Oct. 1, 1975 issue 01 Loquitur

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Vol. XX:11,No. 1

MON .EV WOES HIT ACTIVITIES The Plight of the Unfunded

Money Crunch Strikes S.G.A.


October 1, 1975


By Fran MacDonald Cabrini's current financial cris is is hitting hard . Clubs and organizations have forced to accept substantial budget cuts. Hardest hit, it seems however, by this monetary crisis, is the Student Government Association itself. SGA is currently operating under a large deficit. Unable to pay last year's bills, they are s_till committed to this year's expenditures . And even with substantial club bud~et cuts, SGA has little hope of removing itself from debt in the near future. SGA's money problems, however , are not new. According to Sharon Shipley, current SGA treasurer, past treasuries also operated at a deficit, but not as large as the one faced by this yea r 's student government. The problems stem from the way in which budgets are granted . At the beginning of each year, SGA receives a lump sum of money to be used as their budget. This money comes from Mr. Isadore Axler, Vice President of Business and Finance . The treasurer receives no advance notice of how large the sum will be. According to Ms . Shipley, the treasurer just "hopes the amount will be the same," and plans the budget accordingly. In the past, this sum has not been the same, and has not been evenly divided by semester, creating a serious shortage of funds for the second semester. This shortage of funds for the second semester has seriously effected the present SGA. Several outstanding debts from last semester still have not been paid, and SGA does not have any extra money in their present budget to cover these payments . SGA also has two high priced commitments for this semester, the appearance of Frederick Storaska, and a pledge to the Symetry Festival, that must be honored. To do so, they will be forced to hold various fund raising activities . The present budget just isn't adequate enough to cover the bills . Where do they go from here? SGA, at this time, has initiated an all out campaign to help solve their money problems . Presently, members are investigating the breakdown of the General Fees to find out why SGA isn't getting a larger share of this money. Unfortunately, until this campaign becomes successful, SGA will be forced to continue their present policy of extremely low club budgets. They have no money to give.

By Ray Crew

Parents Weekend Is Hit Hard By Money Problems

Who Sets Budget Priorities? By Lorraine Ostrowski

Money. It's one of the top ten topics of conversation these days . The college needs money. Clubs need money. Teachers need money . And Sally Smith in Grace Hall could use a few more dollars too . When afflicted with monetary malnutrition, many people become budget conscious, and Cabrini people are no exception. Suddenly people are asking, "Who designs the budget and how do they do it?" According to college president, Sr . Mary Louise Sullivan, an "effective Budget Committee" initiated five years ago by former President, Sr . Regina Casey, plans Cabrini's annual budget. Three faculty members, the four vice presidents and the director of financial aid comprise the committee which meets as needed throughout the year. Isadore Axler, vice president for business and finance and committee chairman, states that the committee begins in September to prepare a budget for the following fiscal year. The present fiscal year began on July 1, 1975 and will end on June 30, 1976. Thus the committee is presently designing a budget for the 1976-77 fiscal year. First the committee reviews the past year's budget and expenditures as well as the impact of

enrollment figures on the present year's budget. "Tuition," says Mr. Axler, "is the college's biggest single source of income." If the amount of tuition income does not prompt any budget changes, the President reports to the Board of Trustees. At their October meeting, the Board may consider some budget changes if unusual circumstances warrant some action. "However," Mr . Axler points out, "the college administration may implement changes in an emergency situation." Also in October, Mr. Axler sends a series of budget request forms to the vice presidents for academic and student affairs, and to several other departments on campus. Accompanying the forms is a set of "assumptions" to aid departments in formulating their budgets. For example, an assumption might state that expenditures for equipment may not exceed the present year's expenditures. Academic affairs annually consumes over one-half the total budget. This includes salaries, fringe benefits and operating costs for 22 departments, the library and academically related special projects. Each area receives a budget request form. According to Dr. Dorothy Brown, vice president for academic affairs, the funds are (Continued on page 2)

In these days of fiscal austerity, when a three figure club budget is as rare as the American bison or the cafeteria steak on Saturday, it is good to remember that there are some student activities which don 't receive any funding from S.G .A. While it is true that almost all budgets have been cut in half in recent years, there are some activities where this is not the case. Half of nothing still leaves nothing. It is ironic that these activities, Parent 's Weekend and the Christmas Dance in addition to being unfunded, are also among the most expensive on campus . Traditionally, Parent's Weekend has been sponsored by Kappa Sigma Omega . It has been the function of Kappa , not only organize and run the event, but to pay for it as well. Thanks to .the soaring price of almost everything, the organization has found it increasingly difficult to raise sufficient funds in re ce nt years. The obvious answer in the minds of many is to fund Kappa through S.G.A . or some other source. In the words of Kappa president Mary Clare Moran, "Parent's Weekend should be supported by the administration, the faculty and the student body because the event benefits the college com. munity as a whole." While that idea may seem logical on the surface it does present some problems . If funds were to come from S.G.A., for example, certain structural changes within the Kappa organization might become necessary. Kappa Sigma Omega is, after all, a type of honor society and consequently "exclusive" . Not being automatically open to all students, Kappa becomes ineligible for S.G.A. funds. According to Ms. Moran, this issue is a technicality and not pertinent. "Perhaps we have been exclusive in the past but this is not as true today as it once was." Ms . Moran also pointed out the fact that there are other "exclusive" organizations that do receive money from S.G.A. Singing is a prerequisite to joining Glee Club and a major in education is a prerequisite to joining P.S.E.A. Last year, when Kappa faced the same problems, S.G.A . made a two hundred dollar loan to the club . T.his year, all legal considerations aside, S.G.A. has granted them a fifty dollar donation. Barring further support, the organization will rely on car washes, bake sales and the like to (Continued on page 2)

