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Vol. XXI, No. 1
October 14, 1974
Renovation of Grace Hall By Fran MacDonald Student protest at the announced change of Grace Hall into a theater and faculty offices has subsided only slightly after an official explanation was published by the Master Planning Committee. This past summer, the resident facilities of Grace Hall were renovated to include the faculty offices of the Education, Psychology, Special Education, Early Childhood, and Mathematics Departments. The reasons for this move, as outlined by the Master Planning Committee, are complex and far reaching. The
student reaction to this renovation, never- . theless, is one of indignation and protest. Using dormitories for other purposes is not new at Cabrini. Several faculty offices were located last year in Woodcrest. The Master Planning Committee, in deciding to use Grace Hall as more than a dorm did so for several reasons. The large central recreation room located in the left wing of the building was a main reason. This type room could be found nowhere else on campus, and had excellent possibilities as a combination theater, concert hall and lecture hall.
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Grace Hall's duplicated structure also made it extremely desirable as a combination faculty center and student residence, according to Dr. Frank Saul, Chairman of the Master Planning Committee. The faculty offices in Grace Hall could be easily separated from the resident facilities. When the faculty offices were located near students' rooms in Woodnest, the faculty was bothered by the student noise and the students were inhibited by faculty presence. The large individual rooms, well suited for offices, further influenced the choice of Grace Nall. The underutilization of dorm space also played a primary role in the final choice of Grace Hall as a combination resident hall and office building, according to Dr. Saul. Early la st semester the Master Planning Committee began to look for a suitable dorm for male students . After careful consideration , the left wing of Woodcrest was chosen. When a sufficient number of male students failed to reserve rooms in Woodnest, the Master Planning Committee decided to move female students onto the first floor of Woodcrest , thus freeing space in Grace Hall for other purposes. Grace Hall was already scheduled for renovation and improvements; therefore, it was an easy choice for faculty offices.
Student protest of the use of a portion of Grace Hall as faculty offices centered around two issues: the timing of the announcement of a final decision and the lack of consideration for the opinion of the students involved. Students were engaged in preparation for final exams and the selection of rooms for the up-coming semester had already been completed at the time of the announcement. This left the involved students with no time to fight the decision, little or no choice in rooms for the upcoming semester , and literally no say in this aspect of the governing of residential life, states a letter to the Master Planning Committee written by Lorraine Ostrowski, in an attempt to summarize student opinion . The Master Planning Committee, in a reply, blamed the timing of the announcement on the indeci ion of male residency . The deadline for room selection was repeatedl y extended in the hope of at tracting more male residents. Thus valuable time was wasted, says Dr. Saul. There was, he explained, no time for debate or e\"en a poll of student opinion . Students also felt that the transformation of part of Grace Hall into (Continued
on page 5)
A NewPolicy by Mary Beth Senkewicz
American Studies Major Offered by Beth Schweitzer Few fields have grown more rapidly in the last twenty-five years than American Studies. Cabrini students now have the opportunity to study American Studies as a major or combined major . The major was proposed by Mrs . Sharon Schwarze of Cabrini College's Philosophy department . She said that the interdisciplinary American Studies major is designed to meet several different needs . It wil 1 provide a well-focused interdisciplinary major in the American experience. The major will also make possible for students with additional concentration in other areas a double major which will give them electives in several disciplines and yet provide some measure of expertise in American Studies.
All the courses necessary for comp leting a major in this field are offered at Cabrini College. The required courses for the American Studies include English, History, Social Science, Philosophy, and Religion courses. Some of the upper division courses are Survey of American Literature, American Intellectual Thought, the American Religious Experience and American National Government . This individualized major enables a student to design an individualized educational experience based on existing courses at Cabrini. In addition, an American Studies background would be pa1ticularly useful for students planning careers in teaching, law, government service or communications.
