt. The Mansion dining room has changed little. The original tables and other furniture remain . Mrs . E . Fromm , whos e husband was

Home for most of us is an apart ment in the city or a comfortable home in the suburbs . Until 1957, home for the John T . Dorrance family was a mansion in Radnor, with a gatehouse at the foot of the driveway and a stable nestled among the trees on a hill. Home was the present Cabrini College campus. A granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T . Dorrance , Sr . remembers the estate as it was years ago . She notes that the buildings have changed little since John T . Dorrance , Jr. sold the estate to the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart seventeen years ago. The Gatehouse, now Father Rudy Rooyman's home, still stands at the main entrance off King of Prussia Road, although the gates which guarded the entrance have been removed . Traveling along the driveway of the Dorrance estate, we would pass acres of trees and lawns until we reached the Mansion on the left.

second butler for the Dorrances, recalls that a butler and waitress would stand near the family members as they dined . Any requests from the table were immediately taken care of. Beyond the dining room stands an enclosed porch. Now a lounge area for Mansion residents, it was at one time a breakfast room. The Paul family, who preceded the Dorrances in ownership, kept the porch as an open patio with bamboo shades replacing the present walls . As you walk back into the dining room, to the right you'll notice two doors which now lead into the sisters' area of the building. Twenty years ago, these doors led to the servants' wing. The Dorrances had several servants : three butlers , a cook , a kitchen maid, a houseman (for heavy work) , a waitre ss, a personal maid , a laundress, a gardener and up-

(Continued on page 4) tapestry covered the fireplace in the foyer of the Mansion.


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R-S-V-P By Mary Lyn n Carone

Grace Hall: Eight horses called it home.

Middle Ages Music By Bo nni e Ad les tei n On April 2, 1974, the Cabrini community was transported back into time through the magical music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance . This was done by The Philadelphia Madrigal Choir . The choir was organized in 1972 for the purpose of performing music written before 1600, much of which has not been heard in the United States before . The choir is a semi-professional group which appears often in the Delaware Valley. Joseph Norris, the musical director of the choir, feels that "to most of us engaged in the re-creation of early music there is a never -ending satisfaction in learn-

ing the background, the social peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of the time in which it was written." Mr. Norris added, "so much of our pleasure comes from seeing how early musicians solved their problems and broke their own rules that we must, by cruel circumstances, enjoy our own concerts more than the audience." There are thirteen members of the choir and they were accompanied by three extremely talented persons. Twenty-one brief selections were performed followed by two encores . Dowland, Handel, Passereau, Bryd W eelkes, and Wilson were a few of the composers which were revived that

evening. Just by watching their faces and glowing eyes, anyone could detect just how much they enjoyed what they were doing. Simplicity must be a word they gear their style to because their performance could not have been simpler or more beautiful. These artists take their work seriously but there is also the simple pleasure of hearing a beautiful tune , and that is what was heard by anyone who attended their performance. It is a commentary on the unchanging soul of man. We can reach back over five hundred years and still feel the heartbeat of yesterday's creative imagination.

Who says that after 60 your life is over? Anyone who takes a quick tour of Cabrini will soon discover that that's not the case. For sprinkled throughout the campus are quite a few "over-60'ers" who are anything but "over-the-hill". These amiable senior citizens are volunteers in the many offices and other locations at Cabrini. Where did they come from? RSVP. RSVP stands for Retired Senior Volunteer Program. A division of the larger government agency , ACT! ON, RSVP 1s the fastest growing volunteer program in the United States. It is based on the idea that, as President Nixon tells retired citizens, " . .. the entire Nation has a high stake in a better life for its older citizens simply because we need you. We need the resources which you, alone can offer." Senior citizens do have a lot to offer. After all, they are the ones who have all the experience. Being a retired senior volunteer can be just what the doctor ordered for an older American - the chance to live a purposeful, dignified , and active life. Because RSVP programs are community spimsored, volunteers can use their skills to help their fellow-citizens . Cabrini's volunteers are part of the Delaware County unit of RSVP. Besides serving the college, volunteers from this unit work at Haverford State

