UITUR Vol . XXI , No. 4
February 1975
Fastagainst worldhunger
A hungry dayrevisited by Fran MacDonald
In this land of plenty, what is it like to go hungry, even for a few short hours? The answer to this question could be heard in the increasingly loud stomach rumbles on December 10 as the students of Cabrini College joined in a Christmas fast against world hunger. A careful observer could note immediate changes in the dispositions and personalities of even a casual acquaintance . A glazed look of hunger prevailed, people walked around clutching their stomachs in almost tragic despair . One even came to the point of smuggling a hot dog out of the cafeteria to avoid the accusing, hungry eyes of her fellow fasters. Awareness, a campus group for social involvement and concern under the direction of Dr. Margaret Reher and Ms. Suzanne TotonZurek, organized the Christmas fast. There was a duel purpose: to make students aware of the hunger problem and its implications and to donate the money collected to needy organizations in an effort to alleviate this problem. In addition , it was hoped that on a more personal level, the students would learn to appreciate the food they have. Student response and involvement
reached an all time high as they banded together to support each other in their experiment . For many, this was a new experience , and the idea that many suffered day after day from lack of food strengthened the weakening will powers. A total of 203 students and faculty members.participated, adding up to what might have looked like an epidemic of a new disease to an outsider. The symptom of severe hunger pangs were widespread. Financially, the fast was very successful. Cash donations amounted to over eighty -six dollars, and at present a check is being processed through SAGA to cover the resident student's contributions. This money was split percentage wise to benefit three groups: Father Rudy's mission in India, the Catholic Relief Services, and needy families in the Philadelphia area. It was interesting to note how many students could not make it through the day without food. Many began to wonder if they put too much emphasis on eating , especially snacks. Several people did some serious soul searching by asking: could I survive day after day on the rice and water fare that constitutes the diet of millions?
What'shappening in Student Government?
Newly elected members of SGA held their fust meeting of the semester Monday, January 27. After general introduction s,' Pres. Larry Sugden suggested some basic goals SGA should strive for in the coming year. Goals suggested include broadening the scope of SGA and forming better lines of communication between the SGA and the student body. SGA hopes to place a student government officer on every major organization on campus . Class officers are encouraged to consult their respective classes on all school issues. In turn, students should inform their representatives of any questions, comments -0r criticisms. Other items on the agenda were CCA student elections, the Ski trips and campus security. For information about the two Ski trips consult posters or contact Tom Nerney, Marty Heid or Ray Crew. If anyone has any comments on campus security please notify your reps or place a note in the SGA mailbox .
As a result of discussion on the Council of College Affairs student election policy, SGA decided that along with the president of SGA (who is automatically a member) one student from each class should be elected along with the next three students obtaining the highest number of votes. This procedure will fill the eight student positions on the CCA. The entire student body will participate in all elections. If there are any suggestions on aiding SGA in its present concerns or any matters you would like brought up at SGA meetings please contact any member o.f SGA or leave a note in the SGA mailbox, located outside the bookstore. SGA meetings are held Mondays at 6 p.m . in the Library Conference Room. Meetings are open to the entire student body.
*This column will appear in each of "Loquitor" to keep the college community up to date on SGA affairs.
Campus Comments
TheBarnes Foundation
The masters
Religion News Awareness will hold a meeting concerning the food waste problem on Thursday, February 13, at 3:30 P.M. in the Religion office. Everyone is welcome.
After attending a conference at the University of Notre Dame, Dr. Margaret Reher, religion department chairperson became a member of a committee to raise consciousness toward Church History on high school and college campuses.
by Michelle Perna Are you tired of sitting around the dorm on Saturday mornings waiting for your clothes to dry? Or maybe just plain bored with shopping, movies and for the more ambitious group, studying? Then why not visit one of the most universally acknowledged collections of paintings and sculptures of its kind, especially since it is located within the reach of all of you. I am refering to the Barnes Foundation located in Merion, across from Saint Joseph's College. An amazing montage of theories and an evolution of respective methods employed by individual artists can be traced through the collection of more than one thousand paintings. These paintings include works by Renoir, Manet, Cezanne, Seurat, Picasso and many more. The Foundation is especially known for its famous paintings from the Impressionalist Period. However, there is also Chinese and Persian art, a
Academic News Theatre News Cabrini College has set up an exchange program with Rosemont College. Students from Cabrini may now take Physics and advanced Italian courses at Rosemont. In exchange, the Special Education courses at Cabrini are open to Rosemont students.