>age 2


October 1, 1975

What is a General Fee? by Teri Alberici Your tuition bill arrives. You rip open the envelope, take out the bill and scan the numbers. "You've got to be kidding! What does all this money pay for? Oh, $1000 for tuition - fine, $30 lab fee - qk, $70 general fee - Hey! Wait a minute! What's a general fee? What does it pay for? Where does the money from the general fee go?" The $140 question - this is one of the most popular questions on campus. . The general fee was at one time referred to as the activities fee. This was changed because the fee is used for more thJlll just an activities fund. The ge.neral fee contributes to the student activities fund and offsets some of the college expenses which are not directly related to classes and

Money Clubs Face Cuts

by Edda Pitassi Interviews with Sharon Shipley, ,GA Treasurer, and Tom Nerney, ,tudent Activities Chairman, evealed that all clubs (except the ;horal Ensemble) have received ,udget cuts. Woodcrest, the ollege yearbook, and Loquitur, he newspaper, have not been pared.


The "Awareness" Group, iiology Club, Cast & Scri~t ,ociety, Chemistry Club, Council :ir Exceptional Children (C.E.C.); listory Club, Literary Club, Math ;Jub, Pa. State Education Assn. P.S.E.A.), Philosophy Club, 'hotography Club, Prism (the ollege coffee house), Social Acion Program, Social Science :lub, WKVU Radio Station - all till be working with deficits . Out of each full-time student's uition, $18.00 is put aside to cover tudent and club activities. As 'om Nerney explained: "Students re entitled to form a club if they ave a constitution and some acking. Because of the recent uts even new clubs will have low ud~ets , forcing them to operate ·om a deficit." Sharon Shipley explained that he SGA proposes its budget at the ,nd of each semester after the •arious clubs submit their breaklowns. SGA is now trying to come 1p with a reasonable distribution ,f funds . Last year, SGA had to raise nore funds to balance the 3peaker's Fund; they hope they viii have enough in reserve to naintain the Fund this year. Sharon Shipley suggested that a 3udget Committee be formed to '.Ope with the present situation.

residency. This year the general fee is $70 per semester for full-time students or $140 a year, and $15 a semester for part-time students or $30 a year. This money is allocated to three branches of the college: the library, health services and the Student Government Association.

Full-time Student per year Library - spproximately one-half $ 52 of the total cost per student per year. Health services - including nur$ 52 ses, physician, counsellors and the _ psychological testing program approximately two-thirds the total cost per student a year. SGA allocated towards the $ 36 budget of clubs, student publications and a general Speaker's Fund.

per semester $26 $26

· The charge for the general fee is not an arbitrary sum demanded of the students. The Budget Committee considers the total cost of the library, the health services and SGA per student for a year and then decides the smallest amount of money the student can be charged while still enabling these facilities to exist on campus.


$ 5.57 5.57 3.86

$140 Part-time $11.15 11.15 7.72




The following is a breakdown of the general fee :


Student Library Health Services SGA


• •

Budget Priorities (Continued fr~m page 1) "equitably distributed" and most departments are conscientious in keeping expenses down without sacrificing quality. "This is important," states Dr. Brown, "si nce an institution operating at a deficit must be honest, fair and accurate" in formulating a budget, but "must avoid pessimistic attitudes concerning the institution's financial situation." Such a balance supports the morale of the present college community, while it eases the minds of wary prospective students. Dr. Brown also includes in the academic budget · a "program development" fund. This money source covers unprojectable circumstances, such as the implementation of the Middle States evaluators' recommendation s last spring. . In the office of student affairs, Sr. Mona Hallock, includes counselling and health services and the college chaplain in her departmental budget. Income from parking registration and fines, student activities monies and other miscellaneous items are also included, although Sr. Mona has no actual control over this income. Sr. Mona compiles a budget for the counseling services after speaking with each counsellor, and Mrs. Mary Mulligan , the college nurse, submits a budget request for health services; that is for salaries and supplies. 'Maintenance, resident life, etc. function in basically the same way. Maintenance usually has the most difficulty in planning a budget since oil prices fluctuate , roofs leak unexpectedly, and 1,001 unpredictables can occur within a year.