Hospital, Radnor Library, and St . Edmund's Home for Crippled Children , to name just a few. Volunteers are kept within their neighborhoods if possible . Som e are even within walking distance

of their jobs. Otherwise thes e volunteers are reimbursed for transportation or provided with a ride . Other benefits include insurance while they are working, and even lunch expenses. The money for this comes from the Federal Government , which appropriated $15 million for the program. Here at Cabrini, RSVP volunteers are actively helping out in the Magic Peddler, busin ~·-·· - cc: _registrar ' s office , th ,

(Continued on pa

April 30, 1974

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Summing Up In the past year, Loquitur has dealt with many subjects we felt were of importance to the campus community. Many of you are probably wondering how these issues now stand. To fill you in, here are some up-to-date reports on those issues. Cheating After a good deal of discussiorl at both Academic Council and Student Academic Councils, a decision was finally reached on a cheating policy. The individual instructor will devise his own policy to be announced at the beginning of each semester. Any infractions will be dealt with by the instructor, according to the rules that have been set up. These individualized cheating policies are thought to be a better idea than a general Cabrini policy. Because of differences among departments, faculty members, and class size, different needs may arise in individual cases. Boys on Campus- At the time the February issue of Loquitur went to press, the issue of boys residing on campus was a hot one, one way or another. Some Cabrini males expressed an interest in living at Cabrini, and a number of locations were looked into as possible male fa cilities. The ground floor wing of W oodcrest was the site finally

Work forfree. Thepay is great.

decided upon. Now that the arrangements have begun, however, reports show that only one boy has put a deposit on a room or ·even expressed any interest. Because of this lack of response, it is now uncertain whether an entire wing of Woodcrest should be set aside for only one person. One major reservation of many who voted for male residents was that they have separate facilities, so further changes may still be in store. Rent-a-Talk - Last fall, Cabrini instituted Rostrum, a speaking program that features talks by Cabrini faculty. According to the program, any area school or group that was interested could choose from a variety of topics and, for a nominal fee, be treated to the specialty of a Cabrini faculty member. The purpose of the program was to share with the surrounding community the professional assets of Cabrini, and also to help make Cabrini more widely known. There was some response to "Rostrum", but not as much as its initiators had hoped . They will try again next semester, mailing information to different offices within the same schools or organizations. This will hopefully bring about more response.


There are some people who spend some of themseiveshelping other people help themselves. Whatever you do, there's something you can do to help other people. Even if it'sonly for a few hours a week. The pay is nothing, but the rewards are fantastic. There's a desperate need for your skillswhatever they are. If you can type . Tutor.Drive. Phone. Anything. You'reneeded. Right in your own home town. If you'd like to volunteer some of your free rime. call your localVoluntary Action Center.Or write: "Volunteer." Washington,D.C. 20013. We'llput you in touch with the people who need what money can't buy.They need you.

Volunteer. C:, The National Center for Voluntary Action

United Farm Workers Day By Fran MacD.onald The United Farm Workers of America (UFW) is an organization of migrant workers fighting for unio .n rights as field laborers. In the past several years according to the UFW, these rights have been cru s hed by t he In te rn at ion al Brotherhood of Teamsters which established new contracts with the produce growers of California and Arizona and forced the cancellation of the UFW contracts. At the present time , the UFW has organized a nation-wide boycott of all iceberg lettuce, and table grapes, not grown by the UFW, and of Gallo wines, whose vineyards do not employ UFW workers. On Wednesday, April 17, two representatives of the UFW, Sally Simmons and Daniel Villez , visited Cabrini in an effort to gain

support for their cause. The day started with a 10:00 a.m. rally featuring both speakers and a slide show of workers in California and Arizona, followed by a question and answer peri od. A movie" i, e Pu ede," t he tory of th e far m workers movement, was also shown twice during the afternoon. Over 100 students and faculty participated in the day long rally and twenty dollars in donations was collected. Students received posters, stickers and buttons for their donations. Several students also circulated a petition bearing a total of 250 signatures which demanded a clause in Cabrini's contract with the SAGA food service prohibiting the purchase of non-UFW lettuce and table grape. April 28 to May 4 has been declared National Farm Workers

