Vol. XXI, No. 3
December 19, 1974
You decide
Was tlle proposal
Areyouaware? by Fran MacDonald With the epidemic of shortages that have occurred in the past year, the thought of a new shortage no long sends any panic through the American nation. It might, however, if we were a part of the millions who woke up yester day and will wake up tomorrow without food. Today, ten thousand people will die due to the lack of enough food or the right kind of food. The world food problem has reached crisis proportion and steps must be taken immediately to halt the daily increase of deaths due to malnutrition and starvation. Th ere are several startling facts on this food problem that should be known: • The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization projects a 3.6 percent increase in food demand in developing countries in the l-980's but only a 3.3 percent increase in food production by these same countries. • Four hundred million people already suffer from malnutrition . • To add 250 calories per day to the diets of four hundred million people would require an extra ten million tons of cerea l _grains per year. • To help prevent continued starvation in the world, in places like the sub-Sahara, Bangladesh and India, between 7 and 11 million tons of grain are needed. • World grain reserves are estimated at less that 27 DAYS - the lowest in thirty years. All of these facts point in one direction - towards widespread and continued starvation and malnutrition. The cause of this food shortage are not new nor can they be pinpointed to a single factor . During the first half of the 1960's, , food production in the developing coun- tries began to fall behind population growth, bringing rising food prices, growing food scarcity and increasing dependence on food aid from the United States. These are general causes for the shortage. There are also several specifi c causes which greatly affect the production of food in the world. The first of these causes is population
growth . Expanding at about two percent per year, the world population will double in little more than a generation. Merely maintaining current per capita consumption levels will therefore require a doubling of food production over the next generation. Each year, world grain production must increase three percent simp ly to keep pa ce with the expanding population. The fact that food production has decreased in recent years already creates a ,s hor tage. The year l y increase in population further intensifies this shorta ge. Drought and crop failure const itute a second reason for the univer sa l food shortage. A Ru ssian crop failure in 1972 resulted in the purchase of 28 million tons of wheat, mostly from the U.S. This wiped out most of t he resources that could have been spread to ot her needy nations. In India, overgrazing in Sohel because of an increa se in food demand has helped to advance desert area. This is land that could have been used to support additional agricultural resources to feed millions of hungry people . Floods in Bangladesh knocked out much of its rice crop, destroying another valuable food source . These countries have turned to other nations for help , severely depleting the resources of the world as a whole . The in creased appetite of people, especially the Ameri can people, for grain or grain consuming product s ·represe nt a third ca use . Grain consumed directly provides 52 percent of man 's food energy supply. Consumed indirectly in the form of livestock products, it provides a sizable share of the remainder. In resource terms, grains occupy more than 70 percent of the world 's crop area. An average American consumes close to one ton of grain per year. Only two hundred pounds of it are in the form of bread and cereal. The remainder goes into the production of meat, poultry , eggs and milk. This over-€mphasis on grain consuming products, especially beef, has (Continued
on page 4)
by Michelle Perna On April 2, 1974 an article entitled "Where do babies come from?," was written for "Loquitur" in an attempt to communi cate the feelings of st udents , especially the female students on cam.pus, concerning the present women's health facilities available on Cabrini's campus . A proposal that "a women's counsellor with experience in the area of sex education and knowledge about the area facilities available to women, be brought in once or twice a week or once every two weeks," was presented in t he article . The remainder of"this article includes what has been done since April 2, 1974. Whether or not what follows can be considered an answer to the April 2 article is left for you to decide. What has been done? After the article was written, what was done to follow up such a request ? The proposal was brought to Council of College Affairs , and Sr. Mona Hallo ck , Vice President for Student Affairs, was asked to meet with women