If a professor has a tenured contract, that means he /she cannot be fired except for several important reasons; they include serious financial exigencies such as a department being phased out, moral turpitude, and incompetence. On most college campuses, the granting of tenure to worthy professors is undertaken by a faculty committee designated for that purpose. Prior to this year tenure at Ca brini has been granted by the administration. As of this 1974-75 academic year, tenure will be handled by the Committee of Academic Freedom, Rank , and Tenure, a faculty composed committee. There are several ways in which this procedure differs from the old one. One of the main differences is that for the first time students' views concerning the tenure candidates will be taken into consideration. The student evaluations from several years back will be used by the subcommittees examining each candidate . Secondly, there will be substantial alumni input into this matter which was not present previously . A random sampling of the candidate's graduated majors and other alumni have been contacted and will reply via letter concerning the candidate. Lastly, it is different because the faculty
themselves handles the whole procedure. Ms. Kathleen Gavigan , a member of the committee, explained the reason for the change. She said that it was custom in the academic community for a faculty com- . mittee to handle tenure. Thus, Cabrini College joins itself more strongly with academic tradition in using a tenure evaluation procedure followed in a long line of creditable ins t itutions . The purpose of this committee is to insure academic freedom, encourage intellectual and professional growth among the faculty, and to supervise the granting of tenure and rank, according to the A.A.U.P . (American Association of University Professors) A professor becomes a candidate for tenure in the fall of his/her sixth full-time year. A subcommittee reviews the candidate's qualifications for tenure, judging on teaching performance, counseling and other contributions to students, academic achievement, promise of continued growth and excellence, and his/her value as a respected representative of the college and the community. Currently there are five candidates for tenure: Dr. Marice Bezdek, English Department; Mr. Robert McGee, and Mr. Gerald Satlow, both of the Math Department; Miss Jo-Ann Rondini, Chemistry Department; and Mr s. Irene Rachat, Language Department .
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October 14, 1974
Campus Comments ... Freshmen...
Thoughts on Education: Where Do You Fit? by Michelle Perna Sin ce the begin n ing of ti me man's curiosity has driven him to experience many new ways of acquiring knowledge. As time progressed, man also progressed, evolving from an illiterate being to a more refined, educated individual . This evolution might not have been possible if man hadn't discovered his own natural abilities to learn. Man's thirst for knowledge soon began to be quenched with his own discoveries. He desired to learn all he possibly could to better himself. Today , one would feel inclined to question the motives of the countless numbers of students attending our schools and colleges. Let us first examine the high school st udent who gets up every morning for school to participate in the educational process. How many of these students are really enjoy ing what they are participating in? How many are going merely to fill a parental desire? The college student, on the other hand, has much more offered to him than the high school student. He is free to choose his field of study and plan for his future in a more direct way. Is it enough for this student to participate in this educational process if the on ly reason for doing so is to meet the demand of being an educated person in one's society? If this is the only reason for learning, then he may be closer to ignorance t han he thinks. An explanation for this reasoning is as follows: man was given the ability and the intelligence to acquire knowledge, but if he is not going to use the ability to the fullest by getting all he can from the educatio nal process, then he should not selfishly put his abilities to work. The need for man to be educated has become a necessity in today's world. For
instance , between the years 1960-68 the knowledge count doubled. By this is meant that the amount of knowledge that man was expected to digest between these years was twice as much as in the same span of time in the past. Since 1968, the knowledge count has increasingly gained mom ent um . It was estimated that 15.2 per cent of the males and 9.3 per cent of the females aged 25 years and older will have four or more years of college by 1975 (Projection of Educational Attainment, 1968). The Christain Science Monitor, when recentl y discussing education, stated "educators predict that before long people will be getting some kind of schooling all their lives to keep up with new ideas, facts, and discoveries both in sch ool and on the job." This cont inual " kind of schooling " does not necessarily mean the traditio nal classroom situation. It can range from one-to-one interactions to mass communication . One of man's major sources of contact with hi s world, the media, has much to do with hi s understanding of his country, his world and their problems . As Marshall McLuhan has stated, te levision has created a "g lobal vi llage " . Turn on your tube and you have any place in the world in your living room. Through technology, the continual educational process is again in progress. There is much to be gained by the individual who views learning as an art and not as a chore that must be completed before a certain period of his life in order to meet his social norms . Only the individual who sees learning as someth ing unique can realize that it is not a process that stops abruptly · aft,>r one's formal education has ceased, but a process that continues t hroughout one's life.
What is theatre lab? It is a class offered at Cabrini which gives students an opportunity to get involved with other people and develop their ta lents. Soon after walking into my first theatre lab class, I found a group of hardw orking, warm and friendly people who made me feel I wasn't just a "freshma n " but a person. I could see that Mr. Perna, the instructor, took great pride and interest in the group. As a student, this encour agement is very important because it gives me the feeling t hat whatever I contribute, no matter how small the job, will be appreciated. So freshmen get involved. See what self discipline and fun are all about. Make a steady date with us Tuesday nights , 5:306:30 in the auditorium.