Week. In the past year , the UFW has gained the support of the Catholic Bishops of America and the legislatures of New Jersey and Delaware. On April 30, in an effort to ga in the upport of the Pennsy lvania legislature, the UFW is holding a public rally at the First Unitarian Church , located at 21st and Chestnut Street in Philadelphia , at 7:30 p.m. Caesar Chavez, organizer and leader of the UFW will be the guest speaker and guests will include Pennsylvania Governor Milton Sha pp. The UFW is hoping for a large turnout as an indication of mass support . Two Cabrini students, Nancy Edwards and Linda Finoc chiaro , and faculty member Suzanne Zurek have also been invited to a supper with Caesar Chavez, to be held before the rally.

Letters to the Editor In the first issue of Loquitur an article appeared about T.C .L.C.; the Tristate College Library Cooperative . The program was new for Cabrini College and a great ben efit for both the school and the students . So in this issue we decided to see what has happened sin ce the beginning of the school year and how the program has worked out on the whole . A new addition to the T .C.L.C. program will be a computerized list of all the periodicals that are subscribed to by the member libraries. This list will enable a student to find out where a parti cular maµ;azine is and get access to it by either going to that library or request 1111-( a zerox copy of the particular article that is needed. T.C .L.C . alr eady provides the student with a collection of over 2 million volumes of books to choose from the member libraries. Mrs. Gough sa _{s that she hopes th at mo re ~tud e!1ts will take ad-

vantage of the program next year. She said that not too many students used the cooperative partly because she thinks they weren't aware of it and its advantages . She hopes to encourage the use of it more next year through the cooperation of faculty and their classes . Mrs. Gough mentioned that the COP students used the program the most since many live in the city and it was more convenient for them to use libraries closer to their homes . A reminder for next year is don't forget T.C.L.C. It opens up a large range of possibilities for a student when they need a book or periodical that Cabrini 's library does not have. All you have to do is ask the librarian for a letter for the particular lib rary and that will entitle you to a borrower 's card for the entire academic year.

Dear Editor: I would like to take this opp ortunity to express my appreciation to the Cabrini Staff, the students, the faculty and the Convent for the kindness, thoughtfuln ess and cooperation extended me while employed by Cabrini . Without you all, the MAGIC PEDDLER would never have been such a success. It is with many pleasant memories that I leave Cabrini College and the Magic Peddler. I shall miss you all and the activities here. Success, the MAGIC PEDDLER rheta e.c. stacey manager Dear Editor: On April 30 at 7:30 p.m. , there will be a home mass sponsored by the Serra Club of Delaware County in my home for all Cabrini students.

The main goals of the Serra Club are to spread vocations among young people, to discuss problems that prevail among our young people today, to help solve some of those problems and to clear up misunderstandings about the Church that were instilled in our minds when we were young. After the mass, which is being celebrated by Bishop Walsh and our own Father Rudy, there will be refreshments and discussion. The whole thing should be over around 10:00. Cabrini College is the first college to have a home mass sponsored by the Serra Club. Immaculata would like to also have a home mass sponsored by the same club but Cabrini is FIRST. Every Cabrini student is welcome. Rides will be provided by some of the resident students, me . some of the Serrians and Cabrini's bus. This really is a big thing and I would appreciate it it some of you students would come.

We can only allow thirty-five students since my house can only hold so many. So please sign up on the cafeteria bulletin board. If you are going to drive please indicate next to your name. First come first serve . My house is about 20 minutes from Cabrini. Take King of Prussia Road to Lancaster. Make left on Lancaster to 320. Make right on 320 until you get to Route 3. Make right on Route 3 and go to first intersection of Malin Road and Route 3 (West Chester Pike). Go on left hand turn lane and make a U turn and come back one block. Davis Avenue is before the Post Office. Make right on to Davis. My house is the third house on the left . Red roof Number 17. Again please sign up. If you 're wondering what a home mass is come and find out April 30! It will be celebrated in my living room . Please sign up. Thank you, Mary Ann Suarez

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April 30, 1974

Scienceanyone? By Joanne


The Chemistry Department of Cabrini College has been awarded a grant of $8,000 bv the Federal Government. This amount is to be matched by the school to enable the Chemistry Department to purchase certain up-to -date equipment. The purpose of obtaining this new equipment is to broaden the interests of ALL students, not just science majors, in this field. The grant came to be as a result of a proposal made by Dr. Joseph Feighan and Ms. Josephine Rondini, members of the Chemistry Department.


a n d

Director Dan Perna looks on as actors rehearse "Tea and Sympathy."

