• ¡LO UITUR Vol. XXI, No. 5
February 20, 1975
"CanI affordto goto college thisyear?"
by Lorraine Ostrowski
Students all over the country, including those at Cabrini, are asking themselves this question right about now. After comparing their resources and the cost of education, many feel an irresistable urge to tum in their dorm keys and parking stickers and rush to the nearest Acme for a five buck an hour job. Fortunately at Cabrini, it's not nec~ssary to go it alone. Financial Aid Director Gerald Satlow points out that "during the past year, over 60% of the students attending Cabrini received some form of financial assistance." Cabrini students received approximately $400,000 in state, federal and college monies. What's available?
form of grants, loans and parttime employment. Grants include the Basic Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG) and the Supplementary Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). Both are federal grants. The BEOG is available to students who entered a postsecondary school arter April 1, 1973. The SEOG is available to all students. State grants in Pennsylvania run from $100 to $1200 per year. Similar programs exist in other states. A student receiving a Cabrini grant, which is a reduction in tuition, is judged on the basis of scholarship .and financial need. Other organizations, such as unions, business associates and fraternal
Financial aid is available in the
(Continued on page 2)
Bombay mission sendsthanksfor help My dear Students and Faculty members of Cabrini College, Father Rudy Rooymans, our brother Norbertine has sent us your kind and generous donation of $41.10 and $221.00 respectively for our Social Work project. On behalf of all my brother N orbertines in Bombay I wish to say a BIG "THANK YOU" to each and everyone of you for helping our Social Work Project. Now I am sure you would like to know something about the kind of Social Work our Community is doing here in Bandra East.
Social Work Centre, Bandra East: The Centre is run by the N orbertine Fathers of the Church of St. Joseph the Worker Parish, who felt the need of a Social Service Centre to develop the community around, which consists mainly of slums. The objective of the Centre is to bring an awareness among the slumdwellers of (a) their own potentials to develop their environment and standard of living, and (b) of making them aware of opportunities available both in the government and other voluntary organizations so that they need not always be at the (Conti-riued on page 5)
"CanI affordto goto college thisyear?" Wh , h . at s appen1ng (Continued from page I)
organizations distribute grants according to various criteria. Some financial aid takes the form of a loan. Students may borrow up to $2500 per year at 7% interest under the Pennsylvania State Guaranteed Loans program. This program is under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania State Higher Education Assistance agency (PHEAA) and other states run similar programs. The state defers such loans while the student is attending school. Under the National Direct Student Loan (NDSL) program, a student may borrow up to $1000 per year at 3% interest. Under specific circumstances, payment on such loans may be cancelled. Finally, students may work parttime on campus under the College Work Study program (CWS). Those involved usually work fewer than 15 hours per week and may earn, on the average, $450 per year. How do I apply? Four basic applications for financial aid are available from various sources. Students submit the Parents Confidential Statement (PCS) to the College Scholarship Service, Princeton, New Jersey. This is the basis for determining SEOG, NDSL, CWS and Cabrini grants. All students requesting financial aid must file a PCS. Application for admission into the Guaranteed Student Loan Program (GSLP) is made directly through a local bank, usually the bank at which the student's family is a customer. Students apply directly to the federal government for the BEOG. Forms are available in the Financial Aid Office.
Application to the PHEAA is made directly to the state. Students who take College Boards should receive an application in the mail in January. These applications must be mailed by May 1. Any student may apply for financial assistance. Only residents of Pennsylvania may apply for Pennsylvania State Grants and loans. Residents of other states should look into their individual state's programs. Students who are independent of their parents should file a SFS in place of the PCS. There are three guidelines for determining whether a student is independent. The parent should not have claimed the student as a dependent on ·their income tax during the year prior to the year of application for assistance. Also, the student should not live at home. If he does, he should be contributing some form of rent to the household funds. Finally, the student should have re.ceived less than $600 in financial aid from his or her parents in the past year.