AcademicNews Sister Mary Louise , President and Dorothy M. Brown Vice President of Academic Affairs attended the 78th annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities, held September 22-24 at the Holida y Inn of Valley Forge in King of Prussia . The theme of this year's meeting was "Pennsylvania higher Education : The State and Federal Issues." Presidents and other representatives from nearly 100 Pennsylvania colleges and universities met with State and national leaders to help plot the future course of higher education in the Commonwealth. Featured speakers included Pennsylva nia Secretary of Education John C. Pittenger who presented Governor Milton Shapp's thoughts on "State Issues in Higher Edu cat ion ," Dr . Virginia Y . Trotter, Assistant Secretary for Education in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare on " Federal Issues in Higher Education;" And Dr. Barbara W. Newell, President of Wellesley College, whose topic was "Are We Making Excuses?"
Cabrini is now offering a major m American Studies, co nce ntrating on American Histor y and Litera t ur e. This major is of special interest to students majoring in education, law , government service and communicat ion. Mr s. Sch warze is the faculty member coordinating the program.
* * * Cabrini College has begun its 1974-1975 academic year with the promotion of four faculty members. College president, Sister Mary Loui se Sullivan, M.S .C., announced that Dr. Dorothy Brown , who now serve s as vice president for academic affairs, has been promoted from Asso ciate Prof esso r to Professor of Biology. Other faculty promotions were granted three members of the English department. They are: Dr. Maurice Bezdek , from Assistant to Assoc iate Professor ; Dr. Marilyn Johnson, from Assistant to Associate Profes sor; and Jerome Zurek , from Instru ctor to Assistant Professor. In addition to the above faculty promotions, Cabrini College is pleased to announce that Mr. Isadore E. Axler, Busines s Manager, has been accorded the title Vice President for Business and Finan ce, as provided for in the Organizational Chart of Cabrini College .
BiologyClub 3.
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The Biology Club will be sponsoring a "C asino Night early in November. Be on the lookout for more information about the fun and games involved.
HistoryDepartment Plans are now being made for the history Club's trip to Philadelphia. The club will take in city sights pertaining to colonial America. D11te will be announced .
. . .Since this year is the beginning of the celebration of the Nation's Bicentenn ial, the History club plans to attend lectures on Colo ni al and Modern America at Independence Mall. .. .The Renaissance Club plans to go on a field trip to the Art Museum where a special guide will tell them about t he museum's holdings in Renaissance art.
LankenauProgram The Lankenau Program of Heal t h Education in und ergraduate studies at Cabrini has been extended to includ e graduate studies as well. Through the Lehigh Regional Consortium, students are granted graduate academic cred its which can be transferred to the student's college or university as part of hi s accredited semester hours.
ReligionDepartment In an effort to keep students informed on curre nt events and controversies the Religion Department is interested in forming an organization to consider these problems. This organization will provide speakers and films on present day topics of interest. Intere sted faculty members and stu dents are welcome to attend a general meeting Thursday , October 17 at 3:30 p.m. in the Religion office. Refreshments will be served .
LanguageDepartment .. This year the Spanish classes at Cabrini have been divided into three sections, one of them employing traditional textbook methods while the other two introduce the utilization of the audio-visual method of learning . This audio-visual method is a purely conversational approach to the learning of the Spanish language ; it is , based upon t he use of films and tapes rather than texts . "V ida y Dialogos," the audio-visual course in Spanish offered her e at Cabrini would be a good elective for those students who wish to become acquainted with the language by speaking it, says Dr. Jawor ski.
PhilosophyDepartment ... Has Compensatory Education failed in this country? That will be the subje ct of a lecture by Deborah Klein Walker, Monda y, October 28th at 2 p.m. in the Librar y Conference Room . Ms. Walker is a lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Harvard . The Philosophy Club is spo nsoring the lecture.
City MusicAcademy The Philadelphia Mu sic Academy has announced a Satellite Program to be conducted again this year with Cabrini. Private musical instruction in the instr umental and vocal categories, along with Theory and Composition will be offered at Cabrini. Tuition fees are based on two 13-week semesters, totaling 26 lessons.
EnglishDepartment On Wednesday, October 16, 1974, the English Department will be sponsoring a Career Forum. All are invited to attend. (( 011ti111U'd on 1w~<' 4)
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October 14, 1974
Renting of Rooms
by Fran MacDonald Was your room rented this summer? This question circulated among man y of the residents in Grace Hall and Woodcr est as they returned to school this semester. It has remained a topic of question and dis cussion .
from a dormitory to a combination of faculty offices and resident hall. Mr. Axler also stated that resident hall s at Cabrini had been rented in the past and the selection of the groups which rented this summer had been carefully considered to avoid problems .
The official explanation of the summer use of W oodcrest and Grace Hall came from Mr. Axler , V.P. for Business and Finance at Cabrini. According to Mr . Axler, Grace Hall and Woodcrest were rented in August to the Middle Atlantic Gym Group, associated with the YMCA. Woodcrest was also rented for several weekends during the summer by a Marriage Encounter group.