..... PlayMay Lead to a Career By Terry Cavanaugh - If you saw "Tea and Sympathy" and "Plaza Suite" last week here ·at Cabrini, you were probably impressed with the quality of acting you were shown. And if you were, you were not the only one. March 24th, when Cabrini had its annual spring concert, Michael Pizzuto did an excerpt from "Tea and Sympathy." A talent scout from a theatrical management group, Bramson-Held Associates, was at the concert. He, too, was impressed - with the quality of acting he saw. The talent scout asked Michael, or Rudy, as he is known around Cabrini, to audition for his agency in New York. Rudy didn't know what to do - he had never acted at all until last semester - and he had never thought of acting as a career. Last semester Rudy got to know Dan Perna, Cabrini's dance and theater instructor, when he signed up for Dan's dance class. Rudy says that Dan is "real personal with people," and when asked if Dan was a good director, Rudy

replied "definitely." Rudy had no particular reason for coming to Cabrini, and has not chosen a major yet. No one in his family has ever been in the theater and even after auditioning in New York, Rudy has given almost no thought to an acting career. Rudy was signed to do a television commercial immediately after his audition. He was supposed to play a basketball player - everyone at Cabrini knows that for Rudy that wouldn't be acting! But the commercial was scheduled to be shot last week, coinciding with one of the performances of "Tea and Sympathy." Rudy opted for the play. He said a lot of work had gone into "Tea and Sympathy." In the beginning of the semester he had worked a couple of hours every day, trying to get the characterization and technique. Will there be other chances to do the commercial, and maybe a movie? Rudy shrugged. "I don't know." He said that he really enjoys acting, but right now, "I just don't know."


In 1969, the Chemistry Department commenced a major reorganization of course structures and objectives. Around that time, there was also a shift in the emphasis placed upon the sciences on the part of the college students around the country. The reasons for the decreasing number of students electing science courses have not been fully established. The Chemistry Department has reoriented itself in two ways: first, to educate students and to try to direct them through individual counseling, into the area of science teaching; and, second, to modify their laboratory programs and courses toward societal issues, such as pollution and environmental efforts, space travels, medical technology and such interdi ciplinary areas a archaeology, criminolo , and legal and illegal · drug . Accomplishments Presently , the Chemistry Department is well on its way to redirection of their laboratory requirements and assignments . The following items support their efforts and accomplishments: a. In 1971, the Pennsylvania Department of Education gave preliminary approval, after an intensive team visit to the Chemistry Department program for preparation and certification of teachers for secondary school chemistry teaching. · b. Final approval was given a year later for the above. c. Since 1972, six students have been certified and an additional three will be certified, hopefully, upon completion of practice teaching in May of 1974. All of the first six are teaching in science programs in area schools. d. As of now fifteen out of fifty of their graduates are actively engaged in science teaching at various levels. e. The department will have graduated 33 students with a B.S. in Chemistry degree in the years 1970 through 1974. In the period from 1957 to 1969, only 27 received this degree. f. Interests and attention in the department has been spread through high school visits, and cooperative efforts, through personal faculty contacts, through efforts of the college admissions office personnel, but particularly through the individual efforts ~f chemistry major graduates. In the past year six students have transferred to Cabrini specifically to complete their work majorin.g in chemistry.

g. Graduates have contributed approximately $2,000 in restricted funds to help in improving laboratory inventories. Scientific journals have also been donated

(Continued on page 4)

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Cabrini Yesterday. (Continued from page 1) stalls for the Dorrances eight horses. Servants lived in the apartments on the upper and lower floors of the wings completing the U. The second floor above the stalls was an excellent place to store hay. All the floors were of Belgian brick and those mysterious towers which invite exploration were used merely for ventilation. Also, contrary to popular belief, there is no underground passage between the stable and the main house . Sorry folks! Continuing dowh the driveway behind the stable, to the left was a formal garden, some of which remains. Beyond that were greenhouses and buildings used to store farm machinery . To the right, the present hockey field was a vegetable garden and another garden, complete with a reservoir, was located closer to the Upper Gulph Road gate. Part of this garden was sold and the reservoir has since been filled in. Other original structures on campus include the pump house, the squash court and the swimming pool.