Also in maintenance it is neces;ary to weigh several possibilities before making a budget request since maintenance needs are so expensive . For example, °the college had to un~ertake the expensive task of cleanmg the Oriental rugs in the Mansion, since the rotted padding underneath had begun to eat away at the rugs and the wood floors . Some special situations, however, are predictable and can be budgeted for, such as the Early Childhood Center or the new oncampus physician. When budget requests are in, Mr. Axler "puts the whole package together" and the Committee meets to discuss the overall result. If the Committee and the President approve the budget , the President presents it to the Board of Trustees at their February meeting . According to Mr. Axler , the Board "normally will approve the budget, subject to change." When questioned about faculty participation on the Budget Committee, Gerald Satlow, Director of financial aid pointed out that all members of the Committee participate on an equal basis. Fa cu lty are not considered "second-class members." The Committee has not met since February of 1975; therefore, the faculty has not received communication concerning finance. However , Mr. Satlow carefully pointed out that no budgetary decisions have been made since that last meeting. Mr. Axler also sees student input as having a "great impact" on budgetary decisions. He states that "it would be difficult to have

a student representative on the Budget Committee per se since the budgetary process is a highly technical one, which requires a lot of knowledge of the coll ege 's overall situation." By the time a student had a real working knowledge of the institution as a whole, he would be preparing to graduate . However , enrollment, course selection, choice of resident or commuter status - all these affect the selection of budgetary priorities .

The Unfunded (Conti nued from page I ) raise additional funds . The Christmas dance is facing the sa me sort of problems this year. Receiving no m?ney from the S.G.A. funds, orgamzers of the dance have been forced, literally, to go begging. As with Parents Weekend, the Christmas dance is provided for the benefit of the entire college community. In fact it is one of the few events that freshmen are able to attend during the academic year. De spite this, no money is available for it. Accor ding to S.G.A. president Larry Sugden, the Christmas dance would normally have been granted some sort of budget but due to an oversight on someone's part, the money was never formally requested . Again an emergen~y S.G.A. grant of fifty dollars still leaves the senior class social committee with a deficit of over three hu~dred dollars . The financial future of both activities remains dim until a feasible solution is found.

October 1, 1975


Page 3

SAGA Confronted

Students Fed Up With Food by Fran MacDonald

September 3 and 11 - ham September 3 and 7 - veal cutlet September 3 and 5 - barbeque chicken And the list goes on, to include: boiled potatoes twice, baked fish twice, and egg salad at least twice, all in the span of one week. The .above menu indicates the lack of variety in the menus of SAGA food corporation during Cabrini's first week of school. This lack of variety, along with sanitation problems and poor food quality were the major complaints of Cabrini students against the SAGA corporation. In an SGA meeting, held Monday, September 8, students gathered to voice their opinions of the food situation. Students even complained of illness caused by the food. Instances of diarrhea and nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting were cited.

In an effort to get to the core of the matter, members of SGA arranged meetings with Isadore Axler, Vice President for Business and Finance, who is responsible for SAG A's contract, and with Joe Fleming and Tony Tkaczuk, food managers for SAGA. Mr. Axler was surprised to hear that students' dissatisfaction with the food had begun as early as the spring semester of 1975. He stated that students never before complained," so he assumed that the food was fine. He even recommended the SAGA food service to other area colleges because the students had never complained. Mr. Axler did, however, offer full support to a student campaign for better food. This support included a poll of other area colleges also run by SAGA, to see if they are experiencing the same problem . Next, the committee went to see the SAGA food managers. Both

Fleming and Tkaczuk were astonished that in the eyes of the students, the food was not satisfactory . They sat down with the committee to go over student complaints . In the area of sanitation, students complained of flies and roaches frequently found in the cafeteria . Joe stated that the sewer system of Sacred Heart Hall is inadequate, creating a breeding ground for roaches. Exterminators come in once a month, and insect bombs are set off during each cafeteria shutdown to kill these insects. He feels that the situation is now under control. The flies, however, cannot be controlled, unless the students agree to leave the doors leading into the cafeteria from the outside closed. He is now also looking into acceptable methods of exterminating these insects without the danger of contaminating food.