who would apply for the position. This took place during t he remainder of April and through the month of May. With the close of school ca me a temporary halt in progress. At the beginning of the present year the proposal was again brought .up to Council of College Affairs. ext , a student group was organized to represent Council meetings with Sr . Mona . Sr. Mona then drew up what she considered to be the student's view. This was presented to Council and the student committee rewrote the proposal. The student proposal included the following: The students, both men and women, feel that an information referral service be available to them. This service would deal with areas such as, gynecological problems, venereal disease, contraception, and pregnancy. Because of the nature of these concerns, the students suggest that the 'personal counsellor' be a laywomen, who is not otherwise connected with the college, giving the student
a greater degree of freedom and anonymity if desired. In requesting the referral aspect also, the students have in mind not only an oncampus staff - chaplain, psychologist, nurse to whom they have ready and direct access, but off-campus professionals and facilities gynecologists, clinics - who are qualified and within their reach financially. Aware of the position of the Catholic Church on the topic of abortion, the students hold no expectations that the college provide abortion referrals. The student proposal, along with an additional proposal drawn up by Sr. Mona , including specific guidelines for the service and a letter from Ms . Sharon Schwar~e reinforcing Council's position were forwarded to the Board of Trustee members before their Octobe r 28 meeting. On October 28, t he Board .of Trustee member s met . On November 1, Council of College Affair s received a letter from Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, Cabrini President , stating t ha t the proposals had been rejected. The main thrust of the letter stated the following: "The unanimous opinion of the Trustees was that such a service should not be con ·nected with the college. The Trustees did recommend that the counselling and health services already available to Cabrini students be reviewed and strengthened where necessary." Sr. Mar y Loui se t hen met with members of Council of College Affairs at t heir November 11, meeting to dis cus s the Board 's reasons for rejection and their suggestions for a review of t he present facilities (three nurses, head residents, chaplain, psychologists, dean of students, etc.) . Sr. Mary Loui se also suggested that a group from Council of College Affairs work with these eleven peopl e to strengthen the present service. A group of students from Council have agreed to meet with this group of people. A meeting date has not yet been set.
Parent's Weekend
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PLAY REVIEWS "The Murder of Lidice": The Atrocities of War
Ghosts from the past were transported to the present in Theatre Lab's presentation of Edna St. Vincent Millay's "The Murder of Lidice ." The theme of this dramatic poel"l centers around the Nazi massacre of the village of Lidice , Czechoslovakia during the second World War. The mood of the performance could only be described as ominous and forbidding. The poem begins with the story of a light hearted country town with a happy family, a pair of lovers and a female bystander. John Hare and Vibiana Osborne played the proud parents and their active son was portrayed by Barbara Pinto. Their daughter was Marie Caldwell and Bill Duffy played her young lover. Kim Sanders played the bystander . Together they represent a village which will shortly be destroyed by vicious Nazi terror. The premonition of death, the progression of fear , despair and terror , and the dying thoughts of the men and boys are all emphasized in the dialogues of each character.
December 18, 1974
The staging of this presentation was extremely effective. There was lit t le action involved, so a change in tone was inclicated by the movement of the characters from one position to another. Each character did an excellent job in reciting his dialogue in a tone to fit the mood at the time.
In addition to movement, sound effects played another important part in the mood change. A tolling bell and the death knoll from the drum, played by Patricia Loggio, were enough to send chills up anyone's spine. The eerie music of the flute played by Suzanne Howell also emphasized the changing mood. All in all, the effect produced was extremely effective in conveying the mood of the poem. "The Murder 0f Lidice," performed by the Cabrini College Theatre Lab from Nov . 13 through Nov . 16 was well performed and thought provoking. Special credit should go to director Daniele Perna for the effective portrayal of a horrible time.
Sr. Dominus Vobiscum knits for Fr. Rudy.