The mainstaircase of the Mansion. The potted plants are from the Dorrance greenhouse.

stairs help, plus a chauffeur, and grooms for the horses. The servants' wing contained the huge kitchen which the sisters now use, a pantry, several large walk-in ice boxes and a few safes which are now used for storage. Walking through the kitchen, a right turn would take you to the servants' dining room and a laundry. The laundry held an interesting new invention - a gas dryer . Pilot lights were lit under a tall, oven-like structure and clothes were hung in the structure to dry. The upper floors of the Mansion have not changed significantly. In a few of the bathrooms you'll find the old-fashioned four-legged bathtubs, and fireplaces adorn

many of the rooms. This was the sleeping area for Mrs . •Dorrance, her four children, and friends and relatives who visited for the weekend. At Christmas time, the house was filled with family and friends who decorated a huge tree in the foyer. Overnight visitors were many during the holidays. The second major building on the Dorrance estate was the stable, now Grace Hall. The Blue Room was the carriage house . On the left coming in from the courtyard were two tack rooms and on the right were feed rooms . Beyond these rooms, following the U shape of the building were standing stalls and slightly larger box

patio is

Thelma Steiger, a psychologist , now lives in the renovated pump house located next to the driveway toward Eagle Road. The squash court is Chemistry Lab near the An area beyond the facing Eagle Road was skeet shooting.

now the Mansion . Mansion used for

The Dorran ces did not use the swimming pool frequently, since the water was rather cold spring water and there was no filter system, making pool cleaning a major production. Also, the threat of polio made swimming in any but ocean water risky . Thus the Dorrances spent their summers in Bar Harbor, Maine. Since the Missionary Sisters bought the estate, new buildings have been erected and changes have been made. Yet the charm and elegance of this Main Line home have been preserved .

enclosed porch.

A Morn ing With Mike Caranfa By Mary Beth Senkewicz I walked into one of the small maintenance sheds the other morning, but my eyes had to adjust to the dusky light before I could see anything. I heard some noise in the corner, and turning , I tried to discern its source . But shadows and forms had not yet become objects. Slowly, I was able to make out Mike Caranfa's figure crouched over a vacuum cleaner. "Hi, Michael ," I said. Michael is my boss . He 's the 29 year old head of Cabrini's maintainence crew. Awake and alert, he contrasted with my own sluggish, bleary-eyed appearance at eightthirty that morning . Usually the only way I'm out of bed that early in the morning is if I haven't been there yet. He fiddled with the vacuum. "How's it going, M.B .?" "Oh, it's going, I guess ." "What kind of trouble are you in now?" he asked, a sly smile on his face. "Come on, Michael!" I said, exasperated. He can be an unmer ciful tease. We went into his office - fairly small, filled with two desks, six chairs, a table, and a cabinet. He usually has a secretary in the morning, but she is on vacation. So he does a little paperwork, sorting some requisitions, and writing some notes. I was just shuffling around the office, when my eye caught a chocolate Easter egg lying on the desk. "Help yourself to a piece of raunchy egg," he said, the same teasing glimmer in his eye. "No thanks, I never eat breakfast ," I said, chuckling. One thing about Michael is he can always make me laugh, a quality I find extremely refreshing . The phone rings . He picks it up and answers with a crisp, "Maintenance ." Someone's pocketbook is missing, so the girl needs another key for her room . So we trudge up to Grace Hall to test another key . On the way out we passed the pingpong table. "You play ping-pong?" I ask, curious. I should have known better. "I used to, in my younger days," he said,jokingly trying to convey an air of hard-core maturity. I always did like straight answers. Next we went down to the pool. It is disconnected for the winter, so we were going to fix the pipes again. On the way down, he turns around, sees me writing, ·and says, "Hey, don't write anything without letting me read it first." "Sure, Michael." We arrive at the creek between the pool and Emmaus, and started examining the pipes. "Hey, I didn't know there was a creek down here," I said. "What do you mean?" Michael retorted. "You just walked over a bridge. Gee, you're observant." As we were messing around with the pipes, ,Jc,hn came down to help us. John is John Marshall, the bus