Men Make by Maureen Larkin Recently, the administration of Cabrini College took a huge step. Unlike many of the new additions added to the campus this year for example, the new windows on the lower level of Holy Spirit Library - this addition will be marked down in Cabrini's history. What is this milestone? The opening of the first male dormitory on Cabrini's campus. For a few years, one heard of such an OC· currence but this year, talk was followed by action. Counsel Hall is the name of the dorm which is located between the library and the Chemistry Lab. Prior to the summer of 1975, Hilltop School occupied Counsel Hall. Then, during the summer the hall was renovated and remade into livable dormitory space. The layout of the dorm is typical of most college dorms. It contains a very modern and convenient kitchen, ten rooms with single or double occupancy and a bathroom. To complete the dorm two areas were made into a foyer and lounge. Head Resident of the dorm is A.E. Young who is also a faculty member of the English Department. Ray Crew, a junior, is the Assistant Head Resident. Mr. Young and a few residents of the dorm said that everyone

the Move gets along quite well. Some residents attribute this to the newness of dorm living and they suggest that no one has had a chance to quarrel with anyone yet. Flutes, trumpets; a wide variety of music blaring from certain rooms and voices trying to be heard over the noise greet a visitor as he ventures down the hall. I guess it's not much different from a girl's dorm after all.

MARKETING RESEARCH We have a number of marketing research jobs in the nearby area. This type of telephone work develops a skill that will be useful to you in just about any career you pursue. The rate of pay starts at $2.25 per hour with shift differentials and incentives available. Many people doing this work consistently earn $3.00 per hour and more. You will be paid while you train. Schedules are available for evening, weekends and some day work. Shifts are very flexible. You can work a minimum of 4 hours or as much as 7 hours per shift. . Call now for more information or stop ,n to see us.

Mature Temps, Inc. 1 Plymouth Meeting Mall 277-5510

As for the lack of variety, both men blame high prices and student tastes. Many times, when they try a new food, the students rejected it . Therefore, the menu must remain fairly restricted. The real complaint, however , is the poor quality of the food served . In the opinion of most students, it has been undercooked, overcooked, or contained too much grease. Tony and Joe agreed to watch food preparation more carefully to avoid future errors. In an effort to broaden communication between the students and SAGA, Joe has invited students to form a committee to view menus m advance and suggest changes. Since the meeting, SAGA has made a serious effort to improve food variety and quality. Students seem satisfied with this effort and hope it continues in the future.

Greets Eastern

by Lorraine Ostrowski Hello , friend. The words were important to most new members of the Cabrini community in early September. Almost everyone hopes for acceptance ; each person searches for a friend . For at least two freshmen, the search for a friend was perhaps a bit more difficult than for most. Nga and Minh Dao had arrived in the United States just three months before, and Cabrini college was their first experience with American young people en masse. Dao Binh, Minh and Nga's father, had been employed by Wyeth International in South Vietnam for 16 years. Then in April, the family, including Dao Binh's 73-year old mother, hastily left their home in Saigon. They departed just two days before the South Vietnamese capital fell to Communist rule. Binh and four of his six children were separated from the rest of the family at the crowded South Vietnamese airport. They spent several anxious days at a camp in Arkansas without hearing from Binh's wife, Marie and the other two children. The family was finally reunited in Arkansas, and one month later, having received a letter of sponsorship from Wyeth, they flew to Philadelphia. After one week at the St. David's Inn, the family was once again separated, this time to live with three host families in Rosemont, Wayne and Malvern. Finally, in July, the Daos moved into their new rented home in King of Prussia. Next year they hope to buy a more permanent home in the area. Nga Dao, dark-haired and soft. spoken, is a freshman majoring in nursing, but eyeing a possible switch to communications. Her almond eyes twinkle as she remarks, "I heard that people in the United States were very cold, especially in New York and Pennsylvania . When I heard that, I was


afraid to come." When asked if she found this to be true, Nga shyly smiles, answering, "No, everyone has been very helpful." Nga's dark-eyed brother, Minh, also a freshman, is interested in following a pre-med program . He and Nga attended the University of Saigon for one year tmfore traveling to America, and both speak English quite well, having learned it in school. Taking notes in class, however, is still a problem, and they find that they must learn many "slang words" in order to communicate with greater ease. According to Nga and Minh, the French have greatly influenced South Vietnam over the past ten years. Many South Vietnamese speak French fluently, and students must pass a baccalaureate exam after completing the twelfth grade, as do the French. Oriental kimona-type clothing has given way to the modern fashions of the West. Parents rarely arrange their children's marriages as they had in the past. Yet one custom has remained the respect for the elderly which · typically characterizes Oriental cultures . For Nga and Minh, the land they call home is more than a letter or phone call away. Since the Communist takeover, communication with those still in Vietnam has been limited, and both students often wonder about the friends they left behind. Yet Nga and Minh are becoming more comfortable with their adopted country as time passes. Cabrini has come to be a pleasant surprise, and both are gradually losing their initial shyness. "At first I was not sure if I would like Cabrini," says Nga, "but every day I like it more and more. Today if someone asked me, I could say, 'Yes, I love it here.' " Hello friends. Make yourselves at home .

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Purpose By Maryjane Wenk At least some students began their first day of classes at Cabrini without shedding tears. These brave newcomers are attending sessions at the Cabrini College Area Child Care Center. The Center opened its doors for the first time this fall to a daily attendance of 24 active students, two to five years of age. The children of Cabrini staff, students and the surrounding community busy themselves inside the renovated Ranch House in any of six different colorful activity rooms. Dramatic play, stories, muscle play and learning are only interrupted for lunch and an afternoon nap.