"The Diary of Adam and Eve": "It Looked Like a Play" It's hard to believe that the story of creation could involve comedy, romance, satire and science. Mark Twain managed to combine all these elements successfully in his short story "Eve's Diary." ''The Diary of Adam and Eve" is Mark Bucci's adaptation of Twain's tale for the stage, and the Cabrini College Theatre Lab presented that play Nov. 13 through Nov . 16. Ann Reilly portrayed Eve and Rudy Piz'wto, Adam in this tale of creation. Both were excellent and played their pa1ts to perfect ion . Miss Reilly was particularly effective in her comical attempts to win the attention and eventually the heart of Adam. As soon as she entered the scene, she took over the naming of all the .items in the garden , jwt because "it looks like" a giraffe or an elephant or whatever " it" happened to be . Her lighthearted, talkative attitude could not be defined as anything other than amusing as she struggled to make herself known. Mr. Pizzuto was equally amusing in his harried attempts to avoid the attentions of Eve. All he asked from life was "privacy and silence," and the entrance of this new "creature" obviously disturbed thi~ privacy. The comedy was further enhanced by Adam's desperate attempts to name the " creatures" who turned out to be his sons. Even the entrance of the serpent, well played by Martha Cavanaugh, was keyed
for comedy. Her temptation of Eve, which led to the destruction of the Garden of Eden, were comical taunts at Eve's effo1ts to gain knowledge. Behind the surface comedy of the play, there cou ld also be found an undercurrent of seriousness and truth. The actions of Eve portrayed the love that has ruled t he univers e since the beginning of time and which will probably continue to do so until the end. Even after their fall from the Garden, Eve could still say, "The Garden is lost , but I have found Adam ." The final touch of romance was crowned with the birth of their sons, and the realization of Adam 's love for Eve. No Twain play could be comp lete without his famous touch of sarcas m. The very por traya l of Eve as a scatterbrain and a constant talker implied Twain's thoughts about women. Twain also criticized society's emphasis on fashion with Adam's statement about his newly created clothes. They were uncomfortable , it 's true, but stylish all t he same, and that's why clothes were created. Even the comedy of the performance could not veil the sarcasm. Anyone who missed this performance lost a chance for a good laugh and even a good cry if you're extremely romantic. All three of the performers were cast extremely well and performed accordingly. Director Daniele Perna also deserves a note of credit.
Bob McCone
Walnut Theatre's Museum Opens The Walnut Street Theatre's newly dedicated museum of theatre memorabilia opened to the public Thursday, November :21. Museum hours are scheduled for every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon. Guides trained in .the history of the theatre will conduct tours of the museum as well as Gallery I and II, the Walnut's lobby art galleries. Reservations in advance will only be needed by groups with more than twenty people . The theatre museum is riow featuring a Helen Hayes exhibit of photographs, a wards , and personal articles on loan from
the Free Library of Philadelphia-Theatre Department and the Museum of the City of New York. Miss Hayes officially dedi cate d the mu seum on Sunday, November 10 and was honored herself with a dressing room named for her. Included also are two Sully portraits of John Drew and Louisa Lane, various programs from the Walnut's 166 year history , and the skull of 'Pop' Reed - a stagehand who willed that his skull be prepared , after his death, and used as a prop in " Hamlet". For additional information on the museum of theatre memorabilia, please l'all 6:29-0700.
DiVincenzo Honored Vito DiVincenzo of Malvern, lecturer in Spanish at Cabrini College, has been named president of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) of Southeastern Pennsylvania. AATSP , a national organization with chapters throughout the United States , strives to further the
knowledge of the Spani ¡sh and Portuguese language and culture. Each spring, the southeastern chapter co-sponsors with Temple University, a Spanish contest for high school students. The students compete in both written and oral examinations for mm-cash prizes.
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Belle Fernandez Howell
Joanne Barbano Lorraine Ostrowski
Business Manager .................
Frank Cariola
. ...........