An Academic Convocation will be held Monday, February 10 at 10 a.m. At this time, the Faculty award will be given, Dean's List certificates for the fall semester will be awarded and those elected to Who's Who's in American Colleges and Universities will be honored. This year's guest speaker will be Mortimer Goldstein, Administrator - of charitable foundations (Annenberg family) and finances of Annenberg School of Communications.
Cabrini College now offers the Undergraduate Program for Counseling and Evaluation (UP) in Biology, Education and History. This involves a program of tests for measuring the academic abilities and achievement of college students. The examination can be used to measure student progress toward general educational goals or the attainment of some degree of specialization in a particular field of study. The tests may also be used in the awarding of nontraditional degrees.
await you
The Theatre Lab is now preparing for its Spring Production, "Liliom". Anyone interested in auditioning for the play please see Mr. Danielle Perna.
well-rounded collection of primitive African sculpture, antique furniture and early handwrought iron. There is even an extensive collection of rare trees, shrubs and flowers surrounding the mansion. The Barnes Foundation holds a culmination of man's search for himself throughout the ages. It is a place to view art, individual artists, and man himself. By visiting it I am sure you will not only become acquainted with new artists and ideas but you will also be reacquainted with the old masters. It is an excursion well worth the afternoon. Besides if you are really ambitious you could even manage to dry your clothes and still visit the Foundation! The gallery is located in- Merion. It is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 9 :30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Either call for reservations or plan on arriving early.
An evening of Pinter will be presented by the Actors Lab Theatre Company February 8 through March 15, Friday and Saturday evenings at St. Mary's Church , 3916 Locust Walk. The bill includes "The Room" and "The Dumb Waiter" both directed by John Descano. Harold Pinter's works have been allied with the Theatre ¡ of the Absurd. His treatment of everyday is mysterious, sometimes even vaudevillian but always intense. Curtain is at 8:00. For further information and reservations call EV 6-3916.
LOQUITUR Editors .. . .. . ... . ...........
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. ... .' . .. . . ......
.. . . Joanne Barbano Lorraine Ostrowski
. . . ... ... . ... ... .. ......
Business Manager ... .. ... . .....
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Frank Cariola
. ... Rosemary Scanlan
. ................................ . Teri Alberici Joan Buonanno, Maureen Larkin, Fran MacDonald, Michelle Perna, Beth Schweitzer, Mary Beth Senkewicz, Mary Jane Wenk
Staff ... .......
Women's basketball
Thescorejustwasn'tthatimportant by Fran MacDonald Determination could have been termed the name of the game, along with basketball when Cabrini College women's team met Villanova on January 23 in Cabrini's gym. The final outcome, a score of 97-38, hardly seems worth mentioning for it was no indication of the type of game which was played. No one could accuse the Cabrini women of giving up. They refused to accept defeat and went down in the end, still fighting to get two final points. The team was aware that there was not much of a chance, yet they were determined to see it through. Team spirit and unity ran high and set an example that any team, winning or losing should be proud to model. Captain Mary Beth Senkewicz encouraged such an attitude with her court leadership and peristence. Betty Mulhern remained a cool and professional example. When asked what kept them going, many of the players commented on the large, enthusiastic crowd which attended the game. The spectators seemed just as determined as the team to fight to the bitter end. Cheers echoed throughout the gym with each successful shot and not a seat emptied until the firial buzzer sounded. To an uninformed individual, a final score of 97-38 may seem lopsided and even embarrassing. But Cabrini's women and their coach should remember the attitude of the players and crowd, not the score. Sometimes a score just isn't that important.