Campus Comments Religion News Encyclopedia for School and Home;" "The New Catholic Encyclopedia;" "Collier's Encyclopedia;" "Encyclopedia Americana." His knowledge and ability are further witnessed by the fact he has been a Visiting Professor of Church History at the Gregorian Univ., Rome, in 1964 and again in 1972; at Stanford Univ. in 1973; at Univ. of Chicago in 1975. There is no admission charge. The lecture, sponsored by the Bicentennial Committee is open to the public. · "Awareness", a group of students associated with the Religion Department, wish to make the campus community more politically and socially aware of contemporary issues. Last year, this group sponsored the Christmas Fast for Hunger, and second semester's Food Day. They will be coming together again this semester to decide which issues deserve their immediate attention. All are welcome to participate. For more information, contact the Religion Department.

On Thursday, October 2, 1975, at 8 p .m., in the Campus Chapel, the Rev. James J. Hennesey, S.J ., will speak on the topic, "The American Catholic Immigrant ." Rev. Hennesey has been President of the Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago since 1973, having received his Ph.D . from Catholic Univ. in 1963. Prior to his position as President and Professor of Church History at the Jesuit school of Theology, Father Hennesey was Assoc. Prof. of Church History, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Calif., from 1971 - '73; Assoc. Prof. of Church History at Fordham Univ. from 1962 - '71. Much more biographical information concerning this popular lecturer could be inserted, but why not come to see for yourself what he's about. Rev. · Hennesey has written countless articles for leading religious and scholarly journals. A most recent article (January 1975) is entitled "Square Peg in a Round Hole : On Being Roman Catholic in America." His encyclopedic articles have been published by "The Catholic

History News John (}rout, Director of "Upward Bound" for the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, will speak at Cabrini on the background and present status of communal living in America. Mr. Grout did his doctoral work on communes in America . Time and place will be announced . (Continued

on page 5)


Editor ............................. Fran MacDonald Photography ..... ... ................. Frank Cariola Business Manager ................ Rosemary Scanlan Staff ..... . ................ ... ........ Teri Alberici, Ray Crew, Joyce Crowley, Susan Decarlo, Janet Gennaro, Maureen Larkin, Sue O'Hagan, Lorraine Ostrowski, Edda Pitassi, Cathy Ryan.


October 1, 1975

Is Fun

Mrs. Concannon, the Center's director and teacher expressed much appreciation for the outside play area, the result of the combined efforts of campus and community members. On one June day they created a children's wonderland out of old tires and other more classic playground apparatus. Several Cabrini students are assisting at the Center as students in the field study program of the Early Childhood Program and as Work Study students. Mrs. Concannon expects the Center will have a successful year and that the children will enjoy and learn from the open-classroom setting.

Campus Atmosphere Attracts New Faculty By Cathy Ryan All the new faces on campus this semester do not belong to freshmen. Some of these faces belong to new members of Cabrini's faculty. Sister Carmen, who is a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart , has joined us this fall as a full time instructor. Her primary job is coordinator of secondary education programs, but she is also teaching a Minority Groups course in Social Science. A former graduate of Cabrini College, she studied at Villanova University to receive her masters in Histor y. Sister Carmen is very enthusiastic about working with young people interested in pursuing a profession. Having previously taught at junior and senio high schools in both New York and Pennsylvania, she is used to a flexible schedule which involves various methods of teaching. Sister Carmen, along with acknowledging certain advantages of a large school, feels that the small college has the advantage of providing for a more relaxed atmosphere for both the student and the teacher. She is pleased to be here and is thrilled at the growth and development of activities here at Cabrini. Entering into the History Department is Patricia Griffin, a former graduate of Baylor University in Texas where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in History. Dr. Griffin also received an M.A. and a Ph.D . in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to entering Cabrini's History Department, Dr . Griffin taught at both the University of Houston and Rice University. Although she has been teaching here only a short time, Dr. Griffin can already see the great amount of com munication and interaction which occurs between the faculty and the students. As a result of the transition made from a large school to a smaller one, Dr . Griffin also found the opportunity to use more time in class for discussions and less for written work . When asked about the atmosphere around Cabrini, she responded that she found everyone "amazingly friendly." Dr . Griffin has recently written a book on Chinese Communist Law which has been published by the Princeton University Press, and should be released this fall. Susan Landau, a social worker by profession, has joined the