Rosemary Scanlan
Staff . ... .. .. ............ .. ...................... Joan Buonanno Corinne Cardilla, Susan Decarlo, Lorraine Grippi, Maureen Larkin: Fran MacDonald, Michelle Perna, Beth Schweitzer, Mary Beth Senkewicz
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December 18, 1974
Cabrini'sFirstMen'sBasketball Team
Wha t cause dAlltheExc iteme nt?! by Michelle Penna From the stands leaped Carter Craigie (social science department chairman) garbed in a navy sweater with a big white "C" on the front of it. An uproar from the stands - the Valley Forge Military Band in the background - Dean Brown taking pictures and an attendance of approximately three hundred people - all this in Cabrini College's gym!! What caused all the excitement? What attracted the best crowd of students that Cabrini has seen in a very long time? Five men from Cabrini attired in blue bouncing a basketball seemed to be the cause of all the excitement. The game was the first official one held by a male team in Cabrini's history . The opposing team was from Valley Forge Military Academy. Attempts to begin a men's basketball team had been tried before but never really materialized. This year, through the efforts of Dr. Joyon Girard, a team has been formulated. Team members include:· Kevin Deal, Lenny · Johnson, Nick Viggiano, John Nerney , Tom Nerney, Mike Thomas, Charlie Burke, Larry Sugden, Mike Pizzuto, Tony Cullen, Joe Aqualani and Herb Erbe.
With a red handerchief waving in his hand Carter Craigie led a host of women from the college in another cheer. This steady stream of cheers, beating of drums , and occasional flips and somersaults by a military academy student continued throughout the game. The final score was 56-37, Cabrini's favor. High scorers in the game for Cabrini were Larry Sugden and Ni ck Virgianni with 13 points each. Other scorers were Kevin Deal with 12 points , Lenn y Johnson, 10 points; Mike Pizzuto , 6 points; and Joe Aqualani , 2 points. The game was held on Wednesday, November 20. The students attending the game verbally acknowledged the good attendance by the students as a welcomed change from student showings at other Cabrini sponsored events. The game began at 7 p.m. By 9:30 p.m. the stands had emptied, t he cheers had ceased, and t he band has returned to Valley Forge along with its team. However talk of the game continued that night and throughout the week. Even the students were surprised at the excitement they could cause when attending a function in significant numbers. Cabrini's second home basketball game was played against Alvernia Coilege on Dec. 11, 1974. The score was 52-49 , Cabrini's favor. The game was very close and held t he fans on the edge of their seats . The next games will be played after the Chri tmas break against Devon Prep and Alvernia on Jan. 24 and 29, respectively. Then the Cavaliers will visit Eastern College on Feb. 8. Chestnut Hill will be played on Feb. 10 and La Roche on Feb . 18th_ The last three games will be against Devon, Pierce Junior College, and Valley Forge Junior College on Feb. 21, March 4, and March 1 .
~ Dr. Robbins : "Pursuit o f Ha ppiness' On Nov . 8, Dr. Caroline Robbins, Professor Emeritus at Bryn Mawr College, delivered what she called a "sermon" on the "Pursuit of Happiness in the Declaration of Independence." To initiate the sermon Dr. Robbin s quoted the phrase in which the term "pursuit of happiness" was first used by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence: "WP- hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Before Thomas Jefferson , statesmen used the terms "life, liberty and property" to express in writing the natural rights of man. Thomas Jefferson varied from this formula and used the term "pursuit of happiness" to replace " property" in writing the Declaration of Independence . [n her sermon Dr . Robbins delved into the background of Thomas Jefferson to offer explanations on why he varied and what he meant in using this new term, "pursuit of happiness ." Dr. Robbins pointed out that in order to understand Thomas Jefferson's reasoning
one must understand t he concepts of property and happiness in the minds of the majority of the 18th century statesman. The accepted theory of the 18th century was that " property, written propriety in the 17th century, is the key to happiness" - "property is synonomous to happiness." Thomas Jefferson held that it too k more than property to make man happy. He believed that man should have the right to strive for what he liked and cha nge what he did not. Thus Jefferson used a broader term, an all encompassing term " pursuit of happiness." However , Jefferson did put a limiting definition to his meaning of this term. Jefferson thought that the only way to achieve individual happiness was through the "pub lic good." "What is good for the majority is good for the individual -. what makes the majority happy will make the individual happ y." Dr. Robbins ended her " sermon" with the thought-provoking comment: "Jefferson initiated the idea 'What is best for the US is best for the individual. ' Perhap s, upon our bicentennial we sho uld reflect upon: What is best for the individual is not as important as what is best for the whole ."