driver, an even more favorite target than I of Michael's ribbing . An incredible banter and rivalry has developed between the two over the year. John can't seem to do anything without Michael making some pejorative comment about it, and John usually has something to say when~ver Michael has something for-him to do. Michael likes John, but he doesn 't understand him . But he tries. We finish what we have to do. Time has flown, and I'm almost late for my class. Michael has to go to a meeting. "Take it easy, M.B., and I'll see you later," he says as I walk off. But he throws in one last comment as I go. "Stay out of trouble, will you?" "Sure, Michael ," I answer.

Science (Continued from page 3) from several industrial organizations. h. Requests • for Cabrini's graduates to fill teaching and in- · dustrial vacancies have been increasing. In spite of recent shortages in positions in both areas, the Chemistry Department stiil receives numerous calls, and, in fact, since all students were employed after graduation, they were unable to a<;commodate these requests in both September, 1972 and September, 1973. Out of the sixteen Pennsylvania Colleges allotted grants Cabrini was one of the three Catholic Colleges to be awarded. By means of this new equipment the Chemistry Department will be able not only to describe methods but also to _ demonstrate these techniques. The following are examples of how this equipment may be utilized: a. Recycling of "tin" cans and other metals . b. Fingerprinting. c. Use of Ultraviolet and Infrared in crime detection such as forgeries and counterfeiting. d. Use of Ultraviolet and Infrared in poison and drug identification. e. Air and water pollution analysis . f. Archaeology analysis of metal artifacts. g. Blood sample identification . · h. Consumer products analyses like cosmetics, hair spray, food coloring agents and detergents. The Chemistry Department is attempting to service two main groups science teacher candidates and non-science majors . Dr. Feighan and Ms. Rondini feel that with the new instrumentation students wi 11 hopefully be a wakened to the problems in the world around them.


April 30, 1974

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Cabrini's Second Annual Career Program


Do Today's Schools Prepare You For Tomorrow's Jobs? By What kind of job can you look forward to in 1980? Well, according to our changing world it will probably be one that will deal with the problems of today. Specialists predict that many of the careers of tomorrow won't be lifetime commitments but instead


than the median income of those with high school diplomas. Why then atte nd college? With the growing problems of the world there will also be a growing market for specialists. Gearing your education for a changing world will also have to

Jeanne Hill and Joanne Barbano talking with a representative from Catholic Social Services. become an important part of your the average person will hold educationa l planning if you expect several different ca reers. An into find a job waiting for you after crease of career consc iousness can four years of schooling. However , be felt all over but especially according to man y counselors, it is among students currently attending colleges and universities . not worth putting aside one's natural interests or talents in orMany students who still have a der to fit today 's rapid ly changing year left in their education are work force. Ev~ry profession , no being told that their fields of conmatter how overstaffed, can use centration are already overcrowded and that their chances of real talent. Recently Cabrini College's getting a job in their major is a lumni association sponsored their doubtful. According to the Bureau second annual career program. of Labor statistics 28% of today's The purpose of suc h a career college graduates are making less

Ms. Claire Morris, representing Action News.