Problems did arise however . Upon th eir return to school, residents , espec iall y in Woodcrest, noted damage to t h eir rooms which had occurred over the summer. They also were dismayed at the debris found in desk drawers, closets and behind bureaus. According to t hese students damage ranged from stained rugs to scratc hed and damaged furniture .
The YMCA group of about 150 teenagers and staff members used the grounds at Cabrini for a week of gymnasti c training. Ninety percent of these youths were female and they occupied the rooms in Woodcrest . The male members used the facilities at Grace Hall. Mr. Axler stated that on the whole, they were pleased with the attitudes and behavior of these temporary residents .
Nancy Edwards, who lives in room 202 of Woodcrest , noted that when she returned in September there was a scattered stain on the carpet and that a six inch portion of the mirror had been damaged. A student on the first floor noted a four inch burn mark on her rug, and a stude nt on the third floor found two large stai ns on her rug, and a broken drawer in her bureau.
The Marriage Encounter group which occupied Wood crest consisted of a number of married coupl es. These couples held sessions during the weekends emphasizin g c.ertain aspects of marriag e. In his explanation Mr . Axler stated the ever-present need for money as the primary motivation behind the renting of the dormitories . The rent mone y recei ved from this venture was needed to partiall y financ e the renovation of Grace Hall
During the YMCA's stay at Cabrini, Mr. Axler stated that room inspections were held before the group arrived and after they left and no significant room damage was _noted. No inspections were held, howev er, during the Marriage Enco unter group's re s id ence. When questioned about the damage , Mr . Axler explaine d that he was unaware that any damage had occurred. Mr. Axler is now planning an inspection of some of the · damaged room s in an effort to solve this problem.
Library Prepares for Visit by Lorraine Grippi Cabrini's Library is presently assembling an extensive report on its facilities and operations . The library is ju st one of the Institutional Resour ces bein g evaluated by the Institutional Resour ces Committee.
This is in preparation for the visit by the Middle States Association in Mar ch. Middl e States is an organization whi ch visits various college campuses and grant s them regional accreditation. The Institutional Resources Committee are members of Cabrini's staff, faculty , student body and Board of Trustees who prepare an objective report on campus reso ur ce cent ers to aid Middl e States in their evaluation.
The library is a key aspect in t hi s report and makes up it s first section. Ms . Carolyn Gough, H ead Librarian , is chairperson of the eight member Institutional Resources Committee. H er special committee report responsibility is the library, though all members of the Committee contribute to the discussion and the eval uation of all elements of the report .
Every facet of this repor t is then backed up by statistical information - showin g numericall y the number of volumes, the circulation count, the number of volumes catalogued in different subject areas, the extention of financial background and other importan t informa tion. Everything is detailed num erica ll y as well as in a verbal report. "The chief advantage of such a report," said Ms . Gough, "is that it reveals both weaknesses and strengths. Sometimes you know that weaknesses exist, but an indepth study makes them more apparent and can even suggest possible remedies ." One of Cabrini's chief weaknesses is its low circulation usage . This refers to the number of books that circulate per student on campus. The number of books that the students take out of the library in a given year is low .
B y Maureen Larkin During the seco nd semester of the 19731974 school year some of you might have noti ced the absence of Dr. Romano, chairman of the Philosophy Department . For the last part of that school year Dr. Roman o made Belgium hi home and the Catholic University of Louvain took the place of Cabrini College. This University is located in Belgium and was built in 1425. The reputation of this school is well known; this fact can be verified by the huge and varied enrollment. Students, both undergraduates and graduates from the world over come to this schoo l of learning.
At the Institute of Philosophy, a bran ch of the University of Louvain, Dr . Romano taught both undergraduates and graduates in the History of Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy Texts and Ethi ca l Problems. Some of the differences he found between teaching in a foreign country and in America is that most of his stude nt s in Belgium were Philosophy majors and not
Ms . Gough would like to see this change. Students very often use the library more as a study hall and do not make efficient use of the resources avai labl e to them .
First an outline is prepared identifying and describing all the goals and objectives of Cabrini Library. A li st is mad e describing all things the library hopes to accomplish in order to supplement the curriculum of the college community as part of its Institutional Resources .
One of the ways t ha t students are bein g encouraged to use the library is through subject oriented orientation progra ms class related orie nt ation programs where a class is given instructions on how to make use of library materials and to research t heir respective subject s . The point is to make st uden ts feel mor e at home in the library and more comfortable with its tools in order to make mor e intelligent use of its resources.