Tri-Beta Speaker:
Study of "Underworld " By Joa n Buonanno "Oceanography is not Mike Nelson or Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea." Dr. John Ehleiter emphasized this disconnection from fantasy to the students and faculty members attending his presentation on "What in the World is Oceanography. " Dr. Ehleiter is a professor of earth sciences at West Chester State College. The Tri-Beta Society sponsored the lecture . Dr. Ehleiter defines oceanography as the application of any science or discipline to the ocean. He described the relationship of
chemists, physicists, geologists, and biologists to the study of the oceans. Oceanography is fantastically expensive which contr ibutes to the fact that much basic research is still needed in this field. Dr . Ehleiter feels that it is vita l that we understand the oceans. Although he does not see them as "our salvation," he does see how we can suffer from their misuse. This lecture included a colorful slides presentation with commentary by Dr. Ehleiter. The importance and tremendous effect of oceanQgraphy on our present lives was emphasized.
Women's Basketball Ellen Cushing Holy Family Villanova Gwynedd-Mercy Bryn Mawr Chestnut Hill Penn State LaSalle St. Joseph 's Phila . College of Bible Widener Swarthmore *Rosemont Cheyney Eastern
January January January January January February February February February February February February February March March
19 21 23 28 30 3 6 11 13 18 20 25 27 4 6
Schedule 1974•75 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 4:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00
Ellen Cushing Holy Family Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Chestnut Hill Penn State LaSalle St. Joseph's Cabrini Widener Cabrini Cabrini Cheyney Cabrini
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December 18, 1974
Cabrini offers Interim program Cabrini College, Radnor, will offer a two week interim program, January 2-17. The program is open to graduates of a ccTedited high schools or their equivalent , and to those holding a bachelor's degree . The courses may be tak en for credit or enri chment. Included in the interim program are a course in biology field studies and one in religion, which will be offered to advanced students for independent study . Times for these courses will be arranged with the instructor.
K SO sponsors Parent's Weekend Cabrini College's annual Pare111t's Weekend Dinner Dance, sponsored by Cabrini's service organization, Kappa Sigma Omega, was held _November 23 at the Holiday Inn, King of Prussia. Sr . Mary Louise Sullivan , president of Cabrini College and Sharon D' Agostino, president of Kappa Sigma Omega delivered wel coming speeches . Father Rudy ~osymans, chaplain , lead the guests in a prayer before dinner. The evening began with cocktails and dinner, which included beef burgandy, followed by music and dancing for all. . Music was provided by Joe Marlowe and
the Revisers whose specialty is 'Oldies but Goodies.' Sunday's activities included a E ucharistic celebration at noon followed by brunch at I p.m. for the students and their guests . Open House events took place from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. They included an art exhibit in the Mansion and student art and photography exhibits in Holy Spirit Library. At 3 p.m . Theater Lab students presented " The Diary of Adam and Eve " and "The Murder of Lidi~."
PAT. inducts new members Initiated tt-lis fall in t o the Cabrini College Upsilon Psi chapter of Phi Alpha Theta , internat ional history honor society, were students: Frances A. Baliotti '75, Karen M. Finnegan '75, Martha Heid '76, Andrea E. Hustak '75, Ellen K. Mayer '76 , Patricia McGrath '75, Lorraine Ostrowski '76, Mary Beth Senkewicz '76, Diane T . . Toscani '75, and Laura Lee Wesh '75 . During the 1973-74 spring semester, Professor Donald B. Hoffman , international secretary-treasurer of Phi Alpha Theta, installed Upsilon Psi as the newest college chapter of the society . Initiated at that time as charter members
Food crisis
were : Sister Mar y Loui se Sulli va n , M.S .C., Cabrini president; Carter W . Craigie, department chairperson and assistant professor of social science ; Kathleen Gavigan , department chairperson and associate professor of hi story; Dr . Margaret Reher , department chairperson and assistant professor of religion ; Karen Harcar '75 , Rosemary Maki '75, Patricia Moody ' 75, and graduate s , Eileen Aumock, Joyce McCreesh , Ali ce Perez , Pam Cosgrove, and Bonnie Velotta . Dr . Jolyon Girard, assistant professor of history, was the first moderator of the Upsilon Psi chapter. Ms . Gavigan is the chapter's present advisor.