Student Governmen At the SGA meeting of Feb. 3, SGA members approved the proposal that the vice-president of SGA automatically be a member of the Master Planning Committee . The Master Planning Committee accepted this proposal on Fri., Feb . 7. As a result of much discussion between SGA and Sr.Mona , a Commuter Council has now been formed. This council consists of all the commuter representatives with Sr. Mona as their advisor. SGA is now discussing the grading system, parking problems at Woodcrest, and better methods of security for the dorms.
Mr. Satlow encourages that students apply early for financial aid. Students with questions about financial assistance should contact the Financial Aid Office, located in the Mansion.
If anyone has any commen ts on what SGA is now discussing or would like to bring up some thing new please drop a note in th e SGA mailbox or tell an SGA member.
LOQUITUR Editors ......
... .. . ......
. ............
Photography Business Manager . . . .. . . . .. . .........
.. . . .. Joanne Barbano Lorraine Ostrowski Frank Cariola
. ... ·.· . . . Rosemary Scanlan
Staff . ...... . ..... . ........ .... .......... ....... ._ Teri Alberici Joan Buonanno, Maureen Larkin, Fran MacDonald, Michelle Perna, Beth Schweitzer, Mary Beth Senkewicz, Mary Jane Wenk
Page 3
Evening at Cabrini
Join the third biggest lamily inthe
by Louis Silk
Bob Eisman
On Thursday evening, January 30th, the Theater Lab presented this semester's first Evening at Cabrini. It was an easy, light-hearted presentation and the performer-audience rapport was evident. The evening was begun by Mary Beth Senkewicz, "The Informal One," who was a very able master of ceremonies. She put the show into perspective and introduced each act. Danny Brown and friend played and sang an interesting medley of blues - oriented songs dealing with a young man's birth in the city, his move to the country and finally his death.
Imagine an order of 22,000 priests and brothers in 73 countries around the world. (That's a pretty big family.) But that's what the Salesians of St. John Bosco are all about - a large family of community-minded men dedicated to the service of· youth. (And n0 one gets lost.) In Italy in the 18OO'sa chance meeting between a poor priest and a street urchin served to create a movement of such success that it is still growing today. Don Bosco became the priest who brought youth back from the streets - and back to God. He reasoned that a program of play, learn and pray would make useful citizens of the world. He crowded out evil with reason, religion and kindness in a {what w~s then unheard of) atmosphere of family. The ideals of St. John Bosco are still with us today. His work goes on in boys clubs, technical and academic schools guidance centers, summer camps and missions. And his very human approach is very evident in the family spirit of the Salesians. This is the way he wanted it. This is the way it is. The Salesian experience isn't learned - it's lived.
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Barbara Pinto, a vocalist performed "On A Country Road", with a great deal of skill and style, and introduced Cabrini newcomer Bob Rush-Eisman who accompanied her on guitar and shared the vocals on "Different Drum". Bob then played a-solo set combining alreadypublished songs with original material. His professional and witty performance gained him recognition as a talented and welcomed member of Cabrini's student body. For his final song, Bob Dylan's "You Ain't Going Nowhere," Bob was accompanied by his younger brother, Michael, and Danny Brown on guitars. The audience seemed to enjoy themselves especially during this song as they sang along from an oversized lyric sheet. John Bickelhaupt added an exciting flavor to the evening when he improvised on the flute. Everyone involved with An Evening at Cabrini did an excellent job, but the star of the evening was Cindy Cunningham who co-ordinated the entire show.