· Secondly, a report is made describing in detail how every one of these goals is im plemented. Every function of the library is · analyzed from the acquisition of books to circulation practices and referen ce procedures. Cooperative programs with other libraries are discussed .
One of the stro ngest points of Cabrini's librar y is that it supplements the curriculum quite adequately and quite well. This is accomplished t hrough the support and cooperation of t he faculty who are responsible for ordering books related to their academic departments.
Ms . Gough notes that the library will be presented in roughly three parts.
Romano Returns just pupil taking the course for credit. Another i that a lot of pres ure exi t on the student _ However , it is mo tly family pressure to succeed in college. Over in Belgium , it is considered an honor to get acc.epted and attend college. Here in Ameri ca, however, it is just a common e-.•eryday occurrence for most families. The major difference of the educational system in Belgium i oral examinations. This was one of the hardest aspects of the University to adjust to stated Dr . Romano. There is little difference between Amer ican and Belgium coeds. Both groups are very eager to learn and enjoy college immensely . As far as the Belgium students were concerned, Dr. Romano sa id he found no difficulty in teaching them and all his students adjusted to hi s method of teaching without any trouble. From his stay in Belgium , Dr . Romano was able to widen his horizons culturally. Many fine opportunities to go to museums and concerts were opened to him. As a result, he profited at both ends. He taught hi s students and he learn ed from his cul t ural visits.
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Business Manager . ..........
. ... Joa·nne Barbano Lorraine Ostrowski
. . ... . ... . ... ... ... ... . ....
. ......
. .. Ray Crew
Rosemary Scanlan
Staff .. , .. . ........... ..... . ............. . ..... . . Joan Buonanno, Corinne Cardilla, Susan Decarlo, Lorraine Grippi , Maureen Larkin, Fran MacDonald, Michelle Perna, · Beth Schweitzer , Mary Beth Senkewicz
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October 14, 1974
An Unresolved Problem
The Issue of Amnesty By Mary Beth Senkewicz
Dr. Linda Moulton
Our New Arrivals We cordially welcome to Cabrini five newly-appointed part time faculty members. Mrs. Helen Quinn, a Wayne resident has been named lecturer in education. A graduate of Nazareth College, Rochester, · New York, she is presently completing work on her masters degree as a reading specialist at West Chester State College . Mrs . Quinn also teaches at Valley Forge Military Academy where she has the distinction of being the first full time woman instructor. Dr. Linda Turner Moulton of Blue Bell is a lecturer in mathematics. A graduate of Bryn Mawr College, she received her masters degree from Harvard University, and her doctorate from Temple University. Dr. Moulton enjoys teaching at a small liberal arts college, having attended one herself. She finds the atmosphere at Cabrini very friendly. Named lecturer in history is Robert Craig Nation of King of Prussia. He is a graduate of Villanova University, holds a masters degree in Russian History from Duke University where h e is completing work on h is doctorate. Mr. Nation li kes th e small personable classes that Cabrini offers. Two new lecturers in biology are James Laing Frew Waddell of Phi ladelphia and J. Augu st in Bern h ard of Wayne. Mr. W adde ll h olds a B . Sc. degree in wology from the University of Glasg low, Scot lan d and a Ph.D. in bio logy from t h e University of Pennsylvan ia . Mr. Augustin Bern h ard is a graduate of Miami Un iversity in Oh io a nd has one credit to go in order to complete hi s masters degree at Vill anova. Both of th e above professors feel t h at t h e st udents an d oth er facul ty mem hers a re socia ble and coopera t ive.