(Cvntinued from page /)
redu ced the amount of land that can be used for agricultural purposes. After reading the causes and implications of this crisis, it is important for the reader to know that measures have already been begun to curb this problem . At the Roman Forum, leaders from all over the world met to discuss the problem and offer solutions. Several nations offered immediate grain or monetary donations to help the millions who are starving. Unfortunately, these donations will not be enough. Long range measures such as the increase of food production must be arranged . This incTease can be accomplished through the use of high yield ing seed s and more efficient use of farmland. With a few notable exceptions such as selected areas in t he Amazo n Basin in Brazil, th e world's most productive far m lands are under cu ltivation . Prod uction must be intensified in t hese areas, but wit hout harmful pesticides and ferti lizers which already are pressuring t he ecosystem. Just as food prod uction must increase, population growt h m ust decrease . T he demands of t he mill ions who are wit hout food now must be satisfied before th e dema nds of a new gen erat ion can be met. Wit hout t hi s pop ul ation mntro l , t he in cTease in food prod uct ion will ha ve no effect on t he sh orta ge. Th ese meas ures involv e na t ional pl ans. Th ere are al so measures t he individual
can emplo y to aid this cr1s1s. To slow down the too rapid consumpti on of grain, de-emphasize meat as a primary protein · source . Remember , producing a pound of beef takes up to ten pound s of grain, a pound of pork takes four pounds and a pound of chicken two pounds. Have a least one meatless d!ay per week. Donate the money you would have spent on meat to a relief fund or even ·to some starving family in your area. If you look, you will probably find several who will gladly accept the help . Even if you don't wish to go as far as sacrificing meat from your diet, you can sti ll help remedy the shortage by cutting down waste. If the average person would save food ordinarily wasted to be eaten at a later date, the demand for food would also decrease, a ll owing the extra to be doled out t hose who n eed it . T h ere is a world food shortage which must be dealt with quick ly and effectively . If not, in t he future, you may be one of the mill ions who wake up to face a day without food.
HELP WANTED: Te lephone sales from our office in Wayne . No experience ne ce ssary , hours flexible. Salary and bonus . Call MU 8-1756.
For those interested in early childhood edu cation , there will be course offerings such as Creativity and the Young Child, which will explore ways to uncover abilities in young children , and the techniques used by tea chers to develop their roles as catalysts in the creative process . The Child in the Family is another early childhood education course of study . In it students will study the effects of divor ce, separation and single-
parenthood on the child's early years . A seminar in Readings in Early Childhood Education will include selected reading s for better understanding of the emotional , social, mental and physical development of the young child. The special education and psychology departments will offer a course in Behavior Modification, an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the theory, application and practice of behavior modification. All of these classes are scheduled daily from 9 a.m. until noon . The math department will teach two interim courses, Topics in Mathematics for the Elementary School, to be held Mondays , and Thursdays from 4-8 p.m.,and School and Selected Topics in Statisti cs , to be held from 9 a.m . until 1 p.m . Those interested in attending the Cabrini College interim should register at the Registrar's office, Sacred Heart Hall, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m . through December 16. For furt her information, call: 6872100, extension 17.
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Mr. DiVincenzo, who is a lso associate professor of modern languages at Villanova, is a graduate -of Pen nsylvania State University and has an M.A. in modern languages from the University of Pennsy lvania. In 1963, he received the medal of the Order of Alfonso · X, Ei Sabio, the Spanish government's highest
decoration for achievement in education and culture. As president of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of AATSP, Mr. DiVincenzo automatically becomes a member of the Executive Council of the Modern Language Association of Philadelp h ia and vicinity.