program is to aid the students in finding out what various corporations have to offer and how they meet the standards of corporations' interests . Mr. Joseph F. Romano, Assistant Vice President, Eastern Operations of Snelling and Snelling, Inc. gave an address to the students at the beginning_ of the program. His address was very optomistic concerning the future of women in the job market. Mr. Romano said, in relation to women, "companies are ready and willing to hire you as long as you hav e the ability to perform. " Women at present form the largest minority composing over 40% of the labor force yet their scope for jobs on the job mark et is very limited . For instan ce, according to a recent article in the Mar ch 18, 1974 issue of the Christian Science Monitor, 25% of the women work in five occupations; secretary, bookkeeper, elementary school teacher, household worker and waitress . Two percent earn salaries over $15,000 and only four percent are managers or officers. Educated women will be in demand for the futur e and, as Mr. Romano stated to the women at tending the career program , "there never cou ld be a better time for you." Some advice Mr . Roman o gave to students as far as how to go about getting a job was as follows: 1. Decide what kind of compan y you would like to work for. 2. Prepare a resume including part time and summer work, extra curricular activities, some of your objectives plus anything else that would be to your benefit if known by the company of interest. 3. Establish contact with the company; find out what services

they offer, who the key people are in their organization, what kind of future you will have in the company . Along with these three points Mr. Roman o stressed the need to be enthusiastic but also stated that a grain of moderation in your actions and your physical ap pearance was also important especially when being interviewed. "You have to be prepared to show them that you have something to offer them because they have to think that you want to give," said Mr. Romano. Your interview will be the most importan t determining feature. It all comes down to you being able to sell your abilities and convincing the company that they will benefi t from your assets. The Phila delphia area busine sses that participated in the second annual career program sponsored by Cabrini College's alumni association were as follows: B. Altman and Co., The American College of Life Underwriters, Broomall Pharma cy, Catholic Social Services, College of Physicians of Philadelphia , De chert , Pri ce and Rhoads , Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Freedom Valley Girl Scout Council, Gray and Rogers, Inc ., W. Frank Kelle y, Realtor, The Lankenau H o pita!, Mer ck Sharp and Dohme, Meri on Mer cy Academy, Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas , Montgomery Publishing Company, • orr istown School Di strict, Paralegal Institute , Philadelphia , ational Bank , Philadelphia Suburban Water Company, Saga Administrative Corporation, Sears, Roebuck and Company, Snelling & Snelling, In c., 3M Company, WPVI-TV.

Forecast For '74

Societies On May 6, Cabrini College will be initiated into Phi Alpha Theta, the International History Honor Society at an 8 p.m. ceremony in the Mansion dining hall. Professor D,,nald Hoffman, the International Secretary-Treasurer of Phi Alpha Theta will install the new chapter at the ceremony. The following faculty and students will be installed : :Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, M.S.C . Mr . Carter W . Craigie Dr . Margaret Reher Ms . Kathleen Gavigan Ms. Bonnie Velotta Ms . Joyce McCrees h Ms. Pa t Moody Ms . Karen Harcar Ms. Alice Perez :vis. Eileen Aumock Ms. R osemary Maki Ms. Pam Cosgrove Cabrini College will be initiated into Beta Beta Beta , the National Biology Honor Society on May 13. The following members will be installed by Dr . Allan Schroeder , · Eastern Regional Dire ctor of Beta Beta Beta : There sa Alberici Eileen Aumock Alexandra Borzillo Jan Mary Bosch Jane t Callaghan Mary Jo Caranfa Jo-Ann Coady Mary Ellen Crawford Virginia Gillespie Charles Jeffers Mary Ann Kozy u an Ma ger Raym ond Matey Roseanne Miller \" alerie Payt on Ali ce Perez Patrice Pinnelli Anth ony Ru sso Joseph Silvestrini Charles Toby Karen W alien Diane Wo ods Virginia Brigandi Dr. G. B. Baker , President of the national organization, will be the guest speaker.

R.S.V.P. (Continued from page I)

By Linda Schimmenti A distinguished southern gentleman gave an intere sting presentation on April 2nd, spo nsored by the Social Science Club. Mr. Walter Craigie, of Craigie, Mason and Hagen, spoke about the econom ic outlook for 1974. Mr. Craigie, a noted investment banker and advisor , started working at age 11. Some years later , he worked for a Federal R eserve bank and various commercial banks before starting his own company. Eventu a lly he merged with Mason and Hagen. Besides being in bu si ness he is also on the Board of Trustees of two colleges in Virginia, as well as acting president of another company in Virginia. Mr . Craigie, in his forecast, suggested that there would be a flat economy in '74, with small or no real growth, and a 7-8% level of inflation. He also predicted that overall commodity prices, namely food, may continue to fall slightly. Mr . Craigie advised investment in commodities only if you know exactly what you are doing , and can rely on expert advice. He foresees interest rates falling sharply over the last two quarters