In a move that took many people by surprise , President Ford, while addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Chicago on August 19th, inserted into his speech a vague outline concerning amnesty for Vietnam War deserters and draft resisters and evaders. Then on Monday, Sep tember 16th, he unveiled his completed program to the American people : amnesty would be granted conditionally upon completion of up to two years of alternative service to the country - an "earned reentry." That phrase contains the crux of the terrible dilemma facing the count ry concerning the problem of amnesty: should Vietnam deserters and draft resisters and evaders have to earn their reent ry into this country? Must they be punished because they did, in fact , break a law? Or were they right in following the dictates of their consciences and refusing to take part in a war which they considered immoral ? Does the individual have a right to break a law because he regards it as an unjust one? The whole question of amnesty involves a larger , broader , question whi ch Americans from Henry David Thoreau to Martin Luther King have been pondering : what is the relationship between an individual and a society, and what are the responsibilities that relationship entails? Last Thursday afternoon, amnesty was the subject of a panel discussion here at Cabrini. Ron Loferno , from the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, was the guest speaker. He brought along a film released by the National Council of Churches entitled, "Amnesty or Exile?" Before the di scussion occured, this reporter had an opportunity to talk with Mr. Loferno over the phone about his position on amnesty. He felt very strongly that "earned reentry is punishment for conscientious dissension . It is neither mercy nor compassion, but punishm ent." One problem he foresees with Ford' s program is that it can be used as a trap for many people. For instance , take a person who is AWOL, and suppose he had a clean record (except for the desertion). He may find , upon his return, that he has been charged
with marijuana possession - a charge he knew nothing about. Danger of ·prosecution for other offenses like drugs is a consideration the veteran will have to reflect upon before deciding whether or not to return to this country. Loferno believes that this program will not help, but is worse than what we had before. Prior to the program, many draft evaders may have been able to get their indictments dropped but now everyone is subject to the arbitrariness of the system. He called it "a policy of planned punishment." There are others who also believe that the policy of the ·country should not be a vindictive one. Henry Steele Commager, professor of histor y at Amherst College and one of the nation's foremost experts on this topic, believe s that any vengean ce would be a stain on the nation 's history. He advocates an attitude like Lin coln's after the Civil War , one of magnanimity , believing that it would be in the best long;.ange interests of the country to do so. But there are many people who disagr ee with this view. In answer to my queries around ca mpus, one common reply was, " How can the country survive if the young are allowed to disobey the law so flagrantly?" Respect for the law, then, is an overriding factor to some people in the making of a decision. Most of the people I talked to believed that amnesty was the compassionate thing to do; where opinions differed was the extent to which this compassion should be carried. Another phrase I heard a lot of was, "In fairness to those who went there should be conditions imposed before amnest y is granted." Compa ion, then , appears to hav e limits in the mind of some people. Some individuals believe that the draft system itself was questionable - it appears to have been inequitable and discriminatory. Various deferments were available to those who had the opportunity to get them, such as marriage, or college. If you had money you could hire a draft advisor to get you out of it. The poor and the unedu cated did not have all these options, and for the most part were unaware of the procedure for obtaining a
deferment . The inequity of the system added to the immorality of the entire situaion, and caused many people to evade on moral grounds. The system of universal conscientious objection has !!lso come under fire. Mr. Zurek voiced the opinion that we needed broader categories for conscientious objectors, that universal conscientious objection was too stiff. In the sixties, one had to believe in a Supreme Being, be against all war, and be a very intelligent and well versed person in order to pass the test necessary to obtain a C.O. In recent years, the attitude of the Supreme Court has moved away from these criteria. Speaking for the Court in 1970, Justice Black stated, " ... exempts from military service all those whose consc iences , spurred by deeply moral , ethical, or religious beliefs, would give them no rest or peace if they allowed themselves to become an instrument of war."
Does an individual have the right to decide which law s to obey? Philosophers have been deliberating this question for centuri es. St. Thomas Aquin as says, " Human law does not bind a man in conscience , and if it conflicts with t he higher law , human law should not be obeyed." Socrates, however , had this comment: " In war, and in t he court of justi ce, and everywhere, you must do whatever your state and your countr y tell you to do, or you mu st persuade t hem that their commands are unjust." Thoreau believes, like Aquinas , that the higher law must be obeyed, but he also believes that with in a society man must accept the consequences of his actions. He refu ed to pay a tax to a government which upported la very and a war again t Mexico , but he also went to jail for it. Amnesty is a divisive issue in a divisive time. But there wa s one point on which nearly everyone I conversed with seemed to agree: that the Vietnam War caused a senseless wa te of talent , both in deaths and exiles. o one know s exactly how man y exiles there are, but the number has been estimated to be between 50,000 and 100,000. Whether or not the program of conditional amnesty gets them back in this country, only time will tell.
CAMPUSCOMMENTS (Continued from page 2)
SocialScienceDepartment Mr. Carter Craigie, Chairman of the Social Science Department , is working on a career opportunities forum. The program will include guest spea kers representing the probation office, parapolice work, and mental retardation. Most probably, it will be held on ·some October evening. So keep your eye out for the date . All are cordially invited!
Development Office Mrs. Jan Buzbee has been named coordinator of public information and puhlications in Cabrini College's office of development and public relations. A grad uate of the University of Pittsburg h , Mrs. Buzbee previously worked in th e news bureau of the American Chemica l Society, Was h ington, D.C., where sh e was research ass istant to t he associate editor of "C h emica l and E ngineering News ." Pr ior to t h at sh e was account ass ista nt wit h Culle n R app St udi os, New Yor k City. She was a lso a reporter and ass ista nt editor of the E ast Liberty Tribune, Pi ttsb urgh . . - -·
.,,.FOR SALE ...