Social Science department as a part time teacher. Ms. Landau received her Masters at Bryn Mawr College and is also a doctoral candidate there in Social Welfare . Previously , she devoted her time and help to the Community Mental Health Center, doing direct service and consultation. Ms . Landau also served as a supervisor of social work students for Bryn Mawr and Philadelphia County Community College, where, in addition, she taught in the Department of Human Service Careers. Ms Landau hopes to encourage student involvement here at Cabrini, believing that this is the way to reach real communication with the st udents . She is enjoying life at Cabrini and is very encouraged by student interest. Ms. Landau also teaches part time at Delaware County Community College. Margaret Whittaker is welcomed as a new staff member in the biology department. Ms. Whittaker received her Bachelors of Art at the University of Delaware and her Masters from the University of Pennsylvania. Ms. Whittaker previously taught Biology , Embryology, and Genetics at Rosemont for five years. She has also spent time teaching at Rutgers, Camden and Canal Zone College in Panama. Ms. Whittaker believes that as a small school, Cabrini benefits the teachers as well as the students because it increases personal familiarity. Furthermore, Ms. Whittaker feels she can get more of a rise on the students to keep them prepared . Hence , Ms. Whittaker is pleased with the new experience she is finding here at Cabrini. A new member of the English Department, Arthur Young , is also the head resident of Council Hall, the new men's dormitory. Mr. Young graduated from Bishop Neuman High School and he received his B.A. at St . Norbert College and his Masters Degree from Villanova University. He feels his present positions at Cabrini serve as a beneficial learning experience. Mr. Young finds it very pleasant here and is most encouraged by the cooperation the men have shown both in living and working together . Cabrini also extends a warm welcome to Adeline Bethany and Ms . Marie Sicoli in the Music (Fine Arts) Department, Janet Caldwell as a new member of the Math Department, and Richard Kroll in the Biology Department.


October 1, 1975

Her't.ylf ~" Go Again

The Summer is shot. You may as well face it. Summer has come and gone and you blew it again. Wipe that look of self righteous indignation off your face. You can't hide your guilt. I remember you back in May. You were strutting around here like a Frank Perdue chicken, squawking about all the great things you were going to do. This was going to be the Summer to end all Summers. This Summer you weren't going to let it all slip, were going to seize the initiative and grab for all the gusto you could. You said that ... right? Well, what happened? Here it is September and you haven't been to the beach once, and what about all those deep books you were going to read. I don't suppose you ever did learn to play the oboe like you planned. There's no excuse for you. Face up to it. It's September and you haven't even mowed the lawn yet! Oh well, maybe you can redeem yourself in the fall. There is something about this time of year, as we embark on another academic voyage, that inspires many to lofty aspirations. We don't like to talk about it but I think we all ;;ecretly feel that this is going to be our year. This is going to be the year when we pull it all together and dazzle our colleagues with our sheer magnificence. It is tragic to think that all these good intentions will somehow be inevitably forgotten between now and May . Long before Christmas, in fact, the grumbling will begin and by May it will be a steady deafening roar. "Maybe I don't wanna be a special ed. major after all!" . . . WHAT?. Whattaya mean I gotta write five term papers in three days?!" . . . "P rimary Sources"? ... I Gotta use primary sources? ... I don't even know what a primary source is?!!" I guess it's unavoidable. It 's a fact of life . There is just no escaping the fact that our dreams will be dashed against the rocks of reality. So it goes. I think that one of the greatest challenges of college life is the fact that we are asked, not only to perform well academically but also to coexist with one another and not resort to violence. Despite the harsh realities of living in the dormitory, the administration still frowns on pistol whipping and knife fights as a vent for


frustration. We must somehow keep our sanity, then, while living in cramped quarters with our fellow human being. As any veteran will tell you this can become moderately impossible after a short time. Despite the fact that we are not one big family we live like one and this can cause problems. We are not actually a family. We are a collection of · strangers, a ship of fools if you will, who have been thrown together by the hand of fate. While many of us become friends it seems that too many others become enemies. Contrary to popular belief it is not possible to stand outside Woodcrest late at night and watch each light twinkle out accompanied by . . . "Good night John-Boy." I've always firmly believed that any resemblance between Cabrini and Camelot is purely coincidental. The fact that I have raised these problems should not imply that I have solutions for any of them. Greater minds than mine have tackled them and come up with nothing more than a headache. Besides , if I solve all your problems for you, life wouldn't be much of a challenge would it? In lieu of any solutions I have drawn . up a list of ten handy tips which may make life here just a bit easier. This list is, by no means, complete and if you wish to add to it just write your s!.lggestion on a slip of paper and drop it in the Loquitur mailbox. 1. If you bite off more than you can chew you will choke. 2. Don't eat the cafeteria grilled cheese sandwiches on Friday . 3. Don't allow yourself to assign undue importance to grades. 4. Don't expect any faculty member to observe number three. 5. When ignoring par -ietals don't get caught. 6. Never call a commuter a dayhop. 7. If, after two months here, you are driven to drink, welcome to the club. 8. Sanity is relative from Friday to Monday . 9. Don't mix Thunderbird and Sloe Gin . 10. Never ask an advisor to help you with your sc hedule . They're as confused as anyone else.