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SAGA • to please! aims by Beth Schweitzer
As prices go soaring upward and the inflation bomb hits Cabrini, the cafeteria service keeps trying to give its students quantity and quality without hitting wallets too hard. Tony Tkaczuk, and Joe Fleming, Cabrini's food service managers for Saga Food Service are constantly initiating new ways to improve Cabrini's cafeteria. Students at Cabrini were complaining that the hot food was cold by the time they were seated at their tables ready to eat. In order to solve the problem the cafeteria managers rearranged the serving order so that students and visitors could receive their hot food last. In addition; they supplied infrared lamps to keep the waiting food hot. At first there was some minor confusion, but the rearranged line seems to be working. Since food prices for non-residents have increased, Cabrini's cafeteria now sells a $5.50 meal ticket for $5.00 - saving you $.50. The buyer can spend it on food anyway and time he wishes. As an extra attraction, with any purchase over one dollar a cup of coffee is only five cents. Meal prices have been kept at standard rates even though inflation keeps hitting. During the week breakfast is $.90, lunch is a la carte and dinner is $1. 7 5. Prices on weekends include brunch at $1. 50 and Saturday night dinner, $2.50. Tkaczuk stated that prices can remain reasonable if the students cooperate in certain areas. He remarked that china, glasses and silverware taken from the cafeteria and never returned is "money out the door." Conserving food by taking only what you are sure you wili eat and
" ...IF youreallywantto communicate something, youwill..." by Michelle Perna
The title of this article are the words of the Italian film artist Federico Fellini taken from a recent interview in the Christian Science Monitor. After viewing one of Fellini's films the reality of what the man is saying comes alive. His newest film "Amarcord" is a beautiful interpretation of what the title translated means .. .! remember. The growing up of the young boy in a small Italian village, his family, friends, enemies, dreams and fantasies may mean little to you but
taking only one napkin will eliminate waste and save money. Posters are on display in the cafeteria as constant reminders that the wasting of food and paper that is so common is so wrong. If the cafeteria is closed and you happen to be hungry, the cafeteria managers even have something for you. Food service has placed a sandwich machine in the student lounge at Sacred Heart Hall for the convenience of the students. The food managers consider the prices reasonable and there is a variety of food items in the machine. Tony Tkaczuk said the residents of Cabrini can have access to the machine 24 hours a day. At night all one has to do is find the security guard to open the door. If a person wishes to see a special food included in the machine or has any suggestions, he or she should contact Tony Tkaczuk in the cafeteria.
that's where Fellini's artistic qualities with film interject. The changing of the seasons are vivid in the boys mind but might just as well be occurring in your backyard. His explicitness of man's simple human qualities can send you roaring down the aisle or quietly laughing at yourself in embarrassment. The film is touching, truthful, and simply delightful. Whether you have an Italian background may have little or much to do with your understanding of Fellini's "Amarcord" because ... If you really want to communicate something, you will ....
The Spanish Club of Villanova University Presents: LA TUNA
(Musical Group from the University of Barcelona, Industrial Engineers)
February 22, 1975
8:00 P.M.
Field House, Villanova University
$1.00- Students; $2.00 - Other
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mission sends thanks
(Continued from page 1)
receiving end. Therefore the projects planned by this Centre will always strive to be "Community-development oriented" rather than mere Welfare oriented.
To start with, the Centre chose a Slum that is close by called Siddarth Nagar, which consists mainly of 150 Marathi-speaking NeoBuddhists families. During last year's (August) deluge, this entire area was flooded and we had to accomodate them in our school and church basement for two weeks. This brought about a rapproachment between these people and the Centre. Since this community is a cohesive unit and seems to be more approachable, we decided to appoint a paid full- time Social Worker to motivate and guide the people towards the objective set out by the Centre. Accordingly, Miss Pearl Philips, a trained graduate of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences was appointed. After an initial probing into the needs of the people of this community and assessing the present resources of the Centre, the following projects were considered feasible, where the help of volunteers will be needed:
lack of funds the Centre just managed to buy one sewing machine. The need is for at least 4-5 sewing machines. Meanwhile simple needlework and embroidery are taught to these girls by volunteers. The articles made by them could then be sold in the market and thus be a source of income for them. Basketmaking will also be taken up eventually. Health Programmes: There is already a Dispensary run by the Centre for the poor people. But as a preventive measure the Centre felt the need for a Campaign Against Dirt and Disease in the area. The Campaign will include improvement of sanitation by proper drainage, teach them the preventive aspects of disease and provide recreational facilities. For the latter, i.e. recreational facilities, funds will have to be sought to provide games material.