$21!~ 9'
October 14, 1974
Page 5
Middle States Committees: A Progress Report
Middle States Committee reports are coming in. Since last September, the phrase, "Middle States Committee" has been showing up on Cabrini community calendars and appointment books. The Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, which accreditates Cabrini College, is due for its once every ten years evaluation visit in March. Last year faculty, student, and ad- · ministration formed committees to assemble reports on various aspects of the Cabrini institution . After nearly a year of collecting and discussing information, the Middle States Committees are beginning to complete their reports. Each summation will be submitted to the Steering Committee for examination. The reports will then be combined and set aside for the coming Evaluation Committee. The Faculty and Teaching Committee, chaired by Ms . Kathleen Gavigan, Department of History chairperson, was one of the early groups to wind things up. The committee's main function, says Ms. Gavigan, was a "descriptive one"; to examine Cabrini's faculty and teaching methods under the major headings of background data, teaching responsibilities, and non-teaching responsibilities. No names were used in the report and no attempts were made to judge or evaluate any or all departments . Background information included general statements on the faculty's educational background , and the college's policies on hiring, tenure and promotion . Under ' teaching responsibilities,
student course load was discussed. The committee found that two-thirds of the classes taught at Cabrini had student loads of between 8 and 28 people. The Faculty and Teaching Committee also chose the SIR student evaluation sheets distributed last year. This method was chosen as it seemed to be the one with the "fewest drawbacks," st ates Ms. Gavigan. Evaluation results indicated that Cabrini students give more favorable ratings to their teachers than the national norm. Grading policy was another item under consideration. The committee examined percentages of letter grades given by each deoartment, and found that on the whole, " 'B' is more a median than model grade. " Committee members thought that this might reflect a national trend but sufficient evidence was not available. The committee also noticed some discrepencies in grade percentages among departments; that is , that one department was doling out more A's than another, and so on. A suggestion was made that an entire faculty meeting be devoted to discussion of grading policies. The non-teaching role of the faculty was also discussed. Faculty members are expected to grow professionally by participating in professional organizations and by continuing research and professional writing. Fa cult y is also required to act as advisors to students assigned to them. A third non-teaching role is that of Department Head. A department chairperson's duties have never been
from page I)
faculty offices would detract from the warm, friendly atmosphere of the hall as a dormitory. Dr. Saul feels the fact that the wing used for faculty offices is separate from the resident area of Grace Hall adequately solves this problem. Most of the faculty now housed in Grace Hall seem to be happy with the move. The Education Department, remarks Mr. Kuhns, was slightly overcrowded in Sacred Heart and has had a chance to ·
spread out into severa l offices. The faculty feels that Gra ce Hall offers more privacy and encourages uninterrupted counseling on a one-to-one basi s. The re is no feeling of isolation, and no interfer ence between academic and resident life, according to several faculty members . Right now, ·the only shortcoming appears to be in the lack of proper directions and markings for the new offices. It is felt, however, that this problem will be easily solved as the year progresses.
enumerated, so the committee polled present department heads and came up with a list. The list includes supervising programs, coordinating faculty within the department, working on a departmental budget, taking care of communications directed toward the department and advising students involved in the departments· major field. , Information for the complete report was obtained from the registrar, catalogue, individual faculty m~mbers and the st udent
Gough Named President Cabrini College librarian , Carolyn Gough of Devon, has recently assumed office as president of the Tri-Sta te Library Cooperative (TCLC). TCLC is an organization of 26 academic libraries in Delaware , New Jersey and Pennsylvania which provide s for the exchange of information and the sharing of existing resources. It also seeks to strengthen these resources and libra ry services through joint application for private and government funds . In addition, TCLC increases the research potential of member institutions like Cabrini through a mutually supporting acquisitions program. Cabrini is a charter member of TCLC which was founded in 1867. According to Mrs. Gough, a distinct asset of TCLC's program is that the strong points of the member institutions, as reflected in their librarie s' holdings, are made available to a wider range of readers. Such assets include the art holdings of the Philadelphia College of Art; t he Italian studies collection at Cabrini; the scientific holdings at Widener College; and the American Negro and African collections at Lincoln University. The new TCLC president indicated that the organization's resources make
Former bedroom ...
now kitchen-lounge
available more than 2,500,000 volumes for Cabrini students and faculty. Cabrini's current holdings, which are available through the TCLC program, total over 51,000 and include a growing microfilm and audio-visual collection. The combination of financial support from an active Cabrini parents program and a Title II-A federal grant has provided for considerable expansion of the audio-visual collection. Mrs. Gough has served as the organization' vice president , its public relations and information committee chairman and as a member of it steering committee . She hold faculty rank as assistant profes or and ha been Cabrini librarian ince 1966. Prior to that he erved as national first vice president of Questers, Inc. and chairman of its Freedoms Foundation committee. Mrs. Gough i a graduate of the College of William and Mary and received her master degree in librar y science at Drexel Universit y. A member of Beta Phi Mu , international honorary library fraternity , she also belongs to the Association of College and Research . Libraries, the Catholic Library Association and the Pennsylvania Library Association .