Turn of the Screw


A recent addition to our reporting staff decided to quit the civil servant caper (after all those years???) in order to attend Cabrini College full time. We have been able to pin this individual down long enough to confirm the fact that Gerry Ford (alias, The President) is not just mouthing empty phrases when he declares that Government regulation has gone a bit overboard in its zeal to protect the public from big, bad industry. Good grief, we've come to the point that a humble pony bottle will have to tell its salt content. Beer bellies of the world, beware! Total frustration got to our former fed; ergo, the following blurb :

The Turn of the Screw Recall the scene of '22 When still and tub got full review? Consumer craze grips our Uncle; He's recasting a new bungle!

While grape and grain in sweet ferment Rhapsodize without lament , Federal prose touts its torment "Booze - Unmask your content." (Spare us, Lord, from government Whose Way is paved with good intent. We'll surely be toss't Defraying the cost.) We all know that life is pending; Dammit, Sam, turn off the tending. Boring blows to elbow-bending Can't compete with tasty blending . (Hear us, Lord, from stations small Inflict some wisdom on the tall. My budget increases Supporting caprices.) A toast to saporous

elixir! Keep gusto in our beer. I'll linger over my lager . Can they badger my bier?

Page 5

Tran sf er Students Choose Cabrini

by Joyce Crowley Several years of hard work by Dr. Joseph Romano, Liason Officer of Transfer Students, is finally beginning to pay off. In comparison with last year's transfer rates, this year, Cabrini received 73% more transfer students. The majority of transfer students come from two-year community colleges. They want to complete their Bachelor degrees. Dr. Romano's efforts have helped to make this transfer an attractive decision. In 1973, Cabrini College initiated an advanced acceptance program . This program coordinated the academic program at Cabrini with those at Delaware, Bucks, Phihdelphia, and Montgomery County Community Colleges. This closer working arrangement has virtually eliminated "non-transferable credits" and confusion concerning required courses. Another attraction to Cabrini for transfer students is the . availability of financial aid. Transfer students may be eligible for awards under the general financial aid program. They may also apply for spt>cial grants. These annual academic awards of $500 are given to four st udents from each community college according to academic standing. Cabrini's Biology , Early Childhood, Communications and Special Education programs are those the transfer students are most interested in . In speaking with the transfer students, Dr. Romano has found that Cabrini's personal approach greatly appeals to these students . After being "lost in the crowd" at a large school, it is nice to be in a more personal environment where you can meet people and get to know your prefessors . Dr . Romano will be interviewing and counseling transfer students twice a week in the offices of Graduate Studies. Transfer students will receive notice of this in their mail boxes .

Dean's List SENIORS Michelle Perna, Denise Reilly , and Andrea Hustak. JUNIORS Jo Kirsinger, Candis Schuster, Bette Rosidivito, Patricia Ammon, Gail Miller, Mary Clare Moran, Bernard Burns, Evelyn Concannon, Maria Yemmallo, Mary A. Casavecchia, Lisa Curcillo, Maureen Malecki, Mary Jane Wenk, Nadine Heim , Michelle Lihota, Donna Reed, Sr . Andrea Sinco, Barbara Eagle, Patricia Maglio, Sr. Rosalinda Ramirez, Patricia W arliga, Denise Genello, Joan Galati, Mary Sheetz, Betsy Miller, Lorraine Ostrowski, Mary Jo Caranfa and Catherine Carelli. Also, Priscilla DeCurtis , Mary Pat Masterson, Valerie Payton, Mary Ellen Dudnick , Ellen Mayer, Catherine Calamia, Ann Farnon, Nina Paglione, Karen Seiter, Maureen Bigley, Joyce Laurino, Barbara Snee, Bernice Cannavo , Patricia McNeeley , Ellen Regan, Kim Sanders and Marcia Shoemaker . SOPHOMORES Margery Kramer, Diane DiJosia , Marion Moore, Elizabeth Mulhern , Maryanne Connelly, Maria Santoro, Donna Cardano, Rita Maffei, Jill Giles, Andrea Ostroski, Genevieve Rifici, Vernice Gonzalez, Sr. · Nancy Christiano and Donna Angelini. FRESHMEN Maureen Costigan, Kathleen Kelly, Madeleine Cahill, Virginia Fiorello, Mary Damian , Margaret Cain, Pamela Rusinyak , Donna DeCarolis, Anne Tague and Ann Da".Y.

Campus Comments (Continued from page 4)



On Friday, October 3, at 10:0o' a.m., Loquitur will sponsor an informal coffee hour to acquaint students with Cabrini's new psychological staf f. Dr . Donald D'Orazio , Dr . Sidney Portnoy , and Therese Mirimdi M.S.C. will give a brief introduction, followed by a question and answer period . Refreshments will be served.

The TheaterLabOf The EnglishDepartment PRESENTS


IAIN DancerAnd Choreographer, In A Lecture-Demonstration

FRIDAY, OCTOBER I 0th, IOA.M. SACREDHEARTHALLGYM ADMISSION FREE Mr. Gain, in Residence at Bryn Mawr College, is an Affiliate Artist sponsored by The Sears-Roebuck Foundation/National Endowment for the Arts.