You'llneverknow how tnuch good youcanao untilyou do it. "Volunteer:¡ Washington, D.C. 20013. It'll do you good to see how much good you can do .•
The NationalCenter for\bluntary Action
NewsfromU.S.Senator Hugh Scott .U. S. Senator Hugh Scott (R-Pa.) urges Pennsylvanians to take advantage of toll-free telephone assistance on a wide range of federal government services. The Senate Republican Leader has compiled a list of toll-free telephone numbers in Pennsylvania through which persons can obtain information and guidance on U.S. government programs. Scott also urged Pennsylvanians to contact his offices in the Commonwealth "whenever I can be of service." Senator Scott's offices in Pennsylvania are reachable by telephone at: 412-261-3230 (Pittsburgh); 215-597-0870 (Philadelphia); and 717-782-3770 (Harrisburg). The federal government toll-free numbers for Pennsylvania, Scott said, include: - Veterans Administration: 800-8223920 (Eastern Pennsylvania) and 800-2420233 (Western Pennsylvania). For assistance to veterans and their dependents. - Internal Revenue Service: 800-4624000 (for area codes 215 and 717) and 800242-0250 (for area codes 412 and 814). For help on income tax problems. - Action: 800-424-8580. For information on the Peace Corps, Vista, Foster Grandparents and other programs of the agency.
- Department of Housing and Urban Development: 800-424-8590. To complain about housing discrimination.
Cabrini College offered a two week interim program, January 2-17. The program was open to graduates of accredited high schools or their equivalent, and to those holding a bachelor's degree. The courses were available for credit or enrichment. Included in the interim program was a course in biology field studies and one in religion, which were offered to advanced students for independent study. For those interested in early childhood education, there were course offerings such as The Child in the Family in which students studied the effects of divorce, separation and single-parenthood on the child's early years. The special education and psychology departments offered a course in Behavior Modification, an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the theory, application and practice of behavior modification. All of these classes were scheduled daily from 9 a.m. until noon. The math department taught one interi , course, Topics in Mathematics for the Elementary School, held Mondays and Thursdays from 4-8 p.m. Thirty students took advantage of the interim session, initiated just last year.
- Civil Service Commission: 800-4248850. For information on enrolling federal employees in health benefits program. by Joan Buonanno
- Consumer Product Safety Commission: 800-638-2666. "Product Safety Hotline" for complaints about unsatisfactory or unsafe products. - Department of Health, Education and Welfare: 800-621-4000. "Runaway Hotline" enabling young people to pass messages to their parents without revealing where they are. Center for ¡ Disease Control: 800-462-4966. "VD Hotline" for lisl:ingof clinics and medical help for persons needing aid. - Interstate Commerce Commission: 800-424-9312. For advice on problems arising out of the use of public transportation or in the moving of household goods. - Department of Justice: 800-368-5363. "Heroin Hotline" to anonymously report drug pushers or abusers.
Cabrini's ¡ second interim
This years Student Government Association Executive Board is composed of the following students: Larry Sugden, president; Teri Alberici, vice-president; Ellen Mayer, recording secretary; Suzy Snyder, corresponding secretary; Sharon Shipley, treasurer; and Tom Nerney, student activity chairman. Assistant Student Activity Chairpersons include: Ray Crew and Martha Heid. SGA senior class officers are: Joanne Barbano, president; Joanne Schaefer, vicepresident; Laura Lee Wesh, resident representative; and Diane De Luca, commu_ter representative. Mary Oare Moran is junior class president. Assisting her are Maureen Malecki, vicepresident; Donna Reed, resident representative; and Nadine Heim, commuter representative. Members of the sopho'more class elected to office were: Fran McDonald, president; Linda Finocchiaro, vice-president; Lee Stevens, resident representative; and Joe Donnelly; commuter representative. The Freshman class selected Lori Bullock, president; Tina Rossetti, vice-president; Madeleine Cahill, resident representative; and Beth Collins, commuter representative. These students will retain their offices during the spring and fall semesters of 197 5.
Loxandbagels brunch It's free. Sendfor it : Nutrition,Pueblo, Colorado81009.
A P~bhc Service ol This Newspaper & The Ad~ rlising Council U .S . Oep;u tments of Agricultu re and Health, Educ at,on. & Wel!a re Gr ocery Ma t1ulac1urersol Ame11ca
Wake up your Sunday Morning with a combination of Eastern Philosophy/Western Pyschology Lox and Bagels Brunch. Every Sunday between 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. you can eat a good breakfast, chant, meditate and perform Gestalt Exercises. This is another unusual fund-raising event for The Council for Social Development's Urban Communications Center, located at 1719 Rittenhouse Square, CenterCity, Philadelphia. Donation is $3.00 per pers' The Council for Social Development is charitable, non-profit organization. '