of '74, to 7-1/2%, and thinks that corporate profits will drop 5% this year. With regard to the stoc k market, Mr. Craigie thinks that there were some outstanding , long term values available in solid or soca lled " blue chip" corporations. For students, he suggested that unless you have $500 to invest in the stock market, the commission rates and transaction fees will take too large of a percentage of the initial investment . While Ameri cans may not have much confidence in their own businesses, foreign investment in this country would seem to contradict the lack of public confidence . Mr. Craigie noted, for example, increased foreign investment in raw materials and manufacturing . Mr. Craigie also noted that there is an in crease in business spending on plants and equipment. This should represent a long term constructive force in the economy. Finally, on a more personal or family level, Mr. Craigie expressed his dislike for joint checking accounts, and strongly advised both the wife and the husband to have their own individual accounts.

division , Dr. Brown's office - even the library. Their qualifications are many . Quite a few of these wom en were previously executive secretaries, some were teachers for over 40 years;(one volunteer had Dr. Brown 's mother in her gym class!); some were employed bv colleges before. · · Through the RSVP program. these senior volunteers are receiving a lot - the rewards of being active, working with others. and being us eful. But Cabrini is getting just as mu ch- the talents. knowledge, and skills of some verv experienced people. ·


Page 6

April 30, 1974


You'llneverknow cJJLlR how much good youcanao untilyou do it. er,

"Volunteer:' Washington, D.C. 20013. It'll do you good to see how much good you can do.


The National Center for\.bluntary Action

Magic PeddlerTakesLoss By Beth Schweitzer Cabrini's college store, The Magic Peddler, will continue its services next year, and if needed will open for brief periods of time during the summer, but according to Mr. Axler , Cabrini's buiness manager, the store took a financial loss this year. There were different reasons for the unsuccessful year. One of the most obvious reasons for the loss; "We spent more money than we took in ," Mr. Axler said. " If we want a college store, the college community should support it and it hasn't been supported adequately."

Money was invested for special events held on various occas ions throughout the year, but attendance was low and consequently no profit was made. Shoplifting has also been observed in the store and a robbery of $185 occurred this year. Inventory will be taken when school closes to see how much loss the store actually took. Perhaps one year is not sufficient time to decide whether or not the store should be permanently closed or kept open, but if the store's financial position does not improve there may be no other alternative.

Thanks Jerry! fromthe staff

LOQUITUR Editorial

Board ...................

Photography .. .. ... ... .......... Circulation

Manager ................

Joanne Barbano Terry Cavanaugh Connie Cesare Terry Cavanaugh Julie Cicotello

Staff . . ..... ..................... Bonnie Adlestein, Mary Lynn Carone, Lorraine Ostrowski, Michelle Perna , Beth Schweitzer, Mary Beth Senkewicz .

Howwould ou liketo signt e workyoudol Would you be willing to tell the world, "I did this?" After all, you're pretty good at what you do. Probably proud of it, too. Well, most of us will never get to sign our work. And maybe that's a shame. Because as good as we are, it might make us better. And we can afford to be. Whether we're teachers or short-order cooks, farmers or steamfitters, sales managers or city managers. We'll all have more to show for it. More money, for one thing.

•• ;;~e~~;i:~~~ ~r~ice~~ the even the government we pay for. For another thing, we'll be giving America a better chance to take on our foreign business competitors. Not just here. All around the world. That would help bring the lopsided balance of payments back onto our side. And make your dollar worth more. Best of all, as we hit our stride, we'll be protecting jobs here at home. For ourselves ··· and the future. And we'll have a deeper sense of satisfaction in the jobs we've got. You don't have to sign your work to see all these things happen. And more. Just do the kind of work you'd be proud to have carry your name.

America.It only works aswell aswe do. The Nauonal


on ~ti

vity . Wa ,h •n•t on. D.C.

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