Page 8


• to provide a more supportive environment for the older students as a result of the interactions of this group, the administration and the faculty. • to have a continuing program of adjustment, enabling the older students to fit into the college community. • to feel free to contact the administration. • to get to know and communicate their needs and career goals to the faculty. • to know more about what goes into learning. • to mix more freely with younger students at extracurricular activities.

State Report Favorable

• to encourage more contact with those older students who have responsibilities. • to aid older students in obtaining financial aid and to provide guidelines on how to fill out the financial aid forms. By the end of orientation week the first week of the academic year, this group will know what is expected of all Cabrini students and they will be able to estimate how much time will be required for the school work . By the end of the first week of class, they will know what each professor requires in reference to written and oral reports, class participation, tests and the determination of final grade .

by Janet Gennard Last spring each department that grants teaching certificates was examined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education . During the summer, Cabrini College received preliminary reports . Dr. Dorothy Brown, Vice President for Academic Affairs, viewed this preliminary report of the Harrisburg Evaluation as favorable. The following approvals have been made: The Biology and Chemistry Departments received five year approvals. The English Department also received a five year approval, with a follow-up visit in one year. The Special Education Department and the Social Studies program received

By the end of the first month, they should be able to estimate their final grades and will be able to get help from other students, professors and the administration. If necessary, they will have met informally to compare experiences and will offer mutual support. Hopefully by the end of the year or term, members of this group will have acquired a strong knowledge of self and the additional self-confidence which fosters success in the academic and career world.

Help End

October 1, 1975

Harrisburg Review:

Older Students Organize In mid-August, a meeting was held to discuss the need for an organization of the older students at Cabrini College. Representatives of administration and faculty attended the meeting, as , well as Mrs. Barbara Dalasta, Mrs . Julia Weems and Mrs . Ann Farnon, three of the interested older students. "Renatae," a Latin word meaning "born again," is a suggested name for the group, which has many definite goals in mind. Ultimately the group intends


full program approvals, and Early Childhood has been initially approved. The Elementary Education Department will be rereviewed in the Spring, with the possibility of becoming an independent program . The Communications program has been accredited this year for the first time. For the most part, these departments have already responded to the committee's recommendations. According to Dr. Brown, these tentative recommendations will become official at the end of October. The Office of Academic Affairs will then publicize the complete report .

Cabrini Women's Volleyball September 22 Eastern at Cabrini September 25 Chestnut Hill at Eastern September 30 OLA at Eastern Bryn Mawr at Bryn Mawr October 2 October 8 lmma culata at lmmaculata October 9 Temple at Temple October 13 Gwynedd Mercy at Gwynedd Mercy October 15 Harcum at Harcum October 16 Rosemont at Rosemont October 18 Eastern Tourn. at Eastern Villanova October 20 at Villanova October 22 Swarthmore at Eastern

4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m . 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m . 7:30 p.m. 9-3:00 p.m . 7:00 p.m . 4:00 p.m .

In January, 1974, a Harris Poll on insurance revealed 49% feel the automobile insurance industry discriminates against young people. If you want to do something about the charge you can be a part of a drive to vote your way out of this so-called "discrimination!" Take the time to think seriously about the problem and its implications. Then put it all together in your own mind as a young voter and a young driver and decide: Vote YES or NO and mail your ballot today!

Insurance Discrimination!





5allol PRINT and "X" in the Yes or No column following the voting statements 1 thru 5. Also complete A. ihru F. Drop Ballot in the mail and have your Young Driver Vote count.

Drop in f'nvelope with or without S1 dondtlon dnci mail to:



1. I support No-Fault Automobile Insurance Laws. 2. I support lowering Automobile Insurance Rates for Young Drivers.




3. I support organizing America's Young Drivers Foundation to have a voice f_or favora~le insurance .-ianges for Young People and to have published Young Buyers Guides to Price and Car Insurers.



4. I would donate $1 a year for a regularly published review ab~ut the best l_owprices in car insurance and policy value to help save me money and shopping around time.





5. Send me this number of pamphlets __ to support the Young Driver cause. Also send me the Footnote sources, results of this voting, and any Bump_er Stickers, and all about becoming a member or forming a local chapter of AYD Foundation. ·Name of School A. Name __________________ or Organization ___________ Driver's License Number ___________

County ______________

B. Address as shown on Driver's License City ________________

C. Age ___


D. Number of my traffic accidents ____


Telephone Number _______________ _

Number of my traffic violations _________

E. Date my auto policy expires for a price review comparison F. The price I pay now yearly for car insurance


Zip _________




$ _____

-----=-------------Name of my car insurer

Attn: David J. Paliganof f America's Young Drivers Foundation 100 Essex Road Elk Grove. IL 60007

_ _

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