Welfare Programmes: We intend to start an Employment Bureau to help the poor to find employment where available. Finances will have to be found to help the poor pay their school fees and help feed undernourished children in this area. So this is roughly what we are trying to do in Bandra East. We know that it is a drop in the ocean of immense poverty and utter frustration in this country. But it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. Thank you very much for helping us to bring a little joy and love¡ into this part of the world. We promise to remember you all in our prayers and especially during the Eucharistic Love Feast. With our united best wishes and LOVE Yours gratefully in Christ, R. Bent o.praem SUPERIOR
announces its
SPRING COMPETITION Study Classes: About 50 boys and girls felt the need to further knowledge of English. Most of them dropped out of school after their sixth or seventh Standard and are working. The centre has provided the necessary classrooms in the school for them on Sundays from 10 a.m. until noon. Copy books and writing material are supplied to them. Sewing Class: About 25 girls are taught to sew so as to enable them to do simple jobs at home. Due to
The closing date for the submiision of manuscriots by College Students is
April 10
ANY STUDENT -atten~ ettber JUllW!' or senior college is eligible to submit his verse. There is no linutation • to .form or theme. Shorter works are preferred by the Board of Judges, because of apace limitations. Each poem must be TYPED or PRINTED on a separate sheet, and must bear the NAME and HOME ADDRESS of the student, and the COLLEGE
ADDRESSas well.
Los Angeles,
Page 6
Devereux Foundation offerspre-professional traineeships
Undergraduate juniors, seniors, and beginning graduate students are invited to apply for the Summer Camp Counselor and year 'round Pre-Professional Traineeships at the Devereux Foundation in Pa., a group of multidisciplinary residential and day care treatment, therapeutic education and rehabilitation centers in suburban Philadelphia. Several summer traineeships may be available at branches located in Maine, California, Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. A few continuing 12month "live-in" traineeships may be offered t o college graduates, following the summer assignment, for appointment as a Psychiatric Aide/Residence Counselor or as a Resident Advisor/Counselor. Devereux is approved by the AP A for doctoral internships both in
Clinical and in Counseling Psychology and by the International Association of Counseling Services as an Accredited Counseling Center. The program provides training and supervised experience with emotionally disturbed and mentally handicapped children, adolescents and young adults presenting problems of learning and personal adjustment. Depending upon the assigned functional role, trainees have an unusual opportunity for observation of and training in crisis intervention, · supportive counseling and milieu therapy, residential treatment and social rehabilitation techniques. They may assist in recreation therapy and in therapeutic education, including remedial tutoring and basic skills improvement. Also, in adjunctive therapies related to communications media of art, photography, and newsletters. Trainees assist in preparation of professional reports and
Council begins its ''Long March'' The Long March is beginning. The Long March is a radical coffeehouse in the very beginning of development, but there is no time like the now for opening it up to the public who can then have the opportunity to join in The Long March and help them reach their g9als. The Long March coffeehouse is a fund-raising event for the Council for Social Development's Urban Communications Center and the coffeehouse participants' goals are the creation of 1) a community service press providing printing and design work for community groups at cost; 2) Universe Materials, a distribution network for alternative informafion; 3) Notes on Social Change, a monthly newsletter offer-
ing change-oriented individuals and organizations a forum for exchanging experiences, ideas and visions for a better society; and 4) employment.in the field of media for area youth. At The Long March you may encounter chanting and meditation, unusual record ings, jazz , rock & folk musicians and dancers, poetry and prose readings , food and beverages - all for a $3.00 donation. The Long March goes on every Friday evening 8:30 p.m. to ? Located at 1 719 Rittenhom;-e Square, in Center-City Philadelphia. For more information contact Chuck Freedman or Lynda Katz at WA 51256 any time after 5:00 p.m. They promise you an unusual experience.
may attend in-service training and indicated clinical seminars and case conferences. Tax exempt stipends of $200 $409 per month, housing and meals are offered to qualified applicants who are U.S. citizens, unmarried, and at least 21 years of age. They should have a broad academic base of training and some degree of practical experience appropriate to the traineeship . Preference will be given to applicants who plan to attend graduate school and presently seek a comprehensive training experience in supportive mental health services. Information concerning the summer and year 'round Pre-Professional Traineeships and applications are available from ·Dr . Henry Platt, Director, The Devereux Foundation, Institute of Clinical Training, Devon, Pennsylvania 19333.
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