Europe Still Available Some student air fares to Europe are still in effect. Youth fares and other reduced air fares being sold in Canada and Mexico, and continued use of school charter flight s all make Europe still very much available to travel minded college students - even in the face of ever increasing international air fares. As always, students living in the eastern states have less to pay than students at western schools. Also, lower winter rates offer skiers inexpensive trips to Austrian and Swiss slopes. One student ski trip is only $550 including the round trip flight ticket and accommodations during two weeks on the Austrian slopes. General American tourism to Europe was off somewhat this past summer. As a result, many Austrian ski resorts are dropping their rates for the winter ski crowd. Also, the steady climb of the U.S. dollar against falling European currencies further decreases the cost of a trip to Europe.
evaluations. Ms. Gavigan remarked that student input was valuable but became limited when the committee began holding meetings in June. Committee members included Ms. Nancy Rush , Education Department; Jerome Zurek , English Depa1tment ; Anthony Tomasco, Psycholog y Department; Ms . Kathleen Daley , Social Science Department; Ms. Mary Lynn Carone, Ms. Trish Corcoran, Ms. Mary Ann Casavec_chia and Raymond Matey, students.
For students staying in Europe longer than a 2-week ski fling, temporary paying jobs are also available. Most jobs are in restaurants, h:otels , and ski resorts. Stan: <lard wages are paid, but the big saving is the free room and board that goes with 'ea ch job! · Any interested student may obtain free travel information and job application
form by writing to SOS, 22 Ave. de la Liberte, Luxemborg, Europe. Job processing can be speeded up by obtaining and h oldi ng 3 passport size photos and a letter of recommendation from a teacher or school official.
Give till it helps.
· Page 6
Women Accepted U. S. Senator Hugh Scott (R-Pa.) urged House-Senate conferees working on the military construction bill to agree to a Senate provision which encourages the acceptance of women by America's service academies. Scott said the amendment to the Senate-passed version of the bill appropriates the funds to convert, through construction, t he academy facilities into co-ed operations. Last June, the Senate Republican Leader said he would begin accepting applications from qualified and interested women see king nomination to the academies. Scott pointed out, however , that until now , "no official action could be taken on any female applications because of inadequate facilities at the academies and the reluctance of the Department of
This is whatlittlegirlsaremadeof.
Defense to act without the expressed consent of Congress." "With the enactment of this new provision, the military has a clear goahead to process and accept female appointees," Scott said. He said he was encouraged by the number of applications from "qualified and capable women" so far received in his office . "The time has come to open our minds and our service academies to those women who are anxious to pursue a quality education in the Armed Forces ," Scott asserted. He added he was "hopeful of quick agreement between the House and Senate conferees this session of Congress so that no further delays will stand in the way of women eager to begin studies at our service academies."
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrina Cabrini Cabrini *Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini *Cabrini
vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs
Valley Forge - Nov . 20, 7:00 p.m. HOME Chestnut Hill - Nov . 26, 4:00 p.m. A WAY LaRoche College - Dec. 3, 7:00 p.m. AWAY Alvernia College - Dec. 6, 7:00 p.rn. HOME Devon Prep - Jan. 24, 7:00 p.rn. HOME Alvernia College - Jan . 29, 7:00 p.m . HOME Eastern Colk,ge - Feb . 8, 6:00 p.rn. AWAY Chestnut Hill - Feb. 10, 4:00 p.m. HOME LaRoche College - Feb. 18, 8:30 p.m. HOME Devon Prep - Feb . 21, 7:00 p.rn. AWAY Peirce ,Jr. ·college - March 4, 7:00 p.m. HOME Valley Forge - March 12, 7:00 p.m. HOME
* Tentative schedule; additional games subject to scheduling on short notice. Cabrini College will inaugurate its first Men's Intercollegiate Basketball Season with a Horne game against Valley Forge Academy on November 20th, at 7:00 p.m. Admission is .50c a ticket, and the games are open to the public. For further information, please contact the Cabrini College Athleti c Departme nt: No. 215/ 687-2100.
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8 p.m. I
the Little Theater Mr. Collinswill be accompanied by MissMarthaCavanagh